l" You Can Make Excellent Cake Witb Fewer Eggs Just use an additional quantity of Royal Baking 1 Powder, about a teaspoon, in place of each egg omitted. This applies equally well to nearly all baked foods. Try the following recipe according to the new way: CREAM LAYER CAKE Old Way t cup sugar H cup milk 2 cups flour 2 teaspoons Royal Baking Powder 3 ergs . a cup shortening 1 teaspoon flavoring New Way 1 cup sugar 1 cup milk 2 cups flour 4 teaspoons Royal Baking Powder 1 egg 2 tablespoons shortening 1 teaspoon flavoring Makes 1 Large 2-Layer Cake DIRECTIONS Cream the sugar and shortening together, then mix in the egg. After sifting the flour and Royal Baking Powder together, two or three times, add it all to the mixture. Gradually add the milk and beat with spoon until you have a smooth pour batter. Add the flavoring. Pour into greased layer cake tins and bake in a moderately hot oven for twenty minutes. This cake is best baked in two layers. Put together with cream filling and spread with white icing. Booklet of recipes v.-hlch economise In eggs and other expensive ingredients mailed free. Address ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. 125 William St., New York ROYAL BAKING POWDER made from Cream of Tartar, derived from Grapes No Alum No Phosphate No Bitter Taste Nature Requires Assistance IN CORRECTING SUCH ILLS AS POOR APPETITE DYSPEPSIA INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS SPRING ILLS OR MALARIA A splendid first aid is HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS CALOMEL . IS MERCURY. IT SICKENS! STOP USING SALIVATING. DRUG Don't Lose a Day's Work! If Your Liver Is Sluggish or Bowels Constipated Take "Dodson's Liver Tone." It's Fine! "CASCARETS" FOR SLUGGISH A Giveaway. Mistress Bridget, some of ftnteiothes is missing. W.-is any If ft out of doors overnight? Bessie (aged six) Bridget isn't Haute, mamma. I know where ir Vtepa's got it. Mother What do you mean, child? Bessie I heard some of the folks ssext door savin' this morning . they saw papa with three sheets in the the of it to is. NV set of rides that can be down will meet all circumstances. laid PREVENTION better than cure. Tartt'a Pills If taken in tin are not only a remedy for. but will ptVvent SICK HEADACHE, biliousness, constipation and kindred diseases. Tuffs Pills STOCK LICK IT-STOCK LIKE IT You're bilious! Your liver is slug gish! You feel lazy, dizzy and all knocked out. Your head is dull, your tongue is coated; breath bad; stomach sour and bowels constipated. But don't take salivating calomel. It makes you sick, you may lose a day's work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel crashes into sour bile like dynamite, breaking it up. That's when you feel that awful nausea and cramp ing. If you want to enjoy the nicest, gen tlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone. Your druggist or dealer sells you a 50-eent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone under my personal money-back guarantee that each spoonful will clean your sluggish liver better than a dose of nasty calomel and that it won't make you sick. Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver medicine. You'll know it next morn ing because you will wake up feeling fine, your liver will be working, your headache and dizziness gone, your stomach will be sweet and your bowels regular. You will feel like working; you'll be cheerful; full of vigor and ambition. Dodson's Liver Tone fs entirely vegetable, therefore harmless and can not salivate. Give it to your children! Millions of people are using Dodson's Liver Tone instead of dangerous cal omel now. Your drujrist will tell vou that the sale of calomel is almost stopped entirely here. Adv. BOWELS Constipation generally indicates disordered stomach, liver and bowels. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills restores regularity without griping. Adv. Wife Will Furnish It. He What my son needs is to get some will power someltow. Neighbor Oh. he'll marry. Judge. IS GUILD CROSS, FFVFRISH I is I is I II Wl I SICK Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a Gen eral Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver. Drives out Malaria, Enriches, the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. For Horses, Cattle, Sheep ani Hogs. Contains Cop peras for Worms, Sulphur j for the Blood, Saltpeter j for the Kidneys, Nux Ve m ica, a Tonic, and Pure Dairy Salt. Used by Vet- erinarians 12 years. No Dosing. Drop Brick in j feed-box. Ask your dealer tor Blackman's or write : BLACKMAN STOCK REMEDY COMPANY CHATTANOOGA. TENNESSEE j FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS I ar It Jersey and Charleston WakeHeld, Succession and Flat Dutch. 600 forSl.tt: l,000fur(J.0U;6JI0Ujitll.60 r. o. b. here; postpaid Abe oer 100. Satwraciioa ur-ta , 8WHHT POTATO Pl.ATN immuliitA chin..,.. ' fLSZ7 Hal1 an1 Por Rico, 1 000 to 9,000 at &00; iHiSS0 Pp ,t.,i;S0,J- b nere- Tomato plants 600 76c: 1,000 lor I! .as: Kea and Pnnr ntinu urn rn. ai m. MS ?I iiM: MP and P PS t. o. b. here! Postpaid 40c per 100. d. r. jahuos. si mxkk villi, s. c. W. L. DOUGLAS THE SHOE THAT HOLDS its cuaoc- $?.:?50 $4 S4.60 $5 $6 $7 & $8 S8S8i, vc money ny wearing W. L. Douglas shoes. For sale by over 9000 shoe dealers. The Best Known Shoes in the World. Wf. L. Douglas name and the retail price is stamped on the be 7 tom or all shoes at the factory. The value is guaranteed and the wearer protected against high prices for inferior shoes. The mu untci ate cne same evervwnere. 1 hrv rmr n : c C i i . . ' . , . ' "i oan "nciico man tney do in iNew York. 1 hev ar a ....-I .u. price paid for them. 'pie quality of W. L. Douglas product is guaranteed by more than ao years nwipnr ; T,a,n C i -ri . 7-1 hub siiocs. x ne smart styles are the leaders m the Fashion Centres of America, ir U " , Z'tHPP" fory at Brockton, Mass., by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and Supervision of exneripnri ji - . r : . . 9 - wwuvuhj witn an nonest can TOmaaon to make the best shoes for the price that money jour shfM dealer for W. fc. Douglas shoes. If he can. pEiy.y" with the kind' vou want, talc make. m , . : . - r "-, '?w explaining how to the price. ssaaa, lUBLlte I Tf e LOOK FOR W. L. Douglas 1 . 1 .. . mo retail price tamped on the bottom. m 11 m zumc- mm t Sa BLWAHt OY 1,1 J tWlB-1 SUBSTITUTES Boys' Shoes jjf ft Best in the World oJWAW $3.00 $2.50 ft $2.00 President u W. L. Dnujlas Shoe Co., M.00 spars at., Brockton, Mags No sick headache, sour stomach, biliousness or constipation by morning. Get a 10-cent box now. Turn the rascals out the headache, biliousness, indigestion, the. sick, sour stomach and foul gases turn them out to-night and keep them out with Cascarets. Millions of men and women take a Cascaret now and then and never know the misery caused by a lazy liver, clogged bowels or an upset stom ach. Don't put In another day of distress. Let Cascarets cleanse your stomach; remove the sour fermenting food; take the excess bile from your liver and carry out all the constipated waste matter and poison in the bowels. Then you will feel great. A Cascaret to-night straightens you out by morning. They work while j you sleep. A 10-cent box from any drug store means a clear head, 1 sweet stomach and clean, healthy liver j and bowel action for months. Chll- j dren love Cascarets because they never gripe or sicken. Adv. BOSCHEE'S GERMAN SYRUP Whv tnk nnlinnKi. , . " mgn roitiortv when Boschee's German SyrUD I been used for fifty-one years i towns in the United States Cm,?" Australia, and other countri,', 1 coughs, bronchitis, colds settled in ll' throat, especially lung tronl u 7 I ves the Patient a good night's J rree irom coughing, with easy Prno toration in the morning, giving amtZ a chance to soothe the inflamed mT throw off the disease, helping the n tient to regain his health, assist pure air and sunshine when possihi ' Trial size 25c, and 75c family Sold In all towns In the United State Canada, Australia, and other conn tries. AdT. Described. "What kind of a husband did get?" "Gruff and grumpy. Couldn't rei ran mm a Husband. "What then?" "He's merely an ex-barhelor." illy If jronr child It pale and thin, aetata tandlnt a voracious frppetlte. It may hP h." cause of Worma cr Tapeworm, a iin. dose of Dr. Peery'a "Dead Shot"' win uSl the Worms or Tapeworm, and jet dir.. tlon right again. Adv. Just for Honor. Italy. Spain and Turkey are tl. 0 ly countries in Europe which do ll(,t pay their members of parliament. Drinking milk does not leave a dark brown taste and a headache. Look, Mother! If tongue is coated, give "California Syrup of Figs." Children love this "fruit laxative," ad nothing else cleanses the tender jtomaeh, liver and bowels so nicely. A child simply will not stop playing o empty the bowels, and the result is tiey become tightly clogged with waste, liver gets sluggish, stomach ours, then your little one becomes tross, half-sick, feverish, don't eat, teep or act naturally, breath is bad, system full of cold, has sore throat, ttomach-ache or diarrhea. Listen, Hother ! See if tongue Is coated, then JTe a teaspoonful of "California 3rnn of Figs," and in a few hours all le- constipated waste, sour bile and KJdlgested food passes out of the sys tem, and you have a well child again. Millions of mothers give "California tfyrup of Figs" because it is perfectly harmless; children love it. and It nev er fails to act on the stomach, liver aad bowels. Ask at the store for a 50-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which krs full directions for babies, children f all ages and for grown-ups plainly Finted on the bottle. Adv. HAMED: Worthy young men and women that are desirous of making monev to finish their education, to write me a line and let me send you Information about my proposi tion. I Can heD VOU to mak.. th- nnn. I quickly. John V. Jordan. Box S2. Macon. Oa Granulated Eyelids. Sties, Inflamed Eyca relieved over night by Roman Eye Balsam. One trial proves its merit. Adv. Contrariwise. man they threw out of the was very unlike a conflagra- "The meeting tlon. "In what way?" 'He was all on fire him out." after they put NANCl HALLS and Millican-s Improved Por to Rico Reds. Will begin shipping about Apr lu. All plants guaranteed true to name Price $1 o0 per 1.000. J. G. MilMcan. Louise. Fla. Pet Polly Among Ducks. Jlembers of the Social Target club, Maintained by Kansas City sportsmen t,ilud lake, were excited some time -o when a big flock of ducks settled the lake and floated about, waiting "i be shot. own through the .weeds and grass nirmed the hunters, guns ready. "Hello," came a wailing voice across Ike water, apparently from the flock. "'Go.sh," muttered John Caskey, dep ssy county recorder at the courthouse, -somebody out in the lake." Hello, hello, hello," came the an swer. It".s a talking duck." gasped one of ibe hunters. "Ouek nothing, its a parrot; there lw is on that muskrat house," said an er. And. sure enough, a "poll" parrot as sitting out in the middle of the 3ke and around him floated the ducks, H unmindful of his chatter. Cleve ifld Plain Dealer. OLD PRESCRIPTION FOR WEAK KIDNEYS A medicinal preparation like Dr Kil mer s Swamp-Root, that has real curative value almost sells itself. Like an endless cham system the remedy is recommended by those who have been benefited to those who are in need 01 it. Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Root is a physi cians prescription. It has been tested tor years and has brought results to count less numbers who have suffered. The success of Dr. Kilmer'a s.o t-i. j . o 7v aiuu-nUUb is due to the fact that it fulfills almost ev ery wish m overcoming kidney, liver and bladder diseases corrects urinary troubles and neutralizes the uric aciS which causes rheumatism. Do not suffer Get' a bottle of Swamp. Root from any druggist now. Start treat ment today. OT2?WeVer' if you wi8h firet t0 test thia great preparation send ten cents to Dr Kilmer 4 Co., Binghamton, N. Y for a -ample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. The Most Interesting Spot. The busy man was getting decidedly bored by the alleged old soldier's remi niscences. "This," said the alleged soldier, "was where the enemy was lpassed in front of us. Here," pointin" to an other place on a soiled pocket "tap. "is where our division was drawn up. We deployed in this direction, and our left wing was attacked by the enemy on this knoll. Just at this point I was wounded on the left shoulder, and a hundred yards further on I got my right arm shattered by a piece of our own shell and " "Yes." interrupted the busy man, "but whese did you get your brains blown out?" 10.000 A MIMTE will drink prohibition tea instead of whiskey. One drink sells 1 00n packages. Write for terms Dollie Mfg Co Box. 22. Ballentine Station. Xnrf.iiv Vn AGENTS WANTED -To sell plant Inocula tion to farmers. Splenli,l and growing oppor for a worker. W. B. Gadsden. ha t-i. 3.: on. S C. Sheet Music Bargains!! K? catalog of music. P. B. bTOBT, last Hraaaw.j. Bw Tork Seeds and Plants PnWtKET POTATO PLANTS. Grown fronTgenT to name seed stock. Heady for April May R?c hiifn'a- TjrietlB8: Nncy Hall. Porto , In . , VP PaWL3aw Yam and Triumph. 1.000 to M.OOOatllO perthonsana: 20.000 to MJ.OOOat 11.40 per thousand; 60000 and shore at 11.25 per thousand T02r,?raer ''y and be assured of getting prompt delivery and irood nlam Ren,nn,IU. 5 narantMA ennnt. f. A i .... ... A Specimen. "I wonder why that fellow stares me so." "He's a noted entomologist." nt Why She Changed Doctors. "What seems to be the trouble?" asked the doctor, as he sat down be side Mrs. Xagg. "I have -i tired feeling." replied Mrs. -N'agg. "Tired feeling, eh?1 said the doctor. "Let me see your tongue." Old Acquaintances. When WUkinson went to his office he felt calm ami contented. He hadn't any need to worry about his wife's loneliness any more, for he had bought a capital watchdog for her. But, alas: when he arrived home bis wife met him with the news that the dog had gone. "Eh," said Wilkinson, "did he break the chain, then?" "No," she replied, "but a great, ugly looking tramp came here and acted so Impudently that I let the dog loose. But instead of tearing the tramp to pieces the nasty dog went away with him." "Great Scott!" said Wilkinson, "that must have been the tramp I bought him from !" ALLEN'S F00TEASE The Antiseptic Powder to Shake Into Your Shoes and sprinkle in theFoot Bath. Don't suffer from! Bunions, and CalWe,;; or from Tender, Tired, j Aching, Swollen Feet!J Blisters or sore spots.! The troops on the Meiii can border use AllenV FootEase and over 100,000 packages Lave been used by the Allied and German troon.a in Allen's FootEase is known i t Sailer ate Allen's Foot-Ease Europe feverywl ever discovered for everywhere as the greatest comforter all foot aches Make ELIXIR RABEK WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOI.D IN THE PHILIPPINES. "I contracted malaria in 1896, and after a year's fruitless treatment bv a prominent Washington physician, your Elixir Ha tick entirely cured me. On arriving here I came down with tropical malaria the worst form IBM sent home for Bubek. Again it proved its value It is worth Its weipht in (Told here." Brasie O'Hagan, Troop E, 8th L. S. Cavalry, Balayan, Philippines. Elixir Bubek, 50 cents, all drugfrists or by Parcel Post, prepaid, from Kloczewski A Co.. Washington, D. C. STOMACH Mi II GAS INDIGESTION Pape's Diapepsin" fixes sick, sour, gassy stomachs in . five minutes. and Beans ror mm . Choice planting peas, all kinds. Also elvet and Soy Beans. Write for prices ship anywhere. H. M. Franklin. Taoaville. Ga. - . Couldn't Resist Him. Down in Tennesseee two natives met after several months and fell into in timate conversation. "Sam, what's youan uaugnter Alandy doin'?" asked the friend from Coon Hollow. "Teachin' school and doin' fine." "I thought she didn't git no certifi cate?" "She didn't at fust, but when she done took huh examination the third time I done lining a little political in fluence to bear." "What kinder political influence?" "Well, I'm local, tax assessor, an' the school board lives in my district." Which? She is ten years old and had re ceived a nice, new, red bicycle for Christmas, but the weatherman, to gether with a case of "mumps," bad kept her housed up without a chance to try out her gift. Witli the first warm day she was out early, however, and spent the day in the saddle. That evening she complained of the mus cles in her arms, and legs being sore and after being tucked in bed she said : "Mother, I just know I am going to he stiff all over in the morning. If you were me would you rather be stiff 'straightened out' or 'doubled up? " Indianapolis News. YES! MAGICALLY! CORNS LIFT OUT WITH FINGERS Slight Error. "What is the price of this embroid mi skirt?" "Madam will find the skirts on the table that which she has is the aew cape collar V Proficient. Visitor I suppose, Willie, that you can spell all the short words? Willie (who hears much talk about automobiles) Yes, I can spell words of four cylinders". TAKES OFF DANDRUFF HAIR STOPS FALLING Not for Chewing the Rag. laffen Old man Squibs has a very fcitiug tongue, hasn't lie? jroiat liuess he tTh are all gone. needs one. His The performance should always be frged by the opportunity. The Society Whirl. "I once moved in the same circle with Mrs. DeStvle." "G'wan." "Fact.. We got on the same merry-go-round." If a man tells us what he thinks of Kir. n . .:.!.. a ut-igiiuors, we can generally what his neighbors think of bjm. tell Guatemala has only one furniture factory. It employs 150 men. There's a good way to keep growing boys and girls healthy and happy and that is to give them Grape-Nuts for breakfast. Th food ha is wonderfully nourish male ing a a sweet, nutty flavor that es it popular with child ren. One of the f that does builds th ew sweet foodi not harm digestion, but strong and bright. em Jrt grocers everywhere. Girls! Try This! Makes Hair Thick, Glossy, Fluffy, Beautiful No More Itching Scalp. Within ten minutes after an appli cation of Danderine you cannot find a single trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not itch, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use, when you see new hair, fine and downy at first yes but really new hair growing all over the scalp. A little Danderine immediately dou bles the beauty of your hair. No dif ference how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. The effect is amaz ingyour hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, ana nave an appearance of abundance; an Incomparable luster, softness and luxuriance. Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any store, and prove that your hair is as pretty and soft as any that it has been neglected or injured by careless treatment that's all you surely can have beautiful hair and lots of it if you will just try a lit tle Danderine. Adv. ! . You say to the drug store man, "Give me a small bottle of freezone." This will cost very little but will positively remove every hard or soft corn or callus from one's feet. A few drops of this new ether com pound applied directly upon a tender, aching corn relieves the soreness in stantly, and soon Ihe entire corn or callus, root and al, dries up and can be lifted off with the fingers. This new way to rid one's feet of j corns was introduced by a Cincinnati man, who says that freezone dries in Time it! In five minutes all stomach distress will go. No indigestion, heart burn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness, bloating, or foul breath. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest and most cer tain indigestion remedy in the whole world, and besides it is harmless. Please for your sake, get a large fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any store and put your stomach right. Don't keep on being miserable life is too short you are not here long, so make your stay agreeable. Eat what you like and digest it; en joy it, without dread of rebellion in the stomach. Pape's Diapepsin belongs in your home anyway. Should one of the fam ily eat something which doesn't agree with them, or in case of an attack of indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis or stomach derangement at daytime or during the night, it is handy to give the quickest relief known. Adv. CUTICURA HEALS ECZEMA And Rashes That Itch and Burn Trial Free to Anyone Anywhere. In the treatment of skin and scalp troubles bathe freely with Cuticura Soap and hot water, dry and apply Cuticura Ointment. If there is a nat ural tendency to rashes, pimples, etc., prevent their recurrence by makinsr Cuticura your dally toilet preparation. Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Experts. Professor Willcox of Cornell univer sity has compiled statistics showing that between the ages of thirty and fifty the death rate among married men is less than one-half that among bachelors, thus indicating how expert the benedicts become at dodging trouble. Indianapolis Star. ) " ouvca 1DC1 cosy oy laklDl' 4. 1 1 A - . , , . S ' incnon irom tne anoe. Hold every, where, 25c. Don't accept any substitute TRIAL PACKACE sent by mail. Addrwi? I.I.FN . OUWMTKB, J.e Hoy. N. y. Siops Neuralgia Pains Why suffer from excruciating neu ralgia pains when an application of Yager s Liniment will give quick relief? This 1 iniment is good too. for rheu matism, sciatica, headache, pain in chest or side, sprains, cu,ts and bruises. Tbe large 36 cent bottle of Taker's Liniment contains fonr times as much as the usual bottle of liniment sold at tbat price. At all dealers. YAGER S LINIMENT GILBERT BROS. CO. Halt imore,Md. What Dr. R. D. Patterson, of Lib erty, N. C, says: ABOUT MOTHER'S JOY SALVE. My boy had pneumonia, his tempera ture was 104. Had tried other salves, didu't have any effect. Used jar of Mother's Joy Salve on throat and chest, in one hoar's time his tempera ture was normal. Adv. Fitting Applause. "Miss Starley always gets a hand In that role." "It is only fitting she should, her like a glove." To Before He Changed His Mind. Full Kidder proposed to Miss fld girl last night. Fuller Did she take him seriously? Full Don't know the derails, but she took him. keep clean Pierce's Pleasant Pellets and healthy take Dr. S. TllPV TOfTil l:i t n liver, bowels and stomach. Adv. Reduces Bursal Enlargements. Thickened, Swollen Tissues, Curbs, Filled Tendons. Sore ness from Bruises or Strain; stops Spavin Lameness, allays pain. Does not blister, remove the hair 01 lay up the horse. S2.00 a hmtle at druggists or delivered. Book 1 M free. ABSORB1NE. JR.. for mankmd-m It fits j nt,8ePtc liniment for bruises, cuts, wounds, j strains, painful, swollen Veins or glands. Il I heals and soothes. $1.00 a bottle at drug gists or postpaid. Will tell you more if you write. Made in the U. S. A. by W. F.YOUNG, P. 0. F. . 310 T.mpla St.. Sorlnofteld. Mtst. Sausages will not burst if rolled in flour before frying. 'jlOUBH on lUTS'rorsn W. N. U., CHARLOTTE NO. 13-1917. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA. that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears tha Signature pf Cyftrffllrfa In Use for Over 30 Years a moment, and simply shrivels up the Children Cry for Fletcher's CastorU corn or callus without irritating the - 2d Medieine fcr XOcme surrounding skin. If your druggist hasn't any freezone tell him to order a small bottle from his wholesale drug house for you. adv. Rosy futures seldom grow on purple pasts. The Way of It. "How on earth can they weigh souls as they say they do?" "I guess they use a spirit level." Sun-dried oysters are a delicacv In China. Not His Part. "Was the offer that man made of his property for a camp a tentative one?" "Oh. no; the militia brought the tents with 'em." Only One "BROMO OTTlMrwir MnHvS QpININB- Iwook for sicnature of B. Y - mm ' V 1 Ll UU lSiiy . AOC. W. Two ovens of the usual kind and a third on the tireless cooker principle feature a new gas range. Movies Murine is for Tired S. 1 mOVieS Red Eyes Sore Eyes Granolated Byelids. Bests Ketresnes Restores. Murine is a Favorite S - i reatment for Byes that feel dry and smart. Oive your Byes as much of your lovinij care as your Teeth and with the same regularity - Sold at Drug and Optical Stores or by Mail. Ask Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, for Tree Book i nBimiiniii.tSjtiBiiuniiiiuniiuimiiHMiiHnMinuum Healthy Skin Depends On Kidneys The skin and the intentlnes, which work together with the kidneys to throw out the poisons of the body, do a part of the work, but a clean body and a healthy one depends on the kid neys. If the kidneys are clogged with toxic poisons you suffer from stiffness in the knees in the morning on arising, your joints seem "rusty." you mav have rheumatic pains, pain in the back, stiff neck, headaches, sometimes swollen feet, or neuralgic pains all due to the uric acid or toxic poisons in the blood. This is the time to go to the nearest drug store and simply obtain a 50c. package of Anuric (double or triple strength), the discovery of Dr. Pierce of Buffalo, N. Y. Then drink a cup of hot water before meals, with an Anuric Tablet, and notice the gratifying re sults. You will find Anuric more active than lithia. SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS Abbeville, S. C "One of my sons had an attack of rheumatism accom panied by severe pains in the back and in the region of the kidneys. He suf fered so that he was unable to go about. After taking part of a box of Anuric Tablets he was completely re lieved, and seems to be entirely cured as it has been some time since and he has had no return of the attack. I believe that Anuric will do all that is claimed for It." A. T. McILLWAIN, Pleasant Pellets for stomach, liver and bowels, are made up of the May apple, aloe leaves and jalap. This well-known pellet was made up nearly fifty years ago. by Dr. Pierce, and can be had for a quarter from almost anv apothecary simply ask for Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. If vour drug gist does not keep them send 25 cents in one-cent stamps to Dr. Pierce In valids' Hotel, Buffalo. N. Y., and a' vial aw, uie x-eiiers win be mailed you. Vegetable Compound has Relieved the Sufferings of Women. flHTERSMlTHs V (hillTonic as v - .VeOrJjL, Als . a..a aasaung onic. SUc ana 31.00 at all Drue Stam It hardly seems possible that there is a woman in this country who continues to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound a trial after all the evi dence that is continually being published, proving beyond contradiction that this grand old medicine has relieved more suffering among women than any other medicine in the world. Mrs. Kieso Cured After Seven Month's Illness. Aurora. 111. "For RfiVftTl loner TYlrtTsf Ya T ottflP Tnrl irom a female trouble, with severe nam in har k and sides until I became so weak I could hardly wcniv Alum uuair 10 cnair, ana got so nervous 1 would jump at the slightest unfit to do my house work. I was eriviner nn hnne of ever being well, when my sister asked me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I took six bottles and todav I am a health v woman hlp to do my own housework. I wish every suffering woman would try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable IConiDOUnrl. ftnrl find nilt. fnr horaolf hnnr ovvvl 'Mrs. Karl A. Kieso. 696 North Avn Anmr. Ill Could Hardly Get Off Her Bed. Cincinnati, Ohio. WI want you to know the good Lydia E. Pink ham s Vegetable Compound has done for me. I was in such bad health from female troubles that I could hardly get off my bed. I had been doctoring for a long time and my mother ss.id, 'I want you to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.' 80 I did, and it has certainly made me a well woman. I am able to do my house work and am so happy as I never expected to go around tbe way I do again, and I want others to know what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done lor me." Mrs. Josns Copnkr, 1668 Harrison Ave, Fairmount, Cincinnati, Ohio. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medi cine to. iconnuentiai , Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be ooened. u. uv m. unman ann hftlrl in .f r ot onnflHoiwia. It IS