flliE CHATHAM RECORD I Established Sept. 19thf 1878, and edited continuously for nearly 40 years by H. A. London. Subscription Rate, $1.50 the year. Published at Pittsborp, Chatham County, N. C, every Wednesday. Democratic in politics. Entered at the postoffice at Pitts boro as Mcond-class mall matter. I pledge allegiance to MY FLAG and to the Republic for which it stands; one nation indivisible with Lib erty and justice foi all. II. M. LONDON, Editor. WEDNESDAY. MAY 15. 1918 METHODISTS MODIFY TIME LIMITJ One of the most interesting discussions held in the general conference of the Methodist Epis copal church, south, in session in Atlanta for several days past, was that over the question of the abolition of the four-year time limit on Methodist preachers. The committee on revisals pre sented both majority and minor ity reports, the former favoring the removal of the time limit. After a lengthy discussion, ex tending over two days, by a vote of 155 to 131 a paragraph was in serted in the cburch discipline qualifying the time limit by em powering bishops to continue a minister in a pastorate on the request of a quarterly confer ence, supported by a majority of the presiding elders in the bish op's cabinet at an annual confer ence. The effect of the change is to permit a minister hereafter to retain a pastorate for a prac tically unlimited period where the congregations which he serves desire his retention. Some of those advocating the change de clared that the time limit was an " antiquated measure, a heartless piece of machinery, frequently preventing young ministers from aspiring to the highest positions in the church, and that the time shad come when it was necessary in order that a preacher may do his best work that he remain Jtfith a church so long as he gave -satisfaction. The status of the presiding elders was allowed to jremain unchanged and they will continue to be forced to move every four years. - Another matter passed on fa vorably by the conference worthy of note was the extension of suf frage to women members of the church. After forty years of effort, the paragraphs in the dis cipline prohibiting women from serving as stewards or being members of the quarterly con ference, was ordered stricken from the book of laws. RED CROSS DRIVE NEXT. FT1 r On next Monday, the 20th, the Red Cross drive covering every city, village and neighborhood throughout the country begins. The sum of $100,000,000 is to be raised in the week given over to this patriotic work in which ev eryone should do his bit. The good work which the Red Cross is doing in 2??)l WEmfa rr mil- olr inw both at home and "over there," is so well known as to admit of no discussion on this point. A certain definite amount has been allotted to every county and com munity to subscribe, and wo doubt not that the goal set will be reached. Many examples have been giv en during the present war of how the Red Cross has been a powerful force in reducing the suffering and adding to the con", forts of the soldiers and of tre civilians in the battle zones abroad. In one item alone, or e million sweaters have been sup plied to our soldiers andT sailors, half of them made in American homes, a record of which Ameri-. can women may well be proud. In innumerable ways the Red Cross administers to the wound and alleviates their suffering, making it as endurable as possible. TiME RECORD IN SHIPBUILDING. The skill, dispatch and effici ency of American workmanship was splendidly demonstrated re centlywhen all records-were bro ken for rapid construction of a shin at Philadelnhia in the launching of the steel coll i3r Tuckahoe. The keel of the ship was laid just 27 days before the hull was ready for launching, 90 per cent of the work being completed in that time. An ad ditional 15 days time will only be necessary for it to take its place in the commerce of the world,. com plete and ready for a cargo. Such a splendid record was made in the construction of this sip as to attract the attention of Presi dent Wilson, who wrote a letter of congratulation to the workmen and executive staff of the ship building company, on the extra ordinary record made by them. That was a splendid, thing which General Pershing did last week in issuing an order to all units of the American forces in France calling on the officers and men to write a letter home on Mother's Day in the following words: "I wish every officer and soldier in the American ex peditionary forces would write a litter home on Mother's Day. This is a little thing f or each one to do, but these letters will carry back our courage and affection to the patriotic women whose love and prayers inspire us and cheer us on to victory." Write More Cheerful Letters. Mothers, write more cheerful letters to your sons in uniform! They need messages of encouragement, not dole ful foreboding, nor constant reminders of the awfulness of the "great disaster to humanity." This is the pleading me ssage sent out not by government officials, but by the boys themslves boys that are over there. "Don't help the kaiser by hanging weights on the spirits of your boys who are lighting," writes Jos. Teter, of the regiment, United States Marine Corps, now in France. "The boys are all ready to go through this thing, taking things as they come, but it is the folks back home who seem to be quitters. All of us are getting letters of this sort from our mothers and I tell you it is mightfy dishearenting. " Take a tip from this lad's earnest plea, mothers, don't wail! Meat is Scarcer.. Durham Herald. If we are to avoid another spell of meatless days we must lop off two pounds of meat from the weekly menu according to the food adminstration of the state. This estimate is based on the most recent statement of the na tional authorities, who point out that our ever increasing force over seas is demanding more meat than we have ever before exported. The necessities for shipments abroad to our army and Allies are very large and amount to 75, 000, 000 lbs of meat and meat products of all - kinds per. week against a prewar normal of less than 15.000.000 pounds. Even with these large shipments the Allies have found it necessary to reduce their consump tion of all kinds of meats to an averge of about 1 l-4 pounds per week per person in order that no further draft should be made upon shipping than is now required for the transportation of our soldiers. Our consumption of meats is about 3 1-4 pounds per week per person and if we are to make both ends balance during the short marketing season we must have further - economy. More Men Wanted. White men, physically qualified for military service, are wanted as follows: Twenty railroad brakeman, flagman and conductors to report . to Camp Meade, Admiral, Md. Twelve locomo tive engineers and flagmen , to report to Camp Dix. Washington, N. J. Four veterinarians to report to Camp Lee, Petersburg, Va. : Also . 20 colored bricklayers to the mobilization Camp at Fort Wayne,- Mich.; 10 carpenters and helpers to report to the same camp. . , The voluntary period to enlist will contiue until May 20, after that no more volunteers will be accepted, and local boards are instructed to select men in order of numbers from class 1. - If not enough men can be found in class 1 local boards will deduct registrants in classes 2D and 3K. and L. Women Farmers Succeed. That women make highly successful farmers is shown by the fact that nearly 2,000,000 of them are in charge of farms in the country. Rubbing Eases Pain Rubbing sends the liniment tingling through the flesh and quickly tops pain. Demand a liniment that you can rub with. The best rubbing liniment is 1 . n Good for the Ailments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc QqoJ for your own Aches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cute, Burns, Etc 25c. 50c. $!. At all Dealer.. 1 ASTORIA For Infants and Children 2 Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of Against Professional Exhibits. The North Carolina Poultry , associa tion has gone on record as being oppos ed to professional exhibits at the State fair, and they have appointed a com mittee arranging with Secretary Pogu to put this matter across. The poultry-, men state that there has always been a tendency on part of the fair officials to allow professional exhibitors to come in and win all of the prize money, car? rying it out of the state, and in this way the local men have lost an incent ive to build up prize winning exhibit flocks of birds. ' Last State Joins. Mississippi is the last state to join the compulsory education procession, announces the United States bureau of education. The movement for compul sory education, which women have led during the last ten years, is now espec ially important, according to the bu reau. Mississippi completes the chain of states that have passed compulsory school attendance laws. Practically no foreign countries are without such laws except Turkey. Russia and Spain.) Get Rid of Your Rheumatism. Now is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. You will find Chamber lain's Liniment a great help. The re lief which it affords is alone worth many times its cost, adv An Australian chemist hes been suc cessfully experimenting with the eco nomical production of alcohol from a pxlm which grows profitably in that country. Best Remedy for Whooping Cough. "Last winter when my little boy had the whooping cough I gave him Cham berlain's Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. J. B. Roberts, East St. Louis, 111. "It kept his cough loose and relieved him of those dreadful coughing spells. It is the only cough medicine I keep in the house because I have the most con fidence in it." This remedy is also good for colds and croup, adv A Boston newspaper is believed to be the first, metropolitan daily to have a woman as city editor. About 13,000 Chinese laborers have been shipped to France, according to a Chinese newspaper. Their wages ate from $30 to $40 per month. Proper Food for Weak Stomachs. The proper food for one man may be all wrong for another. Every one should adopt a diet suited to his age and occu pation. Those who have weak stomacl s need to be especially careful and should eat slowly and masticate their food thoroughly. It is also important that they keep their bowels regular. When they become constipated or when they feel dull and stupid after eating, they should take Chamerlain's Tablets to strengthen the stomach and move, the bowels. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect, adv - Asphyxiating Gas in Letters. Germans are credited with injecting asphyxating gasinto letters sent home by prisoners in their prisons. -A wo man in the Las Gascodiere was recent ly ill for several days after opening - a letter from a French prisoner in Ger many. On the same day, it is said, another woman received a letter, also contain ing poisonous gas, from her husband,. a. captive in Bavaria. Other cases have been reported. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and for years it was sup posed to be incurable. Doctors prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly influenced by constitutional con ditions and therefore requires constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medi cine, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is a constitutional remedy, is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. One Hundred Dollars re ward is offered for any case that Hall's Catarrh Medicine fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. OK. J. O. M4NN LYE-SIGHT SPECIALIST Will be at Dr. Chapin's office, Pittsboro, N. C, every 4th Tuesday in each month. Glasses fitted that are easy and restful to the eyes. Cross-eyes straightened without the knife. Weak eyes of chil dren and young people -a specialty. My next visit will. be Tuesday, May 28. til Net Contents 15Pluid Drachitri If SB" i r7 uisO.F KvsSJ is i:n.?i,.!r'i mm mm "B4 "l ;. jn ii i i-i i ' " " ' ,,- 17 VT S 3 .ALGOxiUli"" trcn " L J nr. i ..t..iiwi9!ififtnTnrAs aiitiiin-"- - . 5n6thStonuisandBcsweISuT m i TlicretrPfomotinDiaeslSJ . jPoct fnntains ncimcrOphim,Morphuic MfrewLNoTNAHCOTiCj . r f ' JtochfUtSafM JtmrmmB A nej pi ui m:u-.7 a (VmstipationaittlPiarrhoc m reaming mgre"" Jac-Sinue aigno"r- iHECEOTAWlGOHPSi ) For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the gnatnre of la; i IF For Over Thirty Years ppMTfilipniii Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CCNTAUR COMPANY. NCW TOUR CITY. 2wd liMtrt ii Mi A German woman spy was caught trying to cross the French border wear ing a rubber corset and petticoat, both filled with alcohl. Road to Happiness. Be amiable, cheerful and good na- tured and you are much more likely to be happy. You will find this difficult, if not impossible, however, when you are constant'y troubled with constipa tion. Take Chamberlain's Tablets and get rid of that and it will be easy. These tablets not only move the bowels, but in prove the appetite and strengthen the digestion, adv " FOR SHERIFF. To the. Voters and Citizens of Chatham County: I wish to thank you for the loyal sup port you have given me as sheriff of y ur county and assure you of my ap preciation In repaid to the coming primary and election, I wish to say that ui: ler the conditions now existing this mtter is entirely v.ith ycu. If you th;nk I am the man to serve you I am at your service and will appeciate your support. Yours truly, April 3, 1918. LEON T. LANE. ANNOiNCEMEKT. To the Voters of Chatham County: At the earnest solicitation of a large number of voters, I have decided to be come a candidate for the office of Coun ty Commissioner for the term of two years, subject to the action of the Dem ocratic primary. Respectfully, April 3, 1918. J. W. GRIFFIN. Register of Deeds. To the Voters of Chatham County: . Thanking you kindly for the liberal i suDoort vou have heretofore given me, j I wish to announce that I will again be a candidate for the office-of Register of Deeds for Chatham county on the Democrattc ticket at the coming pri mary election, and shall thank you for your support. Respectfully, JOHN W. JOHNSON. Ann on ii cement. Reiner snliritp A bv miite a number of i 1 : .. . . of our good people, 1 have decided to . become a candidate for County Com i missior.er, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. Thanking you in advance for your support, if electe I will serve you faithfully. I a rn, truly yours for success, ! Ai.rii 17. 1918. W. M. LINDSEY. W.S3. mR SAYINGS STAMPS ISSUED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT HudsonBelk COMPANY, RALEIGH, a. C. SEVERAL HUNDRED BEAUTIFUL SEPERATE SKIRTS , Attractively Priced for This Week's Selling All-Wool Skirts at $3.98 Fine all-wool Skirts, in regular and extra sizes, r0 navy or black, all-wool Serge at SiaBsaKsr These Shirt Wash Values Can't Last Fine White Gabardine Skirts at 98c 98 n II m Hundreds of better Wash Skirts priced at J- $1.48, $1.38 to $4 Beautiful Taffeta Skirts . $8.00 VALUES FOR $5.95 These are exceptional values, splen did heavy Taffeta, smart styles, priced . ....55 Fancy Taffeta and Satin Skirts at $3.95 to $6.95 Satin Stripe Foile Silk Skirts at- $8.95 These are very new Mantone Satin Foile Silk Skirts, Navy and Black only $8.95 Hudson Belk Co. 17 Stores Sell for Less for Cash 8 ForIIep.cnta.lve. ' mWWWW To the Voters of-Chatham County: I hereby announce myself a candidate tor Representative in tne general as semblv of 1919. subiect to the action oJ the Democratic primary to be held on the hrst day of June next. Respectfully. A. C. RAY. April 3, 1918. FOR SHERIFF. T hprphv announce mvself as a candi date for sheriff of Chatham county. subject to the action of the Democratic I primaries. JOE T. BLAND. April 3. (!) vi il vi il ili ili il l) ii vi a vi il) viz vi to to to to to to to to to STATEMENT OF THE Banking Loan and Trust Go SANFORD, NORTH CAROLINA March 4, 1918. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts . .... $411,891 98 Stocks and Liberty Bonds 20,150 76 Furniture and fixtures. 6,143 96 Real estate . 5,515 13 Cash and due from banks 136,508 85 Total ... ..$580,210 68 LIABILITIES. Capital stock ............ . $ 25,000 00 Undivided. profits :...... 12,126 26 Reserved for interest. 1,106 27 v Ohter Liabilities 732 24 Deposits 541,245 91 A visit to Raleigh is hardly complete without a.visit to J 'Raleigh's Shopping Center' OYLAN- PEARCE CO, Our Showing of Ladies5 j Total ..$580,210 68 va WUV ITV17DV MAM fj Hill JLj V J. IVmil C .SHOULD HAVE A IGKING ACCOUNT The man who works along definite, sytematic lines knows just how he stands and what he wants to accomplish. This is why every man should have n checking account. In no other way can he systematically conduct his every day financial affairs. '1 ANK of PITTSBORO invites small as well as large checking accounts. ! We vant your business. BANK OF TITTSBORO ARTHUR H. LONDON, President. I M. T. WILLIAMS, Cashier Suits, Dresses, Coats, Waists and Sweaters Is the Most Complete and Smartest we have ever attempted Out of town orders receive the most careful attention of ex pert shoppers arid may be re turned if not in every sense satisfacory -X 4 We Prepay Carry ing Charges irirk & Notice is herebv civen of t.h Rfiznr of the fnllnwrnor nrnrortir frr fmlatinn of the Internal Revenue laws of the United States: At near Mackevs Wash ington county, on the land of W. A. Evetett, April 20 1918, four barrels of molasses at an illicit distillincr nl ant- owner unknown. Persons claiming the foregoing property will file their claims within thirtv davs as remiirri bv law. or; the same will be forfeited to the usofthe United States. J. W. Bailey, Collector. Raleigh, N.C., May 8, 1918. Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as administrator : .L. P. Council, deceased, this is tc vg fy all persons holding claims aga this estate to present the J?lM undersigned on or before the b' of Aprif 1919, or this notice win plead in bar of their recovery. This April 25th, 1918. mJJS07S Admr of L. P. Council R. R; Hayes, Attorney. W

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