- entici For Benefit of Women who Suffer from Female Ills 1 -Minneapolis, Minn. "I was a grreat fir I rolil l.eiAKiu tiuuuiEii riuvu causeu a weakness and broken down condition of the system. I read so much of what Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound had done for other suffering women I felt sure it would help me, and I must say it did help me wonderfully. My ' pallia ail iciii iuo. X new stronger, and within three months I was a perfectly well woman. I want this letter made pufclio to ghcT the benefit women may derive from Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Couu ound." Mrs. Jom G. MoLDiN, 115 "Second St, iNorth, Minneapolis, Minn. Thousands of unsolicited and genu ine testimonials like the above prove the f fiieiency of Lydia E. Pinkham's Veactable Compound, which is made exclusively from roots and herbs.. Women who suffer from those dis train? ills peculiar to their sex should not lc'e sisht of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound to restore their fce7:h. If you want special advice Tvrito to 31rs. Pinkbam, at Lynn, Mass. She vill treat your lett eras strictly confidential. For 20 years sho has been helping sick women in this way, free of charge. Iont hesitate write at once. b in' " - BIS "STOVE W HORSE CURED. Gextlesiex: Onr delivery horse was so badiy store tip in his fore leg and shoulder that -we could not use him. By using Mex can Mustang Lir.imer.t oa Lim he was com pletely cured and restored to the best of condition. Yours truiv, Kew Eerxe, N.C. JOHK H. FISHER. That's the kind of work Mexican Mustang Liniment is doing every day. No injury so severe but that this old reliable remedy can relieve it. Made of oils, it penetrates quicker and deep er than a lotion or watery extract. It's the safe and sure remedy. 25c EOc. $1 a bottle at Drug & Gen'l Stores. NORTH CAROLINA STOPS RAILROADING OF CASES. Federal Judge Connor Bars Cases Disposed of by State. In charging the grand .iurv at the opening of 'the November term of tne federal court at Raleigh, Judge H. G. Connor treated with special emphasis the relations of the State and the Federal courts, and declared his determination to maintain the ery best of relations and co-oner- ation. He declared especially aeainst a practice that he has observed of United States commissioners and otlfer Federal officers going into the Mate courts, especially the magis trates' and police courts, and seek ing out cases to be hauled into the United States courts for trial after the defendants havp alrparlv hf(n dealt with in the Sate courts. He laid down as a rigid rule to be ob served in his court that no defend ant was to be prosecuted after he had been dealt with in the State ennrfs. Hp inciefpH fhnt nffirrc of his court must keep this rule in mma in making up cases for the court over which he presides. PASSENGER TRAINS RUNNING. JfUii rxi mm Will stop and permanently cure that terrible itching. It is compounded for that purpose and is absolutely guaranteed. . It is a never failing cure for eczematous affections of all kinds, including : Humid Tetter Herpes Salt Rheum Prurigo Heat Eruption Flavus Kind Worm V,i Scabies (It) This last named disease is not due to inflammation like other skin diseases, but to the presence of little parasites which burrow under the skin. The itching they produce is so intense it is often with diffi culty the sufferer can refrain from tearing the skin with his nails. HUNT'S CURE is an infallible remedy for this aggravating trouble. Applied locally. Sold by all first class druggists. Price, SO Cents Per Box And the money will be refunded in every case where one box only fails to cure. MANUFACTURED OSLV EY A. B. RICHARDS MEDICINE CO. Sherman, Texas You Indoor Peoole must give the bowels help. Your choice must lie between harsh physic and candy Cascarets. Harshness makes the bowels callous, so you need in creasing doses. Cascarets do just as much, but in a gentle way. Vest-pocket box, 10 cents at drug stores. 851 Each tablet of the genuine is marked CCC. ITCH CURED IN 30 MINUTES. By One Application of Dr. David's Sanative Wash We guarantee DR. DAVID'S SANATIVE WASH to cure any case of Itch in 30 min utes, if used according to directions, or we "'ill refund your money. If your Dog has Scratches or Mange D;. David' Sanative Wash will cure him at once. Price, 50 Cents a Bottle It cannot be mailed. Delivered at your r.e.irest exnress oltice free, iiboh receipt of a cents. OWENS & MINOR DRUG CO. Richmond Virginia Ws tell yon how; and Vr' ri to for reference: and weekly price lit. H. SA3EL & SOfcS, LeCIBVH-LE, KY. Dt-atan. la Fur. H lata Wool. tUUMifchrd it il. RGMEMQEB Coughs o Coups New Winston-Salem South-Bound Railroad Completed. The last rail has been laid and the last spike driven on the Winston-Salem South-Bound Railroad. Mrs. A. L. Cornell, wife of the as sistant to the chief engineer of the company, struck the final blow. The new road runs from Winston-Salem to Wadesborc, 93 miles, and will be operated jointly by the Atlantic Coast Line and the Norfolk and Western, by whom it is owned. The first through passenger train carried the officials of every county through which the road fcxtends. Exercises in celebration of the completion of the line will be held at Winston-Salem December 15. Govenor Kitchin and other men of prominence will take part. Winston-Salem will make the oc casion an elaborate and joyful one. Each visitor will be furnished with an envelope containing street car tickets, cards of admittance to va rious clubs and invitations to pub lic buildings and to factories. At night a big banquet will be served in the Hotel Zinzendorf, at which many notable guests will be present. WOULD-BE FLIER DROPPED. Mountaineer Leaps From Cliff AVith Umbrella and Eagle's Wings. Charles W. James, of Madison county is badly broken in body and spirits as the result of an unsuc cessful attempt to fly from one of the large clefts of rock near his home. Having heard of Latham's flight over Baltimore and other less feats, James told his neighbors that he would show them the right way to fly. He took from his home a pair of antiquated eagle's wings and an umbrella and made his way to the cliff, which hangs 50 feet above the adjacent land. Tying the wings to his shoulders by means of a cord and hoisting the umbrella, he made the leap before friends could prevent him. When picked up in the gorge be low he was unconscious and a phy sician had to be called. He will recover. Summary. Greensboro owns its water plant. Last year it paid the interest on the bonds, all operating expenses and had a profit of $17,000. Plans are rapidly being made for holding a Lincoln county fair at Lincolnton on December 13th, 14th and 15th. This fair will be given under the auspices of the Children of the Confederacy and the proceeds will go toward placing upon the square, a monument to Lincoln county's Confederate soldiers. The North Carolina Conference embraces all churches in the State not included by the Western North Carolina Conference, which ad journed in Winston-Salem, the churches being divided into dis tricts as follows: Raleigh, Warren ton, Fayetteville, Durham, Wash ington, Wilmington, Elizabeth City.. Newbern. A Sunday School Institute will be held at Asheville December 6 and 7 at Grace Methodist Protestant church, under the auspices of the International Association. Another farm corporation receives a charter from the Secretary of State, making a dozen or more chartered within the past few months. The latest is the Green Farming Company, Aberdeen, capi tal 16,140, by J. B. Green, A. H. Page and others. The corporation pro poses to do general farming on a lartre scale. The report of the treasurer, Mr. W. T. Yancey, of Granville county, shows that a net surplus of $259.55 was in his hands as the proceed? of the fair recently held. The term "is piuribus TJnum" may well be applied to a crop of potatoes raised this year by Mr. R. F. A. Baker, of Winston-Salem. He planted 32 hills from one potato and has gathered two and one-half bushels of fine potatoes . from the hills. At the twelfth annual' convention of the Southern States' Associa tion of Commissioners of Agricul ture in Atlanta the name was changed to Association of Agricul tural Workers. Hon. W. A. Graham was elected vice-president; B. W. Kilgore, secretary. UNKIND JOLT FROM ADAM As if Eve Hadn't Sorrow Enough, Her Partner Had to Add to the Affliction. Adam had just received his notice or ejectment. He stared at it a long time in silence, while Eve, crouched in a dusky corner, softly whimpered. Presently the father of mankind looked around. As Eve caught his angry eye her whimper changed to a gulping sob. "Well," he sternly said, "you've cer tainly put us in a fine mess with your silly curiosity! And yet when I refused to have anything to do with your apple scheme you called me a poor fool. Do you remember that you called me a poor fool?" "Ye-es," sobbed Eve. "Well, there's just one question I want to ask you?" said Adam. "What is it?" gasped the first mother. "Who's looney now?" he harshly demanded. Then he turned away abruptly and started to pack up the family gourds and the tent poles. Cleveland Plain Dealer. She Covered Her Head. Scene, a country church of Episco copallan denomination in process of being decorated for the Christmas season. The rector, who has a strong leaning towards forms of all kinds is fastening a festoon of evergreen about the baptismal font, when, eu- ter Miss Dymple, who unceremoni ously flings her hat upon the seat of a pew and comes to his assistance. The rector suddenly observes that she Is hatless and remarks severely: "Miss Dymple, it is particularly for bidden that women shall come into the church with uncovered heads." "Oh, bother, I forgot!" responded the young lady Irreverently. "Well," grabbing up the rector's derby and setting it jauntily on her pert little head, "will this do?" The Lawyers Won. Asklt Old Skinnerd left quite a large estate, did he not? Noitt Yes; hut some of his rela tives contested his will. Askitt Was there much left after it got through the courts? Noitt Nothing but the heirs. There is not a vice which more ef fectually contracts and deadens the feelings than the desire of accumulat ing possessions. Mant. HAD TO BE POSTPONED. " 4r7 His Friend I fought you wus goin' to commit suicide, James? The Rejected I wus! but when I got to de river I remembered I'd for got me swimmin' tights. END STOMACH TROUBLE NOW Dyspepsia, Gas, Sourness or Indiges tion Go Five Minutes After Taking a Little Diapepsin. If your meals don't fit comfortably, or you feel bloated after eating, and you believe it is the food which fills you; if what little you eat lies like lead on your stomach; if there is dif ficulty in breathing, eructations of sour, undigested food and acid, heart burn, brash or a belching of gas, you can make up your mind that you need something to stop food fermentation and cure Indigestion. A large case of Pape's Diapepsin costs only fifty cents at any drug store here In town, and will convince iny stomach sufferer five minutes after taking a single dose that Fermenta tion and Sour Stomach Is causing the misery of Indigestion. No matter if you call your trouble Catarrh of the Stomach, Dyspepsia, Nervousness or Gastritis, or by any other name always remember that a certain cure is waiting at your drug store the moment you decide to begin Its use. Pape's Diapepsin will regulate any out-of-order Stomach within five min utes, and digest promptly, without any fuss or discomfort, all of any kind of food you eat. These large 50-cent cases contain more than sufficient to thoroughly cure any chronic case of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Gastritis or any other Stomach trouble. Should you at this moment be suf fering from Indigestion, Gas, Sour ness or any stomach disorder, you can surely get relief within five minutes. A Sure Cure. Mother I'm afraid Gwendoline is setting her heart on that young Pen niless. Father You think so? Mother I am almost sure of it. Father Well, he is not a fit person for her to marry. He is as poor as a rat and has no prospects. Something must be done to set her against him. Mother I have thought of that and have hit upon what I think is an excel lent plan. Father Yes? What is it? Mother We must tell her that we want her to marry him. He Never Shaved Again. Marmaduke What do you suppose that wretched barber said when he shaved me? Bertie 1 don't know. Marmaduke He said It remiiided him of a game he used to play when a boy called "Hunt the Hare." Dfffersnt. "That man wouldn't Touch a cent that didn't belong to him." "I know," replied- Mr. Dustin Stax "But how about giving him a chance at $10,000?" Couldn't Be Thankful. - Bishop Charles W. Smith at a har vest dinner. In Portland said ef the harvest spirit: ' "The harvest spirit is one of thank fulness, but there are some crabbed old farmers who couldn't be thankful if they tried. "I said to such an old fellow as he conducted me over his farm on a gold-' en autumn afternoon and showed me a record harvest: " "Well, sir, this year, at least, you've got nothing, nothing whatever to complain of.' " 'I don't know about that, bishop,' he answered, with a shake of the head. 'I'm afraid there'll be no spoilt hay for the young calves.'" Important to Moth era Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of i In Use For Over SO Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought. Virtue of the Lamp. Aladdin rubbed his magic lamp. "It doesn't run up a gas bill on me when I'm away in tho summer," he boasted. Herewith all marveled. The Simple Life. , , Mrs. Knlcker You iwill have to get up to light the fire. ' " ; , 'Knlcker Unnecessary, my dear; I never smoke before breakfast. . For GOLDS and GRIP Hicks' Capudinb is the best remedy re lieves the aching and feverishness cures the Cold and restores normal conditions. It's liquid effects lmmediatly. 10c., 25c., and 50c At drug stores- As gold is tried by the furnace, and the baser metal is shown; so the hollow-hearted friend is known by ad versity. Metastasio. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure consti pation. Constipation is the, cause of many diseases. Cure the cause and you cure the disease. Easy to take. Rumor is a. spark at first, then a fire, then a conflagration, and then ashes. W. H. Shaw. At sixteen a girl thinks about roses and poetry; at twenty-six her thoughts run to cabbages and money. BABY'S SCALP CRUSTED "Our little daughter, when three months old, began to break out on the head and we had the best doctors to treat her, but they did not do her any good. They said she had eczema. Her scalp was a solid scale all over. The burning and itching was so severe that she could not rest, day or night. We had about given up all hopes when we read of the Cuticura Remedies. We at once got a cake of Cuticura Soap, a box of Cuticura Ointment and one bot tle of Cuticura Resolvent, and fol lowed directions carefully. After the first dose of the Cuticura Resolvent, we used the Cuticura Soap freely and applied- the Cuticura Ointment. Then she began to improve rapidly and in two weeks the scale came oif her head and new hair began to grow. In a very short time she was well. She is now sixteen years of age and a pic ture of health. We used the Cuti cura Remedies about five weeks, reg ularly, and then we could not tell she had been affected by the disease. We used no other treatment after we found out what the Cuticura Remedies would do for her. J. Fish and Ella M. Fish, Mt Vernon. Ky., Oct. 12, 1909." A TIMELY WARNING. Cright's disease. Backache, headache, dizzy spella and distressing urinary troubles warn you of dropsy, diabetes and fatal Act intime by cur ing the kidneys with Doan's Kidney- Pills. They have cured thous ands and will cure you. Mrs. Joseph Bry son, 217 Perry St., Columbia, Pa., says: "My feet and ankles were badly swollen and my relatives expected me to die at any moment. Doctors did not understand my case and could not help me. Im agine my surprise at obtaining almost instant relief from Doan Kidney Pills. I continued until permanently cured." Remember the name Doan's. For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. NO MEAT IN THEM. Dr. Emdee You should eat meat very sparingly. Mr. Joax I avoid it altogether. I eat nothing hut lunchroom bam sand wiches. NEWSPAPERS TAKING IT UP Metropolitan Dailies Giving Advice How to Check Rheumatism and "Kidney Trouble. This is a simple home recipe now being made known in all the larger cities through the newspapers. It is intended to check the many cases of Rheumatism and dread kidney trouble which have made so many cripples,, invalids and weaklings of some of our brightest and strongest people. The druggists everywhere, even In the smallest communities, have been notified to supply themselves with the ingredients,- and the sufferer will have no trouble to obtain them. The pre scription is as follows: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce, and Compound Syrup of Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Mix by shaking well in a bottle.' The dose is one teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime. Recent experiments in hospital cases prove this simple mixture ef fective in Rheumatism. Because of its positive action upon the elimina tive tissues of the kidneys, It compels these most vital organs to filter from the blood and system the waste im purities and uric acid which are the cause of rheumatism. It cleanses the kidneys, strengthens them ,and re moves quickly such symptoms as backache, blood disorders, bladder weakness, frequent urination, painful scalding and discolored urine. It acts as a gentle, thorough regulator to the entire kidney structure. Those- who 'suffer and are accus tomed -to purchase a bottle of medi cine should not let a little incon venience interfere with m?kin this up, or have your druggist do it for you. Jim A Garden of Friends. One of the prettiest corners of a certain girl's garden is that In which every plant has been the gift of some special friend. The sweet old-fashioned flowers that bloom there have thus a double significance, and their owner persuades herself that while they flourish she may be very sure that she is not forgotten. A fragrant clump of pinks was set in place by her dear est school friend, and now that' this friend is living abroad she likes to think that every breath of perfume brings her a kindly thought of her old chum. A garden of friendship is a pretty fancy and one that gives last ing pleasure. No Unibn. . Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont,' at a luncheon at the Colony club in New York, urged on women the necessity for union. "If we are to get the vote," she said, "we must stand together. Too many women face this question as they face all others like the elderly belles at the charity ball. " 'What a flatterer Wooter Von Twil ler is!' said the first belle. " 'Why, did he tell you you looked nice?' said the second. '"No,' was the reply. 'He told me you did!'" "Beer" In Kansas. A certain Kansas editor always puts the word "beer," when printed in his paper, in quotation marks. "Why do you do that?" a subscriber asked him. "It is for the same reason," he re plied, "that we put quotation marks around the word 'ghost.' We don't be lieve there are any ghosts." Kansas City Journal. Free Cure for Rheumatism and Bone Pains. Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) cures the worst cases of rheumatism, bone painsr swollen muscles and joints, by purifying the blood and destroying the uric acid in the blood. Thousands of cases cured bv B. B. B. after ail ether treatments failed. Price $1.00 per large bottle at drug stores, -with complete direc tions. Large sample free by writing Blood Balm Co.. Atlanta. Ga., Department B. Making It Palatable. The Barber That's great soap I'm using on your face. It's made of corn meal. The Victim I think it would taste better if you put some milk with it. Ycnkers Statesman. TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. No Wonder. "I thought I would introduce a real cow into my comic opera." "How did it work?" "Didn't work at all. The milkmaids frightened the cow." TO DRIVE OtJT MAtABIA , AND BUILD CP THE SYSTEM Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTHLKSS CHILL TONIC. You know what you are taking. Toe formula is plainly printed on every bottle, showing it is simply Quinine and Iron in a taste less form. The QuiiJne drivoB out the malaria ind tne Iron builds up the system. Sold by all lealers for SO years. Price M) cents. Somebody's Darling. "Don't speak so harshly to that lit tle printer's devil." "Why not?" "He is somebody's angel child." For HEADACHE Illeks' CAPITUINE Whether from Colda, Keat, Stomach- or Nervous Troubles, Capndine will reUeve you. It's liquid pleasant to take acts immedi ately. Try it. 10c., 25c., and 50 cents at drug stores. Good sense is not a merely intel lectual attribute. It is rather the re sult of a just equilibrium of our facul ties spiritual and moral. Lavater. Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Sore Throat will not live under the same roof with Hamlins Wizard Oil, the best of all remedies for the relief of all pain. A quarrel merely proves that one of the parties to it hasn't any more sense than the other. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing' Syrup for Children teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle. The charm of long drawn out. the unattainable is Doctors More Thorough. A physician .at a dinner in Denver sneered at certain Biblical miracles. "Lazarus," he said, "was raised from the dead and yet I don't see any dead folks laeing raised in our time." "No," said Rev. Herbert H. Tres ham, the Biblical scholar, with a smile. "Modern medical science has progressed too far for that, eh?" Washington Star. Sharp. "She's wonderfully sharp." "Yes, whenever she cuts for a prize she always wins." Tliff s The dyspeptic, the debilitated, whether from excess of work of mind or body, drink or ex posure in M i MALARIAL REGIONS, will find Tutt's PHls the most genial restora tive ever offered the suffering Invalid. lyour fnrentlon. Free prelimin ary search. Book .et free. M1LO B. ST1LV1CN3 ft tO.. Ksiab. 1864. K53 utn tu. vvasiunKton; zou uearDoin dc cnicago. Fflrm WanliSf! sale or rent: also town lot F tillUS naniCU and cook's. CUaDts prepared to buy. Send particulars and lowest prices, Fer eason NaUonal Realty Co. 505 Fifth Are., New Tork. PaTEHTi m no mi ri"J5, km m .xperience Weak and delicate ladies need Cardui, to bring ros2S gjj Read this letter from Mrs. Albert Root, of Amanda, Ohio, R giving an account of her experience, and how she found f3 relief: - "I was hardly ever without a headache, and often had RSi a misery in my back and sides," she writes. "I was sick W in bed half the time, and suffered a great deal from neu ralgia of the stomach. Since' taking Cardui, the woman's tonic, I have gained 10 pounds, and now I can do all of my own house-work, and washing, and my friends say I ook like a different person." S3 a Tlie Woman's Tonic mm ft ft m i CC56 LI Mr harmfnl pffprt? ran' nrvssihlv mmfi to VOUHET Of old from the use of Cardui, the woman's tonic. Thousands of ef women have written, like Mrs. Koot, to ten oi tne great m benefit they obtained trom its use. Cardui is a reliable tonic. Its ingredients are mild, mpdirinal herhs. actino- mainlv on the womanlv constitution. H and building up both nervous and vital energy. ia Pure, strictly vegetable, safe and reliable caraui is an Wl ideal remedy, for delicate, ailing women. Try it. At all druggists. fe?3 3 $3 3,5G & $4 SHOES vMIH Boys' Shoes. 2.00, $2.50 & $3.00. Best in the World. Tha tcrsofiis cf rca h!das. irfsJii.'j p.niiiy nrln- U II" yu on saLs SaathBr. now cnahScia sim fa aive tho wearspisiora value forh's monsy, bstisr and longer waapfsig ss. tif.tiU ana 94 ncos taan 1 esoina give p-wyMwn fa ttsn tspitr rtzvsssar? izo that ray shoes have been the standard for over SO yeara, that I make and sell more $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 shoes 1'ian any other manufacturer in the v.ii., and tnat Dollar lor uoiiar. I Guarantee My Shoes to hold their shapo, look and fit better, and wear longer than any otfter 53.00, $3.50 or 4.UO snoe3 you cim Duy t pre Quality has made my shoes The leaders of the World. tiaii You will be pleased when you buy my ehoe3 because of the fit and appearance, and when it conies time for you to purchase 6P, uiiotiier pair, you win more m;ui pied&cm uei:tuau ms CAUTION ! namlff,dpriceWn NO SUBSTITUTE If your dealer canuot supply you with W. U Poiinlas Shooe, write for Mail Order Cata;o?. . V . iMUULAlS, 143 Niiark St., ISroclLlon, Uati, President W. I.. H hoe Co. THE STEADY WHITE UCKT The Rayo Lamp is a high grade lamp, sold at a low price. There are lamps that cost mora, but there I s no betterlamp made at any price. Constructed of solid brass; nickel plated easily kept clean; an ornament to any room in any house. There Is nothing known to tho art of lamp-making that can add to the value of the RAYO Lamp as a light kIvIpk device. Every dealer everywhere. If tot at ygurs, write fof descriptive circular to the nearest agency of the STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) Will Keep Your Harness soft as a glove tough as a wire EbSack as a coal Sold by Dealer Everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY "Incorporated) For Pink Eye, Epizootic Shipping Fever 1 Catarrhal Fever Sure cure and poBltlvepreventlve.no matter how horeeea t any etf?e are Infected ijiquia . pi ven on m e tongue ; slcib ud uie diuuu anu uwuud: .uw is from the body. CuresDietemper In Dog nd Hheep ana Cholera In DISTEMPER or"exposed." poisonous crerm Poultry. Larires t selling live Htock remedy. and is a fine Kldnev remert v. 50c and (1 a bottle Keen it. Miow toyourdnitrsriwt. who will tret It for you. Causes and Cures." Special Agents wanted. Chemists and Bacteriologists Cures La Grippe onion? human belnga fh and (10 a doren. Cut this out. SPQHN MEDICAL CO., Ftee Booklet, "Distemper. GOSHEN. IND., U. S. A. mV S A SCHOOL WITH A REPUTATION for DOING HIGH GRADE WORK - t r x r w INCOW0ATED One of the lest equipped schools in the South. THE LARGEST, THE BEST. The Btronprt faculty. MORE GRADUATES IN POSITION'S than all other Business Schools In the State, BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND and ENGLISH. Write for Handsome Catalofrue. AddresH KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, Kalelffli, North Carolina, or Charlotte, North Carolina. (W We also teach Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Penmanship, etc., by mail. Bend for Home Study Circular. REASE Keeps the spindle bright and free from grit. .Try a box. Sold by dealers everywhere. STAN DAM D OIL CO. ( Incorporated) rjPTIRMSfcE? fiTSraftia 16 ounces to -other starches only "DEFIANCE" 13 iUel tho packaga 12 ounces same price and SUPERIOR CJAUTY. Aids Nature The great success of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery in curing weak 6tomachs, wasted bodies, weak lunrfs, and obstinate and lingering coughs, is based on the recognition of the fundamental truth that "Golden Medical Discovery" supplies Nature with body-building, tissue-repairing, rnuscle-making materials, in con densed and concentrated form. With this help Nature supplies the necessary strength to the stomach to digest food, build up the body and thereby threw off lingering obstinate coughs. The "Discovery" re-establishes the digestive and nutritive organs in sound health, purifies and enriches the blood, and nourishes the nerves in short establishes sound vigorous health. yon dealer offers something "jast as good," it Is probably better FOR HlM'it pays better. But you are thinhin$ of tbo cure not the profit, so there's ncihia "Jast S3 good" fop you. Cayjsot x Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, In Plain English; or, Med icine Simplified, 10GS pages, over 700 illustrations, newly revised up-to-dute Edition, cloth-bound, sent for 31 one-cent stamps, to cover cost of wrappicg and mailing only. - Address: Dr. R. V. Pierce, BuiTalo, N... 00 11- sy CURED Gives Quick Relief Removes all swelling In 8 to to days; effect a permanent cure in 30 to 60 davs. Trial treatment given free. Nothing can be fairer. Write Dr. H. H. Green's Sons Specialists, Box B, Atlanta, Ga. ALLEGER CO. GET AN ALLEGER PIANO The Standard of Perfection. GET AN ALLEGER ORGAN The Standard of Perfection. Established 88 years. Address Lock Box IS, Washington, IT. J. Restores Cray Hair to Natural Color; REMOVES DANDRUFF AND SCURF Invigorates GiiJ prevents the hair from falling off. For sle 1 Orui,i;ist., or ient Direct bf XAMTHI?JE CO., Richmcnd, Virginia F(!c SI Fer eulc: Sampl Bottl 35 Send for Circular W. N. U.f CHARLOTTE, NO. 49-1910. Pi .i - it it i .1 4 4 4 ' 1 II: 'It J ... . - ,-m -it 7

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