(ElfHt HTtt IttXXXd WEDNESDAY JUNE , j. r J,OCAL RECORDS Home grown cabbage are on the market. Snap beans 5 cents a quart; onions 10 cents a dozen. A good milch cow wanted. Apply at Oil Mill, ady Last Friday night and Sat urday were quite cool for this season of the year. Over one thousand dollars were subscribed for liberty bonds by Pittsboro citizens. Not much, but every little bit helps. Another auo speeder hasbitt the dust, but he paid hi3 fine like a little man. Better go slow, Chief Gunter is going to get you if you don't watch out. The rains last week did con siderable damage to land in Chat ham county. There was more rain fell here in two days than had fallen in that length of time in many years. Wanted immediately. Men to wrk in talc mire and mill; g)od pay for the righ' man. If you are seek'ng stead v employ ment, call or write to the Ti k Products Co., Glendon, N- C. ac Mrs. Wesly Cheek, who is an expert Vvith a gun and is a sure shot, lives about a mile from town. A few evenings ago she shot and killed three half-grown rabbits that were playing neai her he use. What other lady can beat it? It would seem that people with common sense would not throw banana or o ange peel on the sidewalks, especially the paved sidewalks. It is danger ous. It is very little trouble to throw the peelings where no one will step on them. A Pittsboro Sunday dinner: Home grown cabbage, boiled with a piece of Chathim county ham, new Irish potatoes, onions sliced in vinegar, pickled beets and cucumbers, washed dowr with a quart of ice cold butter milk, v inding up with a slice ol cherry pie. Then send for the doctor. A Center township farmer planted cotton in the early spring but it failed to come up. Later he planted cotton again and this failed to materialize on account of the cold weather. He then planted corn on the same land The corn is up. but it has a verj si ckly color and looks as if it wit; no t amount to much. The poor farmer "he do have a harc t ime." Foiled. As an officer of the law Chief Gunter, known among his friends as "Pete," is ever on the alert. esDecially if he scents anything in the shape of a still or whiske smuggling. Last Wednesday night, or rath er about 1:30 Thursday morninc. to be accurate, some one tapped on his door, arousing him from a sleep in which he was probably dreaming of hidden street cross ings, and how he was going to get them cleaned off without do ing it himself. On going to the door he found a man who in formed him that a car contain ing two men and a load of liquor were on the Moncure road, about three miles frcm town. With that alertness of which he is so favorably known he. Clyde Burns and another young man, were soon in his well known jitney speeding up the road to more brilliant achievements. In the space of a few short minutes he arrived at the location given him and sure enough there was the car standing along the roadside About the car everything was still It was a quiet night, not a leaf stirred, nor did he see a s'gn of my man. Going up to the car with his ever ready in his hand he found two men dead as'eep inside. On the outside and near the bushes he saw several mysterious look ing cans. "H-a-r!" ejaculated "Pete," "here's where I get my meat." He aroused the men. "You are after liquor,'' said one of the men. "We are, most noble bio kad er. " replied Pete. "Search me," came the voice of the man. Then began the search. There was no liquor in the car. The cans were examined. Still none was found. "What in the devil is in these cans?" asked Pete, in despera tion. "Nothing but varnish," came the calm reply. And that was what it was. It seems that the men were travel ing through the country varnish ing ud old furniture and they had concluded to sleep out in the open as the night was very warm. "I did my dootv," remarked Pete as he climbed into bed at 3 O'clock. of Joheion Goodwin. Editor of The Record: MiS ttt T With naraltTcsJo . u: 1 ' A i , joio, ah his iiome in Aberdeen. He' had been a sec tion master about twenty years,' out for the past three years had ? J S poor health- He mar ried a daughter of W. J. Harmon Jan. 2, 1989, and leaves a wife and three children to mourn his loss. He was born Dec. 16, 1862. jl wish to thank the people for their kindness during the illness or my brother and husband. May jod bless them MRS. JOHNSON GOODWIN. Aberdeen, N. C. Card of Thanks. Editor of The Kecord: I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks to the good people of rittsboro and vicinity for the aid and sympathy they gave me and my family in the death of my son, Norris. May the good Lord watch over you. C. B. WRIGHT. CALE OF VALUABLE LAND. By virtue of the power and au thority contained in the decree enter ed in the Superior Court of Chatham county, Nortn Carolina, in the action thereiu entitled 'North State Life In surance Company v J. J. J. hnson nuu kue, iwary a. junason , tne designed Commissioner, will, un- , on H117 d mday, the ltUi day of Julv. at 12 o clock M. at the c lir t il fill so door in Pittsboro, Chatham count , sorth Carolina, offer the foliowiug u.nds to public sale for cash io the muL bidder, tu-wit: xli ihe folio a ing ; described tracts or parcels of land, lying in Cjpe Fear township, Chatham cuuu y, North Carolina, and more particularly des cribed and bounded as follows: First Tract: A certain tract or par cel of land, beginning at a white oak on New Oak Creek, Alsey w oinble's corner, theuceS, 14 E 36 p .les to a red oak.; thence N. 45 K. 13o poles to a white oak; thence E. 94 p les to a post oaki thence N . 81 poles to a rock pHi; tience V. 136 poles to a stake on New Oak creek; thence down the said creek with its meandws to the beginning, containing 186 acres, more or lets, it oeing the san ract ol lai.d c nve.ed to Alary a. Juunsjn by R. 11, Hayes; . oin., by deed recorded in lijok u. Vt, page -jq, of the records of said county. Second Traci: A oertaju tract of land begiuning at a stake in Ander on Holt's line, corner of lot No. 3, and runs thence North wit i said line 23 poles to s st.ke; thence S. 89 E loS 1-2 DQl$3 to a staKe ia Natham Uuiiter s hue; idiecc Sou h witn said line 22 1-2 poles to Ja stake, cor ner of lot No. 3; thence N, 89 . with line of a t Mo 3 to toe beginning . ontaiuing 2m acres,, nio.e or less, ii being lot No. 4 in the divisiq i of the ir'ruuence iot dower tract recorded in Book C. B., page 231, of said re cords, and being the same lot of land conveyed by Spencer D. Holt and others' j.0 Mary A. Johnson by deed recorded in Book 1). G., page 261, of said records. Taird Tract,; A certain tract of land iioutaimng ii aotbs, ujfe ot iei, a il oemg known : n I designated as loi No, -j in the divisia of the Prudence tiolt dower t-FSC-t, recorded in Book C. B., page said iov being allotted o Y. A, Ho:t in si id division to which reference is ma'-e for a full descrip tion 5nd being tfte sarue lot of land g .nveyed bf Y. A. HoJt ant wife to .uary A.. J hn on by deed recorded in Book , page t f salu records. Fourth Tracts Ad ih -sp pertain tracts or pa 0 .18 of lan4 conveyed by Li. J. Yateg Hud others to Mary A. Johnson by i deed rpcoydprt la Book 1. C page 114, of said records, the said deed eoi.y i'ing the four certain ii acts or lots or land more patdoular y designated as Joliows. Tract A: A crtaiu trct of lad he ginning at a weht gum in UniPP'8 line 15 P ,jes orth of his jjcomer aud running North wiihie line 88 po.es io a d-ad pii'e; thence East with his other jline rg poles to a poat, oak; thence Nortn witn nis otner line 11 nules to post oak, corner of Oe rge Drake's land; thence i ast With that lice 31 p ies to a red oak; tnence South 2 0 poles to a post oak sprout; thence V est liQ poies to the fin station, containing 2 apres, more or less, it being -he same tract of land conveyed by N. U StUhe to J. K. Thomas b deed of record in JSpok A. B , page 44. pf taid records to which iderence is hereby ma Tract H: A certain tract of land hiug on the waters of Shaddock creek and bounded as folio ws: On the north by the James Cassey lands; on the Wtgt by Carohua Patterson's ncl J 1 nomas' land; op the &oyth by the lands of Jft ns lieame and 0 tnt e;so i y the lands of Josiah Turner and W. T. Gunter.and others contain ing 7 aeies, uore or less, it being the time tract of land conveyed to J It Tnomas by ii. M. Tiiomas aud wile b deed recorded in Book ii. O., page 0t, to wbieb reference is m'i e for a more full description. Tr-ct C: A certain ract of lann bounded on the south by tne la ids of Anderson Holt: on the west by t. e lanus of Ahderson Holt; on the north bv the lands of the Kober Holt heirs; ontheeest by the lands of M. J. Gunter, containing 26 acres, more or less, it being t e same lot of land known os lot No. 2 a Ijtted to Westly Holt in the division tf tLe Prudence Holt dower lands, recorded in Book C B., page 231, to which epecial re ference is made for a more full des cription. , , , Tract D: A certain tract of lanh situated in Merry Oaks, Joesinmng at at.toneinthe Baleigh aid Augusta Air Line Kaihoad company's land now the S. A Li. K. R. Co. , running nearly EaL with said 1 a. K. line 357 feet to a stone; tnence ucany .31 feet to a stone; thenc I nearly eat 285 feet to a stone, Wilson's corner in Johmcan's line, Buck Hom laC, ibenc nearly south along Bucb : Horn rond 45) feet to a stone Jol niean s comer In H l.H. piice's line; thence south along said road tp a stone in sa Prince's line in Buck Horn road; thence northwest along a fence id said ofd road to i the beginning, contami g ab" ut 14 acres, more or less, excepting one lot conveyed by J . C Abarnethy to 1 Fl 'Thtmas, one lot conveyed by s'aid ADenSlh'y to W. T wards and one lot conveyed by J C Hland to Yates and Thomas, it being the s;me tract of land conveyed by J. C. Bland S wileloJ.K Thomas, recorded in Book B. W., page. This 16th day of June, 1917. E. M. Sand Commissioner of Court. off with his suitcase full of samples for the next train. At noon that day Alice hurried her sandwich and hot chocolate hastily taken at the fountain counter of the cut-rate drug store, and with her beads in her hand she went to a ceighboring jeweler not the best in town, but one who was reliable. "I am pretty sure they are real am ber," she said, "still if it would not be too great a favor may I ask you tc examine them and tell me what 1 should have paid for them?" The jeweler looked at the beads, but ap parently shared none of the joy in their golden radiance that Alice's eyes indicated. "Where did you get them, may 1 ask?" Oh, not In town. It was- in some pawnshop in New York. I suppose we should have known better than to trust such a place. But they were so bright and, pretty I thought they were real amber." The jeweler eyed her narrowly. "Your idea is to sell them?" he asked "No, I just wanted to see what they are worth. I thought you would tell me." The jeweler lowered his voice. "1 can't tell you just the maximum price that you might be able to get for them. Of course in Europe they would pay more, but traveling is dangerous. I would be willing personally to pay you five thousand dollars for them, perhaps a little more. Of course, if you went to New York you might get more, but then there would be the risk, and you might find a dishonest dealer." Alice thanked the jeweler and fairly staggered out of the store, clasping her precious beads in her hand. She hardly knew whether the man had been teasing her, making fun of hei glass beads, or whether she had been insane, or at least dreaming. She made her way to the most conserva tive and most expensive jeweler in town, unmindful that the clock on the corner pointed five minutes to the time that she ought to be back at the prescription counter. Ten minutes later she was in the darkened examination room with twe Jewel experts. She seemed to come tc a full realization of the situation when she heard one of them explaining: "II you wilt look through this bead you will see the first letter. Now hold this bead up to the light and see the next letter marvelous, marvelous. 1 need no further proof. They are roya) amber, one of a few strings of beads that J4ui XV t?ad made for his favor ties. They are found only in the larg j est museums now. Perhaps the full value of this string has not been known for a hundred years or more. I will be willing to let ypu have sis thousand dollars for thio beads. Of pourse in Europe they might fetch more. If you wish to accept my offer We will have the check sent to your Ijgnk tomorrow or give it to you per sonally. Of course, in making such s large transaction we have to go through the form of consulting the treasurer of the concern. He is out at luncheon at present." Somehow Alice got back to her post Slie was 15 minutes late inlieard-of tit-eatm eif ortice regulations but she did not explain. That afternoon sie sent a telegram to Paul asking him tc return St Qfice to hear ihe good news. And that is why Alice and Paui didn't have to wait two years. In fact they waited op.Jy lon$ enough to find Just the coziest little drug store for $5,000 that you could imagine. And the amber- beads when taey have hpen restrung and properly inounted Will be on exhibition in one of the b.i8i musgumg, although t any but an ex pert they look much like any other string of amber beads: (Copyright, 1915, by the McOlure Newspa per Syndicate.) Prevarication Hsrd u Beat. The two commercial travelers were bpasting to each other of the merits of. the respective fireproof safe for which hey were agents. "I guess,' said the first, "that we've given our safe 'some' test, and I reckon that Qur jaest tHftl was when we heaped up a collection of combustibles round it which took a week to burn out, In Side the safe was a little dog provided With food and water. At the end of the week we raked away the embers and opened the door of the sate which had beep in the middle of that blazing bonfire for a week. Out jumped the little dog, well and happy, wagging his tail with delight." "Vours is a good safe," said the other, "but it isn't in the same block with ours. We adopted the same test precisely, and when we'd raked away the embers and come to the safe at last we Opened the door and our little dog '' He paused dramatically. "Wa dead' in terrupted his rival. "Yes, Sir, ' was the reply. "You've hit if. Frozen to death i" The Inevitable Quarrel. "I'm glad I was married in June. Instead of October," said the bride, "Why?" "Because if we'd married in October we'd have scrapped over whether ox not we were going to spend Thanks giving with my people, and then our honeymoon wouldn't have lasted a month," Not Interested. "Who was it," inquired the student "that said 'after me, the deluge?' "Don't ask me," rejoined the supei ficial person. "I never did pay mud attention to weather prophets." !( Fitting Pood. "Great Scott, Maria, I told you to give me some suitable food, and I'll swesi Gvery dish on this table i$ something pickled," "Well, so are you." Attending a Sociable. Editor of The Record: "Yo r company is invited to at tend a sociable to" be given by Mrs. Narciserena Gilcuddy at her home 41144 Fifth avenue, Hick ory Mountain, tonight at nine, in honor f my daughter, Mise Luzi iinne Coffee " Such were the invitations re ceived by Wat McClenagan, Slide Burns, Ralph Johnson, P'etcher Man and Rambler the other day. nd we went. We grot together and caucused over the affair, as neither of us had ever attended such a swell affair as that was expected to be. What kind of suits we were to wear, was one of the perplexinor questions that was discussed, finally it was agreed to , wear whatever we had or could bor row. At 8:30 we left Pittsboro in Gunter's airplane and was at our destination on time. Wat had sorrowed a spike tail coat from -heriff Taylor, which was eight oot too large for him, as the sheriff weighs over 200 pounds and Wat only about 90, but he managed to draw it around him three or four times and he look ed very stylish after it had been pinned up, although he had no uockets to keep his. tobacco, his pants pockets having been hid by the coat. Ralph, who is six feet or more call, wore a blue pair of pants ol he 1915 vintage, the legs bf .hem react i g neaily to his sho. tops. He too looked very stylish Slide Burns had washed his 'ace and put on a clean shirt He said the change would keep any one from knowing him anyway. Fetcher Man wore a wig. Ht lad two wigs a red one and k olack one -but he wore a red me through a mislake, but with i blue handkerchief around hit Lieck he was tastefully dressed. Rambler had just bought a 98 -ent pair of khaiki pants and he A'ore them. That was ail he had. At Mrs. Gilcuddy's a numbe? of the elite of the city were pres ent. Soon after our arrival wt vere given partners. Seven-up vvas the game and a drink oi smell from a botyLle was the for feit. None of we hos undeut cd the game, but Mrs. Gilcuddy ex plained it by saying whichevei dde lust had to smell' the bottle and those who won had to takt -i drink, and it was fine liquor in the bottle, she said, but after 1 rook the first drink I concluded it was made the night before. There were 12 tables when the game started. My partner and myself wop the first urink from our crowd. It was fun, I tell vou. and I v as right at home. I iaw right away I a going to ?et all the drinks I wanted. 1 .vas'nt used to smelling whiskey bottles! Well, the gam e went on. I watched Wat as much as I could but I did not have much time to watch anybody, besides I was trying to ke-p mv new khaiki pants hid. W7at did not win a game. Every time I saw him he was smeiiing the bottle. I knew he ws "hot, wrapped up in that coat liked he was, and about 11 o'clock he got up and ambled out of doors and in a few minutes 1 heard some very loud calking on the outside. I wsnt out unsteadily to sea what the trouble was and a policeman had arrest ed Wat, saving he was a German spy. Wat couldn't tck, although he did nothing but smell the bot tle all night The policeman said he knew he was a German spy, because no North Carolinian ever dressed like Wat wag, I got him out Ox his trouble and we started back to the house. Just as I reached the from I saw Ralph, Fetcher and Slide falling out of a window, and I heard someone say they were fighting like hell-o in the house. 1 man aged by the aid of Slide and Ralph to get to the airplane while Fetch toxed in Wat The sociable was a compl to success. RAMBLER. Has a (jood Opinion of Chainberlais's Tablets. "Chamberlain's Tablets are a won, d r. I never sold am thing that beat them," writes F. ft Tresey, Rich mond, Ky. When troubled with in digestion or constipation give ihem a trial, adv rf rr&Si&H fr fl fr jStf tf tf tf tf b m m ii vi h vw iii tf tf tf tf tf FOR SALE. "169 aeres, known as the Godwin place, near Rigas bee Postoffice, $10 per acre, payable $10' cash, balance 20o annually until paid. Address. WHITE BROS., DIebane, N. C. tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf - S- f 1 1 6 t e- tf tf tf For Sale. By an order of the Superior Court of Chatham coun'y at -M ty term,l'T7, I will seii for cash, to the highest bid der, at the jail door, two one hundred pound packs of sugar and one -wo-horse wa.on, said property hnin? been condemned to the state by said order. Time of s de. 12 o'clock, July 2,1917. This June 12th, 1917. LEON T. LANE, Sheriff Chatham county. For every dollar paid to the Southern Railway Company by I !the people in the South during j Apri', 1917, that company paid,1 , out in :he South $1.15, according i to recent figures. How s This ? "We offer One Hundred Doilars Regard, for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Medietas. Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty five years, and ha.' becoma known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hail's Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, ejrpellingr the Poi son from the Plood and healing the dis eased portions. ' After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine for a. shoi t time you will see a great improvement In vour general health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medi cine at once and get rid of catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo. Ohio. Sold by all Druggists. 75c. mm University of Nortjh Carolina CHAPEL I LI., N. C. June 12 to July 27 (Write for complete announcement) Able Faculty Complete Curriculum Moderate Rates .Credit Courses D ligritful Environment Excursion Kate Tickets Summer Law School June 14--August 24 Regular Session Opens Sep . 13 Students who expect to enter for the first time should complete the-r ar rangements as early as possible. OTICE OF SALE UNDER M rlTS A G E. Ui der and b virtue of t!,e power of saie contained in a certain mortgage deed execu'ed oy Mary Strowd on ihe 5th day oi 'une, 1016, to Edger Davise (Edgai Davis), and recorded in ihe office oi the Register of feeds ot Chatham eonntv, in book FP, page -280, to se cure the payuaeiit of a certain tiole iherein described, according to the enor of a d note, and default having been mnde in the jjuyinent of yaid note, the u!)der-iri(-d will, on Tuesday, Jaue 2G, 1.17, at 12 o'clock m., at the courthouse lobr in Pittsboro, N". (!., se'l at pub ic auction, for oafi, to the highest bidder, tho foil w ing described land overed by s dd mortjrasre, lo-wlt: Lying and being iii Baldwin town ship, ChHthAM. county, beginning at a Hickory, A. M Bowden old corner n the county Une; tlionee 85 decrees east with the county line three chains and 56 'inks to a stake; thence wesi li chains 5 i links 'o a stake, north 1 chain to a stake the old corner; thence west eight ohaina Io pointers said Howden's coiru-r; tlieiice nori-h revest chains and eighiy links to tht hrst station, crntut:i'i'g twenty live acres and t fir e-seventh, m re ofjes . This 24th day of ,:y, 1317. EDGAR DAVIS, Mortgas, J. F. MAv DUFE1E, Assignee, THE PiOIM.KS' BANK, Assignee. Attorneys, Roberto-, ck WhitBeld, Ciiapel Hill, N. G. Notice of SunimeBS aud Warrant of Attaebiiicnt. North C rolina, Chatham county Before R. M. Bur s, Justice of ihe Peace. Elixa 1 lop: ins. Tho defenlant above named will take notice, that a summons in the iboye entitled ar-tio.i was issued against sad defendant on the 7th day of June, 1917, by R M. Bums, a jus tice of the peace of Chatham county, Xorth Carolina, for the sum of i?2o due said plaintiff by labor performed on a certain dwelling house, which sum mons is returuaoie before said justice,. at his offi e in Pittsboro, X. in sa'd count-.' an l Uent"r lownsntp, on die "U day of July, UH7. The defendant wdl aiso take nuticj. that a warrant of attach mnt was is sue i by said j istic on the 7th day of June, 1917, against the said dwelling h use and lumber armud the dwel ing !i"un?, which warrant is return able before th' sai ! jut;ee f t the i'me and p'aee above aaitieii for the return of the sum nons, wiien cl where in deendn is required to app r and answer the eirnp aim of the j) aid; ill', or the relief demanded will oeg -. nled. This tbe 7th day of J ut e. 1917, R M. BUlt.XS, Justice of the Peace. Wilkins P.llorton, Attorney OTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified & ad :; inistr ilor c t.a. on tne estate or tne late Itosa J Kimbatl vice W.C Kimb-tH resig"ed, Ihisisto notity all c;sons holding claims against said estate to present the same to the undersigned on or bc fore Lite 1st day of June, 1918. or ! this notice will bep.ead in bar of their recover v. All persyns having any unfinished business wit h tne - administration of said estate will consult the undersign ed or his attorney. This May 19, 1917. C. D. ORRELL, Administrator c. fc. a. R. H. Hayes, Attorney. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Having qualified as the admin trix of Rev. J. V. Watson, deceased, this is to notify ail persons holding claims against said decedent to ex hibit the same to the me on or before the 30th day of M&y, 1918. All pei sons irdebted to the estate wi 1 pie se make immediate paymen . This May 30lh 1917. IDA C. WATSON. D M IN iSTR ATR IX NOTICE. Having qualified is tiie dmin r Clark, I hcre h.oldins? claims to exhibit the istrafcrix e. I. a. or an bv n' tify all persons air 2ii tist 8 id decedent satrifi to me on or before the 16lh day of May, UilS. May 16Lh, 1917. PHOEBE WOMBLE, Moncure, N. C. R, H Hayes, Attorney. erSchoo YOU CAN In Comfort I ii FROM OUR Ft Tim M9 UMMER .1 im vv u nji i i WEIGHT ft B HK B M K a I.H "5 idtffll I I s I : AND- j I M Our stock is complete and et us show you. III W. L LONDON TUJ? Banking Loan Hi $ Oor New Year To gain ail the new ftienus and cus tomers that may be won by perfict service, considerate regard for all cnJ a sincere desire to make every tr. ns aciion mutually profitable. We invite YOU to call or correspo d. if) ikf Banking Loan San ford, N. C. Cauitai 0 pANKof piTTSBORO Capital stock paid in - 1A00O Surplus and Profits $ S.50O Your Banking business soliri e I i id ev il eiT accommodation extend cO to deposi tors consistent with methods. Four per certificate deposits. &f ARTHUR H. LONDON, President 1 i m if WB If-Jul aianiiM with L & Wi S Sisde In a few mSaufcs 'ei Szlo by 17 It V. L. LONDON &, SON, PITTGi'iOhO. N. C POLLARD BROS., DURHAM. M. C WANTED n I Excursions and Picnics Lakewood Park. Di urn am, c. Swimmine Pool. Merry gq- round, RoHe: Skatiog', C ..aster Ride, etc. 28 aeres of shade & Bhelterv For dates, address, LAKEWOOD PARK, Durham, N. C. STOCl SHIRTS a v lx vi i- 9-1 lx prices are right. SON and Trust Go Resolutions : rust uo,, Jonesboro, 11 . $25,000.00 -nsr j-B prudent banking cent paid cn time M. T. W ?.l !A;:s, Cashier, j E H LSI 1 1 If "V J w aw. S II T mm m m w mm m i ' and your own Lirsssets Oil. You obtain greatest durabiluy and cover", ing power. The L & PS PA!PT is aoi positively good . that it is known as thsl " faster Paint,t; Whereas the best of ether high grade paints cost you $2.75 a gallon, our L A M Paint made ready -for-ns'j will cost you only S2.00 a gpz-i. YOU SAVa 75c. A GALLON ON CV2RY GALLON I AND SALE.- By virtue of -4 order if U,? Hurerior Court Chatham cut-iv, in the' special r; ceediiig thei- in t f : entitled ' T. VViijiaii'.i, ((M'h.iMirhtor of Abel I Way a-'i'ir si I .- wis W y and other Iwillofh r fr mle for cash, to 1 ui" iikii . :i c 'i rrnniiu ni in Piltshoro, X. (' . o i Sstvrdav, June 30. 1917, that tract of la d in All-rieht tovl sni). iiau.:-.Mi MMiiuy, 4 sen Dta . ., 11 .vs: ia'iiir - 1 r 01 iiocKy nvi '' . i'. nueu lib 1 a YnXiWJ - i i iiuiiicrlv holml lr 1, ill ; : . ' ' .... I .4 II ffllov: 1 ' a white o Die nor' hv len tracf , ni tin Stevci. Ruin; therici, slonp; th oaK,Henr ' west wiiQ V poles to th I 11, 1 -r of t ie J. D. 1 r. "'iMi witn rar m !).- :;, 0 t.s to a blal st H v:ln to a stake " n : "o fo'og to a pr uiu '' 1 corner; then iH k; : stevc as' line taining 5 ocref, more or lesi. Resale ua a-ioi:ui of advance bl K. 11 H YKS. Com'r lnia June 7th, UilT.