Zhc CbatSani 1cor&. H. A. LONDON EDIT03 AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: S1.5Q Per Year STRICTLY IN ADVANCE 3 3 ii II SO J II R (1 She Gbatbam "Record VOL. XXXI11. PITTSBORO. CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8. 1917 NO. 26 THE LEGISLATURE. of the votes at the next general More than half of the session election. - " has pas ied and n'ght sessions are The Senate judiciary committee being held occasionally in orcer hid a most unique hearing at i s to transacj: businesi in time to meeting last Friday. A bill had avoid the U3ual rush-in the clos-j been introduced by Senator Cobb, ing days of the session. It is , of Robeson county, to change the earnestly hoped that the . busi- name of the Croatan Indians of ness of the Legislature will be! that county to the "Cherokee transacted as speedily as possi-! Indians of Robeson'' and the com sible so as to give proper consid- jmitteo had. this bill under con eration to all measures that may jsidarafcion. Ia advocacy 'of the be on the calendar duiing the 1 bill were several Croatans pres closing days. lent with their attorneys and We are pleased to note that j there were also a few full-blood-the bill to prohibit the sale of ed Cherokee Indians from the "near-beer" has passed the western -part of this State pres House by a most decisive vote, eri't in opposition to the bill. The 91 to 7, and will no doubt be i Croatans claimed to b'e descend passed by the Senate by an al- j ants of Cherokee Indians who most unanimous vote. And ,hid settled ia Robsson, while the particularly gratifying to all friends of temperance is the fact that this bill was voted for by both Democrats and Republicans without any political or partisan bias. As passed by the House the bill doe not go into force and effect until the first of JuneJ next.. The abolition of the near beer saloons will be a happy rid dance of a great nuisance. The House has passed (as a joke, we must presume,) a bill introduced by Judge Ewart (the Republican leader) to levy a tax in his county (Henderson) of one dollar on dogs, justices of the peace and bachelors. He said in advocacy of his bill that dogs are killing sheep, scratching fleas and spreading hydrophobia all over the county; bachelors are afflicting the county and retard ing progress and growth in spite of the fact that Henderson has the prettiest girls in the world and justices of the peace, more than a hundred of them, are af flicting the county and the State with cost of books and other sup plies to which they are entitled by reason of their office. The "new-county" question is still unsettled and is causing much discussion. Another new county, in addition to those here tofore mentioned, is being asked for. It is to be formed out of parts of Wake, Nash, Frar.klin and Johnston to be named "Ran som.'' There is no probability of this bill being passed. The bill to create Hoke county out of parts of Cumberland and Robe son passed the Senate by a large majority and it is now thought that it will pa?3 the House. It is not thought that "Pied mont" will be created . and "Avery" is now in doubt The advocates of Hoke county were wise in pushing their bill ahead of all other proposed new counties. A bill has been introduced in the House to forbid putting fel on's stripes on persons convicted of misdemeanors. This bill o eight to be passed, for it is not right to humiliate or degrade as a felon a person who may be convicted of a simple assault or other petty misdemeanor, that involves no moral turpitude. - The House has passed by a con siderable majority the bill to amend our divorce law so as to put a wife on an equal footing with the husband in obtaining, a divorce on the ground of adul tery. While such a bill seems only just and right, yet it may make much easier the obtaining of divorces, and would (we fear) cause many more divorces to be granted. The passage of this bill bv the Senate is doubtful. Charokees present insisted that they were not Cherokees and wore not entitled to the name. The chief of the Cherokaas could not sp2ak English and an inter preter wa3 necessary. We are surprised that the Rob eson Croatans should now claim to be descendants of Cherokees, for they had heretofore claimed to be descendants of the "Lost Colony" of Roanoke Island. We suspect that this attempt to change their name is an effort to secure a part oi the government mono, that is annually paid to the Cherokees. . - We wish to commend the ac tion of Speaker Dowd in refus ing, last week, to appoint two more so-called "laborers" in the House, although requested to do so by a pstition signed by over ninety members of the .House. The truth is, more "laborers" have beerl appointed already than any need for, and the number should be decreased instead of increased. MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE. Trial by jury has long been re garded as one of the bulwarks of liberty and has long been the boast of the English-speaking people, and therefore when a jury grossly perverts justice by a ver dict the public mind and con science is shocked. Miscarriages of justice too often occur by ju ries acquitting murderers and other criminals, and such miscar riages are calculated to bring into disrepute our boasted "trial by jury" of which all Americans are proud- A recent miscarriage of jus tice occurred at Wilmington last week when the jury acquitted a prisoner whose attorney had of fered to plead guilty of murder in the second degree if no longer sentence than ten years was passed on him! No wonder the presiding judge could not restrain his just and righteous indigna tion and severely censured the jury for such a verdict! Heavy Sncw ia Washington. Washngton, Feb. 6 A heavy snow storm. has Washington in. its grip this morning, increasing in intensity every hour- The snow came with the dawn and street car traffic is already ham pered. BLIZZARD IN OHIO. Toledo, O., Feb. 6. -Northwestern Ohio is today being swept by the worst, blizzard in years. Railroad trains are hours behind schedule, while telegraph and telephone service is practi cally paralyzed. One death has also been caused by the blizzard. Fishing Village Drifts ta Sea. Hebinerfors, Finland, Feb. 6. i An entire fishing village of 253 ' . t t man wh'h h?ui hpn stab lis tied liy a vote ot to zz tne nouse v;, tside of Bjorko has refused to pass tne bill Pr0" j sound was carried out to sea in viding for a convention to amend a gaie on Friday night. The dis the constitution. Many good 1 aster was not discovered until reasons were given for not hav- ' morning -when . the village was i i. . ,vr, already out of sight. Boats have mg a convention, but those op- to theKrescue but have posing it admitted that there nofc yet returned. should be amendments to our. State constitution.' It is to be! The report of the condition of hoped that our legislators will the State banks at the close of A, ,,x business January 7, 1911, lies now promptly agree upon the bie Corpora more important amendments and tjonx Commission and thesum na them, so that they may be marv shows the total resources RATES OF ADVERTISING Onm Sijaare, oao inertlod One Square, tw laertleas.... ,t-o One Square, e meatk. ....... tij For Lfcrgcr Advertise ments Liberal Contracts will be made. WASHINGTON LETTER. I Chatham Teachers' Association. r Shot by Blackaders. From oar Regular OorrosDonilant . Washington D C Feb 3 1'(litor?f The llecord: Special to the Itaeh Times.- An extra session 'of Congressaf- T,he Chatham County Teach- Lillington Feb 3.-vvednes- ter the 4th of March is more than ers Association for white teach- day evening Sheriff James B.Li- probable. Congress is pulling in ers for the central Part of the nier and Deputy Chas. H. Biggs, several different directions. Cer- hed an interesting meet- accompanied by special deputies tain Senators and members of Iast Saturday, m Pittsboro. John Dorman Will Johnson and the lower House are kicking and . inere were sixteen teachers Dr. b. ii. Douglass went to Buck balkine. The lesson of the last ! Present, ten of whom are mem- Horn township to capture a - I J 1 7 1 t L, I I 1 r i i m 111 i i congressional election is unheed- j Ders, 01 teacners reading circle DiocKaae qistnieryv ed nr misnnrif.rf-nnfl 9nnli a on the second year s course. ( only the vvorm and self-pvident nrrvnnsiHrm na fha i The topics for discussion were: rels of beer. The beer was turr They found several bar- primer of sanitation. We expect to hold a similar meeting at Mt. Vernon Springs graded school Saturday, the 11th inst., at 11 o'clock, for the west ern part of the county, and one at Merry Oaks - for the eastern part of the county Saturday, the 18th inst, at 11 o'clock. The same topics will be for all three of these meetings. All white teachers of the county are ex pected to attend one of these meetings. There are three factors which determine whether or not a teach er is entitled to a certificate in the first year's course in the reading eircle: (1) To have read the recitation. Idylls of the King and North Carolina Education. (2) to have stood successfully the examination on Theory and Practice of Teaching; (3) attend ance upon the meetings of the county teachers' associations. Those who successfully prose cute the teachers' reading course for four years, . holding first grade certificates, will be enti tled to diplomas in the public school Course. R. P. JOHNS 3N, Co. Supt. Pub. Ins. Pittsboro, Feb. 6, 1911. voted on next general proposition as desirability of reciprocity with Canada is opposed bv a Senator from Texas and the speaker of the House from Illinois and by a recently elected Senator from Massachusetts; and all have some backing in Congress. Senator Bailey, of Texas, and Senator Brown, of Nebraska, have both given the Senate to understand that they are itching to filibuster and it is evident that within the three short weeks remaining the appropriation bills cannot be passed without making conces sions to recalcitrant elements in Congress; The president wants a tariff commission. The Democratic ma jority that will control the House after March 4th wants no tariff commission, but wants to pass a tariff bill of their own invention and constructiou, though how they can do it with the Senate and white house in opposition, no man and not even any woman knoweth. There is prospect of the pass age or a homeopathic parcels post bill. Well, let us be thank ful for small favors. i"or many years the monarchies of Europe have enjoyed an excellent post bill, as also some of the semi barbaric nations of Asia In 'fact, it seems that this blessing is pos sible in nearly all the despotisms of the old world. But in our own despotism of interests with rep resentatives in Congress it can not be had. With forty thousand rural mail carriers with their pockets barely full of letters and newspapers, many of them driv carts or four wheelers, an excel letttequipment for carrying pack ages of eleven pounds each to the farmers and other rural res-H idents, this blessing necessary to country people and necessary to the Postmaster General in order to enable him to extinguish the postoifice deficit, is not attainable- It is too good for Ameri can citizens. Reciprocity as the next thing to free international trade would be the next best thing in the worU. With reciprocity, fleets and armies might be discharged, custom houses abandoned, taxes reduced to one-fifth their pres ent enormity, and living ex penses turned back to the mini mum cost of our great-grandfather days. The reason this coun try is superlatively prosperous today is because of the unham pered reciprocity between the States. Then why not a little reciprocity with our. good north ern neighbor? Why? Because of Congress, politics and the devd. How long will Americans be beguiled with the lie that we are a free country when we are governed by a bedlam legislative body, many of the units of which are incapable of looking much beyond the little corners of the nation in which their several dis tricts are situated. But this is not the whole of the ugly truth. Many of them are under the influence and the pay directly or indirectly of the the corporations that have con tributed to send them to Wash ington. They are not vthe rep resentatives of the people, but the attorneys of trusts who serve their masters by robbing the people. How otherwise could the United States be so long be hind the monarchies of Europe and Asia in the enjoyment of a cheap parcels post? Give us re ciprocity, give us a parcels post, give us free coal, free lumber, free wool, free raw material and 'free cooked material. Cease leg islation in favor of interests. nisfrnt.innp thp traditional Chi- npsp rvolifv now abandoned even The Union Pacific and the by the Chinese of shutting out Southern Pacific Railroad Com t Hp rest, of the world in order I panies have decided to double fhnf inf-3rnrl rnhhprs msv have ! track their lines between the (1) Character Building; (2) San-edout and- the barrels burned itation; (3) The Teachers' Read-.and while the officers were re ing Circle. The discussion on turning home they were fired at the first two topics was based on - by sim one hid in the bushes. Jean Mitchell's school and the Several shot struck sheriff La- Convicts Fight Fire. Jefferson City, Mo., Feb. 6. To the heroism of th i convicts of the State penitentiary who helped fight fire which destroyed the Missouri capitol last night was attributed today the saving of a large portion of the city from the fiame3. Gov. Hadley, who led the fire fighters in person, was one of the heroes of the town today although the great est amount of praise was be stowed upon the convicts. Par ions will be granted several of the convicts as a reward for their work. The convict fire fighting team has been congratulated by the citizens for their daring and be cause not one male an effort to escape. Thelos3 will be over $1,000, -000 and many valuable documents that can never be replaced were destroyed. You are probably aware that pneu monia always results from a cold, but you never heard o-a cold resulting in pneumonia whenChamberlain'.s Cough Remedy was used. Why take the risk when this remedy may be had for a triile? For sale by all dealers. Uncooked Food Family. Pittsfield, Mass., Feb. 5. A remarkable family of vegetari ans has been discovered living in the North Woods, three miles from here. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Tyler and their three children live entirely on uncooked vegetables. Raw potatoes, turnips, parsnips, cab bage and onions are a large part of their diet. - Cereals are eaten uncooked. Their son, O. B. Joy ful Tyler, a pupil in the Russell school, has never eaten meat or drank tea or coffee in his life. They have a daughter, Lucy Drinkwater Tyler, who eats six raw potatoes for luncheon. How to cure a cold is a question in which many are interested just now. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has won its great reputation and immense sale by its remarkable cure of colds. It can always be depended upon. For sale by al! dealers. hrst mag- Missouri river and San Francisco. The cost is estimated at $75000,- nier's hit -and three shot were extracte 1 e'rom Dr. Douglass' head which seemed, to be a little too hard for the shot to enter very deep. TOWN BONDS ELECTION! Nitie i hsrsby iven thai an elee tion wilt In rici-I it thitow.iof Pitts boro, Nor h .Car-Hint, on Situriiy, i he ilth d.iy of Mtrh, 1911. upm the question of said town issuing bDnds to the amount of ,O30 for street im provement of sai-1 town. Said b nds are to run or to le payable in thirty years from date of issue and the amount of tixes propped to be levied r r the payment of the interest ani to provide a sinking fund for the pay ment of the 'principal of sai i bonds shall not exceed twenty ce Us on every $10 w rth of property aul six -ty cen s on the poll. At such election those who favor an issue of said bmU ani the l;vyi-t.r of the taxes shall vote a vvritte i or print ed baHot with the word? "For li vids," and thosdopp jsed s irill vote a written or printed ballot wi h the words 'Against Roods." t. R. Pilkington has been appoint ed registrar and II. A: Bynum and J. J. Johnson are appointed poll-h ddeis for s ii lection. Iy or ier of the board of conimis-sioi-ers of Pittsbor. . Ii. XOOE, Mayor. This February 7th, 1!)J1. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Hav irijj qualified as executor of the last will and lestamentof Mrs. Mary 1 4. Powel', deceased, 1 hereby notify 11 pe sons holdjng claims against said decedent to exhibit the same to me on or before the 8th d;iy of Feb ruary. l'I2. v. l. i-oxnoif. A. London & Soo, Attori.e.t a. Feb. u.irv 4th. i'.fl i. 4 a. 0 FECIAL LOW RATES a SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY Account Southern Canraercial Caagress, March 8th-l0th, I9ll. Aca-junt of t e S mthera Com mori iii Cui'ress which meets iu Atlanta Mar h 6th-10rh,ru 1, the Seaboard Air Line Railway has authorized, low rout. d trip rates frou: all p ints o;i its lines to Atlanta, G.i. Tickets will b3 o i s de March 5th, 6th, 7th and for trains scheduled to arrive in A'l n!a morning of March St h. Tickets limited to return Mreh 20! h. The Seaboird Air Line Ins excellent double dailj service to Atlanta, trains consisting of hifj'i-elas l'ullrtian sleeping car.-?, dining car servk-e. also high-hack-seat vestioule coach es. For r ites, reservations, etc., cll on yo ir .oca! agent, or ad dress II. S LEARD, Division Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. c . a s; o & o & o c o i c c t o ft o c K o ti c ft o noatoosoisooiooioioor,oo Sale of Land for Taxes. Xotice is hereby given that at a sher iff's sale of land for taxes on the tub day of June, lftlO, I bought ISO acres of land in New Hope township, listed in the name of Robert Johnson estate, for delinquent taxes for the year l!Wi, and if not redeemed by the Ith day of June, 1911, I will apply for a deed for the same. V. S. WJEBSTKR, Apex, N. C This 1st of February, 19.1. unmolested play A statesman of the nitude has appeared on the hori-000 zon, and the nation is looking to-! ... y n 4lY" n " ward New Jersey. i Llfe Saved at Death $ Door' - -- 1 ' "I never felt so near my grave," Tortured for 15 Years writes W. It. Patterson, of Wellington, by a cure-defying stomach trouble that Tex., as when a frightful cough and baffled doctors, and resisted all rente- lung trouble pulled me down to 100 dies he tried, John W. Mod-dors, of pounds, in spite of doctor's treatment Mod'icrsville, Mich., seemed doomed, for two years. My father, mother and lie had to sell 'his fmi and give up two sisters died of consumption, and work. His. neighbors said, "he can't that I am alive today is due solely to live much longer.'' "Whatever I ate Dr. King's New Discovery, which coin- Sale of Land for Taxes. Notice is hereby given (hat at a sher iff's sale of land for taxes on June ih, 19 K, I bought ;5 acres of land in iulf township, listed in the name of Thomas Brothers, for delinquent taxes for the year 19us, and if not. re deemed by the ;th day of June, 1911, I will apply for a deed for the same. W. H. WARD. January 2-1, 1911. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Hav ing qualified as executor of the 1 st vali ant testaiten" of Jehu .A. Peoples, dee'd, 1 hereby no ify all per sons holding claims against said Ie cedett to exhibit the .same to on or before the Is1" day of hehrnary, 1!)12. This !st of February, 1 f J 1 - HIJH F. PEOPLES. II. A. London & S n, Attorneys. ; EXECUTORS NOTICE. -Having !qualitv-d as the Executor o OLIVER r 3 S 'S r -SvS.vS . if il it i) ) Hi iki ) Hi ib vi it it) v? iv it viz iB b f & ii il b m m w in m m Chilled Plow A car-load just received in all sizes. ' See the new Oliver subsoil plow. If you are not vising an Ol iver plow you do not get the best results for your work. W. L. JOE W. MANN AT BYNUM Extends New Year's Greetinors to his customers and friends and solicits a continuance their patronage. of 0 FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS GUARANTEED TO SATISFY CUSTOMERS FROM THE ORIGINAL CABBAGE PLANT GROWERS. m r Early .it C. RSKY WAkFlLO. CHABLEKioN LAV.GETYJ'i -. j i BITTOKSaiOS. iUOl'ST THUrKKK, EHOI!T.SThv it l-arltr.L A bit. !!iitr ;.AT lll i TR ,de: MAPK COP YRIGHTUO EstabSished 1 2G3. Paid in Capital Etock $30,000.00 We irrew the ftrst FROST PROOF PLAMT S ill kow have over twenty incins'inu vauauc j TifstiTjcrs. Wp hare crown nf sold more cabbafre plants than all other peraon in the .Souttiarai 9?ts eombini. WHY? Because our plnots must or we seril vhit tnont-y latL OMir uow : it 1- ti iie t'i -t th(e plnntf in your a-ctiua to Kt tU eaj ly ciibbuircs aaU Ut-y turn Uio Ulied Wist sl'U for t!e most money. We sow three ions of Qzbbm Seod per season gZSEZ, 1'niittiei'saiiflurp.aiiientals. Write fur free catalog ot if .ex-proof pbtiits of ttif best TgrU-tii-K, coptaHiinrr val liable information about frnit and vegetable rrrowtnir. Price on rHlilnice 1'liintn: In tots of WKi al S1.0 HciO to fiiX) l U) xt tbonpjtiid: 5.030 to S.OO0 tl.Sa lr thousand: 10.000 and uvcr $1.00 per thoiifjimi. f . o. b. Yonuvs Island. Our apecUl expreaa rata an plants is very low. Win. C. Geraty Co., Box 159 Vougcs Island, S. C. East Carolina Teachers' Training School, GREENVILLE, N. C. Spring and Summer Courses for Teachers 1911 Spring Term, March 14 to May 23th ten weeks. Summer Term, June 6th to July 2.)th eight weeks. The aim of this coirsB is better to equip the teacher for his work. TEXT BOOKS: Those used in the public schools of the State. For further information address, R0BT. II. WRIGHT, President, Greenville, N. C. Coffins and :: caskets :: A full stock of Coffins andj Caskets always on hand and sold at all prices. All kinds and sizes. B. Nooe, Pittsborc.N. C. WOOD'S SUPERIOR Sale of Land for Taxes. Notice is hereby given that at a siier ilT's sale of land for taxes on. June ;th l'.)10,,l bought -Jo acres of laml in KoeK llcst town isl lip. listed in 'tiie name oi 1 ).!.' J-ove heirs fur ielintient taxes for the year l')(JS, and if not redeemed by June , 11)11, I will aj)lv for a deed for the same, . . V. 1 1 '. VA I ID. January ;24, 1011. distressed m-a," ho wroie, ';ti)i I tr;ed pletely cured me. Ismv I : 1 ach pounds and have been well and stronj by the people at the and liabilities to be 163,412,244. -ral election, as re- 53. Compared with the state- TV JTl I I I PI H II i.M:' 7 1 : i.;! At!' II quired by the constitution, ivery lon Novcmb8r .30. 1910, amendment must be passed by there is an increase in capital 4.v,. -AffU. Pfl,"h house .-4.ir f Jtl f'Ki fnprepjif in 1,1 ! 1 t-'.-:- u l luo vuiv. DiAJia. vii- tiiuviu-i 1 irnuiiit;. .1 ul as iiv.t 1 11c hvci . . of the General Assembly and deposits, $2,070,60024; increase and kidneys. Every bottle guaranteed. "OUDles; f"a ttoL adopted OnlySOcatG.n.Pilkmgto. Quaiaateed by Q. weigh 1ST g !quaiiiv-a as me jxccu-ior oi s the last wih and teMament of Saivn- 1 Notice is hereby jrrven that at a &uer der Smith, -d'sceased,-. I horh.v--n'")- j ill's sale of land for taxes on Juii th, Ufv ail persor s hol Jini claims agnritt-li)l, I bought 2 acres in; Xew Hope ;nid dft tdeut io exli'.bit -the same to township, listed in the name of lim- the ltd v d irVi- bet !i Hros., tor tteiinnuent taxes lor tne ... "r i r is'-. , 1.1 . ? i 1 ,i riiM r v v i - -w - w.-a.s-,- v- tningS l couia noi- iui ytsais.. it s uest remeuy on enrtu lor uou-us, cuius, w n KTm.I.r, IftiVi .hvnf June. 1 will arrolv for 1... 1 !.t fnr wst ..-i.i.ih . . , . " v. . ' surav s ic lagnnpe, asthma, croup anu an inroai. . Moncure. N. O 1 a deed for the same. . I .This 1st of Eebniary, 1911. I January ;ittt um Klectric Bitt(?r-s, wiir-ih wor; wonders for me that I can iv.w eat fjr years." Quick, safe, sure, it's the ine on or bel eed Oats We ofTer all the best and most productive varieties clean seed and first-class qual ities. , Hie New Washington Burt or 90-Day Swedish Select Black Tartarian Red Rust Proof, etc. ' Wood's Crop gives prices Special'' and our De scriptive Catalog gives full in formation about Oats and all other Farm and Garden seeds. Wood's Seed Catalog and Crop Special mailed free on request. T. W. WOOD & SOI.S, Seedsmen, - Richmond, V&. TL Pilkingtoa Sale of Lancl for Taxes. Notice is hereby given that at a sher iffs sale of laud for taes on June (!lh, KdO .bought 11 acres in (iulf town ship, listed in the name of John Maul din estate, for delinquent taxes for the year I'JOi), and if not redeemed by the 6th day of June, 1911, 1 will appiy for a deed for the same. W. II. WARD. This 21th January, 1911.

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