CURED ECZEMA OF THE SCALP Mr. H. C. Berry, Baltimore, Md., writes: "For a great number of years I suffered greatly with Eczema of the scalp, which during the warm weather tormented me almost to death. I saw several of the best Southern physicians but none of them were able to do anything for me. A traveling com panion induced me to try a bottle C Hancock Liquid Sulphur. I first used it diluted and it greatly relieved me. Since then I have used it natural strength and it has cured me com pletely. I cannot speak too highly of It and 'will gladly say more to anyone who desires to know just what it has done for me." Hancock Sulphur Compound and Ointment are sold by all dealers, j Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co., Balti more, Md. Write for Booklet. Adv. Practical Philanthropy. "Can't you help me a little, mister?" whined the measly mendicant. "I'm trying to raise the price of a ticket to Woppykasoo'i. I've got a brother-in-law there, and " "Out of consideration for your un fortunate relative," replied J. Fuller Gloom, "I will not give you a cent. Judge. To Fortify the System Against Summer Heat Many users of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic make it a practice to take this old standard remedy regularly to fortify the system against the depressing effect of summer heat, as those who are strong withstand the heat of summer better than those who are weak. Price 50c. Fore and Aft. "What do you think of these weath er forecasts?" "I think they might be nearer right If they were aftercasts." David may have been right when he said in haste that all men were liars, but it isn't always an easy matter to catch them with the goods. For sprains make a thorough pli cation of Hanford's Balsam, well rub bed in. Adv. A man's strength is estimated his ability to fight against odds. by What is Castoria C ASTORIA is a harmless substitute for Caster Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Kind Tou Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over SO years, has born the signature of Chas. EL Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. tie nine Castoria always bears the signature of TP . yJTJZZ DO YOU HAVE SICK HEADACHE Who of us does not suffer at times from this awful pain? All are sub ject to it a disordered stomach, inactive Ever, constipation are causes. But headaches are mere warnings 01 sometmng more s rious. Heed the warning, take I I rious. Heed the warning, take I Dr. THACHER'S J Liver and Blood f Syrup 1 1 1 At Thirty Cents. The local policeman may have weighed 300 pounds; it is even con ceivable that he weighed an additional 50. He stood on the village square, motioned the traffic in various direc tions. With a backward wave of his palm he bade the New York man in the limousine pass before him. But the driver did not understmid; ha stopped his car. "Go around! Go around!" shouted the keeper of order. "Haven't got enough gasoline." re plied the New York man, as he dashed forward. HELP FOR WORKING WOMEN Some Have to Keep on Until They Almost Drop. How Mrs. Conley Got Help. Here is a letter from s woman who bad to work, but was too weak and suf fered too much to continue. How she regained health : Frankfort, Ky. "I suffered so much with female weakness that I could not do my own work, had to hire it done. I heard so much about Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound that I tried it. I took three bottles and I found it to be all you claim. Now I feel as well as ever I did and am able to do all mj own work aeain. 1 recommend it to any woman suffering from female weakness. You may pub lish my letter if you wish. "Mrs. James Conley, 516 St. Clair St.,Frankfort,Ky. No woman suffering from any form of female troubles should lose hope until she has given Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound a fair trial. This famous remedy, the medicinal ingredients of which are derived from native roots and herbs, has for forty years proved to be a most valuable tonic and invigorator of the female organism. All women are invited to write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medi cine Co., Lynn, Mass., for special advice, it will be confidential. Kill All Flies! Th5r.Lp.." Placed nywher.D.I. Fly Kilter attracts and kflWaU -. irnaonaui, convenient, and cheap. 1 ! I I Ml llll I .Luliilluwt.H.1, Wnui,na't pUle rti. orr; will not mS or njno aajrxaina. Uuni Ud Stdt1. Ak for ! CONFECTIONS MADE AT HOME Delicious Marshmallows Require Only a Moderate Amount of Care in Their Preparation and Serving. If you wish pure, delicious marsh mallows, soak two tablespoonfuls granulated gelatin in ten tablespoon fuls of cold water until soft. Pour ten tablespoonfuls of boiling water over two cupfuls of sugar, and boil un til it makes a sirup which will form a thread when dropped from the spoon. Remove the sirup from the fire and stir into it the softened gelatin. Let stand until cool, then add salt and flavoring and beat until it becomes stiff enough to hold its own shape. Pour the candy into granite pans dust ed with powdered sugar and let stand in a cool place until set. Cut in cubes and roll in powdered sugar. Chocolate marshmallows are made either by coating the plain marshmal- lows with melted, unsweetened choco late, or adding melted chocolate to the marshmallow mixture before cooking. Chopped nuts or candied fruits may be stirred into the mixture after it has been removed from the fire. In stead of vanilla flavoring, fruit juice may be used in place of part of the water. Marshmallows are dainty and attractive if rolled with grated co coanut before being coated with sugar. EAT QUEER THINGS IN PINCH Find Satisfaction in Stew Made of Vest, Shoelaces and Sledge Gear. HOUSEHOLD HINTS Daisy Fly Killer Bold bv dsaUri. A unft HAROLD SOMERS. 150 De-Kalb Ava., Brooklyn, N. Tuft's Pills The dyspeptic, the debilitated, whether from excess of work of mind or body, drink or ex posure in i MALARIAL REGIONS, Wffl find Tutt's Pills the most genial restora tive evx offered the out ferins Invalid. YOU MAY LOOK YOUNG and head off the more serious ail ments. This preparation positive ly relieves all perils of constipa tion and its kindred disorders, and restores the system to its normal condition gently but thoroughly. Get a bottle today. Two sizes, 50 and $1. All dealers. 1 i By Keeping Your Complexion Young With Cuticura. Trial Free. One tablespoonful of brown sugar added to two tablespoonfuls of flour and three of cold water and cooked, stirring constantly, until creamy, makes a most excellent paste. Makes a splendid sizing where wall paper refuses to stick to a painted wall. Keep candles on the ice for a day before using on a birthday cake, and they will burn slowly and evenly. When dropping muffin dough into the tins, first dip the spoon into boil ing water and the dough will not stick to the spoon. Place crumbled tissue paper in the bottom of the jar and your cookies will keep fresh and crisp. Dry flour applied with a newspaper is an excellent and easy way to clean tinware. Warm lemons before squeezing them &nd twice the juice will be obtained. Courtesy opens many doors and the lack of courtesy leaves them open. Wounds on man or beast should be healed by Hanfords Balsam. Adv. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal. These super-creamy emollients do much to keep the skin clear, fresh and youthful, as well as to keep the hair in a live, healthy condition and the hands soft and white. Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, CuUcura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. A woman is never satisfied until she can do things two different ways. Not Entertaining 'Em. "I can't find any old clothes tu p .irTTYMFY 18 a flecePtive disease JttJ.xAj-x thousands have It TROTTRT I? and don't know it. If lwt(Ui(ii you want eood results you can make no mistake by using Dr. on th nrrpprnw " oaiH Vsmor r fcilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney j n , scarecrow' said armer C remeay. At druggists in fifty cent and 1 tuanei. aoitar sizes, sample size bottle by Par cel Post, also pamphlet telling you about It Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingliam ton, N. Y., and enclose ten cents, also mention this paper. Cures Ivy Poisoning. For ivy poisoning apply Hanford's Balsam. It is antiseptic and may be used to kill the poison. Prompt relief should follow the first application. Adv. A Mistake. "After all, there's no reason in the world why women shouldn't vote if they choose." "Very true, and if we men hadn't been foolish enough to oppose the idea they never would have wanted to." "You might use some of the r& y duds our boy Josh brought heme fn' college," suggested his wife. "I'm only tryin' to scare the crrws: not to make 'em laugh themselves o death." Sold upon merit Hanford's Balsam. Adv. Hope is all right when it forms a partnership with hustle. Tube Rose Satisfies The Green Labels Arm Good For Premium If your dealer won't supply you, send us 5c for a l-oz. can, or 60c for twelve. brows & Williamson tobacco co Dept. L WlasUo-Sale. tCc LADIES CAN WHAR SHDKS : One size smaller after using Allen's Foot Ease, the antiseptic powder for the feet Shaken Into shoes and used In foot-bath ! Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight shoes fee' ' easy, and gives instant relief to corns anc Dunions. Try It today. Sold everywhere, 25c. For FREE trial package. Address. Allen 8. Olmsted. Le Roy. N. T. Adv. Most Likely. "I see that trust magnate has bought a farm out in he country." "What do you suppose be is going to raise?" "Prices, probably." Good Old Circus Band. In the American Magazine is a story by Henry Wallace Phillips in which he says: "You take a circus band; they don't go piking along one, two, three every man with his little note, right there, like a gol-darned steam engine. No, sir! The circus band is there to make a joyful noise, and it does it. If one feller happens to be a trifle late or early with his contribution, nobody looks scornful at him. He's a good feller, Just the same, so long as his wind holds out." Dolly Varden Cake. Have ready one cupful chopped rai sins, one teaspoonful each cloves, cas sia and nutmeg, one tablespoonful mo lasses. Stand aside until needed. Beat to a cream two cupfuls sugar with two thirds cupful butter, add slowly one cupful sweet milk, yolks three eggs beaten light, three cupfuls flour, one half teaspoonful soda, one teaspoonful cream tartar, one teaspoonful lemon or vanilla extract. Add whites of two eggs beaten stiff. Divide batter In two parts, bake two white layers. To other half add molasses and fruit mentioned above. Bake in same sized tins. Take one white of egg, beat a little, then add sugar, one tablespoonful, to stick cakes together. Very nice and worth trying. FRECKLES Now Xa the Time to Get Bid of These Ugly Spot. There's no longer the slightest need ol feeling ashamed of your freckles, as the prescription othlne double strength li guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of othlne double strength from your druggist, and apply a little of it night and morning and you hould soon see that even the worst frecklei have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom that more than one ounce is needed to com pletely clear the skin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength othine. as this is sold under guarantee ol money back If It falls to remove freckles. Adv. The Idea. "What are you doing now, Jim?" "Any easy mark I can come across. ls I I iss iHJ 1 mm - iii 1 1 m l 1 m f?JSf.?lc?T' .F1T.7ars of uninterrupted 1,ne 8 awfepsy Medicine lnsuret kV.I T&K Ar a ?v 'lAL BOTTI.K Free, dk U.L.1ME COMPANY, Bed Bank, N. J. Adv. Fear of alimony is one reason why some men are shy about marrying. Sure Way. "Senator, I wish you'd recommend this young man for office." "But I know of no office I could get him." "That's all right. I don't really want him to get any office. But he wants to marry my daughter, and if he has done anything shady in the past I'd like to have the facte brought out." Louisville Courier-Journal. His Guilt. me a self-made Acknowledged Muggs Behold in man. Diggs I congratulate you because of your charitableness. Muggs Beg pardon? Diggs It is rertainly charitable of you to assume the blame. It's as hard for a young woman to lose a millionaire as it is for a strong man to lose an heiress. For Adv. galls use Hanford's Balsam. W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 24-191. Candor compels some men to admit that they are above the average. Resinol stops itching and burning If you are snfFcrin r . dET You wiltfe sur and the sMhkM recmng ana burning stop tbe skxn becomes clear and healthy again. Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap have been prescribed by physicians for over twenty years. Sold by all drug, uta, for free trial size of each write to Besinol Chem. Co.. Baltimore. Md. Resinol Shaving Stick tnakts daily thavuie easy for ttfuUr-faced ,xtn. Concentrated Satisfaction A great many former users of tea and coffee have learned that there is a pure food beverage made from wheat, which has a delightful flavor. It never exacts of its users the tribute of sleeplessness, heart-flutter, headache and other ills often caused by the drug, caffeine, in coffee and tea. Instant Postum suggests the snappy flavor of mild java coffee, but is abso lutely free from caffeine or any harmful ingredient. In stant Postum is in con densed, soluble form, and wonderfully convenient for the home for the picnic for travel everywhere. If tea or coffee interferes with comfort or success, as it does for many users, try a shift to Postum. There's a Reason 99 Creamed Asparagus. Fresh asparagus is plentiful and de licious just now. Try this recipe the next time you prepare it. Tie the bunch up with a soft string, cut off the necessary part, and cook for at least 25 minutes in salted water. Have ready a few slices of crustless toast ed bread. Dip these in the asparagus liquor, then butter well and arrange on a platter. Drain the asparagus and place it on the toast. Now make a good cream sauce, using a cupful of milk, a teaspoonful of flour and a ta blespoonful of butter and seasoning. This is the simplest of dishes, but it is an ever welcome one. Smothered Pork Chops. Put chops or steaks in bottom of pan, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Put in a layer of sliced potatoes, sprin kle with flour, salt and pepper. Repeat layers of potatoes, slicing onions in through the layers. Almost cover wth hot water and bake IV or 1 hours. Uncover the last half hour to brown the top. Veal may be used the same way. It is very nice for supper. Beet and Bermuda Onion Salad. Cut into slices and then into strips three beets, slice a medium-sized on ion; quarter and separate the sections. Add as much celery as you have onion, one-half a teaspoonful of capers or chopped pickles, salt and white pep per. Mix and serve with your favorite dressing. Baked Sausage. After the sausage is curled in a fry ing pan it should be covered with a tin cover. Place in a moderate oven for one hour, turning once or twice. This makes it a delicate brown, and it is thoroughly cooked. Squares o toasted bread are served with it. California Graham Muffins. Sift together one cupful of graham flour, half a cupful of white flour, two tablespoonfuls of sugar, a saltspoonful of salt and two teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Beat one egg to a froth, add to it a cupful of milk and beat into the flour. Bake as usual. Onion Salad. Scald, then brown one or two large onions till soft; when cold slice the onion, mix it with shredded celery and sliced beetroot. Dress with oil, vine gar, salt and pepper. Cleaning Hint. Wash your best cut glassware in a wooden bowl. It lessens the chances breakage. If you haven't such a ov,i place a good-sized Turkish towel 20 the bottom of the dishpan. Fish Toast. . Take one cupful of cold flaked fish free from skin and bones. Heat in water sufficient to moisten; add but ter, pepper and salt. When hot pour on slices of buttered toast, garnish with eggs poached in muffin rings. To Clean the Range. An ordinary blackboard, eraser la splendid to keep near the kitchen range to wipe off the top; the range ie kept clean and does not need to be washed or polished but once or twic s woek. There is naturally much talk in war time rations and food supply, and the possibility or probability of starving out one or other of the bel ligerents. But it is amazing what peo ple will eat at a pinch. A recent arctic explorer seriously advised the wearing of skin clothing in preferences to woolen, simply and solely because, If the worst came to the worst, one's outfit could be stewed for a meal, or at any rate given to the dogs! Well, when a man finds enjoyment and a sort of inward satisfaction in a stew made of his vest, his shoelaces, and his sledge gear, he must be pret ty "peckish," and when he gets back to civilization he will make a model husband, never likely to turn up his nose at cold mutton on washing days. The bishop of Yukon thinks noth ing of eating his boots. He had prob ably declared he was ready for that operation many a time when he was a boy, but he has actually done it since he came to man's estate in his case, the great gold fields of arctic Alaska. CALOMEL SICKENS! IT SALIVATES ! DON'T STATUS, CONSTIPATED I Guarantee "Dodson's Liver Tone" Will Give You the Best Liver and Bowel Cleansing You Ever Had Don't Lose a Day's Work! Calomel makes you sick; you lose a day's work. Calomel is quicksilver and It salivates; calomel injures your liver. If you are bilious, feel lazy, sluggish and all knocked out, if your bowels are constipated and your head aches or stomach is sour, just take a spoon ful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone Instead of using sickening, salivating calomel. Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver medicine. Youll know It next morning because you will wake up feeling fine, your liver will be work ing, your headache and dizziness gone, your stomach will be sweet and your bowels regular. You will feel like working. Youll be cheerful; full of vigor and ambition. Your druggist or dealer sells you a 60-cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone under my personal guarantee that it will clean your sluggish liver better than nasty calomel; it won't make you sick and you can eat anything ycu want without being salivated. Your druggist guarantees that each spoonful will start your liver, clean your boJa and straighten you up by morning op you can have your money back. Chil dren gladly take Dodson's Liver Tone because it is pleasant tasting and doesn't gripe or cramp or make them sick. I am selling millions of bottles of Dei son's Liver Tone to people who have found that this pleasant, vegetable, liv er medicine takes the place of danger ous calomel. Buy one bottle on my sound, reliable guarantee. Ask your druggist or storekeeper about me. Adv. LOOK YOUNG AND HANDSOME AGAIN BY DARKENING YOUR GRAY HAIR WITHOUT DYES. While it is no disgrace to have gray streaked or prematurely gray hair, j is unnecessary in this day and time. Simply shampoo your hair and scalp with Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer. After doing this a few times not a trace of gray can be seen, but all your gray hair and entire head of hair will have become so evenly dark, soft, fluffy and healthy that no one would suspect you had applied Q-Ban. It is no dye, but a ready-to-use liquid, absolutely harmless. Big bottle sent prepaid for only 50c by writing Q-Ban Laborator ies, Memphis, Tenn., or sold by drug gist, Be careful not to accept substi tutes or harmful dyes, but insist on having Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer. Adv. lifiMTERSMITUV m I la -M1l1 (hillTonic No False Teeth. Many words of housewifely wisdom had her mother imparted to the fair young bride on all subjects from man aging husbands to tackling tramps. And some of them were now being put to the test. He was a particularly dirty-looking specimen, but he had told the tale with the pathos of an expert. The youthful house mistress felt touched, but determined to follow her mother's precepts. "Now, my son," she said when he had finished, "I will give you some thing to eat if you will take that chopper " "Oh, mum, I shan't need it," the tramp reassured her. "My teeth are all right." Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph. Sold for 47 years. For IVIaleuria, Chills and F ever. Also General Strengthening Tonio. 60c and f 1.00 at all Drat Stem Standard Packer Cans with Sol der Hemmed Cap Wax Seal ing Cans with Wax Strings Friction Top Syrup Can and Pails. All sizes. We ship any quantity desired. Write today for our New 1916 Price List. Virginia Cans Give Best Results Special Discounts for Early DfHvety Virginia Can Co. Box 785 Buchanan, Va BLACK SNAKE HUGGED JAM Woman, Annoyed by Reptile's Partial' Ity, Writes "Finis" With an Ax. Talk That Isn't Cheap. Client You have an item in your bill, 'Advice, March 8, $5." That was the day before I retained you. Lawyer I know. But don't you re member on the 8th I told you you'd better let me take the case for you? Client Yes. Lawyer Well, that's the advice. Auto Aristocracy. "What's your aristocratic friend growling about?" "He has a grudge against the plain people' "On what score?" "Says they wear so many rubbers that it forces up the price of tires." Too Much of It. "I'd like to talk to you, sir, about some sweeping reforms we are con templating " "Can't listen, sir. My wife is clean ing house just now, and there are too many sweeping reforms for me going on at home." It's the thing you don't want the people are always willing to hand you. Everything comes to the man who advertises while he is waiting. Going to a cupboard Mrs. Ella Nor ton of Oliver, Pa., saw what she be lieved to be a piece of rope, wound about a crock of Jam, but closer in vestigation proved it to be a large blacksnake. Now Mrs. Norton is not particularly frightened of snakes, but she does object to their taking liber ties with her jam closet. Procuring a double-bitted ax from the wood pile she carved the word "Finis" deeply in the anatomy of the reptile. It proved to be one of the blue racer species and measured five feet. Tip From Father. 'I am surprised at you!" "Why, what have I done?" "When I told you I wanted to marry your daughter, you said you would try and make me solid with her and her mother; but you have been knocking me to them ever since." "My boy, if you don't know enough about women to know that that is the way to help you, you ought not to marry." A Mistake. General Funston was talking to a correspondent about the Mexican situ ation. "I don't believe in swivel-chair cam paigning," he said. "Discretion will be left to the generals in the field. Signs that look hopeful to the man back home in the swivel chair may prove the reverse in the field itself. "It's like the creditor who rang and asked if Mr. Spender was at home. " 'Yes, sir, walk right in, sir,' said the footman, cordially. 'Mr. Spender is at home, sir.' " 'Thank goodness,' said the cred itor. 'I'm going to see my money at last.' " 'Oh, don't make that mistake, sir," said the footman. Tf Mr. Spender had any money he wouldn't be at home.'" Proved Her Claim. "That new girl said she was an ex perienced waitress, but I had to let her go." "Why?" "The very first dinner I gave she started right in joshing the men at the table." Pleasing Mother. "Will you dance this dance with me?" "Mother has forbidden me to dance with you." "But she is out of the room." "So it wouldn't be any fun. When she comes back I'll give you a dance." Snores. "I sleep like a log." 'With the saw going through it?' Practice. "I believe old Grumpy is going in sane." "What makes you think so?" "I caught him standing in front of a mirror this morning smiling at him self." "Nothing alarming about that. He' going to run for office this year, and he's cultivating a genial expression for use during the campaign." A Narrow Escape. "Did you see my sunburst last night?" inquired the pompous Mrs. Newrich of her poorer neighbor. "No, I didn't," said the neighbor caustically, "but I certainly thought he would if he ate another bite." Ladies'' Home Journal. The Difference. "The marriages among savages are more businesslike than among us." "How do you mean?" "The savages have to buy their wives, but with ub, brides are givea away." They say there was once a woroaa who was actually proud of her hus band, but she evidently drowned irt the flood. For a Tip -Top Breakfast Serve New Post Toasties Here's the why: . The New Toasties have a delicate, true corn flavour un matched by any other corn flakes. Trial proves. They are the meat of choicest white Indian Com first cooked and seasoned, then rolled into thin wisps and toasted by quick, in tense rotary heat. This new patented process of making raises dis tinguishing little bubbles on each flake, and brings out their won derful new flavour. New Post Toasties the New Breakfast Delight Your grocer has them now. i