The Chatham Record. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 15. 19.5 j(OCAL RECORDS -Flour $ 6 bbl at R J. Moore's. adv Buv your Christmas goods at R. J- Moore's- adv You will find a few more of those "Wilson" heaters at Brooks & Eubanks'. adv - Fresh fish and oysters at R. j Moore's Saturdav .the 18? h.and Fridav. 'he 24th ad -Ortmas in not. here, but we are though and with Jthe tns and good thirgs t. eat. Bro ks &E bank. adv. Do our Christm s shopping with J. J- Johnson & Son. Thar have most anything you need at reasonable pric s. adV - ; -A second-hand 1 h rse. .watr on for sale cheap. Apply at the blacksmith shop of Hackney & B jone at Pittsboro. adv We have just received an other shipment of Gho D. Wins fhoes for men and . women Bronkf & Eabanks; adv . " TheChrisitmas.holidWs would be much more enjoyed if we culd then have the m6n!itfht with which we are now favored Do not delay your Christmas shopping until next week. whe the best bargains will have b m sold to the "early bird." --Cedar lumber wanted, foi which $28 a thousand (for No. 1) will be paid, delivered at the planing mill of B Nooe at Pitts boro. adv No use getting wet in the cold winter rains when ydu can buy a raincoat that is warranted not to leak, from Brooks & Eu banks. adv -We have the best line of toys and Christmas goodies we have ever carried and our prices are rigrht. Trv us and see. Brooks & Eubanks. adv Another new line of Star brand shoes just received, and they are just what you want to keep your feet dry. Try them and see. J.J. Johnson &Sun. ad San ford's jeweler, W. F. Chears. will be heie again nex Tuesday with a select line of jeelry for Christmas presents. Call on him at the drug store, ad Mr. Chas. L Lasater.of New Hope township, killed five hogrs one day last week, of the Duroe Jersey breed, that weighed 1885 pounds, the largest one weigh ing 566 pounds. Atwater & Lambeth, lessees of the roller mill at Bynum, are prepared to have your wheat and corn ground in the best manner, and the patronage of the public is solicited adv Our stock of Christmas Gro ceries and Fruits you will fi id the best to be had in everything crood to eat. Plac- your orders now before the rush W. L London & S m. adv If you want a Wilson heater the best on the market come to see us. We have them at re duced prices. Also galvanized rooffing at 4 20 per square. J. J. Johnson & Son. adv Leave your orders at once at the store of J. C. Lanius for Mi nerva fruif cakes, raisin cakes and plain cakes in sizes of one pound, two and a half pounds and five pounds in a box. adv -Cabbaere Plants for sale $1.25 per 1.000; in lots of 5,000 and o-er $1.00 per 1,000, f o. b. San ford. Cut flowers and fu neral designs on short notice. The man never missed a train. -M. J. McPhail, Florist, Sanford. N. C. adv Only a few days left to make your Christmas purchases. You will find our store the right place to make your selections. A boun tiful stock of Christmas goodsat reasonable " prices. Special in' ducements to Christmas tree shoppers. W L. London & Son. adv -Snow fell here last Saturday night to the depth of two or three inches completely covering the ground with its white man tle. This snow was of much benefit to the wheat crop, which had not been growing m .ch De cause of the long continued dry weather. Some of our subscribers will not receive another Record after next week unless they pay their dues. We will regret to part company with any, but a news paper cannot be published with out subscriptions being paid. Kind reader, ask yourself if you are in that number. In addition to their usual large stock of dry goods and gro ceries Atwater & Lambeth have now for sale a fu.l supply of Christmas tovs, good things to eat and everything that you ma want at Christmas for yourself or t give away. See their stock before buying, adv -The days are now nearlv at their shortest and ' the nights at t&eir longest. Next 'Tuesday will be the shortest day of the year. ... ; The 4 'grab-bag" party, which was to have been held iast night, is postponed until tomorrow (Thursday) night at the resi dence of Mrs. Laura E. Home. A year's subscription to The Record would be a most acc p table Christmas present for you to sen3 to-, some friend or rela tive who has gone from this coun ty to some other place. It would h like a weeklv letter from home nd he enjoyed aP the year. Try it. - . . - On Inst Saturday morning revenue fficers from Raleigh captured 'and destroyed a large whiskey. still in this countv about twelve miles northwest of Pitts boro . The operators escaned The destruction of this still has I no doubt deprived many a thirs ty blockader of is i Christmas dram. - -.- - " Our farmers have never had a more tavoranie season, for sow ing wheat than the past fall; and ;he man who has not yet finish ed sowing" has only himself to olame. Last year the continued rains interfered greath with wheat sowing,. Some of our farmers had some trouble in get ing their seed wheat this fall. A concert will be iven b he students of the, Moncure shoo' at l p m., Thursdav. Dc 16th, at the academy. For the benefit of the school, a small ad mission fee will be charged. On Fridav night, at the same hour and place, a recital will be given y the music students of the ?aid scnooi rne dudiic is coraiaiiv invited to come both nights. During the year ending the 30th of last month 100 marriae-e licenses were issued in this coun ty to whites and 66 to colored persons. This is a much smaller number than usual and would in dicate that our young mn at.d mailens are rather afraid of ven turing on the sea of matrimony. Last year the number of mar riage licenses issued to whites was 113 and 84 to colored couples. V From now until Christmas express offices and the postoffices will be crowded with packages. So many persons wait until the last few days before Christmas ro send their Christmas pack ages, and the result is the ex press agen's and pnstoffiee em ployees are greatly crowded with the rush. Your packages will be nanJled more carefully and ill he more certain of reaching their destinatijn if sent now before the rush. Chathamite Complimented. It is always a pleasure to The Record to note the success of any old Chathamite in his dis tant home. Last week the Mitch ell County Banner published a "Booster" edition in which ap peared a photograph and compli- j mentary write-up of our former county man. Prof. Robert Tilden Teague. the principal of Mitchell Collegiate Institute at Bakers ville. The Banner publishes quite a complimentary sketch of Mr. Teague and of the great work he has done and is doing for the people of Mitchell county. Prof. Teague is a son of Mr. Samuel P. Teague. of Hadley township, who, by the wav, is the fafher of a large family of teachers, both sons and daugh ters, and all doing well. Extracts from Report'of Pittsboro Cir cuit to Annual Conference for 1915. The thanksgiving offerings on Pittsboro circuit for the Meth odist orphanage amounted to a total of $100. Of this amount the Win One Bible class, of Brown's Chaoel Surdy school, gave $1325. The whole amount by Brown's Chap el was $25 80 Moncnre. church contributed also $25 80 Pitts boro church contri hut d $12 25. The Mera!tt Bible class of Pitts boro gave during the vear a sne cial of $60 not included in the above. x The hoys' corn crop grown last tea, but reported mainlv this year, amounted to a total of $37. 63. This was applied in part to the orphanage and part to the missionary funds. The total of new members en rolled on the ci-cuit for the year is 32. Of thee. 22 are from the Sunday schools Total, church members, 621. Total Sunday school members, 523. Mount Zion, Moncure and Chat ham churches are on the honor roll, having paid in full all as sessments for all purposes, two of them bing a little overpaid. W. F. CRAVEN. Pastor. uld Dee. Among the o'd deeds regis' er ed in this county is one executed bv Herman Husband to John Bra, on the 4th of March, 1784, fur 100 acres of land, and being part of the tract, conveyed to Husband by the ville on the 11th 1762 As manv of our readers know, Herman Hushand was onp of the most prominent of the Regulat ors before the Revolutionary war and took an active part in those troublous times. He afterwards removed to Pennsx lvania There are now 20,000 automo- North Carolina raises more to biles licensed in North Carolina, bacco than any other state in the according to the records in the Union, and more tobacco is sold department of state. This is just at Wilson than in any other city 5,000 more than were registered at any time during last year- Good for Constipation, Chamberlain's Tablets nre excellent for constipation. They are pie sant to take and mild and gentle in effect. Obtainable everywhere, adv n this state. Nervous Women. When ihe nervousness is caused by constipation, as is often the case, you will iet quick relief by taking Cham berlain's Tablets These tablets a so improve the digestion. Obtainable everywhere, adv I NEVER BEFORE HAVE SUCH VALUES BEEN OFFERED IN Coat Suits, Dresses & Coats 31 Pittsboro High School Notes. Th honor roll of the high school for the first ' term, which is based on deportment, scholar ship md attendance, is as fol lows: Will London, Wilber Lut terlh. Aline Brdbks, Susie Mor gan, Carl Nsal, K therine Eu banks and Marv B'a d. The honorable mentions, who made the required scholarship and deportment, but who enter ed school late, are: Lucy L. An derson, Paul Dezern and William Langley. Mr. Reed, the BaDtist evangel ist, gave us some very interest ing and startling facts about London his birfhp'ace. We only wish he could have had time to tell us more. I am sure we ar preciated the talk very much. Dr Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. F r vour cold, for your coueh, for yo'ir feverish throa . nose and hed, us Dr Bell's Pinp-Tar-Honny. Honey Earl of Gran-1 Foothes the irritan'on, pine-tar cuts of December ! th phle m, thus relieving congestion, ' j Pine-tar also acts an aniiepi h- result orenera1 relief follows Kr- th inir heconi'S easier and further i -fl mmuio i arr-sted Insist on I)'. Hell's P ne-T r-Honev. It is an ideu treatment Prfep fn 'v As you will find in our Ready-to-wear Department. Right in the midst of the season we are offering them at al most after-Christmas prices. The Belk buyers spent the past two weeks in nor thern markets buying about 2,000 Suits, and buying them away below regular M prices, also Leveral thousand Coats and vr esses, xiiey are great values. $20 to $22.50 Suits,$ 1475 These are the cream of values. We bought them at a sacrifice because the manufacturer needed the money. Such materials as all wool Poplins, Garbadines, Serges, etc., all the latest shades and sizes, new longer fur trim med Suits. Values up to $22.5 and a great 1 A 7Ci value at pi J $10 Wool Serge Coat Suits, $5.95 One lot of about 50 heavy Wool Serge Coat Suits, linings. Value up to $10 and some more. E5 QC Priced Special . pJ.7J A cash purchase of about 1,000 Suits is ihe cause for the low prices. In this lot you will find all wool Serge Suits, Suits of Fancy Weave, fur trimmed and plain tail ored;; $12 00, $15.00 and $16.50 values. Now Q Qg Great values in Dresses. Pricsd j. Q 15 DO tn S18 f)0 val ipq in Drpssps Jfl flC . -r , pj7.J7U COATS FOR EVERYBODY. Lao-iVs' Coats. Priced $0 QQ QQ ijn Children's Coats at all prices. pJ.i0, tpt.O uy COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU. Hudson-Belk Company, $ Raleigh, N. C. 12 Stores Sell for Cash for Less. m k Store in Commercial Bank Building. p m Christ mas Gilts for All. 1L We are ! showing the New Novelties and the Hapyy Hits of the Season in our splendid collection of Holiday Goods. You can find the best adapted to your requirements in this most desirable stock of Christmas with practical Fairest Prices. Merchandise, crowded selections, and all at the M.I 1 i 1 was one or tne leaders in tne "wniskey insurrection" in that state, which President Washing ton suppressed with a miliary force. His name is usually print ed as Husbands, but the deed above referred to is signed Her man Husband, without the fi nal "s." Mrs. A. B. Andre , of Ral eigh, who recently Hied there. and ; bequeathed nearly $18,000 to thp Historical Meeting. On last Friday night quite a number of the ladies! and gentle men of this place met at te res idence of the editor of Th 3 Rec ord for the purpose of stimulat ing th study of our state and county history. Thev decided to act in co-OPeraMon with the Win nie Davis Chapter of the Daugh ters of the Confederacy in histo rical research. Interesting and instructive ar ticles were read y Messrs. F.M. Williamson, EarlR Franklin and Mesdames George H. Brooks, Mary A. 3arber and W. H. Grif fin, and Misses Elsis Williams and Nellie Pilkington. MraMIen ry A. Bynum accompanied on the rjiano bv Miss Carrie M. 'Jackson, sang several songs that iwere much enioyed. AH (Episcopal) Church of the Good Shepherd in that city. , For Children's Cough. Yoii cannot use stnythinT better for 'our child's cough and cold than Dr King's Sew Discoverv It is prepa'ed from pin.- tar nrxe-l witi healing and s ot'd g balsams. It does ftft contain ai ything harmful and is li htly I x a ive, just enough to expel the p i S 'ns from the system. Dr. King's New Discovery is antiseptic kills ih cold germs -raises the phlegm loos ens the cough anl soothes the irrit t tion. Don't put offtreatment 'i.ughs and clds often lead 'o serious lung troubles It is also good for dul s and the age I Get a bottle today. All druggists, adv Lumbrton Tribune: There are cows in Robeson that give four, five and even six gallons of milk a day. This is a big improve ment over a few years ago when cattle ran at large in the woods, were full of ticks and if one gave as mnch as a gallon of milk a day she was considered an extra good cow. Wanted, Cotton and Seed, fyfE are now ready to gin your cotton and buy your cotton seed. We will gin for the following: Gin for $1 per bale and pu1" on new bagging and ties for 75c and guarantee to pay you as much for your seed as anybody anywhere. Seed worth today 50c per bushel, or pound of meal for pound of seed in exchange. Chatham Oil and Fertilizer Co. Sciatica's Piercing Pain. To kill the nerve pains of sciatica you can always depend on Sloan's Liniment. It penetrates to the seat pres- f Pain ana" brines ease as soon as ap- . , , j 1 1 " .i i j 4. piiea- Aereaicoraioriroo im o oan s enz aeciarea mat uiey uau scai- ia that no rubbingi8 required. Sloan's lv enjoyed the occasion arid they Liniment is invaluable for stopping manifested much interest in the muscular or nerve pain of any kind. object and purpose of the meeting- They will meet again on the second Friday night in January. W5 S BANKING YOUR MONEY 8 -WITH THE- Trv it at once if you suffer with rheu matism, lumbago, sore throat, pain in chest, bruises, sprains etc. It. is ex cellent for neuralgia and headache. 25c at all druggists, adv The very severe storm of wind, snw and sleet that swept over New England, Pennsylvania and New Jersey last Monday night did much damage. Rail road trains were stalled and tel- Greece Commandeers Ships. London. Dec. 14. The Greek government has commandeered all Greek shipping in British and American oorts in an effort to supplv the deficiency in food ana ephone and telegraph wires pros i coal that exists in Greece as a trated. result of the entente allies' re- J strictions. ! Activity in cotton spinning , throughout the United States Personal income tax was paid was greater last month than dur during the last fiscal year by ing any month for some time, 357 515 individuals, who turned the number of bales consumed into the government i41,046,162, baing 514,534. Bank of Pittsboro not only keeps you from spending it, but saves it for fu ture use, whether for business, pleasure or time of need!, SAFE, SURE, SECURE It is saving and Depositing reeulaly that makes your account dollar upon dollar increase rapidly. We add 4 per cent interest. COMMENCE BANKING TODAY. Capital- -v $10,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits.- 8.000 W. L. LONDON, President. M. T. WILLIAMS, Cashier. DIRECTORS: W. L. LONDON, R. H. HAYES, JAS. B. ATWATER, H. A. LONDON, JAS. L. GRIFFIN, A. H. LONDON, W. J. WOMBLE, B NOOE. !Sffi 1 Appropriate Gifts for Everybody. Come and see them. WL.London&Son HEADQUARTERS All Standard -FOR- Cook Stoves, Ranges, Pea Hullers, Cream Separators, Gasoline Engines Hay Presses, Wagons, Buggies, Harness LEE HARDWARE SANFORD, C. High-grade Goods at reasonable prices. Largest stock of Heavy and Shelf Hardware in Cen tral Carolina. EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE CO., 7, 'I A" .2 sr . .... :?msm J . -I Lv'ImWM fill I. WMI H X je msr VmfF.S IK, ?" II.' i v i II l u ll: ll II it! 'I i it a i K'ti, ii r i g i ii itu i ii "i iji i ram so proaccei noriVi c y' pcfif fiofftV far? f. mane "Whatsoever a man sowetli, tliat also sliall lie reap." You cannot reap anything else; you MUST g. reap what you sow. If you want a fortune, jr. PLANT THE SEED that will produce a for- ?k tune. One depositafter another in the bank is the seed that has grown all great fortunes. Start a bank account and have something in your OLD AGE that will make you secure and comfortable. Our bank is a secure place for your money to grow in. We pay 4 per cent interest on savings. The First National Bank of Durham. We know your wants & want your business. J. s. CAR. It, President. W. J. HOLLOW AY, Cashier. S5 m 8 55 55 Cross Linehan Co. Raleigh's Leading Clothiers. Fall and Winter Clothing Latest Styles. GENTS' AND BOYS' FURNISHINGS When you come to Raleigh call on Cross & Linehan for anything a man or boy wears.

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