To Cleanse Rusty Naii Wounds Always GeC It to the , Bottom HAWFORD'S Balsam of Myrrh For Galls, Wire Cuts. Lameness. Strains. Bunches. Thrush. Old Sores. Nail Wounds, Foot Rot Fistula, Bleeding, Etc Etc liade Since 1846. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 AH Dealers s&sss&i Foley Kidney Pills Relieve promptly the suffering due to weak, in active kidneys and painful bladder action. They offer a powerful help to nature in building up the true excreting kid ney tissue, in restoring normal action and in regulating bladder irregularities. Try them. LARGE 74-PAGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOG of Cameras and Photographic Supplies mailed FREE DEVELOPING and PRINTING A SPECIALTY Parsons Optical Company, Dept. B CHARLESTON, S. C. FREE TO ALL SUFFERERS. If you foci 'OUT OF SORTS"RL'N DOWN'Or'COT THK BLUES SUFFER from KIDNEY. BLADDER. KERVOUS DISEASES. CHRONIC WEAKNESS ES.UIXERS.SKIN ERUPTIONS.PILES, write for my t-'RKE book. THE MOST INSTRUCTIVE MEDICAL BOOK EVER WRITTEN, IT TELLS ALL about these DISEASES and the REMARKABLE CURES EFFECTED by THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. N.I. N.2. N.3. THERAPION toToASt; U it's the remedy for TOUR OWN ailment. Don't send a cent. Absolutely FREE. No'followap'circulara. DrLECLERC Mex. Co. HAVEitsrocKKD.HAMPSiEAD. London, fcNO. KODAKS tSSiS Send for catalogue and prices. G. L. HALL OPTIOAL COMPANY Norfolk Richmond Lynchbvrg, Va. GALLSTONES; nteraal emedy. Avoid op- eration. A three weeks' home treatment for $5. Describe case and get free information. S. ft L REMEDY CO., Dept. 9, 820 Maia St., Fella, Iowa n J the wonderful hair grower, re VVrvQTwkVw mores dandruff, restores gray hair to yont.hfcl color. SI per bottlo. Trial site 10c COLORIFIC COMPANY, Tampa, fc'la, Charlotte Directory TYPEWRITERS New, rebuilt sod second hand, I17.M op and guaranteed satisfactory. We sell supplies for all makes. W e re pair all makes. i.U. CRaTTOS A COMPANY, Charlotte, S.C. AND THE "BLUES" WENT AWAY Showing How Easy It Is to Scatter Sunshine if One Has It in the Heart. I was going officeward one day in a very overcrowded trolley car. It was pouring outside and my gloves clung damply to my fingers. A stray wisp of hair was tickling my nose and my hands were too full of dripping um brella and swaying strap to brush it. away. I could feel that my forehead was wrinkled up, and my mouth drawn down. I thought of all the un pleasant things that had ever hap pened to me, and, glaring at the unre lenting sky, I wondered why it had to rain so hard. Then, looking along the car, I saw another girl hanging to a strap. She was ever so much wetter than I. The dampness oozed out of a crack in her worn shoe; the bare hands that gripped her umbrella and strap looked cramped and tired, and two straggly locks of hair tickled her rather small, inoffensive nose. But as I looked at her and pitied her, she glanced up and caught my eye, and she smiled at me! Then, somehow, the rain drops looked very bright and jewel-like, and the gray of the sky seemed warmer and more friendly. I forgot that my feet were wet, and I smiled back. All that day, through the work and hurry of the hours, I carried a sunbeam hiding my heart. Margaret E. Sangster, Jr., in the Christian Herald. Railway unions in Switzerland will act as a unit for new working regu lations and pension laws. Breakfast Sunshine Post ' Toasties and Cream There's a delicious smack in these crisp, appetizing bits of toasted corn that brings brightness and good cheer to many and many a breakfast table. Toasties are untouched by hand in making; and come in tightly sealed packages clean and sweet ready to eat with cream and sugar. Wholesome Nourishing Easy to Serve Sold by grocers everywhere. x, x V .TV N?X N THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF Girls! Beautify Your Hair! Make It Soft, Fluffy and Luxuriant Try the Moist Cloth. Try as you will, after an application of Danderine, you cannot find a single trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not itch, but what will please you most, will be after a few weeks' use, when you see new hair, fine and downy at first yes but real ly new hair growing all over the scalp. A little Danderine immediately dou bles the beauty of your hair. No differ ence how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Danderine and carefully draw it through your hairr taking one small strand at a time. The effect is im mediate and amazing your hair will "kbe light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance of abundance; an incom parable luster, softness and luxuri ance, the beauty and shimmer of true hair health. Get a 23 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any store and prove that your hair is as pretty and soft as any that it has been neglected or injured by careless treatment that's all. Adv. GO BACK TO MOTHER NATURE Scientists in Their Discoveries Un cover Lead That'May Mean Much to the Race. If the green plant in sunlight can elaborate from water and carbon diox ide one of our chief food substances, starch, there is no reason why the biological chemist should not discover the secret of this process and imitate it on a commercial scale. Starch, I believe, has never been svnthetized, but 6ome sugars have been so con structed. Two years ago Stoklasa and Sdobnicky made the remarkable discovery that by the action of ultra violet light on nascent hydrogen and carbon dioxide sugar was formed. Such discoveries as this suggest the means by which we are to throw off our slavery to the green plant, and I am convinced that in time this over throw will become so complete that our staple foods will be the products of the biological chemist. Popular Science Monthly. A BILIOUS LIVER For sick headache, bad breath, Sour Stomach and constipation. Get a 10-cent box now. No odds how bad your liver, stomach or vbowels; how much your head aches, how miserable and uncomfort able you are from constipation, indiges tion, biliousness and sluggish bowels you always get the desired results with Cascarets. Don't let your stomach, liver and bowels make you miserable. Take Cascarets to-night; put an end to the headache, biliousness, dizziness, nerv ousness, sick, sour, gassy stomach, backache and all other distress; cleanse your inside organs of all the bile, gases and constipated matter which is producing the misery. A 10-cent box means health, happi ness and a clear head for months. No more days of gloom and distress if you will take a Cascaret now and then. All stores sell Cascarets. Don't forget the children their little in sides need a cleansing, too. Adv. Ice Cavern Is Filling Up. Hungary's world renowned national wonder, the ice cavern of Dobsina, is threatened with serious danger. An of ficial of the meteorologic institute of Budapest established, after a lengthy observation, that ice is forming in the cavern so fast and in such a measure that it will completely fill the cavern in one or two decades, and it is quite possible the cavern will not be ap proachable in a few years. The tem perature is steadily one degree below the freezing point in the cavern, caus ing the ever increasing precipitation and the water that trickles in turns to ice immediately, thickening the walls and arches. HOW TO CURE ECZEMA, ITCH AND ALL SKIN DISEASES Don't suffer any longer with eczema or any other skin trouble. Just apply Hancock's Sulphur Compound to the parts affected and it will stop the itch ing at once and cure the trouble per manently. Many sufferers from skin troubles have written us that the Sul phur Compound cured them after everything else failed. Mrs. Evelyn Garst, of Salem, Va., writes: "Three years ago I had a rough place on my cheek. It would burn and itch. I was fearful it might be of cancerous na ture. I used different preparations, but nothing helped it. One bottle of Hancock's Sulphur Compound cured me completely." To beautify the com plexion, remove blackheads and pimples use Hancock's Sulphur Oint ment. For sale by all dealers. Adv. '. i Nothing to It. Reggie If pa was to die, ma, would he go to heaven? Ma Hush, hush, Reggie!, Whoever has been putting such ridiculous thoughts into your head? London Sketch. Mrs.Winslows Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma tion.allays pain.cures wind colic, 25c a bottleUd ,t Philadelphia police have been in structed to enforce rigidly the law governing the speed of trolley cars. Pe'?'y' "Vermifufre "Dead Shot" kills ana expels Worms in a very few hours. Ceylon yearly exports tea valued at more than $25,000,000. GASCARETS FOR RS. MANGES ESCAPES OPERATION How She Was Saved From Surgeon's Knife by Lydia -E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound. Mogadore, Ohio. '"The first two years I was married I suffered so much from female troubles and bearing down pains that I could not stand on my feet long enough todo my work. The doctor said I would have to undergo an opera tion, but my husband wanted me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound first. I took . vthree bottles and it made me well and strong and I avoided a dreadful opera tion. I now have two fine healthy chil dren, and I cannot say too much about whatLydiaE. Pinkham'sVegetable Com- Sund "has done for me." Mrs: Les anges, E. F. D. 10, Mogadore, Ohio. Why will women take chances with an operation or drag out a sickly, half hearted existence,missing three-fourths of the joy of living, when they can find health in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? For thirty years it has been the stand ard remedy for female ills, and has re stored the health of thousands of women who have been troubled with such ail ments displacements, inflammation, ulceration, tumors, irregularities, etc." If you want special advice write to Lydia . Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi dential) Lynn, Mass. Tour letter will f e opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence Sprains, Bruises Stiff Muscles are quickly relieved by Sloan's Liniment. Lay it on no rub bing. Try it. AaltU Sprain and Dislocated Hip. "I sprained my ankle and dislocated tnr nip by falling out of a third story window. Went on crutches for four months. Then I started to use your Liniment, according- to directions. I must say it is helping1 me wonderfully. We will nerer be without Sloan's Lini ment anymore."-" Joknm. Lou Station, N. T. KillsPain Splendid for Sprains. I fell and sprained my arm a week ago and was in terrible pain. I could not use my hand or arm until I applied your Liniment. I shall never be with out a bottle of Sloan's Liniment."" U. B. Springs. Eliaabuh, N. J. Fine for Stiffness. " Sloan's Liniment baa done more good than anything- I hare ever tried for tiff joints. I got my hand hurt so badly that I had to stop work right in the busiest time of the year. I thought at first that I would have to have my band taken off. but I got a bottle of Sloan's Liniment and cured my band. Wihon Whmmlmr, Morris, Ala. At all Deal. 25c, 60c and SI. CO Send for Sloan's free, instructive book on horses, cattle, bogs and poultry. Address Dr.FJuUS.SlOAlt,!flt EOSTOR. I ASS. MOVING PICTURES Machines, Supplies, Curtains and Accessories Folding Chair $ doz.. Opera Chairs ft each. Gas-Making Outfits, Oxone, Limes, Ether. Every thing naed in the Moving Picture Business. A few second-hand ma chines ierfect condition very cheap. Advice and information gladly furnished free. Motion Picture Center of Atlanta. Inc. 65 Walton St. (Tbi Motion Picture Department Store otthe World). Atlanta.Ga. STOMACH SUFFERERS Gallstone Victims - If yon have pains in' Klebt Side, Back, Under Shoulders, Pit of Stomach. Colic. Gas. Stomach Trouble. Indigestion, tck Headache. Ily fjpells. Nervousness, Bad Color, Bines, Costlveness, Yellow Jaundice. 'J'orpia ijiver, appenui cltls or Gallstones, send today for our L.IVKK - GALL, BOOK Galls one Remedy Co., Dept.587.21SS. Dearborn SUMcago PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit Belp" to eradicate dandruff. Far Restoring Color and jBeauty to Gray or Faded Hair. owe. ana i.wac urnjs. TlDflDOY TREATED, usuaUy gives quick jJitUiu I relief, soon renioves swelling & Short Dreatn.oiten rivcb euiuoriKi In 15 to 25 days. Trial treatmen t Bent Free Dr. THOMAS E. GREEN. Successor to Dr. H. H. Greens Sons. Box 0, AtlantauGa. KODAKS ana , Finishing. Mai lali orders given Spe cial attention. Prices reasonable. Service prompt. Send for Price LJst. LASKBAU'S AKT STORK CHABLK8TOS. 8. & PILES Eczema, Chafing, Cuts, Bruises, nrnn Immediate relief. Testimo DUinS nia is furnished. Price 26 and 50c Cura Salve Co.. Baltimore, Mil. iTTrUTIfill Lady or gentleman can positively make Allen HUH iar(!e steady salary. Absolutely best line hosiery. Commission on recorders. Write im mediately, iia-mo. Ajprel to., SH W.iastfc St., Bewlort nvr nr(3H-GRAUB UPRIGHT PIANO TO 1K IVlN A WAY FBEK Write for partlc nUrs? V..t s.Iu7 lo-V-r, wpt. A, l.k.,ur., N.C Bert Coug Bymp. Tartes Good. Use . In time. Sold OJ Drnggif. 1 LOOK AT CHILD'S TONGUE If cross, feverish, constipated, give "California Syrup of Figs" A laxative today saves a sick child tomorrow. , Children simply will not take the time from play to empty their bowels, which become clogged up with waste, liver gets v sluggish ; -J, stomach sour. ' V' . ' - - Look at the tongue, mother! If coat ed, or your child is listless, cross, fev erish, breath bad, restless doesn't eat heartily, full of cold or has sore throat or any other children's ailment, give a teaspoocful of "California Syrup of Figs," then don't worry,, because it is perfectly harmless, and in a few hours all this constipation poison, sour bile and f ermenting waste will gently move out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. A thor ough "inside cleansing" is oftimes all that is necessary. It should be the first treatment given in any sickness. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask at the store for a 50-cent bottle of 'California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the bottle.' Adv. Old Gowns Made Over. Wonders can be worked by doing over old frocks with black net dra peries. The bodice of an old satin foundation can be treated to a simple fichu of the net with a' hanging angel sleeve, and the . skirt hung with straight lengths gathered in slightly under the belt, with an opening at the middle front that slants off toward the back. ' At the hem of the gown the net is ' laid with some fullness' around the skirt. A charming French gown in which .this idea was ' elaborated in many ways had a foundation of change able mauve and yellow silk with mauve net as a covering, and a cluster of wistaria on a long train to catch down some of the drapery. Yellow satin with a black covering and a sim ple rbinestone trimming is also good. FIVE CHILDREN TO WORK FOR Quite an Undertaking For a Lady, bnt Mrs. Wright Doesn't Mind Now. v Asheville, N. C Mrs. Minnie Wright, of R. F. D. No. 1, this city." says: "I don't think there ,is any medicine made that would have done me the good Cardui, the woman's ton ic, did. I have five children to work for, and I praise Cardui for giving me the good health to do it. I was in "a delicate condition on ac count of a relapse of measles which left me in a bad shape, and I also had severe headaches' and backache. Was in too bad a fix for anyone to live, it teemed to me. - 1 was told that my only chance was an operation, but I decided to try Car dui instead. I only took two bottles, and now I am well and strong again. I don't believe there is any medicine on earth that will help suffering wom en as Cardui will. I have already gotten several ladies to try it, and I am going to continue to recommend your medicine." For more than 50 years, Cardui has been f ncoessfully used in the treat ment r .manly ills. It has been found to relieve women's pains, and strengthen women's weakness. If you are a woman, and suffer from any of the ailments peculiar to your sex, we urge you to give Cardui a trial. It has helped more than a million women in the past half century, and will do the same for you if given a fair trial. Your druggist sella Cardui. N. B. Write f. Chattanooga Medicine Co., Ladies' Advisory Dept.. Chattanooga. Tenn., for Strcial Instructions on your case and 64-paBe book. wrapper. Adv. In English Politics, Too. "Well, did you discover anything in Stump's past life that we can use against him?" Detective Not a thing. All he ever did before he came here was to sell awnings. Election Agent Why,- that's just what we want. We'll say that he has been mixed up in some decidedly shady transactions. London Tit-Bits. SAGE TEA AND SULPHUR DARKENS YOUR GRAY HAIR Look Years Younger! Try Grandma's Recipe cf Sage and Sulphur and Nobody Will Know. Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur properly compound ed, brings back the natural color and 1 lustre to- the hair, when faded, streaked i or gray ; also ends dandruff, itching scalp and stops falling hair. Years ago the only, way to get this mixture, was to make it at home, which is mussy and troublesome. ' Nowadays we simply ask at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sul phur Hair Remedy." You will get a large bottle for about 50 cents. Every body uses this old, famous recipe, be cause no one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as it does it so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw, this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morn ing the gray hair disappears, and after another application or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, thick and glossy and you look years younger. Adv. : " . " ' No Doubtful Sound. Heck Some, women are hard to un derstand. . Peck My wife isn't. She never speaks her mind to me without mak ing herself perfectly clear. DOES YOUR. HEAD ACHE? Try Hicks CAPUDINE. It's liquid pleas nt to take effects immediate Rood to prevent Sick Headaches and Nervous Headaches also. Your mouey back if not satisfied. 10c., 25c. and 60c. at medicine stores. 4dv, - The young man who shows up with an engagement ring is apt to get the glad hand. ' . : - OAS, DYSPEPSIA "Pape's Diapepsin" settles sour, gassy stomachs in five minutes 'Time It! You don't want a slow remedy when your stomach is bad or an uncertain one or a harmful one your stomach is too valuable; you mustn't injure It. Pape's Diapepsjn Is noted for its speed in giving reKef ; Its harmless ness; its - certain unfailing action in regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs. Its millions of cures in indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis and other stomach trouble has made: it famous the world over. Keep this perfect stomach doctor in your home keep it handy get a large fifty-cent case. from any ? dealer and then if anyone should eat something which doesn't agree . with them ; ; if what they eat lays like lead, ferments and 'sours and forms gas; causes head ache, dizziness and nausea; eructa tions of acid and undigested food remember as soon as Pape's Diapepsin comes in contact with the stomach all such distress , vanishes. Its prompt ness, certainty and ease in overcoming the worst stomach disorders is a reve lation to f if-Adv. . Lord John Hay, the oldest British naval officer, has just completed his eighty-sixth year. Like many of our old sailors he has . had a stirring career, not the least interesting inci dent in which being the fact that he was the first British subject to admin ister the government of Cyprus. He took possession of the island after the convention of 1878, and remained in charge until the arrival of Lord Wolse ley, the first high commissioner. Lord John entered the navy two- years after Queen Victoria ascended the throne, and became an admiral of the fleet a quarter of a century ago.' SKIN TROUBLE ITCHED BADLY Glenns P. O., Va. "My baby's trou ble began with an itching and then a little bump would come and she could not rest day or night. The trou ble affected her whole body. The bumps festered and came to a head and the corruption looked like thick matter, kind of a yellow color. The sores itched so badly until it seemed to me she would scratch herself to pieces and then a sore would form and br clothes would stick to her body and pull off the little scab. In some places she would scratch and irritate the sores until they seemed to be large. She was affected about a year. "I wrote for a sample of Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I bathed her body in warm water and Cuticura Soap and then I applied the Cuticura Ointment, and they afforded relief aft er twice using. I bought some more Cuticura Soap and Ointment and in side of two weeks she was cured." (Signed) Mrs. J. R. Greggs, Nov. 21, 1912. Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each free.with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card "Cuticura,. Dept. L, Boston." Adv. The Objection. Patience I hear that Montreal po lice authorities are in favor of the pro posal to add several police women to the iorce. Patrice The trouble is that none of 'em want to be plain-clothes .Women, I suppose. CHILLS AXD FEVER AND AGI'E Are Promptly Cured by Elixir Babek. "I recommend EIlxlr Ma be k' to all sufferers of Malaria and Chills. Have suffered for several years, have tried everything; but failed,- until I came across your wonderful medicine. Can truly say it has cured me." George In scoe. Company G, 4th. Batallion. Elixir Babek 50 cents, all drug-grists or by Parcels Post prepaid from Klocxew ki & Co.. "Washington. D. C. But Is It Worth While? ' Perhaps the boy who wants to run away to sea is justified. It's , the only sure way to learn enough ship-talk to enable you to understand a nautical novel. For SUMMER HEADACHES Hicks CAPUDINE is the best remedy no matter what causes them whether from the heat, sitting In draughts, fever ish condition, etc. 10c.. 25e and 50c per bottle at medicine stores. Adv. Many a timid girl courts death by making love to a rich old codger who has one foot already in the grave. t 1 Sore Eyes, Granulated Eyelids and tSties promptly healed with Soman Eye Bal sam. Adv. Vancouver, B. C, is to have a new $350,000 opera house. TORTURING TWINGES Much so-called rheumatism is caused by weakened kidneys.1 When the kid neys, fail to clear the blood of uric acid, the acid forms into crystals like bits of broken glass in the muscles, joints and on the nerve casings. Torturing pains dart through' the affected part whenever it is moved. By curing the kidneys, Doan's Kidney Pills have eased thousands of rheumatic cases, lumbago, sciatica, gravel, neuralgia and urinary . disorders. A NEW YORK CASE ' jKverV Picture jonn a. uouia, Gatchell St., Buffalo, N. Y., says: "I was laid up for two months with Inflam matory rheumatism and was in bed most of the time. My left limb swelled one quarter again its nat ural size. The swell ins kept getting worse and jthe paia nearly killed me.' Two doctors failed; :i and then I began using Doan's Kidney Pills. They cured me." Tells a Story" Get Doan's at Any Stora, 50c a Bos DO AN ' S "pPllI FOSTER-lVmJBURN CO. Buffalo, New York WANTED Acreage to ten thou sand acres, low priced. Write at once with full 1 issmtsmasmsMmtssmm particulars to John M. Clark, 1839 Santa Cruz St., Los Angeles, Cal. FAR JAI F Qnarteredoak PostOfficeontflt.nsed I VII HHkli fiyea:KOOdcondition;482Hck-boxes; a bargain. Write L BAKKB, Uaffney, Bo. Carolina ' ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AVegf table Preparation for As -simitain- rtie Food and Regula ting the S tomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digestion,CheerfuI ness and Rest .Contains neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral Not Narcotic Prop OI4 DrSAMVlm . . : JtmJn'n Std -jtlx.Stmm fantUrSatts -jtninStJ .. vPfefmtaf Bilnrivt mUStHn mum Setd -Clmrifitd Sugar Winkrjntm. Fhvtr A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion . Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Worms, Convulsions .Feverisfv ness and LOSS OF SLEEP Facsimile Signature of The Centaur Company, NEW YORK. ranteed under the Foodam Exact Copy of Wrapper. ' c He'd Called Seventeen. Jim was a new porter in the hotel, and he was putting in his. first night at his new and responsible position. It was five in the morning, and so Jim had done all he was told, and was get ting on splendidly. ... 1 "Call 17 and 4," commanded the night clerk as he looked over his call sheet. Jim obeyed. After he had been gone for a considerable time the clerk went up to see if he had called the rooms designated. - "Well," sighed the new porter, whom he found on the third floor, "I've got seventeen ' of 'em up, but . I haven't started on the other four yet." Na tional Food Magazine. Be sure that you ask for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, and look for the signa ture of Win. Wright on wrapper and box. For Constipation, Biliousness and, Indiges tion. Adr. How happy the average married man would be if he were only half as well satisfied with his wife as he is with himself! Bronchial troubles weaken the system. Pneumonia sometimes follows Doan'u Afon. tholated Cough Drops prevent trouble. A woman may not even want to know her own mind until after she has changed it four or five times' NJJGua WHENEVER YOU HEED ft GENERAL TONIC - TIE GROVE'S The Old Standard Grove's Valuable as a General Tonic because it Acts on the Liver, Drives Out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up . the Whole System. For Grown People and Children. You know what you are taking when as the formula is printed on every label tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It. is as strong as the strongest bitter tonic and is in Tasteless Form. It has no equal for Malaria, Chills and Fever, Weakness; general debility and loss of appetite. Gives life and vigor, to Nursing Mothers and Pale, Sickly Children. Removes Biliousness without purging. Relieves nervous depression and ( low spirits. Arouses the liver to action and purifies the blood. A True Tonic and sure appetizer. A Complete Strengthener. No family should be without it Guaranteed by your Druggist. We mean it 50c W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 $3i50 $4.00 $4.50 AND SR.00 FOR MEN AND WOMEN Best Boys' Shoes In the World ?2.UU, ana 93.00 BF.GAW BUSINESS IN 1878 OH $S7B OAMTAi. HOWTHB LARGEST MAXEK OF S3 B0 J4.00 SHOES IK THS WO&LO Ark your dealer to nhow W.L.Donrlas g3.60. $4.00 nd shoes. Just as sroort la utrle. wear as other makes only dtrrerenre is the prlre. Khoes in all leathern, styles snd shapes to suit ererjrbody. If jrou could Tisit VT. L. Dongjas large factories at Brorktoa, Mass., snd see for yourself how carefully W. L. DoukIm shoe are made, toii would then understand why fit better, look better, hold man any otaer maae ior If W. !,. Doaelas shoes ar Dnicr iinrMTC iruin m- 0ATTT10N I ner or me ianiuv, at ail pnoea, dt rareni i-osi, pomaire free. Writ fW IlliiBtmietl Cutulos. It will show yon how to order by mail, and why yon can Pe that W.L. Done! as name It Stamped on the bottom. W. I. UwiikIms. tot m r t "a3 saTe money on your looiwear. REPEATING RIFLES FOR HUNTING No matter what you hunt for or where you hunt, the answer to the question "What rifle shall I take ? ' is a Winchester. - WinchesteV Repeating Rifles are made for all styles of cartridges, from .22 to .50 caliber. Whichever model you select you will find it an accurate shooter, reliable in action and strong in construction. Winchester Guns and Ammunition the Ped W Brandare made tor each other. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS Sr3r1rT FOR nfll HHP HA AftJa.JuuUiHa not sold by your druggist, receipt of price. Arthur piy on For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Bought BeEfcrs the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years 1 i OOMMNV, NSW YORK OITV. Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times in ten' when the liver is right the stomach and bowels are tight. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gently butfirmly com pel a lazy liver to . do its duty. Cures Con-. stipation, In digestion, Sick Headache.' and Distress After Eating. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature SORE EYES Dr. Salter's Eye Lotion relieves and cures sore and inflamed eyes in 24 to 48 hours. Helps the weak eyed, cures, without pain. Ask your druggist or dealer for SALTER'S. Only from Reform Dispensary 68 S. -Broad. Atlanta. Georgia We Will Pay You $120.00 to distribute religious literature In rourcom unit j 60 days' work. Mxperienoe not required Man or wo man. Opportunity for promotion. Spare time may be used. . iatenatlonui Bibl frm, : 014 Arch St., Philadfilpkifc . N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 43-1913. W Tasteless chill Tonic is Equally you take -Grove's Tasteless chill Tonia showing that it contains the well known yon g. lit and costing fa.OO to $7.00 the they sre warranted to their shape and wear longer tae price. not for rale in yoor Tlcinlty, iaia(K j. nnw. Tor ctotj itirrn- Spark Hml, Brecktoa, Cass. A 'mjfmmtsMft CO.. - NEW HAVEN. CONN. 'and as a general will be sent by Parcels Post Peler & Co., Louisville, Ky. Always ''A A Am m f IPADTrD'cJ JTLE A TXr rKC NO I gfr SUBSTITUTE I