The Chatfiacn Record. Wednesday, march u, ism. .3 1 LOCAL RECORDS in Remember John L. Council's next to the bank. That's all. ad Onlv four marriage licenses have been issued so far this month. -If you want the best molas ses and flour buy from Brooks & Eubanks. adv -7 A Nissen wagon is the one you should buv. You will find them at R. J. Moore's, adv Call on Brooks & Eubanks when at court for anything needed-bread, grain, &c-adV: Job printing of all kinds done cheaply, neatly and promptly at The Record office1. Send in your orders. i adv :'J 1 ; - When "here " court f reek you can't; do, .better thah-td trade with J ... j. ; Johnsqn -Son, the cash store, adv For sale: One good , young: korse, 2 years old April 14; color, Bynum, N. C. ady . V " The" auction ; sale of the lots at the old Womack place will be -resumed next Tuesday. Attend and buy yourself a home. adv When you come to court next k'ppIc be sure to renew voar sub- criDtion. If you do not come, '"then send it by some neighbor. Have you seen the new goods at IV. J. luoore i xic imo wiwi you want and the jprice will suit you, Gate see before baying, , '.iT t . a i i i : ivi it js to oe nopeu mat. we win Vnow have more pleasant weather Ahan that with which this section has been afflicted fjor thepasCsix weeks. " " Our st"ckof spring and sum mer shoes is now complete and we invite our friends and custo mers to insp.-ct t5 em. Brooks & Eubanks. adv. 4 ' . J. J. Johnson & Son invite you to make their store head quarters when here court week or any other time. They sell for cash and that means bargains, adv " ";' ': : f - ' The tickle Co. will have sev eral mutes: and .brood.fliarea at S. G;: (iumer's stables, Pittsboro, Monday,, c March 16. f or sale or trade. Come and inspect them. Wise & McDavid. adv When you come to court do do not fail to call on r arrelMarii fin Co. for dress goods, shoes, groceries. &c. -Also No. 1 timothy feay. Get acquainted with us be fore you leave town, ady -Mr. S. D. Johnson, registrar of vital statistics for the town of Pittsboro, reports seven deaths from. November 1st to date six colored and one white and four births two white and two-col ored. ' Manly Smith is still- at the old Love store.on the court-house square, where he is prepared to furnfeh meals at all hours to per sons: attending court next week. Fresh fish, oysters and all kinds of choicegroeeries on hand. Adv His . many friends in Chat ham will regret to. learn that Pre siding Elder R: B. John was pain fully hurt last week in an auto mobile, accident at Fayetteville He made a narrow escape from being killed - by his car being overturned in a ditch.. - On last Saturday night the twelve-months-old child of Mr. June Johnson, ot' this place, iied very suddenly. It had the whoop ing cough, and about 3 o'clock in the night .Mrs. Johnso -, waked up and found that the child, which,.was in, the-bediwith her; 1 Mi -Jf - Dr. Julius Shaffer, of Fay ettevittespciaHst in op tometry, will be in Pittsboro; Exhfte house, Tuesday, March 24, and in Siler City.-HadleY :HbtelC 156, for tfreurp68e oY examining the manv errors the eye&are subject to and fitting gUsaea. , Head aches; KHuhd- from eve-strain, guaranteed relief adv - L. rLv Saunders, R. F. D. No. 1; -P'rtt8boro, is representing in Chatham;, and Lee counties the well k nown J Van Li no ley nur series near Greensboro, ana is prepared-to twke orders for any kind of fruit trees, strawberries, grape vines, flowers, &c. All or !;rs for funerals and weddings filled by telegraph. : -L. .N; -,Wdmble will have his millinery opening Thursday "(to morrow) to which the public are cordially invited. Miss Carrie Hill has charge of the millinery department and has. just return ed from the Northern cities; where she bought a large stock of the most fashionable . and 'at- orv -which she will be' pleased to have her I 1 r And "still: another snow, but n ot very mu eh On last Thurs day snow fell in large flakes at J this place for about tw hoars fast as it fell. r; uay "" It is pertain that no corn will be planted in this county next week, and yet we well remem-' ber that, before the war, one of the most successful farmers in the county (Mr. Ambrose Eu banks) used to begin planting corn on Monday of March court, which was the third Monday in March., It used to be said of him that so determined was he to begin planting then that he would scrape away the snow, which sometimes? then covered the ground, grains. ... and plant a few Personal items. Mr. Rennet Nooe, Jr., of Clay-! ton, spent last Sunday here with his parents Mr. H..A. London, Jr., of Charlotte, is here on a short vis it to his parents. ' Mu Henry L.Taylor,;of Charles ton, South Carolina, has been here on a short visit to relatives. We are much pleased to an nounce that Mrs. Bettie Lee, who has been critically sick, is now convalescing. Her many friends will 1 be srrieved to learn that Mrs. Mary Thompson is critically sick at Jthe home of her daughter, Mrs. J. S. Bradsher, at Oxford. The Winnie Davis Chapter, Daughters of the Confederacy, will meet next Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock with Mrs. George W, Brooks. - . - A called meeting of the "42" lub will be held next Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Mrs. Ernest FarreH's. Members are fquestea to onng tneoiacruD books. " - Superior Court. The March term of the sapert rc iurt of this county will be held next week for the trial of civil actions only. .No case 'of much importance will be tried- Th is term is a new one added, by the lat Legislature and is held exactly at the same time tha'.our spring term of the superior court used to be held before the adbp tir.n of the new constitution of 1868. Prior to that time only two terms of . the. superior court were held, one on the third Nfori day in March and the other oh the third Monday in September. Jhere were also four terms, of the court of pleas and 'quarter sessions, which wTere ' presided over by three justices of the peace elected by the other, jus tie'es of the county from , their body. ' ; .. : The presiding judge will be Hon. R. B. Peebles, -who held our last term in January, and will also hold our May term. Sale of Lots. La3t Thursday was the day ap pointed for the sale at auction of the old Womack place in the southern part of this town, which had been divided into , 40 lots, each lot being fifty by ninety feet, except the lot on which stood the dwelling, which lot was much larger. . Just after the auction began the rain began to fall and sopn pour ed so hard that the sale ' had to be discontinued after only twelve lots had been sold, which had brought $1138, including the dwelling. The latter was bought by Mr. S. D. Johnson at $800, which is the same price paid by his father for the entire place a few years ago. A brass band was present and enlivened the oc casion with stirring music, and possibly encouraged the bidders. ThVsale of the remaining, lots will be had next Tuesday, when some spirited bidding is expect ed Those who bought lots, last week seem to be much pleased with their hargains! and a large crowd of bidders is expected next Tuesday. - . Postnaster Appointed. On last Kridav President Wil son nominated to the Senate Mrs. Lula F. : Bland as postmaster at this "place, and the Senate will confirm the nomination in a few days, or probably 'before this reaches our readers. She will continue to use the present old postoffice until some better build ing is secured. As this is now a Presidential office, the govern ment will pay the rent, lor a building. Mrs. Bland is a daughter of the late Williarii F. Foushee, who for many years was clerk of our suDeridr court, and she is , the widow of Mr. Robert W. Bland, who was at one time chairman of our board of county commission ers. For several years she has been the assistant postmaster at this place and is familiar with the duties of the office; and her petition for the position was sign ed by a large majority of the pat rons of the office. Her assistant will be Mrs. Mary Barber after the end of the pres ent session of our graded 'school, I'm which she has been a teacher for several years. .- B. and L. Associations, y The practical hent-nts of build ing and loan associations were illustrated here last month, when' r- rrt .v., r .J .' , r - ' $5,000 wero paid tomeof our t -wnsmen bv the Mutual Build- ng and Loan Association of Cnarlotte. This nice sum was; received by its owners like so much money picked up in the road, and had accumulated with out anybody feeling the monthly payments which had been made to secure it. Buiidingand loan associations not only enable many men 1 of moderate means to buy their homes, but they are also safe and paving investments for those who wish to lay by a little every month. A man pays 25 cents a week on one share for about six years and a third, paying out in that time about $83, and then receives $100. He not only gets good interest on his investment, but it accumulates from such small payments; that he. does not miss them. . : June Clegs: Dead, f; ' '; ;.' June Clegg, 1 one of the best known colored men of this com munitv, died here last Saturday after a week's, sickness with pneumonia. For thirty-five years he had been the cook at the Exline hotel at this p'ace,' and Was one of the best cooks in this county, and Was quite a favorite with the.hundreds of trayelling sales men who had .enjoyed his cook ing and who will regret to hear of his death. ' He was fifty-seven years old and was senior warden of St. James (Episcopal) mission for the colored people at this place, and was also a prominent mem ber of the colored Odd Fellows, a large number of whom attend ed his funeral. He was popular with both white and colored, and was' well thought of by all who knew him. Historical Medal. . We are requested to call atten tion again to the fact that the Winnie Davis Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy will give a handsome gold medsl to that . student of any of the schools of this county who will write the best essay on North Carolina's Confederate history. All essays must be sent in by the 13th of April and be not less than 1500 words in length. - The object of awarding this prize is to stimulate the children of Chatham to study and learn something about the part played by this state in the war between the states. No state in the South has a more glorious war record than this state, and the. children of the state ought to learn all about it that they can learn. Ta the Housewife. ; ' Madam, If your husband Is like most, men he expects you to look after th health of y'ourselt' and children. C'lUt'S and colds are the most, common of the minor ailments and are most likely to lead to serions diseases . A child is much more Ukelv to contract rtir btheria or scarlet fever when it hs a cold, If you will inquire into the merits of the various remedies that recommended for cbghs and cvlds, you. will find that" Chamberlain's (tough Remedy stands high in the es timation of people who' use it. It is prompt and . elfectual," pleasant and safe t. take, which are qualities f-spe-c ally to be desired when a raed?cine is intended for children. For sale by all dealers, adv : Teachers' Meeting. iThere will be held a county teachers' meeting at $iev City on Saturday, the 21st of this month, at 11 o'clock a- m-, to which all teachers' of the coun ty are cordially invited to come, and those west of center of the county a-e expected to be present- S: C Brogden, supervisor of elementary schools, will deliver an address. R P. JOHNSON, Corresponding Secretary." . Spring Blood and Syetem Cleaner. DtirinR the winter, mofaths imp' ri ties accumulaie, our. blood becr-me? irripure and thick, vour kidrieys1, . Ter arid Vbwels fail to. w rkr Qjnism . s calle;l."sprinjf fever." . You feel ;ied, ' eak nd lazy . : E eotHc Uitters th sprint tonic ' nd. system clean-er is what vou need; they stimulate 1 hrt kii heys. liver and bowels t ri U'nf expel blood Impurities and ; U1J TO,7r , , o 7 1 store yeuT health, strength and ambi- L M. lfl tlon. Electric Bitters mike you frel like new. 8tar a four- weeks treat ment i will put yon in fine she pe for yonr spring work. Guaranteed. All druifgist. 60 and $1. II. B. Bucklen & Co., Philidelphia cv Str LquIs. adv The war department has de cided to establish one of its five weeks summer training- schools at Asheville. These schools have about 500 boys and approving popular. . Kickapoo Worm Killer Expels Worms. " The cause of your, chi'd's ills the foul, fetid, offensive breath the start ing up with terror and grinding of tee h while asleep the sallow, com plexion the dark eirles under the eyes are all indications of ;. worms. Kickapoo . Worm Killer 'is wha1:: your child eds; it expels th worms, the cause of the chdd's rmhealty. condition,.-'. Ft r the removal of seat, stom ach and,-pin worms, K:ckapo. Worm Killer gives sure relief. Its laxative effect adds tone to the general system. Supplied as a candy confection chfj-, dren -like it. Safe and sure ' relief. C-uarahtd Buy a box today. Roe 16c. AH drugrlgtS or by mail. Jiiok anoo Indian Med. Co,, FhilaklpMa os .Bt. Looift. advt. The School N ews. MISS HENRIETTA . MORGAN, Class Editor. Misses Henrietta Morgan and Mahel Thomas were too unwell to attend school Friday. Miss Lillian Ray hus been out of school .for several days nurs ing a case of whooping cough. A tennis court is soon to add its share to : the livelihood of our school. We hope this will induce some of our pupils to take more out-door exercise. Thanks to the girls. i - We don't think . the groundhog would be very kindly received if he were to make his appearance on the streets now. . -'- It takes a great deal of pluck for pupils to maintain a perfect attendance record through such weather as we have been having, yet several of ours have done it. Miss. Olivia Bnrn3; during the two years she has attended school here, has neither been absent; nor tardy. You can hot expect anything less ; than success for girls and boys who form such habits. . 1 v Don' t y ou think : a" good laugh would do you good? Well, that is what you are going to get when you see '"Mrs. Briggs of the Poultry Yard." Several of the pupils have en tered the contest for the medal offered by the Daughters of the Confederacy. This afternoon at the regular meeting of the societv the trian gular debate boys will lock horns on the initiative and referendum. This will be a preliminary tp the debates with Pleasant Garden and Carthage on the evening of the 20th. " Every Wednesday we have a lesson spent on "The Literary Digest" instead 6f our regular history lesson. Our principal pur pose in studipg this interesting magazine is to learn modern his torv -the history that is being made now. If we study the step3 of development we surely wan1: ta know the latest ojtcome. Yet not only history but also much science and English can be learned from the magazine. Recommends Chamberkin's Cough Remedy. , " . . , "I take pleasure in . recommending: Chamb rlilu's Couh, Remedy to my customers because, 1 have confidence in it. I 'find that they are pleased with it and call for it whei ag:a1n in need of sueh a m'Hiicine," writes J.W. Bx son, Montevallo, Mi. For sale bv all dealers, ady REPORT of the condition of the BANK OF PITTSBORO. AT PITTSBORO, IN THE STATE OF . NORTH CAROLINA, at the class of business March 4th, 1914. Resources Loans and discounts $ 64,870 12 Overdrafts secured $120.00 unsecured f5.88.51J 70S 51 North Carolina State bonds. S.OOO.OO All other Stocks, Honds and Mortgages : . 10,100.00 Banking .ouse. $1,500.00: fur niture and fixtures,' $700.00. 2,200 Q0 Due from Banks and Bankers, 34,007 GS Cash items.. ....i. 1,189 55 (ioldcuiu .-. 1,327 50 Silver coin, including all mi nor currency ' 1,090 29 National bank notes aid oth er U. S. notes 6,138 00 Total . $126,631 75 Liabilities. ! Capital stocV L$l 0.000.00 ; Surplus fund 5,0' 0.00 Undivided prohts, l-ss cur rent expenses and taxes paid 3,101 03, Time certificates of Deposit--. 50,092 77 rf posits subject to chi'fc 55.676 84 Cashier's checks outsandiner 1.978 11 ! Certified checks . . 20 00! j Accrued interest due deposi- 763 00 Total ... 8126,631 75 State of NORTH 0R)LISA ( hatham County, ' I. M T. William. Cashier . of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear !that the aoov t ite;nent. is true to the ier. Sabncribed and sworn to before me, this 10th dav of March. 1914 G. K. PILKINGTON, Notary Public. My Commission expires Jan. 23, 1914. Correct Attest: W. L. London, . R..H. Hayes, Jas L. Griffin, Directors." CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS, FUNERAL DESIGNS. " PALMS. FERNS. BLOOM 1NG PLANTS. CABBAGE AND TOMATO PLANTS AJ1 orders glfen prompt attcn - Uon. M. J. MCPHAIL. pjton . No 94. Florist, j ' Alarming Fire Loss. ; ' ' Prom ih)?-T. si.rrt nee Bulletin " ' j ; Notwithstanding this " country ihas the best lire lighting equip-i ; ment in the w;orld, ;-. it ech ear loses more than two hundr d uuiuoiis oi aouars uy lire, mis; is four or five times os much as is f lost m all the European countries. The president of one of the fire insurance companies has said that if the loss by fire in this country could be cut down to seventy-five millions a year, the saving would be equivalent to adding a billion of dollars to. the wealth of thej country every ten years. The conaitions are than in former crete and steel . bad, but better years, for con are to some ex cities from the tent protectiug holocausts of former davs. Best Family Laxative. , Beware of constiDation. Use Tr. Kind's isrew Life Fills and ket p well. Mrs. Charles 52 '''Smith,' of rmt Franklin, Me . call vthem ''Our fam ily laxative," ,iNo,thin& better for adults or aeed. Get hem todav. 25c. All diuggists or'by maii IJ' E : Buck len & .CovPiladelphitt or St. ijoiiis. dv .. - ' ' ' : Sanford ' 'Express: ' Mahv col ored people in' San ford bvn their own homes. A number of . the more thrifty onesalso 6wn dwell ings which they rent out to 9th ers. Much 6f this nrobertv has beeii acquired by them during the past few years. V: They accumulated- this money; with which this property was bought by economizing and saving their earnings. :". There ls more CatarrTi In this eertlon of t h mwitn (haa sill otb?r diseases put together, aad ' the las; l iaany years doetora prououueed It a local disease ami ' prr!icribel local remedies, and by conBtarttly faUitji' i !u cure with. local treatment. Tironounced it innura.bfc. Sciptice haa pro von Catarrh to be a.eoustitutioual -dis, .' e-'.s?. and therefore requires eoiustltatlonal txeatmivC : Hall's Catarrh Cure; maiiulactuced by .F. -i..'CTipljt j. Co.. Toledo; Ohio.'is the only ConstitutlontU cure on the market. It is taken internally In dueea frohY 10 jh u.uj. ui z irjtafwjininu. it ucis. uireciiy (Ou ijie DIO014 and mucous surf aces of the svsttm. Thv. offer imi hundred doaare for any case It fails to cure. . SenJ f ... ,l ..... ... '. b-TV Address F. J. CHli.NEV A. CO.; Toledo. Ohio. Rold by Rrueelfits, 7 5c, Take Hall's Family 'Pilla fareonstlpatlon.' ' " Dissolution Notice? : STATE OK 'NORTH OAUOLINA, . Department of Srate ' . " Certitieate.ef Dissolution,.' To All to Whorii These Presents lHjay. Come Greeting: . I Whereas, It appears to ray satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of tae procei.iings for the v limtary Uis solution thereof by - the unanimous consent of all the stoikbnld-rs, depos- ited in my office, that tlie Farringtoii Mercantile Company, a corporation of; this state, whosw principal oflic is; st unted in the town f Fa rr in gton, coun ty of ChatV atn, sfate of North Caro lina (J.' B, Council--being, the ap;ent therein'Hnii in charge thereof, upon whom-process may be '.served, ha,s complied -wiih ; the' ; reqUireinentis of Chapter 2r, Itevisal of 1905, entitled "Corporations," preliminary to the is suing tbi crtificaie f dissolution: Now, tnerefnre, I, J. Bryan Crimes, Secretary of Btate of North Carolina, da hereby certify that the said corpo ration did, on the 2d day of March, 1914, file .in. my office a. duly executed and attested corent in 'writing to the dissolution of said corporation, execut ed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and i he record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my oilice as provided by law. In testimony whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed mv official seal at RaHigh, this 2d day of Wareh, A.D. 1914. J. BRYAN GRIMES, s Secretary of State. " LAND SALE. By virtue of an order of the Siiperiar Court of Chatham county in the case thereiu pending, entitled, "J. 11. lt-iy et als vs Arteiuus Kay' et als," I wid sell, at public auction, at the courthouse Uoor in Pittsboro, N. C, oa " i Saturday, April 11th, 1914, the lands of the lata J, It. Ily, situ ated in Center township, Chatham county, North Carolina, and described as follows: . . -" i First tract beginning at. a stake, northeast corner of lot No.) in the par tition of. Calvin Brown's land, thence in a northwesterly direction with the old outside line to a stone, eorner of lot N-. o in said partition, thence sonth',S5 degrees west 129 poles to an ash ohth bank of the meadow branch, thence up said branch as it meanders to an elm, which is the southwest cor ner of this part of the . land, thence with Petty -S.' line, east 89 poles to a stake in the line of lot No 1, an old corner, thence norm lb l-z poles to & stone pile, e rner ;f ..lot No. 1, thence east wiiu the line of lot No. 1 92' poles to the beginning, and containing 65 avres. mi"re or less: Second tractrrlJegnninsr !at an ash on Meadow brancu. j. W. Kay's cor-, ner, thence north 85 decrees east vvith J. Wi Ray s Iiue---I29. poles to a stone and. p inters, -.K '. .-W.- Kay-'s COTner,' thencts orth with Tucker line (form--1 erlv J. Nea 's) 4S p:les to a small -ce- d t; and pointers, thence .west !2.4 poles to an ah on the meadow branch. near; the;ei'd of a stone wail, thence upHhe various courses" of said hrahch tto-tlie j beginning,; estimated ta contaia 42.1-2 acres, more or less. Terms of sale: One-half eash; bal. ance in six .months; deferred payment to bear interest from date of confirma tion.. Title reserved until all the pur chase money is paid.' - ; This March 10th, 1914 ' It. Ii. H YES, CommissioneJS. MORTGAGE SALE. -By virtue-of a mortgage executed to me by Sidney Gotten, on the 25th of November, . 190;j, -and registered on page 600, in Book in the onlce of the register of "deeds of Chatham county, l will sell fof cash, at the court-house door at PiUsboro, X. C, on . ; ' - Monday, April 6th, 1914, the following tracts of land in Ontre. townshin. Chatham countv. one-tract I RcViruninc- the lands knOwu as- the Wil- jham Harper,.Everett..Foashee, Thorn as Harris and others, and deeded t-6 said Cotten by ..John II May and wife; containing fifty acres. - Another tract f 20 aeres, adjoining the said fifty- facie tract, deeded to said Bidaey Cot- tted ty BJdney tinliia ane wile. EUGENIA BRIGHT. "."I' i i .. i iiiiiiiiii ii mm i . . , linn ' ' '; ; ' :.- instead oi waiting until you first that's offtrsd ypu,.nd out in. the' bfei.;5cvic6.- BiV'tfae waeon , tiaie laud, be tiapif.t pu viiir h'ots. MAh Sst1' IMiail thordiffhjy inspJccted.,; StU. lumbefr used is selected from .large pur-i ;chafcfc3' uiVfiVat 'grade' oalPkud hickory id? W heels aiqd gears, the finest -velJow-j bavr poijlar jfeefcox and lofi&lleif yell6w''pino) for " iivv.ry allck of Ihw VoiftW is care'inlW' inspected, and each part . ' .ff.9".it 'a-gai'.v.'iiispecisd .when; it is Uapti and ironed The ' t-Jifd iv-r L:ctkn is lEAclsjofct, before th0. TT.ag9n is paiuted, and insures " 'jiorfectjlitig 6f ' te-Ay 'pift. le filial" inspfcctioa is made when the. va. ;jfl j.rwady fcr jrlttlivr. Fotirrins pactions to mak siife that 'you ' nt-- j't!st -wVat you pay for whi you buy a Weber wagon. -... . i .; Drp in the next tarhia ybu c0me to town and look over our line of I fc-;-"' ' ' ' : ' - '' :'':"""-;'' ' : ': " ' ' V ' '. ..v.--'-i fwmiwMiiBwiiiilpiiiHi(iiiiipiiiiniiiiii mi' in wHmmrvm&mmmmmmmmmmmm -.-,r. m "ii-ydb i:rA 'W :P!lfi;:SiP';iS 1 - . .. . I Mi I 4- - fiotir Kekrty thanks' for'ttiir patriajre :yyithj ,vffser.: them and invite theto to make this Bank tUtlr W lJ ISiUlU. '7? ' " " ' - W COMPOUNDED S. P.,HATCrl, Presidetit. " ' 4 U DITH M. '- tNif?-r'w- rrrrrr RESGULARLY AT-THE Bank of not only keeps you from spending it, but saves it for future use, whether: for business, pleasure or timj of -need! ; SAFE, SURE It is Saving and Depositing reffntariy that, makes your account flol&r upon dollar cent 'interest: commence Ri Suruiusvtod Undivided Froflca.... ..S7.000 W. L. iiDON, : -; President, DIRE?TbRS: JAS ti GRIFFIN - 1 rfl.:.v'' .W. L, LONDON, JAS'XWAtE'WQ'llBttei . M Pocket 3&f-jErety Man "vfrho Vantri afig-raSe;- tandd Tkiy hoard fc35ewrite1c thitf ie'iatklble- Of the flielfest speed.iahd.ds Jtuilt:xi'4he "beet1 mHterialfs'tlie.sim-leiindtiw mechuineal p ttitntpliit. will by sellingailm - ' : ' : Vest this -and 'liroVhig- to Him. ttiatr although the mavliin'S'.'CwiV onl y $50, if fs ; not .only thequai.xvtin :.hiany fespeet thi J-uperioivot-.any- flQO .machine on'the! market.""" " . ... . -' . Tlie American Typewriter differs from all others in the repeet thatit Val ways irdea. V I tsbeautyul simplicity means-a icapatuty for. hard, work- apda J .duTaiuity.r-htue sljQrt oi:-marvelous. AH the upto-date features,- sach a tvio-cijlbr 'ribbon s.Wft iiiid pointer fia Uicxitor.; Write today, fir eari on Frant fii.; Rayinohd, Local Representative The Ameriean Typewriter Co. cf New York. Pittsboro N. C, Feb. H 47 J!-MhM . 9 Type s:- .. ..,,f .:-r:.. need awagoa'and theti' taking thi advance wtfeh wagon ,willigive yon that will stand un for the longest . '.-M' . : - ;' . - .- -HI ' ? i"i i :.1 .1 jQUABTERK! it-, i. . V icc-Preaident : : ROCS; CasWcr. AND SECURE. increase '' a'vdly we add 4 per jLiaiiicinjj: lociay. V M. T. WILLIAMS Cashier. H.A ... ;. i,. . I A? ".'. ' dm. A . .i M tT4. A Pittsboro ! 2 - II .; LONDON, r 0 n omer oi me superior court ot ji,nar hain ttnty. ttxlitte-ov&e entitlfcdV "X ' . Btkkv&'-'M others.;; t ,wUlt t)t' l- offeree tddbirlies bidder tfce;.-,: Sr saia ,ewBe, 1 ring and bein r 4a Um? . ?. ; -' flrat.trACi: ,BQunle.4votft1eily-," dm xaous or -1. a. .v,urxvun; vn -it-j MOtlh y tbe Xove- land notowtked ; . V MtM Jkw'OX A SVA. fUmfUMS . 1. the lands or the law Miram Hen derson, containiBg abut 100-eres. ' aid townshiA and eauntrnd bound- . tiAannfT -r q rTm r vinv ani worn n rm in ed pewtne north by the., lands of Zb : )a rl nn Ka aaet' atilth on4 tusit r KATUU aCWV . T AltIL ; the'Unds; . of Hiram-" Hendef son, de-7. eeaied, eantainiag-ahout j56 aere, and' -known a the Lottie JSlana land. - Terma of sale t One-half casa, aX anee in tf-months, deferred payment . - oear mveres ?iv r per -cent pec annum. Title , reserved 4 ill a1 itbe - parcluuei - t n.a - . . 'rma the i4ihaaT oi nruarv, vi. , .... . . , .K.-klr.:li&X;KX-,' r .-.3 - - i "Commiasionet.. GREENSBORO. N. C.

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