1 Jl! r J t -, " I- f n ;t1 , A1 His nianv friends will regret to Returns After 2G YeW AbUfce.n 1 hC (slTcltltCim rJvCCnrfl hear of his financial embarrass- it's' cuJt'onkryf n. .'towns land '!romjiheSiter City Grit. t ment and all nope tnat ne cities that pave their sidewalks ; .Leaving' home when a mere5 soon arrange his affairs satisiac- to require the ? owners of abut-" lad in quest" of fortune and re- j torily and resume business. ,r j ting property to pay a part or all turning, after an absence of 20 j " r ' ! ! of the cost. A3 the charter of years, in , comfortable) circum-i Personal Items. I Pittsboro did not authorize this, stances after having been given tt m k "a" special act had to be passed at up for dead such is the roman- 1 -XT fc the present session of the Legis- tic story of a Chatham bov, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 191 1. LOCAL RECORDS. -Today is Washington's birth day. Another lot of nice cabbage plants just received bv Brooxs & Eubanks. Call at once. R.J. Moore, at Bynum, is stili selling shoes at cost- Get a good shoe for a little money. The thermometer was down t" ten degrees below the freezing point at sunrise this morning. Atvvater & Limbeth. at By num, are now.tiking their an nual inventory, and daring this monththey offer special bargains- -Dr. J. H. Ihrie (dentist) will be at Pitts boro the first Mon day in each month for one week prepared to do all kinds of den tal work. Vvc put on sale today for one week one thousand yards of em broideries at 62 per yard. Those goods' are worth from 8 to 15c v per yard. W. L. London & Son. We have several small lots of shoes, hats and extra pants that we want to close out before we receive our spring stock. Ask to see thesf. We can save you money. W. L- London & Son. Our good friend Dockery, of the Rockingham Post, was rath er premature in making tun of The Record's old groundhog. May-be he now realizes tnat the groundhog knew what it was do ing when it-wnt back into its hole on the 2nd! For the information of our Chatham huntsmen we will again mention that they can shoot pa-tridges and turkeys until next Wednesday, the first day of March. The Legislature has ex tended the time from 15th of February to 1st of March. The following postmasters in this county were appointed last week: Fall ('reek. William M. Kiser in place of E- 0. Phil lips, removed; Millwood, W. W. Dunn in place of C. W. Oliver, removed: Rives Chapel. Mrs. Jennie Hart in place of T. B. Wornblo, resigned There seems to be very little "opposition to the proposal to is sue $5,000 worth of bond.- for the permanent improvement of the streets and sidewalks of Pittsboro. It is now thought that there will be a large major ity in favor of the bond-issue at ths election on the 11th of March. Mr. Stanly fCing. of New Hope township, died last week after a long sickness iv.id was buried at Mount Gilead church. Some of the family took a notion that his body won id be stolon and have employed a man (at a dollar a night) to guard his grave. Won der if such ever be fort; occurred in Chatham? The sagacity of The Rec ord's old groundhog was vindi cated yesterday morning and even the most skeptical had to admit that the winter was not over. A blizzard swept over the nor th nnd a snow storm chilled the Mississippi valley. There was a most decided drop in the temperature all through this sec tion. The citizens of Matthews township will hold a good road? meeting at Siler City next Sat urday, the 25th, and discuss the question of that township issu ing bonds for the' improvement of its ronda- If that township takes this forward step then probably some other township in the county may follow its exam ple and do likewise. On last Triday afternoon a destructive 'fire at the county homo was narrowly averted. A spark from the cook stove set fire to the roof of the kitchen which was soon in a blaze, but was extinguished by hard work after most of the roof had beer burned. The superintendent, Mr. W. II. Ward, was at work in the new grounds and ran to the fire in time to stop it from spread ing: -VThe "King road-drag" is so h'ghly recommended and is so cheap that we are surprised that several of them are not used in ttiia county. Wherever tried they have given satisfaction, and be-, ing so cheap and .easily made . they ought to be used in this county. Tijyy smooth over the holes in- (day roads (like ours) and fiH up the pores, so that when the next rain comes the smooth ' surface of the packed day will turn the water. Why not try a t few -of them? 1 . Mr. Joe W.Mann, of Bynum, filed a deed of assignment here in the register's office on last Monday, with Mr. 'Fred. W. By num as assignee. His indebted ness, as set out in .the assign ment, amounts to $G,474.'J4 The value of his assets is not stated. He reserved his homestead and personal property exemptions- Carrie Jackson. Mrs. F. E. Thomas, of Wades, a visit to norma. o furo okot-Ioo T3,,,i At tv, A" 1ft Mrs. T. H. Currie, of Fayette-j An act to. amend the charter 20 years ago, young Boy'd left his vlllo is visitincr her sister. Miss of the town of Pitts boro. North home to seek employment. He " O ' . - m Carolina. . moved irom place to place until "Section 1. That the commis- finally his people lost track of sioners of the town of Pittsboro him and frave him up for dead, shall have full power and author- j He at last located near Jackson ity from time to time to grade, j ville, Florida, where he became a curb and pave the sidewalks of j man of some property. Recently said town with brick, stone, ce-j a triend told him of t seeing his ment or other material that may j brother on a train in North Car- be decided on by said commis- olma and of hts; saying that he " -'I '.-,JVV. .. 1 rr.: - . ' . . ' Ik I That there is more to a Fertilizer than f sioners. and to reouire . every 1 was on his wav to see his mother boro, is visiting hi r mother, Mrs Mattie Hawkins. Mr. J. H. Fell and family, of Trenton, New Jersey, are here on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. H. A. London. Misses Lilhe and Carrie Hill jowner Gf real estate abutting on ! in Chatham. That revived his have returned from a- visit to ie said sidewalk to pay one-half j old home-love and he imrnediate their aunt, Mrs. E. vV. Pou, at!0fthe cost of pavinjr said side-lately returned to this county to Washington, D. C- ! walk along and in front jof said ! see his people, arriving at his property: provided, that in no; mother's, Mrs. Amanda Boyd, case shall the abutting property j near Bear Creek, week before, owner be required to pay more : last. . Of course he was unreeog than fifty cents per square yard, j nized at first, nor did he recpg That such costs and charges shall j nized his people such changes be a lien on all such abutting ! had Father Time wrought in all real estate from the commence-; in twenty years and when thej ment of the work, and when said ' recognition came it was sweet work is completed in front of the 1 indeed. It was truly an occasion i abutting property, the owner or for the fatted call, and right well Air j. ivi. xiUFKe a ioinii cogt thereofT and his part of,said Chathamite, died last Saturday cost ag aboye specifiedi shan at at Maxton where he had been re- 1 ufl(inmo rhia a nnvihl tn . Rev. W. W. Rose, of Frank- linton, is here on a. short visit, and his many friends are pleased to see him looking so well. Mrs. H. A. London, who has been quite sick for the past two weeks, is now much better and hopes to be up again in a few days. "The Dixie Eid." ''Little Tony" Hill (as he is known here) has become quite a noted light-weight pugilist up property for the current year and may be collected in the same manner that other taxes are col lected, or may be collected by an A" X 1 . 1 " X.1 North where he has been living jacuon irpunu several years. It seems that he name of said- tow.n 2P"nst s;d can sport diamond rings, as wi!ljwne,r ?rS in thefSuner be seen from the following ex- ?rt ot Chatham county to en tract from a Rochester (N. YJ f?ore sa,fd in which action judgment may be taken for the 'Thilhp Lewison, the Front jaleof said property to .satisfy street pawnbroker, was served the amount due said town to with papers in a suit brought f.et th costs ot said ac againsthim for conversion yes-. tiom Said action may be brought terday- It is claimed that Lewi-! time within three years from son refuses to surrender proper-111?,. 1G completion of ty belonging to Tony Hill, a col said work for the purpose ot en ored young man. known as 4 The iorcinjr said lien. It shall be the Dixie Kid" jduty of said commissioners to ''Hill is employed at the Selden ,cause the cost of said paving in company and owned two dia 'each case to be entered 4y the mond rings valued at 2S0. A ! secretary on a booic kept hy him few nights ago another colored f?r purpose and it shall be youth, whom' he had taken in : duty to collect the same and and assisted showed his grati- account therefor in tue same tude by stealing his jewelry. Hill : mnnf,r as the taxes 01 sald reported the matter to the p!!ct tu)Yn- .. and a couje of detectives made! lf1th(- elation on f .v ilta a round of the pawnshops. Thev loi .f.larch results in lav-rot 13 found one of the rings in Lewi-! UOOwortn of townb )nds, son's place and it is said he ad- en the owners of prrperty mitted buying both of them from aoutung tne sidewalks will have the nl!e7od thief. He naid fl fori10 W one-nail 01 tnecostf pro the rings. had married since leaving home and has now a family of several once become due and payable to children. Miss Minnie Boyd, his t r londa witzi on a visit property and entered on the tax list of said town against said siding several years artd was one jgaid town andlf not paid on de- sister, returned of that town s most properous mand may ba asSessed upon said him last week 0 aria pruiiiiiieai. uusincas iiic-n. I I I I I ; That there is more to a Fertilizer than Analysis is proven conclusively by the results obtained every year from Royster Fertilizers. They are made froiji experience obtained by actual field experiments cf what the plant requires, and net from ready reference formulating. Every ingredient .in Roysfer Goods is 1 selected for its plant food value, and has ite work to do at the proper time, therefore ths . plant fertilized vith ROYSTER goods is fed regular from sprouting time until harvest. Ask your dealer for Roystcr goods and see that the trade-mark is on every bag. When you ses this x you laiow that you are getting the genuine and original ROYSTER Fish Fertilizer. F. S. ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY, rAcrorjrs and salts crnccs: KORFOLK, VA. TARECRO. IJ. C COLUMBIA, 3. C. 6ALTIMORE. HO. UACCN, OA SMfirAHBySO. S. C. COUM3US. GA. MOKTCWav. t.LJL. I 1 . . 'Ji Beauty of Color Painllrg. Nice shades of color like-L. M. Tuxedo Yellow or Silver Irny, s;I iil trim of Olive or Shaker tSrecn, tvnh ornament aiul wear, when used Uy Ui of a vllon of oil i v.-l k iUm oitucL. .V M. 00 lore us rn'slii.vrat faelory. Tlren the paini costs at er jtnlJon because o t hi ;i-elf makes about half, the inU".Mft, :uk1 r?( luces cost by adding iVnri. Thirty-live years usein . A. i'c S. A Our sales nents are- XV. 4. lmlun tc Sou. M4M.HHM Killed la a Runaway. Special to the News and Observer. Benson, Feb. 10 Mr. Bill Frank Lea, a wealthy and prom inent farmer, of Oak Forest com. j munity. .eight miles east of here, .v.,',.,m-i j-.,, killed in a most horrible man- inn m uie wwn gaie, just ease of Benson, at 12 o'clock today. Mr. Lee left home early this morning for -Ben3on, and had reached the city limits, when his mule, becoming frightened, ran iaway, throwing him out. between Sanford Express: Work is bp-: the wheel and shaft, breaking his ing pushed on the now steel nk and crushing his skull, from bridge that is heir g built by the which he death resulted almost Southern Rail way over Deo:) riv- ; instantly. er at Cumnock. The vvvr bridge j will be four feet higl'.er than the 'lien lier child is indaiiKcraAvomnn old one and will ha : cjnrrete . wiI1 risk her life to protect it. Xoreat piers. 1 Crosstis are being1 aei of heroism or risk of life is nccts placed on the right-o"-vav.of the s',r' to l-rotect a child from croup. Give Sanford and Troy lihvay ;ro- 'h.imberhtin's ?ouh itemfdy and nil pararory ' to extending i..-.e road 'dasher is avoided. For sale by M deal froni Colon to Sanfonl- Tho cm- pany cxjccts to soon beg; r.- I l id, tMtuV ItllTiMltl Deposits Nearly. $Igq,qoom All money deposited with HZ 1 o, liANIv or 1 I3 Safe, Sure and Secure. 0 Four per cent interest paid on all time deposits. CoIiectioriiLMade Promptly. The - Bank of the County. '--5 2 -5-2 -f- 8-:SE-:fe 1 rV ii W. L. LONDON, President i I. T.WILLIAMS, t i rrad fr.i Cashier. ;4f if I o H o Ji o o 2 o z o c. s o is o ii o 'Jt o is o u o 'i A Fatal Accident. vided that one-half shall not ex- iceed fifty cents a square yard." it is estimated that lh" cov of ; paving the sidewalks u ii! be $1 a square jard. A most distressing tragedy oc curred at Goldston, in this coun ty, on last Sunday afternoon, when a colored boy, named Mat thew' Heath, was accidentally l.mun du rout h-ts shot and killed by Julius Bynum, 'i.ooo.u j to the.Siau $1,000,000 for HigAway. Vihuinu;t"M IL, lb. is. T. Col ¬ li aih'iice f 1 )-?av!ire ur the fourteen -year-old son of Mr. the r.onst met io' of h mo.h.m hi-n- Thomas M. Iy-num. The shoot- vy theentir ? !er.th of t.h o v ;.in ing occurred about A o'clock Sun-; w-a:th. Th di.sta-.- ' u i-t.) r-iii'-i. day afternoon and" the boy died j JK lu I'ont, it is st.atel, wh! -?r-e next morning. 1 jtobe reimbursed ly having iht in- As SOOn as the news of the creased taxation of f irm lands created boy's death was received here.hv the improvement turned over to Mr. George II. Brooks x was ap- him He n? pointed special coroner by the clerk of the superior court, and he at once went to Goldston and held an inquest. The following were selected as the coroner's jury: O. Z. Barber, J. 0. Ef kins, A. C Brown, Hugh Wom- ble, J. G. Goldston and Zacl Head :n. After hearing the evi- isur.'s h; will be repaid in a few years.. I " . t i I low t.n Mire a eo'd is a a:.-:tiuii in .which many are iini're-Jtvd ju-?i .now. (.'Iiaiiiberlaiii's (mh ll?sncdy hs woa its ;reat ropiita' ion and immo'is" sak ly its remarksihle ciiit-nfTl.ls. k can alay be depended iqMiii. For s:do by all dealers. Tribute of Respect. The following is a "tribute cf love ari l resp ct from ih socieiiesi of I'lHs b ro rre.-byterl:m church to the'iue ' - dence the jury rendered as their, verdict that the deceased was ac-! cidentally shot by young Bynum. j It appeared from the evidence that Julius Bynum and his two votimrer brothers were in m rnorn upstairs 'at their father's resi- ry of Mrs. Martha 1 Ian u, who died HotifA Crrl tiio fwrrk rnnr,'ror Kaiic 011 't-'r 2 1 , 1;)jO: were playing with a small 22 rifle wThen Julius took it away from them and by some means the rifle fired, pointing out the window, and the ball first struck the corner of the house and then glanced and struck the colored boy in tho eye. The deceased had just come to the well to get a bucket of water when the fa tal shot was fired. Of course such a shocking ac cident has greatly distressed Mr. Bynum and his family, as well I'bvterUn Stamt.nl as the family of the deceased MRS. a. w.. s:taw, ' v hereas, It piea-ed C!o I in His in finite wi dora 10 remove one, of our most faithful ani beloved member?, be i; resolved : 1st. That while we m.iiirn her dor th we bow in hnmhlH submission to Ilim t-stdoHthall things will. ' 2d. That we strive to emulate j er christian life. !d. That we oflVr onr deep an 1 &:n- re sympathy to her family, nrKl that a c py of these resohit ioriii be sent to The Chatham Record and to The ingtor the extension. o ex-1 pXECUTOR'S NOTICE Ilav-! nPPflA! I0WPATR- pect to hear the whit ifs of the . in' qulilid ax executor nf the i c IJ ' kvlriL LVH ll.iliwJ a santord and Troy trams in San- V,1 wsTas.-em ox em To Atlanta, ford in the spring or early sum- 'fiS H Uvia.EAHOARD Alfl idNE mer, Tortured fcr 1 - V i I ear; by : cure-tictyiu stO!ii;'-!) I rouble f. jV bailled do-tnrs, jind reistod :.'! dies he (ricd,. .!;' V. Mom.U M"Mlders ille, Mich., seemed d;; He had 1: sell his firm :n l i; worJc. His nenriioors sini. live much loni'-r."' "YVh uov-.-r ' I ate distressed m1," he wr.V. . '-.W I 1 : : -! sueh cedent toexhib t the same to me on or-: 3 .1 i his: st ot rooruary, litli , 't' ; :ied. i,-lve no he in't worked can .Pi.j' II. A. London & Son Attorneys. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. -Hav- quMiiii'd as ihe Kxeeutor of tin' hi.s! will and ie-t aitjPiit of laun ders S"i-'h, iliseeased, I hertbyiA-'-t : f ad j'ersors holdi m claims gainst sai l de ede'it to exhibit the same to me oiT or t-ef'Tc! the 1st, d iy of Feb ruary, ltd 2. W. C. KIMtlAJd,. Moncti re, .N. C Haves & Hvnum, Attorneys. This 1st of Kebnmry, 1911. Morvgagre Sale. SOid to Mr. F. G. Fetner.of Ham- M. V. Pope to tlie ItaiTk -of Mullinsand let, for SlOO. The COW famishes rejrisJered at r17. in Dook 'I) W five gallons of milk and two th? ni:,e of the renter of deeds of 3 e v i-t- i hathaiii count v, we w ill a?ain Tiller pounds of batter per day. , fr s.Ue at anetioa for cash, at "I 12 v.i.. m "SATlTiti AV, the ISth of jhore Pinprnos can 3peak iimg- M.io h, mn. ai t he court-house door in lish now after 12 vears ot A mer- l'ittv:r.,ro. (.., ail the rich!. tit!eanl itir. f.-cti nation fhm moid snk interest of .-:aid M. V. Pope in t-nd to -t i .... ' l- " the' Inllo-.vitJ'r Ian': in said tpantsh aU'r J0-) years ot hpun- t-.inhi about .5ir:y acres. r.icetrie Hitters, whit wonucr.; tor me time can n.iw t things I could not, tuk for yo:;:. !t s surelv a ;;runl rene-dy for vo nicii trmble." Jisst as for th" liver and khlneys. Iv.erv hottle v;;! irauleed . Only oOe tit (1. It. t'iikinUhi's. A fine milk cow was rec 'ntly o ! H o 1 o o o ! S i o If i o .X o & ; o ' o It' . o &: JU i JtAlLW lY Account SauLliaru CorriEisrciil Congress, March Sih-IG:ii, 1921. Account of t-ie S "itnern C -n-merciHi Ooi?rss which nusts in Atlanta M ur. h trh-10t h',l ; I , the Heabonrd Air Ij'wi Railway has authorized low r-oi'di ip rates frrr ail p dnts on its lines to AtlanUi, (i t. Tickets wid be on sde March 5th, fit.h, Th a d for trains .scheduled to arrive in mnrnimf lf ATnrr.ll Kill r!" t! V ! fA-tV-.Ti,-.i3.l It. v1 . llUiiIoii Atlanta o i J 9 a ,s ve Umited to return Much Ltuh. Tne SkU;o'.rd Air ld;ie It's eX3'Jlleit d uh'e d .iU .so: vice lo Ll.iita, tra ns Co isisihi -' of hii? i-cbis-i i'jl'man sl-.-ep'-ir cars, diains? ear serv: f&o liiijh-act-seat vsstioul coac.u esl For r ttes, reservaMon, etc.. j call on your ocal nsjent.. or ad odres H. S LEARl), Jiiviaion Passenger Agent, :t xt neigii, i. . o ! O ! c i o ; StOCK Co, HEADQUARTERS FOU I ! MOUSES AKD iMJt boy. MRS. M. A. U Lib Kit, MRS. R. II. HAYES. ' Capt. W. I. Everett Dead. ' We greatly regret to hear of The fastest trip across the conti- the death of Capt. W. I. Everett, nent was made last week by of Richmond county, who died Chanes G. Gates in a special l.- tt'm:j.. i, : trn.in fur wnich a nairl sr nAO is a uomination. There hvs no", been an immte of li e court l-y home of llar:;ttt in a year. This speaks well for t he prospcity f tbe ?0'p!e of 'that county. JUST WORD that word is it refers to Dr. Tutt's Liver Pills atscJ MEANS HEALTH. Are you constipated? Troubled with jndfgtst'on? Sick headache? Virtiso? Bilious? Insomnia? ANY of these symptoms smd maiy others iadlcate inaction of the L1VEU. Rosf,oo'C8?o&t.ooi.ocoi.ojf cpoiro ; Land Sale. 1 ciHintv, eon- j . ten? oounoea on tne north hv tne lands of Kuzabelh H.ii;iMi!, in the e.ist hy the land.s of O. 'i'. .'..'i'iijoii. on the south hv the lands nf V. A. Morgan and on the v. st hv i the l;in:! of K. II. (ioodwin and known , the Superior Court iu the cm-e there as the old "booth place." H. A. LONDON & SOX, oil ox 'a i;. Under and bv virtue of orlsr of ; ?T jTTSS02!0, .T'T- C. February lo, 11)11. Attomevs, Land Sale. ia pendhifr, entitled'!.. F. Thrailkill, ! Vtl I lM-UVi.Ka, administrator of John I). Council vs. ; ! A. B. Council and others, I will, at i , the coitrt-hov.se door in Pittsboro, N. ! I C . on SATURDAY, lhn 2orh j,iy of I VEDDING BOUQUETS, Pursuant to an order of the Superior February, I'll, otlr lor sale to thej Cjart in the special proceeding therein hkrhest bidder th- follovviii detcrib-; peadin-, entitled "Jiettie Sturdivanl. n1 lr;iCt3 of lind to.w it:-x ; adnnnistratrix of V . 1. hturdivant.vs. . ... .: . ' , r Thomas K. Stuniivant and others," I 1,irst traCt' adjoii.iftjf Hnds of B. i'.j will, at t he court-house loor in Pitts- Up' hurch and others, and containing i boro.. C, on MONDAY, the Cthday about 4 acres " ! Ia'.811'neXriSie l? Rale t0tth! Secoid tract, adjoining the lands of' highest bidder, the following described I, .. . . , ' lajv.ls, to-wit: .i E. D. Counc:' nnd othe and con- A tract of land in Chatham county, ' lainin al-ont 2 acres.. ! JN. C, in jSew Hope township, on the . Third tract, MOKiininsr lands of S. II. ; waters of New Hope and Beaver Creeks, bounded on the north by the lands of Ruftln Farrar, on the east by the lands of Silas Mann estate, on the south by the lands of I. II. Hearne and on the west by the lands of It. F. Sturdivant, containing about 2t54 acres -6-1 acres of which lies on the south side of the r Horton a u others, and e -lUamin ( ahout. 2i acres. ' All of the aoove la' d beinsr, siutated ' in CnatbanijCtMi ..tv. North Can-liria. . phone, No. 94. Teriiix of ale, I r--sli, " V-aianee in 5 ni'xt b, '"e'erred p. yuiCias lobe'iri FUNERAL DESIGNS.. PALMS. FERNS. BLOOM ING PLANTS, CABBAGE AND TOMATO PLANTS All orders jivr-n prooai't atteii- .tion. K J. 'mCPHAIL, Florist, S.ufor. K. C. acre tract, which 5.'5 acres divides the in'trest at 6 per cent". Take No Substitute. 04 acres from the 200 acres, the Gl acres being descrftied as follows: Bounded on the north by S. 15. Stur- . tiiv-ant, on the east by .1. B. Thomas RALEIGH AND SOimiPORT RAILWAY and Ellis heirs, and on south by said - 5o acre tract now owned by M rs. Brant ley, and on west by W. II. BeekwiUir' Schedule of Passensrer Trains, Ef- save and except from said description - ..' . -i - i. t.i I .-V-.-.-V-.. TiiflA.x ? f "r." i.i :(! :i n i I lit; hi' i'iiii i f,. only to his county, for Which he 01 1UU miles m 8'J hoars. .lie i Hf ounUa , .nay , iau. registered in Book "K x, had done SO much, but to tho was v-n( hastened to New The followin.e schedule on the Rnl--at page 21, in Blister of Deeds ohioe, I State which he had served SO York tor treatment. j fijCh and Sonthport. ltdlway fives 1 leaving. about 100 acres of Bie original j This. Ja:i BUI. .L. B. TUB MI. KILL. - C- 1r.1uissioj.tr. o! U'O M try 5 and :-. caskets:: well and faithfully both in war, - j and in peace. He was elected to ' Foreign powers have bo en ask -the Legislative in 1904 as one of ed to intercede in llayti and ston j the tWp senators from this sena- the slaughter of suspected revo torid district , lutionists by President Sihion's" Capt. hverett was one of those government. God-fearing and useful men who - . ( Was ever foremost in "promoting Yu are probably aware that pneu-evt-ry enterprise for the welfare laonia id ways resuitJroni a cold."but of his fellow-men and the ad- you never heard of a cold resultim: in hv Fnvettevil-e. I vancement of their best inter- pneumonia whenUkamberlam's douch" Ar- Bie'.qlu.i esis. His long and useful life Bemedy was used. Why take the risk a faieiiV- I'Z" may well be held for emulation when this remedy may be had for a Favetievfile"!! by the rising generation. triOe? For sale by all dealers. Ar BaleigV ---- tnree ttains each wav daily between amount, all of which is leseribed in a and Fajettevisje:- deed from B. If. Hayes, Commission- Southbound. ' Vf' I? : ; ""vanureRisjrea la liook "I V , at page tiie said luO IjV Kaleijf h a:K a fia acres atove referred to will be plntteil ArFayetfeville -1 t:l' a ra ami sureed by the county surveyor. Xiv ivaeiir. i:iipm wiiicnsam piot.wm oe exuiuu atl tne r 1 ' i j j A r Fayette; ille 4K) p m day hf sale and the deed made accord- ' KcIS always On Rand ana Jv llale ah ; 6:3o p m inir to such survey. .S irxEcuroirs inotu list will and e.tauierit.-f 3f r L. Poweh, derea-eJ. 1 n'-r tiv noiii'y all pe -sons h-!d.n :J'-i,i.n" aai:)! said decedent to exhibit rhe smii?io me on r efo.othe Mil drv of l-'eh-ruary, laJ2. W. L. LONDON, i II. A. London & ?Son, Attorneys. lbniHrv H . Ml l. A full stock of Coffins and i Ar Fayet:evil'.e...-. '!:8-5 n m- Terms of sale: One-half casJt. bal- v.-.fT,T,rtti 1 aace in 6 ninths, deferred pa luonr to wai mtviwov c. j i .v.iib ilVIILL !a 111 F a in confirmation and title reserved till all 10:50 a iu purchase money is paid. 1:0" pm Time .of sale: 12 o'clock. K:-io p in This January itothi 1911. P:lt p m , B. II. HAYES, Com'r. - i:-i0 p m Hayes & Bynum, Attorneys. sold at all prices, and sizes. . ! ' , All kinds B. Nooe, Pitkborr.I. C. W PROCURED AND rErr.r DEC. rtroll.n jti Free ftiWicw, how to vimiii pauritv, tinU" uutii-s, pi tri copy .liihti. etc. im n:i rAitnrcirV ra limine direr t v :th H'axiiitgton i-l?s ti"i', W t&oncy and oflet the fiaUat. . Patent and Ihfflngs.njnt Fr!:"i r.p,jsivcly. k W i tie or ccrao to us hi . & 023 Kinti Btroot, epp. Ul'UI Ctjt 0Pc M 7 'A" ? '

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