(Chatham Uttori EDNF.SDAY, MAY 3. 1916. IDCAL RECORDS A Rood milch cow Apply at Record office. wanted, adv 400 bushels corn for sale by J. W. Griffin. Pittsboro. N.C. ad Rain is very much needed in this section. Thw recently plant ed crops are needing rain and the growing wheat and oats need it. A second - hand one - horse wagon in good condition for sale cheap. Applv at blacksmith shop of Hackney & Hackney. Adv. Who said blue overalls were higher? You can buy the regu lar dollar overall full weight, at R. J. Moore's for 90c Adv. --Try R. J. Moore's molasses he has the best to be bought, his price is only 50c. per gallon. Let him make you a price by the barrell. Adv. Mr. Radcliffe Lanius, of this place, met with the misfortune last Sunday of having his right arm broken while cranking an automobile. --Cedar lumber wanted, for which $28 a thousand (for No. 1) w.ll be paid, delivered at the p wring mill of B Nooe at Pitts boro. adv Be sure to go to the school auditorium next Friday night and enjoy the entertainment to be given then by Paul Edwards, the blind poet and elocutionist. -For sale: That comfortable six-room dwelling at Pittsboro that belonged to the lae Mrs. A. M. Haughton. For terms, &c, apply to H. A. London, agent.ad Next Saturday there will be a congest in declamation at Siler Citv by students from nine other schools, and quite an in teresting occasion is expected. The county board of elections met here last Saturday anci changed the voting place in Cape Fear township from the resi dence of Mr. W. H Cross to Corinth on the new railroad. The Betterment Association will receive a part of the pro ceeds of the entertainment to be given next Friday night by Paul Edwards, the blind poet and elo cutionist. Therefore you will be Helping a good cause as well as enjoying a pleasant evening by attending it. L. H. Sanders is agent for Chatham, Lee and Wake coun ties for J. Van Lindley Nursery Company, Pomona, N. C , and will be pleased to receive and nil orders for all kinds of fruit and shade trees, flowers for funrrals and weddings. Headquarters at Pittsboro. adv Beginning with the 1st of May Sherman Alston will keep a supply of ice for sale in the ice house near the depot, and will deliver in to purchasers in town. A cent a pound for small quanti ties and a reduction for larger quantities. Will be on sale at all hours of the day. adv It will be noticed tbat quite a number of aspirants have an nounced their candidacy in this issue of the Record. This is the way to let the voters know who are desirous of their votes at the primary. Next week th?re may be still others. It will be to late after the 20th of this month. A colored woman, named Crecy Crump, died at Haywood, in this county, on last Saturday, who is said to have been between in onri "!08 vpjirs old. It was nar hv some that she was ii hnt it can be reliably proved tViot cVip was over 105 and under 108 vears old- For the past year or two she had been helpless, a wreck physically and mentally. -See Dr. S. RAPPORT at Pittsboro, at I r. Farthing s Office Tuesday May 9th. If you are in need of spectacles or eye; glasses it is unwise to ' put ott to-dav when you must wer them. I will fit vou with suit hip crlapses in any style, gold tilled or Luminum from $1.00 up including examination. Adv. The Record has ben favor ed with an invitation to attend ti e closing exercises of Bonlee Hign School, which will begin next Saturday night with the annual debate for the Seawell medal. On Sunday the sermon will be preached in the morning by Rev. t t? PiHrHfk of Durham, and ill deliver an ad dress to young people. On Mondav night the primary and have intermediate grades their exercises. will -The United States Civil Ser vice Commission announces t at owthe 27th of this montn an ex . ... - 1 1 1 x. 04-.v. ortne ziin 01 una rrr : momv, f ivtnnnt Oilead tienry wegg, uoie narmun aim amination will be held at Sanford been a member ofountOlaa Carl NeaK Lucy ndon Ander of applicants r the ponton , of , Bnptot. church my 80n was awarded the gold medal. Dostmaster at Moncure. Appli cation forms and full informa tion may be obtained iromine nnar master at Moncure. ine compensation for the postmaster t. that, office last year was Dr. S. RAPPORT of Dur ham, will be at Pittsboro, at Dr. Farthing's Office, Tuesday May 9th. for the purpose of examin ing eyes and fitting glasses. Remember that vou pay nothing for the examination of your eyes in buying glasses of me and I furnish only the best quality at a moderate price. Adv. At the Democratic state con vention, held last Thursday at Raleigh, there were quite a num- j ber of delegates from this coun ty. The following appointments wee for them: R. H. Hayes on the state executive committee, W. D. Siler on the committee on platform, James L Griffin on the congressional district committee and H. A. London on the judi cial district committee. Messrs. T A. Ausley, J. E. Moore, G. M. Womble, E. E. Wilson and John Williams have been appointed road commission ers for Cape Fear township to have charge of the work on the permanent improvement of the roads of the township It will be remembered that at the elec tion last month that township voted for an issue of $50,000 worth of bonds for good roads. This worc will improve the road from the Wake county line to Haw river, about seven miles and thereby 11 the gap in the road from Raleigh to Sanford. At the recent election held in Bethel school district. New Hope township, on the question of levyingxa special school tax the vote was a tie. There were only 24 registered voters and every one of them voted, 12 for and 12 against the proposed t?x. As the law requires a majorib of the registered voters for the rax it was defeated This elec tion shows the importance of one vote. fov if one more vote had been in favor of the tax it would have been carried. We have received a neatly printed invitation to attend the Hosing exercises of the Mann dale Institute, which will be held on the 12th. 13th and 14th of this month. On the night of the 12th there will be a musical re cital, and next day will be deliv ered the literary address by Dr John Jeter Hurt, of Durham. On the same day also the graduat ing class will deliver tbeirora- tions. and there will be other ex ercises. On the 14th Rev. Mar tin W. Ruck, of Burlington, will preach the annual sermon. Personal Mention. Mrs. John H. Anderson the past week with Mrs. London at Raleigh. spent H. M. Bishon Cheshire held services in the Episcopal church at this place last Sunday and confirmed one person. Mrs. James H Gordon will en tertain the "Thursday after noon" club tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Cards have been received here announcing the marriage on the 20th of last month of our former townsman. Mr. George T. Cha- pin and Miss Mae Virginia Adams, of Jacksonville, Florida. The Winnie Davis Chapter of the Daughters of the Confeder al will meet with Mrs. R. H. Hayes next Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Old Medical Case. A very old pocket medical case was found last week in the loft of the old building that was torn down to make room tor the erec tion of the new brick building by the Union Supply Company. The leather was rotten and the case had fallen to pieces, but there uite a number of small vials filled with calomel and oth er medicines that seem to be well nreserved. In the case was a plainly writ ten prescription by Dr. Charles E. Johnson, of Raleigh, who died manv vears aero. Ihere was no mark or other indication to show who was the owner of the old case, and it is strange how it could have been put and left in the place where it was found. A Goodly Devise. The will of Mr. W. A- Foushee was admitted to probate here last week, and in it he devised all his real estate to his wife for her life and then to the trustees to bTw Z - Vl k ftOH flnH i5 nnp of SitoesieVrXioSi tne mrKest cnariiduieui icuk " Z SH "county anM? Fousiee ed onythe 18th w 3 lpnvW a widow hnt children and h?s IZeZ but no children ana propertv LE '"of "others T m S 3H-i remembered hut also a gin cnat auuuiu i- 1 U 11 n ITfot-atll fCk S memorance py an mcmui aiin J mereaun oiic. Primary Election. The county board of elections has appo'nted the following reg istrars for the primary election, which will be held on the 3rd of June, and for the general elec tion which will be held on the 7th of November: Albright- W. E. Jonhson. Buckhorne C. S. Harrington. Siler City-J. S. Wrenn. Mt. Vernon Springs J. M. Foust. Hadley-A. F. Whitaker. Richmond -G B Emerson. Oakland Colon Pattishall. New Hope O. M. Poe. Hickory Mt. J. B. Burke. Baldwin K. H. Hackney. Bear Crek-D. H. Ellis. Center W. L. Johnson. Haw River T. J. Womble. Gulf D. E. Murchison. Merry Oaks-W. C. Stone. Williams J. J. Bryant. At the primary election, which will be the first ever held in this county, the registered voters of either party can vote for any one of the candidates of their respect ive parties. Persons already reg istered need not register again. but persons not registered must register in order to vote at the primary. Books of registration were opened on the 27th of last month and will close at sunset on the 20th of this month. Bear in mind that this primary is for both parties at the same time. Teachers Elected. The school committee of this school district (No. 6 in Centre township) held a meeting last Friday and re elected all the old teachers. We do not wish to be misunderstood as meaning that those teachers are old, for no such thing, as they are all young and marriageable. We simply mean that the present, incum bents were re-elected. They ar Mr. Earle R. Franklin, principal: Miss Margaret Gulley, assistani principal; Miss Nellie Pilkington and Miss Mary Utley, teachers in the higher grades, and Mrs Mary A. Barber, teacher in the lower grades. Any school is for tunate in having sujh efficient teachers. The committee also re-elected the teachers in the colored school. and theji are Tamar Crump, prin cipal, and Rebecca Womack, as sistant. Their re-election indi cates their efficiency. I Republican Convention . A call has been issued by Dr H. T. Chapin, as chairman of the Republican county executive com mittee, for a county convention to be held here on the 11th of this month. As stated in the official call the object of tie meeting is "to select candidates for the legislative and county rv a I a " ? J j.t omcers to oe votea ior at me legalized primary." This action justifies the asser tion made last week by the Record that "the Democrats be lieve in letting the people rule, but the Republicans seem to be lieve in letting the bosses rule." The Republican leaders will cau cus here on the 11th and dictate to the masses of their party the candidates for whom thev must vote at the piimarv on the 3rd of June, and thus the primary will be a farce as to them. The Republican voters will be allowed by their leaders to vote at the primary but they will have to vote for the men selected by them. There will be no choice about it, and yet the Republican leaders prate a good deal about letting the people rule! School Commencement. The closing exercises of the Pittsboro high school and grad ed school began last Friday night and ended last night, and all were attended by large crowds. On Friday night the younger pupils had their exercises which were much enjoyed, especially bv the oroud parents of the voung "hopefuls." On Monday night was held the annual declamation and recita tion contests given by the two literary societies. Ihere was much interest taken in these two contests and all competitors did well. The gold medal for the best declaimer was awarded to Mr. Raymond Knight and the gold medal for the best recita tion was awarded to Miss Kath erine Eubanks. Last night the annual literary address was delivered by Hon. T, W. Bickett, which was a. rare trea to all who were so fortu nate as to be present. We will not attempt even a synopsis ot I this admirable address, in wnih I tne disunguisneu speaker xuuy ' sustained his reputation as one of , . e-tertamiMf and elo- !" orators in this state. After the address of Mr. Bick- ett diplomas were presented to the graduating class, consisting L London Anderson, Cath -me Wfc Mary Bland, SrS - , - mpnTinnp(1 f as receiving the next highest - ailU T J-riuwu va. ... . . marks. To The Editor of the Record :- So far I bave seen no names mentioned for County Commis sioners for the coming primary and election and I am suggest ing to the voters the name of Robert Moore of Bynum. Mr. Moore is a successful business man and whoever succeeds with his own business is a good man to trust with the affairs of the Countv. I just want to suggest his name as I think he will make a good Commissioner. Baldwin Township thinks she is entitled to a Commissioner and the name of Robert Moore will suit us and I believe will suit the whole County. Respectfully, J. G. HAMLET. To The Democrats of Chatham; I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for the office of reg ister of deeds of Chatham county, and will be grateful for all votes given for me at the primary on the 3rd of June. May 1st. 1916. B. A. PHILIPS. I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Commis sioner of Chatham County, sub ject to the action of the Demo cratic Primary to be held June 3rd. C. D. MOORE. I hereby announce myself a candidate fjr County Commis sioner of Chatham County, sub ject o the action of the Demo cratic Primary to be held June 3rd. J. W. GRIFFIN. I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Commis sioner of Chatham County, sub ject to the action of the Demo cratic Primary to be held June 3rd. W. H. FERGUSON. I hereby announce myself a Candidate for the office of Regis ter of Deeds for Chatham ounhy, subject to the action of the Democratic Primaries to be held June 3rd. JOHN W, JOHNSON. I hereby announce rnvslf a candite for Register of Deeds for Chatham County, subject to rhe action of the Democratic Primaries to be held on the 3rd day of June. JADE WOMBLE. To The Voters of Chatham Co ; I hereby announce mvself as a candidate for Countv Commis sioner of Chatham County, sub ject to the action of the Demo cratic primaries. I do this at the request of many friends as well as willing ness on my part to serve mv county, if m v servicps are wanted. Respectful lv, E. E. WILSON. An Ideal Spring Laxative. "A grood and time tried remedy is Dr. King's M ew Life Pills. The first dose will move the sluggish bowels, stimu late the liver and clear the system of waste and blood impurities. You owe it to yourself to clear the system of body poisons, accumulated during the winter. Dr. King's N"ew Life Pills will do it. 25c at your druggist, adv Whooping Cough. One of the most successful prepara tions in use for this disease is Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. S. V. Me Clinton, Blandon Springs, Ma., writes, "Our baby had whooping cough as, bad as most any baby could have it. I gave him Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy and it soon got him well " Ob tainable everywhere, adv Rheumatism. If you are troubled with chronic or mtscular rheumatism give Chamber lain's Liniment a trial. The relief from pain which it affords is alone worth many times its cost. Obtain able everywhere, adv The Summer term of the Bon lee High School opens Monday Mav 22, and continues six days in the week until June 26. Our Scoool plant, situated in a most beautiful oak grove, is an ideal place for a summer School. The brick buildings are comfort able in the hotest weather. We offer three courses: 1st, For making up subjects prepara tory to entering college. 2nd, A review of common school branches pointing to the countv examinations to be held in July. 3rd, the teacher's reading course as required by thd State Super intendent. Tuition for the full term is four dollars. Board and room at the dormi tory is $8.00 per month of four I weeks. A play will be given at the ' end of the term in which all students may take part free of charge, For further particulars ad- , aa - - , UlTOO UllllUUai, F. A. PENLAND. BONLEE, N. C. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Voters of Chatham Co.: I hereby declare myself as a Democratic candidate to repre sent Chatham county in the Leg islature of 1917, subject to the action of the Democratic prima ries. J. D. McIVER. This April 28th, 1916. The pedestal and statue of the late Senator Zebnlon Baird Vance has arrived in Washington and will be set up in Statuarv Hall within a short time. The un veiling will occur the latter part of May, or in early June, and will be an elaborate affair. A Symbol of Health. The Pythagorians of Ancient Greece ate simple food, practiced tempeiance and purity. As a bade they used the five pointed star which the regarded as a symbol of health. A red pointed star appears on each package f Chamberlain's Tablets, and still ful fills its ancient mission as asvmbol of health. Jf you are troubled with indi gestion, biliousness or constipation, get a packagH of these tablets from your druggist. You will be surprised at tie quick relief which they afford. Ob tainable everywhere, adv The total value of slate of all kinds sold in the United States in 1915 was J4,958,515. according to the United States Geological Survey. Colds Quickly Relieved. Many people cough and cougn,from the beginning of fall right through to sprirjjj. Others get cold after cold. Take Dr. King's New Discovery and you will get almost immediate relief. It cheeks your cold, stops the racking, rasping, tissue-tearing cough, heals the inflammation, soothes the raw tubes. Easy to take, antiseptic and healinc. Get a 50c bottle of i.r King's and keep it in the house. "It is cer tainly a great medicine and I keep a bottie of it continually on hand," wri es W. C. Jesseman, Franconia N. H. Money back if not satisfied but it nearly always helps, adv Southern Railway has just pur chased 45 locomotives, 60 all steel passenger train cars, 1500 all-steel coal cars, 1507 steel cen ter sill box cars and 100 steel center sill caboose cars. Dangers of Draft. Drafts fVel best when we aje hot rind perspiring, just when they are most dangerous and the result is neu ralgia, stilt" neck. sre muscles or some times an attack of rheumatism. In such cases apply Sioan's Liniment. It stimulates circulation to te sore and painful part. The blood Hows freely and in a short time the stitlness and pain leaves. Those sufl'ering from neuralgia or neuralsiic headache will find one or two applications ot sIoan's Liniment will give grateful relief. The tgonizing p tin gives way to a tingling sensation of comfort and warmth and quiet res" and sleep is possible. Good for neuritis too. Price -5c at your drug. gist, adv Chamberlain's Tablets Have Wonders for Me." Done "I have been a sufferer from stom ach trouble for a number of years, am although I have used a great number of remedies ecommended for this com plaint. Chamberlain's Tablets is the first medicine that has given me pos itive and lasting relief," writes Mrs. Anna Kadin, iSpencerport, N. Y. "Chamberlain's Tablets have dont wonders for me and I value them very highly." Obtainable everywhere. ad For Your Child's Cough. If your child has a cold, nose runs or coughs much get a small bottle of Dr, Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. It's a pleasant pine-tar-honey syrup, just what children like and just the med icine to soothe the cough and check the cold After taking, children stop fretting, sleep good and are soon en tirely weli. linsist on Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. 25c at your druggist, adv Catarrh Cannot Be Cured With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Ca tf.rrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must tase in ternal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surface. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best phy sfciahs in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combina tion of the two ingredients is what pro duces such wonderful results in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, price 75o. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. ADMINISTRATOU'S NOTICE Having qualih'ed as the ad minis trator of Manly Johnson, deceased, J hereby notify all persons nolding claims against said decendent to ex hibit the same to me on or before the 3rd of Mav, 1917. This May 3rd, 1916 B. P. JOHNSON. R. H. Hayes, Attorney. Rubbiag Eases Pain Rubbing sends S he liniment tingling through the flesh and quickly tops pain. Demand a liniment that you can rub with. The besl rubbing liniment is Good for the Ailments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc Qoodfor your own Aches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c 50c. $1. At all Dealers. arming Tools We are agents for Cole's Plan ters and Guano Distributors, Hoosier Corn Planters, Mc Cormick Harrows & Mowers and Oliver Chilled Plows. We have a complete line of Farming Tools and our prices are right. See us before you buy. ' W. L. London & Son t 1904 it ) viz t ift ft A Dependable Bank The reputation of this bank, covering a period of nearly 12 years of eminently suc cessful business, is a guar antee of its Strength, Ability and Willingness to respond to every reasonable demand made upon it. 0 (1 Banking Loan and Trust Go SANFORD, N. C. JONEStfORO, N. C. Capital, $25,000.00 BANKING YOUR MONEY -WITH Bank of Pittsboro not only keeps you from spending it, but saves it for fu ture use, whether for business, pleasure or time of need! SAFE, SURE, SECURE It is saving and Depositing regularly that makes your account dollar upon dollar increase rapidly. We add 4 per cent interest. COMMENCE BANKING TODAY. Capital , $10,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits.- 9.000 W. L. LONDON, President. M. T. WILLIAMS, Cashier. DIRECTORS: W. L. LONDON, R. H. HAYES, JAS- m. ATWATER, H. A. LONDON, 8 I Attractive Summer Trips, 1916 TOURS FROM 10 TO 40 DAYS INCLUDING New York, Boston, White Mountains. The Raguenay, Quebec. Montreal, Lake Champlain, Lake George, Ausable Chasm, St. Lawrence, The Thousand Islands, Niagara Falls, Alaska, Pacific Coast, Yoaemite Valley, Canadian Rockies, Lake Louise, Vancouver, Los Angeles, Glacier National Park, Yellowstone National Park, Grand Canyon of Arizona, Salt Lake City, Colorado Rockies and the PanamaCalif ornia International Exposition AT SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Personally conducted and chaperoned. The very high est class of service, which makes travel for pleasure com fortable and enjoyable. The Tours cover the most attract ive routes and the principal places of Scenic and Historic In terest throughout the grandest country in the world. Write for rates, booklets and descriptive literature. GATTIS Tourist Agents, Seaboard Air Line Railway RALEIGH, N. C. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified us the adminis ter of the late Mrs. Nannie Daurity, thi- is to notify all creditors of her estate to present their claims to me or mv attorney on or before the loth I day of April, 1917, or this notice will f 1916 $ m m m m m m m 9999li 119999 THE- JAS. L. GRIFFIN, A. H. LONDON, W. J. WOMBLE, B. NOOE. 1 TOURS I 11 SSI J be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will settle. This April 10. 1916. U O DAURITY, Admr of Mrs.NanniejLaurity, Goldston, N. j. F. W. Bynum, Attorney.

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