4 SHAKESPEARE AT THE FRONT Famous Engl.sh Actress Declares Ev ery Performance She Gave for Soldiers Was a Joy. Hiss Lena Ashwell, the distinguished London actress, who has been giving a Bomber of dramas and Shakespearean plays to soldiers at the front, waxes eloquent upon her strange and won derful auditory. "No Tommy is stodgy, as a West end audience is," she re starts. "Everv performance was a y.- The Tommies show their devotion in aU sorts of ways. Some Tommies, hear ing she was coming, built her scenery oat of odds and ends of canvas and wood, painted red and yellow, exactly Hke the framework of a Punch and Judy show. Another group of men. working with the forage supplies in Rouen, on the railway side, where tbere is scarcely any blooms of any sort, managed to get her a little tight bunch of flowers, arranged with a bit of paper like an old-fashioned bouquet. SOU another devoted group gave her a little box of silver, beautifully chased. But what she treasures most is a lucky bean. The young soldier who gave it to her stood grasping her hands fa the dark, saying blunderingly that he had been eleven months in the trenches and that she could not Imag ine what it meant to him to see a lady, much less hear her speak ; that this 3ean had been all over the world with Mm and had brought him good luck Se hadn't been wounded yet and now be wanted her to have it. The boy was simply giving her everything. No won der she set his bean in the best of gold and wears it always. A Treat for Dad. One day some one sent me up a box of cigars from the cigar store down stairs. Arthur, my oftice boy, brought them in and stood near my desk while I unwrapped the package. As I opened the box I said to him jokingly as he was too young to smoke "Will you have a cigar, Arthur?" And Arthur re plied: "I don't smoke, but my father does." So I said : "All right, take one for your father." He picked out a cigar and put it away in his inside coat pocket. As he started away I said to him, more out of curiosity than anything else : "What does jour father do, Arthur?" Arthur remained silent and blushed deeply. It made me more curious than ever. "Come, speak up," I urged. "He k-k-keeps a cigar store," stam mered Arthur as he bolted off. Puck. The Cure. Signor Mascagni, the composer, often leads the orchestra at La Scala in j Milan and at the Constansi in Rome, i M& never refuses an encore. "In my youth" thus he explains the j natter "I was an orchestra leader at dollar a day. Perhaps my low pay j lad soured me. At that time, at any ! sate, I would not grant an encore for any consideration. "Well, leading 'Santanello' once in Naples, I refused an encore of a cer tain song in my usual manner. The Neapolitan audience shouted and roared. I was, of course, firm. But suddenly I felt a blow on the back of my head and fell off my high chair down among the violins. "I had been struck with a stool Burled from the top gallery. I rose and promptly repeated the song which the audience desired. From that day to this I have never refused an encore." An Elegant Translation. A Boston girl who had been taking her first lesson in bicycle riding ex pressed her satisfaction at home at the resnlt of the experiment. "The man said," she repeated, "that I had made most satisfactory progress for a novice." "Why, did he really say that?" was The surprised query. "Well, no," answered the Boston fonng woman, after a moment's reflec tion. "What he did say was, 'You'll jo fust rate for a new beginner !' " Christian Register. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old StEndard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a Gen end Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds ap the Whole System. 60 cents. No Slacker. Witty One Corporal Strutt enlist ed in April. He's the most patriotic recruit I've met. Pretty One How's that? Witty One He's highly insulted be cause his father sent him some money by draft. Town Topics. Certainly Does. "Did you see where the first prls uer taken by an American in the trenches weighed 220 pounds?" "That certainly lent weight to the incident." In the Same Class. Tm certainly down on my luck." "And I'm up against it." Baltimore American. East Dallas, Tex., has renamed Ger soania street "America." A wise head makes a close mouth: English Proverb. Trieste, Austria, is noted for meer schaum pipes. E53 A Message to Mothers YOU know the real human doctors right around in your neighborhood : the doctors made of flesh and blood just like you : the doctors with souls and hearts : those men who are responding to your call in the dead of night as readily as in the broad daylight; they are ready to tell you the good that Fletcher's Castoria has done, is doing and will do, from their experience and their love for children. Fletcher's Castoria is nothing new. We are not asking you to try an experiment. We just want, to impress upon you the importance of buying Fletcher's. Your physician will tell you this, as he knows thero are a num ber of imitations on the market, and he is particularly interested in the welfare of your baby. Geaaine Castoria always bears tbe Lemons Whiten and j Beautify the Skin! ' 1 Make Cheap Lotion j rasssssissss The juice of two fresh lemons strain ed into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white makes a whole quar ter pint of the most remarkable lemon skin beautifier at about the cost one must pay for a small jar of the ordi nary cold creams. Care should be tak en to strain the lemon juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lem on juice is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan and is the ideal skin softener, smoothener and beautifier. Just try it ! Make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lemon lotion and massage it daily into the face, neck, arms and hands. It should natur ally help to whiten, soften, freshen and bring out the hidden roses and beauty of any skin. It is wonderful for rough, red hands. Tour druggist will sell three ounces of orchard white at little cost, and any grocer will supply the lemons. Adv. Lost His Protection. A Kansas City man, who is very ac tive in the affairs of his lodge, was passing the week-end at Excelsior Spring, a near-by mineral water re sort. He confided to a friend that he would like to scrape an acquaintance with a striking-looking woman they were both admiring. "Why don't you try?" asked the friend. "Couldn't think of flirting with her," came the horrified reply. "Her hus band and I are brother lodge mem bers." The next week-end the friend again went to the sprfhgs. In one of the prominent promenades lie soon saw the lodge member and the striking looking woman they had admired, walking arm in arm, and apparently much taken up with each other. At the first chance he asked his friend for an explanation. "Thought her husband was a lodge brother of yours," he said. "Oh, that's all right," was the an swer. "I looked him up on the books, and he hadn't paid his dues!" Every body's Magazine. DRUGGISTS PLEASED WITH GOOD KIDNEY MEDICINE I have sold your remedy for the past fifteen years and have sufficient confidence in it to give it my personal recommenda tion. I believe it is one of the best medi cines of its class on the market today and I find pleasure in selling it at all times. Vers- trulv vours, KAMIXER'S" DRUG STORE, F. V. Kaminer, Prop., Nov. 1, 1916. Spartanburg, S. C. Letter to Dr. Kilmer tr Co. Bintfhamton. N. Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For Yob Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample size bottle. It wilj convince anyone. Yon will also receive a booklet of valuable in formation, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and men tion this paper. Large and medium size bottles for sale at all drug stores. Adv. No Cause for Alarm. The other Monday afternoon a wom an rushed excitedly down an alley in the poor quarter and, stopping at a house, knocked loudly. Receiving no reply, she knocked a second time. Still no answer, A third time she knocked, and then a window flung open and a woman whose appearance betrayed signs of a sudden awakening leaned out. "Well, what is it?" she asked. The woman below looked up and ex claimed with bated breath : '"Mrs. Skinner, yer 'usband's got ten days H "Dear, dear me, Mrs. Jones," was the reply, "is that all? How yer did un nerve me ! I thought it was that scarcecrow after the rent agin." Not a Dependent. "Have you anyone dependent on you?" asked the exemption clerk. "Well," replied Mr. Meekton, "Hen rietta shows me what to do with my money. But she Is most independent about it." i Used to It. Doctor H'm, have you ever beeji rejected before? The Don Juan (undergoing re-examination) Oh, yassir. Little affairs of the heart, y'kuow. Its Kind. "What sort of a dinner was that of the teamsters?" "I guess it was an a la cart one." Opposing Results. "What airs Mame does put on." "Well, her finishing school was the beginning of it." The man who can extract olive oil from cotton seed should be able to gather figs from thistles. Sore Eyes, Blood-Shot Eyes, Watery Eye. Sticky Eyes, all healed promptly with night ly applications of Roman Eye Balsam. A dr. New York city has more than 450, 000 dogs. Britain has 2,500,000 licensed dogs. signature of The maw CABIAE I would be true, for there are those who trust me, I would be pure for there are those who care. I would be strong for there Is much to suffer I would be brave for there is much to dare. H. Arnold Walters. HOT DAY DRINKS. Mix the juice of one pineapple and one lemon with four tablespoonfuls of mint leaves cut in to bits and a half cupful of sugar. Beat the whites of four eggs until stiff and gradually whip in the fruit juice. Add a quart of carbonated wa ter and serve. Maple Egg. Beat an egg until foamy, edd gradually two tablespoon fuls of Ice-cold maple sirup. Stir In half a cv.pf ul of rich milk. Cover with whipped cream and top It with grated maple sugar. Tea Cream. Pour boiling water over two ounces of the best tea, cover and let stand for five minutes, stir into it one quart of scalded cream, cover and stand five minutes, strain, sweeten and chill. Grape Eggnog. Beat one egg very light, add half a glass of grape juice and beat again. Then add half a glass of cream, beat well, sweeten if desired and serve with wafers. Banana Float. Mash three bananas with the juice of one lemon, add a cupful of sugar and gradually one cup ful of sugar, then fold in two cupfuls of whipped cream. Put a few spoonfuls of this mixture in a glass and fill up with orange juice. Jelly Jumble. Dissolve a glassful each of blackberry, crab apple and plum jelly in two quarts of boiling water. When cold add the juice of two lemons and sugar to sweeten. Egg Orangeade. Beat separately the white and yolk of an egg. Add gradually to the yolk the juice of one orange, then add the beaten white and stir to a froth. Pour milk into a glass and top with the mixture. Serve with pale yellow nasturtiums on the plate as a garnish. Ginger Water. This is an old-fash-oned drink which is most refreshing and wholesome. Mix a tablespoonful of ginger with three of sugar and add a pint of iced water, stir until well mixed and serve at once. Place marshmallows on round crack ers, put a nut meat on each and brown In the oven. We are very slightly changed From the semi-apes who ranged India's prehistoric clay; vv noso arew me longest dow, Ran his brother down, you know. As we run men down today. Kipling. SOME FRUIT DISHES. Peaches may be used in various combinations for desserts, the follow ing is one worth bearing in mind : Peach Trifle. Scald a pound of peaches, drain, remove the skins and stones. Prepare a sirup of sugar and water and when boiling hot drop In the peaches and cook until soft, then rub them through a sieve. Pour the sirup into a sponge ! cake and when well-soaked add the ; pulp carefully. Whip a pint of cream, add two tablespoonfuls of sugar, a tea 1 spoonful of almond extract and pile lightly on top of the cake just before sending to the table. Fresh fruit may be used for this dessert, not cooking the fruit but stir ring the sugar Into the pulp after put ting it through a sieve. Apricot Tapioca Pudding. Cover one and a half cupfuls of tapioca with cold water and soak three hours, then cook In three cupfuls of boiling water, add a half teaspoonful of salt and a cup ful of sugar, cook In a double boiler until transparent. Peel and stone twelve apricots and put them in the bottom of a buttered dish, pour over the tapioca mixture and bake in a moderate oven for twen ty minutes. Serve hot or cold with cream and sugar. . Gooseberry Chutney. Wash, stem and top six cupfuls of gooseberries, add one chopped onion and tw cup fuls of raisins, put all through a food chopper. Add one and a half cupfuls of brown sugar to the chopped mix ture, two tablespoonfuls of ppwdered ginger, one tablespoonful of cinnamon, three tablespoonfuls of mustard, two tablespoonfuls of salt, one-fourth of a teaspoonful of red pepper and paprika mixed, one teaspoonful of tumeric powder and a quart of cider vinegar. Bring gently to the boiling point and simmer for an hour. It may be bottled unstrained or if strained may be used as a relish or catsup. Onion Soup. Take two large onions or four medium-sized ones and after slicing, fry them in three tablespoon fuls of fat. When the onions are soft, cook them quickly until brown, stir ring all the time to keep them from burning. Then add a pint and a half of water and the same amount of skim milk. Add flour to thicken and serve poured over toasted bread and sprinkle with grated cheese. The cheese is an improvement especially if all water is used instead of milk and water in pre paring the soup. lflu-ulc TvW-iYtjejkl Count the Days. Reckon the days in which you have not been angry. I used to be angry every day ; then every third and fourth day. If you miss so long as 30 days, offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving. Epic tetus. One of Nature's By-Products. Among the industries that have de veloped at Niagara is the manufacture of artificial graphite, now largely used for purposes of lubrication. Graphite Is also employed in many electro-chemical processes WOMAN NOW IN PEEFECT HEALTH What Came From Reading a Pinkham Advertisement. Patewon, N. J. "I thank you for the Lydia E. Pinkham remedies as they nave maae me wen and healthy. Some time ago I felt so run down, had pains in my back and side, was very irregular, tired, nervous, had such bad dreams, did not feel like eat ing and had short breath. I read your advertisement in the newspapers and decided to try a bottle of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It worked from the first bottle,. so I took a second and a third, also a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Purifier, and now I am just as well as any other woman. I ad vise every woman, single or married, who is troubled with any of the afore said ailments, to try your wonderful Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier and I am sure they will help her to get rid of her troubles as they did me." Mrs. Elsie J. Van der Sande, 36 No. York St, Paterson, N- Write the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., (confidential) Lynn, Mass, if you need special advice. GREElT MOUNTAIN ASTHMA TREATMENT Standard remedy for fifty year and result of many years experience In treatment of throat and lung dlaeaaes by 1 Dr. J. H. Guild. Free Sample and Practical Treatise on Asthma, lta cause, treatment, etc., sent upon re- i quest. 85c. A $1.00 at druggists. ' J. H. GUILD CO., Rupert, V. j Sold for 47 years. For Malaria. Chills and Fever. Also a Fine General . BJ . MM MB MM MM K . WMJV. Modest Request. One young man who was highly sen sitive about an impediment which he had in his speech went to a stammer ers' institute and asked for a course 1 of treatments. The professor asked him if he wanted a full or a partial course. "A p-p-purtial c-c-course." "To what extent would you like a partial course?" "Enough s-so that wh-when I go to a f-f-florlst's and ask for a c-c-c-chr-chrys-s-anth (whistle) e-in-mum, the th-thing won't w-wilt b-before I g-get itr YES! MAGICALLY! CORNS LIFT OUT WITH FINGERS You say to the drug store man, "Give me a small bottle of freezone." This will cost very little but will positively remove ecery hard or soft corn or callus from one's feet. A few drops of this new ether com pound applied directly upon a tender, aching corn relieves the soreness in stantly, and soon the' entire corn or ' callus, root and all. dries up and can be lifted off with the fingers. This new way to rid one's feet of corns was introduced by a Cincinnati man, who says that freezone dries in a moment, and simply shrire-s up the corn or callus without irritating the surrounding skin. If your druggist hasn't any freezone tell him to order a small bottle from I his wholesale drug house for you. adv. His Long Stand. Percy, being down to recite at the temperance concert, stood up to do or die. He got along all right until he reached the words, "He stood beside the bier !" Then his memory failed him. "He stood beside the bier!" he re peated, trembling. The evil spirits on the back benches murmured one to another. "He stood beside the bier !" groaned Percy, and he drew a moist hand across his dripping forehead. "Go on !" yelled a voice from the rear. "It'll get flat while you're wait ing, you fool !" Fowl Rebellion. First Hen The government is go ing to make us lay more eggs. What do you say? Second Hen For one, I am firmly set against it. Some Gardener. Flatbush Is he ambidextrous? Bensonhurst Sure ; he can hoe with both hands. Yonkers Statesman. Its Character. "He wiped up the floor with his op ponent." "What a sweeping victory V It's hard enough for the average man to love his friends, without in cluding his enemies. Holland is to have unemployment Insurance. "No bowl is too big when it holds Post Toasties in i m (ndllTonic WOMAN STEALS ANOTHER BABY Mother, Frantic Over the Loss of ' Her Own Infant, Resorts to Theft. FOOLS HER HUSBAND Man, Home From Extended Business Trip, Believes Child His Own, Until Police Reveal Age Discrepancy. Boston. When Mrs. Josephine M. Blaine of Dorchester, Mass., entered the Boston Homeopathic hospital, on the eve of motherhood, she did so with high hopes and ambitions for the lit tle one that was to be brought into being. The baby came and died. When the mother Was told, she lay as if stunned and her life was despaired of. But nature was strong and the woman recovered sufficiently to de part fpr her home a few days ago. Leaving the hospital, a frail little woman clothed in somber black, Mrs. Blaine did not take a car to her lfome. Instead, she walked, brooding over an inestimable loss, picturing her greet ing, when she should meet her hus band, who was on a business trip and had not learned of the baby's death, but was on his way home to meet his wife and their little one. Real Mother Discovers Loss. As she passed a store in the heart of the shopping district, she saw three baby carriages unattended. She peered into one of them. A lusty little fel low was sleeping quietly. Without a moment's hesitation she pushed the carriage down the street and took the baby home. Meanwhile the real mother, after making her purchase, left the store and looked in vain for the baby and carriage. She notified the police and in a short time clews were obtained that focused about the home of Mrs. Blaine. An officer entered the house and inquired of the woman as to the number of persons in the household. Mrs. Blaine named her husband, her- Pushed the Carriage Down the Street. self, and their baby, five months old. He asked to see the child after a brief interview with the husband, who replied to an inquiry by stating that the baby was about three weeks old. Finding she was trapped, Mrs. Blaine broke down and confessed. Law Steps In. Mrs. Agnes Law, the real mother of the baby, was summoned and identi fied her child. She, too, cried, first with joy, then with a woman's sym pathy for another. The law stepped In and Mrs. Blaine was taken to a sta tion house, charged with kidnaping Noting her condition, officers suggest ed that she be removed to a hospital for treatment. Her husband, shocked but loyal, accompanied her and spent the night in consoling the grief-stricken woman. It is not believed the charge of kidnaping will be prosecuted by the authorities. BEST JOB IN THE WORLD Youth Makes Love to Mine Officer's Daughter at $4.50 Per Day. Keewalin, Minn. According to one man here, there is a job in a local mine which need never be filled with a strikebreaker. The man who makes the assertion is a little bit peeved about something, but he declares that among the mine em ployees are five boys. One of them has "the job." "He makes love to an officer's daugh ter," says this man, "and he gets $4.50 a day without doiiag anything ; he just makes love." Oh, you job ! DOG LEADS HIER PUP ASTRAY Owner Is Fined Two Dollars for Each Dog in Court in Brooklyn. New York. It cost a mother dog just $4 here to lead a pup astray from the narrow path. The case came up before Magistrate Naumer when James Pescene of No, 530 Grand avenue was charged with having two dogs unmuz zled. "It's the mother, your honor," he explained. "These two dogs are mother and son and the mother leads the son astray, doggone it." "I hate to do it," said the judge, "but two dollars fine for each dog." Old Man Climbs Windmill. Hiawatha, Kan. Though Henry Adams of this city is eighty-two years old, he doesn't have to call in help when a little something goes wrong with his windmill. Recently he climb ed to the top of a 40-foot windmill and made some needed repairs. CALOMEL MAKES YOU SICK, UGH! ITS MERCURY AND SALIVATES x a 1 1 I r x I . airaigmen upi uuii i i-use a uay s worn uean Your Slimnieu Liver and Bowels With "Dodson's Liver Tone." Ugh! Calomel makes you sick. Take a dose of the vile, dangerous drug to night and tomorrow you may lose a day's work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it comes into contact with sour bile crashes into it, break ing it up. This is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you feel sluggish and "all knocked out," if your liver is torpid and bowels consti pated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath is bad or stomach sour, just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone. Here's my guarantee Go to any drug store or dealer and get a 50-cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone. Take a spoonful tonight and if it doesn't WAS BEYOND THE ADVOCATE Counsel Could Think of No Possible Reason Why Judge Should Be on the Bench. It was one of those tense moments in a crowded court when the prisoner's fate seemed to depend on the next an swer of the witness. There was an expectant hush on all present, when suddenly the opposing counsel butted in with a noisy objection based on some obscure point of law, says Lon don Tit-Bits. For ten minutes or more the pris oner was forgotten while judge and counsel were involved in a tangle of legal phrases and precedents. Although the controversy was absolutely unin telligible to the crowd present, it was clear enough to the dullest intelligence that counsel was more than holding his own in the argument. This was also painfully apparent to the judge himself, whp, in a desperate effort to recover his official dignity, snapped out : "What does counsel suppose I am on the bench for?" "Well," said the learned advocate, slowly and reflectively, "I must confess your lordship has got me there." CUTICURA IS SO SOOTHING To Itching, Burning Skins It Not Only Soothes, but Heals Trial Free. Treatment: Bathe the affected sur face with Cuticura Soap and hot wa ter, dry gently and apply Cuticura Ointment. Repeat morning and night. This method affords immediate relief, and points to speedy healment. They Are ideal for every-day toilet uses. Free sample each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. An Object of Hatred. Senator Simmons was discussing the proposed war tax on automobile own ers. "Making war taxes," he said, "isn't pleasant work. It puts one in the po sition of the facetious minister. "A facetious minister at Ocean Grove took a little girl on his knee and said : " T don't love you, Nellie.' "All the ladies on the breeze-swept veranda laughed, but little Nellie frowned and said : " 'You've got to love me. You've got to.' "'Got to? How so?' laughed the di vine. " 'Because,' said Nellie stoutly, 'you've got to love them that hate you and I hate you, goodness knows !' " Small Game. "Your son is a great fisherman, Isn't he?" "Calls himself such. He's just back from vacation. Caught a bunch of measly trout when he might have caught an heiress." FT.TXIR BABEE A GOOD TONIC And Drives Malaria Out of the System. "Your 'Babek' acts like magic ; I have given It to numerous people in my parish who were Buffering with chills, malaria and fever. I rec ommend it to those who are sufferers and In need of a good tonic." Rev. S. Szymanowski, St. Stephen's Church, Perth Amboy, N. J. Elixir Babrk, 50 cents, all druggists or by Parcel Post, prepaid, from Kloczewski A Co., Washington, D. C. A Different Implement. Red-Nosed Tramp Lady, kin I cut your grass fer a meal? I'm a first class lawn mower. Lady Go away ! You look more like an old rake. Pardonable Crime. He If I should kiss you, would you have me arrested? She What would be the use? Any judge would acquit you. Changed. "There's safety in numbers." "There used to be, before the draft numbers were printed." Described. "What is a practical joke?" "A fool's attempt to make a fool out of the other fellow." Both Ways. "Do you think Russia will come back?" "Yes, and she'll come back by going to the front." Constipation generally indicates diaordered stomach, liver and bowels. Wrignfs Indian Vegetable Pills restore regularity without griping. Adv. A well-known fern or flowering plant makes a good wedding present. Appleton, Wis., is to have an auto factory. It is well to honor pretension by si leoce. WPN Granulated Eyelids, Sore Eyes. Eves Inflamed bv Son, Dust and Wind quickly 1 relieved by Murine. Try it in ' your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes. No Smarting, Just EyeComfort Murine Eye Remedy &SgS&fcS& Salve, in Tubes 25c. For Book of the Bv Fre. Ask Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago fririfiriTi r Ml as m straighten you right up and make y0n feel fine and vigoroua by morning want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dodsos's Liver Ton is destroying the sale of calomel k cause it is real liver medicine; entirt ly vegetable, therefore it cannot sail vate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful ai Dodson's Liver Tone will put your Z gish liver to work and clean your bow els of that sour bile and constipated waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guar antee that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your entire family feei. ing fine for months. Give it to yow children. It is harmless; doesn't grip, and they like its pleasant taste. Ad Compliments of the Day. Soldiers have to do their own tuend ing, when it is done at all, and it ap. pears although few persons would have guessed it that the thoughtful war office supplies them with outfits for that purpose. Otherwise, this j0ke from the Journal of the American Med ical association would be impossible: Everything was ready for kit inspect tion ; the recruits stood lined up reiidy for the officer, and the officer had his bad temper all complete. He marched up and down the Hue, grimly eying each man's bundle of needles and soft soap, and then he singled out 1'rlvate MacTootle as the man who was to re ceive his attentions. "Toothbrush?" he roared. "Yes, sir." "Razor?" "Yes, sir." "Hold-all?" "Yes, sir." "Hm ! You're all right, apparently," growled the officer. Then he barked, "housewife?" "Oh, very well, thank you," said the recruit, amiably ; "how's yours?" Too Much to Expect. We overheard, on a Collinwood car, the best excuse for not working that we could ever have Imagined. File It for reference. One fellow said, "How do you like your job down at the mill?" "I ain't workin' there no more," an swered the other. ' "Got a better Job?" "Nope. Ain't got no job." "What did you quit for?" "Well, I couldn't see no use in keep in' on at It. I flgger it that if I did make good they'd expect me to keep right on makln' good. That's too mtn-h to expect of anybody, this klnda weath er. So I quit. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Qualified. Motorist "Do you know all about automobiles?" Applicant "Yes, sir; I used to be a traffic cop." Don't think that because you get a ham from a small hog that you can get a hammer from a large one. mmmm - i . s A GUARANTEED REMEDY FOR HAY FEVER-ASTHMA Tour lom will bi refunded by ronr drotKist without any question If this remedy doe not tenetu every case of Asthma, Bronchial Asthma avl the Asthmatic symptoms accompanying Hay Fever. o matter how violent the attacks oi obstinate tbe cast ADR. R. SCHIFFMANN'S g STHMADOK AND ASTHMADOR CIGARETTES positively (rives INSTANT RBLIBF in every cnfji and has permanently cured thousands who had Been considered incurable, after having tried every otner means of relief In vain, Aathmatlcs should avail themselves of this guarantee oiler through tbeirewn druggist. Buy a 60-cent package and P"""' 52 announcement to your druggist. Ton will be JJJ sole judge as to whether yon are benefitted and tne druggist will give yon back your money If you are not. We do not know of any fairer proposition which we could make. 31 R. Schlffmann Co., Proprietors, 81. Paul, Minn. 0XIPJMI Kills Chills Good for Malaria, constipation bili ousn ess a fine tonic. I Guaranteed or moneij back i Ask your dealer jl Behrens Drug Co.. Waeo.Tcx. SsSSS THICK, SWOLLEN GLANDS that make a horse Wheeze, Roar, have Thick Wind or Choke -down, can be reduced with also other Bunches or Swellings. IN o blister, no hair gone, and hors kept at work, eco nomical only a few drops required a : an ap plication. $2 per bottle delivered. Book 3 H rrea. ABSORBINE, JR., the antiseptic liniment tor mankind, reduces Cysts, Wens, Painful, Swollen Veins and Ulcers.fl and $2 a bottle at dealers or delivered. Book "Evidence" free. W.F. YOUNG, P. D. F.. 310 Ttpl$t., Sprlnofleld. Mi- THE CROWELL SANATORIUM for MORPHINE and ALCOHOLIC ADDICTIONS Methods safe and successful. A blph claw P combining- the facilities of a sanatorium with c m forts an? freedom of a prlrate home. JfJ''nd,u$ treatment. Our method renders the pnl J MORPHINISM as painless aa i an operation. Write for reserred room. Terms I126.U0. 9 N. CsUdwwll St. CHARLOTTE. N. 0. f Every Woman WantV H.IIBU'il-im Slim II I II I Dissolved in water for douches stops pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflam mation. Recommended by Lydia . Pinkham Med. Co, for ten years, a 1 1: I ...o.l mtarrb. n lioaiuix w uuui iwi v. . sore throat and sore eyes. Economical. Mas extra oramary clean ting ana Rcrmiou.. t I Samel Frew. 50c all dniwaats. or poP V msfl. The Paston Toilet Company. Botton. Mr.- W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 35 -1917- i linn i IMaa l