HIS LIVELIHOOD AT STAKE Certainly Candidate for Governor Could Not Expect to Get That Vote. An incident in which former Gov ernor Odell of New York figured as the victim was told by Col. James Hamilton Lewis at a recent banquet. "When Governor Odell was last running for office," said Colonel Lew is, "there had been a great deal of talk about Niagara Falls and the elec trical power that could be conferred on all parts of New York. One day an old negro halted Mr. Odell and "id: " 'Mr. Odell, is yo runnin' for gov' ner, sah?' " 'I am,' answered the candidate.'' " 'I guess yo' want my vote, den,' said the colored man. " 'Well, I would like to have your vote, Zeb. I have known you for so many years.' "'Well, I jist want, to ask yon a question, Mr, Odell, befo' I give mah vote to you. Are yo' for electric lights in dis town? "Well, Zeb, I am for all modern im provements, said Odell, with a slight flourish. "'Well, sah, I can't vote for you said Zeb with firmness. 'Yo' done for get dat I is a lamp lighter. AFTER TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid. 25c, 50c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. His Point of View. "John, dear," queried the young wife, glancing up from the physical culture magazine she was perusing, "what is your idea of a perfect figure?" "Well," replied her husband, "$100,- uju may not be perfection, but it's near enough to satisfy a man of my simple tastes. NORTH CAROLINA Y7eteran Defies "Tiners' "I challenge them; I dare them to 1 1-1 I 1 i . . nuiu mat mass-meeting on the pub lic square." These words fell from the li Col. V. S. Lusk, president of . th Law Enforcement IveaeniA. in Aeho. ville police court, following a heat- eu argument Dy Judge George opears rieynoids ol counsel for one ni I 1 m . . . uiianes Moiiie, of color, charged wun retailing liquor to C. M. Laughter, a plainclothes man. judge Reynolds in the course ol nis argument in ripfpnsA nf h;0 charged that the man Cured bv Lvdia E. Pink- bam'sVegetable Compound jmwa-nfrf'A Wis T.W.?a 1? ttv ham's Vegetable Compound has made me a wen woman. 1 -a i . r ana wouia mse to tell the whole world ff if: T enflWo1 fromfemalfitrmihlfl client. - - t o nic mau Sfw?HSSffi Laughter was a paid hireling of the best dtow and niorcement League was they daU deoidSd Was Paid $1 ? cnvict of sell that I hadatumoi mg ll(Iuor and that while his skin in addition to nry was white his heart was as black as female trouble, and midnight. At this point Colonel advised an opera. Lusk arose to deny that he or the 1f , J L.aw Ji.iiuiiuemeni League was backache. I hope I can help others by Jr3 01 y OI Asneviiie was paying tellmg them what LydiaE.'Pmkham's L Price. Judge Reynolds said that Vegetable CoTrmfYrrnrl has rlrvnA t7.t he was SOrrv to learn fhnf ih nihr ne." Mrs.Em3iaI3ISE, 833 First St., of Asheville was engaged ih any Milwaukee, Wis. ' such business; a business of paying The above is only one of the thou, his money and other dpodIA mnn sands of grateful letters which are ev to Tnnntn rff! ,k" constantly being received by the IL ? to swear away the lib- RnkhamWicine Company of Lynn! T-y ?f men, whether their M,ss.,which prove beyond a doubt that iKm be black or white. Judge Rey- Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- nolas declared 'that there will be pound, made from roots and herbs, i mass-meeting held on the square actually does cure these obstinate dis- by law-abiding citizens who are on eases of women after all other means oosed to such nrncednrp ,t.h have failed, and that every such suf- Wnt , J f LP rocede and who ering woman owes it to herself to at f!fnlrS c?fdT method lsastgivejjyoia j. inu;tiam's vegeta- - y ' wua d wmur aiiacK ble Compound a trial before submit- 5"at, Judge Reynolds made on the tinsr to an operation. or jrivincr nn Plainclothes man. hope of recovery. . Colonel Lusk in replvine in thn ITCH CURED IN 30 MINUTES,, By One Application of Dr. David's Sanative Wash We guarantee DAVID'S SANATIVE llr S C I ff . m. nv . t ji i iu cure any case 01 itcn in ay min utes, If used according to directions, or we " " ci una your money. If your Dogr' has Scratches or Mange Dr. David's Sanative Wash will cure Mm at once. Price, 50 Cents a Bottle It cannot be mailed. Delivered at your uearesi express omce ireet upon receipt of OWENS & MINOR DRUG CO. Richmond Virginia Well J Story TAKE A DOSE OF pn son's L THE BEST MEDICINE for COUGHS S COLDS A Hot Time. "That fellow cooked his reports." "I suppose that is how he happened to get into a stew." A TIMELY WARNING. ' Backache, headaches, dizzy spells and distressing urinary troubles warn you or dropsy, diabetes, and fatal JBright's disease. Act in time by cu ring the kidneys with Doan's Kidney PHig Tney nave , cured thousands and wil cure you. Mrs, Sarah S. Mau pin, .Brentwood, Tenn., says: "Doctors said I had Bright's disease and held out little heme of recov ery. I could scarcely totter about. My limhs werfi Rwnllpn nnfi mv life was one long, drawn out pain. I began us ing uoan s ruaney mis ana was asr tonished at the results. In s'iz weeks I could do a hard day's work without inconvenience. Remember the name Doan's. For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. . For COLDS and GRIP Hicks' Capudinb is the best remedy re lieves the aching and feverishness cures the Cold and restores normal conditions. It's liquid effects lmmediatly. 10c., 25c, and 60c At druK stores- ' It's up to a man to choose between two evils when he is asked to beat the carpet or take care of the baby while his wife does it. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets first put up 40 years ago. They regulate and invigor ate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar coated tiny granules. Free Cure for Rheumatism and Bone Pains. Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) cures the worst cases of rheumatism, bone pains, swollen muscles and joints bv purifying the blood and destroying the uric. acid in. the blood. Thousands of ca?es cured by B. B. B. after all other treatments failed. Price $1.00 per large bottle at drug stores, with complete direc tions. Large Fample free bv writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga., Department B. Planning a Desperate Revenge. The haughty, imperious beauty banded him back his ring. "Now that all is over between us," she said, "I suppose you will buy a re volver and put an end to j-our wretch ed existence?" "Worse than that ! " he hissed, being carefal to introduce the necessary sibilant; "far wors-s-se! I shall steal a revolver! And I shall shoot your measly little sore eyed poodle!" A wild shriek burst from her lips, i She fell upon her knees and ! But he had gone. Mrs- Pinlrham. rf T.x-n-n UTocc . j j ii . . . ' jixviies an sicji women to "tvrite her for advice. She- has glided thousands to health, and hex advice is free Not Easy. Pat was a married man a very much married man. He had married no fewer than four times, and all his wives were still In the fore. Accord ing to Pat's own account before the court where he was tried for bigamy and found guilty, his experiences were not altogether satisfactory. The judge in passing sentence, expressed his wonder that the prisoner could be such a hardened villain as to delude so many women. "Yer honor," said Pat, apologetical ly, "I was only tryin' to get a good one, an' it's not aisy!" Lippincott's Magazine. CURES SWINNEY. Mr. R. S. Shelton, of Hill, N.C. write.: "I used Mexican Mustang Liniment on a Tcry valuable horse for svrinney and it ?reS -l i J lways keep it in my stable and tinkit ie best hmment for rubs and galls" Mexican Mustang Liniment is made of the best cf oils and pene trates straight thru flesh and mus cle to the bone. Contains no alcohol and cannot sting or torture the flesh. Buy a bottle to-day and be ready for any emergeucv. S5cS0c.$l a bottle at Drug & Gen'l Stores. Getting a Reputation. There is a desk in the senate par ticularly convenient as a place from which to make speeches. It is next to the aisle and almost in the center of the chamber, and affords an opportu nity for the speaker to make every body hear. At least a dozen senators, accord ing to the Washington correspondent of the St. Louis Star, have borrowed this desk when they had special utter ances to deliver to the senate. This led, not long ago, to a mild protest from its legitimate occupant "I am perfectly willing to give up my desk," said he. "but T nm ..t people will think that the. same man is talking all the time. I don't want to get the reputation of constantly filling the senate with " words " Youth's Companion. "1 2nd Cascarets so good that I woulc not be without them. I was troubled i great deal with torpid liver and headache Nowsmce taking Cascarets Candy Cathar. tic I feel verv mnrfi rtto- t ,-t,ii tainly recommend them to my friends aj the best medicine I have ever seen." Anna Pa7i'tict Osborn Mill No. 2, Fall River, Mass. Reesanf. Palatable, Potent. Taste Good. lJo poa. Never Sicken.Weaken or Gripe 10c, 2x 50c. Never sold in bulk. The cenu Ine cablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to cure or your money back. 923 argument ol Judge Reynolds, de clared that (he officers were con scientiously endeavoring to do iheir duty; that the court was try ing to do its duty but that an offi cer with, brass buttons had hi? lands tied; that it required other nen and other means to trap and ;atch the blind f the mass-meeting, Colonel Lusk said that "here and now I challenge rou; I dare you, to hold that mass meeting." Colonel Lusk made a powerful argument against tht blind tigers and the dangers at tending thereto. He said that with out boasting it was known of men !hat he had gone through the war is a soldier in the Confederate army; that he had hpar-H ihf n-h; tie and rattle of bullets all about fiim; that he had seen men fall on nis leu and on his right; that his life was endangered. "I will tell you, this, if it please the court," continued the Colonel, my life was not near so much in danger then as it is now." The Colonel evident lv r-pfprtwi fight against the alleged blind tig ers of Asheville, for an instant later .-Souted defianct declaring that Wan all their boasts and talk of mass-meeting, I tell you now that (he law shall and will be enforced and that I intend to stand here and see that they are brought to jus tice. "This court," said Judge Cocke, has been accused nf running court to suit itself. 11 it Juo' want iu ay mat tins court will pnn ( inn i n hew to the line; that if all the lorces ol the blind llCPr WPro li'nn on one side of this court room and a.i lorces 01 the Prohibitionists on the other, I would walk between hose two lines and administer jus tice as I saw it without fear or favor All the imps of hell can't intimidate or swerve this court from its path of duty." Following this declaration of the K ,r'gn- Cocke Glared that Charles Molhe was guilty of selling iquor to C. M. Laughter, that he be? heved the testimony of Laughter. "Kin by Marriage." A caller was talking to a small Har lem girl who is extravagantly fond of her mother. She likes her father well enough, but he is far from be ing first in her affections. The call er, knowing the situation, asked the child why she didn't love her father as she did her mother. "Oh, you see," she explained, loftily, "he is only kin to us by marriage." Church Unity. Richard, aged five, was being inter viewed in regard to his school work. "And where do you go to Sunday scnooi.'" was next asked. "To the Episcopal," he replied. "What have you learned there?" '"Honor thy father and thy moth er,'" he said. "And, do you know, I went down to the Methodist church the other day and they were teaching the same thing there!" Lippincott's Magazine. !W1 1 I J AWFUL BURNING ITCH CURED IN A DAY Mutual Expectations. A notoriously close-fisted man was taking his golfing holiday in Scotland, where he hoped to improve his game, and, by driving a hard bargain, had managed to secure the exclusive serv ices or a first-class caddie, who was known to be a very good player. "Mind, now," said the ambitious southerner, "I expect to receive some really good tips from you during my stay here, you understand?" "Aye," replied the Scotsman, hitching up the heavy bag, "an Ah'm expectin' the like frae ye, ye ken." Golf Illustrated. Lovemaking and Practice. The only way to become an pnprr at lovemaking is to practice. This was the information handed out to a handful of bearers by the Hindu phil osopher, Sakharam Ganesh Pandit, in a lecture on "The Science of Love." "Love is a divine discontent ' cai the philosopher, "and if you want to arouse love in others it can be done only by giving them- love. How to develop the emotion of love in another is ine great question of today the art of making love. It needs a great deal or study and a great deal of prac tice. One of the Best Rest Cures. Is a good story. To many women it is as good as a trip away from home. When you are tired out and your nerves an on edge, try going off by yourself and losing yourself in some good story. You will, in. nine cases out of ten, come back rested and in vigorated. One woman who has passed serene ly through many years of hard work and worry that go with the managing of a housejmd bringing up of a large family of children, said that she con sidered it the duty of even' busy housekeeper to read a certain amount of trash" light fiction, for the rest and change to the mind that it would Try it, you who lead a strenuous hfe and who sometimes grow exceed ingly weary of the same. ' jxeaaers "-qfy s f . anything adver-- 1 S bsed m its columns should insia upon 1 I having what they ask for, refusing all I I substitutes or imitations. I I 5 Dropsy Summary. nA0"nnlaVing ix.en bnd in the sum of Sooo as required by Police Jus lice, before whom was the preliml Vm Tn1rng' HamiIn, alias . ' v 1 SSI iS 8ti" in thc count' Jail at rJl.V"e.W Line Railroad ,.",l,a"' Wl ua at once a new inn r V J j v v,,r. ,VdU irom statesville to auiuvine, me county seat adkin county, a distance of miles. The work will be done e-onvicls. of 23 by Why the Boy Gave Thanks. Alan had played the entire day with little brother without an impatient word. Alter saying his customary prayer mat nigfit, his mother sueeest- ed that he add: "I thank God I was not impatient with little brother to day." This he did with much fer vency; after which he remarked that there were some other things he would like to thank God for, and forth with he closed his eyes and said: "I thank God I offered my candy to motner before taking any mvself. "I thank God I offered my candy to little orotner before taking any myself. "And I thank God there was some leu." LIppincotts. "In the middle of the night of March. 30.th I woke up with a burning itch in my two hands and I felt as if .1 could pull them apart. In the morning the itching had gone to my chest and dur ing that day it spread all over my body. I was red and raw from the top of my head to the soles of my feet and I was in continual agony from the itching. I could neither lie down nor sit up. I happened to see about Cutl cura Remedies, and I thought I would give them a trial. I took a good bath with the Cuticura Soap and used the Cuticura Ointment. I put it on from my head down to my feet and then went to bed. On the first of April I leit nite a new man. The itching was almost gone. I continued with the Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment ana aunng that day the itching com pletely left me. Frank Gridley, 325 iast 4dra street, New York City. Anr 27, 1909." Cuticura Remedies are sold throughout the world; Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole Props, Boston, Mass. "That First Invented Sleen." "Now blessings light on him that urst invented this same sleep! It cov ers a man all over, thoughts and all, like a cloak: It is meat for the hnnrrv drink for the thirsty, heat for the' com, and cold for the hot. It Is thp current coin that Durchasps nil tho pleasures of the world cheap; and tb oaiance tnat sets the king and the shepherd, the fool and the wise man even. There is only one thing, which somebody once nut into that I dislike in sleep it is that it re semmes death. There is very little difference between a man in hla flrnt sleep and a man in his last sleep.' i' rom uervantes. Mrs. Cook Sajrs "There is not much pleasure in life," writes Mrs. J. D. Cook, of Crane, Mo., if one has to be sick dl the time; So many women, suffer from girlhood on, all through life, who could be spared such suffering, and live in comfort, if they would only try Cardul, the woman's tonic, as I did. I was only 16 years old when I first took CarduL Now, I am 39. Whenever I was poorly or felt real bad, Cardui always brought me out all right I have faith in it I know what it has done for me, and I have seen what it has done for others." - - The Woman's Tonic C C 58 Nearly everybody knows what Cardui will do for weak women. For more than 50 years, it has been in success ful use in the treatment of women's ills. Thousands of enthusiastic, truthful, unbiased have written to tell of the help this remedy has been in them. Do you still hesitate to take Cardui for vonr troubles? If so, why? Read what others least give it a trial It may be fust what you need. fa m F tE THE JtL steaotvSEx WHITE' UGHT 1 7 , f-sgggsga STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) W. L. DOUGLA 3 3J? & S4 SHOES BVJBUl w , ,$2,50&$3'00" Best in the World. V.i Z-kT i .. . maoo ana moss bob - wvo awe juw 10 UUJfm 80ea mttn!?0r8,?ave the foroTer yor, mat i make and sell more S3.00. Sa co nn.i tt oa look and fithlV? fANTf:E SHOES to I. old their w Kn i r'ani Tear longer than anv other 3 OO fit and aD;n7. :;r"my''!b;''e of the &Tafton Prut a IV I. Douglas m m . . X. ' ' " ' KVB TOH BO miirll f nmtn ' tJ J " LAU riOTC ' Bone genuine wifhout W. L. Doniclaa k bV - i ' ' oo to. l or TXTKTT5 4TVrr Pint r- fi - Shipping Fever r"exSdni,iJ ZuPj. 5Te?,T? no matter how horeepat any Btape are Infected V J. . ?n wngBe; acts on thoBlooamnd Glands- xnpl8 thm a I iiflt AmnAA 4. . i r, I r. DISTEMFE R TV and uifln.T-J"?!?-. Cnrea L Grtpre amonir human belnin JkJmify Free Booklet. SPOHN MEDICAL CO.. Bc.aa GOSHEN, 1ND U. S. A. in a AKLE iBiASi Keeps the spindle bright and free from grit. Try a box. Sold by dealers everywhere. STAN DAN D OIL CO. (Incorporated) When He Hedaed on Faith. "Dar's nutin' lak faith," said Broth er Williams. v x a t turkey off a high roost, but th nw. iff took him f um me ez I wuz p-wlna home ter cook him. an I wuz tnnk tor jan. "Why didn't you tirav vour wav on oi jan.'" someone asked. I would ' 'adone it." was the rmiv "but I didn't want Providen PA tor Know I was In no sich nlnco " f . X S J V w A SCHOOL WITH A W REPUTATION for DOING 1 1 1 n 1 1 Amnp niAnif INCORPCRATEO' UUP OT T n A nACt annlnAi1 l. 1 M faculty. MORE miDUATES IN POsrrloNS.n GET T BEST. The Btronpest BOOKKEKPING, SHORTHAND Schools In the State, KING'S BrsiTsa or f S"II!.rits..for Handsome Catalogue. Address S3T- We also teacn Bonktoertn Shorn""1' f, C70 North Carolina. . ft ouui. duui zor uome study Circular. THE FIRST TASTE Learned to Drink Coffee When a Baby. CURED Gives Quick Reliel Removes all swelling in 8 to 20 days; effect a permanent cure in 3? to 60 days. Trial treatment glwn-!ren Nthuingcan be fairer. cw"te Pr- H- Green's Sons Sceclalists, Box B. Atlanta. Ga. ROOSEVELT'S OWN BOOK "African Game Trails" by thousanda for Christmas and Nov, ears Needed,! A man in every nl, to take il V(r u'ileSJu.Lislocalit3r- Offered! Monop oly of f! ,M nT--Tr .rnTT, the great f5 woTo"0' prosPectus now to CHARLES DEFIftHCE STARCH 16 onnces to 4t.A .fia;cJ?2?..0?1J 12 onnces-eame price and - ' iin-c. ' fa oUrbnlOn OUALITV. EMINENT DOCTORS AT YOUR SERVICE FREE ITT ' , -w wa AVflw & law U e sweep awav all r.fn ,-rr . . . within even-body's reach AV. Z U 6 pUt the best medical talent he ails to find out extctfr what 0 "X T remedies here, at your drw store or nof nf Yoxcan our positively no charge for exam nation TW m7 pi1fer; there is specifics for nearl? every wMch Pfi price, and sold by ill druggists. ' prepai.d 0n receipt of n TTS H? ff -I fr 3 -!?y J Ur niedical examination blank and Guide Jo Health, whicn well mail you promptly, and if you will arswer all the questions returning- Hank to us, our doctors wil carefully dilose your case and advise you fully, without a penr-y charge 6trc$ pSLfeE p-octors' 3I '" Three prisoners broke jail at Asheboro. Those escaping were "Little Dave Record," for store SSinVingH and. ,arceny? Causey Strickland (colored), stealing a horse; Dave Carmax (colored) as sault with deadly weapon. An insane negro, with a 38-cali-bre revolver that he fired freelv into crowds as he ran fop fh I squares or more, while crowds were surging to get points of van tage to view the circus parade stirred a tremendous sensation at Kaleigh, luckily no one was huri. When the coroner's physician, Dr. O'Hanlon, commenced to per form an autopsy on the body of a mart who died suddenly on the sidewalk on Fifth avenue, New lor ' cognized the victim as Aaron D. Jenkins nr x.-. e . , nine inend, at one time assistant State Treasurer of North Carolina. Jenk ins had been living in New York vvilii u SOU. The sum of $147 lost by Thomn son Orphanage Guild on excursion during the summer, is refunded bv Southern railroad people. Two members of the Craven county cham-gang, Jails Dixon S3 Adolphus Delphus, colored, who were convicted at the last term of the criminal court, charged with highway robbery and gambling I nd sentenced to a term on the roads made their escape. aas, Chief of Police Marcus W Ton ner was killed at Windsor wh attempting to arrest a worthless -o nauieu uossy Sander- lm. The negro thPn ,r. weapon and killed himspif nls fleer had a warrant for the nigra vho was evading arrest. g If parents realized the fact that cof- ree contains a drug caffeine which is especially harmful to children, they wuuia aouDtiess hesitate hpfnro oinor , . . " ' iue oaDies coffee to drink. "When I was a child in my moth er's arms and first began to nibble things at the table, mother used to give me sips of coffee. As my parents used coffee exclusively at meals I never knew there. was? nnvihinr tn uiin. uui conee and water. "And so I contracted the coffee naDit early. I remember when quite young the continual use of coffee so affected my parents that they tried lulling wneat and barley, then eiuuna it m the coffee-mill, as a sub stitute for coffee. "But it did not taste right and they went back to coffee again. Thai was xuug ueiore fostum was ever heard of. I continued to use coffee until I was 27, and when I got into office work, I began to have nervous spells. Especially after , breakfast I was so nervous I could scarcely attend to my correspondence. "At night, after having coffee for supper, I could hardly sleep, and on rising in the morning would feel weak and nervous. "A friend Fostum. My wife and I did not like it at first, but later when boiled good and strong it was fine. Now we would not give up Postum for the best coffee we ever tasted. "I can now get good sleep, am free from nervousness and headaches. 1 recommend Postum to.all coffee drinkers." Read "The Road, to' Wellville," in- "There's a Reason." Ever read the above ik, -2 2ef f5 to e.A TODBITRniTTMlTlnTi xne iormuia Is plainly printed on everV bottll: and tn lmn hHiJ.T; "u" .aiana dealers for an VUXai2- "T OU Natural Querv. Mrs. Thynn Don't you think T lnnt piump m this gown? Thynn Yes. Did vou havA it marl at an upholsterer's? A. COod hrtnpst. mmoilir tn. TK- m.; Neuraljcia and Sore Throat is Hamlins Wizard Oil. Nothing will bo quickly drive out all pam and inflammation. STome folks never feel sn they have a chance to syndicate their sorrows. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Symp for Children teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma tion, aUays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle. When the pulpit gets into poetic clouds it misses the man on the pavement. His Defense. It was shortly after mldnieht. and the colonel had caueht Rastus red handed. "Well, Rastus, you old rascal, vou said he, "I've caught you at last. What are you doing In my henhouse?" "Why, Marse Bill." said the old man "I I done.heerd such a cacklin' in dis yare coop, dat I I thoucht mehlw ole hen done gone lay an aig, an' I wanted ter git it fo' you' breakfas' while it was fresh, suh."- Harper's Weekly. 7fA de I I And Endless Job. "I'll bet I could keep a fairy god mother busy." "As to how?" "I'd have her look after my touring car." ForHBiDACHE-Hicks CAPUDINB . "iu vuiu, neat, stomach or Nervous Trouble. r!nmi1!no nm i.- It's lin uld nlMunt ateiy. Try it. 10c., 25c.. and 50 cents stores. If you would be Duneent. hf hripf- for it is with words as with sunheama the more they are condensed, the' deeper they burn. Southey. W Weak Heart Many people suffer from weak hearts. They may exoeri. 7. w oreain on exertion, pain over the heart, or dizzy feelings, oppressed breathing after meals or their eyes become blurred, their heart is not sufficiently strong to pump blood to the extremities, and they have cold hands and feet, or poor appetite because of weakened blood supply to the stomach. A heart tonic and alterative should be taken which has no bad after-effect. Such is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, which contains no dangerous narcotics nor alcohol. tic laboratory in a wav that no dmcnri. v csl S JhT, k ?S- n alcohoi '.0 "hrinLk np tho red Wood corpuscles; but, on I? hS. if' 14 Increttses.thr number and they become round and healihy. It helps the human system in the constant manufacture of rich, red blood It ?hiShv h VTTJ J jy? or. tak P Proper elements from the food, fortll IPU? d,esfloa curing dyspepsia, beart-burn and many uncom fortable symptoms, stops excessive tissue waste in convalescence from fevers for the run-down, anaemic, thin-blooded people, the " Discoverv' ik refrhini and yitalizin. Stick to this safe and sanemedy, and refuS wSSST medicines offered hv thm ri i i.s v- . just as gooa but Dr. Pierce's Cold:; M?"l " m m ,ar8.er. Profit- Nothing ""WTtij "iu uu you nau as much Will stop and permanently cure that terrible itching. It is compounded for that purpose and is absolutely guaranteed. It is a never failing cure for eczematous affections of all kiads, including : Humid Tetter Herpes Salt Rheum Prurigo Heat Eruption Flavus Kind Worm ar.i Scabies (Itdl) This la " 40 IW k UUC J Inflammation like other skin isppcQ Knt to the presence of little parasites which burrow under th slcin Th itu; u iviiAijg nit jr produce is so intense it is often with diffi culty the sufferer can refrain fmm tarin the skin with his nails. HUNT'S CURF an nfa11?M- for this aerp-ravAtinor tnnWA a locally. Sold by all firs;t class drueeista. Price, 50 Cents Per R And the monev will be refnnrto1 i case where one box only fails to cure. A. B. RICHARDS MRmravf nr - "-a . mi VJ, Sherman. Texaa tell yon bow; and DBT belt market ttrl.. Write for referenoeiand weekly price list. M. SABEL & SONS. Dealer la Farm, Hides, Wool. Established lfiga. J .n mm Mandrake root Restores Cray Hair to Natural Color; t removes OANoaurr ano scoar .Invigorate and prevent tbe hair from falling off V m.'..!- :u't. Sent Dlroot by iTHiNE CO- Richmond, Virginia rtc SI Bottle S.mpl. Soul. 3 sc. Seaa to, C .W Also California novelties.. Stamp brlies roVo HAYDON CO. P g" BOX 1229 LOS ANGELES, CAU PATENTS good. your lnventJon. Free booW.t. ?r?'i?Ja Consult us. MlLO 853 UU, St.. Waaalaoali"! W. N. U. CHARI flTTC Kin a IT - HT. S S TTh XT f5

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