CURED ir-i 1 rr mr ' By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Elack Duck, 2'inn. "About a year cm T wTfite rnn that T was sick and "Ti couia not ao any 01 If m7 housework. My EicKnes3 was cauea Retroflexion. When I would sit dovrn I felt as if I could not get up. I took Lydia E. Pinkham'3 Vegetable Com pound and did jsst a3 you told me and now I am perfectly cured, and hare a r.icr hfthv bOT." 1 a r w mm -"-73 J . - ZAr?,. Arrsx Box 19, lilacs lJuck, Minn. Consider This AdYice. Ino woman should submit to a surgi cal operation, which may mean death, until she ha3 given Lydia E. Pinkham'3 Vegetable Compound, made exclusive ly from root3 2-nd herbs, a fair trial. Thi3 famous medicine for women ha3 for thirty years proved to be the most valuable tonic and invigorator of the female organism. Women resid ing it almost every city and town in the United States bear willing testi mony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. r-irikham's Vegetable Compound. It curo9 female ills, and creates radi ant, buoyant female health. If you ire ill, for your own sake a3 well as thor,3 you love, give it a triaL IIrs. Pintharn, at Lynn, Mass., Invites all sick ivomea to write her for ad vice. Her adrice is free, and always helpful. Twenty horse power Return Tubular Bo:!er acd i3 hone power Liddell-Totrcp-icins Enrine, together with a MofSit Heater, in good condition and cac be had at a bargain. Above in operation now on our premises Corner Fifth and College Streets, Charlotte, N. C, and can be inspected before purchasing. Address SOUTHERN NEWSPAPER UNION Charlotte North Carolina IffIhOKipsoii'sEy&Watef whathe considered fair Mr. Olsen's Offer Must Have Come as Surprise Even to Persuasive Claim Agent Up in Minnesota Mr. Olsen had a cow lallfrd by a railroad train. In due season the claim agent for the railroad called: "V.'e understand, of course, that the deceased wa3 a very docile and valu able animal," said the claim agent in his most persuasive claim-agentleman-Iy manner, "and we sympathize with you and your family in your 1ob3. But, ?Ir. Olsen, you must remember this: Your ro;v had no business being upon our tracks. Those tracks are our pri vate property and when she invaded them she became a trespasser. Tecn ically speaking, you, as her owner, became a trespasser also. But we have no desire to carry the issue into court, and possibly give you trouble. Nov, then, what would you regard as a fair settlement between you and the railroad company?" Vail," said Mr. Olsen slowly, "Ay baen poor Swede farmer, but Ay shall give you two dollars." Everybody's. A Logical Landlord. Many a tenant will sympathize with the man in this story, from the Phila delphia Record. lie was renting a Email house which the landlord had refused to repair. One day the owner came to see him. "Jones," he said, "I shall have to raise your rent." "What for?" asked Jones, anxiously. "Have taxes gone up?" "No," the landlord answered, "but I see you've painted the house and put in a new range and bathtub. That, of course, makes it worth more rent." The Difference. "I don't see any difference between you and a trained nurse except the uniform," said her sick husband. "And the salary," she added, thoughtfully. Harper's Bazar. We often hear the expression, "as poor as a church mouse." But even a church mouse doesn't have to live on the collections. When a man dresses like a slouch It's a pretty good sign that he either ought to get married or get divorced. Vhen It's "What for Breakfast?" Try Post ioasties Serve with cream or milk and every member of the family will say "ripl ping" good. And don't be surprised if they want a second helping. - "The Memory Lingers" PoHtura Cereal Company, Ltd., Battle Creeb, Mich. NORTH CAROLINA PICKPOCKET NABBED. State Fair Visitor Seizes Hand of Man Feeling in His Pocket. A man who insists that his name ia W. II. Hamilton, of Richmond, bit who the police find, through letters in his pockets, to be William Tolliver, was committed to jail at Raleigh in default of a S300 bond, on the charge of picking the pock ets of W. M. Mitman, of Selma. Mr. Pitman's son, Arthur, claim3 he saw the man take the purse from his father's pocket and pass it to a confederate, who escaped while f til her and son held Hamilton (or Tolliver) for the police. Articles including medicine, found on the prisoner, show that he has spent a time in Canada and Boston. The police believe him to be a full K;.f2f.( nrofessional. This is one pickpocket arrest made in connec tion with s-tate fair week. -HOME-COMERS" WELCOMED. Feature of State Fair Was Return of Native Sons. At Raleigh for three hours there was a flow of wit and humor, and ?uolgies to North Carolina and North Carolinians by '-home-com-rs" and those who are abiding in the Old North State, the exercises D--!Fig in connection with the '"home coming" feature of the North Caro lina Stale Fair. The meeting was :n the Senate Chamber of the State House. Mayor J. S. Wynne presided. There .ver-e speeches by Colonel George L. Morton, Atlanta; N. F. Parker, of Virginia, and others from among .he home-corners, besides a notable Utter from President Edwin A. Al irrnan, of the University of Vir ?inia, former North Carolinian, expressed regret at not being there, and declared that no part of 'he world is growing faster in all that makes for the highest elements 'jf citizenship than North Carolina. President J. L. Currie, of the State Fair, spoke with pride of the part former North Carolinains are tak ing in the affairs of all large cities )f the country, mentioning particu larly the claim that of eleven nourishing banks in Norfolk the presidents of nine of them are for mer North Carolinians. Mayor Wynne, Dr. H. A. Roysler president of the Chamber of Com merce, J. IJ. Pearce president of Merchants Association, Dr. J. A. Long, Roxboro, Dr. Charles Lee Smith, Raleigh, were among the North Carolinians who spoke in welcoming the -Home Comers." Big Drove of Cattle. The Southern Railway has been collecting live stock cars to be taken to Taylorsville to handle a large shipment of cat lie from Taylors ville to Rock Hill. There are nearly ) head of cattle in the big drove. The cattle were purchased in Alle ghany and Ashe counties by a Rock Hill dealer who will fatten them luring the winter for the spring rnarket. A large portion of the .irove was purchased from Mr. R. L. Doughton, in thi3 district. Actor's Body Found. The body of Robert Barton Pahr, I he young actor, who was drowned it. Wrightsville Beach while in surf bathing, was found near the mouth )f a creak in Myrtle Grove sound :jy two fishermen. It was badly nufilated by sharks and crabs and entirely nude. One foot was gone. The face however, was not disfigur d. The remains were sent to Balti-"nore. Summary. The third anual drainage con vention of North-Carolina will meet in Wilmington on November 22nd. Florence Queen, of Cherokee, has been appointed assistant matron of" the Indian School at Carson, Nev. All the children of the Charlotte public schools are to receive a medi cal examination. This is to discover incipient eye, ear, nose, throat or lung trouble, with a view to the correction of defects, the cure of jisease and the protection of others from contagion. There have been five deaths in North Carolina the past week from pellagra. An increase of $90,000 is shown in the value of the personal and real property of the negroes of Char lotte. This will mean an increased revenue from that source of $108. Of 0,197 white school children in Nash county, 3,389 live in districts provided with long-term schools, md petition for three additional local tax elections will be presented at the next meeting of the county rjomrnissioners. Dr. Booker T. Washington, accom panied by prominent leaders of the colored race will tour North Caro lina, October 28-Nov. 3. It has been decided to erect a building at the Children's home at Winston-Salem at a cost of not less than $5,000, same to be known as High Point cottage. Fire destroyed five frame busi ness houses and a new residence at Hendersonville, entailing a loss with the contents of the different build ings of about $10,000. There is prac tically no insurance. S. J. Davis, an inmate of the Sol diers' Home at Raleigh, says: "thi old-fashioned tinware the flat bot tomed tin cup the rattling and rusty old tin plate, etc. Nobody there has ever seen anything of the kind in tableware at the North Carolina Soldiers'. Home and we hope, never will." About one hundred and fifty feet of the steel pier built during the past summer in front of the-Sea-fchorc hotel at Wrightsville, was swept away by the storm. The entire length of the pier extending wer the ocean it 750 fett SPEECHLESS FOR THANKS Arkansas Lady Cannot Say Enough. In Praise of Cardxri, Which Did Her a World of Good. - Mena, Ark. "I find Cardul to be all you represent," writes Mrs. H. B. York, of this clty.""I suffered for near ly two years, before I tried your rem edy. I have been bo relieved since tak ing CarduL I cannot say enough. In Its praise. It has done me a world of good, and I recommend Cardul to all women." Similar letters come to us every day, from all over the country, telling the same etory of benefit obtained from Cardul, the woman's tonic. This great remedy Is over 50 years old, and Is more in demand today than ever. Cardul has stood the test of time. It Is the standard, tonic medi cine, for women of every age. The first thought, in female ail ments. Would you like to be well and strong again? Then take Cardul. It can't possibly harm you, and Its record Indicates that it ought to help you. Have you poor health? Cardul has assisted thousands of women to glow ing good health. Do you lack strength? Cardul Is a strength-building tonic for women. Over a million women have bene fited by Its use. Can you think of any good reason why you should not try It? Ask your druggist. He knows. N. B. Write to: Ladles' Advisory Dept. Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., fcr Special Instructions, and G4-pag-e book.. "Home Treatment for Worn er," eent in Dlaln wrapper on request. Completely Pauperized. Albert W. Hehberd, New York's charity expert, said at a recent din ner: "The great danger of charity Is Its pauperizing effect. This effect must be avoided, or the recipients will all become Jack Hanches. "Jack Hanch, cn the Bcore of bad health, never worked, and the pastor of the Methodist church, a man whose heart sometimes outran his head, sent the idler and his family weekly gifts of food and clothing supported the whole crew. In fact. "A church visitor, after listening to Jack's complaints one day, said: "'Yes, of course, you have had bad health, we know that; but one thing at least you ought to be thankful for, and that is our pastor's kindness In sending you all this bread and meat and jelly and blankets, and so on. Don't you think it la good of him to look after you so well?' "'Good of him? said Jack. Imp, tiently. 'Why, what's he for? " Wrong Guess. It was exhibition day at No. 3, and as the parents of Jack Grady, the dullest pupil, were listening hopefully, the teacher tried her best to help the boy. "How did Charles I. of England die?" she asked, assigning the easiest question on her list to Jack. As he looked at her, with no indication of a coming answer, the teacher put her hand up to her neck. Jack saw the movement and understood Its mean ing, as he thought. "Charles I. of Eng land died of cholera," he announced briskly. Youth's Companion. Deadlock. "Who is that man who has been sit ting behind the bar day after , day?" Inquired the stranger in CrimsoD Gulch. "That's Stage Coach Charley. He's in a peculiar predicament. He went to town last week and got his teeth fixed. Then he came here, and, bein' broke, ran up a bill on the strength of his seven dollars' worth of gold flllin. Charley won't submit to havin the nugget3 pried out an the proprietor won't let him git away with the col lateral, and there you are! A Perennial Mystery. Average Man These Sunday papers just make me sick! Nothing in them but commonplace personal items about a lot of nobodies no one ever heard of. Friend I saw a little mention of you in the Sunday Gammon. Average Man (half an hour later, to messenger boy) Here, rush around to the Gammon office and get me forty copies of the Sunday edition. Her Tribute. Randall How did you like the mili tary parade, Ida? Miss Rogers Glorious! I never saw enouga men In all my life before. Harper's Bazar. WISE WORDS. A Physician on Food. A physician, of Portland, Oregon, has views about food. He says: "I have always believed that the duty of the physician does not cease with treating the sick, but that wo owe it to humanity to teach them how to protect their health, especially by hygienic and dietetic laws. "With such a feeling as to my duty I take great pleasure in saying to the public that In my own experience and also from personal observation I have found no food equal to Grape-Nuts, and that I find there Is almost no limit to the great benefits this food will bring when used in all cases of sick ness and convalescence. "It is my experience that no physi cal condition forbids the use of Grape Nuts. To persons in health there it nothing so nourishing and acceptable to the stomach, especially at break fast, to start the machinery of the hu man system on the day's work. "In cases of indigestion I know that a complete breakfast can be made oi Grape-Nuts and cream and I think it li not advisable to overload the stomach at "the morning meal. I also know the great value of Grape-Nuts when the stomach is too weak to. digest other food. "This is written after an experience of more than 20 years, treating all manner of chronic and acute diseases, and the letter is written voluntarily on my part without any request for it." Read tho llttl book, "The Road to Wellviilt," ia pk(9. "Thvre'i f Rmiob." NOTHING BETTER IN SIGHT. Cook Please, ma'am, I want to give a week's notice. Mistress Why, Jane, this is indeed a surprise. Are you not satisfied with, the treatment you receive here? Cook Oh! yes, ma'am. Mistress Then I suppose you have something better in view? Cook Oh! no, ma'am; I'm only go ing to get married. She Probably Could. Senator La Follette, apropos of cer tain scandals, said at a dinner in Mad ison: "These things recall the legisla tor who remarked to his wife, with a look of disgust: 'One of those land lobbyists approached me today with another Insulting proposition." "The wife, a young and pretty wom an, clapped her hands. 'Oh, good!' she cried. 'Then I can have that sable stole after all, can't I, dear?" Anything left to be done at your leisure seldom gets done. S. Martin. For Sprains Mam ,i " Jl 1 . b Fill Mr W 9r uavc mm Me j Instant Relief" "I fell and sprained my arm and was in terrible pain. I could not use my hand or arm without intense suffering until a neighbor told me to use Sloan's Liniment, The first application gave me instant relief and I can now use my arm as well as ever." Mrs. H. B. Sprixgf.r, 921 Flora St, Elizabeth, N. J. LOAM'S 1LX 13 an excellent antiseptic and germ killer heals cuts, burns, wounds, and contusions, and will draw the poison from sting of poi sonous insects. 25c, 60c. and $1.00 Sloan's 'book on horses, cattle, sheep and poultry sent free. Address Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mass., U.S.A. Send postal for Free Package of Paxtine. Better and more economical tban liquid antiseptics FOR ALL TOILET USES. ' rJiy mmm. Gives one a sweet breath ; clean, white, germ-free teeth antisepbcally clean mouth and throat Durines the breath after smoking dispels all disagreeable perspiration and body odors much ap preciated by dainty women. A quick remedy for sore eyes and catarrh. A little Paxtine powder dis solved in a glass of hot water makes a delightful antiseptic so lution, possessing extraordinary cleansing, germicidal and heal ing power, and absolutely Harm less. Try a Sample. 50c a large box at druggists or by mail. THE PAXTON TOILET CO., Boston. Mass. ion 'I have used your valuable Cascarets and I find them perfect. Couldn't do without them. I have used them for some time for indigestion and biliousness and am now completely cured. Recom mend them to everyone. Once tried, you will never be without them in the family." Ed ward A. Marx, Albany, N.Y. Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good. Do Good. Never Sicken.Weaken or Gripe. 10c, 25c, 50c. Never sold in bulk. Theeert nine tablet stamped CCC. Guaranteed to cure or your money back. - 923 Restores Cray Hair to Natural Color; REMOVES OANORUFP ADO SCURF Invigorates and prevents tbe hair from falling off. Foe Bala b) Druggists, or Sent Direct by XANTHINE CO., Richmond, Virginia 9iq SI Par Bottla: Smp! Soul 35c Send for Circulars Z RTe member -J AST g-AW-- S2&V MTI SWT I fnr gQiJCHgCOLpg NEED MONEY FOR GOOD WCffiK Plans of the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. What "A Million for Tuberculosis from Red Cross Souls will do In pro viding some of the 275,000 beds need ed at once in the United States for consumptives, Is explained In a recent bulletin of the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tu berculosis. There Is Just about ons bed "for every ten Indigent consump tives, and if all tuberculosis persons In the country are counted, both rich and poor, hardly one for every 25 or 30. If suQcient hospital accommodar tions are provided only for those who are too poor to pay the full price for their treatment fully 275,000 more beds m special Institutions for tuberculosis will be needed at once. The immense outlay necessary to pro vide and maintain so many beds in hospitals, makes it Imperative, the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis de clares, that such Institutions be erect ed from public money, either muni cipal, county or state. In order to get appropriations for public hospitals for tuberculosis, agitation Is neces sary, and in order to create a cam paign of agitation, organization is de manded. But in order that an organi zation may carry on an effective cam paign, fund3 are needed. These funds it is proposed to secure in as many .communities as possible from the sale of Red Cross seals. REST AND PEACE Fall Upon Distracted Households When Cuticura Enters. Sleep for skin tortured babies and rsst for tired, fretted mothers is found in a hot bath with Cuticura Soap and a gentle anointing with Cuticura Oint ment. This treatment, in the major ity of cases, affords immediate relief in the most distressing forms of itch ing, burning, scaly, and crusted hu mors, eczema, rashes, inflammations, irritations, and chafings, of infancy and childhood, permits rest and sleep to both parent and child, and points to a speedy cure, when other remedies fail. Worn-out and worried parents will find this pure, sweet and econom ical treatment realizes their-highest expectations, and may be applied to the youngest infants as well as chil dren of all ages. The Cuticura Rem edies are sold by druggists every where. Send V Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., sole proprietors, Boston, Mass., for their free 32-page Cuticura Book on the care and treatment of skin and scalp of Infants, children and adults. The Most Noticeable Change. "So you have lived in Europe for 25 years? That's a long time for a man to be away from his own country." "Yes, It Is, and I'm. mighty glad to be home again." "I suppose you notice a great many changes?" "Yes, many." "What, If I may ask, Is the greatest change that has come to your notice?" "The greatest change, it seems to me, Is to be found In the fact that the vice-president of the United States succeeds In getting his name In the paper nearly as often as he might If he were a baseball player or a prom ising lightweight prizefighter." At tho First Try. "What do you think of my dough nuts, George?" "Dear, you are a wonder!" "Do you think so, really, darling?" "I certainly do. Scientists . have been trying for years to produce arti ficial rubber, and here you do it the first rattle out of the box." Old Oaken Bucket. Doctor (to typhoid patient) Do you remember where you drank water? Patient (an actor) Oh, yes! It was back on the dear old farm twenty years ago! Puck. TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY' for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25o, 50c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve In Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. So They Say. Stranger I say, my lad, what is con sidered a good score on these links? Caddie Well, sir, most of the gents here tries to do It in as few strokes as they can, but it generally takes a few 'more. Scottish American. "SPOHN'S." This is the name cf the greatest of all remedies for Distemper, Pink Eye, Heaves, and the like among all ages of horses. Sold by Druggists, Harness Makers, or send to the manufacturers. $.50 and 1.00 a bottle, .gents wanted. Send for free book. Spohn Medical Co., Spec. Contagious Diseases, Goshen, Ind. No Hurry. "What are you in such a rush about?" "Promised to meet my wife at three o'clock down at the corner." "Well, there's no hurry. It isn't four" o'clock yet." TO DRIVE OUT MALAKIa AND BUILD UF THE SYSTEM Take tbe Old Standard GROVE'S TABTELKS8 CHILL aX)NIO. Ton know what yon are taking. Tbe formula is plainly printed on every bottle, showing It is simply Quinine and Iron in a taste less form. The Quinine drives ont the malaria and tne Iron builds up tbe system. Sold by all dealers for 80 years. Price 0 cents. Queen's High. "Does Bliggins ever bluff when h plays cards?" . "Never until he gets home and ex plains where he has been." For COLDS and GRIP Hicks' Capudine is the best remedy re lieves the- aching and feverishness cures the Cold and restores normal conditions. It's liquid effects i m media tly. 10c., 25c., and 50c At drug stores. There are some rich men who have made their fortunes honestly. Also ycu may have heard of the needle in the haystack. Constipation causes and aggravates many serious diseases. It is thoroughly cured by Dr. Pierce's - Pleasant Pellets. The favor ite family laxative. A' business firm advertises a shirt without buttons. That's no novelty. Many a bachelor has worn them -for years. Was GettinprMonotonous. 'A handsome woman who had been so unfortunate as to find occasion to divorce not one but several husbands was returning from Nevada. In Chi cago she happens to meet her first husband, for whom, by the way, she always has entertained a real affec tion. "Upon my soul, If it isn't Charlie!" exclaimed the ex-wlfe, cordially shak ing hands with the gentleman whose name she formerly had borne. Tm awfully glad to see you, Charlie!" Then, after a wistful expression had come to and been banished from her countenance, she added: "Old chap," I've often wondered where you were and what you were doing. It was too bad we didn't get on better together. I hope your ex perience hasn't been as unpleasant as mine. I'm Just sick and tired of mar rying strangers!" Fable of Pan of Biscuits. A Vassar girl married a Kansas farmer. Two weeks later a cyclone made the happy pair a friendly calL It cavorted around the premises, ripping up the fences, scattering the haystacks and playing horse with the barn, but when it looked through the open window It drew back in alarm. There lay the bride's first pan of bis cuits. T ain't feelln' very strong this morning," murmured the cyclone; And with another glance at the ter rible pan it blew itself away. The Family Growler. "Why are you weeping, little boy? "I broke de pitcher." "Well, there's no use crying over spilt milk." "G'wan! Dis wuz beer." Louis ville Courier-Journal. For HEADACHE Ulrica' CAPCDETE Whether from Colds, Heat, Stomach or Nervous Troubles, Capndine vrlU reUeve yon. It'a liquid pleasant to take acts Immedi ately. Try It. 10c, 25c., and 50 cents at drug stores. Don't you notice how the man who always wants to bet, and who says he has a roll in his hand, invariably rolls away? Mrs. Wtnslow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle. We surely owe to men the same duty as we owe to pictures to try and see them In the best light. Emerson. I want every elirxmlc rbenaatic to tts-- twsy all medicines, all Unlmeata, tj pUtters, fn-lrlTB MUNYOS'S EHECTJi. TISJI REMEDY, a trial. No matter wlat yoor doctor may say, fio nutter yout friends nwy say, n matter or prejudiced yon taay be ajalnet ail a !t lised remedies, jr at once to jrrrr ? ml get a cotue or 1119 jmLUA. ism reiikdt. if it fans to eiv .. !. taction. I will refqnd yonr money. M7ii Remember thlt remedy contains o ei. leyUe arid, bo enlnn cocaine, morpaia or ether harmful crcrs. It Is pet c? r.-? the guarantee of tie Pure Food and L.-j Art. . For sale by ajj druggists. Price. iSc zKJ i M.J &Jii Is the price of HUNTS CURE. This price will be promptly refunded if it does not cure any case of SKIN DISEASE ALL DRUG STORES A. B. Richards Medicine Co.. Sherman, Tei. GET A SAW MILL ta, Ga. Make money tawing neigh- k bora timDr wnu (in enjmc i iaie fj after the crops are laid by. W. N. U.t CHARLOTTE, NO. 44-19'Q 4 jjji Honored by Women When a woman spcks of ber dent score t . suffering sho trusts yon. Millions have be stowed ' this mark of confi dence on Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y. Every where there are women who bear witness to tbe wonder working, curing-power of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription which saves the suffering sex from pain, and successfully grapples with woman's weak nesses and stubborn ills. - IT MAKES WEAK WOHEN STRONG IT HAKES 5ICK WOMEN WELL.' No woman's appeal was ever misdirected or ber con fidence misplaced when- she wrote for advice, to the-World's Disfensaky Medical Association, Dr. ' R. V. Pierce, President, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Piercers Pleasmat Pellets Induct talld statural bowel movement once a df. Ttoaitt CoM on '.the side of the house where winter blasts strike hardest always has a lower temperature than the rest of the house. There are timer, when it is necessary to raise the temperature quiclly or to keep the temperature up for a long period. That can't be done by the regular method of heating without great trouble and overheating the rest of the house. The only reliable method of heating such a room alone by other means is to use a Smokeless Abschteb smokeless and odorless which can be kept at full or low heat for a short or long time. Four quarts of oil will give a glowing heat for nine hours, without smoke or smell. An Indicator always shows the amount of oil in the font. Filler-cap does not screw on; but is put in like a cork in a bottle, and is attached by a chain and cannot get lost. An automatic-locking flame spreader prevents the wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and is easy to remove and drop back so that it can be cleaned in an instant. The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, and can be unscrewed In an instant for rewicking. Finished in japan or nickel, strong, durable, well made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental. lias cool handle. Dealers Everywhere. If nol at yours, write for dtscriftii circular JT J , to the nearest egexy of the .i.m fy Standard Oil Company MM WHEN Uncle Sam puis Kit 0 K on anything & stands (or current value and superior worth; good as coin oi the realm. It is so I willi Snowdrift Hogless Lard. Every can is U.S. Inspected and Passed and is so labeled. ; Don't buy unless you see it on tbe can. StlOZV drift Hogless Lard is tbe best shortening known lor superior results in cooking, and beallh lul benefits upon foods and digestion. Made by THE SOUTHERN C 3TT0N OIL CO. wTock,SaTannah,N'wOrleaa, Chicago A c W. L. DOUGLAS 3J3M & S4 SHOES Sffio&H B0YStfHir0". 2.00,2.50 A 3.00. Best in the World. mt'JSSSf'JMPJ?' ?.BO mml $4.00 mho T.iT H"''.y tho tommt mat mad moat ooa. too mot oconomloal mhoom foi you to bety. 80V rtelZ?thalmy 85 been the atandardfor oyer ow years, that I make and sell more nt nn tt ka j T vi vS 0 A JVV?11- anl Save you so much comf MU I RUN I rename without W. I. I)mi " w -" retideui