CALOMEL WES YOU IT'S MERCURY AND SALIVATES Straighten Up! Don't Lose a Day's Work! Clean Your Sluggish Liver and Bowels With "Dodson' s Liver Tone." Ugh! Calomel makes you sick. Take a dose of the vile, dangerous drug to night and tomorrow you may lose a day's work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when It comes into contact with sour bile crashes into it, break ing it up. This is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you feel sluggish and "all knocked out," if your liver is torpid and bowels consti pated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath is bad or stomach sour. Just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone. Here's my guarantee Go to any drug store or dealer and get a 50-cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone. Take a spoonful tonight and if It doesn't Affected by "War Business." The population of Bridgeport, Conn., is estimated to have increased during the present year by about 35,000 growing from 115,000 to 150,000., Twen ty thousand persons are said to be em ployed in Bridgeport by one concern, in three shifts of eight hours each. This phenomenal activity is the result of "war business." It 1) For sick headache, bad breath, Sour Stomach and constipation. Get a 10-cent box now. No odds how bad your liver, stomach or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable and uncomfort able you are from constipation, indiges tion, biliousness and sluggish bowels you always get the desired results with Cascarets. Don't let your stomach, liver and bowels make you miserable. Take Cascarets to-night; put an end to the headache, biliousness, dizziness, nerv ousness, sick, sour, gassy stomach, backache and all other distress; cleanse your inside organs of all the bile, gases and constipated matter which is producing the misery. A 10-cent box means health, happi ness and a clear head for months. No more days of gloom and distress if you will take a Cascaret now and then. All stores sell Cascarets. Don't forget the children their little in sides need a cleansing, too. Adv. Its Mission. "I have bought a new sleepy-hollow chair for the parlor." "Pop, is that for carpet's nap?" Vse Bfnrlae after Exposure la Cold. Cutting Winds and Dust. It Restores, Refreshes and Promotes Eye Health. Good for all Eyes that Need Care. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, Sends Eye Book on request. Naturally poets are born, but cooks are better paid. There's a reason! To Prevent The Grip OoWs cans Grip Laxative Bromo Quinine re moTe the cause. There is only one "Bromo Quinine." B. W. GBOVJT3 signature on box. 25c. Perhaps a man can write a sensible love letter, but he never does. FOR UAbUAIttlo mm YBWtett Toalbe OS An honest snuff, because of its exceptional quality and the thoroughly clean process by which it is made. Free of grit and smooth as velvet. So mellow and good that it) has a nationalreputation as "The Snuff That Satisfies" The Green Labels are good for Premiums. If your dealer won't supplyyou. send us 60c for 12 big cans of TUBE ROSE SNUFF. BROWN & WILLIAMSON TOBACCO CO., WINSTON-SALEM, N.C SICK, . UGH straighten you right up and make you feel fine and vigorous by morning 1 want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dodson's Liver Tone is destroying the sale of calomel be cause it is real liver medicine; entire ly vegetable, therefore it cannot sali vate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and consti pated waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your entire fam ily feeling fine for months. Give it to your children. It is harmless; doesn't gripe and they like its pleasant taste New Uniform for Cuba's Navy. The general staff of the Cuban navy has appointed a committee to study designs for a new uniforrA for the offi cers and enlisted men of the navy. The present uniform, which is almost ex actly like that used by the United States, is said to be too expensive for Cuba. New equipment will also b sought by the committee for the Cu ban naval cadets. KIDNEY TROUBLE HOT RECOGNIZED An examining physieian for one of the prominent Life Insurance Companies, in an interview of the subject, made the as tonishing statement that one reason why so many applicants for insurance are re jected is because kidney trouble is so com mon to the American people, and the large majority of those whose applica tions are declined do not even suspect that they have the disease. According to this it would seem that a medicine for the kidneys, possessing real healing and curative properties, would be a blessing to thousands. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the well known kidney, liver and bladder remedy, is remarkably successful in sickness caused by kidney and bladder troubles. It is mild and gentle in its action and its healing in fluence is soon noticed in most cases. There is no other remedy like Swamp Root. It will surely and effectively over come kidney, liver and bladder troubles and you can depend upon it. Go to any drug store and get a bottle so as to start treatment today. You will soon see a marked improvement. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation 6end ten cents to Dr. Kilmer &, Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. Some Weight, Redd How much does his automo bile weigh? Greene You mean with the mort gage? RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To half pint of water add 1 oz. Bay Rum, a small box ol Barbo Compound, and X oz. of glycerine Apply to the hair twice a week until it becomes the desired shade. Any drug gist can put this np or you can mix it at home at very little cost. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray balr. and re moves dandruff. It is excellent for falling hair and will make harsh hair soft and glossy. It will not color the scalp, is not sticky or greasy, and does not rub oil. Adv. There are times when a woman im agines that she suffers in silence. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the original little liver pills put up 40 years ago. They regulate liver and bowels. Adv. Paper matches are built into a new paper cigarette box. Eli' Sweet Scotch SKHUFF By assisting nutrition, increases the circulation, invigorates the system, removes the waste mat ter and brightens you up. ouEncor.iES systemic catarrh, inflam mation of mucous mem brane lininf the stomach, bowels, bronchia and head , Cones op the whole system.. Aids you to prevent Coughs and Colds. Nov Sold In Tmblot form It Domlrcd. CATARRH IS" STAGNATION NQuralia Nothing gives such quick relief from neuralgia, sciatica or rheumatism as Yager's Liniment. It stops pain and allays the inflammation instantly. YAGERS The f rut txttrial pals alienator TESTIMONY Mr. Mary 8. Pktenon, 60S P. Ato. 8. E..WaihlnKton4.C. "I haT. been using your Taker's Liniment and have found It Kle great relief from pain." At all dealers An eight ounce bottle for 25c. ' Prepared by GILBERT BROS. CO., Inc. A Baltimore. Md. f. ' Claims Lye Is Not Injurious. Prof. M. E. Jaffa of the California state board of health denies that, as la generally believed, lye-peeled peaches are more injurious to health than hand-peeled fruits. The food value, quality and flavor are unchanged, and it is impossible to distinguish one from the other except by the knife marks of the hand-peeled product, he says. Analyses show that the acidity of the fruit is not affected by the use of lye In the peeling process. THE GIRL WITH A CLEAR SKIN WINS If you, too, are embarrassed by a pimply, blotchy, unsightly complexion, just try Resinol Soap regularly tor a week and see If it does not make a blessed difference in your skin. In severe cases a little Resinol Ointment should also be used. Resinol Soap helps to make red, rough hands and arms soft and white, and to keep the hair healthy and free from dandruff. Resinol Soap contains no free alkali; sold by all druggists. Adv. Long in Secret Service. William J. Flynn. chief of the fed eral secret service, the man responsi ble for unearthing the alleged foreign spy system, is a native of New York, and, save for six months, has been in the government service since 1897. During 1910-1911 he reorganized the New York detective bureau and then returned to government service. He began life as a plumber, but cherished a desire to be a detective. Soon after being appointed to the secret service he became a division chief and was as signed to the Pittsburgh division. He was transferred to New York in 1900 and later was assigned to the task of safeguarding the Russian and Jap anese peace commissioners at Ports mouth. Putting Papa Wise. "Papa," said the hopeful youth, "can you tell me what is natural philoso phy?" "Of course I can," said papa, proud and relieved to find that there was at least something he could tell his off spring. "Natural philosophy is the science of cause and reason. Now, for instance, you see the steam com ing out of the Bpout of the kettle, but you don't know why or for what rea son it does so, and "Oh. but I do, papa," chirped the hope of the household. "The reason the steam comes out of the kettle is so that mamma may open your letters without your knowing it." Greatest Results often come from simplest means. For instance one's daily food plays a big part in de ciding for success or failure. To bring out the best mental and physical forces sound nourishment is imper ative. Grape-Nuts A FOOD made of whole wheat and malted barley, supplies in splendid proportion all the ,rich nourishment of .the grains, including the valuable mineral elements, lacking" in many foods, but most neces sary for vigor and activity, of brain and body. "There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts Sold by Grocers. The Standard Remedy in Countless Homes Relieves Constipation Easily Without Griping or Discomfort, Indigestion and constipation are two conditions that are closely related and the cause of much physical suffering. The tendency to indulge one's appe tite is more or less general and most people suffer at one time or another from rebellion of the overtaxed organs of digestion and elimination. A pleas antly effective remedy, that will quick ly relieve the congestion of poisonous stomach waste and restore regularity, is the compound of simple laxative herbs sold in drug stores for fifty cents a bottle under the name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. This is a mild, pleasant laxative tonic, , free from opiates or narcotic drugs, and has been the standard household rem edy in thousands of homes for many years. Mrs. Oliver Young, Merrill, Wis., writing to Dr. ( Caldwell, says, she knows of nothing so effective for reg ulating the stomach and bowels; since taking Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin she feels ten years younger; her work New Arsenal for Greek Navy. , Much of the preliminary work has been done on the proposed new arsenal for the Greek navy, which is to replace the present arsenal at Salamis. The cost of the new establishment is esti mated at $14,000,000. The work is be ing carried out under the direction of British engineers. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a Gen eral Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System." 50 cents. The Test. How can I be sure you love my daughter for herself alone?" "Put all her money in my name and see if I don't marry her anyhow?" AILING WOMEN NEED THIS FAMOUS DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION Thousands of women who are now blessed with robust health cannot un derstand why thousands of other wom en continue to worry and suffer from ailments peculiar to women when they can obtain for a trifling sum Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription which will surely and quickly banish all pain, distress and misery and restore the womanly -functions to health. This prescription of Dr. Pierce's ex tracted from roots and herbs is a tem perance remedy. To get rid of irregularities, or ca tarrhal condition, to avoid pain at cer tain times, to overcome Irritability and weakness, waste no time, but get Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription in liquid or tablet form this very day. Claims Greatest Oil Land Control. E. J. Doheny, president of the Mex ican Petroleum company, has an nounced that the new $150,000,000 Pan-American Petroleum and Trans port company will control the largest oil territory In the world under a sin gle ownership. SAGE TEA AND SULPHUR DARKENS YOUR GRAY HAIR Look Years Younger! Try Grandma's Recipe of Sage and Sulphur and Nobody Will Know. Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compound ed, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray; also ends dandruff, itching scalp and stops falling hair. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make it at home, which is mussy and troublesome. Nowadays we simply ask at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sul phur Hair Remedy." You will get a large bottle for about 50 cents. Every body uses this old, famous recipe, be cause no one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as it does it so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morn ing the gray hair disappears, and after another application or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, thick and glossy and you look years younger. Adv. - Of Ceylon's 18,I370,840 acres of land only about 2,875,000 are cultivated. Kansas City Women Opposed To Giving Children Medicine They Find 'External" Treatment Better Than Internal Medicines for Children's Cold. We give below letters from a num ber of Kansas City, Mo., ladies who were selected by their .druggists to try out Vap-O-Rub the "outside" treat ment for cold troubles, introduced in Kansas City last winter. Vap-O-Rub is the invention of a North Carolina druggist. It comes in salve form, and has a two-fold action first, the body heat releases the ingredients in the form of vapors, that are inhaled with each breath-r-second, Vap-O-Rub Is absorbed through and stimulates the skin, aiding the vapors inhaled to relieve the congestion. Mrs. James Hollens, 1928 Tracy Ave., has used Vick's herself for colds in the chest and asthma, and has also used it on her children, and "finds it excellent.") Mrs. Almira Turner, 1214 E. 24th St., relieved her husband of bronchitis with two nights' applications. She also used on her four months old baby for cold and on the other children, and says "I find Vap-O-Rub does every . thing you say." Mrs. T. Lu Marshall, 139 N, Lawn dale Ave., has two children, one six VICK'S IS '''.vflfrn'iflH,KKl1"-'-': J MRS. OLIVER YOUNG. seems easier and she has regained her appetite. . , , Get a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin from your druggist and have It in the house. A trial bottle, free of charge, can be obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 203 Washington St., Monticello, 111. Cat, Eh? 'Bell is very proud of her yedi- gree "Humph! Were her ancestors Mal tese or Angoras ?" Puck. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Signature of UTA In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Concrete post bases to give longer life to worn-out fence posts have been patented by a New York inventor. Pile's Relieved by First Application And cure In 6 to U days by PAZO OINTMHNT. tfa universal remedy tor aU forms of Piles Druggist refund money If it falls. 60c You may do things as well as others if you try. tftf ANURIC! 99 NEWEST IN CHEMISTRY This is a recent discovery of Doctor Pierce, head of the Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. Experiments for sev eral years proved that there is no other eliminator of uric acid compa rable. For those easily recognized symptoms of inflammation as back ache, scalding urine and frequent uri nation, as well as sediment in the urine, or if uric acid in the blood has caused rheumatism, "Anuric" acts quickly. In rheumatism of the Joints, in gravel and gout, invariably the pains and stiffness which so frequently and persistently accompany the dis ease rapidly disappear. Send Dr. Pierce 10c for large trial package. Full treatment 50c. All druggists. Four Dollars a Month buys a paper that contains the best elements of an Insurance Policy, Bond and Savings Bank. You are guaranteed four per cent on your money, borrow $500 on each contract, at five per cent, with ten years to repay. Provides for a home, and constitutes insurance before and after death. Send for our booklet. "Co-operative Home Financ ing". EMPIHE REALTY & MORTGAGE COHPANY. NASHVILLE. TENNESSEE. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit. Helps to eradicate dandruff. For Restoring Color mad Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair. ton. ana 91.001 aDrarrtta. Seeds and Plants Over 100 Acres Frost Proof Cabbage Plants of the HIGHEST QUALITY. GUARANTEED to Cive satisfaction. Prices, express collect, $ 1 .00 per 1,000; 85c a 1,000 for 5 000 or more. Varieties: Jersey Wakefield, Charleston Wakefield, Early Spring. Early Flat Dutch. Late Flat Dutch, Early Succession, Late Succession. Beat, Lettuce and Onion plants $1.50 per 1,000. All plants by mail 35c per 100. For a profitable crop buy your plants from ALFRED JOUANNET. ML Pleasant. S. C Early Velvet Beans If or Sale Greatest of all land improvers for the Cotton States, $2.50 bushel. F. A. BUSH, Richland. Ga. f rvlT'C t Would yon like to get a dinner set I.AIJIr. ' free? Just send us a postal for axniSlLiiJ . part,cnlars. Address STANDARD DISTRIBUTING CO., Box 198a. Central Falls. K. L MAKE ENORMOUS FROIITS in harbor property, facing new government harbor. Lots $150, payable $10 mo. Agents wanted. New Harbor Realty Co.. Aransas Pass. Tex. FROSTPROOF CABBAGE PLANTS that pleaae. Leading varietiea. by express. 70c per 1.600. By mail 1.100 for $1 postpaid; 100 for 16c. postpaid. R. O. PARKS. ULAH. N. C. NO. 9-1916. i years old and one eight months old. The baby last winter had an obstinate cough for quite a while. Mrs. Mar shall used Vap-O-Rub and writes "The cough soon yielded to this treat ment after several different cough medicines had been tried with no ef fect." Mrs. Marshall also writes "Vap-O-Rub appeals to us because the delicate little stomachs are not be ing loaded down with medicines con taining opium and Other harmful in gredients." Mrs. J. S. Hollis, 3622 Forest Ave., used Vap-O-Rub for "a terrific cold could, not breathe through my nose at' all impossible to go to sleep. Used Vick's Vap-O-Rub and in five minutes was asleep and breathing easily." Mrs. W. A. Winkler, 622g E. 15th St., says "My baby had a cold," almost pneumonia. I used Vap-O-Rub on him as directed, and in one day's time he was better." . Mrs. Anna Taylor,. 604Q Walrorrd ' Ave., nas four children, and says I have never used anything as good for coughs and colds as Vap-O-Rub." Mrs. Harry Webb, 2123 E. 37th St., says "Our little girl is very suspep tible, to colds, and in fact this is the only winter and spring that she has es caped pneumonia, and we' believe ft is Vap-O-Rub that has kept her from a spell this year." Three sizes 25c 50c and $1.00. GAS OYSPEPSfl "Pape's Diapepsin" settles sour, gassy stomachs in five minutes Time it! You don't want a slow remedy when your stomach is bad or an uncertain one or a harmful one your "stomach is too valuable; you mustn't injure it. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its speed in giving relief; its harmless ness; its certain unfailing action in regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs. Its millions of cures in indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis and other stomach trouble has made it famous the world over. " " Keep this perfect stomach doctor in your home keep it handy get a large fifty-cent case from any dealer and then if anyone should eat something which doesn't agree with them; if what they eat lays like lead, ferments and sours and forms gas; causes head ache, dizziness and nausea; eructa tions of acid and undigested food remember as soon as Papers Diapepsin comes in contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. Its prompt ness, certainty and ease in overcoming the worst stomach disorders is a reve lation to those who try it. Adv. New Steamship Line Projected. The congress of Ecuador has grant ed a concession for a steamship line between Guayaquil, Ecuador, and Phil adelphia. The vessels of the company are to navigate under the Ecuadorian flag and at least one-half of the em ployees are to be natives of Ecuador. It is stipulated that the steamships must begin running within one and one-half years after the signing of the contract. THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF Girls! Beautify Your Hair! Make It Soft, Fluffy and Luxuriant Try . the Moist Cloth. Try as you will, after an application of Danderine, you cannot find a single trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not itch, but what will please you most, will be after a few weeks' use, when you see new . hair, fine and downy at first yes but real ly new hair growing all over the scalp. A little Danderine immediately dou bles the beauty of your hair. No differ ence how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. The effect is im mediate and amazing your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance of abundance; an incom parable luster, softness and luxuri ance, the beauty and shimmer of true hair health. Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any store and prove that your hair is as pretty and soft as any that it has been neglected or injured by careless treatment that's all. Adv. Perfectly Apparent. "He boasts that he is a self-made man." 'He shouldn't. It's unnecessary Anybody can see that he's not the work of an expert." 2W How to Feel Well During Middle life Told by Three Women Who Learned from Experience. The Change of Life is a most critical period of a woman's existence, and neglect of health at this time invites disease and pain. Women everywhere should remember that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will so successfully carry women through this trying period as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from native roots and herbs Read these letters: Vegetable Compound, for nervousness and dyspepsia, when I was going through the Change of Life. I found it very helpful and I have always spoken of it to other women who suffer as I did and have had them try it and they also have received good results from it." Mrs. Geokgk A. Dukbab, 17 Roundy St., Beverly, Mass. Erie, Pa. "I was in poor health when the Change of life started with me and I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, or I think I should not have got over it a3 easy as I did. Even now if I do not feel good I take the Compound and it restores me in a short time. I will praise your remedies to every woman for it may help them as it has me." Mrs. E. Kisslino, 931 East 24th St., Erie, Pa. No other medicine bas been so successful in reUeving woman S suffering as bas Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound. Women may receive free and be o f al advice by writing the Lydia E. Pinkbam Medicine Co., Lynn- Mass. Such letters are received and answered by women only lid held in strict confidence KEEP YOUNG As well be young at 70 as old at 50. Many elderly people suffer lame, bent, aching backs, and distress ing urinary disorders, -when a little help for the kidneys would fix it all up. Don't wait for gravel, ox Bright's disease. Use Doan's Kid ney Pills. They have helped thousands, young and old, and are recommended by thousands. A North Carolina Case Mrs. C. M. Wil liams, 29 Central Ave., Asheville, N. C. says: "For years my back kept grow ing weak and finally I couldn't sweep do m y housework or walk up or down stairs without suf fer i n g intensely. Mornings I was all rlnuhlpri tin with nnln ana oiten naa to be helped out of bed Everything failed until I used Doan's Kidney Pills. A few boxes cured ma and now my back Is strong and never pains." . Gat Doan's at Any Store, S0 a Bos DOAN'S VfAV FOSTER-MILB URN CO BUFFALO. N. Y. Your Money Back Iff Not Benefited We Guarantee For Sick Women If you are suffering from wo men's peculiar ills, we know this medicine will bring YOU relief because it has helped thousands of othr women for more than 30 years. Its value has been proven, and that is why the dealer, back edby our own guarantee, will positively refund your money if you are not benefited by the very first bottle. TRY IT! THAT IS AL& WE ASS. $1 at your Dealers'. See (htm today. THACHER MEDICINE CO., Chattanooga. Tonn. TRY THE OLD RELIABLE WcaESSS For MALARIA cvRa A FINE GENERAL STRENGTHENING TONIC We are the largest handlers of EGGS in the South. What have you to sli I p? The high est market Drlce euar- I an teed with quick returns. Give us a trial. Reference 1st National Bank. Richmond. Va. WOODSON-CRAIG CO., Commission Merchants Dept. B, Richmond, Va. KODAKS & SUPPLIES We also do highest class of finishing. Prices and Catalogue upon request S. GaletU Optical C. Rictao.J,V. WRITE FOR INFORMATION on Oklahoma oil leases, farker & Vass. Woodford. Okla. p Philadelphia, Ps,-'I started the Change of Ufa five years ago. I alw ays had a headache and back ache with bearing down pains and I would have heat flashes very bad at times with dizzy spells and nervous feelings. After taking Lydia E. Rnkhara'a Vegetable Compound I feel like a new person and am in-better health and no more troubled with the aches and pains I had before I took your won derful remedy. I recommend it to my friends for I cannot praise it enough." Mrs. Margaret Grass man, 759 K. Kinggold St., Philadelphia, Pa. Beverly. Mass. "I took Lvdia E. Pinkham's Pli 7