Splendid Laxative for Elderly People Has Been Prescribed by Well Known Physician for Many Years. The infirmities of age are especially manifest in a tendency to constipation, and call for treatment that will afford relief in an easy, natural manner. The rapid action of cathartic remedies and purgatives that shock the system should be avoided, more especially as the relief they offer is only temporary and is usually more than offset by dis turbance to the vital organs caused by their violent action. Nearly thirty years ago Dr. W. B. Caldwell. Monticello, 111., prescribed a compound of simple laxative herbs that has since become the standard house hold remedy in thousands of homes. It acts easily and gently, yet with pos itive effect, without griping or other pain or discomfort. Mrs. Rachel Allen, Galesburg, Kans.. is seventy-one years old, and after using a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, wrote that it had done her a world of good and that she intends to keep it in the house always. How to get rid of eczema with esinol Resinol Ointment, with Resinol Soap, usually stops itching- instantly. It quickly and easily heals distressing- cases of eczema, rash or other tormenting' skin or scalp eruption, and clears away pimples, redness, roughness and dandruff, even when other treatments have been useless. Physicians have prescribed the Resinol treat ment for over 20 years, for most forms of skin troubles, and for irritations, wounds, channgs,, etc. Every druggist sells Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap. New Strength for Lame Backs and Worn-out Conditions Dear Mr. Editor: I suffered from lame back and a tired, worn-out feeling. Was unable to stand erect and scarcely able to get around. It would usually come on at first with crick in small of my back. I took Anuric Tablets and my back commenced to get better. I did not have to walk doubled over as I did before using the "Anuric." It is the best remedy I have ever taken for what it is intended to relieve. A. G. DRAKE. NOTE: When your kidneys get sluggish and clog, you suffer from backache, sick-headache, dizzy spells, or the twinges and pains of lumbago, rheumatism and gout. "Anuric" is the most powerful agent fh dissolving uric acid, as hot water melts sugar. Ask the druggist for "Anuric," put up by Dr. Pierce, in 50-cent packages. Plain as Day. "So you think Josh is in love?" said Farmer Corntcssel. "Xo doubt of it!" answered Josh's mother. "Every evening when it isn't cloudy he walks out on the hack porch an' says, 'Ah! Is not that a beautiful sunset?' It's as plain as day that some girl is refining him.'- Washington Evening Star. A Notice. the first girl Am I the first girl you ever kissed?" "Well, I'm not an expert, but I didn't think I made such a poor job of it as that." Kill the Flies Now and Prevent disease. A DAISY FLY KILLER will do it. Kills thousands. Lasts all season. All dealers or six sent express paid for $1. H. SOMERS, 150 De Kalb Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Adv. The true poet is able to distinguish between the fire of genius in his bo som and the gnawing of hunger in his stomach. To keep clean and healthy take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They regulate liver, bowels and stomach. Adv. At forty a man knows about half as much as he thought he knew at twen ty. To cool a burn apply Hanford's Bal sam. Adv. Nothing succeeds like the efforts of a woman to be disagreeable. Fulton Mothers Now Treat Children's Colds Externally They Find Vap-O-Rub Better Than In ternal Medicines for Croup and Cold Troubles. Mrs, J. S. Pugh, 510 Market St., and Mrs. Mary Bolton, 105 Ravine St., both of Fulton, Mo., have found, In common with many other Missouri mothers, that it is no longer necessary to dose children with internal medi cines for cold troubles. In the South Vick's Vap-O-Rub is the standard remedy for these troubles, but it was only last winter that it was introduced here. Vap-O-Rub was discovered by a North Carolina druggist. He found how to combine Menthol and Camphor with the volatile oils of Thyme, Euca lyptus, Cubebs and Juniper, in salve form, so that when applied to the body, the ingredients are vaporized by the body heat. These vapors are inhaled with each breath, through the air passages, to the lungs, carrying the medication di rect to the affected parts, and, in ad dition, Vick's is absorbed through the skin, taking out the tightness and VICK'S MRS. RACHEL ALLEN. Druggists sell Dr. Caldwell's Symp Pepsin for fifty cents a bottle. It is a splendid remedy and should be in ev ery home. A trial bottle, free of charge, can be obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 203 Washington St., Mon ! ticello, III. Hopeful Disposition. ' What did you say about Chugson?" "He must be an optimist." "Why so?" "Look at the kind of car he goes touring in." "Well?" "And he makes engagements to meet people when he gets back, as if there were no possibility of his never return ing." FRECKLES Now Is the Time to Get Bid of These Ugly Spots. There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as the prescription othine double strength is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of othine double strength from your druggist, and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom that more than one ounce is needed to com pletely clear the skin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength othine. as this is sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. Adv. Some people are willing to be good if paid for it, and others are good for nothing. Any girl in school knows that a kiss is a conjunction. FROM GIRLHOOD TO OLD AGE WOMEN ARE HELPED At the first symptoms of any de rangement of the feminine organism at any period of life the one safe, really helpful remedy is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for every conceivable ail ment and disease it a womanly nature. It is a woman's temperance medicine and its ingredients are published on wrapper. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a true friend to women in times of trial and at times of pain when the organs are not performing their func tions. For headache, backache, hot flashes, catarrhal conditions, bearing down sensations, mental depression, dizziness, fainting spells, women should never fail to take this tried and true women's medicine. Britain's Oldest Colony. Bermuda now ranks as the oldest of Britain's colonies, the English flag having been hoisted there in 1612 by a party of colonists from the Virginia company who stopped at the islands cn the way to the mainland, went on to Virginia, found Jamestown in a state of starvation and returned. A previous explorer, Juan de Bermudez, gavt the group its name. HOW TO CURE ECZEMA, ITCH AND ALL SKIN DISEASES Don't suffer any longer with eczema or any other skin trouble. Just apply Hancock's Sulphur Compound to the parts affected and it will stop the itch ing at once and cure the trouble per manently. Many sufferers from skin troubles have written us that the Sul phur Compound cured them after j everything else failed. Mrs. Evelyn Garst, of Salem, Va., writes: "Three years ago I had a rough place on my cheek. It would burn and itch. I was fearful it might be of cancerous na ture. I used different preparations, but nothing helped it. One bottle of Hancock's Sulphur Compound cured me completely." To beautify the com plexion, remove blackheads and pimples use Hancock's Sulphur Oint ment. For sale by all dealers. Adv. Even when a woman is aware that she is less beautiful than other women she never forgives a max for knowing it also. soreness. Thia double action makes Vap-O-Rub really a remarkable rem edy for many forms of inllammation3. Either inflammations of the air pas sages, such as head colds, catarrh, bronchitis, sore throat, or deep chest colds, or inflammations of the skin tissues, such as burns, bruises, stings, piles, itchings and muscular soreness. It is particularly recommended for small children, as it can be used free ly, with perfect safety, on the young est member of the family. P But let these Missouri mothers speak for themselves. Mrs. Bolton writes "I have used Vap-O-Rub on baby for bad colds. Results were ex cellent. I iind it better than any in ternal medicine I ever used." Mrs. Pugh's experience is "I tried your Vap-O-Rub on three of my chil dren for bronchitis. They would cough so hard at night I could not sleep, so would get up and rub their throats and chests with Vap-O-Rub and they seldom coughed any more that night, and after I had kept it up for severa; nights they stopped coughing. I be lieve it is better than taking so mucl medicine internally." Three sizes 25c, 50c or $1.00. At a1 druggists. TSALVE ASK FOR AND GET Skinners THE HIGHEST QUALITY MACARONI Save the trademark signature or Paul F. Skinner from all packages and exchange free for Oneida Community Silverware. Write today for free 36-page recipe book and full information. SKINNER MFG. CO., OMAHA, U.S.A. LARGEST MACARONI FACTORY IN AMERICA Wanted! Yon take no risk when buying STEWART'S WASHING CRYSTAL Best by actual test. Discards washboards, saves time and money, housewives happy, simply amazed at results Chief ingredient used guaranteed under pure food and drug act, no acids, positively harm less to clothes. Absolutely supreme. Gigantic suc cess. Own a repeat order business, make big money. Undeniable proof . Stewart Co.aDeskG.Findlay.O. Agents Attention! We furnish yon (roods that sell every day In the vear. In any netehborhood, to every man or woman. white or colored. This is the chance of a lifetime 10 get in a business where eren an unexperienced p er- positively refund your money for all goods you do not sell. Send stamped envelope for full particular, APEX MANUFACIUnlAU uumran x 832 K. Main Street Richmond, Va. flfiS flHl fftl We are the largest Mm , handlers of EGGS in H H m the South. What have mW mn mi mf you to sl,ip? The LiRh' est market price guar Ian teed with quick returns- Give us a trial. Reference 1st National Bank. Richmond. Va. WOODSON-CRAIG CO., Commission Merchants Dept. B, Richmond, Va. SENSIBLE BIBLE FACTS FBEEI (FOR THIS ONE TIME ONLY) All thinking people should read the following Liva Budget of Scripture Helps explaining, "Who Created 1 Hell?" "Where Are the Dead?" "Will the Soul Suffer?" 'Armageddon;' "After the War What?" ate., etc. Will include 100-page Key on "Why Evil is Permitted" for 10c. HOME BIBLE STUDY CLUB. BOX 404, BURLINGTON. IOWA WANTED Men to learn Darner trade- j Few weeks required j Steady position for com petent graduates. Wonderful demand for bar bers. Wastes while learning:; free catalog; write RICH MONO BARBER COLLEGE. Richmond, Va Ladies! Look! Free! Send names and addresses of 6 or more lady friends and get absolutt? free a handy kitchen ntenslL KANS-MO SUPPLY CO., De Craw Kdg., Kansas Cty, Mo. SWEET POTATO PLANTS NANCY HALL and PORTO RICO YAMS now ready. 1.0 0 82.00. postpaid: 6.000 for 17.00, express not paid. Prenpt, safe delivery gu&r.uu-ed. H . W. Morrl., r I. tireen. Ha. Most men who make hay while the sun shines make it for other people. For any sore use Hanford's Bal sam. Adv. Alter a woman of thirty has been a widow for about six weeks she is positive that all her married female friends envy her. Fernando Po's Changes. The Spanish island of Fernando Po, the destined receptacle of the German fugitives from the Cameroons, was, until Africa possessions looked up in quite recent times, one of those un considered trifles about which nobody worried much. Discovered by the Portuguese navigator whose name it bears in 1471, it was occupied by the Spaniards in 1778, but left derelict in 1782. There was a British settle- ment in the island from 1827 to 1834, j utilized chiefly for observation upon the slave traffic, and Baptist mission- ; aries lingered on until the Spaniards, j who came back again in 1844, expelled them in 1858. Libel on Fair Sex. The lady jury had been out for hours. The judge looked tired, the clerk yawned, the loungers slept. The bailiff, after listening at the keyhole several times, shook his head with a discouraged air. And then, quite unexpectedly, the jury announced it was ready to report, and the twelve ladies filed in. "Have you agreed upon a verdict?" the judge demanded. The forelady nodded and smiled. "We have agreed upon twelve ver dicts, your honor," she told him in her flutelike voice. "You are discharged!" roared the judge. "Isn't he horrid!" said the ladies. New York World. HANDY HUSBAND Knew How to Get Part of the Break fast. " 'j know one dish I can prepare for breakfast as well as any cook on earth,' said my husband one morning when the cook was ill and he had vol unteered to help get breakfast. He appeared with his dish and I discov ered it was Grape-Nuts which, of course, was easy to prepare for it was perfectly cooked at the factory, but it was a good illustration of the conven ience of having Grape-Nuts about. "We took up Grape-Nuts immedi ately after returning from a five years' sojourn in a hot country. Our stom achs were in bad condition and we were in poor health generally. "In a day or two we liked Grape Nuts better than any other kind of food on the table. We both gained steadily in health and strength, and this was caused by Grape-Nuts and Postum. "A friend of ours had a similar ex perience. She was seriously ill with Indigestion and could find nothing to eat that would not give her heartburn and palpitation, especially at night. "She found that a small dish of Grape-Nuts with cream made her a satisfactory supper and gave her a comfortable night's rest. In a short time she gained several pounds in weight." "There's a Reason." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. - Ever read tlie above lettert A new one appears from time to time. They are senulne, true, and fall of hum an latereat. GIRL COULD HOT WORK How She Was Relieved from Pain by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Taunton, Mass." I had pains in both aides and when my periods came I had to stay at home from work and suf fer a long time. One day a woman came to our house and asked my mother why I was suffering. Mother told her that I suf fered every month and she said, ' Why don't you buy a bottle of Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound? ' My mother bought it and the next month I was so well that I worked all the month without staying at home a day. I am in good health now and have told lots of girls about it." Miss Clarice Morin, 22 Russell Street, Taunton, Mass. Thousands of girls suffer in silence every month rather than consult a phy sician. If girls who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, headache, dragging-down sensations, fainting spells or indigestion would take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, a safe and pure remedy made from roots and herbs, much suffering might be avoided. Write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. (confidential) for free advice which will prove helpful. Story of the Lazy Servant. Once there was a lazy servant who wished she was rich. So a fairy appeared and gave her a lamp. "Rub that lamp," explained the fairy, "and you can have what you want." But the lazy servant was not im pressed. "It's just a scheme to get the brass work polished," she yawned. And so her fortunes remained as they were. Every Household Needs It. For cuts, burns sprains and bruises, Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh should give quick relief. These may happen any day in any home and the prudent housewife will always keep a bottle on hand. Adv. You can't gain admission to a man's confidence by knocking. A lazy man is a dead one who can't be buried. It Never Came Back Backache Sufferer! Thousands will tell you what wonderful relief they have had from Doan's Kidney Pills. Not only relief, but lasting cures. If you are lame in the morning, have headache, dizzy spells and irregular kiilncy action, don't wait. Use Doan's Kidney Pills, the best recommended special kidney remedy. A North Carolina Case "Entry Picture Tellt a Mrs. S. J. Hargett, 309 E. Jefferson Ave., Monroe, N. C, says: "I was in such bad shape with my kid neys I couldn't do my housework. My back pained me terribly and after stooping. I could hardly straighten. My bladder was inflamed at times and I was a physical wreck. Three boxes of Doan's Kid ney Pills cured me and my back and kidneys have never caused me the least trouble since." Story Cat Doan's at Any Store. 50c Box DOAN'S V.-JiV FOSTER-MILBURN CO, BUFFALO. N. Y. Relieves Pain And Stiffness er'$ Liniment gives al most in stant relief from pain whether it be of a neural gic, rheumatic, or gouty character. Mrs. Annie Oliver, 810 West Mulberry St., Shamokin, Pa., writes, "Your liniment com pletely cured me from Rheu matism in my joints." YAGER'S LINIMENT Kenneth E. Banks, Oakmont, Pa., writes,- "I was caught in the rain and neglected to change rny clothing, and contracted a severe cold in the chest. About three days afterward, I took ft Inner T-'xAm -. - - - - ..UV U bVJ. V, J Lit,, and acquired a nice case of bruised and Strain frl mMeUa A f m n,uU of whining and limping around, I trioI I 1 1 ' . . r , w ivi juui filter about three good hard rubs with it and a little inhala tion to open the nostrils, I confess that I thought I had the long-looked-for 'Elixir of LifeJ" Put up in large bot tles containing eight ounces. At all dealers 25c a bottle. GILBERT BROS. & CO. nc. BALTIMORE, MD. TRY THE OLD RELIABLE UhHTERSNlTH's V Chill tonic For MALARIA cPr A FINE GENERAL STRENGTHENING TONIC GAL LSTONES Avoid operations. Positive remedy f-T-n (No Oil) Results snre. Write for our hWh h big Book of Truth and Facts To-Day. Av' i GaOitose Remedy Ce.,Dept.C-6019S.DerboniSt.,CUcag M nTag u CALOMEL WHEN BILIOUS? NO! STOP! ACTS LIKEJflMITE ON LEVER I Guarantee "Dodson's Liver Tons" Will Give You the Best Liver and Bowel Cleansing You Ever Had Doesn't Make You Sick! Stop using calomel! It makes you sick. Don't lose a day's work. If you feel lazy, sluggish, bilious or consti pated, listen to me! Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it comes into contact with sour bile, crashes into it, breaking it up This is when you feel that aw ful nausea and cramping. If you feel "all knocked out," if your liver is tor pid and bowels constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath is bad or stomach sour just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone. Here's my guarantee Go to any drug store or dealer and get a 50-cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone. Take a Rubber and Its Uses. The lowly door mat, the superb au tomobile tire, the smallest rubber band, the mightiest transmission belt, go back tc a single source. Through devious paths, but nevertheless, inev itably, they find their way from the creamy latex flowing from the rubber tree in the tropics. These, and thou sands of other things, are merely phases of a deeper, subtler thing rubber. Goodrich's Magazine. TENDER SKINNED BABIES With Rashes and Irritations Find Comfort in Cuticura. Trial Free. Baby's tender skin requires mild, soothing properties such as are found in the Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Cuticura Soap is so sweet, pure and I cleansing and Cuticura Ointment so 1 soothing and healing, especially when I baby's skin is irritated and rashy. j Free sample each by mall with Book, i Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. France Short of Matches. There is a shortage of matches in France, due largely to the decrease in the output of home-manufactured goods. Owing to this, France has been forced to increase greatly its imports of matchwood, etc., especially from the United States, Sweden, Italy, Switzerland, Indo-China and Japan. Kidney Medicine That Stands the Highest Some twelve years ago I began handling Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and we have heard nothing but praise for it as it seems to give entire satisfaction in every instance. From the manner in which customers speak of your remedy, we have learned to place sufficient confidence in it to recommend Swamp-Root above all other kidney reme dies. From the demand I judge it to be the most generally used kidney medicine in this country, and reports regarding it are always favorable. Very truly vours, C. H. McCOY, JR., South Heights Pharmacy, 702 Porter St. San Antonio, Texas. Jan. 11th, 1916. Letter to Dr. Kilmer tr Co. Bintfhamton, N. Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton. N. Y., lor a sample size bot tle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable infor mation, telling about the kidneys and blad der. Whe writing, be sure and mention this paper. Regular fifty-cent and one dollar size bottles for sale at all drug tores. Adv. Fitted for It. "I hear our shoemaker has gone in for missionary work and preaches re form to all his customers." "Well, he ought to he successful after all the practice he's had in sav ing people's soles." To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE S TASTELESS chill TONIC You know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iror builds up the system. 50 aents. The Usual Way. Jack How did you come to get in terested it that novel you art read ing? Marie I liked the way it ended. LADIES CAN WEAR SHOES One size smaller after using Allen's Foot Ease, the antiseptic powder for the feet. Shaken into shoes and used in foot-bath, Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight shoes feel easy, and gives instant relief to corns and bunions. Try it today. Sold everywhere, J5c. For FREE trial package. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Adv. Every woman enjoys doing charity work if some man will put up the money. If you want the sweetest, smoothest, mellowest snuff in the world, just give Tube Rose a trial. The Green Labels Are Good For Premiums. If your dealer wont supply you send us 5c for a l-oz. tin, or 60c for twelve. Address, BROWN & WILLIAMSON TOBACCO CO., Dept. L WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. spoonful and if it doesn't straighten you right up and make you feel fine and vigorous I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dod son's Liver Tone is destroying the sale of calomel because it is real liver medicine; entirely vegetable, therefore it cannot salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and consti pated waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your entire fam ily feeling fine for months. Give it to your children. It is harmless; doesn't gripe and they like its pleasant taste. I V Net Contents 15 Fluid Drachms J iiNimiim!iiim:iiiii"--.,:T"MT'v.:iiiiiiniiMiiHimi1iiliiiniiiw ALCOHOL- 3 PER CENT A Vegetable Pre paralionfbr As similating the FoodandRegukv ting fhe Stomachs and Bowels of 1 Promotes Digestion.Cheerfur' ness and Rest .Contains neither Opiiim.Morplune nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Reap of Old Dr. SAM i EL PITCHER Pumpkin Seed -Aix Senna fiocAelle Salt. Anise Seed Peppermint Bi -LarbonaU-Sodd ' Worm Seed Clarified Suaar Winlergreen Flavor .J A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion. SourSfomach.Diarrhoca, Wontts. Feverishness and Loss of Sleep. Fac-Simile Signature Of The Centaur Company; NEW YORK. Exact Coy of Wrapper No Charge for Inhaling. "You doa't seem much worried over the high price of gasoline." "Why should I be worried?" replied the hapless pedestrian. "I can be suf focated on the fumes without its cost ing me a cent." Just a Way They Have. "Say, conductor," remarked the in quisitive passenger, "in speaking of time, which is proper, 'a quarter to six or 'a quarter of six'?" "I'm sure I don't know," replied the railroad man. "I always say '5:45.'" Cause of It. "Mrs. Softed will call her husband 'my lamb,' " "No wonder he looks so sheepish." Ask anybody about It Hanford's Balsam. Adv. An excuse nearly always goes lame in the home stretch. She Took N Stella-Vit and Gained 28 Pounds Mrs. Mattie Spain, of Mario, Okla.. one of the vast number of women who have been saved by Stella-Vitae, says in praising this wonderful remedy: "When I began using: Stella-Vitae I weighed but 82 pounds, and could hardly sit up to be weighed. Now I ca i work all day, feel better than I hav in nine years, and have gained 28 pounds," Stella-Vitae is a fbdsend to Buffering womanhood. It Rives strength and health to the female organs, acts as a toni ; on the nerves, restores vigor and brings the bloom of health to cheeks that are faded and pale. It is guaranteed. All dealers $1 a bottla THACHER MEDICINE CO., CHATTANOOGA, TENN. Standard Packer Cans with Sol der Hemmed Caps Wax Scal ing Cans with Wax Strings Friction Top Syrup Cans and Pails. All sizes. We 6hip any quantity desired. Write today for our New 1916 Price List. Tube Rose When you take really good tobacco as your ma terial, and then blend and age it properly by the cleanest methods, the snuff is just bound to be all right. That's the whole reason why TUBE ROSE SNUFF has earned a national reputation as "The Snuff That Satisfies. RECEIPT FOR DARKENING YOUR GRAY HAIR Do this Apply like a shampoo Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer to your hair and scalp. After a few applications you will be delighted to see all your gray, faded, prematurely or gray streaked hair turn to an even beautiful dark shade. Q-Ban is harmless. Tin rive , j but makes scalp and hair healthy so all your hair whether gray or not is ! made soft, lustrous, wavy, thick, even- ly dark and handsome. Insist on hav I ing Q-Ban. It is ready to use and ! sold on a money back guarantee. 50c for a big bottle sent prepaid or at drug stores. Address Q-Ban, Frout St., Memphis, Tenn. Adv. Rye came originally from Siberia. NOTHING SO EFFKCTTVE AS ELIXIB BABEK For Malaria, Chills & Fever. Chief of Police, J. W. Reynolds. Newnnn I News, Va., says: It Is a pleasure to recommend i Babek for Chills and Fever. Have used It when I necessary for 80 years and have found no remedy as effective." Elixir Babek 50 cents, all drug gists, or by Parcel Post, prepaid, from Kloczew ski fc Co., Washington, D. C. A Good Move Babek Liver Pills. pills .... 25 cent Nothing is impossible to industry. GASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years RHEUMAGIDE! The Old Reliable Remedy for acute, chronic or muscular RHEUMATISM Rheumatic Gout or Lumbago RTTTCriVTACIDE Is not a prepn ration that irtves Only temporary relief, but It is de signed remove the cause and drives the poison Irom tne system. At All DrnRgistii Tuft's Pills stimulate the torpid liver, strengtbei the digestive organs, regulate the bowels rem edy for sick headache (Jnequaled as an ANTI-BILIOUS MtDICIt. C!egantly sugar coated. Small Jose Price 25c W. N. CHARLOTTE, NO. 16-1916. fit Wm Ji t Ji A ipaotudba 7UH0IUMH THE CCNTAUK COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. Virginia Cans Give Best Results Special Discounts jr Early Delivery Virginia Can Co. Box 795 Buchannan, Va. Snuff 99 KrfSTi 1 1 11