r. . rn -A I nana. 1 lie V!i,lTcltaam was SUpended and men ar- H. A. LONDON, Editor. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1911. TWO NOTABLE ANNIVERSARIES ; k anniversary of K. IJUAr U The writ of habeas cor- Those must be very spectacu lar scenes and signts mat are now rested and imprisoned without attracting so mucn any warrant of law. Among along the Mexican ooruer uC1 those arrested were the cmel oi tne insurrectionists uu police and the city council and (Mexican) troops have a skirm- .u nfnrmPrt nt tne lSfl mey KO near tu me cause of their arrest and detain- 'can boundary line and hundreds prison without triaL They of Americans witness tne two notable events, to which we stlbmitted a petition to Congress as if it was a show gotten up ior will refer for the information oi to have the cause of their uiegai ar ycatsger readers ana to re- arrest investigated, and congress ftfethe memory of our outer UCCOrdinrfy passed a resolution ones. The first was the battle requesting the President to com- tfor rather skirmish at L,exing- municate trie "grounds, reason ton, Massachusetts, on tne lain an(j evidence" upon which tneir of April, 1775, and the second arrest had been made, but Pres- was the "Baltimore not' on tne jent Lincoln declined to do so, 19th of April, 1861 . saying that it was 4 'incompatible Every school child has heard with the public interest to tur- or read of the skirmish at lex- nlsn the desired iniormauoa. ington, when was fired the shot Not onjy were the highest oi- that was heard around the world I ficials of the city of Baltimore and is regarded as the beginning arrested and imprisoned without of the Revolutionary War. ine any warrant of law, but nearly American patriots had stored all the Maryland Legislature some arms and ammunition at were arrested and imprisoned Concord, a small town a few by the miiitary officers in com milesfrom Boston, and a force at Baltimore. Maryland their entertainment- wow ana then a stray bullet hits one of th Ampriean sDectators, which adds to the excitement of the oc casion. This mimic warfare in Mexico may yet prove to be a se- Ljian rinna matter and involve our been WASHINGTON LETTER. From our Regular Correspondent. Washington, D. C. April 14 The special session of Congress in its second week has taken up its legislative work with great vigor and the Democrats are en couraged to believe that much work will be accomplished dur ing the legislative session. By a voteof 23G to 16 the bill pro nosing a constitutional awend- 1 Huaian Flesh on Sale. SeUle. Wash. April 14. man flesh is beiu sold iu iu- j uburia, where the plague contin-j nes to abate, according to atl vices brought here today by the J pan ewe steamship Kawaknra. which departed fr m Yokohuna on March 28. -I r . TT T I Alisrra r . . Z in TZnAv nt. I ' Hu- W aba, icas ment nrovidins: for the direct J5hr?ea wiui somar dtiiu uwu election of United States Sena nn.infKT oo nny urmv mnv have Underwood. to interfere in order to protect JWand SFJff! LTSfiEf, I LIld.li Lll American interests. tors was passed. Only one Dem-j ocrat opposed the measure. .The other fifteen voting against it were Kepublicans. ine una- reciprocity bill has also favorably reported. Mr. chairman or the an- f ree list tariff measure will bs reported before the end of the week. Among important bills introduced was one to reerulate the traffic-in coH According to the Kokwmtu aud r MS M . . I .. I XUnJ jawci o . - I Si. ulted in finding a lare quantity of human fle8h either toasted or Baited, and ten human tongues, preserved in pots. Easter at Manndale. Editor of The Record: T?.atpr ATondav was celebrated storage products,, another to in with a picnic at Manndale. The crease the prestige of the Amer trustees and patrons of Manndale ican merchant marine, a third to Institute turned out and enjoyed regulate the issuance of injunc- the sports of the school children, tions and another bill to cnange In the forenoon there were sev- the date ot tne inauguration 01 ot-ni pnnrests with nrizes. There the President to the last lhurs- urcro fhrpp notato races, one Dv dav in ADnl. Ihis last bin nas Keep Your Carriage or Buggy New. Keen your carriage or buggy looking bright and new with a can of the L, & M. Carriage and Varnish Paint in va rious colors. Its cost is small per can. One can make a buggy look as fresh as though just from the niiker. Anybody can use it. Get it from W. L.. London & Son. A I . . 1 . 11 Is. rft J of British troops was sent irom was in dire straits and her citi- small girls, one by small Doys oiten been up m uragress auu . . .ontnroi , A i. i.i nf anH nrfl hv larger eiris. i ae it is an euort iu extenu liiu lci 111 Boston to destroy - Zens completely in uiewci -----.A T .a no - f, ve, , aao;nn nti trt fiv them. Thealarm had been jpv- the military forces. , who were wj en by the famous ride ot aul ifty of all kinds of high-hand- M.; T - ch ek has become a national pageant. PpvprP and when the British j nf.f And all this time Mary- Tn ck raee with the boys attracting hundreds of thousands reached Lexington (between ,and wag stiU a sovereign State Fred Russell was the winner ot of people, to a time ot year 01 . j r 1 thaw wprp ... t . j.i...j m0 hnvs and Ava Cheek was fairer weather than the pro vero- costonana ooncutu, l..w Qi tne union,nau notsectxicu.ai. T tho .,, mA qj ct.vm,, AtU nf . it r i ... i . . l i rnp a. i ri ill t 111 liic ix io. in iau v v.jiu auu owmw confronted by a smau H her citizens were entitled to tne rnrfria Rua- Marh. It. is nmbable that be- the neighboring farmers, who so nmp nrotection from unlawful ar-1 nnA T:0 Rlir.knpr were the fore this is in urintthe Canadian upscfullv resisted the British the citizens of Mas- ,;nnr Tn an eerer hunt Har- reciorocitv measure will have " . . . iit.KM. - ,,.,. '"J. . - . mi r. nf v wpw fnrd to retire i f wnHioi- Nnrfhpm vov K hcrton won the nnze ior nassed tne nouse. ine uemo ft,rMb uivj " I SUCllUSCLLO Ul O.IIJ vi,.v,. " 7 I ' - A J 1- I , i , j. J lJ : fr. Hwtnn TfteneWS ti.. m 1 "TV, asnnf'a 1PP nnaintT me mUSL CgU3. ucn autiEuaa ua.c iuiij uu.mv.u lut piaie. , . j . fions and amule basket picnic to go into the agricultural sched Of this SKirmisn, m w c was on thy shore, Mary lanu, my - - . Qn th ffrounds ule and make important changes . I.. I inrt 0T1PO5I1 l...ia. I " I..... i i i -i - . I Americans wwc Maryland! freetoall. which they demanded during tne like wildfire throughout the uoi- After dinner there were two tariff discussions of last year onies and so aroused the inhabi- .rpPin.ioTrih- games of baseball. The boys of Other schedules not included in m . i.a REPRESENTATIVE ClaudeKitCh- s , Tr,tirnte nlaved Saxa- the rpneral lpo-islative nrooram. tantStnaX tney rubncu . . fbo hnnnr of A,""u"r'""r..r' . 71 """I ":n i. .V, in waa actui ui ..v. nanaw. mere nave uccn ocvci - n, is eAyectcu, win uc uiuun opening the debate in Congress, aj Kames here this year but this before the House probably dur ino Cofnov nn the Canadian was the best came ot tne season, ing this montn. ine success o uQri in and Degan tne war umu icauntu in American independence. i reciprocity oiu, auu ncxun.y ouo- fifty years ago today and is no L. hig reputation a3 one Gf doubt well rememoerea oy uutny the yery begfc debaters n Con of oar older readers. Auer mc fall of Fort Sumter and the proc lamation of President Lincoln calling for 75,000 volunteers, FABRICS Easter being now over you are ready for real summer clothes, the kind that are cool and comfortable. We have the goods for men, women and children. THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS: 500 yds best Apron Ginglianis, the yd, 5c 3,000 yds fine Col. Lawns and Calicos, yd 3c 12.V autl 15c IHmilics, in clicclts & Stripes, ttc $t 25c Checked Klaxons,wliite and colors, at 15c J.' . 3), An aviator, named Trier, flew " T.-wrwln in Paris ftrt milPHH" in four hours, one day last week. "5r $1.50 Long Silk Gloves, white and hlk, at 98 New line Ladles' Xeckwear,all novelty, 15 and 25c New line Gordcu Hosiery, Lisle & Silks, 25 and 50c WATCH OUR ADS. .! M J1 Williams-Belk Co., Sanford, N. C. Oar Forty-fourth Yew. We started this 1 mmess in a small way in 1868. W " have ijiown onorrapusty because we have always treated the public a id our salesmen fairly, giviDg ti e n more aod better goods than the? could buy elsewhere, Isow wo have over two " niillion farmer customers, supplied by over two two thousand traveling salesmen earnius on an average of over $100 per mouth for themselves. We ueed a bright, energetic younir man riirht now to travel in Chatham county. Address The J. It. Watkins Companr. 113 South Gay street, BMltnucre, Maryland. Established 18G8. Capital over, $2,000,000. Plant oootaius 10 acres floor space. You Are w w r t wona w OnooiKs from the Northern States began to go to Washington. It was necessary for .them to -go through Baltimore in order to reach Washington, and in those days passengers passing through Baltimore had to change cars Oiere. On the 19th of April, 1S6L, the sixth Massachusetts regiment arrived at Baltimore on the way to Washington, and while marching from one depot to the other they were attacked in the streets by an infuriated mob, composed of Southern sym .oathizer?. who threw stones and other missiles, and - some fired guns and pistols, killing three! soldiers and wounding quite a number. The soldiers fired into the crowd, killing and wounding some of them. This was really the first blood shed, though not by Confederate soldiers. . This bloodshed, this skirmish or riot, at once aroused intense excitement throughout the North and the South. Northern people regarded the affair as the bloody and unprovoked attack of a law less mob upon the soldiers going to the defense of the nation's capital, and thousands of men volunteered to avenge the deaths of those who had been killed; At the South our people regarded the affair as a heroic effort on the part of their Baltimore friends to resist the "Northern invaders" in their march to sub jugate the Southern States. Those citizens who had been killed by the Massachusetts sol diers were regarded as martyrs by our people, and the South sprang to arms with wild enthu siasm. In these peaceful and prosperous days the present gen eration cannot imagine the in tense excitement caused by this comparatively insignificant affair fitty years ago today. Like the affair at Lexington on the 19th of April, 1775, very few persons were killed in the Baltimore riot, but tha effects and result pro duced by both were most far reaching and important. After the resistance to the passage of the Massachusets sol diers through Baltimore no more soldiers from the North attempt ed to pass through that city for several W3eks, but all went round by Annapolis, until a large enough force of soldiers was as sembled to overawe the unarmed citizens of Baltimore and repress any further outbreak. After the Federal troops took possession of Baltimore the military usurp ed the authority of the civil gov- Th Baltimore riot occurred . , Un ,nlf ollc The score was one to nothing in the House in passing the bill p-o reciprocity uiu, umx i.r , Mor,n,laln It was a vMino- fnr t.h nnnnlar pW i m nice clean game throughout, of Senators has hid an ex hi la- Manndale bovs nlayea a second rating intiuencc on the minus 01 t -w ..1. . ;-.n I 1 1 t- I V....v 111 ? 1 1 K.. rpAs hp. was ireuueiiuy iutei- nrom wun ureen scnuui-uuuac. uie majority leauers, auu urcv minted hv some of the opponents The score was 6 to 5 in favor of are hopeful that much importatt I 1 r 1 "1 Til L. r VMnlrnfl rtirik I I liifiAn w -r l-v- sir f kf Ai! or me urn auu cu ... Mi,nn!Urehow tt u K, ... : 1 V li I it; is LliolL Lite a-ivvii ijv u KJ IJ iv vnc uiuim cored a point m anawennj, , , , . . an(i ,uev npn,-;,. W9V9 nn j mpans cora. . i.ck v V- fu.7 w.-w I ' " " 7 tnose wnu uau inraiupwu . nave won eignt 01 tne nine- mitiee or i,ne nouse nau not con l ii to hf reoretted that so ex- Commencement is nearing now. templated much more than a re 0,,.Qfi uXT This occurs May 4, ana v. wu vision 01 tne wool ana cotton a.i jj 1 rr. 1 t-v T rp ir I .1. 1 x. ; i 1 1 : sundav. lViav tn. ur. .u. x. vuiiu, scneauies. out owinj? to int-u President of Meredith College, successes this week they realize will Breach the sermon. Mon- that they have time for addition dav night of the 8th will be the al tariff revision. Mr. Under concert by the primary depart- wood, chairman of the commit ment. Tuesday there will be a tee, is of the opinion that the se - declaimer's contest and reciter's sin will be completed earlier contest by girls, and a literary than has been anticipated, address by Dr. R. T- Vann. It is expected that the ways Tuesday night a play will be and means committee will take given, "Fruit of His Folly," a up the woollen schedule of the Col. ttober,'t K. L, a grandson of lhe great Confederate chieftain, will delir r the' address' -at GreensVoro ri the lo.h of May. . cellent a speech was m uncalled for and unkind reliec tions on some of his colleagues from this State. His attacks on his colleagues in the' House were not calculated to create party harmony and were not in good taste, and much more so was his attack on Senator Simmons, who was and is a member of another branch of Congress. And espe cially was his attack on Senator Simmons in bad taste when it is remembered that Gov.Kitchin (a brother of Claude) is a candidate for the position held by Senator Simmons. Kicked. hr a Mad Horse. Samuel liifch,'bf Bectown, Wis.,had a racist narrow -escape- from losing Ms leg, us no doctor could heal the fright ful sore that developed, but at List Iiuklen's Arnica "Salve cured it com pletely. It's the greatest healer of ul cers, burns, boils, eczema, scalds, cuts, corns, cold-sores, bruizes and piles on earth. Try it. 25i at(J. R.Pilkington'F Wake Forest College won in the third annual debate with Davidson College at Greensboro last Monday night. The query debated was, "Resolved, That the Panama Canal should be for tified." and the affirmative won. We are glad to note that a large and appreciative audience heard the debate and that much inter est was taken in it. On the af ternoon of the same day Wake Forest was defeated by the A. and M. College in a game of baseball at Raleigh. In our opinion any college should be more proud of winning in a de bate than in a game of ball. The debate is a test of intellect and oratory, and the game of ball is a mere athletic sport. The registration of negroes as Democrats in the recent primary at Raleigh cannot be too severe ly condemned. If any faction in the Democratic party cannot nominate its favorites without registering negroes to help them they do not deserve success. If such a fraud is permitted in a municipal primary, of course it would be repeated in a State primary, and therefore it deeply concerns the party outside of the city wherein such an outrage has been perpetrated. musical concert. R. B. LINEBERRY. A New Road Drag. From the Lexington Dispatch. A new road drug Iihh befii in vented by Early Austin, the 18-voar-old grandson . of Mi. W. A. Beck, of this count'. This? 'drug ia made of two heavy pieces, one longer than the other and the two joined together almost V-sbaped. The team is hitched to this drag so that one of tho pieces runs ex actly in the side ditch, and the other draws the mud and dirt to the center of the road. Aided by his brother, who is two years old er, the boy built' ouo of these drags and began usiug it ou the ... . . , roast that runs through his grand father's plantation, a distance of little more than half a mile. This road is now considered the best niece of road in Silver Hill town ship. Mr. Beck and the two boys have blasted out all of the rocks and improved the entire road without a cent of cost to the town ship road trustees. Ho striking is the example that this good cit izen and his grandsons have set that the chairman ef the township road trustees cause to learn how it was done, and he looked at the new drag with wooder and admi ration. He took drawinsr8 of it to have others made for the use of the township road force and a number of them will be put to work on the roads. It is said to be a big improvement on the King road drag, the familiar split log drag, which 3Jr. Beck says his grandsons use for leveling after the big drag has done its work clearing up the side ditches. We commend the above to the consideration of the road commis sioners of Chatham, and hope they will have some of these sim ple but useful road drags put to use on our sioads. Ed. -Uecord. Congressman Marti-j W. Littleton, of New York. his acj-ptd an invita tion to address the .North Carolina li,r Association at its annual meeting in J-une. ermg Where to Bvy YOUR SPRING GOOD S ? ih have our stock c-mpiet ana price are ritrnc an.i ur goods are right. The biggest stock of Clotlilii;,' ever carried iu this sectiou, uud we can tic The Long, the Large, the Stout, and the Regular Built Man at prices that are low for the quality, from $5 to $22 pr uit. ALSO NICE LINK OP BOYS' SUITS AND PANTS A FULL LINE OF SHOES. Queen Quality for Women, Douglas Shoes for Men and IJ.iyn. IT DRESS GOODS we can furnish you GINGHAMS from. CALICOS SUITINGS SILKS fiom. . .. , , . : fc to 25 , fx and 10c .per yard, 50c l $1 5 um in 2.V When a medicine must be given to young children it should be pleasant to take- Chamberlain's Couf?h Rem edy u mvle from lo;if sugar, and the roots us-d in its preparation give it a flavor similar to miple syrup, making it pleasant to take. It has no superior for colds, croup and .whooping cough. For sale by all dealers. The committee of the North Caro Una Teach rs'.se nbly have' decided to. ho;d the n-xt -session of the assem bly at Kale.igh November Decem ber 1 and 2. - Lime shoulder is nearly always due to rheumatism of the muscles, and quickly yields to the free application of Chamberlain's Liniment.; For sale by all dealers. With its usual enterprise the Scottish Chief, of Maxton, is sued last week an Easter edition that was highly creditable to North Carolina journalism, and we congratulate the growing town of Maxton upon having an tariff bill without waiting for the report of the tariff board, inas much as it is understood this board will not be able to furnish ! information concerning the v o ! len schedule daring the present session. The possible' revision of this schedule came up in tie Senate on Thursday, when Sena tor Warren, whom the late Sena tor Dolliver characterized as the 'greatest shepherd since Abra ham," offered a number of. pro tests and memorials deprecating a revision of the wool schedule The Wyoming Senator represents a wool-growing Stat?, but he said that these memorials do not protest againstultimate revision, but simply prayed Congress to defer action until proper infor mation could le received as a basis for scientific revision. Senator Cummins has opened a long expected attack on the somewhat dilatory national mon etary commission, that refuge of "lame ducks," ss it has been called. The Iowa Senator intro duced a bill requiring this com mission to present its final re port at the beginning of the next session in December, and this bill provides for the repealof the law creating the commission and removing it from the payroll as soon as its report is submitted. The commission, it will be re membered, consists of eighteen members. Seven of them no longer draw their salaries as Sen ators and two of them were for mer members Representatives. This is why it is caneu me lame uuck. rtu- m the county, nut one miner pre Uge. To some of them, like j vents their takinsr the lead in the de Senators Aldrich and Hale, the vaiopment of the county and that is salary which they draw as mem- tie condition of their roads, with Also a full line of Ltdies' Uuderwear. Wilkins, Ricks & Company, SANFORD, X. C. A iypswnter lhat - Means Something. Blindfold yourself Have ton typewriters, . of different make, placed in a row a Monarch some where aiso'n them.' Try each la v- board in turn the lighest touch will be the Light Touch A. wealthy Tarmtr of Mecklenburg county, named Johu 8. Hoover, fell from.U'e seat of the wason :he was driving-last Saturday end broke his neck... He. 'had been drinking too much, . ''.'!. In cases of : rheumatism relief from pain makes sleep and rest possible. This may b6 obtained by applying Chamberlain's L.iniinent. For sale by all dealers. - ' Monarc The machine with 4 9 ; and you can locate it every time,-no matter how its position he changed. . ..... , . Just as the proper tool3 produce the best work, so does a responsive, key action increase the efficiency of a stenographer. . MONTHLY PAYMENTS Monarch Machines may be purchased on the Monthly Payment Plan. Send for Monarch literature. Leap, the many reasons for Monarch superiority. A postcard will bring full information. DURHAM BOOK AND STATIONERY COMPANY, 112 West Main Street, Durham, N. C. Development ia Moore County. From the (Jarlhave iNews. The materril; development of the western section of the county is a mat ter of local pride. Uural mail routrs are being established, .the farmers are putting in telephones, better schools are beinK conducted, and it has dawn- of the House of ed upon those people that their sec- ti u is the richest in natural resources Killed in Peculiar Accident. 1111 u 1 Chicago, April 15. Three men are dead today as a result of a oeculiar accident thev drowned in a foot of water while pinned j that he is not opposed to any of under a heavv automobile which the members of the committer, had turned over in a ditch at i but he thought sufficient time bers 01 the monetary commis sion is a matter of no great im portance, , but the others who draw the same salary as a mem ber of Congress are Burros, Teller, Money, Flint and Talia ferro. This commission was or ganized in 1908- Senator Cum mins says that he . believes it is time a definite financial plan should be submitted to Congress; Melrose Park. - Rev. M. M. McFarland, the had elapsed for positive results. Never Out of Work. unui auu c ynijizi. .au pastor OI tne iYieuipaiSE cnurCU ! ine nusiesc lime -miugs ever ma. e well advertise its advantages, at Mebane, died suddenly last are Dr. King s Xe v Life phk K,ery Mav our esteemed friend the Sunday. Just alter preaching a pin i a sugar-coated giobuie of health, ood roads the western section would forge to the front at onre. HEALTH INSURANCE The man who insures hit life is wise for his family. The man who Insures his health Is wise both for his family and himself. You may insure health by guard ing It. It is worth guarding. At the first attack of disease, which generally approaches through the LIVER end mani fests itself in innumerable ways TAKE. I E. A. SSrout Company." Is xhi siKnutTiiiitd on tL8 "as oi iuor thru HOI? rurp.n MS sM 1-st ;tar. It is Roincr ou more than 1.500 duriug.the next twd e months. Would Vr.11 like to ScC it on vour barn on the farm you don want aud to know that lhe dollaza the dollars you do want were in the savings bank credited to your account ? Strout sells farms everywhere! He can sell yours. No advance fee Write our nearest aen t ior free listing- blanks. E. strout company Dotton New York Philadelphia Pittsburg Cbicaca H. H. JORDAN, district agent, JORDAN, N. C. Phona Party Hue Na. 1. CUT FLOWERS," WEDDING BOUQUETS, FUNERAL DESIGNS. PALMS. FERNS, BLOOM ING PLANTS, CADBAGI AND TOMATO PLANTS All orders given prompt tion. M J. MCFHAIL. phone, No. 94. Flot N Sanford. N. C. Bonds For Sa! eminent and ruled with a mailed paper! editor of the Scottish Chief, live many years to serve so well and so faithfully the patrons of his stricken Sermon from the text "If a man that ch-iuges weakness into strength, die, shall he live again,'' he knelt languor into energy, brain-fag into in prayer and was suddenly mental power; curing pons icken with paralysis, and died headache, eMUs, dyspepsia, soon after being taken, home. Only 2:c at o. n. PiiUngt ns. istipation. malaria. mm And save your health. A MINISTRY TOR'S NOTICE Having qua!i ed s Hdministrator with the will niiv;Aei.l of the estate r.f T. W. Segroves, deceased, this iw to no'ify all persons haying claims a.ainsr the estate of said deceased to exhibit U.em to the u drsined on or More the oth dav or April, This5thofpril, l'JJl. ,M. T. WILLIAMS, i Administrator C T. A. Ilayea & Bynum, Attorneys. Notice is hereby given tli-d, iu ' h" suar ce of an order p.ismmI 1 h- i! ;t"'l of Commissioners nf 1 he town of boro, ia regu'ar session ri Sa! '! ;;" April .'st, sealed bids will be r and opened at the major's rMi'v in said town at 2 o'cl- ck p. m., 1" ' May 5lh, for ?",noo of ner (.'ri'. year street-impfovernnet hom's. l i i 1 for aiiy or all of s-iid bondn will ' r- ceivt-d, tiut no bids below par v. : ; I :-f considered. Donds will be issii"! in denominations to prut bidders. Kit'd reserved to reject any and all Lids This April 6th, 1 ti 1. li. KOth:, Major. F. C. Clerk.