BOY CARRIED OFF HONORS Inquisitive Person Probably Still Is Looking for Information That He. Didn't Get. , Every one who has lived in a small town knows the type of person gener ally detested there for his inquisitive habits. That even children delight in thwarting the purposes of such a per son is shown "by an incident related by a New Englander. A woman in a New England town wished a friend to share her; cider vinegar and sent her nine-year-old son to deliver it. He returned quickly, his face wearing a satisfied smile.' "Mrs. Brown was much obliged, ma, but I met Mr. Parker just after I got there. He said, 'Hullo, sonny! I won der if you've got molasses in that jug?' and I said 'No, eir.' He said, "Got vinegar?' and I told him 'No, sir. "At last he said. 'Well, that's a jug in your hand, ain't it?' and I put my jug on the ground and said, 'No, sir.' " Fellows in Distress. An efficient woman principal of a New York grammar school, though devoid of good looks and bearing the marks of long service in her profes sion, still retains the charm of a de lightful frankness. One day while watching the pupils pass out of her building two by two, as usual, she no ticed one boy marching alone, with his arm to his eyes, sobbing tumultu ously. In answer to her solicitous in quiry as she drew him from the line, the little fellow wailed: "I I haven't g-got no pardner!" The principal extended a prompt and sympathetic hand. "Shake, dear boy, shake!" she invited. "I haven't, either." When you hear two men talking so loudly that they can be heard in the next block, they are talking about something they know nothing about. XO DRIVE OUT MALARIA A'1 BlIU) UP THE SYSTEM Take the Old Standard GROVE'S T STELESS CHLLLi TONIC. Von know what you are taking 1'hd formula is plainly printed on every bottle, showing it is simply Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form, and the most effectual form. For grows people and children, 50 cents. Only a good man can believe that a woman is better than he is. Checked and In Early Stages, Cured by the great Reconstructive tonic and blood renovater We do not set forth MILAM as a cure for consumption, but it has proven so bene ficial to such patients that we believe, and are supported in our belief by a practicing physician, that MILAM will arrest incip ient tuberculosis or consumption in its early stages. We know that it greatly benefits eveD those in the advanced stages. Read tha fc? lowing Scrofulitic Consumption City of Danville, State cf Virginia To-wit: I, Edmund B. Meade, Notary Public in and for the City of Danville, State of Vir ginia, do hereby certify that Abram Word, of Danville, Va., to me well known, did ap pear before me, and being duly sworn, de poseth and says as follows: "For ten years prior to August, 1909, I was under the care of a regular physician. Last spring this doctor told me he could do me no good, and I tried another for tour months without receiving any benefit from him. In August, 1909, I began taking Milam, and am now able to do my work without difficulty, my appetite is good, and I can eat and digest any food. My trouble was said to be Scrofulitic Consumption, and I was wasted away to a shadow. I was so weak that I could hard ly walk when I commenced on MILAM. I regard MILAM as a truly valuable reme dy in all cases of blood trouble, whether eruptive, or proceeding from a lack of full, free circulation. I have recommended MILAM to about twenty of my friends, and so far as I have seen or heard from them, they all speak in the highest terms of it, and are recommend ing it to their friends. It was particularly beneficial to me in aid ing digestion and building up an appetite." (Signed) ABRAM WORD. In witness to the above. I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of my office, this 23rd day cSVi V wuiunv tS. ME.AU1S, (SEAL) Notary Public. My commission expires Jan. 14, 1314. Ask your druggist or write for booklet Milam Medicine Co.,Inc. Danvine, va, 1 THE BEST MEDICINE ifor Coughs 6 Colds IT Charlotte Directory wants men and boya to learn Automobile business m fieir Garage and Machine shops. New Cars; New Machinery; pood positions for every gTaduate. CATALOGUE FREE. SPECIAL SALE ON PLAYER. PIANOS We did not anticipate 84 cent cotton when we placed our order for Slf . Plavor Pianos. The stock on hand must be sold before December 31st, and in order to dispose of them will make special terms. See this stock while it is complete or write for particulars. Chas. M. Stieff Stieff Self-Player and the Shaw Self-Player Pianos Southern Wareroom 5 West Trade Street Charlotte - North Carolina C. H. WILMOTH, Manager Manufacturer of the Artistic (Mention this I'aper) GOT THE LETTERS MIXEC Clergyman's Mistake Resulted In Giv ing Decided Surprise to Digni fied Archbishop. One of the most amusing stories which the Hon. Lionel A. Tollemache tells in "Nuts and Chestnuts," is that entitled, "The Wrong Envelope." Mr. M , a missionary, shortly before leaving England, received two letters one from Archbiehop Tait asking him to dine, and the other from the secretary of a religious society, a very old friend, asking him to preach. He accepted the archbishop's invitation, and at the same time wrote to the secretary, but put the letters into the wrong envelopes. After the dinner at Lambeth the archbishop said to him: "Mr. M . do you always answer your dinner in vitations in the same way?" "I do not understand, your grace." The letter, which was then shown to the missionary, ran thus: "You old rascal! Why did you not ask me be fore? You know perfectly well that I shall be on the high seas on the date you name." London Tit-Bits. BOTANICAL BADINAGE. V n Y " I She Ah, dearest one, when you are gone I shall pine away. He Tut! tut! Spruce up. IT IS CRIMINAL TO NEGLECT THE SKIN AND HAIR Think of the suffering entailed by neglected skin troubles mental be cause of disfiguration, physical be cause of pain. Think of the pleasure of a clear skin, soft, white hands, and good hair. These blessings, so essen tial to happiness and even success in life, are often only a matter of a little thoughtful care in the selection of effective remedial agents. Cuticura Soap and Ointment do so much for poor complexions, red, rough hands, and dry, thin and falling hair, and cost so little, that it is almost criminal not to use them. Although Cuticura Soap and Ointment are sold everywhere, a postal to "Cuticura," Dept. 21 L, Bos ton, will secure a .liberal sample of each, with 32-page booklet on skin and scalp treatment. Precise. The proofreader on a small middle western daily was a woman of great precision and extreme propriety. One day a reporter succeeded in getting into type an item about "Willie Brown, the boy who was burned in the West end by a live wire." On the following day the reporter found on his desk a frigid note ask ing. "Which is the west end of a boy?" It took only an instant to reply "The end the son sets on, cf course." Ladies' Home Journal. Lady Uses Tetterlne for Eczema. Ed?ar Springs. Mo.. July 15. 1908. The Eczema on my face usually appears In the pprin? and your salve alwavs helps ft. I use no other preparation but Tet terlne and find it superior to any on the market. Respectfully. Elsie M. Ju?vine. Tetter'ne euros Eczema. Tetter. Itchlnsr Piles. Ring TVorm and everv form of Scalp and Skin Disease. Tetterlne 50c: Tetterlne Sohd 2.v. At drurcrlsts or by mail direct from The Shuptrine Co., Sa vannah. Oa. With every mll ori'r for Tetterine we pive a box of Shuptrlne's 10c Liver Pills free. No Jury. "Didn't you give that man a jury trial?" "Look here," replied Broncho Bob. "there ain't a big lot o men in this settlement. We couldn't possibly git twelve of 'em together without start In a fatal argument about somethin' that had nothin' whatever to do with the case." Washington Star. Particular Woman. "She Insisted on having a woman lawyer secure her divorce." "Why was she so particular?" "She did not want to go contrary to that portion of the marriage ceremony that reads, 'Let no man put asun der.' "Judge. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Beers the Six StTsj m Signature of CfeT In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Touching. Jennie Everything he touches seems to turn to gold. Jim Yes; he touched me today for a sovereign. London Opinion. For HEADACHE illeks CAFUDINE Whether from Colds, Heat, Stomach or Nervous Troubles, Capudine will relieve you. It's liquid pleas.-int to take acts Immedi ately. Try it. 10c., 25c, and 53 cents at drug stores. Our idea of nothing to beat is the fellow who brags that he begins where we leave off! Many people have receding Rums. Rub Hamlins Wizard Oil on gums and stop the decay; chase the disease germs with a mouth wash of a few drops to a spoonful of water. The fellow who goes around looking for trouble generally meets! somebody who takes him at his word. Dr. Pierce's Pellets, small, sugar-coated, easy to take as candy, regulate and invig orate stomach, liver and Dowels. and cure constipation. Some men who marry iu haste have plenty of time to pay alimony. . fei L if if ' p SHAKE? i Oxidine is not only the quickest, safest, ana surest remedy for Chills and Fever, but a most dependable tonic in all malarial diseases. A liver tonic a kid ney tonic a stomach tonic a bowel tonic If a system-cleansing tonic is needed, just try OXIDINE Dottle proves. The specific for Malaria, Chi Ha end Fever and all disease due to disordered kid neys, liver, stomach, and bowels. 60c. At Your Druggists 131 BIEB1S j DTtUO CO. , Waco, Texas. PILLOWS FREE Mail us $iooo for 36-pound Feather Bed and receive 6-pouad pairof pillows. Freight prepaid. New feathers, best ticking, satis faction guaranteed. AGENTS WANTED. TURNER f CORN WELL, Feather Dealers, Charlotte, North Carolina. FOR ALL SORE EYES W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 50-1911. HIS VOCATION. "I suppose you'll be an agricultur ist when you grow up?" "No'm. I'm jest goin' to work on this farm, that's all." Resigned. The sick man had called bis lawyer. "I wish to explain again to you," said he weakly, "about willing my proper ty." The attorney held up his hand reas suringly. "There, there," said he, "leave that all to me." The sick man sighed resignedly. "1 suppose I might a3 well," said he, turn ing upon his pillow. "You'll get it, anyway." Measure of His Intelligence. Fido's Mistress (sobbing) I've lost my dog; my sweet little innocent pet! Friend I'm so sorry. Have you put an advertisement in the newspa per? Fido's Mistress Oh, what would be the use? The poor darling doesn't know how to read. Woman's Home Companion. And a kiss in the dark is one kind of an electric spark. gsww r ! ,1 m j pi u im m mn i 1 11 1 miu n 1 mi imm VERY UTILE HOPE IS FELT FOR MEN . GRIM DEATH IS THOUGHT TO HAVE CLAIMED ALL OF THE ENTOMBED MINERS. THE RESCUE WORK GOES ON Eighteen Dead. Have Been Found and Eight Bodies Have Been Recovered A Very Pathetic Scene . at the Mouth of the Mine. Briceville, Tenn. Somewhere in the depths of the Cross Mountain coal mine probably one hundred men lie dead, while their sorrow-stricken fam ilies keep vigil at the mouth of their tomb, hoping against hope that their loved ones may be alive when rescu ers reach them. Eight torn and mangled bodies had been brought forth at nightfall, when search was abandoned for the day. Outside of the immediate families of tha entombed men, no one in this little mountain village believes that any liv ing thing in the mine survived the terrific explosion of coal dust that wrecked the workings. For more than thirty-six hours every surviving miner in this region had toiled with no thought of food, sleep or pay to remove the debris and force fresh air into the innermost recesses of the mine. They practically have penetrated to the main entry head nearly three miles in. They expect to be ready to work the cross entries in which the other bodies have undoubt edly been cast by the force of the blast. . Black damp developed and retard ed progress but the silent force push ed dauntlessly on, some of them till they were carried out overcome by the noxious gases. Thousands of the morbidly curious flocked into the village and crowded about the main entry of the mine. Ihey saw nothing because there was nothing to see, but the pitiable grief of the stricken families. All of the bodies recovered have been identified. Among them was that of Will Farmer, assistant foreman cf the mine. The top of his head had been blown off. He is survived by a widow and two children. There is heardly a family in the entire Coal Creek valley that has not felt the icy touch of death. The prob lem of caring for the widows and or phans will be a grave one requiring immediate solution. Certainly Brice ville will be unable to care for her living with more of her wage-earners numbered among the dead. -Surplus In U. S. Postoffice. Washington. "For the first time since 1SS3 the annual financial state ment of the Postoffice Department shows a surplus instead of a deficit." This is the burden of the annual re port of Postmaster-Oeneral Hitchcock just made public. At the beginning of the present administration in 1909, Mr. Hitchcock pointed cut, the department showed a deficit of $17,479,770, the lar gest on record. In two years this de ficit has been changed into a surplus of ?219,11S despite important exten sions throughout the servicce. These extensions include 3,744 new post offices, deliveries of mail by carriers in 186 additional cities, 2.516 new ru ral routes aggregating 60,679 miles, and 8,000 additional postal employes, with the salary-roll greater by $14, 000,000 than it was two years ago. Refusal Draws Stanley's Ire. Washington. The refusal by John D. Rockefeller and his almoner, Rev. F. D. Gates, to accept the "invitation" of the House "Steel trust" investigat ing committee to aj oear and testify, drew a pointed and laconic note from Chairman Stanley, chairman of the committee. Mr. Stanley's letter to Mr. Gates follows: "Sir: My recent com munication to you was intended not to provoke a discussion of the value of the Merritt testimony, or of your per sonal integrity, but to give you an op portunity to defend." There was no letter addressed to Mr. Rockefeller. McNamaras Are In Prison. San Quentin, Cal. The McNamara brothers entered San Quentin peniten tiary where James B. is condemned to spend the remainder of life for his confessed crime of murder, and John J.., secretary of the International As sociation of Bridge and Structural Workers, is sentenced to 15 years' im prisonment for dynamiting. It was James B. who blew up The Los Ange les Times' building, October 1; ,1910, with the loss of 21 lives and John J. who abetted in wrecking part of the Llewellyn Iron Works, in Los Ahgeles. ' Our Army Is a Makeshhift.,, Washington. In his annual report to the President, Secretary of War Stimson declared that the contingency of war with a first-class power would find the army of the United States practically unprepa d. He attributed this largely to the fact that the army was "scattered out over the country" in too many posts, and to a lack ot9 reserves. The arm" on the peace foot ing habitually maintained, with mina ture companies and troops, he charac terized as ineffective for any serious war service. Will Meet in Chicago Next June. Washington. W a the arrival in Washington of prac. cically-,all the mem bers of the Repub can National com mittee, reinforced )y party leaders from nearly every state, became pos sible to forecast just what will be done by the committee at its meeting. As a result of the many conferences held, the following ogram seems to have been agreed upon: Chicago will get the national cor ention apparently beyond all questio- of doubt, and it probably will be lieu the last week ir June. .1 J Si Means Health For the Child The careful mother, who watches close ly the physical peculiarities of her chil ilren, will soon discover that the most Important thing In connection with a child's constant good health is to keep the bowels regularly open. Sluggish bowels will be followed by loss of appe tite, restlessness during sleep, irrita bility and a dozen and one similar evi dences of physical disorder. At the first sign of such disorder give the child a teaspoonful of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin at night on retiring and repeat the dose the following night If necessary more than that ' will scarcely be needed. You will find that the child will recover Its accustomed good spirits at once and will eat and sleep normally. This remedy Is a vast improvement over salt?, cathartics, laxative waters and similar things, which are altogether too powerful for a child. The homes of Mrs. Vallie TJtley, Keyser, . N. C, and Mrs. E. Lh Hair. Dalton, 6a., are always supplied with Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep sin, and with them, as with thousands of others, there Is no substitute for this grand laxative. It is really more than a laxative, for it contains superior tonic properties which help - to tone and strengthen the stomach, liver and bowels so that after a brief use of it all laxa tives can be dispensed with and nature will do its own work. Anyone wishing to make a trial of this remedy before buying it in the regular way of a druggist at fifty cents or one dollar a large bottle (family size) can have a sample bottle sent to the home free of charge by simply addressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 201 Washington St., Monticello, III. Your name and address on a postal card will do. HAD DONE HER PART. "What are you goin' to give at the preacher's donation party, Mandy?" "Lands sake! Nuthin'. Why, I give the preacher a real store necktie that cost 10 cents at Liis donation party only three years ago!" Public Spirit Run Riot. "Our little town o' Blueberryville is right up to date an about as progres sive an' public speerited as any town in the state," said Zedekiah Brush, as he drove over the hills with the sum mer boarder. "Fact is, some of us think the se lectmen use the tax money a little too freely keepin pace with the speerit of progress that seems to be in the air nowadays. Here, In the last year, the town hall has had a new roof, an' a new hoss shed has been built around the church, an' a new handle put in the town pump, an a bridge costin most $200 has been built over Plum crick. The town clock has been put in repair at a cost of $12.60, an' they've put three dozen new books in the town liberry. an' now they are talkin' of offerin a firm a bonus o' $200 to start a pickle factory in the town. Once a lot o' selec'men git the progressive fever, an' the tax money flies. Public speerit is all right, but us taxpayers has to foot the bills when it runs riot the way It does here n our town." Judge. Question for Question. "I shall discharge our butler," said Mr. Cumrox. "What's the trouble?" "He doesn't show me proper defer ence. When I am paying a man lib erally, I consider it his duty to laugh at my jokes." "And won't he?" "I don't think he can. He's an Eng lish butler. When in a spirit of gen tle and condescending badinage I said to him, "Hawkins, can you tell me which came first, the chicken or the egg?" he said, 'which did you order first, sir?'" f. By Way of - Excuse. "Youngleigh has ' some singular ideas." "What, for instance?" "Well, he says it is mean to profit by other people's experience after they've been at all the trouble and expense of collecting it." THE LITTLE WIDOW A Mighty Good Sort of. Neighbor to Have. "A little widow, a neighbor of mine, persuaded me to try Grape-Nuts when my stomach was so weak that It would not retain food of any other kind," writes a grateful woman, from San Bernardino Co,4 Cal. "I had been ill and confined to my bed with fever and nervous prostra tion for three long months after the birth of my second boy. We were in despair until the little widow's advice brought relief. "I liked Grape-Nuts food from the beginning, and . in. an incredibly short time it gave me such strength that I was able to leave my bed and enjoy my three good meals a day. In 2 months my weight increased from 95 to 113 pounds, my nerves had 'steadied down and I felt ready for anything. My neighbors were amazed to see me gain, so rapidly, and still more sc when they heard that Grape-Nuts alone had brought the change. "My 4-year-old boy had eczema very bad last spring and lost his appetite entirely, which made him cross and peevish. I put him on a diet of Grape Nuts, which he relished at once. He Improved from the beginning, the ec zema disappeared and now he is fat and rosy, with a delightfully soft, clear skin. The Grape-Nuts diet did it. I will willingly answer all inquiries. Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read the little book. "The Road tc Wellville," inpkgs. "There's a reason.' Ever read the above letter? A nev one appear from time to time. The re genuine, true, and full of huuia Interest. V Not for Earthly Ears. Doctor Reed, a minister, was open ing the Sunday morning service at his church with the usual prayer. While he was In the midst of it a stranger entered the church and-took a seat far back. Doctor Reed wr-.s praying In a low note, and the man in the rear, atfter straining his ears for a while, called out: "Pray louder. Doctor Reed. I can't hear you." ' " Doctor Reed paused, opened his eyes and turned them around until they rested on the man In the rear. Then he said: "I was not addressing you, sir; I was -speaking to God." London Watchdog. . The SweetSum. The exudation you see clinging to the sweet gum tree in the summer contains a stimulating expectorant that will loosen the phlegm in the throaL Taylor's Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein cures coughs, croup. Whooping Cough and Consumption. At druggists, 25c, 50c. and $1.00 a bottle. Decidely Novel. Ella It was a novel proposal. Stella What did he say? Ella That he' begged the proud privilege of getting up mornings to build the Are for me. i r r i n f ' SarsapariNa Cures all blood humors, all eruptions, clears the complex ion, creates an appetite, aids digestion, relieves that tired feeling, gives vigor and vim. Get it today in usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called S area tab s. PREVENTION" better than cure. Tutt's Pills If taken In time re not only a remedy for, but will prevent SICK HEADACHE, bCloatoei (, constipation and kindred diseases. lira 8 Ms For COLDS and GRIP Hicks' Capudik is the bst remedy re lleres the aching and feverlshness cures the Cold and restores normal conditions. It's liquid effects immediately. 10c., 25c., and 50c. At drug stores- There isn't much hope for the man who has no self-respect. Mrs. WInslow's Soothing1 Syrup for Children teething:, Boftens the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, curas wind colic, 25c a bottle. Too many "eye openers" will.clcse a man's eyes. Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color BlaOTES DAHMUrF AMD BCl'Rr In vigoratesand prevents thebalrfromfalllngofl It Sab j DraffbU, Mr Seal DlrMt bjr XANTHINE CO., Richmond, Virginia fWa 91 rr Battlai Baapia BatUa Sia. Saa for almU. mohey mmii. Wa Ml roa haw tea paybaitprlaaa. Wrlta tor waaklr ariaa lirt ad rafaraneai. M.SABEL aV SONS t.nrrvif j m w BMfcniiFuri.R!4WNl FBI PS WANTED 100 roaBB people to study Shorthand and Bookkeeplni taught by Bpeoi&liata. If onlntereated, aend naraej and addrenaea of three that are and get our pen-writtea Oarda. Addreaa GREENSBORO COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Greensboro, Si. C for Uteratura. The Human Heart .The heart is a wonderful double pump, through the action of which the blood stream is kept sweeping round and round through the body at the rate of seven miles an hour. " Remember this, that our bodies will not stand the strain of over-work without good, pure blood any more than the engine can run smooth ly without oil." After many years of study in the active practice of medicine, Dr. R. V. Pierce found that when the stomach was out of order, the blood impure and there were symptoms of general break down, a tonic made of the glyceric extract of certain roots was the best corrective. This he called Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery - Being made without alcohol, this "Medical Discovery" helps the stomach to assimilate the food, thereby curing dyspepsia. It is especially adapted to diseases attended with excessive tissue waste, notably in convalescence from various fevers, for thin-blooded people and those who are always " catching cold." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent on receipt of 31 one cent stamps for the French cloth-bound book of 1003 pages. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo,. N. Y. I v jilP PERFECTION oTS Smokeless Odorless Clean Convenient The Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater warms up a room in nest to no time. Always ready for use. Can be carried easily to any room where extra warmth is needed. A special automatic device makes it impossible to turn the wick too high or too low. Safe in the hands oi a child. The Perfection burns nine hours on one filling glowing heat from the minute it is lighted. Handsomely finished; drums of blue enamel or plain steel, with nickel trimmings. Ak your dealer or write for descriptive circular to any agency of Standard Oil Company (incorporated) W9 L. DOUGLAS 2.50, 3.00, 3.50 & 4.00 SHOES All Styles. All Leathers, All Sizes and Widths, for Men and Women THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 30 YEARS The workmanship which has made W. L. Douglas shoes famous the world over is maintained in every pair. If 1 could take you into my large factories at Brockton, Mass., and show you how carefully W.L.Douglas shoes are made, you would then realize why I warrant them to hold their shape, fit and look better and wear longer than other makes for the price. CAHTMN The g-ennine have W. I.. Douglas wnu 1 11 name and price stamped on bottom Shoes Seat Everywhere All Char ires Prepaid. hotvco orflfr iy M Mil. ir w. L. Dong las shoes are not sold in your town.send direr to factory. Take measurements of foot as shown in model; state style desired; size and width usually worn ; plain or cap to ; Deary, median ukiii sole, a as ea torgeat Ao man border business its the tcorld. Illustrated Catalog; Free. W. I DOUGLAS, 145 Spark St.. Brockton, Aass. ONE PAIR of mr BOYS' S3, 92.50 or SS.OO SHOES will positively outwear TWO FAIRS of ordinary boys' shoes fast voior tyeittt tcaa txeiutiveiy. i 15 e - 111 -I.,...--.- - ' - - -' ' - Fertilizers yield enormous returns on truck crops provided you use the right kind A truck lertilizer should contain io to 12 per cent. POTASH or about twice as much Potash as Phosphoric Acid. Potash improves the yield, flavor and ship ping quality. If your dealer won't cany, Potash Salt3 or fertilizers rich enough in Potash, write to us for prices. We will, sell any amount from a 200 1b. bag up. tlr-. fo, fr., im1 m t Farming and Fertilizer Formulas, GERMAN KALI WORKS. Inc. Continental Bldd.s Baltimore Honadnock Block. Chicago Whitney Central Bank Bnlldlnd. New Orleans T 1 Rayo lamps and lanterns give most light for the oil used. The lieht is strong and steady. A Rayo never flickers. Materials and workmanship, are the best. Rayo lamps and lanterns last. Ask your dealet to thow you his line of Rayo lamps and lanterns, or writs for illustrated booklets direct to any agency of Standard Oil Company incorporated SssstmstB Offieg to Printers This paper is printed from ink made in Savannah, Ga. by the SOUTHERN OIL & INK CO., Savannah. Ga. Price 6 cents per pound, F. O. B. Savannah. Your patronage solicited. ,

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