BEST REMEDIES FOR SORES AND ULCERS Mr. C. A. Butler, of Salem, Va., writes: "I can safely say that Han cock's Sulphur Compound is the best remedy I ever used for sores. One of my little boys, eight years old, had a solid sore all over his face, we tried different kinds of medicine, but none seemed to do any good. Our son, nineteen years old, had a sore on his ' leg for three months and nothing did him good. We used Hancock's Sul phur Compound on both and it did its work quickly and it was not over a week until both were well." Hancock's j Sulphur Compound is sold by all deal ers. Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co., Baltimore, Md. Adv. New Phenomenon. A new phenomenon has been oh served by Professor Right to which he gives the name of lono-magnetic rota- j tion. If a spark from a condenser of considerable capacity is sent horizon- j tally through a gas and two small ver- i tlcal vanes of mica in the form of a ! cross are suspended in the middle of the discharge by a fine fiber attached to the center of the cross, the spark produces no rotation of the cross. If, however, a vertical magnetic field Is established in the gas. the cross ro tates through a considerable angle if the gas is air, and over a small angle In other cases. Professor Righi as cribes this rotation to the bending of the paths of the ions or electrons, and to the additional protection which the vanes afford each other against im pacts from one side rather than from the other in these circumstances. The observed rotations indicate that the effects of the positive ions are in gen eral greater than those of the nega tive. BUSINESS WOMEN Often ignore their weakness and work under forced strain, thus preventing certain organs from performing their regular functions. BURDUCO LIVER POWDER is a purely vegetable prep aration and relieves Constipation, Tor pid Liver, Sour Stomach, Indigestion, etc., and assists nature in restoring normal conditions. It is better tt an Calomel and will not Salivate. Price 25 cents in screw top cans. Manufac tured by Burwell & Dunn, Charlotte, N.' C Adv. His Guess. Yeast "Why do they call a drink a ball,' do you suppose?" Crimsonbeak "Because they come 'round so often, I guess." DOES YOUR HEAD ACIIEf Try Hicks' CAPUDINE. It's liquid plea ant to take effects Immediate grood to prevent Bick Headaches and Nervous Headaches also. Your money bark if not satisfied. 10c., 25c. and tOo. at medicine stores. Adr. Naturally.. "This is a shady business." "What Is?' "This one of providing people with family trees." Their Goal. "They want to- sue this aviator.' "Then literally, they are after the man higher up." Some men belong to clubs, and oth ers seem to think the clubs belong to them. To Cure Tender and Receding- Gams Apply the wonderful, old reliable DR. POR TER'S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL. 25c, eoc, ii.oo. Most of us are willing to concede the superiority of our friends in the matter of making mistakes. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrnp for Children teething, softens the gums, reduces Inflamma tion,allays paia.curcs wind college a bottleJldK The things that doesn't concern them are the very things that give some people the most concern. For fresh cuts apply Hanford's Bal Bam. Adv. Chinese are gradually learning to wear European shirts and collars. Many a man gets up steam without spouting any hot air. AILING WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE Mrs. Hilbert Tells of Her Di tressing Symptoms During y Change of Life and How She Found Relief. Fleetwood. Pa. "During the Change of Life I was hardly able to be around at all. I always had a headache and I was so dizzy and ner vous that I had no rest at night. The flashes of heat were" so bad Bometimea that I did not know what to do. "One day a friend advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound and it made me a strong well wo man. I am very thankful that I fol lowed my friend's advice and I shall recommend it as long as I live. Before J took the Compound I was always glckly and now I have not had medicine from a doctor for years. You may pub lish my letter. "Mrs. Edward B. Hil BERT, Fleetwood, Pa. Such warning symptoms as sense of j3uffocation,hot flashes, headaches, back aches, dread of impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregu larities, constipation, variable appetite. Weakness and inquietude, and dizziness, are promptly heeded by intelligent wo men who are approaching the period in. life when woman's great change may be expected. Ly .'is E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound invigorates and strengthens the female oreranism and builds up the weak ened nervous system. It has carried many women safely througn tnis crisis. KODAKS i 8 exp. film developed 10c. Prints 3 to 5 cts. Prompt attention to mall orders. R. C. BERNAU. GREENSBORO.N.C. L7ft" 1 AK - j x" SJ ,: MDMnONAL SDNDflfSdBOL Lesson (By E. O. SELLERS, Director of Evening Department. The Moody-Bible Institute, Chicago.) LESSON FOR JUNE 29 THE VICTORIES OF FAITH. READING LESSON Act 7:9- 16; Heb. 11:20-22. GOLDEX TEXT "This Is the victory that hath overcome the world, even our faith." I John 5:4. The reading lessons for today are a New Testament commentary upon the past quarter's work. The first lesson is taken from that marvelous defense of Stephen the first martyr. As he traces the history of the people of Israel, he shows God's continued ac tivities and purposes frora the hour he called Abraham until the holy one of Israel came to fill to their fulness all of these same activities and purposes. Stephen also shows us that alongside God's activities was the equally per--sistent disobedience of the people vt-hich culminated in the betrayal and murder of that-holy one. In the por tion selected he sets before us how Joseph is sold into Egypt, yet God was with him and delivered him; how the famine came and Jacob is thereby brought into Egypt only later to be carried back into the land of promise. Teach Faith. The second lesson is taken" from that great catalogue of heroes as re corded in the Epistle to the Hebrews. Here we have set before us the fact that God's eternal purpose with man is ever that of 'faith. Isaac. Jacob and Joseph are here mentioned and the faith of each set before us. Thus we see that the main value of the past quarter's work is to teach faith, its divine revelation and per sistence, and alongside of that we see man's continued failure and perver sity. Leaving out the Easter lesson we have covered a period of about 50 years, eight lessons dealing with Jo seph, and four with Jacob Attention has been called to Jo seph as one of the most remarkable types of Christ to be found in the Old Testament (see comments on lesson of April 27). As we have also sug gested Jacob Is not so grand a char acter as Abraham yet is much more like the average man. It Is interesting to go over these lessons and follow God's purposes and to observe how like Christ Joseph was. In LESSON I. we behold Jacob at the Instigation of his mother deceiving his poor old father and being compelled to fly that he might save his life. Re bekah thought she could execute God's purposes; but it is never right to do evil that good may result. God's word standeth sure and in his own way and time he would have given Jacob the blessing without the aid of his deceit. In LESSON II. Jehovah appeared be fore this conscience smitten refugee and again promised that the blessing, yes, his own divine purpose, would be worked out in Jacob's life. Thl3 is a lesson on the grace of God. LESSON III. sets Jacob before us after twenty-one years service and separation from his brother Esau. This is a great lesson on God's desire and transforming power. He trans forms Jacob to Israel a "prince" and softened the heart of Esau. Faith overcame and is strengthened and confirmed. In LESSON IV. we first behold Jo seph particularly loved and favored and as bitterly hated; he was thrown into a pit to die but Is taken up (typical of the resurrection) and sold Into slavery. The development of en vy and the persistent, delivering pur pose of God are here presented in strong contrast. LESSON V. shows Joseph's enter ing that dark maze beyond which God was to highly exalt him. By faith he overcame that fierce temptation and his treatment of his fellow prisoner, was God's useful agency though it seemed accidental and insignificant. God's Continued Purpose. LESSON VI. is the completion of Lesson V. and in it we see Joseph seated in the place of power, able to save the country and also his breth ren. LESSON VII. shows us God's con tinued purpose and the beginning of the fulfillment of his word that the descendants of Abraham were to dwell in captivity (Gen. 15:13). LESSON VIII. Is a continuation of Joseph's dealings with his brothers in which their guilty consciences are still further pricked and God reveals to us his Immutable purpose. LESSON IX. is a tender one of the meeting of Joseph and Benjamin while at the same time it suggests to us the certainty of the fact that we may "be sure your sin will find you out." Un less covered by his forgiving blood our sin is mercilessly upon our track. In LESSON X. we behold Joseph made known to his brethren and those in fear are urged to draw near. Jo seph's faith in God saved him from ar rogance and retaliation and inclined his heart to tenderness and love in his dealings with his brothers. Even as Joseph revealed himself to his broth ers so will Christ reveal himself to his brethren of Israel and they shall behold "him whom they pierced." Jeseph's provision for his fathers and his brethren, LESSON XL, is a rich suggestion of our father's bounty and care for all who are "in Christ Jesus." By faith Joseph who had be come great in a strange land, identi fied with all of its power and splendor makes provision that when God's pur pose shall be executed and the sons of Israel shall be delivered from Egypt, his bones shall be carried into the land of the people to whom he belonged and from whom he has so long been separated. Faith is the se cret of victory. Joseph as a type teaches us the lesson of faith teaches us the lesson of faith, the lesson of taking the father at his word knowing that back of the Inscrutable providence of the moment are the forces that work out the large and beniflcent plans of God. 9. t n as J Dried Beef, sliced a choice flavor that you will 'Vienna Sausage put right for We suggest you try them served slice, spread with creamed butter and Vienna Sausage in half, lengthwise, on the bread. Place on the top of the a few thin slices of Libby Midg Cover with the other slice of b press lightly together. Arrange on serve garnished with a few parsley sprays. Libby, M?Neffl & Libby Chicago i iiii i.ui mm i.pi : rT.L--j,. ---- --V-i-i-- .r. EMPTY TOMB AT ST. HELENA Longwood House, Where Napoleon Died, Is in Ruins and French'Ask That It Be Preserved. Complaint is made in France that the government of the republic is neg lecting the house in which Napoleon died and the tomb In which his body was laid at St. Helena before removal to the Church of St. Louis at the In valides. In. 1858 the Longwood house, in which the emperor lived during his exile, and the plot in the Valley of Geraniums where his tomb was made were given by Queen Victoria to Na poleon III. for the French government, which desired to maintain them as lasting memorials. But of late years little has been done to preserve either the home or the sepulcher. The build ing is falling into ruins, the farmers of the neighborhood let their sheep graze In the valley. Visitors are few. It is believed that ere long a storm will wreck the decaying building, and then in all probability the' caretaker will be withdrawn and the land aban doned to the farmer and the herds man. , Sentiment will mourn over such sur render of ground to utility, but it is in evitable. In a world where the palaces of Alexander and Caesar have crum bled into nothingness, there can be no perpetuity for the homes of Napoleon, The Tuileries went to ashes long ago; why save Longwood? SCALES ON SCALP ITCHED Muskogee. Okla. "For more than a year I was afflicted with scalp disease. There were large white flakes or scales which caused the painful itch ing and my scratching would bring blood and cause sores. My hair came out in large quantities and what re mained was thin, dry and lifeless. My temples were completely bare. Dur ing this time I tried everything that I thought would help me but nothing seemed to do any good. A friend ad vised me to try Cuticura Soap and Ointment. "I bathed with Cuticura Soap and applied Cuticura Ointment. At the end of about four weeks my scalp was sound and well and my hair had thick ened up and grown wonderfully in such a short time." (Signed) Mrs. D. W. McClellan, Dec. 16, 1911. Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address pest-card "Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston." adr. Experience. "Is Bliggins a gardener?" ''Of course he is. He knows all about how to raise tomatoes and string beans and cucumbers and all such things." "But he never raises anything." "Of course. He says he knows too much about gar dening to make any more attempts." ACIir FEELINGS. PAIN II LIMBS and all Malarious Indications removed by Elixir Babe It. that well known rem edy for all such diseases. I have taken ud the three bottles or your 'Elixir Bibek,' and have not felt so well and entirely free from pain in limbs' for five years." Mrs. E. Higgins. Jacksonville. Fla. Elixir Babek 50 cents, all druggists or by Parcels Post prepaid from Kloczew ki & Co.. Washington, D. C Mrs. Tony's Successor. An organ grinder out in Mattapan appeared the other morning minus his brightly garbed mate, but with a four-legged assistant. "Hello, Tony," said the police officer; "got a horse to pull your organ now, eh?" "Yesa." Tony answered; "da wifa seek." ' RUB-MY-TISM Will cure your Rheumatism and all kinds, of aches and pains Neuralgia, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Old Sores, Burns, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne.. Price 25c Adv. Sleepy Philadelphia. Penn "I see more than 14,000 chil dren are crowded out of Philadelphia schools." Gotham "Hut wluire in the world do they sleep, then 7" For SITMMISR IIRAO ACIIKg Tllrks" CAPUDINE la the rmlr- no matter what causes them whether from the heat, sitting in riraufrhtn, fever ish condition, etc. 10c., 26c and GOo per bottle at medicine stores. Adv. On the Lawns. "They say she's neat." Neat! She has cuspidors placed about v the grounds." The Bent Hot -Weather Tonic GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC enrlehoi, the blood and builds up the whole system, nd it will wonderfully strenthn and for tify you to withstand the depressing effect of the hot summer. SOc. Contrary Natures. "Bees are the most practical and in dustrious kind of insects." "And yet ney are 'hum' bugs." i Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh is itself an antiseptic and the use of any other emedy before applying it is unneces sary. Adv. When a woman does resort to cos metics she generally makes up for lost lime. ft Luncheon Delicacies wafer thin. Hickory Smoked and with remembe. Red Hots, or to serve cold. like this: Cut rye bread in thin remove crusts. Cut a Libby and lay VALRI X COFFEE PACKED IN COTTON PICKING BAGS FINEST GROWN OLD -RICH -RIPE Dimensions 28 inches long" by 24 inches wide, including shoulder straps. Containing 10, 25 or 50 lbs. to each bag This fine, old, rich coffee packed in thesa bags will prove the best trade winner you ever sold. Write for FREE samples and prices. ARAGOH COFFEE COMPANY DEPARTMENT V. RICHMOND. VA. Why Scratch? "Hunt's Core" is guar anteed to stop and permanently cure that terrible -itching. It is compounded for that purpose and your money will be promptly refunded WITHOUT QUESTION if Hunt's Cure fails to cure Itch, Eczema, l etter, ftmg Worm or any other Skin Disease. SOc at your druggist's, or by mail direct if he basn t h. Manufactured only by A. B. RICHARDS MEDICINE CO.. Sherman. Texas typewriter: Al! makes, sold, rented and skillfully repaired. Rented $5 for 3 months and np; rent applies on purchase. American Typewriter Exchange, Inc. Home Office, 605 E. Main St, Richmond, Va. SAVE YOUR MONEY One box of Tutt's PUIs save many dollars in doc tor's bin.. A remedy for diseases of the liver, sick headache, dyspepsia, constipation and biliousness. million people endorse ADOLF'S BERGAMOT HAIR DRESSING Delightfully perfumed, softens the hair, cleanses and enlivens the scalp. 15 cents at all drug stores or sent by mail post paid on receipt of price in stamps.' VIRGINIA LABORATORY 121 W. Main Street Norfolk. Vs. FREE TO ALL SUFFERERS. If you fsel 'OUT OF SORTS' RUN DOWN'of'GOT THE BLUES' SUFFER from KIDNEY, BLADDER. NERVOUS DISEASES. CHROMIC WEAKNESSSS.UI.CERS.SKIN ERUPTIONS. PILES. write lor my FRCC book, the most INSTRUCTIVE! MEDICAL BOOK EVER WRITTEN.IT TELLS ALL about these Imseases and the remarkable cures effected ba THINEW FRENCH REMEDY. N.1.N2. No3. THERAPION ?o7cv; if it's the remedy (or YOUR own ailment. Don't send a cent. Absolutely FREE. No'follownp'circnlars. Dr LeClerC Mki.Co,Uavek3xock Rd.Uampsteao. London, fc.t&. TAKE THE ACHE OUT OF HEADACHE HEADACHE TABLETS are'Compounded from a physeian's fortno la am) give quick relief in all canes o ijeadacbe. Box contain ing 13 doses 10c, of deaiersWdireet from . RYDALE REMEDY CO., Newport DAISY FLY KILLER 3? STSSi ft Hiss. Neat, clean, or namental, convenient, cheap. Lasts alt season. Made of metal, cantsplllortlp over; will not soil or Injurs anything. Guaranteed effective All dealers oresent express paid for 11.00. AftOLD I0MEM, ISO DsKalb Ave., Brooklyn, N. T. KODAK DEVELOPING and FINISHING Wrltn fornnr nrlen Hat. Uotnulnte stock Of Jtastuian Kodak and Hupplies. VV. I, VAN SKfiH A CO. 93 N.lryou Street, Charlotte, N.Ct Opium, Whiskey and Jriia Habits troat ed at bonis or at Sanitarium, tinok oa iinim-i r ree. 11. M.WOIH, ,KY. VT TIITOK gASITAUllA. ATlMSTA. IlKIIUtill KODAKS & SUPPLIES We also do highest claaa of ftiilHhina;. Prices and Catalogue upon requcMU S. Galeski Optical Co., Richmond, Va. LAUGH? li Yes, ttin world will liiutih with you wIikd you show our nnvl- log ot AU. free. WAUU am. CO., W. Coll., A.tlll., a. c. EYE WATF It 8'oery where i&o. of5r"IRLS :S,end us name' nd addresses cost nf r,r Birl Srlends- and flve "r cost of mailing, and receive a handsome l5o present free. KENYON.ri BK m nT. uno PKOVIDKNCE, B. I. C A. CO" Box 809 W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 26-113. et Fickle. rji.fViiis.i read and Wt1 plate and jvife Tiffs Confusing Voices By REV. J. H. RALSTON Secietarr of Cotrapondence Department Moody Bible Institute. Chicago TEXT "There are. it may be. so many finds of voices in the world, and none of them is without significance." I Cor. 14:10. The apostle Paul was greatly an noyed by the gen eral confusion that characterized the Corinthian church, but this text sterns to hare in mind a religious meeting in which some are praying, some ex horting and some teaching. He 6aya there are so many kinds of- voices, and none of them is without some particular significance. Transferring the scent to the pres ent day there are many voices con cerning almost all subjects social, political, commercial and religious, but we "confine our thought to the last. Of the many voices on religion that might be considered, there is not one but has some signification. There is ,noti a religious error of the day but contains some truth. There is some valuable signification in it, and from it the religious and orthodox can oftentimes learn useful lessons. Prob ably never in the history of the world have the voices touching religion been so confusing as now, and largely be cause the most dangerous of them tarry some badge of adherence to the word of God and traditional reli gion of the best kind. .There is noth ing that should so concern a man as religion his relationship to God in volving his own weal or woe for eter nityand he wants to know Just what the truth is. With a goodly number the voice of reason is esteemed as safe, and as the Christian religion is a religion of ra tionality that voice has strong sup port. That the power of reasoning is highly important is conceded, or God would not ask man to reason together with Him. Bat reason is given a place beyond its right, and the result is most unsatisfactory, and with many there is a fanaticism and unreason, of which Paris worshipping a harlot Is a suggestive result Men trusting rea son will either become thorough an archists, or adopt some religion which Is the very antithesis of rationality. With some the voice of the Inner spirit is supreme, and by introspection they are seeking to know what God is saying. This voice is so variable that no reliance can be placed on it, every man becoming a law unto himself. The most grotesque experiences are at this point engendered, and the way is open for the incoming of all kinds of religious fallacies such as Christian Science, spiritualism, occultism, and a brood of other evils. With many the voice of the church, as such, is supreme, and when the church, considered in the light of its history, is fairly treated its voice is worthy of the highest respecL It is never wise to neglect the great his toric creeds, nor- the church as speak ing through representative ministers, but if the church as such is depended on exclusively it becomes ultimately the voice of a single person, and we have the hundreds of millions of the human race dominated by one person. It has been found that the church, whether speaking through its popes or councils has certainly often been wrong, and it cannot therefore im plicitly be depended upon. But with some the church speaking at the last moment is to be heeded. It is contended that the church today does not believe as it once did, and tbat because it is more intelligent its voice is to be heeded rather than the church of two or three cnturies ago, or even the church in the first centu ries of the Christian era. This is evi denced by the tendency to the revi sion of church creeds, and the argu ment for such revision is that the church does not believe as It formerly believed and should change its creed. The teachings of the great divines of the sixteenth and seventeenth centu ries, when theological thought was at its zenith, are thought to be outgrown, and that the teachings of the men of today, regardless of their loyalty to the Bible, are to be heeded. It is claimed that the Christian teachers of the earlier centuries did not know the truth. The German dis tinguished apologete Lepsius makes the modern theologian say, "Christian ity has for nearly two thousand years forgotten what the Master originally -taught, and perhaps neither Paul, nor John,'. nor Augustine, nor Luther, nor Calvin ever understood who Jesus was and what He wanted. The entire church from the beginning of the apostolic age to the present genera tion has been one great misunder standing and blunder." We might ask, is it likely that the further we get away from the source of religious teaching, the clearer will be our view 7 Is it likely that the German and Eng lish rationalists know the truth bet ter than Jesus Christ, and Paul and John? There is another voice and that is God speaking through the Bible. By the special providence of God that book has been preserved through many centuries substantially as it was given to the holy men of old, and the reader of today can go to his English Bible with just as much confidence in its safe guidance a3 those who han dled the original manuscripts. The Bible is a safe guide in doctrine and practice. As to doctrine, it contains the faith once for all delivered to the saints, to which there have been no additions, and from which there have been no subtractions. The his tory 'of individual nations by whom the Bible has been sincerely respected and made a guide, r shows that prosperity of all kinds has followed, and hopes for the future have been most satisfying. Bismarck's "Mot " As might be expected of a 'man of Iron, Bismarck's wit was of the sledg hammer sort. In 1S62, according to "Intimate Memories of Napoleon III." by Baron d'Ambes, he went to Paris as Prussian ambassador. "I have never heard a German speak French as you do," complimented the emperor on the occasion of their first meeting. "Thanks, sire," returned Bismarck. "I have never heard a Frenchman speak French as you do." The emperor spoke with a per ceptible German accent. No. SIX-SIXTY-SIX This is a prescription prepared es pecially for Malaria or Chills and Fever. Five or six doses will break any case, and if taken then as a tonic the fever will not return. 25c. Adv. Appropriate Gift. "What do you think would be - a nice present to give a lawyer friend V "WTiy not a new suit?" For galls use Hanford's Balsam. Adv. A pessimist is a man who would rather be right than be happy. Small men and small potatoes never get to the top of the heap. C ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AVegeteble Preparation for As -similating foe Food andRegula ling rhe Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digesfion,CheerfuI nessandRest.Conlains neither Opium. Morphine nor Mineral Not Narcotic Fetipe fOldDrSAMVELmarEX s4tx Srmitm JftAeUr Salts s4him SttJ fpfMtW Warm Sd -Clmnfitd Sufmr rrmlrrfiTt" rmver A perfect Remedy f or Constipa tion . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Jeverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP Facsimile Signature of The Centaur Company. NEW "YORK. Guaranteed under the Foodanl Exact Copy of Wrapper. Mail Boxes on Street Cars. Letter boxes on street cars may be found in Des Moines and Burlington, la., and Grand Rapids, Mich. Passengers may post letters on the cars or mail may be put in the box while passengers are getting on and off the cars. The conductors are not prohibited from taking mail from peo ple while the cars are moving, as it is easy to slip it into the box nearby at the back of the car. If one signals the car to stop for the purpose, one gives the conductor the minimum car fare, and he punches a ticket for it as though for a regular fare. The people in the outlying districts are greatly benefited, as they can send a letter to the central postoffice every hour as easily as those living in the center of the city. Keep It in Your Stable. For external use on horses nothing that we know of equals Hanford's Bal sam. Many trainers use it as a leg wash because it keeps the skin in fine condition and Bhould cure lameness. Adv. A Remedy. "I could not think of taking tainted money." "But couldn't you sterilize it?" Proof. "You are not my friend, Wooster." "I am your friend, Biffels. I never say what I think of your neckties." .The Tortures of Prickly Heat and all skin affections are quickly al leviated and in a short time complete ly cured by using Tyree's Antiseptic Powder. 25c. at druggists. JTor free sample write J. S. Tyree, Chemist, Washington, D. C Adv. Usual Thing. "This milk story 1 found today is fine." "Has it a punch in it?" Some men are born great, and then they miss the pleasure of telling how they did it. It's a mistake to suppose that a soft answer turneth away graft. RAILROAD SURGEON D1SG0V ERS WONDERFUL REMEDY For Man and Beast, the Old Reliable Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. Relieves Pain, Stops the Bleeding, and Heals at the same time. Thousands of Farmers and Stockmen know it already, and atrial will convince you that DR. PORTER'S ANTISEPTIC HEAL ING OIL is the most wonderful Remedy ever discovered for Wounds, Burns, Old Sores, Running Sores, Warts, Carbuncles, Felons, Sore and Tender Feet, Corns, .Bun ions, Itch. Ivy Poisoning, Hives, Rash, Ring Worm. Granulated Eyelids, Sore Throat, Sore Gums, all Skin and Scalp Diseases. Al so for Barbed Wire Cuts, Galls, Sores, Thrush, Scratches.Cracked Hoof.Shoe Boils, Warts, Mange on Dogs, Canker, etc. Conti ually people are finding new uses for th famous old Ktmedy. Guaranteed by your Drugsi vv moan 11. zsc, 50c, si.oo. 1 ne large Doyrie tms about 7 times as mucn as the small bqjma. A HIDDEN DANGER the kidneys to rid the blood of uricES acia, an irritating poison that is con stantly forming in side. When the kid neys fail, uric acid causes rheumatic dizziness, gravel, LP tirinsnr f-rnnKlea j "-"" rvMY or heart disease. Doan's Kidney Pills help the kid neys fight oft uric acid bringing new strenerth to vmv vfnca lief from backache and urinary ij A Kentucky Cat Miss A. G. Packbam, nnrse. Lakelar says: "I bad snch pain through in7kii"r, when I stooped itseemed as" I f ny bsck" break. My head ached, specks floaie".fC,J my eyes and my limbs were swollen TZ J ? ney secretions were badly disorder' . 1 cansed great discomfort. Cotn j Kidnf tlrl helped me from the first and a abort dVI'4 ttrely cured me." a- Get Doan's at Any Stare. SOc a Bos DOAN'S VRXV FOSTER-MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N y KODAKS Sag Send for catalogue and p v. G. L. HALL OPTICAL COV?NY Norfolk Richmond Lynchburg For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years o) HI 3 Last Resort. Clerk -"I can't sell this silk at all, sir. As soon as I tell the price they say it is not worth it." Floor Walker "Well, we must get rid of it some how. Mark it up a dollar a yard more and .put it on the bargain coun ter." Puck. Those who neglect to make hay while the sun shines can be depended upon to" make trouble when it rains. The only way to be perfect is to fol low the advice you give others. The best brand of happiness is the home-made kind. For proud flesh use Hanford's Bal earn of Myrrh. Adv. Pennsylvania in 1912 produced 6, 490,096 tons of basic pig iron. Charlotte Directory KODAKS and High Gra Finishing'. Mau orders g-iren Sps- clai Attention. Prirea reaaonab.s. Service prompt. Send for Price LiA UjUiCI AJU SIOBJb CaUaiUTOI. S. TYPEWRITERS New, rebuilt and second hand. np and guaranteed satisfactory- V sell supplies for all makes. ra- Jair all makes. . , B. CaalTOa COPUT, Charkrtt, I.C MONUMENTS First clasa irork. Write for prices. Mecklenburg Marble ft Granite Compani Charlotte. North Carolina 7 An excellent remedy for all blood disease. Price 50o and $1.00 per bottle post paid by Parcels Post. CHARLOTTE DRUG CO. Cor. Trade and College Sts.. . Charlotte, N. C KODAK FINISHING Br pbotoirrmphlc specialists. Any roil reloped for 10c Prints Ic to &c. Mail'""? Alms to Dept. E. PARSONS OPTICA) CO., 244 Kins St., Charleston, S.C QUININE AND IRON-TRE MOST EFFECTUAL GENERAL TONIC Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic combines both -in tasteless form. The Quinine drives out Malaria and the Iron builds up the System. For Adults and Children. You know what you are taking when yon take GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TON I- recognized for 30 years as the standar General Strengthening Tonic. It has no equal for Malaria and Fevers, Weakness general debility and loss of appetite. K mpves Biliousness without purging, lieves nervous depression and low spin Invigorating to the pale and sickly. 4 -..t-oc u l;.,... -.rtinn and ourines m3 Lblood. Atruetonic.andsureappetizer. Guar anteed by your Druggist, we mc. There is Only One "BROMO QVK That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUlM Look for signature of E. W. GROVE on every box. Cures a Cold in One lay. aa W 3f mm A, x.r AW f illli I