Tf flie dbatbam TRccorfc H. A. LONDON EDITOE A1H PROPEIETOE. . Sf 61 11 ii VII X 13 II II I fit EUr -H H .1:3 S3 tl 3 I L " i mJS For Lfirgcr Advertise I - -:: - - - ' ; ; - ' mcnts Liberal Contract - " " t n I-t tt tt t r i i r t rt TTi f ' t t r frnMFqnAY T AMUAPY 1Q11 NO. 21. t will bo mado. PL 1 I jdUKU, vnz-v l nnm www m - - - - - . . - TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: S I -SO Per Year STRICTLY tfi ADVANCE : VOL. XXXIil. THE LEGISLATURE. The General A33embly Uorth Carolina convened tmllorl bv the Democrats! ' (Tammanv Hall) and the. othei II x - in its city (Philadelphia) being con- regular biennial session at noon then, is almost as much corruption in v WASHINGTON LETTER. ?rpm iir Regular Cocreayoadeat Washington. Dec. Ua l.-ibo nf thp holiday season. From Ocean to Oceau at Panama. According to a time-table of transits today, as prescribed by our State j constitution. The Senate was called to order by Lieutenant Governor W. C. Newland who is ex-offieio the presiding officer of that body, and after the sena tors had been sworn in an organ ization was perfected by. the election of R. 0. Self, of Jackson county, as principal clerk; Mark Squires, of Caldwell, reading clerk; R. M- Staley, of Wilkes, doorkeeper, and W. G. Hall,, of Cumberland, assistant doorkeep er. Senator H N.Pharr, of Char lotte, was elected president pro t tern. The House of Representatives was called to order by Mr. T. G. Cobb, the principal, clerk of the last House, and after the mem bers had been sworn in the fol lowing officers were elected: Hon. W. C Dowd, of Charlotte, speaker; Mr. T. G. Cobb, or ivior jranton, principal clerk; D. Scott Poole, of Cumberland, reading clerk; G. L. Kilpatrick, of Le noir, doorkeeper, and U- ri. James, of Halifax, as assistant doorkeeper. As usual at the opening of every session there were many applicants for various positions w rf thp Senate and ia wtc - - House, most of whom were of course disappointed, for only a few of the many could be suc ccful In this connection we cannot refrain from urging this Legislature not to have so many employees as are usually given positions by our Legislatures tt ,Tr,-a nocr more men and rui jcoa t'-j - boys have been employed in the Senate and House than were ne cessary, simply because nearly every member of the Legislature insists upon one or more of his constituents getting a place. oi tne proportion to population as thare is in New York or Philadelphia. This subject of commission government in the cities of this State will be discussed and con sidered at a meeting of the North Carolina Municipal Association to be held at Raleigh on the 18th of J.inuarv. and no doubt a 0111 30. With which Colonel" Goethals has prepared, ' UiPkft hours will be allowed the slow- le close oi tne uuuuay scu, .--,- tvmiIlA i.h.,.ni. here is a renewal of activity in . anow3 three hours for passage the executive, legislative and ju-;thnjugh the locks. ,The canal, from iicTal branches of the" govern- deep water to deep water, when conv nent in Washington. Barely two pieted will be so 1-2 miis ioag and months Of the life of the present '.the distance on land will be 40 1-2 Congress remains, for at the j ,nfpassing fronl the Atlantic to the hour of 12 hi. on the 4th Ot ; 'Pacific Bille the ships will enter the March the Gist Congress will ex- j eanal from LimoS4 Bay, passing pire by limitation, men neariy j through a ci,annel sou feet wide to (ia- twplvp months must elapse be fore the Congress elected last November can assemble and be- work for which it was tun, a distance of about seven miles. Here it will enter a series of three locks i in llisht. and will reach at once the " w - t-nvm gm the worK lor wnicn il was j h j ti f the canai , 85 feet. will be prepared lor introduction , Thi3 .g an ed g h y t eiexa . il'rtTT- k -T 17 1 1" A- I .1.---- I m the Legislature to auuw 3 clumsy arrangement, ior it nut eity or town to vote upon the oniy puts off till tomorrow what luestion of a commission form of ought to be done tqday, but mul- T-rv'frriinprit. 1 , i tt 1.4- 4-U ! hundred days. nuwevu, m. Over this lake. heatnenrage Decause 'l!e;swill move at full speed foradis- the remeuv must us unuusu (iatun Lake; This is the immense lake forme! by impounding of the wa ters of the Chagres griver by (iatim dam and will cover an area 01 steam- HASTY LEGISLATION. There is an old saying that "advice is cheap," and no d' 1 very much advice will be given our lawmakers now in session, and yet at the risk of -being pre sumntuous we would most earn estly urge upon the members of our Legislature not to delay, un til the closing days of the session the nassage of most of their laws. It has become the custom of our Legislatures to enact most of the laws in a rush near the close of the session, and this is a cus tom which we hope the present Legislature will not follow- JJur ing the rush of legislation in the closing days of the session many bills are passed without due con sideration and which ought no to be passed and would not be nassed if the members knew tbpir contents. We know this to be true from personal experi ence and attention has recently been called to it by Secretary o State Grimes. In his forthcoming report Sec retary Grimes says that the Leg islature of 1907 passed 1,535 acts, of which 1,245 were ratified dur ing the last twenty days of the session, and that actually 237 ratified on the very last m (IV m m J. L -Nisseo Round Hbttfltl - Wagon. f 1878. 1911. Thi was notoriously tru Populist and Republican Legisla, j were . io nnA 1SQ7 when! dav. llZ wereso many employees of the laws ot the sessmn of 1, v loiKv that tneviwere emuueu xw when! dav. He says that per cam ' 4 AAA ratified dur- lnnfino- in the lODuy uiat tucj x , - nctuallv in the way or me mg me j most OI inufctj unia vvciv. "v.v. were members anu viSiW1. : iT mto nd We hone that our lawmaKera consiueieu w - wiUhav a session that will be it is a physical impossibility for will nave a & obioUbo rnmmittee on enrolled bills to 1 4- tnOTYl MI'll II1UJ11U'V mv vv. pieasanv, w mus egislation, it is almost impos sible of attainment. A measure of prime import ance which will be urged by the President, the Secretary ot War, thp Secretary of State and by members and Senators in both houses of Congress, is the prompt fortification of the Panama ca nal, especially at the western end. Defenses against modern dreadnoughts cannot be impro vised in a night, and it is impos sible to exaggerate the import ance of protecting a work upon which so much money has oeen spent and which is so vital to the protection ot the racinc coast. The new year opens witn me Urited States at peace with all the world, but the words of Pat rick Henry, "Gentlemen may cry 'Peace, peace,' but there is no peace," are just as true now as they were in irrfb. mere is no peace in the family, no peace iii the apartment house, no peace between owners of adjoining farms, and the United States having extended its borders to Panama, the Hawaiian Islands, the Philippines, Guam and tne Aleutian Islands, , is in perpetual rasping attrition with the rest of A . -r . lit liJ i? the world. It mignt oe Detter n we could give away or sink the Philippines and let the Japanese poachers have all the seals on the Pi ibilof Islands and escape 1 l - r cs" ma quarreis uy cuiihiiiii& uuiccnvo tj antebellum boundaries, but we are in a situation of having and holding and can't let go. Therefore, it is wisdom to strengthen our hold with war ships and fortifications. It is doubtful if the Mikado's croverr.ment knows anything tance of 1i miles until they reach Has Obispo, the entrance to Culebra cut. ianrth of l!ulebra cut, is about nine miles, the minimum width of the channel being 300 feet at the bot tom. At Tedro Miguel, one lock will lower the ship to the level of 51 2-3 feet above the sea level. The descent from Tedgro Miguel is to a lake 1 1-2 miles long ending in the Miratlores . . ii .-. 1 locks. Two locus will lower me wi to the sea level. Passing through a bottom channel 50i) feet in width, jS vessel will then pass out to the Pacific, jg covering 8 1-2 miles in the sea-level channel. From llealmng the Dream of Panama," by Ueorge F. Authier, in the American Review of Reviews for January. - .the -Best . fflzde. All Sizes ia Stock. m SUBSCRIBE TO ie Recori For Nearly YEARS The Record il When buying a cough mediciae for children"bear in mind that Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is most elTectual for colds, croup and whooping cough and that it contains no harmful drug. For sale by all dealers. Notwithstanding this country has the test (ire fighting equipment in the world, it each year Joses more than two hundred millions of dollars by tire. This is four or five times as much as is lost in all the European countries.- JOE W. MANN AT BYNUM Extends New Year's Greetings to his customers and friends and solicits a continuance of their patronage. I 7 I 1 to the State. iney win, course, be criticised, sometimes unjustly, and will not be able to please everybody, but we hope that they will give as little cause for complaint as possible and so act that they will deserve and receive the plaudits of their constituents. Saved at Death's Door. The door of death seemed ready to onen for Murray W. Aytr-i, of Transit Uri.ltrp. Xew York., when his life was wonderfully saved. "I was ia a dread' ful condition," he writes, "my skin was almost yellow ; eyes sunken; tongue coated; emaciated from losing forty pounds, growing weaker daily. iru lent liver trouble pulling' me down to death in spite of doctors. Then that m itfhlpss medicine K'e -tric Bitters ' ' " " TT7, : MM " -- PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS I cnrei me. 1 regained tne w pouiuis. jvi.v. o , .-i, s4rnnQ. For all about the alhsred wire;ess sta- troubles 5Uc at all druggists. have read them after being en rnllpd: In such a rush not only are many bills passed that ought not to be passed, but many that are meritorious are not properly en- roiled and are defective. Of course more bills are passed necessarily near the close of any epssion than near the beginning,- because all bills are, or should ,r,a r'not C3vtmn . ananese are said to have built on the loneljr ihy- J cm C0SS0VERSMENT.!be du.y rfZ Among other acts ymcn committees rarely report many present Legislature will be cah-j QomQ tmQ after the ed on to enact is one providing , hM What we for government by commiiotf j urge .g that the commlttees An not delay their work out t fv.;a Rtata that may in any . , desire that change. This meth r1 of government was started in this country only a few years ago at Galveston, lexas a u .: has proved so beneficial there that many other cities ; have since adopted it and it will no doubt be adopted by a majority of the of the United States- The object of the commission method of government m cities is chiefly to t municipal go emments out of politics and con ducted on business principles By it the affairs of the city are committed to a commission of five of the city's best men, to each of whom is entrusted the coasts of the Philippines; or that Japanese merchants are smug gling arms and explosives to our alwavs more or less rebellious dependents. What a stupid con traternps it was, anyhow, o the Snanish. war for us to have for feited Cuba and to have fasten ed the Philippine millstone around Aiir npf f . Representative Longworth, of York l-vl Viocs rnmp hack to Washing- i naif 1 ,;th tbp c,-mnlte draft of a'.omces each day. hUl prpatme a tanft commission, and it is said that Payne, Aid rich, Dalzell and the rest oi them are in favor of such a commis sion and that legislation on the subject will be com Dieted oetore the 4th of March. The bill as drafted creates a commission of fivp mpmbers each with a salary and ot tne memoer- A Greensboro firm has a con tract with the Southern Bell long distance for half an hour with New York at noon each day; For fV,; cbi-imVp tnp firm navs $300 a month. The service is worth thousands of dollars, beer.use the firm is thereby enabled to run t.vvn hio- businesses in both New York and Greensboro py tms half hour conversation with both FROST f CVi" RANTEED TO SATISFY CUSTOMERS Has done Its utmost To promote The Prosperity Of the People of Chatham County. SSL V TPAOft MARK COPrniGMTEO - t'.ni et'l for t!i most tn-isuy. . - Also irrow ful! liTieof We sow ihroa tens of Cabbagajjwa Wm. C. Ceraty Co., Eesc ts9 Ycsges iaad. . . . . - - a i j I i i u I k THE RECORD is the "Old Reliable" that can always be i depended on. ' w promptly consider and act on all them, so as to i nf 7. noo. . , i-,o nir.o nf chid r.nt. more than three are to avoid tne xuau uu political tne session. Medicines tliat aid nature are always inot elTectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It allays the cough, relieves, the lungs, opens the secretions and aid3 nature in restor ing the system to a healthy condition. Thousands have testified to its superior excellence. Sold by all dealers. A thousand voters in a single Ohio county hav pleaded guilty selling tneir FATALITIES IN AVIATION. While wonderful progress was made last year in aviation yet there have have been many fa talities, the list numbering thir- j ty of the most noted airmen in the world. On last Saturday two of the most famous aviators in the world were killed while flying through the air in their machines. One was Moisant, who had made ! the noted mgnt irom .uuuuun mi. 4-..r i -vtiina i Tr lie ii r,r VAmiu.c ui X 11" C-CllvlCll vAXi-.w ' ; w ' . . Wachitia-fon. but the commission i yjtes at the recent election specific responsibility for certain j and who was killed at New x . oi ii share a Ken- ? . , -..j i,nv Orleans Saturday, arm tne uu Hoxsev, wno oniy nu- Mnndav- had broken was rrepe.dinsr qll records for altitude, having a . : i..:U4--P 11 A7A feet. flown totneneigutox i dpnartments and all share a g eral responsibility and are on their good behavior, since they are elected for a short term and are therefore subject to frequent expression ot th VV""" over two miles! It will be generally conceu-, continued attemp that our municipal governmeuw .ave need some reform and improve; & won(jerful.deter ment. It can naruiy ected that this commission form pe esiaonsii- been .Avirr,mpnt. can IJX ujn-i"""- V . for sm-: a" ! . t cities as eJ (at Iii such large and New York ?.n Philal'-lphia. j s?vaft and sr-: iriination to succeeu us. a o. daredevil spirit that amounts to recklessness and a tempting oi Providence. pays the Chi The Anvric public bier ic ruption prevail tu - .000 a tent one city is empowered to meet anywhere and is given wioe powei ui i lection and collation of facts The bill authorizes the commis sion to go into the cost oi pro duction ot all articles ano to in vestigate the wages paid at nome and in foreign countries, aiso uie prices paid for raw materials, whether imported or uumcout The maximum and minimum clause of the present tantr law is re-enacted in the bill. The members of the commission are to be appointed by tne nesiuent. Killed ia Foolish Play. Special to the Charlotte Observer. Snartanburg, S. C., Dec. 30. Having returned from a hunt to day and while pointing the guns at each other in playful manner, the gun in the hnnds of Alex. Donahoo was a..cioeniaiiy - un charged and O. B. Lynch was instantly killed. The entire load took encct m r,i hU head vhzh wa literally blown off. Botn boys about IV years oi of weii Known anu farmers. The acci- tr e A Wretched Mistake to endure the itching, painful distress of piles. There's no need to. Listen: "i citTAroii lmieli from mies. wrnes Will. A. Marsh, of Siler City, N. C, "till I got a bo of Bucklen's Araiea Salve, and Avas soon cured." Burns, boils, ulcers, fever sores, eczema, cuts, oharmed hands, chilblains vanish be- A fore it. 25c at all druggists. The twerty-sixth annual ces sion of the North Carolina Asso ciation of City Public Superin tendents and Principals will be held in Raleigh January 26, 27 and 28- The Value of Trees. Prnni the Xew York K veiling An Indiana man who recently chopped di vva a noble walnut tree belonging to a neighbor was sued for damages by the owner of the property, and a local mag; ,vt-ni.-i fvavA inrltrment for So orvflinst. t.ho ohender. Tne ver- v.a crimated commercial val ue of the tree, and the figure coAmPfl ridiculously low, even from that point of view. They look at such things in a different wav over in New Jersey, as a brief narrative will prove. Mr. v. Nevins. of Merchants- ville, had growing in front ot hor residence a row of five beat - tiful maples, which formed part of the landscape and possessed on endnrinsr charm for their owner and her neighbors. These trees were all killed by gas es caping from a main which, it ap pears, was not propyl for by those responsible, lne court took the same view of the case, too, for when Mrs. Nevins sued for damages the other day the jury promptly awarded her a judgment for $2,000. Mani festly the New Jersey estimate is something like the real thing. Every citizen of CY intham : caskets A full stock of Coffins and identiy based solely Caskets alwayson hand and. sold at all prices. All kinds and sizes. B. Nooe, Pittsborf , ount to -i .1111 l.M I IIL. LV7 . The Record and thus keep 2 his county's affairs. i ii raOOUREO ftNC DEFEND E-D . A IVe jio. how to oi-uru-i -iui, era JJ'aiJ". :.. Sci3 niudcl, .3 covvryLi etc. M ALU COUNTRSrS. Easiness direct w:.:h Vra-hi,:S Un saves tune, noiev and cften tw pxi-.i-i.. Patwt and lafrinrament Fra;:::. .isive'.y. VVASHIN3TON, D. C. are bothi sons nrosnerous nrtiifkArl inst over ??U, TJC nnrl t.h cor-l colds, whooping ura oi $945,-! oner of Polk county held an m- A Wild Blizzard Raiag brings danger, suiTering often death to thousands, who take colds, coughs and lagrippe that terror of winter and spring? Its danger signals are "stutied up nostrils, lower part of nose sore, eh ills and fever, pain in back of head, and a throat-gripping cough. When i grip attack, as you value your life.don't i delay getting Pr. K ng's New Discov- L.' Dunn, of Pine Valley, Miss., "after being 'laid up' three weeks with grip." For sore lungs, hemorrhages, coughs, cough, bronchitis, at!.ma it's suDreme. -oOC; i. uar- France is making unbreakable glass- m Lr. 5 trs g h if y 1 Low Round Trip n 3 21 After eating, fereon. cj cbnmshaWt of these Pius, if yu e c a lirfsfinas HolidayRates Via Seaboard Air Lin' Aeeouni j 31 ft Lav Only 3 Cents a Wee t Subscribe now and get your neighbors to he-' low beingj00,000a year for meat. I quest anted by ail druggists. nssNKiMG TOO MUCH, they will promptly rtJicve the nausea, SICK HEADACKE-- - f re the appetite and remove gloomy feel lols. Elegantly sugar coated. Take No Substitute. Christinas holidays I from sill iK.iillts nil iS Hue. Halts will be. on l-a.-in of 1 er ( cent double (he one-way fs'!tYLtK'1-il! ' 4fc l,a mi K.:'!e le(vmH.T 1 to lih . inclusive, 21st to 'ioth iiicuimvo, lht 31st, lillO. and January 1st, lid I. I V nal return limit .l.:rr.;rry Sth, 11)11. For -full intonivdion a-4 to rates, ar.iofhilo?. etc.. call on your local aent -"'""'"""'"StTiiMU.. 1 Division Passenger Agent, i - ltaleigh, N. C. subscribe. j f