A REMARKABLE CURE FOR DYSPEPSIi Munyon's Stomach Treatmerr Performing Miracles. MUNYON TELLS YOU HOW TO GET. WELL FREE OF CHARGE A few days ago I received a letter rom a young man, who states he is 28 years of age, and has occupied several important positions, but owing to indi gestion and inability to sleep he has been unable to concentrate his mind upon his work and has consequently been dis charged on the ground of neglect of duty. He goes on to say that he is a young man of steady habits, but for years he has suffered from dyspepsia, which has so affected his nerves that he is unable to sleep, and that it is not neglect upon his part, nor lack of interest in the busi ness, but simply physical weakness. He asks my advice in this matter. "For the benefit of a large number of those similarly situated I propose to answer this letter publicly, hoping that it may be the means of helping many who may be affected In this way. "In the first place, the stomach must be made well before the nerves can be made strong. The nerves must be made strong before one can sleep well. No one is capable of doing his best who is in any way troubled with insomnia or any form of nervousness. The greatest gen erals have been men of iron nerve and Indomitable will. They have had perfect digestion, being able to eat well, and di gest all they ate. "It is said that Napoleon lost the bat tle of "Waterloo because of a fit of indi gestion. Grant's enormous reserve power was due to a well stomach. Abraham Lincoln said that 'he did not know that he had a stomach.' Grover Cleveland, it is said, could work 18 hours a day, eat a hearty meal at 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning, go to bed and sleep soundly un til 9 o'clock and get up refreshed, ready for a new day's work. "Pres. Taft is another type of healthy manhood. Who thinks for one moment that he would be the President of the United States today had he been a dy Bpeptic or affected with some nervous ailment? I claim that two-thirds of all the failures in professional and business life are due to weak and deranged stom achs. "No business house would care to em ploy a dyspeptic representative to sell goods for them on the road. One-half the men who stand behind counters to day, earning from $12 to $15 a week, will never get beyond these figures, for the reason that they are physically weak. They lack the nerve power and com manding strength that come from a good, sound stomach. "No one cares to hear a dyspeptic preacher. No matter how pious he may be. he is bound to reflect his bilious and jaundiced condition. He will unconscious ly inoculate his hearers with his melan choly feelings. "No one would think of entrusting1 an Tmportant legal case in the hands of a dyspeptic lawyer, any more than he would care to entrust his own life, or that of a dear one, in the hands of a phy sician who is nervous, irritable or a dy speptic. Men must have good digestion, strong nerves and vital manhood In or der to render a clean, clear-cut decision either in medicine, law or business. "I believe that more than half of the divorces can be traced to ill health. I want every dyspeptic to try my stomach treatment, for it corrects nearly all forms of indigestion and nervousness. It makes Id stomachs almost as good as new. Its marvelous power for digesting food and getting the best out of it makes for good rich, red blood. This, In turn, strength ens the nerves, builds up the general sys tem, and will surely prolong life and make it a pleasure to live and do the things allotted to us." Professor Munyon makes no charge for consultation or medical advice: not a pen nv to pay. Address Prof. J. M. Munyon. Munyon's Laboratories. Fifty-third and Jefferson streets. Philadelphia. Pa. Keeping Busy. We are told that at New York's com ing municipal "budget exhibit bells-will be rung and lights flashed to show a birth every four minutes, a death ev ery eleven minutes. Just what sort of demonstration is made every time a cafe bottle pops, or a bellboy is tipped, we are not told. Charlotte Directory Typewriters Rebuilt Your old machine can be made as good aa new in our shops at a nominal cost All makes of typewriters rebuilt, repaired, cleaned and adjusted in the shortest possible time and in the most satisfactory manner J. E. Crayf on & Co., Charlotte, N. C. "What's in a Name?" When you refer to pianos, there's a great deal in the name. The Stieff Piano has become a synonym for . merit, and the name is a sufficient guarantee on which to purchase. If you will get acquainted with the manufacturer of the Artistic Stieff, note its quality, tone, workmanship and durability, when you buy, yours will be a Chas. M. Stieff Piano. Chas. M. Stieff Manufacturer of the Artistic Stieff, Shaw, and Stieff Self -player Pianos SOUTHERN WAREROOM 5 West Trade Street Charlotte N. C. C. H. WILMOTH. Manager (Mention this paper) ACTS LIKE MAGIC J. J. Patterson, M.D., Marshall, Ala., say: "In my practice I have found that Mex ican Mustang Liniment acts like magic. In one case it cured an old lady of a very severe attack of Rheumatism in the neck and shoulders." 25c 50c $1 a bottle at Drue &Genl Stores FOR OLD AND YOUNG Tutt's Liver PHls act as kindly on the child, the delicate female or infirm old age, as upon the vigorous man tone and strength to the weak stomach, bowels, kidneys and Mnlrtrr i REMEMBER for Coughs t Colds DOCTORS know that Oxidine is a most dependable system-cleansing tonic. Most useful in stirring up lazy livers, sluggish bowels and kidneys, weak stomachs. Its ef fects are quick, safe, sure and permanent. OXIDINE a bottle proves. The specific for Malaria, Chills and Fever and all diseases due to disorders of liver, , stomach, bowels and kidneys. SOc. At Your Druggists THl B1BBISS DITTO CO.. Waco, Texas. REMEMBER WHEN YOUR TYPEWRITER Needs Repairing that we have an expert repairman on all makes of machines. We are prepared to clean, adjust or rebuild your machine. Workmanship first class, prices reason able. We also have a large stock of new. rebuilt and second hand Typewriters that we are offering at very low prices, let us quote you, we can save you money. POUND Sb MOORE CO. Charlotte North Carolina WMWll 111 Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color DASDKIFF A5 511 Ur nvigoratesand prevents thehair from falllngofl For Sal by Druggists, or Seat Dlraet by XANTHINE CO., Richmond, Virginia Price $1 Per Bottle; Sample Bottle S3. Send for circular. ARTIITQ QUICK YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Make MUkll I w S'o weekly, handling our fast sellers lor svery housewife. Write quick for free catalogue. Address, J. F. DOWNS, 123 South 3rd Street, Delsraa, Wis. Degenerated. Kid McCoy, the hero of 125 battles. is to open a sanitarium at Stamford. He said the other day to a New York reporter: "I hope in my sanitarium to restore lots of grumpy middle-aged people to perfect health, and if I give them back perfect health I'll give them back youth and gayety and romance. If middle age is stupid, if middle age Is prosaic, it is only because the health of middle age is poor. "The woman," he continued, "who sends her grumpy mate to my estab lishment will no longer have to make the bitter complaint of Mrs. Blank. " 'My husband, 15 years ago,' said Mrs. Blank, 'used to kiss me every time was passed through a tunnel. But now ' "She gave a bitter laugh. " 'Now,' she said, 'he takes a long pull at his traveling flask.' " Wise Uncle Joshua. "Be you the elevator conductor?" asked Uncle Joshua, who had strayed into town out of the sweet rusticity of a comic paper. "Yes, sir," grinned the boy. "Well, I come ter this village ter see the high buildin'. Haow high up d' ye go?" "To the top twenty-first floor." "Take me up to th' 'leventh. Sho! What's th' use o' riskin' my life an' goin' all the hull way when the folks to home '11 never believe I went any higher than ten stories, no matter what I tell 'em?" SOUND SLEEP Can Easily Be Secured. "Up to 2 years ago," a woman writes, I was in the habit of using both tea and coffee regularly. "I found that my health was begin ning to fail, strange nervous attacks would come suddenly upon me, making me tremble so excessively that I could not do my work while they lasted; my sleep left me and'I passed long nights in restless discomfort. I was filled with a nervous dread as to the future. "A friend suggested that possibly tea and coffee were to blame, and I decided to give them up, and in cast ing about for a hot table beverage, which I felt was an absolute necessity, I was led by good fortune to try Post- urn. "For more than a year I have used it three times a day and expect, so much good has it done me, to con tinue its use during the rest of my life. , "Soon after beginning the use of Postum, I. found, to my surprise, that, instead of tossing on a sleepless bed through the long, dreary night, I dropped into a sound, dreamless sleep the moment my head touched the pil low. "Then I suddenly realized that all my nervousness had left me, and my appetite, which had fallen off before, had all at once been restored so that I ate my food with a keen relish. "All the nervous dread has gone. I walk a mile and a half each way to my work every day and enjoy it. I find an interest in everything that goes on about me that makes life a pleasure. All this I owe to leaving off tea and coffee and the use of Postum, for I have taken no medicine." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. "There's a reason," and it is ex plained in the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. Ever read the above letter? A nen one appears from time to time. They pre Kennlne, true, and full of human Interest. The Life-Giving Stream Sunday School Lesson for Oct. 8, 1911 Specially Arranged for This Paper LESSON TEXT Ezekiel 47, 1-12. MEMORY VERSE 9. GOLDEN TEXT "Whosoever will, let nlm take the water of life freely." Rev.. 22:17. TIME This prophecy of the Life giv ing stream was written B. C. 572, "in the beginning: of the year." It was near the middle of the 70 years' captivity (605-536). The earlier prophecies of this second part of Ezekiel were written 12 or 13 years be fore in 586, 5. PLACJfl It was written at Tel-abib on the river Chebar In Babylonia, to the exiles scattered throughout that region. PLACE IN HISTORY It belongs to the second part of Ezekiel's prophecies, the object of which was to prepare the people for their return. It was like leaven work ing during the 36 years before the people were fitted to begin anew In Palestine. Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylonia. Daniel still living as a .statesman. In our last lesson we studied the warnings by which God, through his prophet Ezekiel, would persuade Is rael to so repent and return to God, that It would not be necessary to per mit Jerusalem and the Temple to be destroyed. The people refused. The city was destroyed. The Temple was burned, and its treasures borne away by the Chaldeans. The best of the people, those in which were the great est possibilities of good, and the larg est capacity for being trained, were sent into far distant exile, for their schooling; very much as their ances tors were disciplined and trained In the wilderness that they might be en abled to take possession of the Prom ised Land. They were as sheep without a shep herd. Their former rulers, whom God had placed as shepherds over his peo ple In their own land, had proved false, and instead of leading them to the green pastures and still waters of obedience and righteousness, had done none of the things a ruler-shepherd ought to do. They killed the flock in stead of feeding it. They neglected the sick. They left the flock to be torn by wild beasts. They let them be "scattered upon the face of the earth, and none did search or seek after them." Now God promised them a true shepherd. Ezekiel became one of "the Society of Encouragers." The new day was yet nearly 50 years In the future, but the promise and the hope and the goal were from this time before their eyes. The possibility of redemption, of a new life of blessing, of a glorious and perfect heaven, is one of the first es sentials for escaping from a life of sin. The assurance of a perfect earth, of the transformation of this world into the kingdom of heaven, is strength. courage, success for those laboring for this object. In order to attain this hope, and realize this promise, it was abso lutely necessary that they should have a change of heart. The heart in Scripture denotes the center of man's personal activities. It is the organ of thought, the seat of the affections, and all moral Impulses, of choice, and love. From a right heart flows a right life, from a wrong heart flows a wrong life. A home of worship, a temple or church, hours of Bible study and wor ship, sacred days, some forms of serv ice or ritual, persons set apart for re ligious teaching are essential to the cultivation of religion and the prog ress of the truth. These forms and airs must indeed be filled with the spirit They that worship God "must worship him in spirit and in truth." Hence these visions of Ezekiel. And In fact, there grew up among the ex iles, religious organizations, syna gogues, schools, Sabbath keeping which prepared them for their return and their restoration as the visible people of God. The temple was the symbol of God's permanent presence. The glory of the Lord came into the house." "The glory of the Lord filled the house" and "his voice was like a noise of many waters: and the earth shined with his glory." "And he said unto me, Son of Man, the place of my throne, and the place of the soles of my feet, where I will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel for ever, and my holy name, shall be the house of Israel no more defiled." One thing only was wanting, the wa ters of eternal life, the Holy Spirit, in each one who receives, a well of water springing up into everlasting life. It is the stream of salvation, widening into the gospel, flowing through the centuries. On the east side of the Jerusalem temple there Is a valley which leads to the Dead sea. The healing waters, "a soft flowing stream, regarded as a symbol of the silent and unobtrusive influence of the divine presence in Is rael, came from God, through his sanc tuary, the source of all good, all pow er for salvation. So six centuries later the powers which have changed the world, the widened stream of sal vation, came from the risen Saviour. It cannot be useless to insist upon a clear understanding of the relative positions of the threshold from be low which the waters proceed forth, and the Dead sea which is to be heal ed thereby. The river brings life, wherever Its waters flow. The Dead sea, wherein "it is Impossible for any form of life to flourish, not even salt-water fish," it fills with fish as many and great as in the Mediterranean itself. It heals the heavy sulphurous waters and they are filled with living things. So the new life that God was bring ing to the exiles, would change all their discouragements and hardness of heart, their tendencies to sin and idolatry, all their heathen surround ings and influences which had dead ened their consciences and darkened their hopes into despair all this dead ness into life and love and hope and obedience, into new energy and activ ity of all the fruits of the Spirit. So the Gospel transforms the dead ness of the sinful heart into the full ness of spirit blessing and activity in righteousness. In the words of Maclaren: "'Every thing shall live whithersoever the river cometh.' let the quickening effects of the entrance of the Gospel into the Dead sea of stagnant and rotten heathendom be our comment on that jubilant prophecy." ToCet Its Beneficial Effects Always Buy the Genuine ftof ana manufactured hyihe Sold by all leading Druggists OneSizeOnly, 50f Bottle Restored After Being Given Up by Specialists A wonderful cure by MILA Mr. W. E. Griggs. Secretary and Treasurer Westbrboks Elevator Co. and formerly Cashier Bank of Danville, says: "About ten years ago my eyesight besran to fail to such an extent that it became necessary for me to consult a specialist. My trouble in creased until I found it necessary to consult sev eral others. My case was diagnosed as Atrophy of the Optic Nerve, caused by impoverished blood supply. The progress of my trouble was slow but steady, with never any relief, until finally my physician advised me that nothing further could be done. About this time, about two years ago, I could not see to read, and my ranee of vision was so short that I could not see anything at a greater distance than fifty or seventy-five feet. I often found it difficult to recognize ac quaintances when I met them, distinguishing them more by their voicas than their features. In May, 1909, a friend advised me that 'if the physician's diagnosis was correct, MILAM will cure you. because it will purify and enrich the blood, increase the flow, and build up the sys tem; but it will take a longtime and the im provement will be slow." "I did not believe one word of this, and con sented to take MILAM because I did not think it could hurt roe, and there might be a bare possi bility that it might help me. After six weeks' use I began to notice a slight improvement in my sight, which has been slow but steady and with no setback. Now I can read newspapers with ordinary glasses, can distinguish large ob jects two miles away, and have no difficulty now, as far as my sight is concerned, in attend ing to my duties as the executive officer of a corporation. "I am still careful not to tax my eyes unrea sonably, because I realise that I am not cured; but hope, and am more and more encouraged as time passes, to believe that the continued use of !ILAM will cure me. "I think it proper to state that my general health and strength have also improved in ths same ratio as my eyesight, and I attribute this to the use of Milam. Signed! W. E. GRIGGS." Danville, Va., March 23, 1914. U NOT an EYE medicine and will cure no blindness except that arising from impoverished or Impure blood or depleted system. Ask Your Druggist 5 MILAM KODAKS ard High Grade finishing. Mail orders given Spe cial Attention. P-ieea reasonable. Service prompt. Send for Price List. miSKAra AST STORK. CHAR1ASTOX, ?. C W. N. U.t CHARLOTTE, NO. 40-1911. HAVE YOU SUSPECTED YOUR KIDNEYS? Thousands suffer from backache, headache, dizziness, and weariness without suspecting their kidneys. James W. Clay, 666 W. Fayette St., Balti more, Md., says: "I suffered almost con stantly from pains 'in my back and head and was laid up for a week at a time. I could scarcely walk and experienced add ed annoyance from ir regular passages of kidney secretions. ' After using all kinds of medicine, without relief, I be gan taking Doan's Kidney Pills and received a perfect cure. I have had no trace of kidney trouble since." "When Your Back is Lame, Remem ber the Name DOAN'S." For sale by druggists and general storekeepers everywhere. Price 50c Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. UL-:--m j What a Husband Replied. Among the bargains to be found these days are women's hats, and a fashionable young Philadelphia wife, who has all the hats she can wear without exciting suspicion, could not resist the temptation to add "just one more" to the collection. . When . she reached home, she produced it for hubby's admiration. ."Howard, it's a poem!" she said. "Yes, but it doesn't rhyme well with my pocketbook at this time," he commented. CHILLS A1VIJ FEVER AND AGUE Rapidly disappear on using Elixir Babek, a preventative for all Malarial Diseases. "I recommend 'Elixir Babels' to all sufferers of Malaria and Chills. Have suffered for several years, have tried everything, but failed, until I came across your wonderful medicine. Can truly say it has cured me." George In scoe. Company G, 4th Batallion. Elixir Babek 50 cents, all druggists or Kloczewski & Co., Washington D. C. Its Location. Little Brother Where's my fishin' pole gone to? Bigger Brother Sister's usin' it for a hatpin! Puck. - For HEADACHE Hicks CAPUDINE Whether from Colds, Heat, Stomach or Nervous Troubles, Capudine will relieve you. It's liquid pleasant to take acts immedi ately. Try it. 10c., 25c, and 53 cents at drug stores. u There are cures for the dope and rum addictions, but the self-kidder never gets it out of his system! firs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle. HEALTH AS AN INVESTMENT Fraternal Orders, Labor Unions and Insurance Companies Erect Tuberculosis Sanitoria. As an investment in the health of their members, four large fraternal orders, two international labor unions and one of the largest insurance com panies in the United States have es tablished sanatoria for the treatment of tuberculosis, according to a state menssued by the National Associa tion for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. The Royal League, the first fraternal order to establish a sanatorium, conducts a hospital for J its tuberculous members at uiacK Mountain. The' Modern Woodmen of America conducts one at Colorado Springs; the Workmen's Circle, one at Liberty, N. Y., and the Independent Order of Foresters have one at Rain bow Lake, N. Y., and will soon open a second one at San Fernando, Cal. The International Typographical Union has since 1898 conducted a sanatorium at Colorado Springs', and the Interna tional Printing Pressmen and Assist ants' Union of America has recently opened a new Institution at Rogers ville, Tenn. A leading life insurance company is now erecting a sanator ium at Mt. McGregor, N. Y., which will be the first of its kind established by an "old line" insurance company. "ECZEMA ITCHED SO BADLY I COULDN'T STAND IT." "I suffered with eczema on my neck for about six months, beginning by lit tle pimples breaking out. I kept scratching till the blood came. It kept getting worse, I couldn't sleep nights any more. It kept itching for about a month, then I went to a doctor and got some liquid to take. It seemed as if I was going to get better. The itching stopped for about three days, but when it started again, was even worse than before. The eczema itched so badly I couldn't stand it any more. "I went to a . doctor and he gave me some medicine, but didn't do any good. We have been having Cuticura Rem edies in the house, so I decided to try them. I had been using Cuticura Soap, so I got me a box of Cuticura Ointment, and washed off the affected part with Cuticura Soap three times a day, and then put the Cuticura Oint ment on. The first day I put it on. It relieved me of itching so I could sleep all that night.. It took about a week, then I could see the scab come off. I kept the treatment up for three weeks, and my eczema was cured. "My brother got his face burned with gun-powder, and he used Cuticura Soap and Ointment. The people all thought he would have scars, but you can't see that he ever had his face burned. It was simply awful to look at before the. Cuticura Remedies (Soap and Ointment) cured it." (Signed) Miss Elizabeth Gehrki, For rest City, Ark., Oct. 16, 1910. Although Cuticura Soap and Ointment are sold by druggists and dealers everywhere, a sample of each, with 32-page book, will be mailed free on application to "Cuticura," Dept. 17 L, Boston. DONT NEED IT. Bess There's one pleasure denied the rich. Tess What's that? Bess They can't go bargain hunt ing. XO DRIVE OUT MALARIA AND BUILD UP THE SYSTEM Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TA8TELKSS C11LLL TONIC. Von :now what you are taking. The formula is plalnl printed on every bottle, showing It is simply Qulnino and iron in a tasteless form, and the most effectual form. For grown people and children, 60 cents- When we look back now upon some of the things we used to worry about, we wonder what the lunacy commis sions were doing all that time! For COLDS and GRIP Hicks' Capudinb is the best remedy re lieves the aching- and feverishness cures the Cold and restores normal conditions. It's liquid effects immediately. 10c., 25c., and 50c. At drug stores. As long as there are people In the world who try to get something for nothing, a lot of other people will be able to live without work. Inflammatory Rheumatism may make you a cripple for life. Don't wait for inflammation to set in. When the first. Blight pains appear, drive the poison out with Hamlins Wizard Oil. Pessimism is-a method of proclaim ing personal failure to conform to the fundamental facts of life! W ai rnviM-1 ptp rrMT XVetfetebte Preparation for As similating the Food andRegula ling the S lomachs and Bowels of Promotes Difjs ti (Cheerful ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium'.Morphine nor Mineral Not Nab c otic Sttfpt tfOld DrSAXUlff7WR MxStmm - fotktlUSafts - I Anist Sitl I ftpptrmini Worm Std - I ClarSied Sujar- I ! tfmkryretn. Flivr. A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. TacSimile Signatureo The Centaur Company.n NEW YORK. 0 UU Forlnfantg and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of n if. F Guaranteed under the Food and) Exact Copy of Wrapper ' In Use For Over Thirty Years 1 I EHfll VIM MITMM MMMBT. MW l rrr. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Cured Backache "I was sick for five years," says Mr. J. F. Holcak, of Collinsville, Okla. "The best doctors treated me, but they did me no good. One said rheumatism, and another said nervous troubles. Many a time, when I bent over, I could not straighten myself up. I was very bad that way every spring. Sometimes, I could not even turn over in bed without help. Many a time, I had to be carried home and could not work. I could not lift anything, for backache. I took THEDFORD'S n n O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o q and in three weeks I got well. Now, I never feel q q any pain or have any other trouble. It is no use to q O be sick, when Thedford's Black-Draught costs so little Q O and will make you healthy and able to work." O O This reliable, vegetable remedy has been in sue- O 9 cessful use for more than 70 years. To purify the q q blood, renew the appetite, regulate liver, stomach q O and bowels, we urge you to try it. Why suffer, when. Q O the same relief that Mr. Holcak found, is within easy O O reach of you ? At every drug store. Price 25 cents. Q O CCA 3 O oooooooooooooooooooooooooo W. L. DOUGLAS 2.50, 3.00, 3.50 & 4.00 SHOES WOMEN wear WLDouglas stylish, perfect fitting, easy walking boots, because they give long wear, same as W.L.Dougla Men's shoes. THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 30 YEARS The workmanship which has mads W.L. Douglas shoes famous the world over is maintained in every pair. If I could take you into my large f aclories at Brockton, Mass., and show you how carefully W.LDouglas shoes are made, you would then understand why they are war ranted to hold their shape, fit better and wear longer than any other make for the price CAUTION Tho genuine W. I Douglas vnv i mil name and price stamped on bottom If you cannot obtain "W. I Douclas shoes In four town, write for catalog. Shoes sent direct ONE PAIR of my BOYS S3, S4.50or rom factory to wearer, all charges prepaid. W.I. SS.OO SHOES will positively outwear DOUGLAS, 145 Spark St., Brockton. Mass. TWO PAIRS of ordinary boys shoes sfc tit mm, l.y LL3SLJ XI Mm Sffseossiff feff to Printers This paper is printed from ink made in Savannah, Ga. by the SOUTHERN OIL & INK CO., Savannah, Ga. Price 6 cents per pound, F. O. B. Savannah. Your patronage solicited. When Building Church, School or Theater or reseating same, write for Catalog X9, mentioning class of building. Dealers, write for agency proposition. Everything in Black-boards and School Supplies. Ask for Catalog SO. AMERICAN SEATING COMPANY, 218 So. Wabash Avenue, Chioago, III. If the blood is poor and filled with the poisons from diseased kidneys or inac tive liver, the heart is not only starved but poisoned as well. There are many conditions due to impure blood such as dropsy, fainting spells, nervous debil ity or the many scrofulous conditions, ulcers, "fever sores;" white swellings, etc. All can be overcome and cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery This supplies pure blood- by aiding digestion, increasing assimilation and imparting tone to the whole circulatory system. It's a heart tonic and a great deal more, having an alterative action on the liver and kidneys, it helps to eliminate the poisons from the blood. To enrich the blood and increase the red blood corpuscles, thereby feeding the nerves on rich red blood and doing away with nervous irri tability, take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery end do not permit a dishonest dealer to insult your intelligence with the "just as good kind." The "Discovery" has 40 years of cures behind it and contains no alcohol or narcotics. Ingredients plainly printed on wrapper. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of wrapping and mailing only. Send 31 one-cent stamps for the French cloth-bound book. Address: Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. Very Low Rates - September 15 to October 15 via TheWest Point Route (A. & W. P. R. R. The W. Ry. of Ala.) ARIZONA, NEW MEXICO and TEXAS Through Tourist Sleeping Cars to San Francisco.five days every week. Write to us for all information. J. P. BILLUPS. T. M. THOMPSON, General Passeiger Agent District Passeacer Aaeol Atlanta. Georgia Atlanta. Qearsia PUTNAM F ADELES'S DYE Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One lQc package colors all fibers They dye i"cT"tnJ,PT y.e:.Xu c.?? iyc any garment without ripping apart. Write for free booklet How to Dye, Bleach and Mix Colors. MONROE DRUG COMPANY, Qulncy. hi.