WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1911, 333r33 333 33 443434 LOCAL RECORDS. The public school here will close on Friday (the 7th), and on Monday a subscription school will begin for six weeks. Dr. J. H. Ihrie (dentist) will be at Pittsboro the first Mon day in each month for one week prepared to do all kinds of den tal work. Every week means more new shoes added to the already at tractive line of ladies', gents' and children's shoes at Brooks & Eu banks'. Lost: In Pittsboro last Fri day a Knight Templar's charm. A reward will be paid on return to T. E. Allen, at Durham, or to this office. Be sure to go tomorrow (Thursday) night and hear the famous Polk Miller troupe. A rare treat is in store for all who attend. You can get reserved seats at the drug store. W. L. London & Son sell Cole's cotton planters and guano distributors, Empire and Hoosier corn drill, Johnson's harroivs and Oliver Chilled plows Try these tools if you want the best. We received this week a lot of Pittsburg electric welded fence for hog, cattle and poultry. Thi3 is the best fence on the market, and you can save money by buy ing it. W. L. London & Son. Ladies, bear in minds that Brooks & Eubanks keep a nice line of fancy and staple grocer ies. Call for that shredded co coanut that's making such a hit for cakes, puddings and candy. Here area few of my prices: Lard, by the tub, 10c; by the lb, 11c; meat 11c, 25 lbs granulated sugar $1.35; good flour $4 90, Satisfaction or money back on return of goods. R. J Moore, Bynum, N. C- j. i P T k4U . T Atwater ql juaniueui au uv num vould call attention to their full and complete line of general merchandise, including farm im plements, tools, wagons, buggies, surreys and everything carried in the mercantile line. The town commissioners have appointed Mr. G. R Pilkington registrar and Messrs. H. A. By num and G W. Moore poll-holders for the biennial election for mavor and commissioners of the town of Pittsboro, to be held on the 2nd day of May. The famous' Polk Miller troupe from Richmond will give an entertainment tomorrow (Tf'ur-fl-r.) night at the school auditorium, and a most enjoyable occasion awaits all who are so fortunate as to be present. A large crowd is expected. Dr. L.E. Farthing, county su perintendent of health, informs us that there is now only one smallpox patient in the county under his charge and that this patient, who is a colored man on the farm of the late John W. At water in Williams township, will be discharged in a few days. Atwater & Lambeth at By num are carrying a full line of fertilizers, representing six com panies or manufacturers, and are able to supply any kind of fer tilizer that may be wanted. Spe cial prices made for cash in quan tities. Their farmer friends are requested to call before buying elsewhere. Mrs. Mary Lee Stedman in vites her friends to attend the millinery opening at Atwater & Lambeth's at Bynum Saturday of thi3 week. She has just re turned from Baltimore with a complete line of the latest milli nery which she will be glad to show the ladies, whether they buy or not. Mr. A. L. Bain, of Greens boro, had an option on the Car ney Stone land in New Hope township, for $12,000, and the Greensboro Dailv News says he Vm? sold it for $20,000 to Mr. B. B. Bouldin, representing a Vir ginia capitalist. This tract con sists of 800 acres well timbered pnd is assessed for taxation at $4,000. We regret to hear of the death of Dr. A. B. Chapin, who died on last Thursday at Beau fort where he had resided for several years- He was the father of Dr. H. T. Chapin, of this place, and resided in this county for several years after the war and is well remembered by our older countymen- He was eighty three years old. Wanted, night watchman and fireman combined. For a reliable, strong, able-bodied white man. who will punch clock regularly at night, keep 80 to 10 lbs steam,. JJ II. IJ. UUIltJI. V.asu 3aiiic Saturday night, fully capable put Send us or bring us your job work. All work turned out neat ly and at reasonable prices. Sat isfaction guaranteed. n The closing exercises of Eas tern Academy High School, in New Hope township, are being held this afternoon and tonight. There was quite a large num ber of people here Monday, the boards of county commissioners, road commissioners and educa tion all being in session. The old tin roof on the south ern side of the court-house has been replaced with a new gal vanized iron roof. New flooring has also been placed in the coun ty jail. The board of education Mon day abolished the Providence school district, consolidating it with the three adjoining dis tricts, principally the Moncure district. County Assessor J. Brack Council, of Williams township, was nere Monday conternng with the county commissioners as to the assessment of property to be begun May 1st. Judging by the wintry wea ther we have had the last few days, don't you think The Rec ord's old ground-hog knew what he was doing when he went back into his hole February the 2nd? - Only a week or two and you will need a corn planter, and one that assures you of a good stand and time and labor saved. Then look before buying at the "Su perior" sold by Brooks & Eu banks. We take pleasure in calling attention to the advertisements of Sanford's two leading mercan tue companies, & Company and Company. Their and stores would more pretentious ford. Wilkins-Ricks Willlams-Belk large stocks do credit to a city than San- Personal Items. Rev. H. O- Nash will remove from San ford to this place to morrow. ' Mrs. A. B. Clark leaves Satur day on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Ben. B. Holt, at Graham. Mr. W. B. Thomas, of Mount Gilead, has been on a visit to his father, Mr. John Thomas, near here. Mrs- Fred. Brewer and chil dren, of Johnson City, Tennes see, are here on a visit to Mrs. Mary C. Brewer. Her many friends will be pleased to know that Mrs. A. G. Headen, who has been indisposed for several days, is somewhat improved. Mrs. J. H. Fell and children, of Trenton, New Jersey, will re turn there tomorrow after a vis it here to her parents. Miss Bet sy London will accompany her for a two-months' visit. Johnson, met here vesterday. and elected Drs. R. W. Palmer, of Gulf, and C. G Upchurch. of New Hope townshii:, rs nurr- bers of the board of health, mat mg five members in all. new board of health' will meet here on the second Monday in May next to elect a county su perintendent of health and dis cuss ways and means for im proving the public health condi tions of the county. W. H. Taylor, fees as jail er W. A Mar?h, conveying Geo. Langley to Pitu-' 'own jaii Tl e J.W. Johnson, services as cierK to board. Durham : Book and Sta tionery Co., supplies for Registers office- Henry Johnson, coffin for Wm. Johnson, a pauper 10 60 12 41 School Tax Elections. Two special tax school elections were ordered by the county com missioners, at their meeting Monday, both to be held on the same date, Monday, May 8th. One of them is to be held in the Silk Hope school district and the other in the district adjoining known as the Chestnut Hill dis trict, both districts lying partly in Albright and partl in Hadley townships. The tax to be voted on is 30 cents on the $100 worth of prcpsrtv and 90 cents on the poll. S. P. Teague is the registrar and E. V.' Straughan and John Whitt are the pollholders for the Silk Hope election, while W. F. Fuquay is the registrar and J- G. Lindley and Zeb. Clark are the poll-holders for the Chestnut Hill election. ting in repairs pumns, engines, $1.75 per night. will be required. to pipe, packing etc., will pay Regular time Oniv the best of men need apply with the best of recommendations from good men. -Fayetteville (N. C. ) Wood en Ware Co. . Under an act passed by the last Legislature the county boards of education have author ity to change the lines between two special tax school districts which have the same rate of tax ation. Of course this will only be done where the interests of the schools and patrons affected demand a change. His old friends in Chatham will regret to hear of the death of our former countyman, Mr. John W. Petty, who died very suddenly on last Monday night at Sanford, where he had been residing for several years. He had been in his usual health on Monday and next mornincr was found dead in his bed. He was the father of Sheriff C. G. Pettv and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. At their regular monthly meeting held last Saturday our town commissioners passed' an order to receive sealed bids at the mayor's office, on the 5th of May, for the sale of the $5,000 worth of town bonds for street improvement to be issued in ac cordance with the election here on the 11th of March- See the notice in another column. These bonds will be as safe an invest ment as ean be had and will be the only bonds ever issued by our ancient 'borough. - Several weeks ago the Chat ham County Good Roads Associ ation offered two prizes of $3 and $2 to those two students of any public school in the county writing the best essays on the subject of good roads. Secre tary Frank D. Jones requests us to announce the" appointment of the following committee to de cide the contest: Prof. R. P. Johnson, Rev. V. A. Royal 1 and Mr. H. M. London. The committee will announce its de cision in a few days. Mr. R. O- Buchanan, who runs the ferry at Avent's Ferry on the Cape Fear river in this county, was in our office Monday and told us of a remarkable pig which he owns. The pig follows its owner wTherever he goes, just like a dog. A few days ago when Mr. Buchanan was starting on a trip across the river he looked behind and saw his pigship plunge in the water and follow the ferry across the river, a dis tance of over 500 feet, arriving safely on the other side just as Mr. Buchanan made a landing. The Siler City Grit is requested to take notice of this, the cham pion, trained pig of lower Chat ham. Township Assessors. At their meeting last Monday the county commissioners ap pointed the following "assistant" assessors for the townships in this county:. Albright W. H. White. Baldwin Jas. G.Norwood. Bear Creek--J. W. Brewer. Cape Fear S. W. Harrington. Centre S. D. Gilmore. Gulf J. Rom. Moore. Hadley W. M. Lindsay. Haw River C. C. Poe. Hickorv Mt J. B. Burke. Matthews O. A. Hanner. New Hope O. S. Poe. Oakland F. L. May. Wiiliams-H. I. Mason. Assessing Property. For the information of our readers we copy from the new ."Machinery Act" the duties of the township assessors (each of whom is called "assistant asses sor") as follows: "The assistant assessor shall visit each taxpayer in his town ship between first and thirty first days of May, and shall ob tain from such taxpayer a full, complete, and detailed statement of each and every piece and kind of property, real, personak and mixed, which each taxpayer shall own on the first day of May. to gether with as near as possible the true value in money owned by him or them or which may be under his or their control as agent, guardian, administrator, or otherwise, and which should be listed tor taxation- And it shall be the duty of said assistant assessor to ascertain and place the actual cash value in money opposite each piece or class of property listed for taxation. He is hereby authorized and empow ered to administer oaths in all cases necessary to obtain full and correct information concern ing any taxable real and person al property in his township. In the event that the assistant as sessor has failed to obtain such a statement from any taxpayers before the first day of June, be cause he has been unable to visit all taxpayers within the town ship, or in case the assistant as sessor could not find such tax payers, or for any other reason, it shall be the duty of such tax- pavers to make a return of such statement at the home office of the assistant assessor on or be fore the fifteenth day of June And thereafter the said assistant assessor, upon notice posted in five public places in his town ship or given m a newspaper published in his county, ten days before the time named, may re quire all persons, delinquent in the matter of listing their prop erty or who have failed to list their property for any cause, to List of Jurors. The following are the jurors for the next term of the superior i- J 1 1 1 1 1 court oi tnis county, wnicn will be held the second week in next month: Albright William Buckner, S. P. Teague, L. G- Andrews. Baldwin J. J. Hacknev, C. A. Smith, H. M: Harris, M. H. Hack ney. ; Bear Creek J. A. Per vis, L. W. Tally, C. R. Neal. Cape Fear T. A. Ausley, C. H. Marks. Centre J. E- Harmon. A D. Farrell, J. D. Griffir, A. J. John son, WT. A. Burke, J. M. Garner. Gulf-Jas. C. .Campbell. .W. P. Ivey. ' Hadley Isaac Durham, A-F. Whitaker, John Petty. Haw River Stephen Harmon. Hickorv Mt. A. J. Temple Jas. T. Webster. W. I. Dowd. G. L. Budd, J. C. Bowers. Matthews U. S. Blair, J. R. Paschal. J. A. Siler, J. D. Fox. J. M. Marie v. New Hope Monroe Poe. Oakland J. L. Tyson. 55 8 00 2.00 185 00 14 41 19 99 56 50 1G 95 22 61 52 85 . 9 30 25 33 15 nrmonv of tht ruro arm timpci stated in such notice, and list . ty noma . . - .i j o i t-' i 11 ! tneir property, oucn notice snan be posted or published on or be fore the tenth day of June." Commissioners' Meeting. The countv commissioners held their regular monthly meeting on last Monday and Tuesday and audited and allowed the follow ing accounts: B. A. Phillips, one day's service to joint board - $ 2 00 J. J. Jenkins, account in digent pupils D. & D. Institution. 41 75 Burrough's Adding Ma chine Co 387 50 Union Live Stock Co., ac- count auterence in mules W. L. London & Son, sup plies for court-house, etc .'. W. L. London & Son, sup plies for county home. Dr. L, E. Farthing, visit ing smallpox patients. . J. F. Council, supplies for smallpox patients Brooks & Eubanks, sup plies for court-house and county home W .B- Harper, lumber & work on court-house porch ! L. N Womble, supplies ;for county home .9 Chicago House Wrecking :Co., roofing for court : house -. . . 56 Rev. P. T: Klapp, 1G sks guano for county home W. A. Emerson, burial j expenses, of Phoebe ! Emerson, a pensioner; 10 00 H. D Farrell, burial ex penses of Albert Bul lard; a pensioner 10 00 P. M. Mills, building a bridge on Pitts creek. - 22 50 W. Ll Griffin, lumber for Bynum bridge. 10 70 J. B. Council, supplies for smallpox patients 32 94 J. B. Ward, supplies for , smallpox, patients 5 20 J. M. Bryant, tobacco for county horn? 32 55 Edwards & Broughton, printing 4 00 Chatham Record, station ery for -register's office 1 75 R. O- Buchanan, services as ferryman at Avent's ' Ferry 17 S7 Bynum & Snip33, lumber for court-house & jail- 40 83 R. M. Burns, boarding jury at Feb. court, etc 12 60 Ambrose Haithcock, work at county - home 14 50 Joe Alston, work at coun- 18 00 Old New Furniture. Worn out chairs and furniture are m ide like new, at a cost of about 20 cents with one coat of L. & M. Varnish Stain. -Mahogany, Oak, Walnut, etc., col ors. Directions on each can. (let it from W. L. London &, Son. Lame sliJiikleris nearly always due to rheumatism of the muscles, and quickly yields to the free application of Chamberlain's Liniment. For .sale by all dealers. ram m I I ill, iiiiij 11 I f i ill imi I onds For Sale. Notice is hereby given that, in pur suance of an order passed by the Board of Commissioners of the town of Pitts boro, in regular session on Saturday, April 1st, sealed bids will be received and opened at the mayor's office in said town at 2 o'clock p. m., Friday, May 5th, for $5,000 of 5 per cent. 30 year street-improvemnet bonds. Bida f or any or all of said bonds will be re- ' ceived, but no bids below par, will be 1 considered. Bonds will be issued in , denominations to suit bidders. Right reserved to reject any aud all bids. This April 5th, 19 U. B. NOOE, Mayor. F. C. Williams, Clerk. EasterClottimg lave You a Suit for Easter ? We have what you - r want in style, color and price. Let us show you. We have everything, to make your dress complete. . L. London & Son. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator with the will annexed of the estate of T. V. Scgroves, deceased, this is to no'ify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the u;idnrsined on or before the 5th dav of April, 1912. This 5th of April, 191 1. M. T. WILLIAMS, Administrator C T. A. Hayes & Bynum, Attorneys. FARMS CAP IT AL $10,000 Earned Surplus $5,000 We appreciate Old Friends and Welcome the New. 4 per cent Time Certificates of Deposit Issued. W. L. LONDON, President. M. T. WILLIAMS, Cashier. S61dby E. A. Strout Company . Is the sign we Ethtd OB the h:ras of icore tbu 1200 farms v,e suld hut year. It is going on more than ioo during the tiext twelve mouths. . Would you like to see it on your barn on the farm you don't want and to know that the dollar the dollars you do want were in the savings bank credited to your account ? Strout sells farms everywhere! lie can sell yours. No advance fee Write our nearest agent lor free listing blanks. E. A. STROUT COMPANY Boston New York PhilndetUIa Pittsburg Cblcuae B. JORDAN, diitrictagiti, JORDAN, N. C. Phone Party line No. 1. I Deafness Cannot Be Cured WOOD'S HIGH-GRADE Farm Seeds. We are headquarters for the best in all Farm seeds. Grass and Clover Seeds Seed Corn, Cotton Seed, Cow Peas, Soja Beans, Sorghums, Kaffir Corn, NORTH CAROLINA-Chatham i oit'ity In the Superior Court. W autt:i II. Andre vs. George . L. -Andre. The defendant in the above entitled aetion, George L. AnJre will take no tice that Die said acti m has been in- ! stituted In theHuperior C urt of Chat ham county lor the purpose on l tie part oi' the. plaint 111" of obtaining a di vorce from the defendant for the causes stated in her complaint now on ri-e, and he will further take no tice I hat it has bt:en ordered by the said Court that he be summoned hy publication to appear before the aid Cour', His Honor O. II. Allen presid ing, on the 9th Monday alter the first I .Monday in Mnrcli, 91 L, and Mjswer r oeinur to the said complaint, oth erwise the relief therein demanded will i e granted. This March 7th, 1911. JAS. Li. GRIFFIN, Clerk Superior Court. Ilaves & Bynum, Attorneys. SEABOARD Air Line Railway SCHEDULE." Effective Jan. Sth 1911. Direct line between Xew York,Flor- i 'a, Atlanta, Birmingham. Memphis, New Orleans and the southwest, sub ject to change without notice. Union Live Stock Co. HEADQUARTERS FOR HORSES AND MULES. County Health Board. As previously noted in The Record, the last Legislature made several changes in the pub- j lie health laws, which it is hoped ; will improve local health condi- tions materially. In place of the ' county sanitary committee a couflty board of health is created whose functions are much more distinctive than those of the county sanitary committee, the sole duty of the new board be ing the care of the county health. The county board of health is composed of five members select ed as follows: "The chairman of the board of county commis sioners, the mayor of the coun ty town and the county superin tendent of schools shall meet to gether on the first Monday in April, 1911, and thereafter on the first Monday in January in the odd years of the calendar, and elect from the. regularly reg- ! istered physicians of the county two physicians, who, with them-. selves, shall constitute the coun ty board of health." In accordance with the above provision of the law, , the three first named officials in the pre ceding paragraph, viz., Messrs. C. D. Moore. B. Noes, and R. P- by local applications, as they cannot reach the dis eased nort.oa 01 the ear. 'lhcre is only one way to cure deafness, arid that Is by constitutional remedies, i Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition oi the mucous lining pi the Eustachian Tube. When this tuue Is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or lm lioncrt hcuriiisi, and when It la eatin-ly closed. Deaf ness Is the result, and unless the inlluinmation can be taKcn out and this tube restored to Its normal condi tion, hearing will be destroyed forever: nine cases out of tea are cifuscd by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an itillained condition of the mucous surfaces. We will prlve One Hundred Dollars for any cane of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by Drugtrlsts, 75c. Take Hall s Family Pills for constipation. For Sale. I offer for sale on easy terms house and lot containing four acres in the town of Pittsboro. Also a tract of one hundred and sixty acres woodland, about four miles from Pittsboro. For terms wri e to EDWARD W. POU, Marcn 22, li)U. iSmithfield, N. C. MOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having, qualified as administrator on the estate of the late J E. Perry, this is to notijy all creditors of said estate to present c'aims to the un dersigned or .his-attorneys on or be fore the Is tdav of March. 1912, or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted toWaid estate will please come forward and settle. A. CARL PERRY, Administrator of J. E: Perry. Hayes & Hymnn, Attorneys. Millet Seed, Peanuts, etc. q ''Wood's Crop issued Special'' monthly gives timely information as to seeds to plant each month in the year, also prices of Season able Seeds. Write for copy, mailed free on request. II i . 1 1 T. W. WOOD & SOUS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. j Fieure g;vn Wow aie for the in formation of the public and are not guaranteed. Trains leave Pittsboro as follows: No. 2-8 Ih'iO a m, connecting at Mon cure with No. 38 for Portsmouth Norfolk, which connects at-Wel-I don with the A.'C L for Eastern Carolina points, at Norfolk with I all steamship Line&for points north, i No. 2404:00 p in, connects at Mon- cure with No. 41 for Charlotte. Wil mington, Atlanta, liinninjrham, I 'Memphis and points west, No 41 i connectinp; at Hamlet with No. 43 ! for Jacksonville fe Florida points. No. 239 Will arrive at Pittsboro 11:20 a m connecting, with No. 41 with No. 8 from the south. No. 241 Arrives t Pittsbro 6: l0 p m. connecting with No. 41 from points north. Trains between Moncure md Pitts boro operated daily except Sunday. For further information ap',l.y to B. M. Poe, agent, Pittsboro, or write to II. S. LEAUD, Division Passenger Atrnt, No 4 West Martin St, , Raleinh, N. O. For sale for CASH OK ON TIME. PITTSBORO, N C. CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS, 1 FUNERAL DESIGNS. PALMS. FERNS. BLOOM! ING PLANTS, CABBAGE AND TOMATO PLANTS All orders given prompt atten tion. M J. MCPHAIL, phone, No. 94. Florist, Sanford. N. C. imm.7TvnwTmnnniMmui.Hi juhh miw IF every stalk in an acre were full of bolls, it would produce 2 to 3 bales per acre. But a uniform cotton crop positively demands uni formly mixed fertilizer. If some stalks receive rightly proportioned fertilizer and others DON'T, you will find "fat" stalks and "lean" stalks alternating;. These "runts" pull down the average per acre. The Southern Cotton Oil Company's machine mixed, govern ment inspected fertilizers give uniform nourishment to all plants alike. Uue UNCLE SAM brand 9-3-3, made and recommended by The Southern Cotton Oil Co., Charlotte, N. C. SOLD BY . WVVWC ALLEN & COMPANY, CANDOR. N. C lrf D. G. fOX & SON. SILER CITY N. C. COGGINS. FITTS & CO-, BEAR CREEK, N- C ''mW

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