JtrfHttX fUrXtrxl r WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3. 1917. LOCAL RECORDS HAPPY NEW YEAR! Do not forget to write 1917. Only two prisoners in Chat ham jail. Easter comes this year on the 8th of April. Already the afternoons are growing perceptibly longer. Brick work on Pittsboro' 8 new hotel is progressing slowly. Did you see thp two rainbows early last Monday morning? They were very pretty. Many packages of liquor were received at the express of fice here during the holidays- Pittsboro is getting to be quite a rabbit market. Several hundred have already been ship ped from here this season. On account of the scarcity of cotton the Chatham Oil and Fertilizer Company will gin onlv on Fridays, beginning next Fri day, January 5th. -Congress and the legislature are both now in session, and every voter in Chatham ought to read The Record during their sessions nnd keep posted as to their proceedings. The young people of Pitts boro grave a New Year's dance in Womble's hall last Monday night. It was a very enjoyable affair. Refreshments were served dur ing the evening. Many thanks to ms fiiends and customers for the liberal trade which they gave me in 1916 And here is wishing them health, hapDiness and prosperity for 1917. R. J Moore, adv m Up to the 13th of last iuortfa 5.900 bales of cotton had been ginned in the county, compared wih 5.811 bales ginned up to the same date the vear before. It thus seems that the crop of 1916 was some larger than the crop of J mo in ins county. While attending a sale of stock at Mr. Wes. Lynn's last Saturday, Mr. James M. Keck, in turning quickly to get out of the way of a mule, fell and shiv ered one of the bones in his an kle. He was taken to his home and Dr. Chapin dressed the broken limb, A sales stable for horses and mules has been opened here by Vinson. Warren & Company with James O. Brown in -barge. Hor ses weighing from eight to thir teen hundred pounds and mules of all sizes. All are guaranteed to work. If vou need a horse or mule call at their stable, adv In this issue we begin the publication of the annual state men; of the receipts and exten ditures of this county. This state ment is worth preserving for fu ture reference All the taxpay ers of the county are interested in the manner in which their tax es are expended, and no doubt they will closely scan the items published in this statement. During the year 1916 there were onlv five deaths in Pitts boro, three white and two color ed. The aces of the whites were 80. 77 and 78 years. 0 the two colored people who died, one was 91 and the other 23 years old. During the year there were 12 births seven white and two col ored, according to the registra tion books of S. D. Johnson, reg istrar of births and deaths for Pittsboro. Although he is seventy-six years old Mr. Charles Eubank?, of this township, is one of the most active and successful hunt ers in this county. Last Satur day he went hunting and return ed with 25 squirrels, seven rab bits, four partridges and a large o'possum. He caught most of the squirrels by climbing trees and catching them in their nests, and the 'possum was caught in the same way. Some good sized pigs have been killed in Chatham this win ter, but the larg st hog that we have heard from was the one killed a few days ago by Mr. J L. Goodwin, of Cape Fear ton- shin, which tiDDed the scales at 644 pounds. This hog was 16 mont s old. Another one was killed in the same township, own ed by Mr. John Gunter, that weighed 554. This hog's age was not learned. Last Saturday afternoon a party of young ladies and men were out hunting and stopped at the store of Will Fields, near White's bridge. One of the la dies, Miss Blanche Welch, rest ed the muzzle of her gun on her foot. In some way the gan fired the load of shot passing through her foot Dr. Chaoin, assisted by Dr. M. M. Burns, of Smith field, dressed the wound. The sec ond toe of the lady's foot had to be amputated an t the foot other wise was badly lacerated. , PeJ Mention. I Mr. Fletcher Mann has return- ed from Goldsboro. I Miss Mvrt-lo Pilb-inn.. : . - . j "ttiunwu is vis iting friends in Concord. Mrs. Mary A Barber has re turned from a visit to Rock Hill, o. C. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Farrell nave returned from n visit tr Bayboro. Mrs. George Brroks has gone on a visit to Mrs. Archie Brooks at Hamlet. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Edwards, who have been visiting relatives here, have returned to their home at Togo. Mr. A. C. Rav has ovine tn Raleigh to attend the sessions of the legislature, of which he is a member of the House from this county. Colored Celebration. The colored people had their usual emancipation celebration here last Monday as they have been accustomed for many years and all seemed to enjoy the oc casion. The weather was not favorable, but despite that there was a large crowd in attendance and all were well behaved and orderly. There was a light rain or sleet earlv in the day, but later the ! fun tried to shine out but the clouds obscured it most of .the day. On account of the weather there was no parade but a large crowd assembled in the court room where the exercises were held. The main address was de livered by Rev.'W. W. Long, the pastor of Mitchell's chapel, and there was much vocal music by several choirs Two brass bands added much to the pleasure of the day. There was one from Mitchell's chapel and the other from this place. After the ex ercises in the court room were finished the brass bands march ed up the imvn street, on oppo site sides, and played a number of tunes, as if in friend 1 rival ry. We were pleased to note that the Pittsboro band had im proved greatly and played well. Sanford Woman Seriously Burned. Sanford, Dec. 31. Mrs. Ken neth Yow was seriously if not fa tally burned Saturday afternoon at her home near the Sanford cotton mills. She was standing before an open fireplace, dress ing a little child with her beck to the fire when her dress caught fire. Not being able to extin guish the flames, she rushed out of the building, and was caught by a gentleman passing the house at the time, who soon had the burning clothing torn from her, but not until her body was badly burned. The people at the mill saw the flames and thought the house was on fire and turned in the alarm, which soon brought the entire fire department to the scene. Die from Asphyxiation. Elizabeth, N. J.. Dec. 28. John W. Davis, sheriff of Oco nee county, South Carolina, and Wm. C. Foster, superintendent of prisons of the same county, were found dead today from the effects of inhaling illuminating gas. The officials had come from Walhaila, S. C, to take back John Walker, a negro, accused of murder in Madison, S. C. The police are convinced their deaths were pccidental. A Lenoir furniture company recently shipped a car load of furniture to a firm in the Pana ma canal zone, On January 8 there will be a total eclipse of the moon, begin ning at 12:50 a. m. and ending at 4:39 a. m. Jas. H. Stone, aged 70 years, was struck by an automobile at Cary Saturday and died Sunday afternoon. Greensboro's new hotel is to be called "The O Hfery" The Woman's Friend Brrkrv TAr nrTic7ATC MIK JOE PERSON J lfl W wwvn Remedy wonderful record for 35 years as blood cleanser and tunic;' For sale bv G- H Pilkington. Ask your druggist or write Person Remedy Co., CHARLOTTE, N. C. Send for free testimonials. Price $1.00 per bottle, 3 for $2.75, 6 for $5.00 prepaid. H. B. McKINNEY . TELLS MOTHER'S JOY ON TANLAC SATS PARENT LIVED ON EGGS AND FLUIDS - TANLAC HELPS HER TO REGAIN HEALTH "Mother says: 'If only one bottle of Tanlac has helped me so much, what will my condition be when I have taken three or four bottles of it?' and we are all glad to be atyle to tell what Tan lac has done for her," M. B. Mc Kinney, of 322 East Martin street, Raleigh, said. "For over 10 years mother suf- 1 C i? a i ;rEr?.inaiJno? "a 8tom- weak and helpless each vear and tu uuuuie. one xrew more finally she was compelled to ex- ist on fluids and eggs. She was nervous and could not sleep. Nothing helped her until a friend got her to try Tanlac. "You would be astonished to seethe change -her appetite is better and she is gaining in strength and weight, sleeps well and can eat almost anything she likens without having to suffer, as she did." Tanlac is sold in Pittsboro by George Pilkington exclusively; Moncure, C. B Crutchfield; Siler City. Siler City Drug Co. The School News LILLIAN RAY, Class Editor. The following poem was writ- ten by one of the school's "old girls." She has been kind enough to let us print it: WINTER. The trees are bending down 'neath arms of ice, The strongest blast cannot appease such wot; The sunbeams peeping out like shy white mice, .re dimmed and chilled so that they, too, must g. For grayness hovers o'er the captive earth, And like some evil portent looming 'uaong the clouds, la stilling now the forest's deep-toned mirth, While field and meadow put on pur pie shrouds. Oh, where is Light and Dancing Beau ty gone? The tlowers twinkling 'neath the leaf-bound trees? The birds that used to usher in the morn? The grasses tossing most like angry seas? A swarm of snow Hakes come a flut'- ring down, A whitening, whirling mist shuts out the light, It clears a fairy palace all the earth around, And eyes once more agleam at Beauty's sight. H. M. M. We are very glad to know that most of the high school pupils Mondav, A few are still out but hope they will come back. We were also glad to have seveal new students to enter Monda . All the pupils of Miss Utley's room were present last Monday. This is a good beginning for New Voar'a rnv rtnrl top hnnP thaf they will keep this up through fi, n, Only four pupils of the fourth and fifth grades failed to be in MuAAi Mnxiion Skiiuui loot Hiviiuaj . Miaa Hor.ric. tfo Unro-an nr tended the opening exercises Monday. The school will miss Mr. Cra ven's good talks very much We aro "sorry to lose Frank and Eliz abeth Craven, a hey will be greatly missed. Dr. W. T. Paul, Confederate soldier and physician at the sol- diers home at Kaleigh, commit- ted suicide 'there Monday by shooting himself. The child labor law went into effect in South Carolina January 1, releasing 2.400 children under J4 years of age. There were 54 persons lynghed n tbe United States During 1016 two of them being in North Carolina. Rubbing Eases Pain iifig r?gs tne nmmem tingling through the flesh Rfid quickly gtops pain. Demand a liniment that you can rub with. The heft rubbing liniment is MUSTANG LA mm mm mm n mm .l. a,,. GoQdfdr the Ailments of Horse, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Qood for your own Aches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c 50c. $1. At all Dealers. Annual Statement Office of Board of County Commissioners, November 30th, 1916. In accordance with section 1, 388, of the Revisal of 1905, I herewith submit the follow- in statement of the finances of Chat ham county, ending November 30tb, 1916, together with the names of aU persons who receiv ed county orders, with the amount of each and what account. JOHN W. JOHNSON. Ex-officio Clerk to tne oard of Commissioners. ASSETS ON GENERAL FUND. Tax list for the year 1906 ... $14,950 30 Marriage license tax 107 50 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 Hotel keeper tax 2 Coffin dealer's tax 30 "1n0"Vxe&U0W8 Tl?"vr 2 W liUU J b ire works 10 Livery stable Total $15,180 55 INDEBTEDNESS ON GENER AL COUNTY FUND. Orders. outstanding $ 8,346 59 Expenditures. Amount of orders is sued $15,629 43 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS. Contracted March 19, 1905, $20, 000; $2,000 of the 1905 bonds da. April 1st, 1915. and $2,000 due annually theieafter: paid $4,000. Contracted April 1st, 1909, $25,000; $2,000 of the 1909 bonds due 1919 and $2,000 annually j thereafter till paid : JrJr0 priiiST.. iu, $o,; OQQrJl.OOO to be paid in 1930 and $2,000 annually in 1931 and 1932 All interest on above bonds paid when due. COURT HOUSE. Chat Record $ 74 14 W L London & Son 40 20 H S Storr & Co - 43 85 Geo D Barnard - 27 Worrell Mfe Co 42 Edwards & Brousfhton 210 Walker Eubanks 7 L N Womble .... . 1 Thos H Brigf?s & Son 13 Bonsai & Co 12 55 50 85 00 50 44 74 00 20 75 03 92 90 95 75 00 00 40 84 70 24 00 50 Chas Henderson A W Hackney 15 1 Jim Brown 3 12 I Brooks & Eubanks 1 Walker, E vans & Cogswell 12 Chester Cross 12 National Office Supply Co 4 S G Gunter 2 i Dr L E Farthing 5 Lee Taylor 3 J J Johnson & Son 3 G R Pilkington 15 Will Hellon 4 8 R A Glenn A T Ward 10 Major Lambeth 2 Total $642 51 TAX UST. ' Sanders 10 - RVann ,., 60 j jj Gilmore... 6 'r,J;erry Perry : H assiter J Goodwin 40 00 00 50 00 00 75 00 50 00 00 25 00 50 00 50 00 00 OXJiUWarus 0 Jttie Marshall W P Kirkman . 40 60 J'L Farrell 49 (?WPark l 70 !J L l.vson 61 I r T .U ' J L-L.Uther ... . 45 J F Gillilaod 42 G A Thompson - 30 J W Johnson , 690 Total $1348 00 CONVEYING PRISONERS TO JAIL. J isk 4 30 j p Bra Jshaw 10 00 i j Farrell 14 41 v Tnhnann ' R eo 'S G Gunter ..ZZIZZ""' 28 90 I J C Bowers 9 50 G E White 6 00 W A Cheek 3 50 JW Carson 5 00 Newton Bryan 5 00 C C Coper , 15 00 Total . $115 61 PENSIONS. RMGorrell :.. $ 10 J M Wilcox 10 Atwater & Lambeth 10 Mrs Nancy Holt 10 J E Womble - 10 H A London . , 2 00 00 00 00 00 ,00 Total . 152 00 HOME AGED AND INFIRM. J W Harmon !i 1877 15 Mrs J W Harmon 98 50 Worrell Mfg Co 30 00 Much Fearrington 154 93 Claude Hackney 25 50 Thoa Bums 23 92 s D Gilmere 21 3 Johnnie Clews 47 30 Rod Sevmore H oU J CLatiius 104 92 R J Moore 82 45 Chatham Oil and Fertili zer Co 79 92 J R Watkins Co 3 50 Hackney & Hackney 1 75 1 Cole Printing Co 2 24 Clorence Brooks 5 25 , Stomach Troubles. I If you have trouble with vour stonv auh you should 'rvChamberlainVt'ai iels. So many have been restored lt health bv the use of these tablets and their cost, is so little, 25 cents, that it is worth while to give them a trial ad E A Farrell . 84 A W Hackney . .. 2 J D Griffin 5 Chatham Telephone Co . .. 20 GR Pilkington 22 Johnnie Harris 46 J T Griffin 20 Brooks & Eubanks 46 T M Bland 16 L E Campbell 20 Lonnie Hinton 3 Lee Taylor ....... 7 Job P Wyatt& Son 36 S A. L. R R. Co 1 J O Bro ,. n 4 Ivey P Harmon .... 25 J A Farrell 1 44 45 00 00 95 41 48 50 20 35 25 50 50 24 48 80 40 Total $1,845 05 LUNATICS. James I.Harmnn $ 18 10 State Hospital 31 00 WFBland ... 6 40 J r Bradshaw 7 S G Gunter , ;. 40 Ralph Hobby 8 W P Kirkman 2 Dix Hill Hospital 16 50 50 50 CO 45 45 Total $130 FERRYMAN. R O Buchanan $172 50 CORONER. Geo H Brooks .$ 16 92 W L Powell 2 30 Henry F Durham 160 I A Durham 1 50 J B Thompson 1 50 S G Gunter 5 00 j W F Crutchfield 1 50 ! Total $30 32 JAIL. W H Taylor $651 35 Ernest Boone 2 50 Cooper Harris 7 50 W H Ward 9 00 i G R Pilkington 7 10 Hackney & Hackney 75 W L London & Son 17 75 Total .: $695 95 SUPERIOR COURT. Dr F A Shepard $ 20 00 Judge W M Bond 300 00 Dr E E Randolph 20 00 Minnie Lee Hoover 156 50 HIT TTI A n 11 n rr R M Burns ... 55 25 Leon TLane 267 90 Total $822 15 INSOLVENT LIST. Jas L Griffin $505 24 Concluded next week. Inventory Sale We have just over hauled our complete stock and have un covered many un expected Bargains Sea Island now 8c Hickory Shirting, best grade. - 10c now - Special prices on 5,10and 25c Goods )J, JJlUlllUllP Department Store Chapel Hill, N. C. CLOTHING. In order to offer all Clothing Overcoats at greatly weeks. reduced W. L. London & Son Cross-Linehan Co, RALEIGH'S LEADING CLOTHIERS. Fall and Winter Clothing Latest Styles. Gents When you come to Raleigh make our store headquarters where you can get anything a man or boy wears. i ji i W W ft VI it ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft GOOD 2 fTHE season prompts us to express to you our appreciation of that intangible and invaluable asset, QOODWIlL, that you have so kindly be stowed on us during the past year and which we ful'y reciprocate. We extend to you all the compliments of the sea son wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Prosper New Year. BANKING LOAN AND TRUST CO., SANFORD. N. C. JONESBORO, N. C. Soon Over His Cold. j Everyone speaks well cf Chamer lainis Cough Remedy after having usen it. Mrs.George Iewi-.Pittsfielrt, W. Y., has this to say regarding it: "Last winter my 'i'tle bov, tive veers old, was sick with a cold for two or ' three weeks. I doctored him and used , various cough medicines but nothing did him much g od until I iegan us- i intr Chamberlain's Couifh Remedy. He j then' improved rapidly and in a fw i davs was over his cold." adv Notice is neretv given of the seizure of the foll wing property for the vl. la-1 tion of Hection 240 of t e Penal "chp of the United States: Two trunks cf whiskey seized Decern be i 23, MUG, at: I'nioh Station, Durham, N. .,"notj marked or branded shipped from j "Washington, D C," containing GO; quarts.. Persons ,.:claLmi ng : the fore- ping property will file their claims within thirty days as required by Jaw, j or the same wiM be forfeited to the use j of the United States. J- W. Bailey, i Collector, Kaleigh, N.: C, December: 3 ), 1916. i i. LAND AND TIMBER SALE. -1 By virtue of 'an order of the Su periot Court, in the proceedings there in tending entitled', 'M. A. Upchurch and J. M. Broadwell, execut rs of the last will of Ish im S. Ufjchurcn vs G. W. Unchurch and othis," the under signed commissioners will, on Friay, January 5, 11 17, at the residence of the late Isham 8. Upchurch in New Hope lowribhip, Chatham county, N. C.s offer fr sale tdth highest bidder for cash all the p tm and hardwood timber on the lands of the said Ishm Upchjipch contain ing at out 400 acres, Five year will j be given to cut and remove said tim ber. At the sara- time, the lanl with the timber growUlg tntreon will be of-f-ed tor sale- ThH is n exception- ' allv large body of timber, having been estimated to be over 6,000,000 fe.t. Time of sale, 12 o'ciock m.. Friday, .January the 5th, 1917, at the residence of the late Isham S Upchurch on the premises. M. ft. UPCHURCH, J. M. BKGA DWELL, I FRED. W. BYNUM, Commissioners. ' Fred. W, Bynum, Attorney. j reduce our stock, we AND prices for two j and Boys Furnishings. ; r S m m m m (t m m m m m m m WILL CUT FLOWERS For All Occasions Roses, Carnations, Val ues, Violets and Orchids THE LEADER. Wedding blowers arranged In lat est airt. Floral designs artistically arranged. Fall & Winter Bulbs are now ready. Plant early for befct results. Rose Bushes. Evergreens, Shade Trees, Shrubs and Hedge Plants in various varieties. J. L. O'Quinn & Co RALEIGH, h, C. PHONE 149 fio You Want a New Stomach? II you do "Digestoneirw" wH give you one. Fcr f ull particular, literature and opinions regarding this wonderful Discovery which is benefiting thousands, apply to G. R. PILKINGTON PITTSBORO, N. C 1

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