WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 14 1917. LOCAL RECORDS The month half gone. -Best Patent Flour $9 50 at R. J. Moore's, Bvnum, N. C. ad Today 's known as "St. Val entine's Day" when the birdi are said to mate and when Iqv iner missives are exchanged be tween the young folks. We have not heard of the "ehosts" lighting any more ;,.na in tne episcopal church ,u;a nlooo nnr hna tko nHontUxr of aayone of them been made i,nwn Mr. mriuwe layior lost an 18-months oia heiter calf in acu- rious wav one day last week. In going down a steep hill in his pasture to tne creeK the heiftr slipped, turned over on us neao, and broke its neck. The continued cold weather which we have experienced since the 2nd of this month ought to convince the moQt skep tical that the gi oundhog showed his sagacity in going back into its hole on that dav. ,-. -On last Mondav morning, shortly after daylight, the dwell ing occupied by a colored womn. nam"d EMa Bynum, and belong- mg to Mrs. u ita a. riKe, was burn- d with nearly all its cor- tentP. The origin of the fire is unknown. -Wanted: Young women of good character ov r 16 years of age to work in our cigarette fac tory. Good clean work. Good wages pa d. A limited number y, ung men als wanted. -W. Duke Sons & Co. Branch, Dur ham, N. C. adv Mr. Stephen D. Gilmore hav ing declined to serve as a magis trate in thi. township the clerk of uur superior court h s appoint ed in his place Mr. John R. Blair, who recently moved Here from Hickory Mountain township, where he had been a magistrate for fourteen years On last Mondav there was quite an enthusiastic meeting at Fearringtcn of the advocates of the proposed bond issue for good rode, in Wiiliams township, and it is thought that the proposed issue of brnds will be made. Nearly every man present was opposed to the annexing an . part of that ownsbip to Durham Gov. Bickett has pardoned Lee Hilliard who was convicted at our last November ourt of iunning a blockade still and sen tenced to six months on the roads of Alamance county. His par don was recommended bv a large number of citizens, among whom was the prosecuting witness and the doctor who had charge of the convicts in Alamance. It was stated that further impris onment would cause his death. We are always pleased to note the success of any of our county men and especially of the younger ones. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Monroe Mclver, a son of Mr. John M. Mclver. of Gulf, has received the surgical ap pointment to St Luke's Hospital. N-;w York Citv, after a compet itive examination with a large number of applicants He will graduate next June at Harvard Universif and then go to New Y(rk Mr Walter J. Brewer, of Bear Cre-k township met with a sudden and horrible death, be ing cut in two at a sawmill, on last Thurdav By some mis chance his glove was caught hv he c'rcular saw and his bod Was drawn to it and cut in twn near h heart, causing instant di. th He whis about twenfcv- five years old and was a most worthy-man. whose many frjeqda are shocked and grieved at his untimely dea'h. Personal Mention Miss pamelia London has re ; turned from a visit to friend at' Camden; S uth Carolina. i Mrs. W L. London has gone on a visit to her son, Mr. H. A. London. Jr.. at Charlotte. Dr and Mrs. H. T. Chaoin ex pect to go this week to Fort Pierce, Florida oil a visit to their son, Mr. George Chapin. Rev F. B. Raymond and wife went to Sanford yesterday to carry their youn 'eat child to the hospital for an operation on its throat. There will be a called meeting of the Betterment association next Tuesday afternoon. Feb. 20th, at 3:30. All member are requested to be present. There will be nreachinsr in the Methodist church here next Sun day everi g by the pastor at 7:30. Subject: "The Bright Side of Life." P iblic cordially invited. The duelling now occupied by Mr. C. C. Hm'et has been bought by the Pittsboro Bapt st ohurrS fnr nBMnnn nH will uuici tor a parsonage ar'i win teWMrt!9 P8 m For Annexation of the citizent of Williams township wish to be annexed to Dfcrhara county, and an effort is being made to get wra icKisiacure to make the an nexation, but we are pleased to sav uiac mere is no probability or its being done. This is by no means me nrst time such an ef- iort nas been made but all in vain, lwo years ago a large number of the citizens of that section petitioned the county commissioners of Durham to in dorse their effort for annexation and to r quest the legislature men in session to make the an nexation, but the Durham com missioners refused to endorse or help the effort. theT meeting last week an- otner pennon for the same our pose was presented to the county c mmissioners of Durham, but agun thev declined to help the petitioners We do not blame our countymen in that section for wishing to oe annexed toDur nam. whose county-seat is much more accessible to them than is our town, but we earnestly op pose losing such good citizens and such a prosperous part of our county. The territory sought to be an nexed to Durham is the northern part of Williams townshio con taining about thirty square miles, and is thus described in the bill that has been introduced in the House of Representatives: "Beginning at the south w st corner of Durhim counts- and the southeast corner of Orange county, and running thence in a straight line in the same angle of the present west boundary line of said county of Durham in a southerly direction five miles: thence in an easterly direction in a line parallel with the southern boundary line of Durham county six miles, more or less, to the Wake countv line; and thence with the western line of Wake rtounty in a northerly direction five miles, more or less, to the southern boundary line of Dur ham countv." The committee, to which the bill is referred, will have a meet ing next Tuesday afternoon for the purpose of hearing both sidos, and we urge as many f our countymen as can attend to be sure to go to Raleigh and show to the committee their opposition to having the bill passed. Our county has ben cut uo enough and has been dismembered often enough, and should not be dis membered as is proposed. Prize Offered. The Winnie Davis Chapter of U. D. C. will give a handsome medal for best essay on the causes that brought on the War between the States, to be written bv any pupil in any of the schools of Chatham county. THs medal will be awarded by a committee to be hereafter appointed from different parts of the county. The essays must be Sent in bv Apr.l 1st. The object of this is to stimulate the study of historv in the schools of the county. The teachers of the county are urged to instruct the pupils to enable them to get up thse papers. Erich essay must be signed by the writer, who mu?t certify that he or she had no help in th" c imposition of th essay. I must be in the hand vritmc of the author and not less than 1500 words. We cannot too highb commend the Daughter of the Confeder acy for thu encouraging thi study among the young folks of our county. Card of rkaalu Editor of The Record: I wish t express my apprecia tion for the kin ,neB and encour urement oriven me during nv cor-, Anamont. with m v letf b Dr. H. T Chapin. Geo. H Brooks. R H Hayes and James L G ffin. I makes me feel like doing betnr in the future. For this one aft, of these high-toned, honorably g ntlemen there is nothing like encouragement, that is for me Gentlemen, p'ease accept my sin cere thanks. Yours, most respectfully. - J M. KECK. Pittsboro. Feb. 10. The CoMest Weather. Editor of The Record: In the repor- of Mr A H.Mer ritt, who was the observer at this place for the weather bu reau, and who noted the temper ature each day in the month of January, 1898 On the 6th, 14 degrees above 7oro On the 7th. the same. On the8th,18:9th,13;10th. 21; Uth, & l?th. 20; 13th. 9; 14th, wo;j 15th, 24; ieth.4 Deiow zero tnu, 5 below zero. This is the minimum temper ature during each 24 hours. Dur ing this time five snows fell -on k, a h 7rh 11th. 14th and 17th. The next coldest weather and A nan dnavu when nearly all the bluebirds and much of the other me died. wa Feb. 14, 3899. ft,a thprmnmetar registering 9 degrees below zero, W&g&M by. he weather bureau ir h- - The above gares are from the Chatham Record as pud- uii li,hed thew. A. ELLINGTON. W. YAGER CLAIMS TANLAC PIT HIM BACK ON PAYROLL HE USED TO AWAKEK FOLKS WITH PAINED HOLLERING? NOW HIS SNORING DISTURBS 'EM. "Besides adding 13 pounds of good, solid flesh to mv weight and doing tor me what other medicines failed durinsr the past five years that I suffered trom stomach trouble, Tanlac has sure brought ms 7- ear-old bo out from a nervous and pun child." said W. H. Yager, of 109 ',ee street, Raleigh. "During the five years I was under treatment I wasn't able to any work for moiiths. Mv bov. who use I to b the first one ud in the mornir.g because of sleep-- ssness and nervousness, is now taie last one out of bed. Instead of being puny he is all right and can eat and sleep hne and is s.' rong And. frm the first 6se of Taifac, I also began ti improve. The second bottle put npw life in me and the third caused friends to express surprise at the change made in me. "Tne folks sy I used to awa ken them' at niurhts with nained hollering and that now I keep them awake with my snoring. I don't have to lav off from mv work anv more either.'' he end ed with a smile. Tanlac is sold in Pittsb ro bv George Pilkincrton ex"lusivelv: Moncure, C. B Crutchfield: Siler City, Siler City Drug Co. The School N ews LILLIAN RAY, Class Editor. Miss Henrietra Morgan has been elected by the students of SC. M; ry's as te most ambitious student in thar institution. We are always delighted to hear of thfi success of former Duoils. The following pupils made Der- fect on spelling the past week: 4tn grane-Monroe tsland.Geo. Durham's Old Stand Chapel Hill. N. C. TEN DAYS BIQ SALE Friday, Feb. 9, It's our custom to clean up our stock af ter the Xmas holidays, and to do this we are placing our entire stock on sale at and below cost- This is an opportunity to the public to buy goods cheaper than the mer chant himself can buy at It will be to the interest of the public to read every word on our circulars, which will be put in every house in this community. - We will give to the first 100 ladies making a $1 purchase or more one Burlin stew kettle, and to the first 100 men mak ing a $1 purchase or more we will give one tie or belt COME ONE, COME ALL TO S. BERMAN'S HP f "9r CHAPEL Remember everything sold in this sale Will be for cash. jgj RPPEf WWWW Brooks. Carney Bynum, Blanche Carter, Jennie Conneil, Blanche Ellington, Lucy Pierce, Elizabeth Riddle, Agnes Gunter, Katherine Johnson. 5th grade -Minnie Bell, Emily Taylor and Elizabeth Johnson. Mr. Williamson gave an unus ually interesting and instructive taik to the grades last Friday af ternoon. The Subject discussed was the play. "The Birth of a Nation." The history classes in l . j i i . : i uoingiaaesaresiuavmg me peri- pd of reconstruction, and the lec- j ture by Mr. Williamson was pe Culiarly fitting. It created an added interest to the class work. We are sure everyone noticed the improvement in the "School Nws" week before 'ast Those notes were written by Miss Mary Lee Utley, who verv kindly took th class editor's place while she was absent with measles.. The En Avant literary society rendered a most interesting pro gram last. Frida? afternoon on "St. Valentine's Day" The most interesting thing on the program was a vocal so'o. "A Hundred years from Now, "by Mi3S Mendenhall. "' .Next F. iday afternoon this so ciety will h 4nr At rah mi Lincoln and George Washington, whose birthdays ar February 12 and 22 respectively.. One feature of this program will be a debate, "Resolved, That Washington was a greater m m than Lincoln " We hope that we shall have'a large number of visitors present. Measles is still claiming many of our students. Among those in the high school who have meas les or have -just returned to school after having it are: Arch ie and Jack Lanius, Will London, Wiisoh and Rm Burns. .TamP- son Glenn. Harold Jones. Ernest Boone, Roy Cole. Ernest Harrs. Jewel Womble, Lillirn Ray, Eve lyn Ray. Mrs. Barber was called to Rock Hill, S. C, last Sunday to attend the funeral of her brother-in-law. Dr. Hale. The entire school expresses the deepest sympathy. 6th and 7th grades. Measles is greatly interfering with our attendance. Thomas Morgan and Louise Brooks are the onlv pupils in the 6th and 7th erades who had perfect attend- ance last month S. BERMAN'S DEPARTMENT STORE BEGINNING ft 5 5 Jf HILL This room will have a valen tine postoffice this (Wednesday) morning. 4th and 5th grades. i Monroe Bland. Carney ynum, Ienry Bynum, Tave Jones, Ag nes Gunter, Luy PieTCe, Rosalie Jernigan and Minnie Bell did not miss a day during January. The following pupils had per fect spelling lessons for the month: Minnie Bell, Nathaniel I Johnson. Agnes Gunter. Horac nr.-it Williamson. BYNUM SCHOOL. Reported by Pearl Johnson. Although the measles an weather have been a hindram to the school children since Chn? mas, the attendance has be J.LI. very cunuueuuaum. There will be given a Vi tine party in the school and um at Bynum Saturday n February 17, at which tl piay, enntiea a suriden trothal," will be given. A ins i : ; jf 't 1- .3-S au miss on ie win De cn Aiier tne piay canuy ana oy will be sold. The public is dially invited to come. NATURE'S REWARD, A poem by Nellie Fushee, 9t grade. The corn is in the shocks, The pumpkins are on the ground. Looking like balls of fire They are so yellow aud round. "Harness the horses, Henry, We must gel the pumpkins in, For If we let them stay out they'll ruin And thai would be a sin. Tell Pete, the hired man, to come too," So spake Mr. Smith to his son, For we must get them all And not leave a siugle viie. And then he turned to his wife "Anil, Betsy don't you want to go And cut the stems of the pdmpkins They "-ill keep better, you know?" So thev all went to the fields, Fur they knew there was coming a storm, A great black cloud hovered in the i west And the air was unusually warm. Swiftly thev worked for awhile, Until the wagon bed was full And that was a very h-avv load, About all the horses could pull. One more load and the were through And the pumpkins all stored away; Then the rain came pouring down And thHr work wts done for the dav Look for the Brown Front 1917, 46- m 46- 4 46- 4 to c. 4 4 - -r- WWW Hard WE HAVE Hardware Store and 9ell everything in Hardware- and our prices are right. See our line of Cooling Stoves and Ranges t We carry a full stock of OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS ard repairs . L. LONDON & SON -THE Banking Loan i i 3 5 Our New Year Resloutions To gain all the new friends and cus tomers that may be won by perfeot service, considerate regard for all and a sincere desire to make every trans action mutually profitable. - We invite YOU to call or correspond. Banking Loan Sanford, N. C. Capital - . COFFINS CASKETS AND BURIAL GOODS Day or Night Service WALDEN THOMAS CO., Moncure, N. C. CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS. FUNERAL DESIGNS. PALMS. FERNS. BLOOM ING PLANTS. CABBAGE AND TOMATO PLANTS ... . All orders given prompt atten tion. M. J. MCPHAIL. phon No 94. Florist Sanford. N. C. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qu diQed as administra tor of the late H H. Palmer, this ig to notify all persons holding claims asrainst his estate to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of January, 1918, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This Ja . 15, 1917. M. T. WILLIAMS. Admrof H. H Palmer. Hayes & Glbbs, Attorneys, ADMimSTftATORS NOTICE Having qualified as the admin istrators on the estate of the late VV. A. Lawrence, this is to notify all per sona holding claims against said es to present the same to the under signed or their attorney on r before the 25th day of January, 1918. This January 23th 1917. JAS. M. CRAVEN, T. C. LAWRENCE. Admrs W. A. Lawrence, deceased. Fred. W Bvum, Attorney. MOTICE 1 Havin TO CREDITOS- Havine qualified aa ad : iniatra- tor of the 1; te Merrick Fearrinirton, this is to notify all persons holding claims against bis estate to present the same to the undersigned on or be fore the i" day of, .Iao.uay, 1918 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. TWrJauttiry is. 1917., M. T. VVILLIAVS, Admr of Merrick Ferrington. . Hayes te Gibbs, Attorneys. ware A COMPLETE - ii m m m m m and Trust Go m 1 m m m & Trust Go. Jonesboro, N. C. . $25,000.00 CUT FLOWERS For All Occasions Roses, Carnations, Val ues, Violets and Orchids THE LE&EVt. Wedding blowers arranged in lat est art. Floral designs artistically arranged. Fall & Winter Bulbs are now ready. Plant early for best results. Rose Hushes. Everpreens, Shade Trees, Shrubs and Hedge Plants in various varieties. J. L. O'Quinn & Co KA LEIGH, N. C. PHONE 140 A DM INISTR A TORS NOTICE. Hnvintr quHifiel as ac'lminisi i tor of the esWu of T M. Man, de ceased, late of the county of Chatham and State of Nor h Carolina, ibis is to notify all ners'-n.s i aving cl iims against the estt uf T. M m ceased, to exhibit itemized and vni- ued stBtemen s of same to the under signed or o his ntt rtiey, I), W S r rell , 214-220 ieer buiidin,', Durhum. N. V on or before the l.'.th day of J an oar , 1018, or this notice will be pie ded in bar of their recovery. Ail persons indebted to id estate will please mike immediate pavrneut This the 13lh dav of January. 1917. GEO. L. BAKbEK, Admr T, M. Mason estate. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. State of North Caiolin. Department of State. To All to Whom These Presents M y Tome Greeting- Whereas, It appears t my satisfac tion, bv duly au'hentitjated record f the proceedings for the volu try dis solution thereof by the unanimous, con- en t of all the st ok holders, depos ited in my offiee.that the Dunlap Wad dell ompany, a corporation of this state, whose principal office is situated in the town of Bonlee. county of Chat hum, state of N .i h Carolina (II H Wwdde 1 being t'e agent therdtn and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has corapliedaith the r quirementa of hai-ter21. Rtvisatof I9u. entitled "Corporationa, pre im inary to the issuing of this eminent e of Dissolution: Now, therefore, I, J. ifryan O rimes, Secretaiy of Statoi he state of North Carolina, do Heeby certifV that the said corpora ion didon the 5th davot a vw. " j, ii k in luy omce a tiulv execute and attested content in wrii ing to the diaso utloh of said corpora tion, exeeued by all the stockhoWer thereof, which said Consent ajwt the record of the proceedings af reaafcl are now on file in my said office as pro vided by law. In testimony whereof, ! have hereto e4,my 5 affixea my official sea) at Raienfh, this 5th day of Febru ary. A. p. 1917, 4 BBYAN GklMEB, I Secretary of Stated