THINKiNli MORE ABOUT DEATH rjri V' J s 1 4 'j ! " 5 lit ,i t -i Calomel Today! Sick Tomorrow! I Guarantee Dodson's Liver Tone Don't take nasty, dangerous calomel when bilious, " constipated, headachy. listen to me I Calomel makes you sick ; you lose a day's work. Calomel Is quicksilver and It salivates; calomel injures your liver. If you are bilious, feel lazy, slug gish and all knocked out, if your bow els are constipated and your head aches or stomach is sour, just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone instead of using sickening, sali vating calomel: Dodson's Liver Tone Is real liver medicine. You'll know It next morning because you will wake up feeling fine, your liver will be work ing, your headache and dizziness gone, your stomach will be sweet and bow els regular. You will feel like work ing. You'll be cheerful; full of vigor and ambition. Your druggist or dealer sells you a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a Spring Hun of Distemper MAY HE "SPOHNS1 Iff A srreat preventive if you use it as per directions. Simple, safe and sure. The (1 sixe Is twice the quantity and an ounce more than the 50c sixe. Get your horses in best condition for late spring and summer. All druggists, harness deal ers or manufacturers. SPOHN MEDICAL. CO., Manufacturers, Go hen, Ind. Frank. Newly wed I met Bob Spilkins to day and he said he envied me. Wife Bob Spilkins! I told you to cut Bob Spilkins. - Newlywed I shall hereafter. He's such a brainless donkey. ON GUARD At this time of the year people feel weak, tired, listless, their blood Is thin, they have lived indoors and perhaps expended all their mental and bodily energy and they want to know how to renew their energy and stamina, over come headaches and backaches, have clear eyes, a smooth, ruddy skin, and feel the exhilaration of real good health tingling thru their body. Good, pure, rich, rei blood is the best insurance against ills of all kinds. Almost all diseases come from impure and impov erished blood. It is to be noticed in the pale or pimply face, the tired, haggard appearance or the listless manner. Drink hot water a half hour before meals, and for a vegetable tonic there's nothing better than Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, the old-fashioned herbal remedy, which has had such a fine reputation for fifty years. It con tains no alcohol or narcotics. It is made from Golden Seal root, Blood root, Oregon grape root, Queen's root, Black Cherry bark, extracted with gly cerine and made into tablets and liquid. Tablets sixty cents, at most drug stores. In order to insure pure blood and to build up the system try this tonic known as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. - Get it now! WHAT DID SHE DO MARY JOHNSON'S HAIR Was Short and Kinky Now its Long and Fluffy She Used NOAH'S HAIR DRESSING Price 25c. If your dealer can't supply you send to U9. Refuse substitutes. Manufactured by NOAH PRODUCTS CORP., RICHMOND, VA. Kill AN Flies! ths!ap!!ad PUced anywhere, Daisy Fly Killer attracts and kills all flies. Neat, clean, ornamental, convenient and cheap. . Lute all muod. Made r of mtaJ. can't emfll or ' tip over; win doc boii toed effective. Ask for Daisy Fly Killer s wiu gr o Jim by express, prepaid, $1.00. HAROLD SOMERS, 150 DC KALB AVE., BROOKLYN, N. Y. K WANTED SCO hands. White men and women and boys and girls oyer 14 years of age. One of the best mills In the state, located in the best part of the state, and paying the highest wages. We want the kest and are willing to pay for It. Write or see; as in person for terms and prices. H. L. HOLDEN. Supt., ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. Address ROCKY MOUNT MILLS. v EGGS-POULTRY We ae the largest handlers of Eggs and Poultry in the South. WHAT WAVE YOU TO SHIP? Tbe highest mark., price guaranteed with qnick returns. GIto ns a trial References, 1st National Bank, Richmond, Va- WOODSON-CRAIG CO. Commission Merchants. RICHMOND. VA. KODAKS & SUPPLIES We also do highest class of finishing. Prices and Catalogue upon request. S. Galeslri Optical Co., Richmond, Vs. , , gy.j TMA Don't matter if broken. Cast) ter 0 lcetB I pay S3 to 116 per set. sses S3 1 rfggL-g... g3 Tar i sr- t ' m i 'hp i - -' , B G5 WANTED Second-hand Bags, burlap, scrap bafglnff nd twine. Write for priceaRICHMOND BAO COM' Department 1108 & Cary. Richmond, Va. few cents under my personal guaran tee that it will clean your sluggish liver better than nasty calomel; it won't make you sick and you can eat' anything you want without being sali vated. Your druggist guarantees that each spoonful will start your liver, clean , your bowels and straighten you up by morning or you get your money back. Children gladly take Dodson's Liver Tone because it is pleasant tast ing and doesn't gripe or cramp or make them sick. I am selling millions of bottles of Dodson's Liver Tone to people, who have found that this pleasant, vege table liver medicine takes the place oi dangerous calomel. Buy one bottle on my sound, reliable guarantee. Ask your druggist about me. Adv. WHOLLY AVOIDED BY USINQ small outlay or money Drinsrs very results. It is a sure cure and a MET SITUATION ALL RIGHT Small Boy at Least Showed That He Was Possessed of the Quality of Resourcefulness. Senator Gilbert At. Hitchcock of Nebraska remarked at a social gather ing that when one was doing his best it was all that could be expected of him, and contributed the following story as an illustration : One afternoon little Jimmy was in vited to take tea with a chum, and when he returned home he found his mother anxiously waiting for. him. "I hope, Jimmy," said the mother, after listening to sundry details of the affair, "that you remembered to wash your hands before you went to the table." "We were called in so quickly," an swered Jimmy, "that I didn't have time to wash but one." "Wash but one?" exclaimed his mother, with much concern. "What did you do?" "Why, I ate with that one," was the reassuring reply of Jimmy, "and kept the other in my pocket." Phil adelphia Telegraph. COULD HARDLY GET HER BREATH On Account of Tight, Smothering Feeling, Caused From Aching Lump in Stomach. Black Draught Relieved This Lady. Kings Mountain, Ky. Mrs. Belle Jenkins, of this town, says: "For about four years I suffered with stom ach trouble. It seemed like a lump formed in my stomach and I could hardly get my breath for the tight, smothering feeling. This lump, or whatever It was, ached constantly. I couldn't sleep at night. I had no appe tite and I began falling off. I am nat urally a large woman but just weighed 135 lbs. I got so nervous I felt I could not stand it any longer. I knew In my condition I could not live long. We had one doctor, he said Indiges tion.' I took medicine from him, but It did not seem to help me any. We had another doctor. He said it was 'neuralgia of the stomach.' I took his medicine, still there was that aching lump. Finally the doctor decided It might be a decayed tooth, and advised me to have my teeth drawn, which 1 did. I didn't get' any better. One night my husband brought home a sample of Black-Draught. I had' been unusually restless. I took the sample next morning. I told him I believed I felt better. He brought home a pack age, and two packages cured me and I fully believe saved my life. I weigh 183 lbs. and am the picture of health." Your druggist sells Black-Draught. Try It. Adv. Reasonable inquiry. "I should like a porterhouse steak with mushrooms," said the stranger, "some delicately browned toast with plenty of butter " " 'Scuse me, suh," interrupted the waiter. "Is you tryin to give an or der or is you jes reminiscin' 'bout old times?" Important to Mothers - Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that It Signature 6itSsA7A&J&t In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria An Aucac:ous Guest. "The lions never touched Daniel when he was thrown ?nto their den." "Maybe," ventured th painfully precocious child, "it was meatless day." The Sole Recourse. "I wish they could find a remedy for this deadlock." "The only one to suit is the key to the situation." To Drive Out Malaria and BuOd Up Take thn fYM Rt.nH.wi nnnwa miaimrnaa chuJ TONIC. Ton know what you are taking as 7. , r """ ynijwju on eTery laDei, snowing It Quinine and Iron la a Tasteless form. We It's less credit to a man to be good if his income exceeds his wants. Self-denial is also one of the attri butes of patriotism. 'After every meal" WRIGLEY'S- The Flavor pi. W " Lasts . v- ' 1 " : ' " LET HIS GERMAN BLOOD OUT Patriotism Shown by Would-Be Fight er Sure Entitled Him to a Place in the Ranks. v "I thought I had a few drops of German blood In my veins, so I pricked my great toe and let them flow out. Now I'm ready to take the oath." So saying, William Strasburger, an applicant for enlistment in the United States marine corps' at Newark, N. J., removed his shoe and displayed to the astonished gaze of Sergt. Thomas Green a bandaged "little pig that went to market." "How do you know that the blood you let out was German and not some other kind?" asked Green. "I pricked at a point furthest from my heart," returned Strasburger, who is American-born and pugnaciously anti-Teutonic. But Strasburger can't be a United States marine. He lacked the weight and height necessary.-New York World. All ATTACK OF GRIP USUALLY LEAVES KIDNEYS III WEAKENED CONDITION Doctors in all parts of the country have been kept busy with the epidemic of grip nhich has visited so many homes. The ivmptoma of grip this year are often very distressing and leave the system in a run down condition, particularly the kidneys which seem to sutler most, as almost every victim complains of lame back and urin ary troubles which should not be neglect ed, as these danger signals often lead to dangerous kidney troubles. Druggists report a large sale on Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root which so many people say soon heals and strengthens the kidneys after an attack - of grip. Swamp-Root, being an herbal compound, has a gentle healing effect on the kidneys, which is al most immediately noticed 'in most cases by those who try it. Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., offer to send a sam ple 6ize bottle of Swamp-Root, on receipt of ten cents, to every sufferer who re quests it. A trial will convince anyone who may be in need of it. Regular medi um and large size bottles, for sale at all druggists. Be sure to mention this paper. Adv. Where His Doubt Lay. Mr. George Robey dearly loves a joke. Recently a certain well-known brother comedian whom he met casu ally in the street remarked to him that he had a great mind to write a book. "I doubt it," replied George. "Doubt what?" said his friend in an injured voice; "that I can write a book?" MOh, no," was the reply ; "that you have a great mind." Knowing G. R.'s reputation for be ing a bit of a wag his friend readily forgave him. Practical. Claire Why give candy to June? Bob has all her love. Young Dentist Yes, but I have all her dentistry. Bob's only a lover. nation. Tone up your liver with Wrighfa inaian v egeiaoie ruis. iney act gently. Adv, The wise man listens to the silent man. A wise man makes opportunity." Bacon. - When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murins Eye Remedy Ho Smarting Jnit Bye Comfort. CO cent at Proggista or mall. Write for Free Bye Book. SXUBIKK X E REMEDY CO.. CHICAGO Spring Is in the airthe fields and woods and waters call And to add to the zest of outdoor pleasures nothing affords the long lasting refreshment of So carry It always with you. Rheumatism Relief -25c. Nature's Remedy (HR Tablets), Ar Helping Thousand Who Triad Ex panalv Thine Without Result. It's Guaranteed. There are three vital processes of human existence, the digestion of food, the extraction of nourishment from It and the elimination of waste. Poor digestion and assimilation means failure to derive full nourish tnent from food and that In turn often means Impoverished blood, weakness, anemia, etc. Poor elimination means an accumulation of waste matte which poisons the body, lowers vitality, decreases the power of resistance to disease and leads to the development of many serious ills. Rheumatism, due to some Inter Terence with the process of elimina tion, failure to get rid of certain body poisons, cannot be expected to yield to any medicine that falls to correct the condition responsible for it. Could any reasonable parson expect to rid himself of rheumatic pain as Ions' as rheumatic poison is allowed to remain In the body. - Think of this. It explains the suc cess of Nature Remedy (NR Tablets) in so many - cases where' other medicines have failed. Thousands are using NR Tablets every day and get ting relief. Why pay five or ten times as much for uncertain things? A 25c box of Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets), containing enough' to last twenty-five days, must help you, must give you prompt relief and sat isfactory benefit or cost you nothing. Nature's Remedy .is not only for the relief of rheumatism. It Im proves digestion, tones the liver, reg ulates kidney and bowel action, im proves the blood and cleanses the system. You've tried the expensive medicines and doctors, now make the real test. You'll get results this time. Just try It Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets) Is sold, guaranteed and. recommended by vour druggist. Clear Your Skin WhaeYouSIeep with Cu ticura Sotp 25c (Will 25c 4 50c Write Us for Information Concerning the Host WONDERFUL WATER SYSTEM Ever Offered tor the Countrf Home Water coming from tbe bottom of tbe well with more force than is found in tbe city direct pres sure no pomp to set oat of fix.- Cost less than fire eenta per day to operate. STEGALL-MANESS WATER SYSTEM. INC. ConcordJJoroCaroHnaV War's Effect on the Minds of English- men Is Declared to Have Been Extraordinary. In England the effect of religions thought of three years and a half of war has been extraordinary. The re vival of religious fervor, in. many in stances the direct result of personal loss by death or fear of impending loss, has reflected itself In English literature. The most astonishing of all recent conversions is that of H. G. Wells, hard-headed and yet tender-hearted Socialist, who now writes of religion as if It were a discovery of his own. Another writer who has been led by the war in faith In a life beyond the grave Is Sir Oliver Lodge, whose book, "Raymond," dealing with the communications said to have been re ceived from his son, is one of the phenomena of present-day literature. The war Is making, the world think Intently about death and what comes after and, In consequence. Is urging them to establish a closer relation dur ing life with the eternal. Exchange. A CHILD DOESN'T LAUGH AND PLAY IF CONSTIPATED LOOK, MOTHER! IS TONGUE COATED, BREATH FEVERISH AND STOMACH SOUR? 'CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIGS" CANT HARM TENDER STOM ACH, LIVER, BOWELS. A laxative today saves a sick child tomorrow. Children simply will not take the time from play to empty, their bowels, which become clogged up with waste, liver gets sluggish,' stomach sour. , - Look at the tongue, mother ! . If coated, or your child is listless, cross, feverish, breath bad, restless, doesn't eat heartily, full of cold or has .sore throat or any other children's ali ment, give a teaspoonful of "Cali fornia Syrup of Figs," then don't worry, because it is perfectly harm less, and In a few hours all this con stipation poison, sour bile 'and fer menting waste will gently move out of the bowels, and you have a well, play ful child again. A' thorough "inside cleansing" is oftlmes all that is neces sary. It should, be the first treatment given In any sickness. Beware - of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "Cal ifornia Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the bottle. Look carefully and see that It Is made by the "Cali fornia Fig Syrup Company." Adv. Too Late. "Hello! Is this Senator BlanKs?" "Yes. What do you want?" "I want to be appointed postmaster of Breezevllle." "Who are you?" "I am the son of the present Incum bent. Father is very ill, and the doc tor says that he cannot last another day. As no one else outside the family Is aware of the seriousness of his Ill ness I thought I would call you up to make sure that I was the first " Tm sorry, but some one has antici pated you." "What! Who was it?" The doctor!" Judge. Cutlcura Heals Eczema And rashes that itch and burn. If there is a tendency to" pimples, etc prevent their returr. by making Cuti cura your dally toilet preparation. Por free samples address, "Cutlcura, Dept X, Boston." At druggists and by malL Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50. Adv. Nothing Even Midway.' Jetter "He's away ahead of his time with his ideas." Ketter "Yes, and away behind times with paying his bills." Cruel Comment. - "My wife was stung on that last bon net she got." "No wonder; she's al ways got a bee In It." Too many people have this rule of conduct: "Work not lest ye be worked." Xr. Peery'B "Dead Shot" not only expels Worn)4 or Tapeworm, but cleans out the mucus In which they breed and tones up the digestion. One dose sufficient. Adv. Excessive politeness is seldom on speaking "terms with truth. Are You Bloated After Eating With that gassy, puffy feeling, and hurting, near your heart? For Quick Relief Take ONE '."""-3 (FOR - - f Yon can fairly feel it work. It drives the GAS out body and the Bloat goes with it. Removes Quickly Indigestion. Heartburn. Sour Stomach, etc. Gee EATONIC from your I. - WMiaw w ca.oare cwnnM Knar u., IQ1B-MS. wmn Atii. CUeMW 111. j La 1 It's Poor Economy to Endure a Bad Back IN these days of rising prices, we need every ounce of strength and the ability to do a full day's work every day. The man or woman with weak kidneys is half crippled. Sore, aching kidneys; lame, stiff back, headache, dizzy spells and a dull, tired feeling and urinary disorders are daily sources of distress. You can't afford to neglect kidney weakness and make it easy for gravel,' dropsy or Bright's disease to take you. Get a box of Doan's Kidney Pills todays They have helped thousands. They should help you. Personal Reports of Real Cases A SOUTH CAROLINA CASE. Mrs. A. T. Bullard, 104 Robeson St., Bennettsville, S. C, says: "I suffered three years from kidney trouble and the medicine I took didn't seem to help me. The pains in my back were so bad at times I felt as If my back were broken. My nerves were a wreck and the pains shot up from my back into my head. I had dizzy spells and my body swelled. A friend rec ommended Doan's Kidney Pills and after I used the first box the swellings and pains were relieved. Three boxes completely cured me and I have had no sign of kidney complaint since." DOAN'S "EES? 60c a Box At All Stores. Cv. Mil ADtJL PHII I C nnrl FFVFD TIN ItlrtLUUrt, lUIU-JOWU ILIl-it. JguDMliN IS A CRIME AGAINST NATURE Stop it or you never can keep well If you wake with a bad taste in the mouth coated tongue, perhaps headache, your liver is torpid. A torpid liver deranges the whole system, produces dyspepsia, costiveneaa and piles. There is no better remedy for these disorders than DR. TUTTS LIVER PILLS. Try them just once and be eternally convinced. For safe by all druggists. I.Wi Sounded Like That. The nurse In a well-to-do family overheard the little son of the house telling his sister how he had hid be hind the portiere and spied on big sis ter and her beau. "Oh, tell me what they did," cried little sister. "It was such fun," chuckled the boy. "The big chump flopped down on his knees and then he said: 'Answer me, Clara. I can stand this expense no longer." Boston Transcript. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of To ledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUN DRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1888. (Seal) A. W. Gleason, Notary Public. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is tak en internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Druggists, 75c. Testimonials free, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Over There to Stay. A Southern . darky, who had enlist ed In the American expeditionary forces, was all pale upon arriving In France. "My! My!" he exclaimed, "it sho' takes some nerve to cross dat Atlantic 'ocean. If it don't freeze al ovah and a railroad ain't built across to mah home in Atlanta, I's a Euro pean fo' de rest of my. life." . . . ELIXIR BABES A GOOD TONIC And Drive Malaria Out of the System. "Tour Babek acts like magic ; I have given it to numerous people in my parish who were suffering with chills, malaria and ferer. I rec ommend it to those who are sufferers and in need of a good tonic" Rer. 8. Szymanowski, St Stephen's Church, Perth Amboy, N. J. Elixir Babek, SO cents, all druggists or by Parcel Post, prepaid, from Kloczewski A Co Washington, D. O. The Refusal. He How'd you like a pet dog? She Now, Charlie, haven't I told you that I don't intend to marry? " When a man presents a girl with an engagement ring it Is equal to a declaration of war. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the original little liver pills put up 40 years ago. They regulate liver and bowels. Ad. Life Is full of uncertainties, even to those who expect the worst. Nl YOUR STOMACHS SAKE) Druggitt with thm DOUBLE GUARANTEE A NORTH CAROLINA CASE. A. -T. Webster, Poplar St., Gra ham, N. C. says: "I suffered se verely from pains across the small of my back. My kidneys were sore and at times the secre tions were unnatural and gave me no end of trouble. Soon after I began using Doan's Kidney Pil3 X got better and I had but little pain in my back since. The kid ney secretions were cleared ud too." Seven years later Mr. "Webster said: "Whenever I have the least need of a kidney medicine I take a few doses of Doan's and they always give me fine results." Foster-Milbura Co, Buffalo, N. Y, Chemists 3h3 SOLD FOR SO YEARS. -SO E GENERAL STRENGTHEN. ING TONIC Sold by All Drug Stores. P' LiU Uror Pi One-Sided View. "What sort of a man is Green?" "Fine. The best ever." "Is he trustworthy?" "Very." , "Would you lend money to him?" "As to that I can't say. I've only borrowed from him." Kicking a man after he is down Is one way of making him get up but It Isn't always safe to do it. , Distemper Can Be Controlled by using Dr. DAVin BobibM' FEVER PASTE l?Z ind WHITE LINIMENT p4o? Bead tbe Send for free booklet on AbobtioiI Uf Cows. If no dealer lu ?ui town, Dr. Oaild loberts' 1st Co, 100 Grand ienoe, Wtokssns. Wis, Stops Neuralgia Pams Why suffer from excruciating neu ralgia cains when an application of Yager's Liniment will give Quick relief? This 1 lniment is good too, for rheu matism, sciatica, headache, vain id chest or side, sprains, cuts and bruises. 35c PER BOTTLE AT ALL DEALERS Bach bottle contains more than tat usual ouo botue oi iinimeni. GILBERT BB08. A CO.. BaltlnicreM -. . J. .1 i-niO uiid RALSAM nnin Holpl to radicaW For KMtonns Tu 600, 11.) m 100. 1.000 1.761 t0.b. 1.000, 10,'OUO at 1.36 A IB Ml SPMMEBVIIXEJ SON, n!fi5SY TaTMorr, i - boon nmoTBi -....-. Afmr breath, Herer hl o u y " Try IS. Trial treasmeatsmt . Write to DR. THOMAaa. y'jn J2t, ,u Book etasH Bea SO oi 20-1918- W. N. U.p CHARLOTTE, NO. of HOI L J mar III jTTgg; syili -B your I feepi CtsaCent