I " : f i: c ' ; I i ffif CHATHAM RECORD Established Sept 19th 1878, and tfltsd continuously for nearly 40 yoaro by H. A. l-ondon. . Subscription Rate, $1.50 the year. Published at Pittsboro, Chatham County, N. C, every Wednesday. Democratic in politics. littered at the postofflce at Pttts bero as aoeond-class mall matter. THE present epidemic of influ: T RGISTKATlUlN SKF 1. enza prevailing over the country r11n 4-n Uav nonnlp Q Similar x cdiio w viuci j t-" - i - . ,. nAr,;n ittVuVV. nut in the TnrantvLthrfi Hundred and Fotir Men Between tne United States in 1872, especially amoncr horses. It was commun- Ages of 18 and 46 Registered in Chatham' Clark, Eli A James E James O Jerome John Claud JohnE Jordan T Madisouv; Oran D ; Robt Bell Roland H . Rufus S : Walter J Walter Walter W Wm-Hugh Willie B Willis I pledge allegiance !to: MY FLAG and. to .the Republic for which it -stands; one - nation Tfidivi&Dle-wittr E.ID-. ertyf and justice f or all. H. M. LONDONi rEditor. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 10. 1918. SUSTAINING THE ADMINISTRATION Among prominent Republicans who have recently declared their intention of supporting the ad ministration and the Democratic nominees at the next election is Mr. Ft Carver, of Roxboro, a former Republican member (5f the Legislature from Person xounty. In a strong article in -the Roxboro Courier announcing his views on the situation, Mr. icated from horses to soldiers jn the Franco-Prussian war, then Churchill. Ernest G .brought to this country as an ep- Churchill, HenryJ idemic among animals ana peopie ciapp, Kefter g in 1872. It quickly spread through ciark, ao every section. It began nrst as a distemper and distressing cold in the head and nostrils, extend ing to the lungs, producing many deaths from - pneumonia among both animals and people. It was known as epizooty, the word be ing derived from -two Greek words, epi, meaning upon, and zoon, an animal or living thing. Hence the term epizootic signi fied any disease affecting animals as an epidemic, diving upon the cieee. Dock :o1i. nQrQci'hV " John R . . - - --11.. XJM BV. AW minute organisms that feed upon Walker H 4.u..".lMi . . Clifton. Chas C uiuw. uumaiB. , , ri.i A lav a Oman r JJESF1T1S tne wiaesyreau yiev- fiaeeins, Archie D I :2aAvififln Geo C i J J I . ican. troops are Demg transpprtea i . Roy Knock overseas at the rate of over 250,- . pam . a - - u;.'... Coletraine, Claude UUU a montn, ine louu numuei tu eonnell, Robt M October 5 having exceeded 1,- Cook, Arlie Colon ODU-UUU. Altjiougu inert? aic nuw Ernest ti Virncsinrl rnsAR " Grover C . . . , Lonme A of influenza in camps at nome, cooDer. Charlie C fully one quarter of a million troops embarked in September. Only men who have not had the disease or been exposed to it are being sent overseas James John Lee Pete Duncan, Clayborri E -.. Mary W - Paul Isaac . Dunlap. Dewey L Dunlap, Jdenry xl : Dunn, Isaac Newsom v Culberson,' Chas A " Jas E . " .Jesse L ' John T .Perlyman :. " Robt H Samuel T Curl, -Sammie . i Currie, Coy I Currie, June ' Dalfron, Arlie T puRant, Walter W Daffron, Walter T Durham, Bradshaw j uaxK, Aaron a Clifford U The United States Senate has defeated the proposed' amend ment granting women suffrage, two votes being needed to give the' necessary two-thirds. The vote was 54 to 30. It is said the Carver frankly states that poli- fierht will be renewed after the .tics should be relegated to the November election. junk pile for the present and that patriotism should prompt every man to give his support to the Democratic nominees this fall. Another prominent Republican who has taken a similar position is Mr. Herbert D. Miles, of Ashe ville, a former progressive Re publican leader. In announcing PAREGORIC. BY R- Some women will not observe gasless Sundays. If a stitch in time saves nine, what will a bond do? Buv a bond for baby. If you have no his intention to support Senator baby buy a baby bond. Eve must have liked hog meat. Simmons and Congressman Wea yer, he declares it to be his firm conviction that the administra tion's vigorous prosecution of the war should be sustained and that it would be a great mistake in failing to return a Democratic Congress. These and similar rea sons are given by him for cast ing hisifirst vote for the election of a Democratic United States Senator and a Democratic Con gressman. . She took a spare rib frqm Adam." i A whip makes a female horse go, and money makes a female woman go, If a Pittsboro man foots his wife's bills,; she should be "willing to foot his socks. Overcoats are to be made shorter, That doesn't bother us. We haven't got one. . . . ' There is nothing in a name. M. J. when is a man old r Accord- r, mg to Dr. Osier's views express- the field to give trouble to evil doers, ed a few years ago, a man be- yond his forties was almost ready There was a yung woman named Stella for the Junk pile and at. sixty ' siiuuiu ue cmoiormea. ine ser vice rendered by men in high po sitions during the present war has certainly refuted these views, if refutation be needed. Hinden burg, the mainstay of the Ger mans, is 71; ; Clemenceau, prime minister of France, is 77 Gen. Foch is 67 and Kitchenejr was 66 when death claimed him. . Lu dendorf is relatively young, be- Just as cool as you please, Then she sat down and began to bella. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Most Reliable. After many years' experience in the use of it and other cough medicines, there are many who preter Chamber Iain's to any other. . Mrs. A. C. Kirs tein, Greenville, 111., writes, Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy has been used in my mother's home and mine for years. -and we always found it a quick cure for colds and bronchial troubles. We find it to Vm th mnst. rplirihlf nno-Vi mpHi- ing only D5, wmie J-ilOVQ-ljeorsre cine we have used." adv is 55 and his crputpst- pft-nmrVor t j ttm k j?i n Contagious Diseases Reported. j 4.1. j i i ' The following contagious diseases for c,aiu, tue man ux goou neann in the month of September were reported HIS IOrties must be looked upon to Dr. Farthing, county health officer: as young. , Typhoid O. D. Coins, Gulf ; Herman Barber, Morrisville. WmT-W'ttprwiaTAi orv ?.riw.lft. I. Scarlet b ever-Blanche Dowdy, Bon- the war for sbhle time longer?oh 6wu ' r ' a" .- 6 ' - Whoopmg Cough Bunn Seymore, account Of her .compacts territory- Henry. Garris, Lizzie Taylor, C. H. and Organization, yet sooner or Nance, E. C. Churchill, Vance Ray, later her people must realize that Moncure; G. W. Perry, Bynum; T. W. it is simrilv a niiPstinr. nf timo Churchill, Mrs. J. F Dickens, Hay- T x " 1 v when she will be beaten to her knees and ask for such terms as the victorious allies may impose. Already three million Germans have died in the war zone. It is said that sickness and disease have run the 'deaths' among the civilian population to over a mil lion in excess of the average be fore the war, and the birthrate has been lowered by oyer three and a thirid million a year. Ger many's population' today is esti mated at sixty-five "million as compared to at least seventy-two million but for the war. . ; Fred R Grover.C James A James D Octavius T Oliver B Wm Ray , Copeland, D S " Gordon J " John R ' Joseph L " Lee " Lucian A Cotton, Arlander ' Arthur H Artis M Charlie Columbus Ed Fred Fred D Harvey L Herbert H: Jack Eattie J Murphy Nathaniel Sidney J Couch, Bernace W Couch, Dunk Council, Lthel John if Joseph H " Matthew R " Octavius Will Councilman, JnoM Cox, Andy E Cox,-Ben Franklin Cox, Geo Dewey Cox, Thomas . R Craig, Andrew J A J, Jr; 7 Henry ' Craven, Raymond Creecy, Geo Allen Creedup, Chas O Crews, WmZ ; Cross, Henry D Handy J Lester Thomas F' Walter H Wesley R Crotts, Charles A Crump, Charley " Glasco ' "John Scott " Norman T " Reaston " Richard Wm Crump, Wm H Willis Cnitchfield, ChasB Chas H Isaac E . James ' James C John Ledwick N Nathan Thos M Sandy WmA ... 44 David Henry . Henry F Isaac Wm John Manly Lee B Wm Eads, Joseph Earnest, Isaac J Eastridge, Geo H Eastridge,- Jas P - Eddms, U Matthews Edwards, Craft E Edwards, Manley Eugene . 'Eulas ' : Frank A "Grady Isaac H James S ; John M Marvin . Ransom .H Richard Thos WmR Elder, Hertha H ' Elder,. John C Elder, Otho LT. Elkins, Charles R Charlie L Colon -W Geo B Jas R Junius C - Elkins, Paul H Faul Li Riley Wm Shafter J Ellington, John R Lattie C Marvin N Ellis, Charlie S . Jan H Geo B " Grover C " James F John " John M Wm Elmore, Henry E , Emerson, Gray B Emerson, Oren Emerson, Willie Eubank?, Harry Henry W HE " Luther Mid " Rommy P Evans, Wm L Farrar, Bennie J Conn Dee , Jackson Joe ? Julian Major L "Mark" -J Robt L Farrell, Bunn iiirnest A Henry y Hugh W Irwin C John M John T . . Poin D Robert C Robert T Wm Lee Farrish, John Lame - Farthing, Logan E Faucett, Nathaniel Fearrington, Abis Atlas J " Buddie . ' Carney 44 Dee 44 Eunis 44 Ex 44 Jake 44 James P 44 Eibert Nat Robt 44 Rossie Seet ' . 44 . Thomas Walter Fereuson. John F Ferguson, Wade H Ferguson, Wm C Fesmire, Lauritt C 4 Earl J Eugene J " Guy G Headen C Junius .A Lattie F Pryor L Ralph-M-44 . Bob 44 : Sam . Tom 44 C Walter B 'm 44 Walter W 44 . Wm J . WmT - 44 Zeb Lee ' Darnell, Clyde Daurity, Guy G Daurity,' Ulysses G Davis, Austin D 44 . ... Chas W r, 44 "Leonidas 44 . Robt L Wm H 44 J Wm R Dean Oran Edgar Deans, Lonnie E DeGraffenrejdt, A " . Dillert 44 Fred 44 Joe John "44 Joseph 4 Solomon " i Tommie Dezern, John A Dezern, Paul D Dew Wm Author Dickens, Burt M ' Dewey A 44 - ' Holden H ' John H 44 Joseph F Paul B Rufus C Dixon, Allen W Carl K Charles A 44 Gadis 44 Harry T Henry S 44 Jacob Jos E ;" 44 Walter N: Zack Dollar, Early J Dollar, Sankie L Dollar, Walter H Dorsett, Jesse P 44 John D 44 John P,. : Thomas N .Will Willie W ' Fike, James Fike, Dakeruusn Fitts, Robert E ' ' Flack,: Charlie W Fogleman, Lewis H Forrester, unaries Foster, Samuel W Foushee, Clarence 44 Jas B 44 John 44 : Rod 44 Wm 44 .WmH Foust, Eugene H Foust, Thomas F Fox, Chas Benton Clarence v Ed . -George W Henry S James E James R Jesse. S -Jim. John D Lawrence ti i; Merida " Millard M . Robert C ' Taylor -Thomas C Fox Wiley H " , wm 44 - Walsie Franklin, Earl R Frazier, Cecil Frazier, Richard O Freeman, Wm B French, Daniel Fuller, Joe -Fuquay, A L Fuquay, Wm F Gains. Bennie W Cleveland K Henry E Johnnie T Lennie J Oren Atlas Gamble, Charles F Gardner, Henry R Gardner, Joel K Garner; Levi Garner, Wm H Gaster, Starr Gattis, Clem T Gattls. Wm r Gilbert, Jas B Gill, Titus Gilliland, Chas K Jamas i Gilmore, Clarence R Claud O Clyde M Ivey M Wm H Wm L Wrenn B Glasgow, Barney B Glosson, Alfred r Jasper L Lorence L Glenn, Charlie S Glenn: John F 44 Nathan -44 Sampson L ' 44 VetM Douglass, James H iGleniv Lexie .N Dowd, Chas M Jr Geo Dv. JohnH 44 Louis: Dowdy, Everett O Geo D -Fesmire, Lester E Fields, Dave O Hubert L 44 - James E ' RobtD 1 9 1 8 TAX NOTICE To the Taxpayers of Chatham County: I will attend at the time and places mentioned below for the purpose of col- ecting the taxes for the year 1918. This notice is given in obedience to the law, which requires the sheriff to attend at one or more places m each township during the month of October. I will appreciate your meeting me and promptly settling the taxes for the year 1918: ; ' ' ; . Gulf, Gulf township, J M Mclver's store, Monday a m, Oct 14. Goldston. Gulf township, Bank of Goldston, Monday p m,. Oct 14. Bennett, Bear Creek township, Post office, Tussday a m, Oct 15. Harper's X Roads, Bear Creek town ship, Tuesday p m, Oct 15. Siler City, Albright township, Hadley Hotel, Wednesday, Oct 16. M W Duncan's, Albright township, Thursday a m, Oct 17. Silk Hope, Albright township, G W Perry's store, Thursday p m, Oct 17. Manly Lindley's, Hadley township, Friday p m, Oct 18. - - Bunn Thompson's store, Hadley town ship, Friday p m,-Oct 18. T 3 Bray's store, Hickory Mt town ship, Saturday p m, Oct 19. Kimbolton, J E Burke's store, Hick ory Mt township, Saturday, p m, Oct 19 Pittsboro, Center township, Wednes day, Oct 23. Moncure, Haw River township, Mad' dox Bros store, Thursday, Oct 24. Tom Buchanan's store, Cape Fear township,. Friday a m, Oct 25. Merry Oaks, Cape Fear township, Ed wards' Hotel, Friday p m, Oct 25. Frank Knight's store, Oakland town ship, Saturday a m, Oct 26. . S Jim Knight s shop, Oakland town ship, Saturday p m, Oct 26. Bynum, Baldwin township, Atwater & Lambeth's store, Monday a m,Oct 28, J. C. Blake's, Baldwin township, Mon day p m, Oct 28. Fearrington, Williams township, Bry an's store, Tuesday a m, Oct 29. R C Council's store, Williams town ship, Tuesday p m, "Oct 29. Kelley's store, New Hope township, Wednesday a m, Oct SO. Thrailkill's store, New Hope town ship, Wednesday p m, Oct 30. Very respectfully, . LEON T. LANE, Sheriff Chatham Count v.' Pittsboro, Sept. 27, 1918. fl -Ed. . Jas Jas R . Joe John ; Josiah T.' i Merit - Oren ' ' : Ulysses S G Wrama i. -Tobe continued. State of Ohio.' City of Toledo, L.UC&& County, m. r- j Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he la senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. . A. W. GLEASON. (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken in ternally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free. F, J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold by all druggists. 75c. Hall's Family, Pills for constipation. 666 cures Headaclies,Bil iousness, Loss of Appe tite, Foul Breath, or that tired, aching feeling due to Malaria or Colds It removes the cause Bi WJii.ll J. . wood. Mrs. Smith Recommends Chamber Iain's Tablets. 44I have had more or less stomach trouble for eight or ten years," writes Mrs. G. H. Smith, Brewerton, N. 'Y. 4 'When suffering from attacks of indi gestion and heaviness after eating, one or two Chamberlain's Tablets have aU wavs relieved . me. I have . also found them a pleasant laxative." These tab lets tone up the stomach and enable it to perform its functions- naturally. If you are troubled with indigestion give them a trial, get well and stay well, ad DR. J. C. MANN EYE-SIGHT SPECIALIST Next Saturday, October 12, is the four hundred and twenty sixth anniversary of . the discov ery of America. President Wil- j son has proclaimed it Liberty Will be at Dr. Chanin's office. Pittsboro. Tloir or, A ronnoot-c Trio fMt.izpna rf N. C,, every 4th Tuesdav in each month. J : . Tr , Glasses fitted that are easy and restful -every community m uic unucu States city, town arid countryside'-to celebrate the day. to the eyes. Cross-eyes straightened wimout the knife. Weak eyes.of chil dren and young people a specialty.. My next visa will e Tuesday, Oct. 22. Net Contents 15Fluid Drachm scr?5 ice c rn'j ''imi T"rT ml! mm Es?ss S5I1 mm Hat : in ki rnHfiT.-.l PER CENT. tintheStomadis andBovgs I r T 1 1 t s i 1 C IOI neither Opiuffl,Morpliiac ; n Mineral. Not "v : ;JiatpmSt . yuKtrnpTtnlayor k ,tnft1 Remedy fof ConsuauoritandpiJf- and risnggEpT IinuleSijnattfecit , For infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine tastoiia Always ; Bears the gnature Of ev n m n m m W$ ( Use jr for Oyer Thirty Years liiiiBi Exact Copy of Wrapper. etfrrauit oomfamt. niw t city. 113 HDDSON-BELK COIY A BRILLIANT GROUP OF Misses' Smart suits And Youthful Suits for Young Women The Price Range of the Group ... . ... " - ' ' - . : .- t 7A 00 rk QZ 00 Suits $24.95 to $47.50 Tailored Models, in all the finest fabrics.. Priced from $39.50, $54.50 to $62.50 Suits of Duvet de Lair, e, lavishly trimmed with Seal and Beaver Fur. Priced $65.00 to $95.00 I - - 1 Hudson Belk Co., RALEIGH, N. C, $ 3 SAY IT With Flowers The seasonable flowers now are: ' ROSES ASTERS LILIES Our specialties are WEDDING AND FUNERAL FLOWERS LOCAL AGENT, MISS LILIAN RAY, PITTSBORO. J. L. O'Quinn & Co. . FLORIST,' ' RALEIGH, N. C. PHONE 149 Land Sale. By virtue of an order of the superior court of Chatham county, rendered in the cause therein pending, entitled Frank Johnson et als vs Lula Fox et als, I will, at the courthouse door in Pittsboro, N. C, on Monday, October 28, 1918, offer for sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following land, lying and be ing in Hickory Mountain township, Chat ham county, N. C, and described as follows: First Tract Being the lands of the late J. M. Johnson, lying on the waters of Rocky river, bounded on the north by the river; on the east by the river and Tom Womble; on the south by the lands of Tom Womble, and on the west by the public road andthe lands of the late Margaret Johnson,containing about 96 acres, and more fully described in a deed executed by N. M. Alston to the said J. M. Johnson, except 25 acres thereof, including the home place, which said J. M. Johnson devised by his last will and testament to his daughter, Ka tie Johnson. Second Tract Lying and being in said county and township and adjoining the lands above, divided therefrom by the public road, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a white oak, east bank of Rocky river and running south 49 5-12 east 74 3-5 poles to a stone; thence south 87 1-4 degrees east 13 1-8 poles to a stone; thence north b4 degrees east south 20 degrees west 22 poles to an ash; thence up Rocky river to a sweet gum, 53 1-2 degrees west 23 poles to a cedar; thence with 4 degrees east 114 poles a Spanish oak; thence west 57 poles to a stone; thence south 4 degrees west 16 3-5 poles to a post oak; thence north 85 1-2 west 9 poles to a stone; thence south 1 3-4 degrees west 194 poles to a stone; thence south 73 3-4 de grees west 51 1-6 poles to a stone; thence north 267 poles to a stone; thence west 7 poles to a stone; thence north 48 poles to a stone; thence east 66 po)es to a stone; thence north 20 poles to a stone; thence north 85 3-4 degrees east 60 poles to a cedar; thence in a northerly direc tion to Rocky river up the the middle of the bridge site; thence up the river to the first station, containing 179 acres, more of k as, the same being lot No. 4 of the survey of H. H. Siler as shown by him, excepting from the said 197 acres the 75 acre tract lying on the south side of Meadow creek and here tofore sold under a proceeding in this court, entitled "J. M. Johnson, admin istrator of Margaret Johnson vs Lula Fox et al, " said 75 acres having been purchased by J. B. Johnson. A R. H. HAYES, Commissioner. Sept. 24th, 1918. PRICES WERE HIGHER IN THE CIVIL WAR than they are now. But after that war was over, prices dropped anpl kept drop ping for many years. After this war is overprices will drop again, and money will "be double or treble what it is now. The lucky man then willbe the man who has managed to SAVE .MONEY NOW. A sure way to save is to deposit your money in the ANKof PITTSBORO M. T. WILLIAMS, Ca$hier. B ARTHUR H. LONDON, President. Mortgage Land Sale. .Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of mort gage, duly executed by Jack C. Myrick and wife, Bettie Myrick, in favor of Jerome Taylor, as security for the pay ment of a certain bond of even date therewith, executed August 10th, 1915, and duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Chatham county, North Carolina, in book "FF," at page 259, and duly transferred and assigned by conveyance thereof under seal, of the said mortgage deed and the lands described therein by said Jerome Tay lor to J. R. Paschal, his heirs and as signs for value, upon default in thepay nient, and said transfer and conveyance having been duly registered in the of fice of Register of Deeds for Chatham county, N. C, in book "FI," page 436, the undersigned will, on Monday, Octob. r 21, lt18, at the courthouse door in Pittsboro, Chatham county, N. at 12 o'clock m., expose to sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the follow ing described lands, to-wit: It being a lot in or near Siler City.N. C, in Matthews township, Chatham 118 poles to a wild cherry tree; thence J county, N. C, and bounded on the north r 4-U on J j. an i x T i .1 T s Ti ; -rxr xi by the lands of Minnie Womble;on the east by Chavis Alley; on the south by lots of Jesse Smith and Victor DeGraf fenreidt; on the west by the lands of A. W. Jordan, containing one acre, more or less. This 21st day of Sept., 1918. ' , . J. R. PASCHAL, . Assignee of Jerome Taylor, Mortgagee. The City Garage I have opened up the City Garage, next to J. C. Lanius' store, where I am prepared to do all kinds of repair, auto mobile and gas engine work. I solicit a share of your patronage. All work guaranteed. W. P. ROGERS. Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as administrator of F.M.Riggsbee, deceased, this is to noti fy all persons holding claims against tnis estate to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of Sept., 1919. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This Sept,. 5, 1918. A. J. RIGGSBEE, Admr of F. M. Riggsbee. Sale of Land. By virtue of an order of the superior court of Chatham county, rendered in the cause therein pending, entitled M. T. Williams, admr J. H. Williams, de-, ceased, against F. H. Williams et als, I will, at the courthouse door in Pitts boro, N. C, on Saturday, October 12, 1918, offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the land described therein, to-wit: A tract of land in Williams township, Chatham county, known as lot No. 7 in the division of the late S. J. Williams, beginning at a stake in Williams line, corner lot No. 5; thence west 65 chains and 50 links to a stake, corner lot No. 6 in M. A. Fearrington's line; thence north 5 chains and 20 links to a maple, M. A. Fearrington's corner; thence east 55 chains and 75 links to a stake, com er in Williams' line, S. C. Williams corner; thence 4 chains and 14 links to the first station, , containing 26 acres, more or less., September 12, 1918. sel2 - V R. H. HAYES, Commissioner. The Bynum Gin Co. will operate their System Gin this season in accordance with govern mentr regulations and are now ready to begin work. The machinery is in splendid condition, and with Mr. A. T.,Ward in charge, with competent help, the public are invited to give them a liberal share of their patron age. . Cotton and seed bought at market C ASTO R I A For Infants and Children ' Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of 666 cures Malaria, Chills and Fever or Bilious Fe ver by killing the para site causing the fever. F inestrensthenlnc tonic 7

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