WEDNESDAY, MAY 15. 1918 LOCAL RECORDS Rain court week. List your taxables this month. Carry your chickens and eggs-to R J. Moore, adv The hard-working horse trader is with us this week. You will find oats and sweet feed at R. J- Moore's. advv Manly Smith can furnish you ice in any quantities, adv - Three of Chatham's . selectmea left last Friday for Fort Scriven, Ga. R. J. Moore would like to buyjrour corn; will pay cash or trade.-, adv Since the last report John W. Perry has become a member of the Red Cross.- Pittsboro and Chatham county men are to entrain here on May 28. They will go to Camp Jackson. 1,000 bushels of corn wanted by B Nooe, Pittsboro, N. C; will pay cash; price today $1.75 per bushel, adv Next Saturday, the 18th, is the last dav in which candidates; may file notice of candidacy for the primary June 1st. Mr. John C. Luther, of New Hope township, has been appointed rural carrier on a route running out from New Hill. Mrs. J. C. Boone has received a card from her son, John E. Boone, stat ing: that he had arrived safely on the other side of the big pond. Several Pittsboro citizens went to RslpiVh Sundav to hear the 113th ar tillery band which stopped in Raleigh and gave a concert Sunday sfternoon. A nure-bred registered Percheron stallion will be kept at Floyd Harmon's, at the Clapp place, during this season. Your patronage solicited. adv. The Republicans held a meeting in the courthouse here last Saturday and nominated delegates to the county con vention which meets here today at 12 o'clock. Dr. S. Rapport, of Durham, will be in Pittsboro at Dr. Farthing's office, Tuesday, May 21, at Siier City May 22, at the hotel. Glasses fitted that are fitted that are restful and easy to the eyes. Headaches relieved when caused by eye-strain, adv B. H. Thompson, of Aurora, a farm er of eastern North Carolina, was shot and killed in a raid on three alleged moonshiners in the South Creek sec tion of Beaufort county last week. Mr. Thompson was a first cousin of our townsman. Dr. H. T. Chapin. Mail addressed to members of the American expeditionary force in France should have the word "American" writ ten or spelled in full so that in the ad dress the designation will read "Amer ican E. F.," according, to a request made by the postoffice authorities. The new order is deemed necessary in order to distinguish American mail from that addressed to the expeditionary forces of other countries. PERSONAL MENTION Mr. A. H. London is attending the Episcopal convention at Salisbury. Mr. David B. Moore has returned to. Camp Jackson after a short visit to his mother here. Miss Katherine Eubanks returned last week from the State Normal Col lege at Greensboro. After spending two or three weeks here with his parents Lieut. Louis Nooe left last Monday for Camp Sevier. Rev. T. A. Cheatham, of Raleigh, will preach in the Episcopal church here next Sunday. At the morning services he will preach a patriotic war sermon. Mr. Norwood Eubanks, of Carthage, is here on a visit to his parents. He has just returned from a trip to Jack sonville Fla. He will go to Camp Jack son next week to enlist in the army. Among the visiting lawyers attend ing Superior court here this week are A. A. F. Seawell and K. R. Hoyle, of Sanford; Fred. W. Bynum, of Rock ingham; H. M. London, of Raleigh; J. Elmer Long, of Graham; N. Y. Gulley, of Wake Forest Miss Bertha Williams, of Williams township, has the honor and distinction of having made the highest record on her examination of any nurse specaliz ed in surgery that every graduated from the Sarah Elizabeth hospital in Henderson. She stands the state hoard examination in Raleigh this week. Federal Jurors. The following citizens from Chatham county have been drawn as jurors for the Federal court wh ich convenes in Raleigh Tuesday, May 21: Stephen J. Harmon, Alex M. Wal ters, W. E. Clark, C. V. Tally, Samuel Cox, Jack Mann, Manly Barber and A. L. Phillips. For the second week, be ginning. May 27 the following were drawn: A. C. Williams, J. B. Council, T. G. Rollins and Charles Forrester; and for the third week, beginning June 3, C. N. Justice, N. R. Dixon and John W. Carson were drawn. Memorial Day in Pittsboro. Memorial Day was most appropriate ly celebrated in Pittsboro on the 10th. The Daughters of the Confederacy and children met at the residence of Mrs, H. A. London at J o'clock and, led by Revs. W. B. Waff, P. D. Woodall and Mr. R. L. Sutphin, marched to the Confederate monument on the court house square carrying wreaths and flowers.. All joined in singing "Amer ica." Rev. W. B. Waff, pastor of the Baptist church, then offered a beauti ful prayer, after which" was sung, "When the Roll is Called Up Yonder, I'll Be There." . ... . The address, "The Heroes of the South," delivered by Rev. P. D. Wood- all, was a splendid tribute to our Con federate heroes, living and dead. Mrs. Henry Bynum and Miss Eliza beth Milliken sang most beautifully Tenting on the Old Camp Ground." The children strewed flowers around the monument and then all marched to the different churchyards and decorat ed with wreaths and flowers the graves of those dead heroes of ours. Canning Club Organized. On last Friday Mrs. M. M. Davis, of Raleigh, made a talk here on the sub ject of canning clubs which are to be organized in every community in the county shortly. Our county commis sioners have appropriated $200 to em ploy a woman county agent who will as sist the various communities in this im portant work for the next six months. The following weje elected officers of e local canning club: Mrs. R. H. naves, president; Mrs. L. E.' Farthing, secretary. North Carolina subscribed over $25,- llflA AAA T ' :-,wwuie third liberty loan bond awie .exceeding her allotment by $6, 356,350, or 34 per cent. The Y. M. C. A. today is using more potion picture films than was the total 7"a OI al1 the studios in this country yars ago. . Another Still "Took." This thing of capturing stills is get ting to be monotonous (?). First thing we know we prohibitionists will not have a place to go to get our mornins' morning, umcer Lrunter ana aids cap tured another still (which makes the fourth in the last three weeks) last Thursday up in Hadley township, where the "Tnist oi tne morning is made promiscuously in most every nook and corner and on most every little and big branch, so it is said, and brought the German long gun back here and odged the innocent looking thing in jail. Some 800 gallons of beer were pour ed out besides destroying other things usually feund around such places. The blockaders, by the signs in the moon, sniffed the air and got a whiff of Col. Gunter's watermobile and made tracks to the distant peaks. But it is sad to state that all of ; that good beer and iquor had to be thrown away. If the officers had not bothered it some poor devil might have drunk it, got into trouble and then got into jail where the 'trouble-maker" now resides instead, Red Cross VWak. Resolutions of Respect. -V . . m . - I president Wilson has issued a proc- At a meeting'of the bar of Chathair. lamaxion designating tne weeK oegm- held this day in the courthouse in Pitts mng may su as itea woss weeK,- jboro at the" adjournment of court, his and calling upon the American people , Honor, Judge-Whedbee, presiding, the to contribute generously to the second following resolutions were adopted 'and $iou.uou,000 war tund of the American Red Cross for the alleviation of . suffer ing, amoug the American troops jn France, and their dependents at home and among tha fighting forces and civ ilian population of the allied countries. In one section in France where Y.M. C. A. work was instituted among sold iers the commanding officer said: "Since you men came my crime sheet has gone down 90 per cent " . Town Treasurer's Report. , I, W. L. Farrell, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of the town of Pittsr boro, N. C, beg to herewith file an an nual statement of receipts and disburse ments of the general town taxes, to wit: ";; -. GENERAL TOWN TAXES. J RECEIPTS. 7 : ' 1917. - May 1. To balance on hand $422 13 June 8. Received S. G. Gunter general taxes for 1917 June 8. Same for 1915 -. June 8. July 28. Dec. 7. " 7. " 8.- for 1916 for 1916- for 1915- for 1916. for 1916 for 1914 for 1917 for 1917- . Nooe license tax 8. B 1918. Feb. 18. Received of S. G. Gun ter general taxes for 1917$ 39 55 Feb. 18. Same for 1914 90 ! 18. ' 18. April 20. " 29. " 29. for 1915 . for 1916 for 1916 for 1916 89 ordered spread upon the minutes of the court: - . ' Whereas, it has pleased an all-wise Providence to take from the activities of this iif e and from our midst our de parted brother and associate, the Hon. Henry Armand London, who Vas and had been for years the dean of thisbar; and. Whereas, we; -feeling the loss which we have -: sustained and realizing the high character and 'exaniple. so worthy Of our emulation; are desirous of ex pressing iti ' permanent form and man ner our sentiment; -therefore, be it Resolved,' first, ::-'that. in the death of the Hori. Henry 'Arinand London our state has lost a brave, courageous, pa' triotic ;and..4oyai citizen; pur county a citizen,v..wh6?; was ever, jealous of -.its best interests, traditions and life;, our town bite of rits oldest'"ffod truest pro moters and.kour profession a learned, upright,:? cautious, honor able,", able and eloquent chaVkcter whose life and char-? acter at'tti&lbar arworthy"o the. em ulation: of our entire association. '. . Seconds ThatV we explore his going away and shalf cherish' his memory. Third. That 'the clerk. ott this court be directed to spread upon the minutes of the court on a page set apart for that purpose a copy of these resolutions and that a copy be sent to the bereaved family extending to them our deepest and sincerest sympathy -in this hour of sadness and assuring them that the Bar and the people at large hold in loving memory the many virtues and the spot- i i a it i vi li i : u 2 00 letB ciiaracter, uits uuuurauie me which 12 38 ' has been transmitted to them as a 44 25 ' priceless heritage. 5 04 10 11 52 58 75 31 7 38 102 62 30 52 . 90 272 58 98 25 82 50 for 1916. 16 53 79 Superior Court. The May term of Chatham superior court for the trial of criminal and civil cases convened last Monday morning, with his Honor, Judge H.W. Whedbee, of Pitt county, presiding. Solicitor W. D. Siler was promptly at his post of duty and," after an able and instructive charge to the grand jury by the judge, the prosecution of cases on the criminal docket was be gun. The following were drawn as members of the grand jury: N. J. Wilson, foreman; J. B. Beal, M. Dickens, J. E. Tillman, J. J. Peo ples, D. R. McManus, J. W. Jones, A. ,. Markham, A. G. Thomas, W. M. erry, Jerome B.Brown, J. M. Farrell, . C. Fesmire, A. R. Pugh, J. J. Ed wards, A. M. Webster, W. J. Buckner and C. M. Eddins. Up to going to press the following cases were disposed of: State vs Tom Scurlock; manslaugh ter; four years in state's prison. State vs Charlie Barbee; practicing medicine without license; 6 months on Wayne county roads. State vs Adolphus Stone and Teresa Churchill; f. and a.; both guilty; ver dict: Stone to pay her husband $500 and oil prists. " . State vs Erastus Wilson; retailing;) six months on the roads. State vs Andrew Rives; larceny; six months on the roads. State vs Vona McLean; affray; $10 and costs. State vs Fred R. Edwards; retailing; $25 and costs. - State vs Joe Lane; retailing; 3 months on the roads. State vs SextaChavis; assault; costs. State vs J. H. Smith andT.L, Stone; affray; Stone was fined ?20 and half the costs; Smith half the costs. State vs Zeb Caviness, Wade Cavi- ness and Ivy Caviness; affray; costs. State vs C. V, Johnson; larceny; not guilty. Mrs. Emma Dark vs N. M. Dark; divorce; granted from bed and Doaro. State vs Eurie T. Clark; seduction; defendant submits and judgment sus pended on payment of $300 to prosecu trix and costs of action. The trial of cases on the civil issue docket was begun Wednesday jnorning, the first case being that of N. A. Jones vs Siler City Loan and Trust Co. Court will probably adjourn Friday as several cases on the calendar have been con tinued. , & a & & & & & & & THE DUST OF THE EARTH A play, "The Dust of the Earth, " will be given by home talent at the auditorium next Tuesday night at 8:30 o'clock. Admission 25 and 15c. This is for the benefit of the Red Cross and it is to be hoped that a large crowd will be present. i2 i2 Balance . DISBURSEMENTS. $1370 32 1281 82 .$ 88 50 1917. May 3. Jas. L. Griffin, affidavit " 14. Chatham Record for ad vertising . 10 May 15. W. M. Eubanks, hold ing election May 8, 1917 May 23. B. Nooe, to bal. mak ing out tax books June 5. T. M. Bland, street wk July 7. S. G. Gunter, " work " 14. Chatham Record for ad vertising July 28. S.G. Gunter, street wk 25 80 6 12 9 00 19 50 13 83 14 22 WALTER D. SILER, R. H. DIXON. R. H. HAYES, Committee. May 14, 1918. COULD HARDLY STAND ALONE Terrible Suffering From Headache, Dideache, Backache, and Weak ness, Relieved by Cardsi, ' Says This Texas Lady. , -" f Gonzales, Tex.- Mrs. Minnie Phil- pot; of this place,-;, writes "Five years agor i-was taKen wuh. a pain in my leftside, tit was. right under my left rib. It woHxld commence with, an aching and extend orb into my left shoulder and on .: down Sntd' my ' back. By. that ;tim"e the pain--.would be so severe. I would .have tor taker to bed, and suffered usually about three days . . . i suffered this -way f?r three years. ana got xo dq a mere sKeieton aha Vfaa: so weak f I could hardly, stand aloha WasnotaDle to go 'anywhere, and Tiad to let ffiy house work go.l.I suffered awful, with a pain; inTOyacfc and" I had .the headache all the. .time; I Just was -unable to .do-r st thing." My: life was . a misery;' my Btomath got "In" an awful condition, caused from .taking so inuch medicine.-1 suffered so much pain. I . had just about given up all hopes of ur getting anything to help me. . One day a Birthday Almanac was thrown in my yard. After reading its testimonials I . decided to tr7 Car dui, and. am so thankful that I' did, for I began to Improve when on the second bottle, , , I ' am now a well woman and feeling fine and the cure has been permanent for it has been two years since my awful bad health. I will always praise and recommend Cardui." Try Cardui today. E 78 Aug. 4. Aug. 4. " 4. " 4. " 7. " tax commission " police service--Thos. Jackson, st. wk S. D. Johnsou. regis tering births and deaths wk 1 50 8 12 15 55 50 10 24 00 4 50 W.F, 1 50 2 00 10 00 20. Nov. 6. " 16. " 23. Dec. 1. " " " 4 g ft 1818. Jan. 10. G. W. Blair, cement sidewalk work " 10. G. W. Biair. gravel ce ment aud sand.. eD. z. c. jj. jonnson, regis tering births and deaths Jan. 1. Bank of Pittsboro. in terest on bonds for 6 months 150 00 July 1, 1917. Bank of Pittsboro, int. on bonds for 6 months 150 00 Thos. Jackson, st. R. R. Ramsey. .bland, street wk 107 25 126 85 " 178 40 235 45 36 16 76 45 2 00 Dr. S. Rapport will be in Pittsboro, Tuesday, May 21, 'at Dr. Farthing's of fice, and at Siler City, ' May 22, at the hotel to examine eyes and fit glasses. ! If you are in need of spectacles or eye glasses it is unwise to put off the day when you must wear them. Only the I best quality at a moderate price, adv The Origin of Mothers' Day. According to the national custom in augurated by Congress in .1914 the sec ond Sunday in May is observed as "Mothers' Day." The white carnation is the "official hmblem of tha dead though any white flowers may be worn. The object of the day is to visit, telephone, ' telegraph or write to mother if she is living or do a kindness to some one in her name if she is dead. William Dean Howell says that man never sees all that his mother has been to him until it is too late to let - her know that he j sees it. ;" I The idea of a National Mothers' Day was the result of a memorial planned , by Miss Anna Jarvis, of Philadelphia, I for her mother, who had been greatly . beloved in her home community in Vir ginia. In 1914 Congress designated the I second Sunday in May as Mothers' Day and authorized the President to display STOCK FOR SALE On account of one of the firm being called in to the service of our country, we offer our entire stock of Heavy and Fancy Groceries and store fixtures at cost. Anyone interested, in the grocery business will do well to call at our store on or before the 17th day of this monh as the stock will be offered to merchants or any party in a whole until May 17, 1918, and if not sold by that date we will proceed to retail at cost. Remember the date. J. E. Hearne & Son . CHAPEL HILL, N. C. lir I.T 1 I A 9 . nn a yv . ia. r arreu, treasurer s comjV4 flag on all g0vernment buildings on that day. . v . $1281 82 I, W. L. Farrell. being dulv sworn. deposes and says that the foregoing statement is true and .correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. W. Li. FARRELL. Subscribed and sworn to before mc this May 13, 1918. JAS. L. GRIFFIN, Clerk Superior Court. Pittsboro celebrated the day on.41ie first Sunday of this month instead -Of the second. China is sending contributions tc- ward the six Y. M. C. A. huts that are maintained in France for the Chinese labor army. V 44 5 Dr. S. RAPPORT WILL BE IN PITTSBORO, at Dr. Farthing's office, TUESDAY, MAY 21ST, AT SILER CITY,. AT HOTEL, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, TO EXAMINE EYES AND FIT GLASSES. DOES SEWING OR READING TIRE YOUR EYES? If you find difficulty in reading or sewing for any length of time, you should consult me at once. I can fit you with glasses that you -can wear comfortably at your daily tasks, no matter what your occupation may be. Selling ut 15 DAYS SALE J 6 You are especially invited to come to the big Selling Out Sale that begins May 2nd at S. HERMAN'S, Chapel Hill, N. C. 200 lbs of granulated sugar given away to the first 40 customers spending $5.00. Store will be opened at 9 o'cloclt a. 111. You will see from our large circular SOME of OUR attractive jprices. Merchants invited as I have a FULL STORE and a NO. 1 STOCK TO SELECT FROM. Above sale will continue xo days longer than first advertised. Advance in Price of Cedar Logs. Effective today we are advancing our prices on all cedar logs measuring 6 in. and upwards. Owing to the- unusual and unprecedented conditions, brought about by the war, those who have cedar logs for sale will do well to market them as the probabilities an embargo will be placed on products of this kind. Bring us your logs. You will be pleased with our prices. GEO. C. BROWN & CO. Hi. -A. FAKKHiLLi, Purchasing Agent a u - hi Ml ' IB ti ' . m Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of the , late Ada Smith, this .is, to notify all persons . holding claims against "said estate to present them to the undersigned or his attorney on or before the 15th day of 'May, 1919,,- or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. . ai .This May 15th;' 1918. - ' - f M. TV WILLIAMS, Admr. of Ada Smith, deceased. : R..H. Hayes, Attorney. We clothe you with value as well as style and quality. "Value means your full money's worth in this store and we stand behind it with our guarantee of satisfac- . . . tion. New spring suits that' are good samples oi real value, $15 to $30. Novelty patterns and styles for the young fellows and genteel patterns and styles for the man who wants that kind. We cordially invite you to make our store your headquarters when iii Raleigh. WMTINMORTON CO. 30 Years Raleigh's Leading Clothiers SPRING, 1918. Our stock of NEW. GOODS is now 'complete. - . -.v '. 4 V . v We will be 'glad tojiave you come and show you this attractive stock of DRY GOODS. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT and we can save you money. ' W. L. London & Son o o Cross & Linehan Co. "Raleigh's Leading Clothiers" Fayetteville Street . ' Raleigh, N. C. O0OOOOOOOO o 00.000 o o o o d o o o o o iii Oi Hi iti iii iti . 0i iii vie Ui iii iii iii vii iii (4i i iii tti iii iii iti iii iii ti iii iii vii iii iii iii SADIE M. KING Incorporated Exclusive Ready-to-Wear 128 Fayetteville Street Phona 1153 RALEIGH, N. C. Second Floor Dobbin & Ferrall't ALL MAIL CRDERS GIVEN PERSONAL ATTENTION. 2 m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m as m m m m m m When in Raleigh visit our parlors. We are showing a most exclusive line of ready-to-wear , this season's Goats,' Suits, Waists, ' Dresses, Skirts II ll MONUMENTS Of Enduring Beauty No order too small to receive careful attention. We are the largest retail dealers in the Carolinas. Write us for Catalogue and Prices. ''. Owen Bros. Marble & Granite Company RALEIGH, N. C. " GREENWOOD. S. C. Sale of Real Estate. By virtue of the powers contained in two certain mortgage deeds, executed by I. L. Oldham, and Mattie Oldham, his wife, on the 22d day of January, 1914, and duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Chatham county, in booK iw( at pages 4dd and 434, I will, gn Thursday, May 16, 1918, at the courthouse door in Pittsboro, of- north 84 poles to a stone and pointers; thence west 63 poles to Cedar creek; thence down the creek south 40 west 28 poles to Bynum's line; thence south his line 50 poles to the beginning, contain ing 44 acres, more or less. April 15th, 1918. T. M. BYNUM, Mortgagee. A. C. Ray, Attorney. Land Sale. On MONDAY, the 3rd day of June, i918. at the courthouse door In Pitta. fer for sale to the -highest bidder, fcr ;boro, N. C, I will offer for sale to the cash, the property- hereinafter describ- highest bidder for cash, a tract of land ed : : j lying and being in Hickory Mt. town- 1st tract: Beginning at ash, Dennis ship, Chatham county, N. C, begin Dowdy's corner on Hart line; thence ning at a postoak in Clark's line, Web west with Dowdy's line to W. T. Dow- ster and Alston's corner; thence west dy's corner to a rock in his line; thence 88 poles to red oak; thence south 90 south to a hickory, W. T. Dowdy's cor- ; poles to a pine; thence east 88 poles to ner, 117 poles; thence James Hart's a postoak; thence north 90 poles to the line to Marshall Oldham line; thence beginning, containing 49 1-2 acres, be his line north to the beginning, contain- ing the land the late William iner 73 acres, more or less 2nd tKC : Beginningat a red oa'cand stone in Bynum's line, Gough corner, running nearly east Gough,s 1 ne 90 poles to a stone and pointers; thence bmith, colored, situated on the waters of Harland's creek. This May 7, 1918. ' R. H. HAYES, Attorney . my8 For Owners, .