Tit (EliatlWlH Tlttaxd A TlIE North Carolina Drainage Association held its annual roeet- ! A Boy's Letter. Editor of The Record: at Wilmington, I I like to read your paper. wrrnwrcnAV nhvcmicd inn me last week at Wilmington, I Hike to read your paper. My f7iDWt51)Ai, NOYhmotKjiOlalu. which wa3 attended by about Pa takes your paper and we nev- - Titwo hundred delegates f rom ; J r "Ke miss copy, i will in- H. A. LONDON. Editor. ! ' . Tn fhil troduce myself, as I am a boy .twenty-three counties. In this . mf teen w Have been next jP2" ot "ie!:tate our people iae going to school at a free school nuie or m mieresw i wib aaw- "cw oatem cnurcn ana ior Congress will convene Monday, but it wilt be the second s9ion of the old Congress (the 01t) and not the first session of Che newly, elected Congress. As heretofore stated by TrtE Rec ord the newly elected Represen tatives will not take their seats untilthe first Monday in next December, more than a year from their election. The ensu sng session of Congress is known as the short session, expiring on the 4th of next March, and no important legislation will be en acted. This will be the last session of many Congressmen, both Sena tors and Representatives,the late election having retired to private life an unusually large number. Those Republicans who survived the late landslide will find a very great change when they return next December to the 62nd Con gress. Instead of their being in a large majority, as they have been for eighteen years, they will be in a large minority, the official returns showing that the Democrats will have a majority of 64 in the next House. Espe cially striking will the change be io those Republican Congress men who have been ehairmen of committees. There are thirty six committees of which Repub licans are chairmen now, and all of them will be supplanted by Democratic chairmen in the next House of Representatives. The chairmen of every one of these committees has a "soft berth" with many desirable perquisites, which the present occupants will tsadly miss and which will be cor respondingly enjoyed bv their Democratic successors. datum, because there is not so much need for scientific drain age here as there is in the east ern part of the State. It is said tkt there are 2,100,- 000 acres of unreclaimed swamp lands in this State and that at least half this may be profitably drained and cultivated. It is also said that there are ,000,- 000 acres now under cultivation which are insufficiently drained and which with proper drainage might be cultivated much more profitably. These swamp lands when properly drained are very fertile and raise very profitable crops, and hence the need of having them properly drained. Resolutions were adopted urg ing the A. & M. College to teach drainage engineering and the next Legislature to authorize the employment of a competent drain age engineer, under the super vision of the State geologist, to confer with land owners and make investigations about drain ing their lands. two weeks have not missed a word in ray spelling lesson. My , pa says ti t uon t mias a word Sanford Express: Mr. M. I. Ellis, of Ore Hill," was in town" Saturday. Mr. Ellis together with big. brother, Mr. C. S. Ellis, patented an improved grist mill which they are now manu factari gat Ore Hill. Mr. Ellis tells The Express that : they are finding rcaij sale for all the mills that they can m ike. All the materia?, irtclnd iag the &toae, that goes in these mil Is. i foKLcul near Ore IlilL Between now ana Christmas he --t. ,(.!:,;....a.. prat nn V lit give me a present going to try for the teacher is cousin Fannie Wo i;t- u . i "s great epu M..ncWi,ajruiuui.- by its remarkable ures of colds and i nave caught twenty-five rab- grip and can be relied upon with im blts this fall in my traps and sold Pjicit confidence. For sale by ail druy- tnem to our cnunrrv stnrp fhr tpn ei:is Mewlv Elected Congressmen. Washington, Nov.- 22. The Democratic representation in the next House will be 227 as against 163 Republicans and Socialist, according to the roster of the House published . today. These figures give the Democrats a ma jority of 63 and a plurality of 64. ! According to this, Republican Kansas is the only State of size ... i.;. t. k t: j t -i .. i from A evUil ox - wti-" u wuu xrepuuucac 1 uei- A number, however. am luiiowca bv yncuimm&,&iicl tins never contain on! v I llftmoerat. amonc present. My happen hen Chamberlain's Chough J those thus inelnrlpd hiorr Iowa ! Dark. f"erueay used. This remedy has won M;nnn,Af!1 riif;., ,.Zi w;, tationand extensive sale "-" -., .iiwa The annual session of the North Carolina Conference of the Meth odist Episcopal Church, South, is being held this week at Eliza beth City, in the eastern part of this State, and the Baptist State Convention will hold its annual session next week at Henderson ville, in the western part of the State. It is about four hundred miles between the two towns and yet it is a considerable distance from each town to the State line, thus showing what a long State we have. One of the towns is situated in a low, flat country on a uroaa expanse of water, the Patquotank river, not far from the Albemarle sound, while the other town is among the moun tains and is a noted summer re sort, thus illustrating the varied A. 1 . ujpograpny and climate of our State. These two religious bodies rep resent the two largest denomina tions in this State, and their pro ceedings are of much importance and will be noted with much in terest. Bishop E. R. Hendrix of Kansas City, will preside over the Methodist Conference, hav ing been appointed by the other bishops, but the presiding officer of the Baptist Convention (called moderator) will be elected by that body and is usually a layman. The public spirited citizens of Winston-Salem will have a grand celebration on the 15th of De cember in honor of the comple tion of the South-Bound railroad from the "twin cities' to Wades- boro. Gov. Kitchin has been in vited to attend and deliver an address and excursion trains wil be run over the new road for the accommodation of the visitors who are expected. This road was completed last week, when the first through train was run over. it. Its con struction will be of great benefit not only to the cities of Winston Salem and Wadesboro, its term ini, but also to the towns and country along its route in For syth, Davidson, Stanly and An son counties. This new road was constructed by the Atlantic Coast Line and the Norfolk and Western Railroad companies jointly. We fear, however, that by this road the trade of all that section, between Winston and Wadesboro, will be carried on to Charleston instead of to Wil mington, as the road will be op erated by the Atlantic Coast Line in connection with its road from Wadesboro to Charleston. Railroad trains can now en ter the city of New York, from the South and West and passen gers can now arrive and depart from near the centre of the city, .' i. . e l t -. lnaieuu ui at jersey uity, as heretofore. This great conven ience was made possible by the opening to travel of the tunnel under the Hudson river on last Saturday night. This tunnel had been under construction for about seven years and, together with the terminal facilities in New York, had cost over one hundred million dollars. cents apiece cash. I expeet to catch a great many rabbits, this fall and winter. So I think I am doing very well in the rabbit bus iness. I would like to hear from other boys through vcur paper. JOHN R. DURHAM. Roscoe, N. C, Nov. 28, 1910. We are pleased to publish the above letter and hope other boys will write short letters o The Record exchanging their experi ences, which may be of interest to them. We would be pleased to have "a boys' column" -in every issue, devoted exclusively to the boys . of the county, and thus get them interested in mat ters that may benefit them. The boys of this day will soon become the men of our county. Editor Record The State of New York, with 9,133,279 inhabitants under the new census," has more people than any one of these European kingdoms: Belgium, Holland, Portugal, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Bulgaria, Servia, Rou mania, Montenegro, Bavaria, Saxony or Wurtemberg. ' It has as many as Scotland and Ireland combined. Not Sarry for" Blander. "It ray friends hadn't blundered in thinking 1 wasadoomed victim of con sumption, I might not be alive now," writes 1. T. Sanders of Harrodsburg, Ky., but fur years they saw every at tempt to cure a lung-racking cough fail. At last I tried Dr. King's New lnseovery. iheeneet was-wonderful. It soon stopped the cvm;h and Iain now in better health th in I have had tor years." This wonderful life-saver is an unrivalled remedv for coughs colds, hwrriuna. asthui 1. Vtoud. Iipnmr rhages, whooping cough or weak Iumrs. ooe, II. Trial bottle free. Ouaranteed by all druggists. Friday, January l::, is aanii by the .North Carolina Historical Commission for unveiling the marble bust of Sen ator Matt W. Ransom just .arrived 1 UUeij 1 troai Paris. It is to have place in on. of the four niche in the rotunda of the State House. Replies from correspondents of the Memphis Commercial-Appeal through the cotton-growing States of the South indicate that there was grown this season approximalely H, 32,000 bales of cotton, taking no account of lint ers from the seed. Chamberlain's Stomach'-and Liver Tablets do not sicken ot gripe, and may bo taken with perfect safety by the most delicate.-'woman of the vouneest child: The Old and feeble will also find them a most suitable reniedv for aid ing and strengthening", their weakened digestion and fof regulating the bowels. tor sale byjill druggists. The Interstate Commerce Commis sion has announced that the nH rev enues of the rteam roa isof the" Uni ted States during ' last August aggre gated $:)0,028,75l,or $377.49 permhe of line, against :K),9:8,283, or $330 10 pei mile of line In August, 1U0 . For pains in the side or chest damp en a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's Liniment and bind it on the seat of pain. There is nothing better. For sale by all druggists. It is not commonlv known that. Louisiana is the crreatest ovster State in the union. This claim was for a loner time held bv Mary land. Will Promote Beauty. Women desiring beaut v rpt wonder ful help from Hucklen's Arnica Salve. banishes pimules. skin eitmiions ' i The Record has often assorf. ed that the colored people of this State are in a better condition ana that a more friendlv feeling xiU between the white and Iord races in this State, than in any other State. We are pleased to note that this is also tn opinion of Dr. Bcoker Wash We are pleased to note that our State was awarded several valuable premiums at the recent National Horticultural Congress fheld at Council RlnfTs Prizes were awarded for our ex hibits, of apples, vegetables, nuts, peanuts, &c, and the total cash value of the prizes is $1,000. Of course, however, the advertise ment of our exhibits is worth much more than the prizes. sores and boils. It makes the skin oit and velvety. It glorifies the face. Cures sore eyes, cold sores, cracked lips,ehai ped hands. Best for burns, scalds, fe ver sores, cuts, bruises and piles. 20c at all druggists. Mr. W. H. Watklns, who. lives 'in Anson county, is a farmer any county would be proud of. Off of one and a quarter acres of land Mr. Watkii has already picked 4,001) pound-! ' seed otton and will get from iO ilo 200 pounds more- "I am i)l eased to recommend Cham berlain's Coiigh Hemddy as the bo it tlriiif? I know of un 1 safest rem-.viy for coughs, colds and bronchial trouble," writes .Mrs. L. Jj. Arnold of Denver, Colo. "We have used it repeatediy an 1 it has never failed to give relief." For sale by all druggists. CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS, FUNERAL DESIGNS. PALMS. FERNS. BLOOM; ING PLANTS, CABBAGE AND TOMATO PLANTS AH orders given prompt atten- consm All of the Southern States have solid Democratic delegations ex cept Maryland, Virginia, Ken tucky and Tennessee. -Maryland and Virginia each has one Re publican, while Tennessee and Kentucky each has two members ot that patty. Colorado is the only Western State represented entirely by Democrats, but Indi ana, possessing a much larger representation, presses close upon her heels with 12 Demo crats out of 13 members. Illinois has 11 Democrats in her membership of 25, Massa chusetts 4 out of 14; Michigan 2 out of 12; New Jersey 7 out of 10; New York 23 out of 37; Ohio 16 out of 28 and Pennsylvania 9 oat of 3a Missouri's delegation consists of 13 Democrats and 3 Republi cans. The Nebraska delegation is evenly divided, 3 and 3, as is Maine's 2 and 2; Oklahoma ha3 2 republicans and 3 Democrats; vYashington is represented by 6 Republicans. All of the States having 1 Representative only are Republican. "I do not Relieve there is any other medium? so food for whooping cough as -Chamberlain Cough Itemedy," writes Mrs. Francis Turpi n, Junction City, Ore. This remedy is also unsur p issed for colds and croup. For sale by all druggists. The So.Ulrn Pines Tourist states' nat, Mr. Wid Harrington, one of the fudiag young farmers of Moore coun ty, iu.-Kiy l.'-.n bushels of shelled corn n a demonstration acre this year. SLall Women Vote ? If they did, millions would vote Dr. Kind's New Life li!ts the true remedy f r women. For b.mishingdull.faed feelings, backache or headache, consti pation, dispelling colds, imparting ai pe tile and toning up the system, they ire unequaled. Kasy, safesure. 2-jc at til druggists. DURHAM & SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Schedule" in Effect May 2, 1901) Southbound. ti on. M J. MCPHAIL, piioue, o. 94. Florist Sanford. N. C. Coffins and caskets : A full stock of Coffins and Caskets always on hand and sold at all prices. All kinds and sizes. B. Nooe, Pittsborc, N. C. n. 1, 1010 Gertrude Goldman, of New mgton, the most distfnoK York, aired ten vnrfl AaA a and useful colored man in th ' the resuIt f swallowing a turkey United States. j bone with her Thanksgiving din- Hp1i r.aBnn i neri Tne bone lQdged in the ae- i- o. !eeently made atourlsophagus and could not be ex of this State, speaking at many ' tracted. o:our towns, on his investiga-1 t on of the condition and nm 1 Jv was no saIe of the B1ew 2r5ss of the colored tonlp nf u ,etlSs Property, as advertised, Qrt.,f.v, tt u V eai?0P,e of the last Thursday at New York hpl Suth. He had previously visit, cause there was no bidder ThS a several other Stnu j is thp i reported as savins? that his fe n advertised and did not take riB-!rttained jn 0me rP- r ace bccause no bid was made. pects the highest degree of con- Mortgage Sale. Hy virtue of a mortgage executed bv AL V Pope to tbe liank of Mul hns and registered at page 547, in Book "1 W ." iu the omen of the Reg ister of Deeds of Chatham count? . North Carolina, we will oiTr for sale at public auction for cash at 12 o'clock in., on Monday, the 5th day mf De cember, I01f. all the right title and interest of said II. V. Pope in and to the following tract of land in said county containing about fifty acres, bounded on the north by the lands of Elizabeth Holland, on the east by the lands of D. T. Johnson, on the south by the lands of W. A. Morgan, and on the west by the lands of K. H. (Jood win and known as the "old Uooth place." II. A. LONDON & SOX, November 2, 1910. Attorneys. SEABOARD Air Line Railwav SCHEDULE. KlTcctive May l.lth lylO. Direct line between Nw York vi.. Ida, Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis New Orleans and the southwest, sub- jucfc in euange vyunout notice. r inures g ven below are for the in- ionnaii.n of the public aad are not guarantees. Tiains lea-e Pittsboro as follows: No. 2 .:0O a m, connect imr at Ion cure with o..:;3 fr Portsuiouth Norfolk, wbieh connects at Wel don with the A. C. L. for Kastern Carolina points, at Norfolk with all stes mship tines for points north. No. 240 4:00 p m. connects at Mon cure with No. 41 for Charlotte. Wil mington, Atlanta, JJinningham, Memphis and points west, No 41 connecting at Hamlet wilh No. 13 for Jacksonville Florida )oints. No. 2:W Will arrive at Tittsboro 11:20 a m connecting with No. 41 with No. ;iH, from the south.' No. 211 Arrives ut Pittsboro f: !0 p! m, connecting with No. 41 from points north..; Trains between Moncure. and Pitts boro operated daily except Sunday. For further information apnlv to It. M Poc, agent, Pittslwro, or write to T ... ....... IU W..L.BAH1), .DivlsiQn.P,assngerAKent, : : Aiov West Martin wt;t '-.; Kalelgh, JN. C. aio. i. No 11 Mixed. Mixed. ex.buii.ex.bnn. A.M. i'.M. 8.4. y.07 ..4.i fi.55 o.u il 2.1 1 1 id P.M 12.0.1 12.20 12.52 PRESTO Overcoats for Men, Yoatlis and Boys , AnoveirrtwithaPrcB. xocoJIar is an innovation it s necessary that you have jufct one overcoat for anv and all purposes. The PRESTO Collar enables you to 0 protected at ail times whether the weather is wet and storrm or clear and cold. When it's stormy, turn up the coilar. When it's clear, turn down the collar. Men's Presto Overcoats, 5Q and Men's Presto OarcDats, g QQ and T. J. LA E SONS & CO., 119 West Main St., Durham. N. C TTtTl I I n iiiii i ii. i i ' -- gf -!nHwmmmz3mxm. 1 I Prompt and care- fal attention given to II Mail Orden. STEIN BROS., "Stem Bros. Way" jj is Oae Price to AH. Yoar bo can bay berc si cheap ai you can. The House of Quality BO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING NOW. Suits and Overcoats 1 We can fix you up cheaper and better than any ether house in town. Otlicrs at $io, 12.50, Satisfaction guaranteed cr money refund ed. 1 LEADING LINES WE SELL : Clothing, I Shoes, o.iUi Lv 5.14 Lv i.S2 Lv 1.12 1.32 1.45 'Z.'l'y 3.00 No. with fiV l.v The Ttifice-a-Week Edition - . TITE New York World Northbound Re. tt Up. No. 8. No. 6. Mixed. Mixed. ex.tSim. ex. Hun. A.M. RM A.ll ) Ijv Durham A r li'.iio '. Lv E i iuri.ara Jjv 11. .00 1.50 A J7 Lv Ui-Jsia l,v 11.7 l.Zb z.oJ Lv Ti-tru Lv 11.20 1.15 4.rj i.vt-.irp ufr Lv. 1Y; 2.i5. 4.1'.' Lv L i"H:ius,'(.h Lv II u. 1.4' ; i..vr ipi.i Lv i0.5 :i.:j., i 1-i-Lv A it-. Ar lo-'ifj i21i;j u.nj. ilSj.V JLV.Ofi J1.-.C A.M. iibou JiV l .OS 11.1:0 VariJin Lv 10.00 11.' 0 A.'.gii-r Lv i.u i0.;j. li ;r ia h- viilc i.v 9.2s 10.15 Coitts Lv y. 17 fl..r.n e.OlLvTuriinton Lv 9.08 if. 42 013 liv j)uko Lv fc.58 9.20 O.JOAr Dunn Lv 8.40 9.00 CONNECTIONS. 38 makes connection at Apex Seaboard Air Line No. 3S for Haieitfh, NorfoII:, liiclunond. Wash- i ingtou, Ualfimoie, 1'iiiladelj'liia, New York and all Northern poims. No. 41 liiakes courii-ctiwn nt A npt 1 with Seabcnrd Air Line No. 41 for Sen- ford, I'ineliurst. southern i'int., ilarn let, Chariot i e, Roekinirliam. Athens. Atlanta, ttiuuinirham, Montgomery aud all pointsinthe West and South west; Columbia, Savannah, Jackson ville, Tampa and all points in Florida. BEST SCHEDULE CUT OF DUI.HAM TO T3E SOUTH. All tickets are sold by thLsCorannnv 1 40 ani acsviited bv the nasrnv-fi- wii.h !f3 he understandiuir tiiat this Comnnnv M wi 11 not be !i;ibie fo r fail u re 1 o i u n it k I hi trains ou schedule time, or for anv iJ uch delays as mav be inridpnt. l their operation. X' are is exercised toia - - . . T givecorr-TiMrae oi connecting lines outrrns company is not responsible!! ior errors or omissions. Suniday trains. J. V.. MTA VmCi. Ti T rurmrrv ! v n-'--rrww( rii. fjen I'jias. Art. Oeitcral Ofdce Durham, N. C Strause Bros. High Art, Klostalk Glothes, Quality Brand Glothes, Apple Brand Clothes. 50 J. B. Stetson. $3.50, 4, $5. ' Belvedery, $3.00. Davidson, Enterprise, $2.00 Um Krand Shirts and ColLv. and Uie famous Iloleoroof linKipr,-. T,illi. jfi2ieKici Gloves, IMamond Brand lancv W-it j coals at very low prices. fonmlpip ent ' i r- Iiieil Zlllll llfv. Eddin Clays, $5 and Walk-Over, $3.50, H and $4.50. Bostonian. $4 00. Stein's Special, $300. Hat ;STEIN BKOS., SANFOm N. C. "iimn-rrTmM m iM . . , . -- iJ CARTER Furniture and Coffin Co Sanf ord, N. C, OFFER THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK O F UR NI T UP of all kinds between Greensboro. Car-load 0 1" o rl - rt n G? 9. r fftl Fayetteville and of Mattresse3, all SOUTHERN RAIL WA ail RALEIGH AND S9UTHP0RT RAILWAY tnt.mnt. DroSDer itv i..:"' governmenc is ... - ; Crimea- naving a nara time restoring or- ble relations with the whites in der in the State of Chihufhua North Carolina. ' The dominant wh?re the revolutionists seem to jiarty in this State has been just Se ln orce' accordino; to State to our colored population nro- Sarj5me?-, advices from Am viding them with schools, cot bassadoLWio City. leges and charitable institutions . Mr. WT. Jones, of Carthage for their afflicted.and we are died yesterday, aged about 73 pleased to note Booker Washing- ears- e nad been many years ton's appreciation of what have done here for his race. Practically a Daily at Price of Weekly No Other Newspaper in the WorlJ Gives so Much at so Low a Price. Schedule of Passenger Trains. Ef fective Sunday, May 22, 1910. i,ru oVw r i i. "-"I-'. Jxie great political campaigr s are eigh and Southrt UMlway pivee now at hand, and you want i he news tnree trains facn wav aailv bp.l, and Fayettevnle: , iong sin(.H established a record for im- Southbound. , parti dity, and anybody- can afford its t t . , . .Thrtce-a-Week eiiition, wbich comes JvKalelffH 8:00 am every other dav in the week, ex ent frWVllIe 11:10 a m Sunday. It will he of. particular value ' JVKaleigh J : I r p m to y u now. The Thnce-a-Week ' A r Fayetteville 4:no p rn World als bonnds in other Klron? ajV e'. 6:35 pm features, serial stories.evervthinR that Ar Fayetteville :35 p ra is to i found in a first-class dail . Northbound ' The Thriee-a-Week World's tcirnlar" r xt Vt OOUna. subscription price i only 1 per ver, a fWtville 8:00 a m and this p vs or lo i papers. W coffer one Ot the com nan v nf Tvonn jr. Lv Fayetteville inonm And th v. i vrtt vi u w.i ' X . We Jones, that OWIied and operated ftSSSSirtiu ?:45 p m Oitp together for 1 year for V.tJ wie vaggy iactorv at CTarthno-o a. ? "k ' f u;rniu.n price oi . , 8z20 p m the two paper- is H 50 Thronirh .OontioctiortH for Pointy 8outb and Wpst. Pullman hilfpping: GarH on al Through Trains; Dining Car Service. ATTRACTIVE EXCURSION ItATKS To ' FLORIDA, CUBA, AND NUM-1 EROUS OTHER WINTER RESORTS. Eor safety, con fort and court eous treatment, travel via. Southern Railway. Rates schedules and other informa tion gladly furnished. N R. U. DeButta Traveling: Passenger Agenf, Raleigh, N. C. H. F. Cary. General Passenger Apect, Washington. D. C. Elliin Blankets at $4 to $10. Cook Stoves at $7 to $20. Will receive this week the largest shin- J. J? in a r mum, oi rurmiure ever received at lord. fean- -tJOE W. MANN .AT BYNUM Has a full line of all kinds of Farming Xiimic. meiits, new Southern Disc Harrow, lie tormick Xicaners ami H? tivators, Mowers and Rakes. Fanners' Favorite Crain Urilis. HE ALSO CARRIES SUPPLIES FOR Deering and McCormick Mowers If you need anything in this line, drop him a card and he will come to see yoin Also a full Stock of Coffins and Caskets on hand.

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