THE CHATHAM RECORD Jl A. LONDON, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR Terms of Subscription $1.50 Per Year Strictly in Advance TH E CH2TH2T.l RHGtfXtD Rates of Advertising O.eSqaaror- mtrntkom ttlCQ OaeSquare, two mMrtioM Jt3 For Larger v Advertisements Liberal Contracts rrlH bomedo. VOL. XXXVI PITTSBORO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C, JUNE 17, 1914. NO. 45. Wkt .: jit . u it 11 IMPORTANT NRVS THE WORLD OVER Happenings cf This and. Other Nations For Seven Days Are Given. THE NEWS JFTHE SOUTH What Is Taking Place in the South land Will Be Found in Brief Paragraphs. American and Mexican delegates to the peace conference at Niagara Falls, Ontf signed the first protocol be tween the United States and Mexico, rt provides that a government shall be established to be recognized by the United States. When the word reached Washington that the first peace protocol had been signed the members of President Wil son's cabinet were jubilant. The next proposition to be taken up by the mediators at Niagara is the choosing of a successor to General Huerta. The rebel delegates are on their way to the peace conference at Niagara Falls. Ont., having been sent there by orders of General Carranza. Texas is now harvesting its grain crop. According to reports from the grain belt it will be the largest crop that the state has ever known. A monument to the North Carolina women of the Confederacy was erect ed at Raleigh, N. C. The state of Texas has ousted the Pierce Oil Corporation from the state. This is the result o f prosecutions against corporations, charging viola tion of the state's anti-trust law. ( The "dry" navy order issued by Secretary Daniels, which abolished the wine mess on board American warships, will go in to effect July 1st. Kermit Roosevelt, son of former President Rooseevelt, was married to Hiss Belle Wyatt Willard, in Madrid, Spain. Miss Willard is a daughter of the United States embassador to Spain. The death of former Vice President Adlia Stevenson is momentarily ex pected. He has been ill for several weeks in a Chicago hospital. A loss of life and considerable dam age is reported as the result of a storm which swept the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Chaleuer Bay and Straits of Northumberland. The estate of the late Pierpont Morgan has been increased by several million as the result of the fact that he owned a considerable puantity of property that it was not known he owned. E. F. Stackable, collector of the port of Honolulu, has received a telegram from William G. McAdoo, Secretary of the Treasury, requesting his imme diate resignation. Stackable, it is said, has insisted that he will not vacate the office unless he is dismissed. As the result of experiments, the United States Department of Agri culture at Washington has announced that eggs can be mailed by parcel post ' John M. Dunn, a Unltejfl States seaman on board the Amphitrite, has been awarded a silver life saving med: al by the United States Treasury Department at Washington, for gal lant conduct in recovering a seaman from drowning at the Mare Island Na vy yard, California, in March. Dunn is a native of New Orleans. Eight lives were lost and a score of persons injured in a fire which destroy ed a tenement house in the East Side of New York City. The entire country from one end to the other has been suffering from record-breaking heat. Highest tern peratures are reported from all direc tions. Mercury climbs steadily in the Southern states, establishing new rec ords this year. The edict has gone forth that it is the president's wish that the house go on record within a few days either for or against national prohibition. Rep resentative Cantrell of Kentucky has offered a resolution providing for a ten hours debate, after which a vote will be taken on the Hobson. resolution to amend the fed&ral Constitution. Nice hundred million bushels of ttheat, which is almost half of the average world's wheat production, and a new record fc,r- the United States, is the prospective total yield of the farms of the country this year, the departments of agriculture announced in its June crop report just issued. The enormous croD will be 137,000,- 00 bushels more than ever was grown before in the United States in one ear. Excellent year for the growing crP and an increase of 6.4 per cent in the acreage planted to wheat are re sponsible. There also will be large jieias of oats and barley, probably. second in size, in the history of the nation. Washington officials breathed easier 'hen they learned Huerta had chang ed his nind with regard to the bot llmg up of Tamnico harbor. The United States delegates to the peace, conference at Niagara Falls uit., have tendered their plans for the establishment of a government in Mexico, it is said to be similar to the one offered bv the ABC envoys which was accepted by Huerta's rep- 't-sentatives. Seven were killed and a dozen were injured when a tornado swept through a portion of Iowa according to reports reived at Sioux City. i ue education committee of the Lon don, England, county council have de- "eu to bar the teaching of sex hygi Ui U1 the public schools. Much anxiety is being rewet for the safety of the occupants of three bal loons that left Portland, dregon, and. later encountered a terrific storm. The balloons were contestants in the annual national race. According to estimates made by Secretary McAdoo the government in come for the fiscal year ending June 30 will be about thirty million dol lars. There will be about ten million dollars less this year than last year. The new French cabinet lasted but one day. The Yaqui and Pima Indians are reported to hajve been fighting each other according to reports reaching Douglas, Arizona. With a rush the house Friday pass ed the amended Panama canal tolls exemption repeal bill, and all that re mains to be done Is for the president to affix his signature. T. B. Jones, a lawyer of Chicago, has been mentioned as governor of the federal bank reserve board, and it is thought prQbable that his name will be sent along with the other ap pointees by the president -to the sen ate. It has been repeaedly asserted by Icccf-rs of reform movements and tho police officials of ti:e city of Chicago that organized vice has been driven ouc of the city. The reform organiza tivca of that city have been carrying on crusades extending over a period of nearly two years. In Korea, Tomitaro Watanabe, was tried and given a life sentence on the charge of murdering Dr. Edgar De Mott Stryker, an American surgeon. The convicted man appealed his case to the superior court of Korea and this court made the sentence death. The question of woman suffrage oc cupied most of the sessions of the Na tional Association of Women's Clubs in session in Chicago. The Mexican war veterans while in session at Chillicothe, Ohio, resolved to recover from Mrs. Moore Murdock of Alabama data and relics which she is said to now have in her possession, in order that they may be placed in the archives in Washington "Intellectual Bravery" was the sub ject of Vice President Thomas R. Mar shall's address to the graduating class of the University of Maine at Orona, Maine. An Atlanta policeman has made the discovery that the automobile which he recently purchased from an auto mobile' dealer, was stolen property. However, the man who sold it to the auto dealer is now being held by the Atlanta authorities on the charge of forgery. Congress is now facing one of the most bitter struggles that has been witnessed in the house for many years when the Hobson amendment is forced to a vote. This amendment is the na tional prohibition issue. The United States has determined that Huerta shall be entirely eliminat ed in the formation of a new govern ment for Mexico. It is even hinted that the American representative at the peace conferenc at Niagara Falls will insist that the new provincial pres ident be sympathetically inclined to ward the rebel movement. Officials of Washington await in anxious suspense word from the peace conference as to whether the Huerta delegates will withdraw their demands that the dictator be allowed to name his successor, for it is believed in Washington, D. C, that there is a pos sibility of a disruption of the peace plans if this question is not amiably settled. The first round in the canal tolls fight in the senate was won by the anti-subsidy forces. The' Simmons? Norris amendment declaring the Unit ed States waives no rights over the Panama canal was adopted in the sen ate by a vote of 50 to 24. John W. Coombs, baseball player on the Philadelphia-American team, was nominated for state senator by the York county Progressives of Maine. A jewelry store of San Francisco was entered, the safe opened and $30,000 worth of unmounted gems were taken, also $200 in cash. A clerk formerly employed in the store was reported missing the day following the theft. Nathan Cohen may be known as the man without a country unless some nation accepts him at their port. He was found in the United States and deported to Brazil as an undesirable alien. They refused him. Then he was sent to his native country, Russia, but they would not have him. Now he is the guest of the Ocean Steamship una. timt carried him to Russia. In the meanwhile the United States Im migration officials are considering his case. The will of Alexander E. Orr, mer chant, banker and rapid transit pio neer of New York, leaves the bulk of of his estate of five million dollars to his wife and daughters. The bill introduced into the Louisi ana legislator eto permit horse racing in that state -as defeated. The little country of Albania is havine its troubles. The insurrectoes mimr fnr the withdrawal of aic v-j. j -"r- -w- Prince William of Weid., George Fred Williams, American minister to Greece, has offered his services as disinterested mediator. According to reports from Washing ton, D. C, immigrants have been ar riving at American ports during the past ten months at the race of more than twenty-nine hundred per week, and it is the belief of the immigration officials that if this number is con tinued the year of 1914 will establish a record. Australia is planning to have an exhibit at the Panama-Pacific Expo sition at San Francisco. Neil Nelson, the Australian commission, has ar rived in Washington to make arrange ments for the admittance of the exhib its from his country. MEX CO WANTS MAN ACCEPTABLE!) ALL SELECTION OF A SUITABLE PRO- VISIONAL IS PROBLEM OF MEDIATORS. SOME NAMES ARE DISCUSSED No Agreement Has Yet Been Reach ed The Task is a Difficult One and Causing Work. Niagara Falls, Ont. The crux of the Mexican problem, the selection of a manjfor provisional president, accept able to all factions in Mexico and for eign governments generally was reached in a conference between the mediators and the American and Mexican delegates. f For more than an hour names of various individuals were discussed but on none was there a semblance of agreement. There will be another conference on the same subject. De tails of the peace plan are practically set aside now for the greater task of finding the man of the hour he who can reconcile the warring factions and maintain peace while a constitu tional election is held and normal or der is resumed. Incidentally General Carranza's note transmitted by Rafael Zubaran, his representative in Washington, arrived advising the mediators that Constitu tionalist delegates were on their way to the mediation conference with full instructions. The ' mediator's made no comment on the note. It contains no reference to an armistice, on which the media tors have been insisting and there was nothing to show that the mediators had in any way altered their determi nation reached not to admit officially the representatives of General Carran za unless an armistice was declared. Some other way of dealing with them perhaps through the American dele gates, may be found when they arrive. The Constitutionalist representa tives are needed here to facilitate the course of the peace program in its present stages for in the discussion of names they can be of mush servire to mediation generally by indirating who will, or will not be acceptable. At present the mediators have ac complished only one step in their journey toward the pacification of Mexico. This was the adoption of the first protocol dealing with the trans fer of authority from the hands of the present regime to a new provi sional government. WILSON WILL LEAD WAY. International Fleet of World's Navies "Will Pass Through In March, 1915. Washington President Wilson next March personally will lead the Inter national fleet of warships from Hamp ton Roads to Colon to participate in the formal opening of the Panama canal by passing through on the bridge of the world-famous old battle ship Oregon as leader of the long line of fighting craft of all nations and then after proceeding northward, enter the Golden Gate at the head of the immense armada and attend the Panama Pacific Exposition at San Francisco. This announcement was' made by Secretary Daniels. Originally the president was to go from Washington to Hampton Roads to greet command ers of the International fleet as they arrived. Afterward he was to make the trip by rail to San Francisco to visit the exposition at some conveni ent later date. The president, however, has deter mined now to do full honor to the ex position by making his advent on the scene at the head of an armada, the like of which the world has never seen. Also he will redeem his long standing promise to Col. George W. Goethals to formally open the Pana ma carnal. The president," according to the present program, will leave Washing ton for Hampton Roads, accompanied by his official family, on the yacht Mayflower, March 5, 1915. The inter national fleet will have been gathering in hte Roads since January 1. May Put in White Man. Washington. James B. Lloyd, ol Tarboro, is slated for recorder of deeds of the District of Columbia, if the Democrats can prize Henly Lin coin Johnson, negro, out of that place and keep another negro from getting it. It has been understood f or some time that Mr. Wilson's campaign man. agers promised . negro leaders in doubtful states to keep a negro in the recorder of deeds office. Mr. Lloyd liv ed in Illinois for several years and has just recently returned to North Carolina. Examine School Children. Wilmington. Announcement was made by Dr. Charles Wardell Stiles, professor in charge of tile Marine hos pital. here, that the physical examina tion of school children of this city would be. continued during the sum mer months. Last summer several hundred children were examined and during the past winter mental examin- ations of practically all the school children of the city were made. There will b'e 17 medical men engaged upon this work all the summer. HORNE MONUMENT TO STATE COMMEMORATES COURAGE AND DEVOTION OF WOMEN OF THE CONFEDERACY. LATE STATE CAPITOL NEWS ... , 1 Review of the Latest News Gathered Around the State Capitol That Will Be of Interest to Our Readers Over North Carolina. " JUdeisfc. With twelve hundred Confederate veterans and 1,000 or more Daughters of the Confederacy taking part, the ceremonies for the unveiling of the Home monument to the North Caro lina women of the Confederacy given to the state were carried out. The veterans were here in annual reunion and joined in fine tribute to the women of the South exemplified in the magnificent gift to the state that testifies the appreciation of Mr. Home and the state. The exercises began in the auditor ium at 11 o'clock with an invocation by Rev. A. E. Osborne, late colonel of the- Fourth North Carolina Regiment, Confederate Sates Army. The Third Regiment Band furnished music. Dr. D. H. Hill, president of the A. & M. College and son of General D. H. Hill of the Confederate Army, deliver ed the address for the occasion, his theme being "The Spirit, Character and Deeds of the North Carolina Wo men of the Confederacy." It was an inspiring story of the heroism and sacrifices made by the North Carolina women of the Confederacy. At the monument J. A. Long, chair man of the Memorial Commission, in brief, fitting remarks, presented the monument to the state, addressing Governor Craig for this purpose. He paid a most fitting tribute to Ashley Home who made the monument pos sible, depicting him as having loved the South and especially North Caro lina and having admired most of all that type of life found in the South ern women. The speech of acceptance was by Governor Locke Craig, who declared that the state accepts it with most grateful appreciation as the tribute of a knightly soldier to the women of the Confederacy. The statue, he said, is an epic with heroism and devotion as its theme. ' Prepare Instruction Camp. The city of tents which will accom modate the hundreds of young men from yarious Southern colleges and universities during the time that they are receiving instructions for service In the United States army under the auspices of the War department will begin to rise at the foot of Sunset Mountain, a message from Robert O. Van Horn, chief of staff, bearing the information that Captains Day and Brown with their troops will leave the latter part of the week for Asheville. Army engineers will prepare for the drainage of the land, electricians will have supervision of the stringing of the wires, construction men will arrange the tents and water and sew er lines will be laid. By the date set for the beginning of the maneuvres everything will be in readiness for Southern high school, college and uni versity graduates who are desiriqus of taking training under competent instructors assigned to duty at Ashe ville by the war department. Craig Names Board of Election. Governor Craig announces the ap pointment of the state board of elec tions as follows: Wilson G. Lamb, Williamston; R. C. Clay well, Morgan ton; J. B. Underwood, Fayetteville ; W. J. Davis, Hendersonville, and Clar ence Call, Wilkesboro. Colonel Lamb contiues chairman of the board. Mr. Clay well has served several terms as secretary. Mr. Call represent the Re publicans and Mr. Davis the Progres sives. Secretary Issues New Charters. The Bobbett-Forbes Warehouse Company, Greensboro, . capital $25, 000 authorized and $1,100 subscribed by A. V. Bobbitt and others. Evidence in the McArthur Case. The defense completed the taking of evidence in the Federal court trial of, the noted cas of Citizen's Bank of Norfolk vs. Adam McArthur and Mrs. M. E. McArthur involving the genuine ness of $25,000 in notes held by the bank against the defendants and it is expected that the case will go to the jury soon. This is the second trial the first one some months ago, having resulted in a hung jury. Much of the time was taken up with the examina tion of David N. Carvalho, the famous handwriting expert. Medical Examinations On. The State Board of Medical Exam iners began the examination of 150 applicants for licenses to practice medicine in this' state. Dr. Benjamin Hayes of Oxford is chairman of the board and the work will not be com pleted for several days, the names of those successful to be announced in connection with the annual conven tion of the North Carolina Medical So ciety in session three days in- Raleigh. The examination of 50 applicants for licenses to practice pharmacy in this state is now on. GIVEN State's Share in Smith-Lever Act. Washington The maximum amount North Carolina can receive under the Smith-Lever Co-Operative Agricultural Extension act for the fiscal year 1914-. 15 is $10,000; for 1915-16, $32,953; 1916-17, $52,081. For 1917-18, 1918-19, 1919-20", 1920-21 and 921-22 and each year the amount of $19,127 to the to tal for the immediately preceding year. For 1922-23 and thereafter $166,846 wil be provided. The. act provides ' that each state must duplicate all Federal money above $10,000 a year. N In explaining the appropriation the department of agricultures - ays : The act first appropriates $480,000 annually, beginning with 1914-15, and gives each state $10,000 for each fiscal year as a basic fund. The act then appropriates addition al Federal moneys to be distributed in the proportion of rural population. To share in these additional fnuds the state must dpulicate the additional money thus received. The additoinal apprbpriations are as follows : ' 1915 16, $600,000; 1916-17, $1,100,000; 1917-18, $1,600,000; 1918-19, $2,100,- 000; 1919-20, $2,000,000; 1920-21-, $3,- 100,000; 1921-22, $3,600,000; 1922-23, and thereafter, $4,100,000. It will be noticed that after 1915-16 the total appropriation is increased each year by $500,000. The fifth column in the table shows the amount of each additional $500,000 that the state is entitled to receive. To get the amount that any state is entitled to receive for any fiscal year from 1917 to 1922 add the amount given in the table to the total for the immedi ate preceding year. Example: Ala bama, in 1917-18 will receive $49,404 plus $17,911 equals $67,315; for 1918 19 Alabama will receive $67,315 plus $17,911 equals $85,226; and so on until the maximum given under the column 1922-23 is reached. The totals for each state contain the basic $10,000 granted each year. To -.obtain the amount that the state would have to duplicate in any year to receive its entire Federal quota, subtract $10,000 from the total. Ex ample: The amount Alabama would have to duplicate in 1917-18 is $67, 315 minus $10,000, or $57,315. ' North Carolina Editors Prepare. President Clarence Poe of the. North Carolina Press Association made pub lic the completed program for the North Carolina Press Association to be in session at Wrightsville Beach, June 24 to 26. The president's ad dress will have for its theme "The Editor as a .Crusader." Bion H. But ler of The Raeford Journal will have a paper, "North Carolina Slopping Over With Opportunities What Can the Press Do in Developing Them." President Graham of the State Uni versity will discuss "Civil Service Work; An Opportunity for the Press." Josephus Daniels will deliver an ad dress. All these features will charac terize the first morning session. Wednesday night R. F. Beasley of The Monroe Journal will deliver the annual oration, his theme being "The Tyranny of the Status Quo." The poem will be read by William Laurie Hill, this followed by a Dutch supper by citizens of Wilmington. Business problems will be consider ed at the session of the editors Thurs day morning. And during the after noon there wil be trolley rides and bathing. Thursday night Editor Nor man Hapgood of Harper's Weekly, will deliver his address and the gen eral business of the convention round ed up. On Friday there will be a trip down the Cape Fear on the steamer Wilmington. Fine Wheat At Farm. The state department of agriculture received from the farm of the Central Hospital for the Insane specimens of wheat from a 70-acre field that are especially fine, the tallest bundle measuring five to six inches long,' es pecially well filled out. There are three varieties, purple straw, fulcos ter and red wonder. The farm super intendent expects the wheat crop to thrash out an average of 40 or more bushels an acre. Little Tobacco Sold in May. Only five leaf tobacco markets in North Carolina reported leaf tobacco sales on warehouse floors for the month of May, according to the report of the state board of agriculture just issued. These were Reidsville, .11.6, 956 pounds; Winston-Salem, 67,218; Durham, 25,620; Mount Airy, 454, and Stoneville, 350 pounds. The sales for May, 1913, were 26,704 pounds. Oil Painting of Ashley Home. : In presiding for the ceremony of un veiling and presenting to the state the oil painting of Ashley Home, Mrs. M. A. Winstead of Rocky Mount delivered an especially eloquent ad dress in which she declared this one of the proudest days for the women of the state in all the history of North Carolina and especially so for the Uni ted Daughters of the Confederacy, and that the ceremonies of the unveiling of the monument just witnessed was one of the most Imposing and beauti ful ever held at the state capital. . James R. Young Gives Warning. Commissioner of Insurance James R. Young, before leaving for New York to attend important meetings of the executive committee and the commit tee on standard form "of life policies of the National Association of Insur ance Commissioners, served notice on certain land concerns that they and their agents must stop operations in this state until the attorney general passes upon their methods under the "blue sky act" of the last legislature. He says he finds that very many peo- jple continue to become the victims. . STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST TO ALL NORTH CAROLINA PEOPLE. B. Y. P. U. Elects Officers. . The annual convention of the North Carolina Baptist Young Peopled Union adojurned at Ralegh to meet next year at Mount Airy. Officers were elected for the next year , as follows: Presdient, L. Bunn Olive, Apex; vice presidents, W. G. Privtt, Washington, W. C. Barrett, Gastonia, W. M. Gil more, Louisburg, G. T. Page, Lumber ton, R. G. Kendrick, Greensboro; re cording secretary, Miss Beulah Bow den, Mars Hill; treasurer, L. F. Foust, Raleigh; auditor, L. R. Norris, Ral eigh. This was the final day of the convention and, like the two preced ing days, was taken up largely with addresses and special discussions on phases of union and personal work along the lines of B. Y. P. U. service. This morning W. H. Weatherspoon of Laurinburg made an address on teach ing that can be done in the union work. Rev. Theo. B. Davis, of Zebu Ion, told "How to Insure the, Life of a Union." Jockey With Rates. Mr. Lincoln Green, freight traffic manager of the Southern Railway and one of the foremost experts in the country on the various elmnts enter ing into th fabric of rate-making in this territory, spent practically all of the day on the witness stand before Special Examiner Richard Eddy, Jr., of the interstate commerce commis sion, who is conducting the present general inquiry into the rate situation as it relates to the transportation charges from the Appalachian coal fields to the Carolinas. Mr. Green's testimony was largely technical and dealt with conditions which he declar ed existed in this territory and such as affected the proposition of rate making. He arraigned the contention of Mr. E. i. McVan, the noted rate ex pert of Omaha, Neb., who had argued that the C. C. & O. route should be the basis for fixing the standard rate into the Carolina territory from the coal fields. Prepare For Tourist Season. That Waynesville is anticipating the largest summer season in her his tory i3 evidenced by the unusual prep arations made by the hotels and the boarding house people, and by the booking of several trains for this city by the Southern Railway traffic de partment. " NORTH CAROLINA BRIEFS. Senator Overman introduced a bill to provide $25,000 for a monument to be erected to Sir Walter Raleigh at Raleigh. The bill provides that the land upon which the statue Is placed must be donated. The design is to be passed on by the secretary of war. For the purpose of familiarizing himself with the work done by the state convicts since, his last visit to Western North Carolina, Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt, state geologist, left for an inspection Jour of the Asheville Charlotte highway. He was accompa nied by Dr. M. H. Fletcher. The cattle quarantine in Lenoir county instituted by the United States and state departments of agriculture has resulted in the curtailment of Kinston's beef supply. The chamber of commerce has decided to ask the departments and the county commis sioners to have dipping vats erected on the Duplin and Jones lines, so that cattle from those counties now debar red, may be shipped in. The thirteenth annual convention of the North Carolina Veterinary Medi cal Association will be held in the chamber of commerce rooms in Wil son, June 23 and 24. Dr. M. J. Rag land of Salisbury is president. J. W. Hatchet is in a serious condi tion, at his home near Statesville as the result of being struck by a falling tree'. Mr. Hatchett was In the woods on his place when the accident oc curred. Two trees were being cut at the same time and while . he was watching one tree the other struck him. . The annual celebration at Guilford Battle Ground on July 4 this year will be featured by the presence of Hon, W. H. Murray, widely known as "Al falfa Bill" and at present a member of the United States Congress. By rea son of being chairman of the constitu tional convention he is referred to as the father of Oklahoma's constitution, The following readustment of post- office classification is announced High point from second to first class; third class to second class, Albemarle, Edenton, Louisburg and North Wilkes boro. s A year ago the thought that an auto mobile would ever make the trip to the top of High Peak, 8 miles from Morganton, would have been laughed at but today it can be made over one of the finest roads in the state. High Peak is one of the highest points in this section of the state, is several hundred feet higher than Battery Park and gives a splendid- view V Solomon Godfrey was electrocuted at the Southern Power Company's substation at Lexington. A flash of lightning disabled the plant for a few minutes and Godfrey, who was an em ploye of the Dacotah Cotton Mill, which is nearby, was helping to repair the damage. . The Statesville aldermen have pass ea ordinances creating street im provement districts on a number of streets which have not yet been im proved and concrete sidewalks will be laid on these at once. With this work completed there will be feV streets in the town that do not have concrete TILL WILL PAT DEATH PENALTY YOUNG MAN CONVICTED OF SWAIN MURDER SENTENCED TO ELECTRIC CHAIR. JUDGE SHAW BREAKS DOWN Dramatic Moments Marked Conclu-t " ion of Sensational Murder Trial Just Ended at Charlotte. Charlotte. "I'm awfully sorry for you," sobbed Judge Shaw as he spoke the words of death to Charles T. Trull at 6:40 o'clock after the final page in the tragic chapter of his trial for the murder of the late Sidney Swain had been written In the court records of this county. The young man was sen tenced to be electrocuted August 14 between the hours of 6 a. m. and 4 p. m., for his mrime, Following the announcement of the jury's verdict in the morning at 9 o'clock, the court had designated the entire day for the counsel of the de fendant to do what it could do to off set the outcome of the deliberations' of the jury. It was a task too monu mental for human capacities and the three men who have tried to stand between the iron hand of the law and the life of this young man fell back aghast before the work that was laid out for them to do. They could not stay the majestic movements of the law, the inevitable consequence of the court's proceedings and while they toiled laboriously and fought tactful ly and gave up hopefully, they failed to find a flaw upon which the court would open up to them the avenue of opportunity for saving the life of their client. With many motions swept away by Judge Shaw and no further ground left upon which the counsel for the unfortunate youth could plant its feet in .behalf of his life, the court called up$n Trull to stand up. The de fendant sprang from his seat at the call and faced the bench.' He was unflinching. His face showed a sick ly pallor. In appearance he was rans- latea irom an impetuous youtn oi tne first day's trial to a wrecked piece of human flesh. His eyes were sunk and hollowed, his color was hideous; his countenance was pallid; his hair wa3 wrecked with perspiration, but hi3 nerve abided. It never left him. He was as cool and composed as any man in the congested corridors of the court house. He spoke without trem or; he was unsupported so far as friends and relatives were involved. No man who had lifted a voice for him was near except his lawyers. His step-father was not in court. , FIGHT FOR ROAD MONEY. Overman and Simmons Do Not Intend to Let Money Slip. Washington. Senators Overman and Simmons are going to the mat with Fourth Assistant Postmaster General Blakeslee. They will meet him in Postmaster General Burleson's office and discuss the $10,000 that be says Davidson county cannot have because it has not met the require-, ments of the law, and which he now threatens to Vurn over to some other State. "I do not intend to let that money leave North Carolina if I can pre vent it,", said Senator Simmons. "I told the Postmaster General the oth er day, in the presence of ' Senator Overman and Charles M. Thompson of Davidson county, that Blakeslee was trying to find an excuse to take the $10,000 away from our allotment. Mr. Burleson said he would not let him do it." It looks now as if the Forsyth-Davie-Iredell project would get the $10,000 that Davidson has lost. This will make $30,000 for that I road. Those counties have offered to put up the rest of the money for that $100, 000 project if Uncle Sam will give them $30,000. Both Senator Overman and Sim mons are in fighting mood. Make Final Arrangements. Wilmington. At a meeting of the committee of local newspaper men and the entertainment committee of the Chamber of Commerce held re cently, final arrangements were made for the entertainment of the editors at the annual meeting of the North Car olina Press Association which will be held here June 24 and 25. When Sec retary of Navy Daniels arrives he will be met at the station by a special car which will take him immediately to the beach, where he will speak the. same morning. Lewis Has Good Cotton. '"Gastonia. For 18 years past E. P. Lewis, originator of the now famous Lewis long-staple cotton, has taken the measurement of the height of his cotton stalks on June 10 each year. On that date this year his highest stalk was 13 inches. Last year in the same date the highest stalk was 10 inches. The lowest it has been at any time within the 18 years was about six years ago when the tallest stalk was only six and on.e-fourth inches high. - Mr. Lewis say3 he has a prety .good stand this year.