r, Tu4-lvv vfrvt-t-r-rl1 In another column is pub- i nr uamm AuuliM the 8tatement of thfe Bank : J 0f pILtsjhoro find it is highlv cred- w : 1 P 9 VI, NO IVA1& 1 23,:.910. italic to the nxod margvnt Us much, safer to deposit $za.v money in a arood.. hank like this tlia.n to hide it La y&ur & welting, and besides yon can gat interest oa it- CranVrne and celery at Broaks & Eibnks Fresh 'hef aU the tune now 4t B-'opka & Eabanks'. Only one month to Christ mas from day after tomorrow., The basaar to be held by the Junior Auxiliary of the Episco pal Sunday school hare his bsen ! postponed from Dae. 3rd to Fri day. Dscember the 9th. A hand some hand-painted picture will be awarded that ni mt to the Blank notices for posting land j prettiest young lady in the coun for sale at The RECORD ofhce. jty who receives the highest vote , , 14. land a large dressed doll will be -Have your photograph ta- iawardpfI the pettiest babv. The Vpnon rnnnksgivmg Day by J. -balI()t box for the former prjze R. Cooeland at Moncure. 1ls at the store of w L. London a & Son and that At a bargain or bring: us your job All work turned out and at satisfactory For sale: nwvl single-barrel breech load hot e-an. Apply at Record office. -Send printine. promptly pnces. Brooks & Eubanks have a complete line of the best winter shoes to be had for men, women and children. -Now is the time to buv your whpat drill- Get the best- Farm- ers' Favorite sold by Joe vv. Mann at Bvnum. The Winnie Davis Chanter, U D C. will meet next Wed nesday afternoon at 3:33 o'clock with Mrs- H. A London. - Manv a fat porker utters his last squeal these frosty morn- mes, ana manv a, iaum v o xcao ing on spareribs, sausages for the-prettiest baby is at Pilkington's ' drug store. Each vote costs five cents. &c. Joe W. Mann at Bynum has a complete line of shoes and dry eoods which it will pay you to in spect before buying elsewhere. Tomorrow being Thanksgiv ing Dav. Sunday hour3 will be observed by the telephone cen tral and also S. A. L- agent, B. M. Poe. nr J. H. Ihrie (dentist) nru V at- Pit.taboro the first Mon day in each month for one week prepared to do all kinds of den tal work. Rev. J. S-Thomas will preach at the county home the firstSan jv afternoon in December at 2:30 o'clock, to which the public is invited. s W. L. London & Son sell the John B Stetson hats. If you Iioba npvp.r worn a Stetson hat, 4-yr Ana Yon will find it the .Y best hat ma.de- Wp take pleasure in callin g flHpntinn to the advertisamen of the Carter Furniture and Cof - fir, ot sqn ford. Tnevare now offering speeial bargains. THp Rink of Merry Oaks makes a very creditable showing k that has been m op o f i An or sViort. a time- See its statement in another column Different persons will have different reasons for giving thanks tomorrow, and there is seareelv anybody who has not same cause for thanksgiving. Gold weather is here. If you haven't bought your winter underwear yoa can find what you want at W. L London & bon 3 in cotton and wool. Near stock just received. Federal court is in session at Raleigh this week and will prob ably continue three weeks. Sev eral of our countymen are m at tendance as defendants and wit nesses in "blockade' whiskey cases. In observing Thanksgiving TWr tv.o rAmoprats have much for. o-ivinff thanks over their great victory, Person Items. Mr. T. M. Bland left Monday on a two weeks' visit to relatives in Missouri. Mr. Henry A. Bynumhas gone on a business trip to Jackson ville, Florida. Dr. Wesley Coble, of Guilford College, is here on a visit to his son, Mr. H, L. Coble. Mrs. Jacob Thompson is visit ing Mrs. J. S. Bradsherand Mrs. ATM. Burns at Roxboro. Mrs. John R- Jones, of San ford, is here on a visit to, her brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hayes. Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Shaw ar rived here Saturday from their bridal tour and are making their home at Mrs. Exline's. Capt. and Mrs. W. L London i i l j are expected nome tomorrow night, after a visit of several weeks to their sons in Orange, N. J., and Washington City. Mr.'R. M. Connell and family leave this afternoon for Sanford to reside. For the past three - -i ii years Mr. onneii, - as govern ment inspector, has had charge of the cattle tick eradication work in this county, which is now about finished. Our people generally regret to give up Mr Connell and his family. Mrs. R. H. Have3 was the hostess at a very enjoyable re ception yesterday afternoon giv en m honor oi her niece, Mrs A. W. Shaw. Between the hours of four and six a large number of invited sruests called- The interior of the home was beauti fullv and tastefully decorated Elegant refreshments were serv ed which brought to a close a de iightful occasion. Chathaaiites Complimented. It is always a pleasure for The Record to note any compliments paid our former countymen who are now residing in other States or counties In last Sunday's is sue of the Charlotte Observer is a "write-up"-of the session of the Western North Carolina Con ference, held last week at Win ston, from which we are pleased to copy the following compliment to three of our former county- men: "Rev M. B. Clegg has finish ed his four years' pastorate on the Crouse work. He has taken 160 members into the church and built in the town of Crouse a handsome Methodist church. He and his brother, Rev. J. W. Clegg, are both choice men and good preachers. "Rev. W. F. Wombleisa four year man. He has had a fine four years' pastorate at Morgan -ton. He has taken 210 members in thevchurch, a handsome pipe organ has just been installed. The church supports a foreign missionary. All salaries and col- Superior Court. N The judge arrived ' hr lft Thursday morning abwut 10 o'ciuew, ttstVkUg diiveit ihl'QUh st ad of; thtr. tor tjfat ttfiort ti5.ia, m order ta time && &s had heesi u.si a.?oidUy detsmed at Union court trymjc a murder case, tm- raec&ately on his arrival court was opened and the following were drawn and empaneled as the grand jury: J. E. Sturde vant (foreman); W. VV. Dark, G G. Ward, L S. Andrews, Oran Dowdy, C. A. Culberson. J. W. Jones. H. I. Carter, W. C. Fe r- son, E. H. Jourdan, J. L Thomp son.' Minter Hairis, A. T. Bur- i f t -r-v T i gess, w jn. LMxon, J. j ranK Cook. W. B White, J. F. Stone and R. M. Clark.. The judge's charge to the grand jurors was a clear and con cise explanation of their duties and the responsibilities devolv ing upon them and was heard with close attention bv them and the bystanders. Solicitor Stack was promptly at his post of duty and began the prosecution ot the cases on the criminal docket, and th j follow ing were disposed of : . State against K. R. Baum; in dicted for false pretense; de fendant pleads nolo contendere and judgment suspended on pay ment of costs. State asrainst J. C. Lightning- burg; larceny; defendant pleads guilty and sentenced to the roads of Ansoncounty fer six months. State against James Cruteh-j field; assault with deadly weap on: defendant pleads guilty and ined $10 and costs. State against Dock Gotten; as sault with deadly weapon; de fendant pleads guilty of simple assault and judgment suspended on payment of costs. State against Dave Horton; as sault with deadly weapon; defendant-pleads guilty and sen tenced to pay the prosecutor and a fine of $15 and costs. State against Jean Farrell; as sault with deadly weapon; de fendant pleads guilty and judg ment suspended on payment of costs. State against George Pittman; carrying concealed weapons, de fendant pleads guilty and sen tenced to jail for six months with leave for county commissioners to hire out to pay costs. State against Laura Leach; disturbing public worship; ver dict of not guilty. State against Henry De Graf fenreidt; trespass; defendant pleads guilty and fined $15 and costs. The most important criminal case was that of the State against Dixie Alston, colored, who was indicted for burning the stable and barn of Mr. R. R. Smith, in Hadley township, on the night of the 25th of last May. This trial attracted much attention, and, at the close of the evidence, the judge said he did not think the evidence was sufficient to convict the defendant and he was discharged and a nol pros entered. Another case that attracted much attention was the hearing of the application by John Cheek for the custody of his five-year- old daughter, he and his wife having separated some time ago and she, having retained the child- After hearing much evi dence the judge refused to take the child from the mother but ordered that the father might visit it whenever he wished No civil cases were tried but several were disposed of by com promise and other .vise. County S. S. Convention. The county Sunday school con vention to be held here on next Tutnsday, ihii "Ah, promus' t no :mruttim?l im ve rrvenf. "V? h e save ail irt time wLU affect eserv Sunday school is. Chatham counts Its! tteee iwe Awjtt tt-vtiaWo parpoae is to braadea. the nri- ofthegripes f t, an iion 411a aeepea cpe mterest or ihileBS whert araUriui' .vch' The tax departWnt of the city gov ernment announces tlnt the :sessetJ voln' li-i..tf t:XHhl J i: JHiriy :a v VVf v UV - ; K ' Uktv,.iiHi. all Sunday school workers bv bringing them "together in aa an nual gathering to exchange ideas and methods of Sunday school work. Being interdenominational, it has not only the strength of its allied State, international and world s associations behind it, !?ut also the combined strength of all the evangelical denomina tions. Thus the county associa tion is no small affair it is not a stray key but belongs to a whole bunch of keys, which in turn is linked to all the denominations. The organized Sund y school work is so magnified these day-! that the Sunday school is no; longer a child's institution,though ; it is an institution for child rpn ; but it is aman's work and worth,, i of a man's best thought and ai tention. Its various department take hold of life in all its stages, from the cradle roll of the wee little tots to the home depart- Uetftedy is se4. Tins remedy has -won its gceat, reputation and extensive sale by its remarkable cures 1 colds and giip and can be reHed pem with im l!i?.it endence. For saie by nil druggists. The Monroe Journal says that Mr. Fisher Helms, an old soldier in Union county, who wpnt thr usrh the whole war and car ries five wounds this year mar'e with his own hands three bales of cotton and nine --two-horse loads of corn. He is 69 vears old and the mule he worked is 14. REPORT - of the condition of tbe SANK OF PITTSB9R0. AT PITTKBORO, IN THE STATK OF NORTH CAROLINA, at the close of business JSov. 10, 1!10. Resources Loans anl dis iuunts $P." . M't mpnti of thp Bffpd and invalid In the convention here next j ? ; Tuesday the work of all the de- j Nrorth car tiua State b mis, partments of the modern Sunday, au tier Kt ok.s. ttonds and school movement will be pre- Mon gages: io,iw.oo cpnfj anA th Statf association i 11 ,Hkluif usiml HO: fui sentea, ana tne .state i association Ilituresilld Ax,un wasi. 2.227.15 will have representatives present nun n Banks and Bauaers, i.,8is.nr to present expert advice on va- c i.h iieru.s zviAi -ioii filiinlau fifhnnl nrohlems. iIdd c iu .IM2.W rnu i,,i m; S"u vt-r coin, ind uding ail uii- the convention and a large and representative gathering from the schools throughout the coun ty is expected. f i 1 DO YOU WANT ! t&wtXMl Will for less mm , Dont have to think . twice to answer that quesrion, and it's as easily carried out if you'll come in .and see our slock. Copyright 1909. by Heisher Brothers, PhiLdt-lphia. Pa SUITS $5.00 to $18.00 OVERCOATS $6.00 to $18.00 W. L. LONDON & SON Nat 10 ml bank notes and oth er U. S. notes publicans can give thanks because they survived the cyclone and are still alive. -Thanksgiving services will be held here tomorrow at tn Episeooal and Methodist church es in the morning and at the Bap tist church at night. A collec tion will be taken up at each church for the orphans. Bang, bang, bang! -Every day may now be heard the nring of guns" as our partridge hunters indulge in their favorite sport. Many a partridge win pe snut tu- t . 1 T and tne re- o.Q 1 full snrl fKlon sur- plus on missions. Mr. Womble never fails to build up the church. Morganton is a choice station." Christian Conference. The annual session of the Wes tern North Carolina Christian Conference was held last week at Hanks' chapel, three miles east of this place, beginning on Tuesday and adjourning on Fri day. Rev. Thomas E. vvhite, of this county, was elected presi dent of the conference and Rev. Mr. . Patton, of Alamance, was Wrow as Thanksgiving Day is -elected Secretary. QX favorite time for hunt- In addition to the preachers be- ino- I longing to this conterence there ing j were several visiting preach- We regret to hear of a very ; erg in attendance. The reports unfortunate accident which be- from the churches were very en fell Mr. Bud Poe at a cotton gm couraging and the finances were at Gulf a few days ago. While lnever jn better condition. All catching gome seed in the gin his j the prt)Ceedings were very har right arm was caught by the saw monious anol 0ne of the oldest and so badlv torn that it had to ; minjsters said this was the pleas be amputated a few inches be- j antest session he had - ever at low his shoulder. tended. Of course all the visit- Blockade Whiskey. From all that we have heard since our court last week there must been a considerable quan tity of blockade whiskey brought here and drank by people attend imr court. This writer was too busv in the court-house to know what was going on outside, fcut we have heard since court much comnlaint as 'to drinking and disorderly conduct .during court week. If what we heard be. true there must have been a plentiful sup ply brought here, which indicat ed that "moonshining" wasrnuch indulged in throughout this coun ty.' This, however, is not sur prising when it is recalled that men are permitted to make whis key in this county without fear our county omeers interier- 1 1 .1 g witn tnemi Grand Jury's Report. The errand jury at our court j last week made the following re port: We, the grand jurors of No vember term of Chatham Supe rior court, having attended to the -business that came before our body, met by committee and examined the home of the aged and infirm and find the following facts: That there are now 14 white and 10 colored inmates, and all the inmates and their buildings are neat and comfort ably cared for. There are 4 head of mules, 17 head of cattle and 3S head of hogs. Also one two-horse wagon, one one-horse wagon, one cutaway harrow, one wheat drill, mowing machine and rake and other tools suffi cient to. carry on the farm worl. We also find on hand 150 barren corn, ousnet3 wneat. w uisi - els peas, 100 bushels sweet pota-! toes. 90 tons of forage. W e also recommend that the county home property be insured barn, sta bles and stock. We also recom mend that a well be dug and pump be put in same for the con venience of all the houses. ' "We examined the offices of clerk of the court, register ot deeds and sheriff and find them all well keot and the books ar ranged in an orderly manner. We visited and examined the jail m a Doay ana nna utat ui- lower floor of the jail is in a Daa shape and should be repaired. We also recommend that a change be made in the sewerage system so as to carry the sewerage on the outside of the house, and window panes be put in We also noticed a leak in the court house roof, on the south side. J. E. STURDEVANT, Foreman." Total $101,463 51 Liabilities. 1 C ipitfil stoc'' 10.000.00 1 Surplus fund 5,0 0.00 Undivided proms, lss cur- rentexuenss and taxes paid G4".3; Dividends unpaid : 50.00 Bills payabR 8,030.00 Time ceitificatesof Deposit 44, 94.20 Deposits, subject tocherk 32,414.." Cashier's Cnecks outstanding 1 ,014.2: Accrued Interest due deposi tors - 1,015.10 Total $102,463.51 jss. State of N Jit C Vft )LINA. Chatham County. I. M. T. William-!. Cadiier of the above-named bank, do solemnly s.var that the ajov-? tite;iienoirj true to tha best of my kiw ledge and belief. r' M T. WILLIAMS, Cishier. Subscribed and sworn to before tne, this ISth dav of Nov , 1910. G. It. I'lLKINGTON, Notary Public Correct Attest: H. A. London. R. H. Hayes, Jas. L Griffin, Director. REPORT of the condition of The Bank of Merry Oaks t. M-rry Oaks, in the State of NorU: Carolina, at the close of business No vember 10, 1910. KKSOUKIES. Loans and discounts Banking houss,$ ; f nr- 'hure and fixtures, Due from banks and bankers Silver coin, incl tiding-all mi nor com currency, is agon al hink notes and other U.S. notes . fx 5 EHAN CO, RALEIGH, N. C. NEW FALL STOCK OF ina Gents' Clothiers and Furnishers. Latest Styles and Newest Jlodcls. Hi" Our Chatham customers are invited to make our store their headquarters when- ever they visit Raleigh. TAXES TH E LAST CALL 150 CO ors were entertained Hermany -..,, . tll nnj AT T.ne Ullttuij i-? SeTth o Mrf- Fannie Bland who that neighborhood. most hos people of Chatham, 1,5 Iiee, a hra pps ihf ! ,nnii died last week at -Kaieig.n, k,-.. nhl,whe(l ;n Randolnh. I acotland. 507 52 years. She was in" parts of Chatham, Ala Mr.Henry A B and an da da ugh- and L in ter of Mr, William H-Hatch, de ni wiU held ceased, -wnoiorjnun j-- - th vnn.;0foi- nt ripens 01 una Senatorial Vote. The board of canvassers for this senatorial district met at Aberdeen on last Thursday and canvassed the vote of the coun ties for the candidates for the Senate in this district, and an nounced the result as follows: Coun- Lon- Me Don- Dock- Sneed ties. don. aid. 791 iii'l 5G-v Prejram S. S. Convention. The following program has been arranged for the Chatham County Sunday School Conven tion which meets here next Tues day, November 29: MORNING SESSION. 10:00. Devotional exercises. 10:30. Organization. Appoint ment of committees on constitu tion, place of next meeting, res olutions. ( 11:00. Address, "The County Association; Its Work," by J. Van Carter. 11:30. Round Table -"Organized Sunday School Work." AFTERNOON SESSION. 2:30. Conferences led by Mr. Carter. The elementary depart ment: the organized adult class department; the teacher training department. 3:30. Report of committees; nledes. 4:00. Round Table -"Sunday School Management " Mr. Car ter. The first train on the South bound Railroad from Winston to Wadesboro will be run Friday. ery. 1,3'.W 417 921 -457 (5G 1,398 i 417 ; 904 427 71 Totals, 5,197 4,973' n,2-9 3,221 It will be seen from the above that everv county in the district with the new church ference,situatcdirtiIoorecoaty. Democratic nominees. rtpon ni una "v 1 . . ... . . t - t TZJIaZ: ,,nrv commis- Ether, just admitted to the con- gave a goou nuyuiiviw uuhij mu - - forn(, gtlmulate the TORPID Livkk gtrengthea the digestive organs, regulate the bowels, and arc un cqu&led as an ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, L In malarial districts their Ylrtoes are widely recognized, as they pos sess peculiar properties in freen the system from that prison- Ete gaatty svgar coated My term of office as sheriff of Chatham coun ty expires1 on ' the first Monday in December, 1910, and I hereby notify all persons who have not paid their taxes to meet me and settle the s o ; same. The law requires me to settle State tax n,9M oi :es -0y januaXy ist, 1913. 'ihe law i equiresme to settle witn tne uounty uommissioners oy Total 9oi si mav 1st. lyii. r ' You see the law requires ma to SBttlrand jyou must bettle with me. I do not propose to 13,04.0 LIABILITIES. caoitai stock paid in 4,ooo oo fiWO or thrift vfiars in settlinar. and if vou do Undivided orolits. Utss cur- . . . OT . rent expsases . and taxes uatd Time certilicales of dposi! Deposits subject to chek r: i- S.9K' 42 Total s S ate of Nortu Oaruluia, County oi r'hathara, ss: I. Waller L. Norris, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge aid belief. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 19lh day of November, 1910. J, L) KiUHALiuaurs, Notary Public. My commission expires .Iarch 9th, 1911. Correct Attest: ,1 U. KOOTHK. THOMAS G. II )LLINS, JAS.M. OUAVEX. I not pay promptly I shall send a deputy to see you and you will have to ')) v eo3to. I intend to do what I say, so t is up to you. I wiii bo at the loliowina- places on the dates mentioned for the purpose of giving you ONE MORE CHANCE: Thos. W. Hobby's Store . November 28 Rigffsbee, (Morning) Noyember 29 Fearrington, (Afternoon) November 29 R. C. Council's Store, (Morning) -. .November 30 L. P. Council's Store, (Afternoon) . November 30 Ebenez-r, (Morning) December 1 W. M. Goodwin's. (Afternoon) '. December 1 , W. H. Cross' :.. . .. December 2 I Moncure ' December 3 James A. Knight's Shop December 8 i Kimbolton December 9 Silk Hope December 10 December 13 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Causey, t Afternoon V I " H 1 l:.. .....December 13 T Having qualified as administra- rrUtnn rvWn;ncr. December 14 tor of John 1. Council, deceased,! " ,V ,:r nUiA xear vreeK, VAiuiriiuuii ig.tmun Harper's X Roads December 15 Taylor M. Teague's Store December lfi Siler City - ' December 17 I thank the people of Cnatham county for promptly settling their taxes heretofore, and hone they will do so this time and thus save trouble and cost. J J JENKINS, Pittsboro, N. C. Nov. 11. IS 10. Sheriff of Chatham County. herebv notify all persons holding claims airalnsti said decedent to exhibit the same to me on or oeiore r.ne lay of November, 1911. This Novem ber 9, 1910. - A 1j. I' . 1 ft ix A I j isJl l j Ij . Hayes & Bynum, Attorneys. Leap's Prolific Wheat. The Most Prolific and Best oi Milling Wheats Yields reported from our custom ers from twenty-five to fifty-two bushels per acre. When grown side by side with other kinds this splen did beardless wheat yielded from five to eighteen bushels more per acre on same land and under same conditions as other standard wheats. Wherever grown it is superseding all other kinds and it should be sown universally by wheat growers everywhere. Wrice for price and "Wood's Crop Special" which contains new and valuable article, "How to grow big crops of wheat." T. W. WOOD a SOUS, Seedsmen, Richmond. Va. We are headquarters for Farm Seeds, Grass and Clover Seeds, Winter Vetches. Dwarf Essex Rape, Se4 WheU, Oat Bye. Barley, etc. ' Bexeufi&rc Fill CsSa&ec ssdfe& SAFE, SURE, SECURE! All money deposited with The BANK of PITTSBORO Is Safe,- Sure and Secure. Four per cent interest paid on all time deposits. Collections Made Promptly. The Bank of the County. W. L. LONDON, President. M. T. WILLIAMS, Cashier. y

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