WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5. 1917. I OCALRECORDS When you need shoes go to pt. J. Moore's, adv -Fresh fish at R. J. Moore's every Saturday, adv -Flour $12.50 and $13: corn 2 40; oats SI; shipstuff $3 and sweetfeet $3 at R. J. Moore's, ad One seventy saw Pratt cot ton gin complete, with press in crood condition, for sale cheap. Atwater& Lambeth, By num. N.C. adv The much needed rain that fell here last Friday and Satur day saved many a field of corn from being destroyed oy tne drouth. Squirrels must be plentiful. Messrs- Edgar Hinton and Joe Griffin went out hunting a few mornings ago and in a short time killed 15. -Lost: At Pittsboro last Wed nesday a gold watch, with white face, without chain. Reward paid to finder to return to Record office, adv -Forsale:7shotes,13 weeks old, average weight 80 lbs, at 18 lb; 1 good milk cow, 2 gal. per day, price S45. Frank M. Nash, Cor inth, N. C. adv Mr. S. G. Gunter has resign ed the office of town constable which he had held for several years past. No one has been elected in his place. A well known old colored deaf and dumb woman at this place, named Louisa Davis, suf fered a stroke of paralysis last Monday afternoon, but is thought to be better as we go to press. -Salesmen wanted: Lubricat ing oil, grease, specialties, paint. Part or whole time. Commission basis until ability is established. Man with rig preferred. River side Refining Company, Cleve land, Ohio, adv Nearly every day there are manv automobiles from other towns and states passing through this place. Our town seems to be on a much traveled highway and mav become widely adver tised. Shall that advertising be helpful or harmful? -On last Friday Mr. E. H. Petty was painfully bruised by the upsetting of his automobile, between Sanford and Lockvilie. In last week's Record was pub lished the burning of his saw mill, five miles east of this place, SO U12&L lit; setJIIlto LU UC uu- ft fortunate -Saw mills wanted: We want to contract with two or three good saw mills to saw several hundred thousand feet of pine timber three or four miles north of Bynum; fine logging; state when could begin; address Ashe boro Wheelbarrow Co.,Asheboro, N. C. adv -On last Saturday night Rev. R. L. Davis, state superinten dent of the Anti-Saloon League, gave a stereopticon exhibition in tne court room at this place, and also delivered a lecture on prohi bition. Both the lecture and pic tures were much enjoyed by a large audience. A new side track, eight car lengths, has beep constructed at the railroad yards at this place. It is near the section master's house and on the west side of the main line. It was necessary because of the great quantity of crossttes and lumber that had crowded the yard at the depot. We are pleased to note the very complimentary resolutions adopted by the lawyers of Pitt county in honor of Judge Thomas H. Calvert, who then and there held the first court since his re cent appointment. This is very gratifying to his old friends at this place where he resided sev eral years. -The singing class of the Ox ford orphanage will give a con cert at this place on the night of Thursday, the 13th of this month All the visits of these orphans to this place are much enjoyed, and their concerts are well worth the price of admission. It is to be hoped that a large audience will hear them- 'Big meeting' started at Mt. Sinai colored Methodist church here last Sunday. It is estimat ed that there were between 1000 and 1200 people in attendance. Nearly every family brought a big box or basket of provisions with them and. besides praying and singing, it was an eat-fest day with them. On last Friday night a color ed man, named Charles Thomp son, who had been employed as a plasterer at the new hotel here, created such a disturbance at a colored church that a warrant was issued for his arrest next day. When the officer went to arrest him he gave him a lively chase and did not stop until he was twice shot at, It is reauested that thpro ho a full. attendance at the meeting of the Red Cross on Thursday at 9:30 o'clock, and that each mem ber bring her comfort bags. The colored teachers' sum mer school of this countv. which began on Monday of last week, will close next Friday. There are nearly 50 teachers in attend ance and the institute is conduct ed by Rev. J. C. Stanton. Personal Mention. Mrs. Thomas A. Hall, of Ma con, Ga., is expected tomorrow on a visit to her aunt, Mrs. G. P. Alston. Mr. Arthur H. London is in the northern markets buying fall and winter goods for W. L. Lon don & Son. Miss Camelia London returned yesterday from a visit to Ashe ville and other points in Western North Carolina. To the regret of her many friends. Miss Fannie Thompson leaves today for Morgauton af ter spending several weeks here where shje was born and reared. Still Captured. At davdawn last Friday morn ing a blockade still vas captured by Deputy Sheriff S. G. Gunter and Messrs. Raymond Knight, Ralph Knight and Ralph 'John son, about two miles west of Em maus church. At the same time they captured, after a desperate fight, a colored man, named Ed Alston. The still was a compara tively new copper st 11 of about 55-gallon capacity, and had not been run in its present location, but everything was in readiness. The officer and his party lett here about midnight and when in about tvo miles of the still they left their automobile, and in the darkness cautiously proceeded on font through fields and forests to the place where the still was supposed to be, arriving there about an hour before dav. As no one was found at the still, the officers hid themselves nearby in different places, and about day dawn a wagon was driven to within about two liurdred yards of the still and there unloaded. A white man was seen to ap proach the still as if preparing to go to work, and just then anoth er white man and a ney ro in go ing to the still walked up to two of the officers in hiding and then ensued a lively chase. The ne gro was soon caught, but the white man with him reached the wagon and hastily drove off. The negro fought so desperately that it required the united efforts of all four officers to subdue him, and he did not submit until after he had been knocked down and handcuffed. After his arrest a large and dangerous looking nine inch knife was taken from his pocket. He not only fought with his hands and feet, but with his teeth. While the officers were subduing him, the other two blockaders got away. We will not here publish their names. The captured negro and stilw were brought to Pittsboro jail, and the same day the negro was bailed out under a $500 dollar bond, signed by Carey Johnson and Elmer Perry. While the officers were arrest ing the regro one of the white men drove the wagon away at a runawav gait leaving behind on the ground the load of m;al con sisting of about 12 to 14 bushels, all of which was destroyed by the officers as they had no way of removing it. They also de stroyed between 1500 and 2,000 gallons of beer at the still. When will our Chatham block aders learn that they cannot pur sue their illicit business without mo'estiion. The good people of this county and our officers are determined to capture every blockade still as fast ag it is put into position, A Heavenly Phenomena. On last Saturday morning some of our citizens were much alarm ed by the strange appearance of the heavens. Although a very cloudy morning yet there was a strange and unusual light or glow in the skies. & was a yellow ca nary color or, as one of our color ed townsmen said, like the yel low of an egg with meal mixed in it. It occurred between 5 and 6 o'clock and extended all over the heaven above and all around the horizon. So alarmed was one of our good housewives at this strange phe nomena that she thought judg ment day had come and stopped cooking breakfast. Those who saw it declare it was PQt the re flection of the rising sun. If not, what caused it? It was entirely gone by 6:15 o'clock. In Monday night's air raid 107 nprsnns were killed and eighty- isix wounded at Chatham, Eng Iland. it is announced officially. ' The victims were naval ratings Six airplanes took part in the 1 raid. In addition to the naval casualties one civilian was killed l and six were injured. Twenty shoe factories at Lynn, I Mass., which were closed down last April, were reopened last Monday. CHATHAM'S HONOR ROLL THE FIRST TO GO. Ten men will go from here next Friday ithe 7th) to the training camp at Columbia, S. C, as the first squad from this county under the recent draft act of Congress. These ten men are five per cent of the number required from Chatham, and the remainder will go in detach ments. Every squad will be in charge of one of their number, who will be appointed by the examining board- Mr. D, B. Nooe has been appointed the leader to take charge of the squad of ten who will leave here Friday. The following is a list of the names: Nooe, D B, Pittsboro Goldston, W L Jr, Goldston Goldston. C J, Goldston Goldston, Tom W, Goldston Buckner, Grover C, Siler City, Route 1. McPherson, John Randolph, Siler City. White, John C. Ore Hill, Rt 1. Dark, Percy T, Siler City, Rt 5. Williams, Alton A, Corinth. In addition to the names here tofore published in The Record the following have been drawn and "selected" for. military ser vice: Thomas. Calvin Sauls, Joseph T Hill, Benjamin Edwards, Arthur S Moody, Charlev Ellis, Wm Marvin Brooks, James C Glos3on, Lacy Foushee, John Thomas Goins, Lacy Rich, Carl Pennington, John L Lasater. Wm H Bvnum, Mel Yates. E M Minter, Wi.lie Andrew, Stephen S Johnson, C T Marks, Richard H Stone, Cyrus Caesar Cross, Clarence E Bun;s, Thos Addison Mason, Walter Womble, Thomas Jones, MaUie Paschal. R Fred McMiller, Fred Phillips, Cossie Frank Dowdy, Graham Stamey Pool, Alton Foster. Roy . Cole, Jesse Durham, Jesse C Brooks, John lacv Willett, Herbert K Bland. C E Palmer, George Lee Dark, Percy T Aston. Percy Farrell, Sam Jones Taylor, John Emerson, Jess Dickens, James Ernest Sparrow, Louis Dixon, J Wilbert Boone. John E Alston, Joseph Edwards, xom Burns, Mont D Alston. Devitt Phillips, George Pugh, Alex McMath, Gordon B White, John C Teague, Banks L Poe, Arthur J Alston, Jonn W Alston, Lewis Henry Purvis, Hurley W Segroves, Wm Wharton Riggsbee, Fonnie Monroe, Jim Baldwin, Charlie Johnson, Robert Lee Lutterloh, Fred H Teague, Alfred Strowd, Gordon Bynum, Julius P Jacob, Leondias L Horton, David C Goldston, Walter L Jr Perry, Herbert Hunter, Bud Goldston, Carl Jackson Baker, Quinton Douglass, Tom Hackney, Richard, Qoqciwiri, T&Hie ft Wimberlev, Charlie Q Ashley. Efubert Alston, John Archie goldston, Raymond M Wilson, Charlie Lattie Peterson, Eliot Meacham, Joseph Benton Goodwin, George D Clark, Adolphuss Lambert, J Arthur Alston, Richard Horton, Roger J tfeaden, Archie Alston, Ernest Harrington, Lemuel Hall, Wm Cleave Clapp, Geo W Dawkins. Nealie Joe Jonson, Milton Cross Nickerson, William Oldham, Stephen EJ Mason, joe Nooe, D B According to Norwegian ad vices. 21 Norwegian merchant ships with an aggregate tonnagfe of more than 41,000 were lost in August. Twenty-three seamen were killed and five are missing. School Opening. Last Monday .jnorning: the for mal opening of the Pittsboro graded school was held with ap propriate exercises. A much lar ger number of students attended than ever before known here. Quite a number of the friends of the school showed their interest by attending, and short speeches were made by Messrs. F. M.Wil liamson, R. H. v Hayes, James L. Griffin, H. A. London, J. C. Lu ther, W. B. Harden, Earl R. Franklin and Walter Hawkins. This auspicious opening of the school is very encouraging to all its friends. By unanimous vote the follow ing resolution was adopted; To the former pupils of Pittsboro high school who are now in the army of the United States: We, the teachers and pupils of Pittsboro high school send to you, its former pupils, our heartfelt greetings for the noble part you are now playing in the defense of our great republic. The school is proud of the fact that its sons have answered the call of iti country. We realize that the lives of a hundred million people and the entire property of over two hundred and fifty billion dol lars are in your hands and in the hands of your noble comrades; that the honor of our country will be preserved by such brave young men as you. On you has fallen the part of a brave man and we feel sure that that part will be heroically performed. We feel sure that you will conduct yourself in this great struggle for right against wrong, for justice against injustice, for lib erty against oppression, in such a manner that future generations will look back to you as the he roes of a noble struggle, (signed) PITTSBORO HIGH SCHOOL To Lieutenant Commander J. J. London, Lieutenant Bennet Nooe, Jesse Milliken, Louis Nooe, D. B. Nooe, Obie Har mon, Radcliffe Launis, Jack Launis, Walter Johnson, Roland Atwater, Wilbur Lutterloh, Clyde Burns. School News. The Pittsboro public high school opened Monday, Sept. 3d, with 122 students, 36 of which are in the high school. The opening exercises were, in many respects, the most inter esting and auspicious we have ever had. There were addresses j by our county superintendent, members of the county board of education and by representatives from the town, which were in spiring and appropriate, One of the features of the be ginning of school was the greet ings sent from teachers and pu pils to all former students who are now serving in the army of the United States. Much needed work has been done in and around the school building in preparation for open ing of school. The building is in a beautifully clean and sanitary condition, and it is hoped that both teachers and pupils will take great pride in keeping it thus. We want to emphasize the fact that our school is alwavs glad to have visitors. Last year quite a number of the patrons visited the school and we hope that this year many more w'll avail themselves of this opportunity of keeping in closer touch with the school and of encouraging both teachers and pupils, " 821 Littleton College. The 36th annual session of Littleton college will begin on Wednesday, September 26th. We have an ideal plan by which pu pila may live at their own charge n our main dormitory building, thus saving about $75 during the scholastic year. For further in formation address J. M. Rhodes, Lake Junaluska, N- C, till Sep tember th, and after that Lit tleton, N, C. adv It is announced that a number. or British army ofheers will soon be attached to the American, expe ditionary force to assist in train ing1 the Americans who will thus get the advantage of the best points of both the Tneh and British tactics, Thirty-odd Seaboard -clerks, among them five women, went out on a strike at Raleigh, yes terday, thev demanding an in crease in pay of 20 percent in their salary. A reglmeut of 2.400 negro stevedores is wanted by the gov ernment to han dle war supplies for the American expeditionary forces in Europe. Austrian losses in the fighting on the road to Triest are 125.000 men and 1,200 officers, according to late dispatches. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. -Having qualified as administrator of the estate of the late C; E. Kelly, deceased, this is to notify all persons holding claims against his estate to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of Septem ber, 1918, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This September 5, 1917. M. T. KFLLY, Administrator of C. E. Kelly. - - . , i i - i . , r - i DIGESTONEINE" Nature's Restorative, Will help. Not only gives quick, sure relief from indiges tion's ills Heartburn, Dizziness, Sour Risings, Acid Mouth, Sleepless ness, etc., but builds up appetite and entire system. Thousands KNOW. Follow their lead USE IT T7QTfTKTT7T'kH 'The Key to Relief I am Improving in health since I nave been taking your medicine. It has helped me so much. I can't tell you how thankful I am. I do not think I could get along without it. I. have recommended it to many, since it has done me so much good. WILLIS TOWNS. Manson, No. Car. Digatantlnt satisfies or your money BACK For further convincing FACTS, see G. R. PILKINGTON Pittsboro. N. C. ri2i STATEMENT Independent Order of St. Luke, RICHMOND, VA. Condition December 31, 1916, as shown by statement, filed. Amount of ledger assets December 31st of previous year $ 86,562 42 Income From members, $100,634.33; miscellaneous $17,140,38; total 117,774 71 Disbursements To mem members, $ 7,460.35; mis cellaneous, 62: total 103,090 97 ASSETS. Value of real estate (less amount of incumbrances) $ 30,000 0) Value of boods and stocks. 31,138 15 Cash in Association's office 50 00 Deposits in trust compan ies and banks not on inter est 13,116 73 Deposits in trust cempan les and banks on interest 19,137 90 Interest and rents due and accrued 100 00 All other assets, as detail ed in statement 23,947 88 Total $117,490 66 Less assets not admitted- 8,905 14 Total admitted assets $108,585 52 LIABILITIES. Death claims due and un paid $ 5,680 00 Salaries, rents, expenses, commission, etc 1,560 70 Total liabilities $ 7,240 70 Business in North Carolina During 1916 Po.icies or certificates in force December 31st of pre vious year, number 1328; am.-unt $144,060 00 Policies or certificates issued during the year, number 293; amount 29,300 00 Policies or certificates in gBfl force December 31st, 1816, nutaber 1383; amount 149,560 00 Losses and claims unpaid December 31st of previous year number 2; amount-. 200 00 Losses and claims incurred during the year, number 21; amount 2,100 00 Losses and claims paid dur ing the vear, number 18; amount.. 1,800 00 Losses and claims unpaid December 31, 1816, num ber 5; amount 500 00 Premiums and assessments collected during the year- 4,644 75 resident, A. C. Gamer. Secretary, Maggie L. Walker. Home office, Richmond, Va. General agent for service, Jas. R. Young, Insurance Commissioner, Ral eigh, N. C State of North Carolina, Insuarance Department. Raleigh, March 17, 1917. I, James R. Young, Insurance Com missioner, do herebv certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Independent Or der of St. Luke, a fraternal order, of Richmond, Va., filed with this de partment, showing the condition of said company on the 31st of Decem ber, 1916. Witness my hand and official seal the day and date above written. JAMES R. YOUNG, Insurance Commissioner. STATEMENT House-hold of David, FAYETTEV1LLE, N. C. Condition December 31, 1916, as shown by statement filed Amount of ledger assets. De cember 31st of previous year.. 229 38 Income From members; total. 365 00 Disbursements -To members. m ISTAOHi mistellaoeous, $85.27; total 360 27 ASSETS. Cash in Associate's office $234 11 Total admitted assets $234 11 LIABILITIES. Total liabilities $234 11 Business in North Carolina During 1916 Policies or certificates in foroce December 31st of previous year, number 222; amouut$ $14,150 00 Policies .or certificates issued during the year,54;amount 2,700 00 Policies or certificates in force December 31. 1916. number 276; amount, 16,850 00 Losses and claims paid dur ing the vear, amount, 275 03 Premiums and assessments collected during the vear, 365- 00 President, Lewis Beatty. Secretary D. L. Murphy. Home office, Fayetteyille, N. C. State of North Carolina, Insurance Department, Raleigh, March 27, 1917. I, James R. Young, Insurance Com missioner, do hereby certify tnat tne above is a true and correct abstract, of the statement of the Household of i David, a fraternel order, of Fayette ville, N. C. filed with this depart ! merit, showing the- condition of said ! company on the 31st day of Decem- ber. 1916. Witness my hand and official seal the day and date above written. JAMES R. YOUNG, Insurance Commissioner. BREAK YOUR LAND FOR YOUR GRAIN CROP WITH AN Oliver Chilled Plow if you want the best results. W. L. LONDON & SON ft A NK of PITTSBORO Capital stock paid in $10,000 Surplus and Profits $ 9.500 Your BankingJDusiness solicited a ad ev il ery accommodation extended to depesi- Ii tors consistent with prudent banking: methods. Four per cent paid on time certificate deposits. ARTHUR H. LONDON, President. HV -THE to to Banking Loan Our New Year Resolutions : To gain all the new friends and cus tomers that may be won by perfect service, considerate regard for all and a sincere desire to make every trans action mutually profitable. We invite YOU to call or correspond. tit to to to to to to to to to Banking Loan Sanford, N. C. Capital - to to to to to Notice is herebv given of the seizure of the following property at illicit stills tor violatiou of the Internal Revenue laws of the United Stules: 1 pisfol and a single barrel gun April 19,1914, of David Allen in JoUnstoii county; one Winchester rifle JuDe 29, 1915, of John Smith in Duplin county; one single barrel shotgun June 17, 1914, of Blaney Hickman in Rrunswick coun ty; one double barrel shot gun May 26, 1917, of Guthrie Sibbet in Colum bus county; one single barrel shotgun March 22, 1916, of C.C.Hryant in Ons low county, and one single barrel shot gun March 24, 1916, of John Pierce in Onslow county. Persons claiming any of the foregoing property will file their claims within thirty days as re quired by law, or the same will be for feited to "the use of the United States. J. W. Bailey, Collector, Raleigh, North Carolina. August 22, 1917. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. Bv virtue of an order of the supe rior court of Chatham county, in the cause entitled, "Lucy J. Branson et a! vs T H Wilson et al," I will, at the courthouse door in Pittsboro, N. Con Saturday, Sept. 22nd, 1917, sell to the highest bidder for cash the lands described in the pleadings there in, to-wit: A tract of land in Chatham county, N. C , Bear Creek township, adjoin ing the lands of Ben Lambert on the north; on the east by the lands of Sam Brady; on the south by the lands of Dan Stokes and Hack Jones, and on west by the lands of Jack Powers.con taining 56 acres, and being one of the lots in the division of the lands of the late Elijah Wilson. This August 20th, 1917. R. H. HAYES, Commissioner ADMINISTRATORS NOiiu. Having qualified as the admin istrator of J. L. Rav, deceased, I here by notify all persons holding claims against snid decedent to exhibit the same to me on or before the 8th day of August, 1918. August 8th, 1917. W. H. FERGUSON. Bynum 8c Johnson, Attorneys. We carry all sizes in stock. W l 4 I M. T. WILLIAMS, Cashier. m i 1 i m m m and Trust Go j& Trust Go., Jonesboro, N. C. $25,000.00 Notice is hereby given of the sei.'iro of the following property for the i -lation of the Internal Revenue fWN of the United States: Two unstamp ed barrels containing about 20 gallnni of untaxpaid wine washed ashore loin the stranded steamship "A. A lt ven" near Coast Guard Station 175, in Dare county, N. C. and seized Au gust 25, 1917. Persons claiming i!i foregoing property will tile their clni s within t -irty days as required bv law. or the same will be forfeited to iho use of the United States. J. W. Ha -ley, Collector, Raleigh, N. C, Auguat 29, 1917. Notice is hereby given of the seizure of the following property for vi la-' tion of tue Internal Revenue Iuvm of the United States : -M) galloiiH i.f wine, one barrel sugar a an il ictl still operated by Joe Dani' I , near Black creek, Wilson rountv, N. C. AueustH, 1917. Persons chinn ing the foregoing property will the their claims within thirty days as re quired by law, or the same will be for feited to the use of the United St:its. J. W. Bailey, Collector, Raleigh. N. C. August 22. 1917 MORTGAGE SALE. By vir tue of the powers of sale cn tained in a certain deed of mortfrfC. executed by W. T. Johnson and w if to the undersigned, and- registered in book FD, page 412, I will, on Wednesday, Sept. 26, 1917. at 12 o'clock, sell at public auction fr cash, at the courthouse door in Pii; , boro, Chatham county, N. O., I lml certain tract or parcel of land in Pitt boro, Chatham county, X. ( ., cn taimng 3 JJ-4 acres, men of leas, and bounded as follows: On the east by the FayctteviM road; on the south by Adolphu Olurk'x line; on the west by W. A. Bllfojrton; on the north by Mrs. W, E. I'eiidn erass and Thomas Hacknej , about 3 3-4 acres, more or less. This August 21, 1917. WnLTEB D. SlLIili. Mortgagee. Siler & Barber, Attorneys.