FREE ADVICE TO SICK WOMEN Thousands Have Been Helped By Common Sense Suggestions. ' Women suffering from any form of fe male ills are invited to communicate promptly with the woman's private corre spondence department of the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. A woman can freely talk of her private illness to a woman; thus haa been established a confidential corre spondence which has extended ovei many years and which has never been broken. Never have they published a testimonial or used a letter without tha written consent of the writer, and never has the Company allowed these confiden tial letters to get out of their possession, as the hundreds of thousands of them in their files will attest. Out of the vast volume of experience which they have to draw from, it is more than possible that they possess the very knowledge needed in your case. Noth ing is asked in return except your good will, and their advice has helped thou sands. Surely any woman, rich or poor, should be glad to take advantage of this generous offer of assistance. Ad dress Lydia E. Pink ham Medicine Co., (confidential) Lynn, Mass. PINXHA Every woman ought to have Lydia E. Pinkham's 80-page Text Book. It Is not a book for general distribution, as it is too expensive. It is free and only obtainable by mall. Write foi it today. Yields to MILAM Read The Proof: Former U. S. Postmaster Recommends Milam. Gentlemen: My nlec suffered for many yean with a trouble pronounced by her physicians as trio Acid Rnenmatism. and altnoaga ho treated her. she never obtained relief. Being well acquainted with MILAM and knowing It had been used successfully very frequently In similar oases. I determined to pat her on It. Sbs took six bottles with the happiest results. I rerard her as being entirely relieved, and will always take pleasure la recommending Mil. AM for Una Acid troubles. Tours truly. C. T. Danrtlle. Vs.. July 18. 1911 Spent $3,000 on Rheu matism. Norfolk. Va.. July 23. 1910. About Are weeks ago I was induced to take Milam for an aggravated case of Hhematlsm. for which I had spent over $3,000 for all known remedies and tried many doctors, went to Hot Springs, but re ceived no benefits whatever. For fifteen years I have been a sufferer, each spring I have been in bed and incapitated for work until this spring, which. I am glad to say. I have been attending to my busi ness, feel fine, splendid appetite, and feel confident that I will be a cured man from rheumatism. I wish to say that Milam has done all you claim It will do in my case, so far. and I look forward to a speedy recovery, and would not take five times tta amount of the price of the medicine for what It has dune for me so far. Yours very truly. C. EL WADS. Business. Cor. Church and Lee Streets Rheumatism Entirely . Gone. I was a great sufferer from Rheumatism and de Ided to try I bought six bottles, and am now nn m w f,tnth Kn tie. I can truthfully say that I have never taken a medicine that haa done me as much good. My Rheumatism is en tirely gone, m y com plexion greatly im proved and my appetite good in fact, I have no felt so well in a long time. I would not take 950.00 for the good your medicine has done me, bet in ordr to be sure that the trouble Is en tirely eradicated. I will take the two remaining bottles. I voluntarily give this testimonial, and cheer fully recommend Milan to anyone suffering from Rheumatism, (signed) ALBERT McBRIDH. Danville. Va. MILAM ALTMATTVtTOWe Hi! I irs Guaranteed Ask tha Druggist a, bets. We are headquar ters for Eggs, Poultry, Fruits, Potatoes and Vegetables. If you want a reliable firm and a live house, ship us. We guarantee highest market prices and prompt re turns. Quotations sent on application. WOODSON-CRAIG CO., Inc. COMMISSION MEBCB ANTS. Bicbmsod. Va. Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color BEHOTBS DANDBirr XHD SCIiHr Invigoratesand prevents thehair from fallinyoff For Sale bj Druggists, or Cat Dimt bj XANTHINE CO., Richmond, Virginia Pries $1 Per Bottlai mle BettU S&c S..d for elrtaUr. IF YOU HAVE malaria or Piles, Sick Headache, Costive Bowels, Dumb Aeue, Sour Stomach, and Belching; if your food does not assimilate and you have no appetite. will remedy these troubles. Price, 25 cents. DAISY FLY KILLER egjk Neat, clean, 2s?a ornamental, conven 3wl tent, cbean. l.i. .u muuoui wetai, can't SDl 1 1 nrti nv- saga "iiiuoisouoriDjure SJT' A teed effective. 15 cts. HAROLD SOMERS. 150 DeiCalb Ave.. Brooklyn. N. y! KODAKS and HiKh Grade Finishing1. Mail orders civen Krw. cial Attention. Prices reasonable. Service prompt. Send for Price List LsSSiKaCS ABT STORE, CHARLESTON, 8. cl jgjsjipfflflii Kill'. Hv MOD. BONE mxd SDN Tiffs CAN CAHCER BE CURED? IT CAN! Ttie record of the Eel lam Hospital is wltbont parallel In history, having cored to stay cured permanently, without the use of the knife or X-Ilay over Wi per ceot. of the many hundreds of snflerers f rom cancer which it. has treated during the past fifteen years We have been endorsed by the Senate and Leicis liture of Virginia. Wo Guarantee Our Cures, - PhymlcSana tnsmtod free. KELLAM HOSPITAL 7617 Y. Main Street, Richmond, . MMTIONAL iMSfflOOL fBy B. O. SELLERS, Director of Even ing1 Department. The Moody Bibia In stitute of Chicago-) LESSON FOR MAY 5. POVERTY AND RICHE8. LESSON TEXT Lk. 8:20-28 and 18:19-81. GOLDEN TEXT "A man'i life consla teth not In the abundance of the thlnga be poaseesetb." Luke 12:15- La8t week we were studying the fun damental principles of this new king dom Jesus came to establish. Today our study presents another of his seeming paradoxes, viz.. the blessad ness or the happiness of poverty, hun ger and persecution. Spoken primari ly to the twelve, Jesus intended these words for all the people--present and prospective. Jesus is distinctly the poor man's friend. He knew the mean ing of hunger and thrist, of weeping and mourning, and so contrasts the Joy that shall be to these "happy ones" with the "woe" that shall come to those who from out of their Joy, and their abundance fall to tea pond to the needs of mankind. What It Is and Wtiy. The last half of the leason is intend ed to illustrate the teachings of th first. Let us look at the illustration. "A certain rich man. He was not of sufficient importance even to men tion his name. How few rich men ever succeed In really perpetuating their names. Not one succeeds lu any meas ure at all except as in some manner he emulates the life and teachings of Jesus. How few monuments really perpetuate names. Character alone Is what lives. This rich man, however, did not lose out simply because he was a rich man. Verse 25 tells us why he was In anguish. His life had been that of a selfish seeker anl he had had hlsi reward. Now conditions have changed. Once clothed In purple and faring sumptuously, now he Is the beggar. Ignoring the cry of need at his gate now he is compelled to make his cry afar off. "A certain beggar numed Lazarus." It Is better to be a beggar vainly seeking a few crumbs and to rest in Abraham's bosom thaD to live in lux urious ease, Ignoring the cry of the needy and to live in hell hereafter. Lazarus did not gain glory hereafter because he was a beggar, but rather because of his character. Angels an nounced the coming of the Son of Man, angels welcomed the returning of this son of mankind. Which of the twain, Dives or Lazarus, really enjoyed life? Eternity is a long time. It begins where imagination ends. The name Lazarus really means "God-helps" and God always does help the poor. Lazarus had some friends for we :ead that the dogs showed their sym pathy. It is always true that those poor as poverty are most ready to re spond to the cry of need, and out of their penury will give the most abun dantly to relieve distress. Leaves All Behind. "The rich man died also." Thus ended his life of ease and luxury for shrouds have no pocket. "How much did he leave? He left it all." All of his loved ones, all of his hopes were left behind. There Is something ap pallingly sad in the death of a rich man who trusts only to his wealth, having no faith in God. Millions for a moment of time. The sarcasm of Jesus' words is quite apparent, "and he was buried." Only a clod of earth, no longer useful, of the earth, earthy, bury him, get him out of sight. But did this end all? By no means, for when he reached the other side he did not lose consciousness nor reason. No soul sleeping there. He saw, he observed, he felt, he remem bered, he reasoned. Back upon earth he had brothers who were following his same mode of life. Here he was suffering, crying for "mercy," for an alleviating touch of cold water, yet in that cry there was no note of repent ance. He and his brethren had lived for the tongue and had pampered It, now it, the seat of taste, of bold words, etc.-, is crying for cooling relief. But would those behind repent even if one were to rise from the dead? No, ex cept that they might escape a like tor ment. The desires of their hearts would be the same. Being out of state's prison is of itself no particular honor. The message of Jesus strikes deeper than outward forms and cere monies. It Is the heart motive where by we are to be Judged. Dives sought to excuse or to Justify himself (v. 30), but Abraham tells him plainly that both he and his brethren had had suf ficient light. If they will not listen to Moses (the Pentateuch) and to the prophets neither will they repent even though one care from the dead. The disciples were poor In both this world's goods and one of them, Mat thew, adds that the happy ones are those who are poor In spirit also. They knew the meaning of hunger and of privation and were ready to learn of him. Jesus Is not so much in this Il lustration trying to give us a picture of the hereafter, of the future life as he is to show the results of our living in this present life. He shows us plainly that there are different states over there and that these states are the result of our conduct in the life we now live. Riches are a temptation, a temptation to gain by fraudulent means and to spend foolishly. Many a young man is cursed by great riches, all honor to those who overcome that handicap. The temptation for men is to trust to the arm that secures the riches and not to the strong arm of God. "Corporate wealth is the su-, preme peril of America;" so spoke a Judge of the Supreme court of the United States. Why is this so? Be cause it tends to selfishness; it tends to the abandonment of faith in God; to the breaking down of any attempt to live the golden rule. The strength of America i3 not represented by the dollar mark but it is in that true al truism that is to be found only In the hearts of those who are poor In spirit. That great' mass of our population who are not rich in this world's goods but who are rich in faith and loe. Lesson 1 Walla Get This FREE Book Before You Decorate "I It shows 20 pretty rooms in modern homes and how to get the very latest designs foi your home. We will send you FREE color plans made by expert designers for any rooms you want to decorate. The Beautiful Watt Tint h more fashionable thsu wall paper or paint and costi far less. It It too refined and exquisite in color to com pare with anjr kind of kaUomino. Goes further oij, the walla, doca not chip, peel oc rub off. lasts far lonrer. 16 Beautiful Tints. Cornea all ready to mix with cold water and put on. . Easiest to use full directions on every package. Full 5 -lb. pkf.. White SOci Regular Tints. Sic Get the FREE Book of 20 Beautiful Rooms Write today. Alabastinc Company rssfriOc laid. Grass- taste. dt fee Tark Or. Dak 7. 185 liter Sired A QUARTER CENTURY BEFORE THE PUBLIC Over Hub Million Free Sample Gl von Away Each Year, The Conotant and increasing Sales From Samples Pravra the Genuine Merit of ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE. Shake Into Your Shoes Allen's Foot Ease, the'anUscptlc powder lor rb feet Are yon a trifle aongitiva about the size of joar shoes T Msnr people wear shoes a size smaller by shaking Allen's FooUEaae into them. If yon hare tired, swollen, hot, tender feet, Allen's Foot-Ease gives inatant relief. TRY IT TO-DAY. Sold everywhere, 25 cts. Pe met accept any substitute. raCK TRIAL PACKACK sens by mall. TrleVue?s Mother GrT's Sweet Powders, . Smmr " he brat medicine for Feveriau, sickly IW-ux. Children. Sold by Drosvlsts eTerjr where. Trial package FRCK. Address ALLEN S. OLMSTED. LE ROY. N. Y JEALOUS. "My wife is awfully jealous." "13 that so?" "Yes; she wouldn't speak to me for three days after I hugged that hunt er." Explained. "The count has a painfully snobbish air. What does he base it on?" "Why, hi3 father, the marquis, war the victim of a duel." "A French duel?" "Yes." "Impossible." "Not at all. The marquis climbed a tree to get out of the way, and fell and broke his neck." THE OLD PLEA He "Didn't Know It Waa Loaded." The coffee drinker seldom realizes that coffee contains the drug, caffeine, a severe poison to the heart and nerves, causing many forms of dis ease, noticeably dyspepsia. "I was a lover of coffee and used It for many years, and did not realize the bad effects I was suffering from its rise. (Tea 13 just as Injurious as cof fee because it, too, contains caffeine, the same drug found in coffee.) "At first I was troubled with Indiges tion. I did not attribute the trouble to the use of coffee, but thought It arose from other causes. With these attacks I had sick headache, nausea and vomiting. Finally my stomach was in such a condition I could scarce ly retain any food. "I consulted a physician; was told all my troubles came from Indiges tion but was not informed what caused the' Indgestion. I kept on with the coffee, and kept on with. the trou bles, too, and my case continued to grow worse from year to year until it developed into chronic diarrhea, nau sea and severe attacks of vomiting. 1 could keep nothing on my stomach and became a mere shadow, reduced from 159 to 128 pounds. "A specialist informed me I had a very severe case of catarrh of the stomach, which had got so bad he could do nothing for me, and I became convinced my days were numbered. "Then I chanced to see an article set ting forth' the good qualities of Postum and explaining how coffee injured peo ple so I concluded to give Postum a trial. I soon saw the good effects my headaches were less frequent, nausea and vomiting only came on at long in tervals and I was soon a changed man, feeling much better. ' "Then I thought I could stand coffee again, but a3 soon as"I tried it my old troubles returned and I again turned to Postum. Would you believe it, 1 did this three times before I had sense enough to quit coffee for good and keep on with the Postum. I am now a well man with no more headaches, sick stomach or vomiting, and have al ready gained back to 147 pounds." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Battle Creek, Mich. Look in pkgs. for the famous little book, "The Road to Wellville." Ever read tbe above letter? A new one appear from time to time. They are area aloe, true, and full of human latere t. eIii jtgffcfji' ff SO BLUE ALMOST CRAZY Mineral Point Lady Tells About At Experience That Almost Drove Her Insane. . Mineral Point, Mo. Mrs. Clara Cluff, of this place, says: "I had a pain in my, left side and back, and suffered a great deal with womanly troubles. I would take spells that lasted two or three days, when It seemed like 1 was uneasy all the time, and didn't feel like doing anything. I couldn't sleep good at night. 1 felt as though I had just done a hard day's work. I had suffered for six years, and 1 can't tell you just how I did feel, 1 felt so bad. The doctors' treatment didn't seem to help, and I was so blue I was almost crazy! I tried Cardui, and before I had taken two bottles I felt much better. I took 12 bottles in all. Now, though I haven't taken any for a good while, I still feel all right better than I have for years. I . would have been crazy if Car dui hadn't helped me." Cardui will help you, just as It help ed Mrs. Cluff. Why not try it f It may be just the very thing your system has long been craving. See if it isn't so. IV. B. Write tot I.adlea' Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat tanooga, Tron, for Special Insjtrae ttons, and 64-pa are book, "Home Treat ment for Women," sent In plain wrap per, on requeat. More Profitable. Walter Thank you very much, sir. Old Qent What the deuce do you mean? I haven't given you anything. Waiter No, sir; but I bet No. Iff alf a crown you wouldn't tip me. LOST 50 POUNDS. In Critical Condition From Gravel and Terrible Kidney Trouble. Mrs. Chas. Kamm, 118 Mulberry St., Buffalo, N. Y., says: "I had such pains I often fainted. I felt tired and list less, and ran down from 170 to 120 pounds. It was de cided an operation was my only hope but It was unsuc cessful and I was in despair. On a friend's advice I be gan using Doan's Kidney Pills and shortly after passed a gravel stone the size of a pea. I passed nine stones In all and from then on improved as If by magic until now I am the picture of health." "When Your Back Is Lame, Remem ber the Name DOAN'S." 50c all stores Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Naturally. "That child actor has a part which fits like a glove." "Yes sort of kid glove." Burduco Liver Powder Nature's Remedy: Is purely vegetable. As a cathartic, its action is easy, mild and effectual. No griping, no nausea, makes a sweet breath and pretty com plexion. Teaches the liver to act. Sold by all medicine dealers, 25c. A man Is no sooner elected to office than he begins to kick because it isn't more remunerative. TO DRIVE OUT MAlJtBIA AND BUILD VV THE SYSTEM Take the Old Standard UKOVB'S TASTULUao CHILI. TONIC Tow know what you are t&kiDg. Tha formula is "lalnly printed on ererjr bottlo, showing it in simply limine a-d Iron in a tajju!'sj form, and tho dim' effectual form, for grown people a-d coil li---. cunts. The higher criticisms of the drama usually come from the gallery gods. For HEADACHE Hleks' CA PI DIRE Whether from Colds. Heat, Stomach or Nervous Troubles, Capudine will relieve you. It's liquid pleasant to take acta immedi ately. Try It. 10c., 25o., and 50 cent9 at drug lores. A kitten Is almost as frisky and senseless as a flirt. Coated tongue, vertigo, constipation are all relieved by Garfield Tea. It's wonderful what large catalogues from small garden seeds will grow. Mrs. Wtnslow's Soothing' Syrup for Children teething, softens tbe fums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle. There are two kinds of ambition; one soars and the other crawls. Garfield Tea keeps the liver normal. Drink before -etiring. Sweethearts are always dear, but wives are far more expensive. Dr. LI. G. CREITZER'S ioc SALVE 25c has been in use over 50 years. Should always be kept in the houe ready for any emergency. Its soothing and healing quali ties make it unexcelled in the treatment of SWELLINGS. FRESH WOUNDS, BOILS, BURNS, CARBUNCLES, FELONS, SCALDS TUMORS, ULCERS, CORNS, BUNIONS, SORES, ETC For sale by druggists or mailed direct on receipt of price. For 2 cents we will mail, you a sample box. W. C. POWER &C0..1536 N.4th St.,Phi!ad8!pfiia,Pa, For 42 years we have trained me and women f-. " is'ns First busi n o collet? n Virginia, a i s.cond in south to own ts building. No vacations. Write for Catalogue A. 1, aerml Muugor Leading Bus. CoL south Potomac river." Phil. StCMgraata AORHTS wasted Exclusive territory. Good chance to build up permanent business. Mail us f 10 for 36 lb. Y eatber Bed and reoeiyewithout cost, 6 lb. pair pil ow8! "E'&n'on u prepaid. New feathers, besttlck- Ing. Satisfaction guaranteed. Tararr(rnwll,sther tteslan. Dept. 47 , t hsrlotU, S. C Bef. Uom'l Nat'l Bank. SAVE YOUR OLD WORN CARPET We can make you beautiful durable ruin,; any size, tc Bt rooms or halls. We have no agents. Catalogue free ORIENTAL BUG CO.. Baltimore. Md. mm FOR SORE I M The more promises a man makes cne more ne aoesn't keep. Garfield Tea, the incomparable laxative. Pleasant ' to take, pure, mild in action and wonderfully health-giving. v When the bachelor is landed by a leap year girl, he can imagine about how a fish out of water feels. When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eve Remedy. No Smarting Feela Fine Acta Quickly. Try it for Bed, Weak, Watery Eyes and Qrannlated Eyelids. Illus trated Book in each Package. Murine is compounded by our Oculists not a "Patent Med icine" but used in successful Physicians' Prac tice for many years. Now dedicated to the Pub lic and sold by Druggists at S&c and 60c per Bottle. Murine Kye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 2So and 60c. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Takes a Week. "I thought your daughter was com ing home from the beach this week." "We had to let her remain another week in order to finish saying good by to a young man." Eczema? Use Tetter! ne. "T have been troubled with Eczema on the face for nearly two years, and a few applications of Tetterine and the use of Tetterlne Soap has entirely cured me. I cannot say too much for its praise." Myrfcks. Mass. Mrs.' S. A. Haskina. Tetterine cures TCczema. Dandruff. Iteh Inaj Piles. Rln&r Worm and every form of Scalp and Skin Disease. Tetterine 50c; TetteHne Soap 25r. At druarsrists. or by mall direct from Tha Shuptrine Co.. Sa vannah, Ga. With every mall order for Tetterine we fciye a box of Shuptrine's lOo Liver Pills free. Cause of the Row. "Mrs. Brown had ' a dreadful quar rel with her husband last night." "That so?" "Yes. She bid eight on a hand that was good for ten, not thinking Mr. Brown would overbid her, but he did. It almost broke up the party." BABY'S TERRIBLE SUFFERING "When my baby was six months old. his body was completely covered with large sores that seemed to itch and burn, and cause terrible suffering. The eruption began in pimples which would open and run, making large sores. His hair came out and finger nails fell off. and the sores were over the entire body, causing little or no sleep for baby or myself. Great scabs would come off when I removed his shirt. "We tried a great many remedies, but nothing would help him, till a friend Induced me to try the Cuticura Soap and Ointment I used the Cuti cura Soap and Ointment but a short time before I could see that he was improving, and in six weeks' time he was entirely cured. He had suffered about six weeks before we tried the Cuticura Soap and Ointment, although we had tried several other things, and doctors, too. I think the Cuticura Rem edies will do all that is claimed for them, and a great deal more." (Signed) Mrs. Noble Tubman, Dodson, Mont.. Jan. 28. 1911. Although Cuti cura Soap and Ointment are sold by druggists and dealers everywhere, a sample of each, with 32-page book, will be mailed free on application to "Cuticura," Dept. L, Boston. Joke Writer's Reply. Blinks It says here that a woman pointed a toy pistol at a burglar and he surrendered. Jinks Wise burglar. AS A REMEDY FOR MALARIA In any form Elixir Babrk has no equal. It cures the most obstinate and Ions Standing- cases. It gives pleasure to certify that the 'Elixir Babek' cured me of chills and malarial fever, with which I have suf fered for a long time." August Epps, Nance's Shops. Va. It contains no quinine and is equally beneficial to young and old. - Elixir Babek, 50 cents, all druggists, or Kloczewski & Co.. Washington, D. C. In the Chase. Kink Your son is pursuing his studies at college, isn't he? Dink I guess so. He's always be hind. Judge. A Confession. Startled by convincing evidence that they were the victims of serious kid ney and bladder trouble, numbers of prominent people confess they have found relief by using KURIN Kidney and Bladder Pills. For sale by all medicine dealers at 25c. Burwell & Dunn Co., Mfrs., Charlotte, N. C. A girl's kisses are like pickles in a bottle the first is hard to get, but the rest come easy. The Paxton Toilet Co. of Boston. Mass., will send a large trial box of Paxtine Antiseptic, a delightful cleans ing and germicidal toilet preparation, to any woman, free, upon request. Don't tax your friends overmuch when you try to make a touch. For COLDS ana GRIP Hicks' Capudinb is the .best remedy re lieves the aching and feverishness cures the Cold and restores normal conditions. It's liquid effects immediately. 10c., S5c., and 60c. At drag stores. The hot air ills is seldom treatment a curative. for financial The system takes kindly to nature's laxa tive, Garfield Tea, which Is mild in action and always effective. Staying at people try to home is cultivate. a virtue few THE SECRET OF LONG LIFE. Do not sap the springs of life by neglect of the human mechanism, by allowing the accumulation of poisons in the system. An imitation of Nature's method of restoring waste of tissue and impoverishment of the blood and nervous strength is to take an alterative glyceric extract (without alcohol) of Golden Seal and Oregon grape root, Bloodroot, Stone and Mandrake root with Cherrybark. Over 40 years ago Dr. Pierce ave to the public this remedy, which he called Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. He found it would help the blood in taking up the proper ele ments from food, help the liver into activity, thereby throwing out the poisons from the blood and vitalizing the whole system as well as allaying and soothing a cough. No one ever takes cold unless constipated, or exhausted, and having what we WttBm Dosk. then in good health PUTNAM Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any lye any garment without ripping apart. Write for ALCOMOL-3 PER CENT XVfctfe table Preparation for As simitating ikeFoodandRegula ting the Stomacbs and Bowels of, Promotes Digestion,Cherful ncssand Rest.Conlains neithtr Opium'.Mofphine nor Mineral Not "Narcotic ihtf wroid BrSAJivnrmm AsysSM SJ - . jfUUbSmtb - I Jnin J J I -MswawMs' A'ciu lias ifti ' f WmS,,d - 1 VnNhnvMsMp. Xmvm A perfect Remedy forConsfipa lion . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP facsimile Signature of The Ccmtaur Company. NEW YORK. tin Guaranteed under the Food anl Exact Copy of Wrapper. Ma L.. DOUGLAS SHOES 32.50 S3.GO S3.50 t S4.00 For MEN, WOMEN and BOYS V. L DOUGLAS $4.50 & $5.00 8HOES EQUAL CUSTOM BENCH workcoStinc $7.00TO$8.00 Wear W. L. Douglas Shoes. You can save money because they are more economical and satisfactory in style, fit and wear than any other makes. W. L. Douglas name aad price stamped on the bottom guarantees full value and protects the wearer against high prices and inferior shoes. Insist upon having the deliTery charges prepaid. JCoti Coimr Reduce The Feed Bill Improve The Animals Horses and Mule3 do more work; COWS glTmoreand better Milk and Batter; Sheep and Goats tP"ow better fleeces; Hen8 1&y more gg, an4 all as well as Cattle and HogS take on more flesh and fat, and derelop more rapidly and keep in better health and condition when fed on Cottonseed Meal and Cottonseed Hulls For Breeding or Nursing StOCk, Mares, Cows, Sows or Ewes, it Is especially valuable. Muea better than Hay, far cheaper than Corn. Write for free Booklet containing much valuable information to feeders' and Stock Baisers to , ' THE BUREAU OF PUBLICITY Interstate Cottons ad Crushers Association 808 Main Street, Dallas, Texas ' Vaseline For Every Liltl Family Ailment1 "Vaseline is the purest, simplest, safest home remedy known. Physicians everywhere recommend it for its softening and healing qualities. Nothing so good as "Vaseline" for all affections of the skin, scratches, sores, etc. Taken internally, relieves colds and coughs. For sale everywhere in attractive glass bottles. Accttt no substitute for " Vast Hue Oar f re "Vaseline" Booklet tells you many ways In which "Vaseline" may be useful to you. write for your copy today. Chesebrough Manufacturing Company 17 State Street (Consolidated) New York Speonl! Offer PirmSeir. This paper is printed from ink made in Savannah, Ga. by the SOUTHERN OIL & INK CO., Savannah. Ga. Price 6 cents per pound, F. O. B. Savannah. Your patronage solicited. WE O00 PER SET FOR PAY 01 00 OLD FALSE TEETH which are of no value to yon. Highest prices paid for Old Gold, Silver, Platinum, Diamonds and Precious Stones. Money seat by return maiL PHILADELPHIA SMELTING AND REFINING CO. (Established 20 years) 823 CHESTNUT ST., PHIL ADELPUIA.PA. We secure positions for our graduates. If interested write for catalogue. Address M. H. BO WEN, Maaagsr. Haases &!.. Cstaaaia, S.C 0 Opium. Whiskey and Drug Haolts treat ed at home or at Sanitarium. Book on subject Free. DR. B. H.WOOLLEV, iW nCTOR SASITLBlta, ATLANTA, SKOK6IA KODAKS DEVEtOPING PKlJSTrNG Eastman and Ansco films, mailed post paid. Mail orders given prompt attention. Any size roll film developed for 10 cents. , . PARSONS OPTICAL CO. 244 King Street. Charleston, S. C. BAGS Wanted, , Second-hand Bars and Bnr- lap. Writ lor nriees. RICHMOND BAQCOMf AJSi Y, Richmond, Virginia W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 18-1$12. call mal-nutrition, which is attended with impoverished blood end exhaustion of nerve force. The " Discovery" is an all round tonic which restores tone to the blood, nerves and heart by imitating Nature's methods of restoring waste of tissue, and feeding the nerves, heart and lungs on rich red blood. I suffered from pain under 'my right 'shoulder blade also a very severe cough," writes Mrs. W. Dorn. of New Brookland, S. C. to Dr. K. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. " Had four different doctors and none did me any good. Some said f had consumption, others said I would have to have an operation. I was bedridden, unable to sit up for six months and was nothing but a live skeleton. You advised m to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. When I had taken one bottle of the 'Discovery' I could sit up for an hour at a time, and when I had taken three bottles I could do my rnnkincr nml tnd ti tfiA rhiMnm T frmlr mi-am tw.4t-la In all ... My weight la now 167 pounds. ' FADELESS. DYES other dye. One 10c package colors all fibers. They dye in cold water better than any other dye. Youcnfl free booklet How to Dye. Bleach and Mix Colors. MONBOE DRUG COMPANY, Qulncy, in. mm For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! T J1. . JKUB.Uie yx Signature AU In Use For Over Thirty Years EyelotM sued. PiEiik2iJ1r Caort .Cod ZsFA M--'H NHniMrtuSI' . XI. S3 THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. N0.1.N0.2.N0.3. THERAPION K,!ta GRBAT SUOilKSS. CUKES KIDMBT. BI.Al'DKK DIHKASKft, PILES. CHRONIC ULCKRS. SKIN R0PTlO S-KITHKR SltX Bd4 4iti velop foi RKK bmtl.t to DR. I t CI.KKO HID. CO.. HAVERSTOCK RI.. HAUrSTBAU. LONDON. KNO. Charlotte Directory KODAKS FILMS A NO ALL' SUPPLIES Mall tflVtTl prompt attention. Complete stock of pnoto s applies. Bend for catalogue. W. I. VAN NESS & CO. 23 N. Trjon Street, Charlotte. N.O. A POSITION FOR YOU Wanted Men and Boys to take SO dars practi.-al course in our machine shop to learn aulnuioliiln bnsiness. New and modern machinery ; neir c;irs. position for every graduate. Catalogue Fret. Charlotte Auto School, Charlotte, N. C. Neck Bands For Shirts Sizes 12 to 18, 5 cents each. Mail orders rilled promptly. CHARLOTTE STEAM LAUNDRY, CHARLOTTE, N. t TYPEWRITERS New, rebuilt, second hand and shopwornTypewritera $10 and up. We sell sup plies for all makes. Our Is the best equipped repair department m this South. Deal with us and save money. J, c CRAYTON St CO., Charlotte, N. C. SCIIOFIELD We make a specialty: of Return Tubular. ENGINES Boi,rs and En9ines, Tanks and Towers. AND " " " They are particularly, DA I I C I) e adapted for Saw Mills; D U I L 1. II O oil Mills, Cotton Gin-'; nlng. We also handle Saw Mills and' Gasoline Engines. If you are contera-. plating the purchase of new power--plant either steam or gasoline, it will pay you to write us. ! J.S. SCHOFIELD'S SONS CO., Macon, Ga.j Branch office: 307 W. Trade St., Charlotte, N. d 0 sW 11 w