W. L DOUGLAS' TRUST PLAN Manufacturer Thinks Government Should Obtain Publicity by a License System. Large business organizations have come to stay. We cannot go back to old conditions. We must meet world competition. Large concerns can pro duce goods at lower cost than small ones. Germany favors large corpora tions. The method of the present na tional administration is to dissolve the great organizations and make them smaller, which is a backward step. There should be no limit to a corporation doing a large and legiti mate business, such as would be pos sible under the licensing plan which I favor, writes W. L. Douglas, former governor of Massachusetts, in the Boston Herald. Prejudices against corporations merely because they are big, perhaps, must be done away with. They give labor better returns. They cheapen product and thus benefit the consum er. They give opportunities to small investors who get returns otherwise unattainable. They employ able young men who have no capital at all, but who receive handsome sal aries for their ability and service. In place of the Sherman law it is my opinion there should be a depart ment at Washington to grant licenses to all manufacturers and corporations In this country who do an interstate commerce business. The law should be made so clear, plain and definite that It could not be misunderstood. It should require all capital to be paid in full. Semi-yearly statements should be given to the public and certified by a public ac countant. There should be a board of examiners in each state to look after these corporations just as our national banks are watched by the na tional government. They should have the right to enter the offices and ex amine the records of all the direc torates of these companies. Corrected His Veracity. James Papa, I ain't got no sirup. Father John, correct your brother. John (leaning over and peering into James' plate) Yes you is. Harper's Weekly. TO DRIVE OUT 9IA1ARL4 ASU BUILD IP THE SYSTEM. Take the Old Standard GROVE'S a.a.STKLKbd CHILL TUNIC. You know what you ar taking. The formula is plainly printed on every bottle, Knowing it is simply Quinine and Iron in a tasteless lorm, and the most effectual form, For grown people and children. 0 cunts. A woman may not be able to reform the man she marries, but she is rea sonably sure to inform him. Stiff neck! Doesn't amount to much, but mighty disagreeable. You will be sur prised to see how quickly Hamlins Wizard .Oil will drive that stiffness out. One night, that's all. Somehow or other, the fellow who knows it all is never the one who wins the bets. For COLDS and GRIP Hicks Capudisb is the best remedy re lieres the aching and feverishness cures the Cold and restores normal conditions. It's liquid effects immediately. 10c., 25c., and 50c. At drug stores. Virtue glories in persecution, as a flag glories in rags. Frederic Mistral. Constipation causes many serious dis eases. It is thoroughly cured by Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellet 9. One a laxative, three for cathartic. There is no leftover stock on the political pie counter. in Had) id POISON I boke pains ULbEndjdbALI SKIN, PIMPLES B B. B. Cure - above troubles. Also Eczema and Rheumatism. Test B. B. tl. FREE! For twenty-Are years Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.), has been caring yearly thousands of sufferers from Primary, Secondary or Tertiary Blood Poison, and all forms of Blood and Skin Diseases, Cancer, - Rheumatism and Eczema. We solicit the most ob stinate cases, because B. B. B. cures where all else fails. If you have aches and pains In Bones. Back or Joints, Mucus Patches in mouth. Sore Throat, Pim ples, Copper-Colored 8 pots. Ulcers on any part of the body. LLair or Kye brows falling out. Itching, watery blisters or open humors. Risings or pimples of Bczema, Bolls, Swellings, Bating Sores, take B. B. B. It kills the poison, makes the blood pure and rich, completely changing the entire body Into a elean, healthy condition, healing every sore oi pimple and stopping all aches, pains and itching, curing the worse case of Blood Poison, Rheumatism or ificzema. Botanio Blood Balm (B. B. B. ), Is pleasant and safe to take : composed of pure Botanic ingre dients. It purines and enriches the blood. DRUGGISTS, 11.00 PKB LAUGH BOTTLE. Free Blood Cure Coupon This coupon is good for one sample of B. B. B. mailed free in plain pack age. Simply mail to BLOOD BALM COMPANY, Atlanta, Ga. Charlotte Directory Charlotte Auto School, Charlotte, N,C, wants men and boys to learn Automobile business in tbeir Garage and Machine shops. New Cars; New Machinery; good positions for every graduate. CATALOG UK FREE. SPECIAL SALE ON PIANOS We did not anticipate 84 cent cotton when we placed our order for Self - Player Pianos. The stock on hand must be sold before December 31st, and in order to dispose of them will make special terms. See this stock while it is complete or write for particulars. Chas. M. Stieff Stieff Self-Player and the Shaw. Self-Player Pianos Southern Wareroom 5 West Trade Street Charlotte - North Carolina C. H. WILMOTH, Manager (Mention tbis Paper) Manufacturer of the Artistic NEHEMIAH AND HIS ENEMIES Sunday School Lesson for Dec. 10, 1911 Specially Arranged for This Paper LESSON TEXT Nehemiah 6. MEMORY VERSE 11. , GOLDEN TEXT "The Lord Is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid."-Psa. 27:1. TIME B. C. 444. The wall was finished In 32 days In Au gust and September, PLACE Jerusalem and vicinity. There were enemies within the Jew ish church. Some of the nobles and richer men had been oppressing their poorer brethren who were working at great sacrifice in rebuilding the walls. No wages were paid for this work, so that many were thus reduced to the direst straits to support themselves and their families, and pay the taxe3 exacted by the Persian government. Their misfortunes were brought to a climax by the condition of hostilities, which put an end to trade, and threat ened town and country with ruin. It was impossible to obtain regular em ployment, and prices had gone up. Those who had a little property mort gaged their homes; and in this way a considerable portion of the property of the poorer classes, their grain fields vineyards, and dwellings, passed into the hands of wealthy money lenders, who demanded high usury. Some, having no means to pay their creditors, sold their children as slaves. The hungry ones were threatening, if the grain was not given to eep them fro mstarvation, they would take it by violence, or surrender the city to its enemies. The 'taxes for the Persian government were very heavy and ex acting. The chief officers farmed out the collection of the taxes, loth In money and in the fruits of tha land. These under officers were the same. a3 those called publicans In the New Testament. They were required to pay over to their superiors the exorbi tant sum fixed by law, and depended for their profit on what they could make by fraud and extortion. . .They overcharged, brought false charges, of smuggling to extort hush-money, seized upon property in case of dis pute and held it until their levy was Faid. forbade the farmer to reap his standing crops mtil they had wrung from him all that his penury cou'.d produce. They were universally fear ed, hated, and despised. No money known to have come from them was received for religious uses. Now these, who professed religion and lived heathenism, were the great est injury to the Cause for which Nehemiah had come. It was against such as these that Jesus launched the sharpest lightning of hl3 "Wceunto you, hypocrites." They are traitors to their country, their church and their God. The church stands for the high est expression of man's life. A church represents the permanent spiritual ideals. It embodies the loftiest human aspirations; a nation's test expres sion of its religious sentiment repre sents that nation at its best. New whosoever In the name of the church, as a member of it. does actions con .trary to it3 whole spirit. Is the great est enemy of the kingdom of God. Nehemiah overcame these enemies. He changed them from enemies to friends. He rebuked them with burn ing Indignation. He told them to their face the wrong they were doing. He persuaded them to repent and undo the wrongs they had done: "I pray you, let us leave off thi3 usury. Re store, I pray you, to them, even this day, their lands, their vineyards, their oliveyards, and their houses, also the hundredth part of the money, and or the corn, the wine, and the oil. that ye exact of them." Then said they. "We will restore thorn, and will re quire nothing of them; so will we do as thou sayest." He set them a good example. He refused to take the usual salary of the governor. He bore all the expenses of his retinue. HI3 noble conduct made the names of these op pressors show black as the smoke of the pit. One of the greatest powers for re forming abuses is publicity. Let every man's name be on his deed, on the work he dces on everything he says, on all that he' owns. Let the saloon keeper's name be on the drunkard he made. On all the adulterated food, the dishonest work, the sweat-shop ruins of health, the unhealthy tene ments let the name, of the doers of these evils be written In blazing let ters, like the fiery letters that flamed from the barrels of rum on which the demons had written the evils it would cost, and few would dare face this publicity cure. Nehemiah shamed these false hearted leaders Into re pentance and virtue. 1 There 13 a continual temptation to day for Christian workers to give up their time and strength to discussing the many theories and unsettled ques tions which are continually confront ing them. All sorts of men say all sorts of things till it seems as if these clouds were obscuring the whole con tinent of Truth. This is true of many other things . hesides religion. Now the way to escape from these scares is to attend to our duties, to go to work for the Cause of Christ with all our hearts, to give ourselves to help ing save our fellow men, both body and soul. For then we will use the essential 'things by which our work la accomplished. We thus test the work ing theories by using them. Those principles that bring results are the ones we want. We find out what they are worth through testing them by what they will do. Working for Christ and for his children is our safeguard. Nehemiah was asked to leave his work for personal safety. This was too base an appeal. Nehemiah indig nantly exclaimed, "Should such a man as I flee?" The very baseness of, the appeal opened Nehemlah's eyes to the fact that Shemaiah was not a prophet, but a mere tool of Sanballat bribed to en snare him. That any one could im agine that he could be influenced by fear, touched Nehemlah's heart to the quick. It was an insult that the gov ernor could only put into the hands of lod to wipe out. But in the end th -wall was built. 3 estored After Being . Given Up by. Specialists A wonderful cure by MM Mr. W. E. Griggs, Secretary, and Treasurer Westbrooks Elevator Co. and formerly Cashier Bank of Danville, says: "About ten years ago my eyesight began to fail to such an extent that it became necessary for me to consult a specialist My trouble in creased until 1 found it necessary to consult sev eral others. My case was diagnosed as Atrophy of the Optic Nerve, caused by impoverished blood supply. The progress of my trouble was slow but steady, with never any relief, until finally my physician advised me that nothing further could be done. About this time, about two years ago. I could not see to read, and my range of vision was so short that I could not see anything at a greater distance than fifty or seventy-fiv feet. I often found it difficult to recognize ac quaintances when I met them, distinguishing them more by their voices than their features. In May, 1009, a friend adviaed me that 'if the physician's diagnosis was correct, MILAM will cure you, because it will purify and enrich the blood, increaso the flow, and build up tho sys tem; but it will take a longtime and the im provement will be slow." "I did not believe one word of this, and con sented to take MILAM because I did not think it could hurt me, and there might be a bare possi bility that it might help me. After six weeks' use I began to notice a slight improvement in my sight, which has been slow but steady and with no setback. Now I can read newspapers with ordinary glasses, can distinguish large ob jects two miles away, and have ho difficulty now. as far as my sight U concerned, in attend ing to my duties as the executive officer of a corporation. J'l am still careful not to tax my eyes unrea sonably, because I realise that I am not cured; but hope, and am more and more encouraged as time passes, to believe that the continued use of ' !I1AM will cure me. "I think it proper to state that my general health and strength have also improved in the. same ratio as my eyesight, and I attribute this to the use of Milam. Signed ' W. E. GRIGGS." Danville. Va., March 23. 1S1Q. is NOT an EYE medicine and will cure no blindness except that arising from impoverished of impure blood or depleted system. A$k Your Druggist s MILAM ifrfMPIJii.-t'Sluy isI.Thomptoa't Eyi Water ; ' " v.fn Hard- Luck. Hewitt -"You 'qtie always broke. . -jewltt I know it ; 1 couldnlt raise Lhe wind" with an "electric fan. FAR BETTER THAN QUIXI.E. Elixir Babek cures malaria where quinine falls, and it can be taken with impunity by old and young. "Having: suffered from Malarious Fe ver for several months, getting no re lief from quinine and being completely broken down in health. 'Elixir Babek' effected a permanent cure." W. F. Marr. Elixir Babvk, 50 cents, all druggist!, or Kloczewski & Co.. Washington. L. C. LOST HIS. INDEPENDENCE. Nagg I never speak of the Fourth of July as Independence Day. Stagg Why not? Nagg Why, I was married on that iay. It Sounded Well. Horace Taylor, the artist, whose newspaper illustrations used to be ad mired here, came from Nokomis, 111., in the- Egypt district. In "Hod's" early days they organized a band in which he blew an inconsequential horn. "We had a hard time naming the band," said Taylor. "However, as we were a thousand miles from the ocean and even a considerable distance from the great lakes, we called it the Marine Band of Nokomis." Chi cago Evening Post. WORKS WITHOUT FAITH Faith Came After the Works Had Laid the Foundation. A Bay State belle talks thus about coffee: "While a coffee drinker I was a suf ferer from indigestion and intensely painful nervous headaches, from child hood. "Seven years ago my health gave out entirely. I grew so"1 weak that the exertion of walking, If only a few feet, made it necessary for me to lie down. My friends thought I was marked for consumption weak, thin and pale. "I realized the danger I was in and tried faithfully to get relief from med icines, till, at last, after having em ployed all kinds of drugs, the doctor acknowledged that he did not believe it was in his power to cure me. "While in this condition a friend in duced me to quit coffee and try Post um, and I did so without the least hope that it would do me any good. I did not like It at first, but when it was properly made I found it was a most delicious and refreshing beverage. I am especially fond of it served at din ner ice-cold, with cream. "In a month's time I began to Im prove, and in a few weeks my indiges tion ceased to trouble me, and my headache stopped entirely. I am so perfectly well now that I do not look like the same person, and I have so gained in flesh that I am IE pounds heavier than ever before. "This is what Postum has done for me. I still use it and shall always do so." Name given by Postum Co., Bat tle Creek, Mich. "There's a reason," and it is ex plained in the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. Ever read the above letterf A new one appearai from time to time. They are genuine, true, ana u Intercut. (Cleanses the System effectually; Dispels colJs and Headaches; aue to constipation. Best for menvvWomen and children : young and old . To get its Beneficial effects, always note the name of the Company, California Fig Syrup (p. plainly printed on the front of every package of the Genuine WBmmsm w Shoe Polishes FINEST QUALITY LARGEST VARIETY They meet every requirement for cleaning axttf toUshing shoes of all kinds and colors. mm niT T . TCTWIK tha onl? ladles shoe dressing Jiat positively contains OlU Blacks and Polishes ladies' and children's boots and shoes, shines rtthont robbing, 25c French lns." 10c. ST AH comoluai ion for cleaning and polishing all Kinds of russet or tan shoes, luc. "Dandy" slr25c. BAB V KI.1TE combination for gentlemen who Sake pride in having thuir shoes look Al. Restores olor and lustra to all black shoes. Polish with a Drnsh or cloth, 10 cents. 'Kllte" sire 25 cents. If your dealer does not keep the kind you want, lend us his address and the price In stamps for a full slio package. WHITTEIVJOKE BRUS. & UUM 90-26 Albany St., Cambridge. Mass, The Oldest and Largest Manufacturers of Shoe Folisnes tit tne woria. ALMOST A MIRACLE, This la Cvrus O. Bates, the man who advertises Mother's Joy and Goose Grease Liniment, two of the greatest things known to humanity. Mother's Joy Is a Pneumonia Core and Never Falls Mothers dont fail to get a box of MOTHER S JOT mmm Soothes and heals, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Sore Throat, Boils, Old Sores, Mashes, Torn Ligaments. ' Relieves the Aches and Pains in cident to old age, such as Sciatica, Lumbago and Rheumatism. 25c 50c $1 abottle at Dras- ok. Gen'I Stores The Wretchedness of .Constipation Can quickly be overcome by CARTER'S LITTLE UVER PILLS. Purely vegetable act surely and il liven' Cure 'jA Biliousness, f f Head ache, Dizzi ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE, Genuine must bear Signature CARTERS vm 0r and Women BHSSHBBBlBBBSBBBSSBBBBBBflBBBBBBBBBBHBsaBSSBBBBBBBl Women as well as men are made mis erable by kidney and bladder trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, promptly relieves. Swamp-Hoot stands the highest for the reason that it has proved to be just the remedy needed in thousands upon thou sands of even the most distressing cases. At druggists in 50c and $1.00 sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mall free, also a pamphlet telling you about It Ad dress Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton.N.Y. MONET III TMPPW9. W toll yon hw and pajbMtprteu. Write tor w..kly prlc lut sad ntuuiH. H.SABEL&SONS uhhsvilu. WW. federals Fsrt.KMai.VMl FURS Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color . BEHOVES SABBBlFr A SCIRF nvlgoratesand preTents thehalrfromfalllnjofl Fr 81 by Drafcbts, w Scat MrMt bj XANTHINE CO., Richmond, Virginia ria SI rr BaUtei Swpl. B.U1 tic Sm4 for elmluw DROPSY TRHATKD. GIto quick re w 1 lief, usually remoTo swel ling and short breath In a few days and entire relief In lb-ttdays, trial treatment FREE. DR. 6KEK5S BOSS. Box A, lUuta,0a, the fo Is rtamft to rpmomhor n vnii need a mirwHu r COUGHS and COUPS Health Complefely Restored After Case Was Pronounced Incurable. Mrs. J. Tllghman Wright, 519 Golds borough St., Easton, Md., says: "I cannot begin to describe my suffering from Bright's disease. I constantly felt as if I were dy ing. My back pained me intensely and was so weak that for weeks I could not walk across the floor. My condition became critical and physi cians pronounced me incurable. I started taking Doan's Kidney Pills as a last resort, and soon received re lief. When I began with them I weigh ed 64 pounds. . I now weigh 109 pounds and feel like a new woman." "When Your Back Is Lame, Remem ber the Name DOAN'S." 50c, all stores. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. No Insomnia Here. Mrs. Eastside Now that j-ou've got so rich I should think you'd be afraid of burglars. Mrs. McSwimm Sure, I'm not afeared at all, at all. I've 15 alram clocks set so that one will go off every halfhour during th night. Whin a burglar hears one o' them he niver sthops to take anything wid him. Mrs. Eastside But don't they keep you awake? Mrs. McSwimm No, indade. Its not us would be waked up by a little thing like that. Before John got th' pipe contract I used to be a , kitchen leddy, and John was a policeman Philadelphia. New York Weekly. in CUTICURA OINTMENT HEALED BAD SORE ON LIMB "Some time ago I was coming up some steps when the board crushed under me like an egg shell, and my right limb went through to the knee, and scraped he flesh off the bone just inside and below the knee. I neglected it for a day or two, then It began to hurt me pretty badly. I put balsam fir on to draw out the poison, but when I had used it a week, it hurt so badly that I changed to oint ment. That made it smart and burn so badly that I couldn't use it any more, and that was the fourth week after I was hurt. "Then I began to use Cutlcura Oint ment for the sore. It stopped hurting immediately and began healing right away. It was a bad-looking sore be fore Cuticura Ointment healed it, and I suffered so I couldn't sleep from two days after I fell until I began using Cuticura Ointment. "Cuticura Soap is the best soap I ever saw. I have used all kinds of soap for washing my face, and always it would leave my face smarting. I had to keep a lotion to stop the smart, no matter how expensive a soap I used. I find at last in Cuticura Soap a soap that will clean my face and leave no smarting, and I do not have to use any lotion or anything else to ease it. I believe Cuticura Soap is the best soap made." (Signed) Mrs. M. E. Fairchild, 805 Lafayette St., Wich ita, Kan., May 8, 1911. Although Cuticura Soap and Ointment are sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. a sample of each, with 32-page book, will be mailed free on application to "Cuticura," Dept. 22 K, Boston. Bush Leaguers. - Professor You know that the low est type of human beings is found in Australia. What are those natives called, Mr. Fanning? Student (captain of the ball team) Gush leaguers. Puck. A Father's Worry. Your poor wearied wife losing sleep night after night nursing the little one suffering from that night fiend for chil dren and horror to parents, Croup, should have a bottle of Taylor's Chero kee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mul lein, an undoubted croup preventive and cure for coughs, colds, consump tion, Whooping Cough, etc. At druggists, 25c, 50c. and $1.00 a bottle. Notice to Inventors. A device for squeezing water out of stocks and the milk supply would fill a long felt want. A USEFUL XMAS GIFT for man, woman or child is a good fountain pen. Waterman's Ideal is the best pen made and the one that is most imitated, therefore insist on the genuine. Sold by all good dealers. If thought photography ever be comes practical the world will learn some astonishing secrets. For HEAlACllEIIIcks CAPL'DIXE Whether from Colds, Heat, Stomach or Nervous Troubles, Capudine will reliev yon. It's liquid pleasant to take acts immedi ately. Try It. 10c., 25c., and 50 cents at drug stores. For every time a man is hurt he is scared a hundred times. Uts. Wtnslow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething', softens the grums, reduces Inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c a bottle. Many a small bottle has developed Into a family jar. mm J Pull ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AVegetable Preparation for As similating the Food andRegula ring the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digesfion,Cheerful ness and Rest. Con tains neither Opium. Morphine nor Mineral Not "Nai c otic Pecipt cfOld DrSAlWElmflER rumpkm cud PocMUSaNt -Atis Std . ftpptrmirU -BiCatinmUStd Worm Sttd -Ctnid Sup' Hi'nkrprre Flavor A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms Convulsions .Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP Fac Simile Signature of The Centaur Company, NEW YORK. n n For Infants and Children. ' The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature i of hi Use For Over Thirty Years Guaranteed under the Foodai 0 111 yli Exact Copy of Wrapper. Z3 W. L DOUGLAS 2.50, 3.00, 3.50 & 4.00 SHOES All Styles, All Leathers, All Sizes and Widths, for Men and Women THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 30 YEARS The workmanship which has made W.L. Douglas shoes famous the world over is maintained in every pair. If 1 could take you into my large factories at Brockton, Mass., and show you how carefully W.L.Douglas shoes are made you would then realize why I warrant them to hold their shape, fit and look better and wear longer than other makes for the price. R&IITIHN Th genuine hve W. L. Douglas WHU I mil mm. ,,, priCe tamped on bottom Shoes Seut Everywhere All Charges Prepaid. i Hon to Orilrr by M nil. - If W. L. Donfr f 1m shoes are not sold in yonr rown.send direct to factory. Take measurements of foot as shown mouei ; state style a?tirea ; size ana wiatn I . v , usually worn: plain or cap toe: heary. medium llicnt sole. X uo e largest Aoe mail business in tne toorld. Illustrated Catalog Free. W. L DOV6 LAS. 146 Spark St., Brocktoa, Has. ONE PAIR of mr BOYS' 83, 82.50 or 3.00 SHOES -m positively outwear TWO PAIRS of ordinary boys' shoe Fast Color Eylmt Usm4 Exclusively. Lamps and Lanterns The strong, steady light. Rayo lamps and lanterns give most light for the oil they burn. Do not flicker. Will not blow or jar out. Simple, reliable and durable and sold at a price that will surprise you. Asl your dealer to show you his line of Rsyo Umps and lanterns, or write to any agency of Standard Oil Company ( Incorporated ) lf ,( . if J; Free to You Etfy Sister FREE TO YOU and Every Sister Suffering from Woman's Ailments I mm m mrommn. I know vrommn'm uWorlng. m nm wm ivwra im wrm 1 will mail, free of any charee. my home treatment wit full instructions to any sufferer from woman's ailments, t want to tell all women about this cure you, my reader, for yourself, your daughter, your mother, or your sister. I want to tell yon how to euro yourselves at home without the help of a doctor. Man cannot understand women's suf fering,. What we women know fiom experience) we know better than any doctor. I knew that my heme treatment lea safe and earn core for Leueerrhoea or Whitish Dlachars-e, Ulceration, Die. placement or ratlins of the Wane, Profuse, Scanty or plnful Periods, Uterine or Ovarian Turner or Orowthsi also peine In tho hood, back and newels, bearing down feeling-, nerveoaneae, era spina; fooilna; up tho opine, melancholy, desire to cry. hot flashes, weariness. Money and bladder trouble where sensed by wssknsssse peculiar to our eex. Wxitt to Sand You m Complei Ten Dmye Treatment Entirely Free to prore to you that yon can core yourself at home easily, quickly snd rarely. Emeinbwttat IV win tet yoe nothing to giro tne treatment a complete trial; and if you should wish to eonUnue. it will cost ionlyi about II ets. a week, or less than 2 eta. a day. It will not Interfere with your work "occupation. Juat aond me your name and addrooa, tell me how yon suffer If you wish, and I will send you the treatment ; for nor ease, entirely free, in plain wrapper, by return mail. I will also send you free of eoet, my book "WOntAH S OWM MKOICAJ. ADVISER" with explanatory illustrations showing why women suffer, and hew they can easily euro tlisinsiilvee at home. Erery woman ahould hsve it and learn to think for herself. Then when the doctor says You must have an operation." yoo can decide for votmelf. Thousands of women hsve cured tbemselree witn my home remedy. It cures all, old or young, to mothers of DAUGHTERS, I will explain a simple boras treat ment which speedily and effectually cures Leacorrhoea. Green Sickness and Painful or Irregular Menstruation m Young Ladies. Plumpness and health always result from iU use. Wherever you live, I can refer you to ladies in yonr own locality who know and will gladly tell say sufferer that this Homo Treatment really cures all women's diseases and makes women well, strong, plump and robust. nrass, sn ut Inw uo aiji uwumni n roan, sne uw . xui. no v. v. Write today, as you may not see In. uul hma ii i ... mAAr scheme. All lettem are kept confidential and are never sold to other persona. this oner again. Address MRS. M. SUMMERS, BOX 17 - - . NOTRE DAME, IND., U. S. A. PERFECTION f&SggSk In every cold weather emergency you need a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater. Is your bedroom cold when you drets or undress ? Do your water pipes freeze in the cellar ? Is it chilly when the wind whistles around the exposed corners of your house ? A Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater brings complete com fort. Can be carried anywhere. Always ready for use glowing heat from the minute it is lighted. ' Ask your desler to show you a Perfectioa Saokelest 03 Heater or write for descriptive circular to any agency of Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) SSSBSSSSmSSSSBSSSmmSSSSSa Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is the best of ell medicines for the cure of diseases, disorders and weaknesses peculiar to women. It is the only preparation of its kind devised by a regularly gradu . ated physician an experienced and skilled specialist in the diseases of women. It is a safe medicine la any condition of the system. THE ONE REMEDY which contains no alcohol and no injurious habit-forming drug and which (Sreatea no craving for such stimulants. THE ONE REMEDY so good that Its master , awe not afraid to print its every ingrediont on ach outside bottlo-wrapper end attest to tho truthfulness of tho same under oath. It is sold by medicine dealers everywhere, and any dealer who hasn't It can get it. Don't take a substitute of unknown composition for this medicine o known composition. No counterfeit is as good as the genuine and the druggist who says something else is "just as good as Dr. Pierce's" is either mistaken or is trying to deceive you for his own selfish benefit. Such a man is not to bo trusted. He is trifling with your most priceless possession your health may be your life itself. See that you get what you asb for. I PILLOWS FREE Mail us fio.oo for 36-pound Feather Bed and receive 6-pound pair of pillows. Freight prepaid. New feathers, best ticking, satis faction guaranteed. AGENTS WANTED. TURNER f CORN WELL, Feather Dealers, Charlotte. North Carolina. WANTED 100 yonns people to atndy Shorthand and Bookkeeping laagct by Bpoeiallsts. It anlnterested. send namee and addresses of three that are and set our pen-written Oards. Address GREENSBORO COMMEKCIAX. SCHOOle Orefaboro, H, C for literature. OEFiailCE Cold Vaer Starch makes laundry work a pleasure. 10 ox. rWg. 10o I IVC UIICTI CPC make HO to 130 a dayselltnf LIVknUdlLr.nO men-grade auto specially. Write VA LIS -ACTORieii, Ouslbur, Wisconsin. t W. N. U CHARLOTTE, NO. 49-1911. FADELESS DYE filor more soods brighter arid faster colors than any other dye. One 10c package colore all fibers They dye ol d wate rbrrt t pr th an ot er dye. You can fee any gam ent without ripping apart. Write for free booklet How to Dye. Bleach ana Mix Colors. MONROE DRUG COMPANY. Oulncy. Ufa