I'll t i! H'ilif' m 19 ? . ,1 ' ill ; " b '" 3 '! - i- . v .- - : J- WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 231910. H. A. LONDON. Editor. TtncaEBCN ist Thaufca Winff Day at clay that i ae. tpaufc every yeac its tke Utttfcd States by asu: Government After Big Swindlers. New York, Nov. 21. In raids so important that Postmaster General Hitchcock took charge in person, his inspectors fell on two concerns this afternoon which they charge with swind ling the public out of more than f 40, 000,000 by fraudulent use of Suffragettes Fight Police. London, Nov. 18. The mili tant suffragettes reopened hostil ities against the government to day and marching 16,000 strong on the Parliament buildings, gave the police a lively fight. . The women, many of whom were placed under arrest, were ted bv Mrs. Kmalt&e Pank.hu.rst. Sheldoit II. Barr; president of I The suflraffettes fead deter Eorr Bros,; Eugene H. BiLtr8c-1 mmed if trcsssibfe to force the uo- io- castor wKeu tfee pep retf trefsu of th.f fir.m' cord House of " Tii.!u ri.F U- 7obe .lt?Fe Commons, and reaching Premier " - IIC C I3. A J f 'Vl W I Z.i . ( V .1 111 I.I II . Typhoid Fever at Naval Academy. It Pays to Keep a Cow. )Oftylt3 suspend all secular bus iness aud eaffage in thanksgiving -And, prayer. We .-say "supposed1' because uch is the purpose and intention in having a Thanksgiv ing Day sverj' year, and yet it Is s. most violent supposition. Al though the President's proclama tion eDjoins the people on that day ''to meet in their churches for the praise of Almighty God and to return heartfelt thanks to Hiui for all His goodness and loving kindness," yet as a matter of fact very few obey that injunc tion. The great majority of peo pie observe the day merely as a holiday for pleasure, probably not one-tenth of them attending any church. The people of the United States, above all other people, have the moat cause for having and prop erly observing Thanksgiving Day, for they are the moat favored and blessed of all the people in the world. Our people enjoy to a greater extent the blessings of civil and religious liberty thn any other people, and no people in the world enjoy sach a decree of prosperity as we do. Our la boring class are far more happy and prosperous than the laborers of any other couutry and the av erage citizen of the United States is much better off. in every re spect than those of any other j country. Our people are also pe- j culiarly blessed in being free from per.tilence and famine which so grievously afflict the people of other less favored countries. And while the people of the United States in general have so much to be thankful for, the peo ple of North Carolina are especi ally favored and blessed. No State or people have made of recent years greater progress than ours, and in no State is there so kindly & feeling between the white and colored people, each race helping the other for the betterment of both. In giving thanks fcr the bless ing enjoyed by us let us try to make others happy, and to cause ww iCC1 luctuKiui tomorrow first raid and held in $20,000 bail ack' The government charged that the firm sold be tween $40,000,000 and $50,000,- 000 of mining and oil stock worth little or nothing. Charles L. Vaughan, a direc tor of the Continental Wireless Telegraph and Telephone Co., incorporated in Arizona, was ta ken in the second raid and held in $10,000 bail. Inspectors say his compaay has sold stock to the amount of at least $1,000,000 which has brought in no return to the investors. Vaughan is treasurer of the Columbia Fi nance Company, which acts as fiscal agent for the Continental Wireless Telegraph and. Tele phone Co., and had charge of the Continental office in this city- Both raids today are further evidence that the government in its warfare against alleged inter state swindlers means business and no longer will be content with issuing fraud orders, deny ing them the use of the mails, but will press for conviction on criminal charges- The present campaign began some months ago and has resulted in the ar rest of Louis Cella and his asso ciates, charged with operating a string of bucket shops: the offi cers of the United Wirless Com pany, the El Progresso Banana Company, the United Exchange of Chicago, the Steele-Miller Cot ton firm of Corinth, Miss , and more than sixty other firms in all parts of the country. Post master General Hitchcock esti mates that the public has been fleeced out of at least $100,000. - 000 by get-rich-quick concerns in the last five years. Asouith, to insist upon the sdon tioa of a woman's suffrage bill. The police, however, were too strongly entrenched and the wo men who tried every means in their power to force the line were thrown back. Repeatedly they retired breath less and disheveled, onlv to have their places on the fiehtiner line comoletelv covpiwI ovpr avnhi taken by reserves. The police ing both light and air from this were ordered to make as lew ar- supply. Annapolis, Md., Nov. 20. Spacial to News and Observer: ! Notwithstanding the precautions J Vilson, Nov. 18 Mr. Julius -that have been taken to stamp it ! H. Williams, of the police force, out typhoid fever continues to in- says it pays him well to keep a crease among the midshipmen at j cow. He has a fine Jersey and the Naval Academy. Eight ad-1 the sales from her products for ditional cases were taken from fifteen months amount in moncv the midshipmen's sick bay t the to $219.11. Besides this he has naval hospital yesterday and to-a eaf from her vrhkh wmald net day, m&ktig- the total number of !$2i if converted ifo beef. The 1 midshipmen now .suffering from feed he km bought during the I of the -outbreak remains a. mys tery and plans are row under way for & governmental inspec-' tion -oi the dairy from which an extra supply of milk was recent ly obtained. The theory has been advanced , that the trouble is due to the fact that .the 3,-000,000-gallon reservoir in which the drinking water is stored is rests as possible but by three 0 clock only one woman and two men were in the police cells A Chilly Election Bet. New York, Nov. 16. In the cold, gray dawn of the early morning :tnis .tallJohn Gear, wno. inougnt tnat rlenry L. Stim Fierce Fighting on Mexican Soil. Mexico City, Nov. 21. Fierce fighting occurred today at Dj rango, Torreron, Parral and Go mez Palacio, the latter town fall ing into the hands of the rebels. Three hundred Federal troops at Gomez Palicio are said to have gone over to the Insurgents, who have now turned their attention to attacking the loyal forces at lorreron. The fighting began at Durango at 4 o clock this afternoon; an hour later all the wires were cut. It is reported on good authoritv that 25 persons have been killed at Zacatecas. The government troops, it is also reported, quelled the uprising there, and are in control tonight. The wires north of Monterey have been cut and Crippen's Petition for Clemency Denied London, Nov. 21. Dr. H. H Crippen must die on the gallows 30n would be elected Governor Wednesday for the murder of 01 ew York, took ott his clothes his wife, Belle Elmore Crippen. put on a bathing suit and jump His last hone of escaoe wassw -nt ed into the icy East river todav away today when home Secre- With a rowboat following close tary Winston Churchill held in- behind he swam across the river effective the petition "praying t0 Kandall as island, thereby car commutation of Crippen's death nng1 out the provisions of an sentence. , election bet. A crowd watched When Cr.ppen was informed I a"d cheered his plucky perform 01 the home secretary's action, lance. holding that he had had a fair tnal and that the evidence was of proper nature, he said: I will soon be with my fa ther." Barrister Arthur Newton, rep resenting Crippen, was informed that tne sentence of the court would b2 carried out and that the American would go to his doom on Wednesday. There were 23.0D0 names on the oeti tion and after it was presented many more persons came for ward, declared Mr. Newton to day, volunteering to sign it Robbed at Point of Pistol. j, . - ....ni.ij nave UCCII tUl, CtiiU strive to show the sincerity ol no reports are obtainable from IDS your thanksgiving by openi J lc'l4t au your purse iu aid of those less favored. Your praiP aud thanksgiving win he more heartfelt if you will remember th, poor and the alHicted.and not in Uulgeonly in lip-service. Remember that whosoever giv eth to the poor Jendeth to the thltJ-y t0 reaiIze tomorrow that It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing prais.es unto His name," as w ?un y the Psalmist of Is rael long centuries ago. beyond that point. It is believed that the Insurgents are respon sible for the cutting off of com munication. A private citizen, who never sought or held any public Saturday, whose long life of use fulness and uprightness may X" bhvfld r emulation by the youth of the State. We re fer to Mr. Barzillai G. Worth who gently -fell on sleep" at fhe advanced age of eighty-eight Child's Premonition of Death. New York. Nov. 20 "Bar bara," said Mrs. MaryBegens berger to her daughter of 3 this afternoon as she was dressing the child for Sunday school, "I want you to be a good girl today because I had a tooth drop out this morning and that's a sign somebody is going to die in the family." Why, said Barbara, "that's me; I'm going to die." Her mother could draw no ex planation from her, but this af ternoon while Barbara was play ing on a pier end she fell be tween the stringpiece and a barge and was drowned. Norfolk, Va., Nov. 21. A bold daylight robbery occurred in the business rpnrpr of this oltv tr day, when two young men en-1 FLOWERS, tered the office of Dr. L. B. Fry, and at the point of a pistol Pound him hand and foot to a chair. A f ter taking all the money in the office, the men hastened away, one ot them shouting, Farewell, Doc; better be nuiet about it." Dr. Firey managed to free himself, and was soon in pursuit. On a street car he saw a man whom he claimed to re cognize as one of those who com mitted the robbery, and he was captured. The accused nun gave his name as George Cunningham, of New York, and the police say he has cDnfessed. Tne second robber was nat caught. "I do not Ueiifve- there is anv ollw meilK'ine so good for whoopinir wujrl is v UillllUlTKUIl i:ou? 1 If.Mmiiv ' writes .Mrs. I- r;meis Turiin, J urn-linn . ure. 1 ins remedy is aLs iius.ir p:iseil for colds and croup. For :Ue h M tlrujiisls. Ine Western North Oroiina (!on rerence of the M. K. Church. .South vas held l ist week at Winston-Sa iem, ana next year it will be h ld hi Statf-sville. Chamberlain' Stonmch iml l.iv Pahlets do not sicken or gripe, ;in m;U jo uiKen witii peneel s.ifetv bv Kit nost delicate woman or the younijesi duld. The old und feeble will also iiu; uiem a most suitable reuredv for aid inland strengthening their weakened iigestiun andforreirulatinL'thf b.i.v -I For sale by all druggists. WEDDING BOUQUETS, FUNERAL DESIGNS. PALMS. FERNS. BLOOM ; ING PLANTS, CABBAGE AND TOMATO PLANTS All orders given prompt atten- That there are in Xorth Carolina lo; furniture factories with ?''t,4 ii,14t cap ital usinj U ,::::! horsepower, is iht showing made in the forthcoming a -nual repjrt of Hta e commissio-ier of Labor and Printing. The report shows that the 1W factories employ ,s4li workmen with an average daily wage of '.43, increase of live cents per da over the rep rt last 3 ear. tion. M J. MCPHAIL, ohoue, No. 94. Florist. Saaford. N. C. "e was the youngest and last was rn t' f Whm the Mest was Gov. Jonathan Worth. The writer years of his life were STl"! Randolph ut for nearly sixty years he had re ded at Wilmington, where he was engaged in an extensive bus. mess until a very short time - be fore his death;', and so well pre served in bodyknd mJtas he that it may truly be said that his 7n,n,W a.?"etieancl bright And lovely as a Upland niht." Unique Sunday Parade. Richmond, Va., Nov. 20. Over 5,000 men marched through the streets of Richmond today in the fifth annual parade of Bible class members. They proceeded to the city, auditorium where they held religious services and were addressed by Hon. H. B. F. Mc Farland.of Washington, and oth ers. Governor Mann and Mayor Richardson were in the line of paraders. Sanford Express: Mr. W. R. Medliri says that from the 15th of May to the 14th of November 6 months he sold 100 pounds of butter from one' cow, and that during that time his family con sumed about an equal amount. Pretty good for one cow. We are told that there will be as much, if not more, wheat sowed m Lee county this fall than there was last. Our farmers were pleased with the good yield this year and are convinced that much of the soil in this section is wpII adapted to the culture of wheat. Will Promote Beauty. Women desiring beautv irel wnmlpr- ful help from Bucklen's Arniei X;ilvn It banishes pimples, skin eruptions, sores and boils. It makes the skin soil and velvety. It glorifies the face. Cures sore eyes, cold sores, cracked lips.chap ped hands. Best for burns, scalds, fe ver sores, cuts, bruises and piles. 25c at all druggists. As a business man he was the soul of honor, prompt and cor rect in all his dealings, and he was a Christian "in whom there was no guile." Always cheerful and of a h 1 ui cm ift 1 1 rip i f . , .,i -n. , c-.,J u: , . uvt iiuvemoer. ro, is an- x auiiaiune ana contribu- nouncid as the time in which the fir-t tod to the happiness of all vho Pasnger train will go from Wades- who were so fortunate as to be boro to Win9ton-Saiem on the new associated with him mat; South-Bound railroad. , ..wMrwlJ 1JJS , There is to be a mass meeting for ake county in Raleigh on the. hr.l Monday in December lor the pur; o-e of organizing a county good roads as so iaton that will co-operate with the Siate associat ion Shall Women Vote ? If thev did, millions would vote I)r King's New Lire i'ills the true remedy for women. For banishingdull fa-ged feelings, backache or headache, consti pation, dispelling colds, imparting ap petite and toning up the system, thev are unequaled. Easy, safe, sure.' 'ix- at all druggists. The report of Attorney General T. w. JJickett j.i'st completed for tne gov ernor arid the general assembly coves ing criminal statistics for the past two years shows a marked decrease in many classes of -crimes for the year closing duly I last, as compared with the previous year. "I am pleased to recommend Cham berlain's Cough Itemedy as the best thing 1 know of ami safest remedy for coughs, colds and bronchial trouble " writes Mrs. L. I. Arnold of Denver, Colo. "We have used i t repeatedly and it has never failed to give relief."' For sale by all druggists. SEABOARD Air Line Railway SCHEDULE. Klfeclive May l."th l'.HO. Direct line between Xew York. Flor ida, Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis. Sew Orleans and tlie southwest, sub ject to change without notice. r igures given below are for the in- lormatiou of the public ami are not guaranteed. Tiains leave Pittboro us follows: No. :: a m, connecting at Mon cure with No. :S for Porlsmoiuh Norfolk, which connects :it Wo don with the A. C. L. for Eastern Carolina points, at Xorfolk with all steamship lines for points nort h Xo. 240-4:00 n in. c -nrccts at Mon cure with Xo. 41 for Charlotte. Wil mington,. Atlanta, Jiiriiiingham' Memphis and points west, No. 41 connecting at Hamlet with No. 4.1 for Jacksonville fe Florida points. No. 2M Will arrive at Pittsboro IDL'O a m connecting wilh No. 41 with No. .'58 from the south. - - "invraii iiiisuoro t:vu p , couuvcung witn jo. 41 from points yorth. Trains between M boro operated daily except Sunday vr IUIl,lcririormatiem Apply to ii M. loe, agent, Pittsboro, or write to U.S. LKARD, . Ilvision Passenger Agent, No 4 West .Vartin M., Raleitrh, N. C. fifteen months cost between $37 j ana o Vie other food con sumed coming from kitchen scraps. Besides what was sold Mr. Williams and his family of six nave nad all the milK and butter they desired. Not Sorry for Blunder. - "II my friends hadn't blundered in thinking I vvasa doomed victim of con sumption, I might not be alive now." writes D. T. Sanders of Ilarrodsbiirg, Ky., but Tor years thev saw every tit lempt to cure a lung-racking cough hid. At last I tried Dr. Kind's New Discovery. The elleot was wcmdeilul. It soon stooped thv cough and lam now in better healiii than I have had for years."' This wonderful life-saver is an unrivalled remedy for coughs, colds, lagrippe, asthma, croup," hemor rhages, whooping cough or weak lungs. "0c, U Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all druggists. -o . -In North Carolina there are 3,003.- 000 acres of swamp lands ea-ily capa ole of drainage, according to the esti mate of the State geologist, Air, Jo seph Hyde Pratt, who made a survey f them, while a government d rail age -xpert has proiou:iced reclaimed ortli Carolina bwanip lands superioi o the lands of the great' corn belts of Ohio and Indiana. Sixenl vfith u.s tor one at uut Kedaced Price Suits Saves an fawa Man's Life. The very grave seemed to yawn be iore liobert Aiadsen, of W'est'jturling toK Iowa, when, after seven weeks in .he hosjaiakfour of tiie best physicians ;ave him uj). Then was shown the narvtlous curative jiower of Klectric ihiters.' For, after eight mon t lis of rigliiful suffering from liver trouble mo yellow jaundice, getting no help .rom other remeiiesor noeiors, live bot tles oi tins matchless medicine com ileteiy cured huh. It's Hsitively guar iiueeo for siomach; iiver or KiUney .roubles and hever disappoints. Omy v- at all druggists. ' Jerry More. ot Florence county, S. j-t the 17-jear-old con of a p eacier, prudaced li bunhils on one acre of iaud mis ear. For pains in the side or ciiest damn- e.i a picceof tl innel with Chamoei Iain's lani.nentand bind it on tiie seat ol jKUit. 1 here is nothing better. For sale by all druggists. DL'KliA.H &S0UTHLRN RAILWAY. Schedule iu Ellect ilay 2, 1909 Southbound. Jieaci Uown No. H. No 11 dised. Mixed. iX.tun.ex.Hun. v.M. P.M. Northbound Head Up. No. 8. No. 6. Mixed. Mixed, ex. bun. ex.Hun. A.M. JAM 1 mMMml hi mmr " JO" p. fM if- m $5.00. tl u tt pr'flit 1910 ihe I.ouk of Kupj-teiina Of eoiirse these suits tire earned over but thequal J'y is in them. The se lection is large and ried. twill be Our Pleasare to Show Voa Arrtrnd. j. J.. LAFvlBE SONS & CO., TirzNTr.Mvii rants i.v iwiuiam jx f,nx inms Matters, Furntehers. 1 19 Weat Main Sh. Durham, N. C. K3aKaw,jw . mm m carter Furniture and Coffin Co 1 Sanford, N. C, OFFER THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF FURNITURE The THrice-a-Week Edition Ob" THE Yorlc World New Practically a Daily at Price of Weekly N 0 UUier-Newspaper in the World! Gives so Much at so Low a Price. rni . me great political ha: a.i'o Lv Durham Ar 12.00 2JH H .00 3.2-- Lv K Durii am I j v 1 1 .i0 1 .fx y.07 3..7 Lv Ovama Lv ll.;;7 j.;,- ).-2i y.52Lv Togo Lv 11.20 1.15 .!." 4. C L v Carp urer Lv. 1 107 2.f).' y.iw 4. In Lv UpchurchJjV 11 00 li'A O.IO 4.2., Ar Apex hv lO.oO : -2 4.4i-Lv Apex A r lo.iJo 2 io l.oo 4.:"oLv II. riii'ngsLv li.ot ' A.il. 2.0o 5.0G Lv Wilbon Lv H' .OS 11 .20 2.20 5.14 Lv Varina Lv i 0.00 1 l.no 12.52 5..J2 Lv Angier Lv U.40 U) PA) Uarclays 1.12 5.45 Lv ville Lv 9.28 10.i5 1.32 5.57 Lv Coats Lv 9.17 9.55 1.45 6.04 Lv Turlington Lv 9.08 9.42 2.25 6.1;; Lv Duke Lv 8.58 9.20 3.00 6.30 Ar Dunn Lv 8.40 9. on CONNECTIONS. No. 38 makes eon wet ion at Anex with beaboard Air Line No. 38 for Raleigh. Norfolk, Itichmond. Wash- ngton, jJaltimoie, Philalelnhia. New- York and all Northern points. No. 41 makes coiU'ection at Apex with Seaboaro Air Line No. 41 for San ford, Pinehurst. .--outlier!! i'ines, Ham let, Charlotte, Koekinghara, Athens, Atlanta, Hirmingham, JMontgomery and all points in the West and South west; Columbia, Savannah, Jackson ville, Tampa and all points in Florida. BEST SCHEDULE OUT OF DURHAM TO THE SOUTH. All tickets are sokl by this Company and accepted by the passenger with the understanding that this Company will not be liable for failure to run its trains on schedule time, or for. any sucli delays as may tie incident, to their operation. Cnre is exercised to give correct time of connecting lines, but this Comp.mv is not responsible for errors or omissions. No Hnnday trains. J. ii. BTAGG, D. LUMPKIN. Vice-President. Gen. Pass. Agt. General Office Durham, N. C of all kinds between Fayetteville and Greensboro. Car-load of Mattresses, all grades, at $2 to $18. Elkin Blankets at $4 to $10. Cook Stoves at $7 to $20. Will receive this week the largest ship- ixcuu ui lurmiure ever received at ford. an- 3 I! Ml WAV all $100 Reward, $100. T1' readers of this paper will "be phased to learn rSSSniiP,t. The World nini .pV,, a recora lor ini- Thrt oanattbrd its i.. etrK eti'lon, which enm ,,.ay tne week. l'uu"a.t ! S W ill Of Img life a blessing and benedic tion. ) j.u at iraoi. one urenuru oiatase tftat :leu to .. " ' r ' pnrweuiar Value luis been able to rur In aU its staceB. and timt la LO 11 now. Thf Phri. . r . Catarrh. .Hall's Catarrh Can to the only porttlw " World als bonnH ; 1 ""Ce-a-Week cure now known to medical fraternity. Catarrh f0.t,,,Q1L .H'Mindxin Other Strontr being a crartitution-U topa. requires! conit," tlltes. serial stOries.evervthino h. , tional treutmeut Hall's Outarrh tire 1 taken in is to i e found in tl .f i ' ' , tDat tonially. actine directly upon the blood and mucous . To Tl.ri J tU "rst -Class dailv. surfaces o the system, ther-by destroying the , H . 11 rl',? a- Week World's to - foundjfiori of the disease, and pivinft the patieHt SUbse ri ptUm orL'e w Jftl reUlar Etreaih by buUdmg up the constitution and assist- a.Ml thi r ,- , onl.V ??1 per vear. irnc nature In doiiiK Its work. The proprietors have , , ' ' S ' s fr lo'I na D"r IVp'nfloJ f much taith In its curative non-era tht. th. this Utiponli . ' " 1 " e Oner Count Leo TolstoT, of Russia, the aged author 13 dead. one Hundred Dollars for any case that It fail to nd TH V ( 'ir tit l''lr cure. Send lor list ot testimonials. i I. U U A TH f H.V. ' rr,i dv an unKpra. ST. : Tho ruirnlo. ... Tlc HalL's raatilx f Ota fas casetaOak , OltD togeiher for i 1, 7" ! Tha L;...?I.Ior 1 year for the two papers is $2 5U 2.25 price of rhrousrh ('ounptdions for Points bnntli and West. Pullniiin Slfppiusr Curs on aJJ Through Trftius; Dinicg Car Service. ATTHACTIYE EXCURSION RATES To ' FLORIDA, CUBA, AND NUM EROUS OTHER WINTER . RESORTS. For safety, ooafort and court eonH treatment, travel via. 'Southern Railway.-. Rites schedules and other informa tion g-ladly furnished. ' R. H. DeButts Traveling: Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. H..F. Cary, General Passenger Agent, Washington,!). OJ JOE W. MANN AT BYNUM Has a full line of all kmc! of JFarmIn Iniriio incuts, new Soutticrsi ilisc IZarrov Me Corinicl:: Reapers and Il:iilers. cisl tivators, blowers ana Ualccs. Farmers' Favorite Crain 23rills. HE ALSO CARRIES SUPPLIES FOR Oeering and McCormick Movers If you need anything- in this line, dro- him -i card and he will come to see 3 ou. v Also a full Stock of Coffins and Caskets on hand. 11 y j Coffins and :; caskets :: A full stock of Coffins and Caskets always on hand and sold at all prices. All kinds and sizes. B. Nooe, Ro-sale of Land. Kv virtue of an order of V e Kunerinr Court of Chathn com-ty, iu pr .feeding therein pendi.-g, wherein A. U Ouuter is plaintiff and 1) r bunterHiul others are defendants 1 will ajcain expose to hhIq at nnhiii .tion, to the highest bidder, t tiie Luuu-uuuse uuor 10 J'litsoorn, N (' Pittsborr.N. C. J-n. 1. 1Q10 x RALEIGH AND S0UTHP0RT RAILWAY Schedule of Passenger Trains, Ef fective SunJay, May 22, 1910. The following schedule on the Ral eigh and 8outhport RMjlway civet three trains each way daily between ind Fayetteviile: Southbound. on Monday, the nth day of IWmht i' 1910tatI2 o'ch ek, th.U. " ' ; kno n as the Hun (,u,(er n .c. tit uate in Haw liiver townvhiu.chHt ViMm county, ;ini bouu- td rn ihentth Li the Win. Marks h-nd; on tf1( ell K the laud formerly oWfled i.v Atoh o.auKu4ii, uii ine soutn by tho Jan . s former y owned by .1hn and l'hillin Womb e, and on tl.euest hvth. S formerly owned bv P. tin w 14 and John Thoma wttf , "fu,,7 't more or 1pss. Tern h of sale, one-third cash, one thir l n six months and the bah,,e in t mouths, deferred payments t e rhi r interesrat (i percent per annum-1 e reserved till final pav'n.-nt maX. lhii Govern her L i:;o UOIiT. ii.'nixox 'inmisioner. Mortgage Sale. I?y virtue of a hvM.V i-opeto the 'lJMni lns.a.n' reLrisfered at natre , u, lue otlicrt.if the llp.r ister of T)i-,ia n,.., North 0,f, X, rr:'r r""uaJ uie ;mi rtav ct tw cenib inten the Lv Raleicrh s s:0f) a m r F'Hyettt-ville iIl:10 a rr Lv Raleigh J:l.r n nj r ayelteviMe - 4r0 i ni ' .XT nol.lT.vt. ...... ' vr 1.1-1 - hRM-riKK tn-; me la of iiuriL'uountj. Lv Fayettevilie s:0 a m Ar. KHleI?h 100 a m Lv ayetteville i.pm Ar Hahih 3:45 p iri Lv Fayetteville 5:10 J m Ar Ealeigh 8:20 pm lands of ; n T r' " T,,e "Hst '.V the west by the lands of V ' ,M xr ?' 4j LONDON & SON