RETAIN CONTROL OF SELF Without That It Is Unreasonable to Think One Has the Ability to Control Others. The other day a man who makes his ivlng by fighting was struck by an mdersized man, and instead of return jig the blow he walked away from his limlnutlve assailant. This man exhibited much more self lontrol than the majority of people. Men who class themselves as being mi a higher plane than this fighting nan would have mixed immediately sritli the hot-headed Individual. What would you have done? The chances are that you would have rushed at the fellow with all your savage instincts to rule you. This proves that you have not as uuch power as you should have over four impulses. You may boss other people, but you ire not boss of yourself. Maybe you wonder why others are forging ahead of you as leaders of nen. It is because they have a check rein ya themselves. They have schooled themselves that they may be able to piide others. Self-control is the at Tibute of a leader. Chicago Ameri in. WHY SUFFER SKIN TROUBLES When a Postcard Will Bring Free Samples of Cuticura? Which give quick relief for all itch ing, burning, disfiguring skin trouhles. Bathe with the Cuticura Soap and hot water. Dry and apply Cuticura Oint ment to the affected part. They stop itching instantly and point to speedy healment often when all else fails. Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. One Glance Was Enough. Charley Towne, the magazine editor and poet, was once asked to act as the judge of a prize-story competition, open to all aspirants. He consented. From the publishing house conduct ing the contest a huge burden of man uscripts was brought to him. Select ing a bulky envelope at random, he opened it and withdrew from it a great number of sheets of foolscap, covered on both sides of the pages with fine writing, done in purple ink and in a feminine hand. Afterward, following his prompt resignation from the job of judge. Mr. Towne forgot the title of the story ; but the opening sentence ling ered in his memory. It was as fol lows : "The day the ball was to be that night dawned auspiciously." As the Years Roll On. You remarked fatuously the other day, "I'm just as young as I ever was." "Oh, no, you're not ! If young people weren't too polite they'd soon unde ceive you. You have been so busy lead ing a successful life that you have for gotten to notice that your successful Qfe has been led. Youth is flouting you every day. Youth is through with you. You appeal to it for recognition, and it laughs at you. You still young? You? No, indeed! Look at real youth pursuing its fantas tic preferences ; at Reginald Warne ford, engaging a Zeppelin single-handed, in regions near the sun ; at Otto von Weddigen leaving his bride to carry out a desperate warfare under seas. Do you honestly sympathize with them? Atlantic Monthly. Talked Too Much. "So you're home at last," said the farmer as his wife drove in the yard. "Oh, yes," replied the wife. "Horse looks tired. Did you speak to him?" "Oh, yes, I talked to him all the way home." "Well, I'm afraid you've overdone It" Logical Deduction. Aimee Las night young Lovelace said he would willingly die for my sake, and this morning Jeanette told me he said the same thing to her three days ago. Now what do you think of a man like that? Hazel Well, it looks to me like he was leading a double life. What's in a Name? Bacon I see they are advertising new Zeppelin socks. Egbert Isn't there danger of their rominj; down at the wrong time? A package of New Post Toasfies provides servings for ten people a delicious breakfast dish corn flakes with new form and new flavour. New Post Toasties are known by tiny bubbles raised on each flake by the quick, intense heat of the new process of manufacture. They bear the full, true flavour of prime, white Ind ian corn, not found in corn flakes of the past; and they are not "chaffy" in the package; and they don't mush down when milk or cream is added, like ordinary corn flakes. . Try some dry a good way to test the flavour, but they are usually served with rich milk or '.ream New Post Toasties Sold by Grocers everywhere. WOMAN HAD NERVOUS TROUBLE Lydia E. PinkhairTs Vegeta ble Compound Helped Her. West Danby, N. Y. "I have had nervous trouble all my life until I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound for nerves and for female trou bles and it straight ened me out in good shape. I work nearly all the time, as we live on a farm and I have four girls. I do all my sewing and other work with their help, so it ehows that I stand it real welL I took the Compound when my ten year old daughter came and it helped me a lot. I have also had my oldest girl take it and it did her lots of good. I keep it in the house all the time and recommend it." Mrs. Dewitt Sincebaugh, West Danby, N. Y. Sleeplessness, nervousness, irritabil ity, backache, headaches, dragging sen sations, all point to female derange ments which may be overcome by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. This famous remedy, the medicinal ingredients of which are derived from native roots and herbs, has for forty years proved to be a most valuable tonic and invigorator of the female organism. Women everywhere bear willing testi mony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. A LITTLE DRUG STORE IN YOUR HOME FOR $1" THE UNIVERSITY PURE DRUG chest contains ten separate and dis tinct remedies for Headaches, Bilious ness, Coughs, La Grippe, Rheumatism, Kidney Trouble, Dyspepsia, General Debility, Diarrhoea, Constipation. Sent prepaid to any section of the United States on receipt of $1.00. Every home shpcid have one of our chests. UNIVERSITY PURE DRUG CO. 722 10th St., N. W. Washington, D. C ECZEMA! "Hunt's Cure" Is guaranteed to stop and permanent iy cure tbat terrible Itching. It is com pounded for tsat purpose and your money will be promptly refunded without question If Hunt's Cure falls to cure Itcb. Kozema, Tetter. Ring Worm or any other skin disease. 6Ua the box. For sale oy ail drag: stores or by mail from the A, B. Richards Medicine Co., Sherman, Tex W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 31-1916. The Artful Dodger. There was an air of proud distinc tion about the tall, erect, raw-boned southern cracker as he stood before Judge Broyles, felt hat in hand and generous quid tucked away in one cor ner of his capacious mouth. "This man, your honor," explained the officer who made the arrest, "is a suspicious character. We found him hiding along Decatur street, first in one alley and then in another. Why, would you believe it, your honor, when I finally got him he was hiding under a stack of dirty clothes in a hand laun dry." "What have you to say for yourself, Peter Cooper Haggs?" demanded the judge. "What were you hiding from the court must know !" Everybody in the big room leaned forward to catch the stern-faced crack er's answer. They were prepared for some sort of fiendish plot. "Ma wife wuz after me ter pay fer th' rent," was the prisoner's calm re sponse. Case and Comment. Explained. "Dick, what were the trenchers they talk about that they had in Shakes peare's day?" "Why, the people who went into the trenches, of course, you boob." No Safeguard. "That fellow is as dumb as an oyster." "Maybe he is, but even oysters, dumb as "they are, find it hard to keep out of a stew." It's hard for most of us to be good when we have a chance to be. the KITCHEN CABINET Tody is your day and mine; Tba only day we have; The day in which we play our part, What our part may signify in the rfreat world we may not under stand. But we are here to play It, and now is our time. David Starr Jordan. SALAD COMBINATIONS. When combining vegetables In a alad it is a good plan to arrange each egetable separately upon the serving dish, pour the dressing over all and toss and mix or toss each in the dressing and keep each sepa rate upon the serving dish. Using lettuce as a background, to matoes cut in halves and sprinkled with chopped onion or chives. Lettuce, molded spinach and finely chopped beets. Lettuce and pepper grass. Lettuce, shredded onion and freshly roasted peanuts, crushed with a rolling pin un til like coarse crumbs, served with French dressing. Lettuce, sweet red pepper, sliced pecans or almonds. Lettuce with tomato stuffed with chopped cucumber and onion. Lettuce with tomatoes stuffed with peas or string beans and finely chopped chives. Lettuce shredded tomatoes and shredded green peppers. Shredded lettuce, walnuts, and al monds or cooked chestnuts sliced. Lettuce, cream cheese in slices, with chopped pimentos. Lettuce with cottage cheese and boiled dressing, sprinkled with chop ped chives. Lettuce, wifiT cauliflower, string beans, and shredded pimentos. Lettuce and cress, artichoke slices and tarragon, finely chopped. Shredded cabbage, nuts and green peppers. Shredded lettuce, Brussels sprouts and chopped pepper. Watercress, peppergrass and French dressing. Cucumbers sliced with new onions. Watercress, diced, boiled beets and olives. Cauliflower with string beans and beets in fancy shapes. Arrange each vegetable by itself, breaking the cauli flower into flowerets , surround with lettuce. Radishes, sliced in paper-thin slices, cucumbers and onions served with French dressing on lettuce. When making French dressing have a small piece or two of ice in the salad bowl as you mix the dressing, this In sures a thick rich dressing. The ad dition of tomato sauce, tobasco or Wor cestershire sauce, add variety. Head lettuce sprinkled with roque fort and served with French dressing makes a most tasty salad. The The The The And The worlds in which we live are two world I am and the world I do, worlds in which we live at heart are one, world I am, the fruit of I have done underneath these worlds of flower and fruit, world I love, the only living root. Henry Van Dyke. LOBSTER DISHES. First get your lobster. The canned variety will do very well but the fresh ly cooked Is vastly bet ter, which Is true of most foods. Hawaiian Lobster Cur ry Grate a coconut and set it aside to soak an hour In a pint of milk. Saute half an onion and a clove of garlic, finely minced, in one and a half tablespoonfuls. of butter; add one and a half table spoonfuls of cornstarch, and the same amount of curry powder; when well mixed, add the milk strained from the coconut gradually, and when it boils up once the meat from a two pound lobster. Salt and pepper to taste. Lobster a la Bechamel. Cut the meat from two lobsters or dice as preferred. Make a sauce using butter flour seasonings and a cupful each of cream and stock. Add the lobster and when well heated, add the yolks of four eggs, mixed with a little of the sauce. Use four tablespoonfuls each of butter and flour, a grating of nut meg and salt' and pepper to taste. Add the lobster and when hot serve at once. Lobster a la Poulette. Make a sauce, a third of a cupful of butter, a third of a cupful of flour, a half teaspoonful of salt, a dash of paprika and a fourth of a teaspoonful of white pepper, a cupful of cream and a cup ful of well seasoned chicken stock. AVhen all are well blended add the juice of half a lemon, very slowly. Add a pint of lobster meat and two hard boiled eggs, cut the whites In lings and put the yolks through a sieve, using them as a garnish. Serve the lobster on bits of buttered toast 01 thin crackers, with the circles of white and the powdered yolks sprin kled over the dish. Plain Lobster. Pour three table spoonfuls of lemon juice over the meat of a lobster, season with salt and pepper. Put three tablespoonfuls oi butter in a saucepan, when hot add the lobster. Serve when hot. Profit by Mistakes. Mistakes should be stepping stones, not stopping stones. They should en courage us to try again, and not tr make us feel like giving up. Two Foolish Things. To try and cram a wagonload oi work into a bushel basket of time ia as bad as to loaf for a day over a half hour's job. Typewriter on the Farm. A typewriter can be made as use ful on a farm as an automobile. mini No bother to get summer meals with these on hand Vienna Style Sausage and Potted Meats Just open and serve. Excellent for sandwiches. Insist on Ltbby's at your grocer $. Ubby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago THE HIGH QUALITY SEWINB MACHINE HOT SOLD UNDER ANY OTHER NAME Write for free booklet "Points to be considered before purchasing a Sewing: Machine." Learn the facts. THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE C0.,0RANGE,MAS& mm DAISY FLY KILLER 3? StS. Siei. Neat, clean, or namental, convenient, cheap. Lasts all Season. Made of metal, can't spill or tip orer; will not soil or Injure anything. Guaranteed effective. All dealers or sent express paid for 11.00. BaBOLD gOMEXS. 15 De Zalb Are.. Brooklyn, M. T. KODAKS & SUPPLIES We also do highest class of finishing. Prices and Catalogue upon request. S. Gale ski Optical Co., Richmond, Va. Had Experience. A guardsman mustered into the fed eral service cannot be held for ali mony, so a court rules, because his license is only enough for himself. This may incite the Alimony club members to enlist, if they can get out long enough to do so. Nobody can deny that they have fighting experi ence in the Home Guard. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds op the system. 50 cents. Wee Bit Sane. While a certain Scotch minister was conducting religious services in an asylum for the Insane one of the in mates cried out wildly: "I say, have we got to listen to this?" The minister, surprised and con fused, turned to the keeper and asked : "Shall I stop speaking?" The keeper replied : "No, no ; gang along, gang along ; that will not happen again. That man only has one lucid moment every seven years." The Christian Herald. Ouch! They were seated In a secluded corner of the veranda. For a long time neither of them had spoken. Suddenly he took her little hand In his. His voice was choked with emo tion as he said : "Do you think you could ever learn to. love a man" "Yes," she interrupted in a soft whisper. "Bring on your man." The Other Side of It. The Lady Why do they call the class of men you belong to tramps? The Hobo I guess it's 'cause we re fuses ter do a 50-cent job fer a 15 cent handout, ma'am. Surprising. Patience And you have had that girl four years, you say? Patrice Yes ; and do you know our crockery Is not all broken yet. GrapeNuts embodies the full, rich imtriment of whole wheat combined with malted barley. This combination gives it a distinctive, de licious flavor unknown to foods made from wheat alone. Only selected grain is used in making Grape Nuts and through skillful processing it comes from the package fresh, crisp, untouched by hand, and ready to eat Through long baking, the energy producing starches of the grain are made wonderfully easy of digestion. A daily ration of this splendid food yields a marvelous return of health and comfort "There's a Reason" Sold by Grocers everywhere. dim ALL KINDS OF PROVISIONS Truthful Traveler Explains How Sail ors Were Enabled to Alleviate the Pangs of Hunger. He was describing the privations of a vftyage from which he had just re turned. "Then," he said, "I went down to the cabin to lunch." "Lunch !" exclaimed one of his hear ers. "But you told us there was noth ing to eat left on board. What did you have for lunch?" "Oh !" was the reply, "it was a very modest affair beef, wine and an egg." "Beef? Where did you get the beef from?" "Oh!" was the reply, "that came from the bulwarks." "And the wine how about that?" "Oh, that came from the porthole !" "Oh oh V laughed the listener. "Good, very good ! But tell me where did you get the egg?" "Oh, that was the simplest of all!" came the reply. "The captain gave or ders for the ship to 'lay to,' and he gave me one." Pearson's Weekly. WHOOPING COUGH For whooping cough and its after effects there is no better medicine than Lung Vita. Here is what Mr. G. W. Head, 2103 23d Ave., N., Nashville, Tenn., says about it: "My boy had whooping cough and typhoid fever, which left him with a se vere cough. This cough stayed with him for several years and was frequently so bad that we had to prop him up so that he could get his breath. We used Lung Vita and he has not been bothered with this cough since." Lung-Vita is recommended for consump tion, asthma, colds, whooping cough, croup and grippe. At your dealers or direct. Price $1.75. Booklet upon request. Nash ville Medicine Co., Room 161, Steger Building, Nashville, Tenn. Adv. Wisdom of an Oracle. A certain Kentucky politician says that when he was a boy in Owen coun ty, on the edge. of the blue grass dis trict, the local oracle made a habit of sitting in a certain chair against a certain store front on the main street of the county seat town at certain hours of the day, the weather being fair, to answer questions. To him one day came a young farmer who wanted to know how to rid himself of sassa fras sprouts in his fields. "Well, son," said the wiseacre, "off an' on I've given the subject of sassa fras sprouts considerable study durin' the past 45 years. And here some time ago I come to the opinion that the only way to get shet of sassafras sprouts, when they start in to take a place, is to pack up and move off and jest natch elly leave 'em." Saturday Evening Post. DO YOU NEED A KIDNEY REMEDY? Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not recom nended for everything, but If you have Kidney, liver or bladder trouble, it may be found Just the remedy you need. Swamp-Root makes friends quickly be cause its mild and immediate effect Is ooro realized in most cases. It Is a gentle heating herbal compound a physician's prescription which has proved Its great curstlve value in thousands of the most distressing cases according to reliable testimony. All druggists In 60c and fl.00 sizes. Ycu may have a sample size bottle of this always reliable preparation by Par cel Post, also pamphlet telling about it. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., and enclose ten cents, also mention this paper. Adv. Narrow Escape. A Columbus woman was going from fler desk to her home for a noon lun cheon. She had a slight headache, the sun was shining brightly and she was tired. All around her motor cars were purring softly or snorting past without giving her so much as a toot of the horn. "I wish I was wealthy enough to own a car," she said to herself. "I never would walk a step if I had a car of my own. Just listen to that car coming now. I wish somebody was driving who knew me and would offer to take me home in it. It sounds like one of these long, easy-riding, rakish-looking tour ing cars the kind just built for com fort. Gee ! I wish the driver would ask me to ride." Then she looked up as the car went past her. It was an automobile hearse. Indianapolis News. California's mining properties last year numbered 658, of which 277 are gold mines. 4TrmmL- 3 PER CENT ATfltilcPreoaialiQDSKAS" t Jnr5t1i nmxt d-md annuo iSii Eromot6sDestion,ai axi,z fniTtains-neuaai ircaa aiiuuw ... i 1 OiiitmL forplime nor jmu 1 Not Narcotic. rr A IJTTfT nmrflfT? jtetttbrSdiS- XiArtlSdyfarCoflstipa:! IossofM cSinrilTsignatttreof Tex asNTAi-:"- Exact Copy of Wrapper. ran B mm CALOMEL IS MERCURY. IT STOP USING SALIVATING Don't Lose a Day's Work! If Your Liver Is Sluggish or Bowels Constipated Take "Dodson's Liver Tone." It's Fine I You're bilious! Your liver is slug gish! You feel lazy, dizzy and all knocked out. Your head is dull, your tongue is coated ; breath bad ; stomach sour and bowels constipated. But don't take salivating calomel. It makes you sick, you may lose a day's work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel crashes into sour bile like dynamite, breaking It up. That's when you feel that awful nausea and cramp ing. If you want to enjoy the nicest, gen tlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone. Your druggist or dealer sells you a 50-cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone under my personal money-back guarantee that each spoonful will clean your , , . I HUH IIIDIILA.II' 1 Ui.D .1 ,U. ,M1WU. ' KIUV 'S u- .. i. nt inn ddiv, . . u - i- n-m. f..;A. pean and American Exposition for Purity, Strength and Fine Flavor 10c, 20c, 25c, 35e, 50c and $1.00 Bottlm At Dealer! Everywhere. Our Magazine, "TABLE TREATS" FREE on requeit Largest Selling Brand In the U. S. C. F. SALTER COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA. Buy unlimited life scholarship now and save from $10.00 to $17.00. Bookkeeping, Short hand, Stenotypy, Typewriting and English Courses. We train for Business Employment and Success. Send for catalogue and full information. Address KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, RALEIGH. N. C, or CHARLOTTE, N. C. $86 to $104 Pays for Board, Tuition. Rent, Fuel and Light at PIEDMONT HIGH SCHOOL ROT Mineral water, no malaria. Mountain scenery. College trained experienced teachers. Board at cost. "It is the best and the cheapest school in the State." E. M. Koonce, Member Legislature of N. C. "One 0 the best preparatory schools in the State." Cleveland Star. "In my opinion there is no High School in this part of the country doing better and more thorough educational work." E. Y. Webb, Member Congress, 9th District N. C. TERM OPENS AUGUST 8th. For illustrated catalogue and book of views address WILLIAM BURNS, LAWNDALE. N. C X TUBE ROSE The Green Labels are Good for Premiums. If your dealer won't supply you, send us 5c for a 1 oz. can or 60c for twelve. BROWN & WILLIAMSON TOBACCO CO., Dept. L WINSTON-SALEM. N. C He Threw Calomel Away Wm. S. Prince of Birmingham, Ala,, writes "I was suffering with indigestion, biliousness and kidney trouble. I tried calomel and the doctors, for about a month. Finally I tried Dr. teller's Liver and Blood Syrup and the first bottle relieved me very much. Iam sound and well, can eat anything." Thous ands of others suffering from liver, kidney, stomach and bowel trouble have been quickly re lieved by this wonderful remedy which builds up the entire system. Sold at all druggists, f 3c and $1 per bottle. Made by THACHER MEDICINE COMPANY, Chattanooga. Tenn. Her Secret. A witness, a jolly, plump old wom an, in a trial in the supreme court of Massachusetts, was asked what time a certain train of cars passed her house. She replied that she began knitting at three o'clock and had knit twice around the leg of a stocking before It came along. The next question, of course, was how long it would take her to knit twice around. The judge here, in his usual quiet humor, suggested that that would depend upon the size of the stocking. To this the witness remarked that the stocking was for herself and they could exercise their own judgment as to the size, and guess how long it would take. Plenty. a'Did you go in for oratory when you were at college?" "Not much, but I've been let in for a lot of it since I got married." New York World. No. Maud, people who pay their money at the gate are not given gate receipts. Children III IIBll as M M B BHM SUSY BEW tl awf BM FBBSUSrW BBBWW MS IBM ISVM SBSBBBHes SBBBj V.' 'J MEBAUVB um BHBjSBBBBBBISBBBBI BHKd a rflaVBsaKKsW am wp&av VBsi mrm ZB BSmSUIBLB BS K HLV WHS! BBnyTJ bbh Hsxartw sb iiis an 1 Bsaaaaj saaia hssmwa. KbkUsr-a j i 1'iwi' i i iwsisssBsn a as 1 as as vi'v a 1 a feFeyjw jl w '-wwniaiBs)sraw4sujSMU. kjnairuBaaAiBBBaBMCisr, What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless snbstitnte for Castor Oil. Pare" goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic suhstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms r id allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation. Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething- Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 1 iBears the In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought SICKENS! r sluggish liver better than a dos nasty calomel and that it won't make you sick. Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver medicine. You'll know it next mora ing because you will wake up feeling fine, your liver will be working, your headache and dizziness gone, your stomach will be sweet and your bowels regular. You will feel like working; you'll be cheerful; full of vigor and ambition. Dodson's Liver Tone is entirely vegetable, therefore harmless and can not salivate. Give it to your children! Millions of people are using Dodson's Liver Tone instead of dangerous cal omel now. Your druggist will tell you that the sale of calomel is almost stopped entirely here. Adv. k'. nn.ti . , 1 1 ; i i . . , , , 1 J UtllCI,, A , H I U I It I ' L t (. Special Summer RATES ARE NOW ON t'The Snuff That SATISFIES' f Every Woman Want. FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Dissolved in water for douches steps pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflam mation. Recommended by Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co, for ten years. A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, ore throat and sore eyes. Economical. Hu extraordinary deanriog and germicidal power. sample tree. 9Uc all drugguU, or postpaid by nsQTniePjxtonToiletC jUTEiSMITHs dllTonic Sold for 47 years. For Malaria, Chills and Fever. Also a Fine General Strengthening Tonic. Sfl5S " frTsWHIrr' gHi . PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM rfiSrSwBsn toilet preparation of merit. yfiNHXr Helps to eradicate dandruff. BBa For Kestorins Color and K3feH rJ5 Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair. jBaJaH SSa 60c and 81.00 at t)riij,-t-i"t. Cry For Sl II II II II . 3A jH Ml BSSSV UB 'MlrBBl n BUBK 1' ll 1 BSSSnSBBW WBVti BnBI u BBBSSB nil BaaSBBSSB BWS1' bmi a aoi raw b wv j TBBBBBBBBH .BIWSl BBBBBBBB SBBBB1 SZjkVJ sana ia w 1 i.a wsKssoasu-v . is m x .-rvZMBtasBBBStsBsasHBBBaafjre. Signature of