!Tatlfcim THURSDAY, JANUARY 23. 1919 PERSONAL MENTION LOCAL RKCORDS Thin s That Happen That Will Inter est Readers of The Record. Beautiful weather. Or. you February and March. Good news the boys are coming Fre: h fish at R. J. Moore's Satur driV. Jan. 25. adv i,:okout f.r the new feed store ad vertisement next week. Soon will be heard that well known Haw, thar!" u your shoes at R. J. Moore's. . l sale stiil on mere, aov Watch your step and also your la )t, Don't let your subscription get booind. foinii. -Very and nice six-year harness. Ben old II. Ha,Knoy. People Who Come and Go Some You Know and Some You Do Not. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K? Duncan have returned from Raleigh. Mr. Nathaniel Hill has gone to Jack sonville, Fla., to go into business. Mrs. John H. London and Mrs. B. M. Poe have returned from a short trip to Raleigh. 'Squire John R. Blair, who has been laid up with a severe cold, is able to be out again. Mr. W. E. Alley, cashier of the Far mers' Bank, is confined to his room with the flu. Dr. L. E. Farthing left Monday for Wilmington where he will make his fu ture home. For the past two weeks he has beenassisting in combating the influenza epidemic in this section, which has now somewhat abated. Among the ladies connected with the legislature who assisted Mrs. Bickett in 1 receiving at the governor s mans;on ! last Monday afternoon was Miss Lillian Rav. of Pittsboro. who holds a clerical Record Complimented. From Rockingham Post-Dispatch. The Chatham Record at Pittsboro, for j forty years a molder of thought and j leader for progress and right, changed its form with its last issue, and now ap pears wider and longer as an eight col umn quarto. The Record recently equip ped itself with a mailing outht, where by the subscription list appears in type and the labels, with subscription state ment, are pasted on each paper. The Post-Dispatch felicitates The Record on these two progressive steps. t few v A FA ILY MEDICINE i V m m 5f ror snic- Bynum, JN. ja ti Mann at Dr. Chapin's of- PUM"UU 111 "1C "s - - See Dr. Si, Tuesday, Jan. ou trouble, adv 28, if your eyes lie? nt trive v -Re:vi the ire I oan anc, i'v. It makes a fine showing. of the House. statement of the Bank- .1 Trust Company in this Tiv Pittsboro high Monday alter a two weens account of the influenza school opens up r.-a n next v.-.f - tion on e: i.iemie. -Weak eyes of children should se cur., expert attention. See Dr. Marn at "itt?boro next Tuesday if your child's eye.- are weak, adv -The Chatham county home guards, or -ourt of them, had their first drill for thU v-ar vestorday. Many were kept at home by sicknass. - When you have glasses fitted by Dr. Mann you have the satisfaction of knov.ir.cr they are correct. Then, too, his 1 rices are reasonable, adv Stills Captured. Last Sunday Messrs. Spence Taylor, Louis Nooe, Will Rose Womble and Deputies Gunter and. Hobby went ten miles west of here, in No Man's Land, and brought back with them a 75 gal lon copper still, worms and other para phernalia. They did not get the cap, nor did they arrest anyone, although the operators had been at work a few minutes before the arrival of the offi cers. A barrel of molasses, several bags of meal and about 3,000 gallons of beer were destroyed. The other still was a crude affair, made of tin. This waa destroyed also. On Monday another raid was made. This time beyond New Hope creek. Although no still was found, the worm i belonging to a still and some other stuff I were brousht back here. The still proper p&J 333 3 3 - 3t 5 BORN i HINTON To Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hinton, of Pittsboro, Sunday morning, Jan. 19, a son, Robert Lynnwood. DIED SEGROVES-Mrs. T. W. Segroves died at her home Sunday of pneumonia following influenza, in Oakland town ship. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Roberson, of Cumnock, and was 49 years old. Her husband died several years ago. They are survived ! by a family of six children. They have the heartfelt sympathy of neighbors and friends in their sad bereavement. FITTS-Clara, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. B: Fitts, of Bear "Creek, died of influenza at her home on the 14th. aged 16 years. m 1 CURIOSITIES IN FRANCE Chatham County Soldiers 4b 0 W agon Tongues Not Used Wheel-' barrows Pushed by Women Somewhere in France. As I am in France and liking it fine, I will try and write a few words about the country, This is a beautiful country. You should see me this morning in a flower garden v. ritin to beat the band. I write a few lines and then stop and look at the flowers. Believe me, I have seen some curios ities here. I have not seen a wagon with a tongue to it in France. They nao rnrfs nnrl when thev work two Wi - - - - ml 1 . 1 i 1 horses they put one m trcnt oi ine om- er. They haul most everything on wheelbarows and I very often see an i i i-jW Kf .-.r Tfivpars old rolling: a bar- J ' 1U-J - ' ml War Stories SAW HER SONS, THEN DIED. M- J vs. L. Grifhn has received a ; had been rera0ved, the blockaders hav Genr.sn helmet from a friend in France. . ing ev;dentiv been frightend off and Mr. Griflin has this helmet on exhibi- forgot to take all the stuff away, tior; at his office in the courthouse. j ot be;ng 3atisfied with the captur- -Mrs. B. W. Mann, of Bynum, fell 1 ing of three stills in less than 24 hours, nthfr raid Tuesday fp-.-.- her porcn recently an'i uiuk a uk uui v l rU-rht wrist. Her friends afternoon, about six miles l, o pnpp.1v recoverv. tov.m. m mcitory w'"i" thev found a still in L.re wisnmg L:aksvi;ie, N. west of Here full blast, but the Brooklyn Woman, Unwarned, Could Not Stand the Shock. Two brothers, David and Samuel Kah leen, were among those that were car ried from the big troop transports that reached New York harbor to the blow ing of whistles and playing of bands the nation's welcome to its returning heroes. Mr3. Sophia Kr.hlen went to the Brooklyn Military hospital 12 days later. She had been told that her sons had re turned from France. A month before shf hnd seen the names cf her sons in the casualties. At first she had been j t -en i j 1 . - . . . T. irnfir row. 1 nave not, seen a uugj. wj one rides a bicycle young girls and old w men. There are no men here except about fiftv and a few small boys. The lady t-i-p 1 room has a husband at the f ont. or has been. He is at home to r.n? for a few da vs. You should j v. " f me watering flowers for her. You have heard so much of the French no t cmess vou are .anxious to Know In Her Ho&crs Home, Says This Georgia Lady, Regarding Black Draught. Relief From Head ache, Malaria, Chills, Etc. Ringgold, Ga. Mrs. Chas. Gaston, of this place, writes: "I am a ucsr of Thodford's Black-Draught; in fact, it was one cf our family medicines. Also in my mother's home, when I vas a child. "When any of us child- ren compiamea or neaaacne, usuanj caused by constipation, she gave us dose of Black-Draught, which wouia rectify the trouble. Often in tne Eprirg, we would have malaria and rhills. or trouDies or tnis Kina, we would take Black-Draught pretty reg ular until the liver acted well, ana we would soon be up and around r.sain. we would not be witnout it, for it certainly has saved us lot3 of doctor bills. Just a aose oi xjiacn.- r-nm'it. when not so well saves a lot of davs in bed." Thedford's Black-Draught has Deen in use for many years in tne treat ment of stomach, liver and bowel trouDies, and the popularity wnicn it cow enjoys is proof of its merit. If your liver is not aoing its auty, von wm sutler iroin sucn uisasicc Lblo symptoms as headache, bilious- css, constipation, indigestion, etc., r;id unless something is aone, serious trouble may rosult. Thedford's Black-Draught has been found a valuable remedy for these troubles. It is purely vegetable, and rets in a prompt and natural way, regulating the liver to its proper functions and cleansing the bowels of :TvT-,nrii.ies. Try it. insist The City Garage I have opened up the City Garage, next to J. C. Lanius' store, where I am prepared to do all kinds of repair,, auto mobile and gas engine work. I solicit a share of your patronage. All work guaranteed. W. P. ROGERS. Jntirf ia herebv eriven of the seizure of the following property for violation of the Internal Revenue laws of the United States: At near James Uty, Craven county, N. C, January 4, 1919, one-five passenger Ford automobile from Jasper and Allen Dove transport ing untaxpaid spirits. Persons claiming the foregoing property will file their Msimi within t.Viirt.v davs as reauired bv law. or. the same will be forfeited tn tho nsf of the United States. J. W. Bailey, Collector, Raleigh, North Car olina, January 16, 1919. Notice is hereby given of the seizure of the following property for violation the Internal Revenue laws of the TrnitoH States : At near James City, Craven county, N. C-, January 5th, one Ford automobile from L. H. Connor transporting untaxpaid Persons claiming the forego- . .Li. ing property will me meir ciauus wim in thirty days as required by law, or the same will be forfeited to the use of the United States. J. W. Bailey, Collector, Raleigh, N. U., January 10, 1919. on Tnea- Vie original and genuine. E 79 neither knowing the Besides a j had disappeared. i brought back about five j uor, destroyed a lot of beer, boxes, cc. This makes the fourth still captured since Sunday. rnfrators tern-.on p-per tns 'r ua slKl thirty-gallon copper still, the officers I: is eight pa-es in size and makes a back about five gaUona of liq. t'n? ?how:n in advertisements ana reading matter. The price is $4 a year. -Up to January 14, 1919, there vere 7,030 bales of cotton ginned in Chatham county as compared with 4, 572 bales ginned to January 14, 1918, as reported by Mr. N.A. Perry, special agent. In addition to committee assign- ments last week, Representative A. C Ray has been appointed on the committee on counties, cities and towns. He is chairman of the committee on private and public local laws. Headache is the cause of eyestrain. Better see Dr. Mann at Dr. Chapin's office next Tuesday if you have head ache signs and have your eyes thoi oughly" examined. He will tell you frankly whether or not your headache is caused by eyestrain, adv V.' .... . . i j. : t how it is, so I will tell you aoout it. There is a plenty of it, there is no mis take, but it is nothing more than coco c:ii.' Ycu can drink it until you can touch it with your finger and then walk a rail across a creek. They do not have i ar,y cococola or ice cream here so they 1 hi.ve wine instead. I t onimroH mv trin over here, but I i gc t a little seasick the first day. Have feeling fine sine, it was redi greatly upset. Then she had remem- funny to be sick. lou coum btanu u bered the woundid soldiers she had j Cr.e place and see 25 or 30 men losing seen cn the stage of Broadway thea- i t'.iair food. Twice it happened to me. H.nmo vnnna- men who limn-1 T had to stop to laugh at some of the L. L iiuiiuuwwiv ww ii pd in a fascinating way and who came London's store, other was here. Lieut.- James F. Milliken landed at Hoboken, New York, from overseas, last Monday, according to a message received by his parents, ex-Sheriff and Mrs. J. R. Milliken. A DAY OF CIRCUSES The Big Show, the Little Show and the Two Pin Show RAMBLER. Over at the circus grounds the spiel er was spieling. Thousands of people were listening to him. Everybody was circus wild. "We have the most wonderful ag ild animals in the whole tlCIittvivw v Notice to Farmers. We will pay for good, clean, sound milling wheat delivered at mill door from $2.50 to $2.55 per bushel and f. o. b. oars at your station $2.45 to $2.50. Will handle all that you bring, if the quality is good. We want your wheat and vou want our money, so just load up your wagon and come over to San- ford and get what you ' want. Olad to see vou. SEABOARD MILLING CO., 2t Sanford, N I PWESELL 1 EVERYTHING IT U 1 I lll - t I : - .:: H - I III -.. Aretugni I hH AlVKWfi & TRUST tU. C. staggering in off battlefields with their foreheads bandaged. And in the last act these wounded soldiers always re covered. So Mrs. Kahlen waited with more or less patience. She had been told she could see her sons in the hes- ! pital after 12 days. Mrs. Kahlen went to the Brooklyn hospital. She entered a little room In the bed lay one of her sons. He was ; pale, but he smiled at her. ! Mrs. Kahlen sat looking at her son -I and smiling. He looked thinner and I whiter but he was home. Then she cried a bit. When she dried her eyes she began to stare at the bed. Some i Vinw the bed looked empty. She lean- Local Farmers to Get Nitrate. Notice has been given to R. L. Ed wards, county agent for Chatham, that the U. S. department of agriculture , will sell at cost a supply of nitrate of soda to the farmers of Chatham. The nitrate will be sold under the au thority of the food control act and sub sequent legislation relating thereto. The price will be $81 per ton, iree on board cars at loading point or port. Farmers are to pay in addition freight to their shipping point. Applications for nitrate must be made i e(j over and said: by actual farmers or owners or holders Dav9 what's the matter? The quilt of farms for use on their land througn County Acent R. L. Edwards, or M. M. Vi -,ira who were sick two or three days I was sick about an hour and a half. I sure miss my Record. JOSEPH B. MEACHAM, 803 Eng. Train, A.E.F., A.P.O., 791. Somewhere in France. My Dear Mother: D .'t you worry about me, Vip-ause the ' is over and I am well and in good s -e. We have won the vltnrv as VOU know. The Germans I fought to win, but the 1 1? ' much for them. Sammies were How we killed Rambler. them vou can't imagine. It is a great sight to looks so funny. Fox. Siler City, C. W. vvcmoie, wkx m y.r i-ha oorfora of Th( Record ; r A Williams. Apex, route 3, J tXllLliy i ... - . - , ouvit, . - " ' especially in the Moncure section remember Mr. "Tom" Maynard, he hiving lived at Moncure several years a,c, Mr. Maynard died at his home in Gary December 20. On last Saturday his "widow died suddenly, aged 64 years. B. Atwater, Bynum, Moncure, route 2. H. R. Stedman, be over here i-.nd see the damage the Germans did. vVe have been in a great struggle for the !asi month, but I am with a fighting division and were fighting them when - v surrendered. Just think of the ng range guns the Huns did have and h iw wa captured them. It was a signt, mav know. They fought until they s . w we were going to get them all and their hands and said, Proved an Alibi. About a month ago Messrs. H. C. j Crutchfield and Sam Burke captured a ; stiil in the western part of the county. , They also arrested two colored men ! Hume and Grant Miliiken-under sus- j nicion of running the still. On account ' tiKe place un- i Examinations for Postmaster. i Examinations for fourth class post ! masters for Moncure and Ore Hill will ! take place February 15 at Raleigh and j ! Sanford. The office at Moncure pays j I a salarv of $621 a year and the one at I Ore Hill $357. Applications snouia oe , geg gome of the one3 that have come filed with the civil service commission , , . t thank God that Davie She uncovered her son and found that he had no legs. She fainted. The nurse r-3Tnf rushiner in. First the nurse cov- a no, ; nrhr law witli hi face white i tV-ev threw up j u: v,f '-Come and get me," and we d.d. Ihey "My ma has seen me," whispered: Davie. Then the nurse revived Mrs. Kahlen. The nurse was new on the floor. "Don't take on so, Mrs. Kahlen, she soothed. "Davie is lucKy, com- cne VT r oared to some of them. You ought to should be ' - at Washington. Blanks can oe securea at the postoffices at Sanford or Raleigh. iVio flu th trial didno ;i w Monday when the case came up I Chathamite Complimented u,-, 'G,,; ToV,n R. Rlair. The two j tt rv,otVnm County News. i yu see on men proved an alibi and were dis-j ye have received by way of exchange i i,1h T?rj-inr'nam Post-Dispatch. That; llli.'.l tL VJ. tll A-' iw ' tD - ; is an up-to-date paper published at Rockingham, N. C, by Mr. Isaac b. London. I am not going to get mad A Valuable Sow. Mr. Yr. J. Williams of Williams town- s ip, near Riggsbee, has a mixture oi uu- . Republicans in Chatham coun nc and Berkshire sow that is vaiuame. j not-subscribinff to the Post-Dis-F . om this sow last year he raised 29 pigs, j aU , ths Democrats should He sold S201 worth of these and two he I for tfaat i for n0 other fattened. These two, at 7 months and , bccauge Mr- Igaac London is its 11 days old, he killed and they weighed j He .g a SQn of the iamented 604 pounds. At 25 cents a pound they ' Major" H A London, the man who were worth $151. Added to the $204 : ghould have been made governor of for which he got for his pigs, turned ; yearg agQ In the coming him in $355. And thisow still lives, j when pe0ple of old Chatham county shall be called on to memoir its 1 ... T l 4-U ' greatest son, methmKS l can near tuc nil Maior Henry A. . j 4.1 uf ; can ses of influenza in town ami iuiuus"1"" i the county, there has not been a single The Flu Situation. Although there have been many ca- had been spared to you as he is. The nurse led Mrs. Kahlen into the next room. A figure lay cn a bed. It had a strange face the sort of face the wax dummies in the clothing stores, or a bit diireren... it had no arms. And the bed in which it lay seemed empty. Mrs. Kahlen look ed at the face. The wax mask, with its fixed smile, stared back at her. The wax jaw moved ever so slightly. Al though the features of the wax mask were quite perfect, Mrs. Kahlen stared hard. From the slightly moving jaw same a sound. "Now, aren't you glad for Davie?" whispered the nurse. "Mamma," said the wax jav, ma." Mrs. Kahlen covered her eyes and oonie were only killing themselves when they '"iouht Uncle Sam couldn tbeat them, because I know we gave them a bad beating. I have seen towns as large rvivham and not a family was sen livin"- in them. The newspa pers cannot tell how bad it is. I could write vou lots more, but I will close f.jr this time. Love and best wishes to all and tell them I am living by a laree majority. From your boyt ROGI "Mam- London. death here, and only three deaths in Center township all colored -so far as we can learn." Several deaths have oc- : U-.vnr-.-hrwnf th poiint.v. . u u u of. Wilkins-Ricks at Whole iamu.es uer -c , m0St of them flicted with the disease out m some ta- j CnntA nni. :u u.o- ; neiuiiKiiiK i 1 thought tnat tne nre ongmaicu - ses it was of such som3 children did not go to bed for it. We are glad to note that the number of cases is eradually growing smaller, while those who have had it are conva lescing, many of them being out on the streets. Send in the News. Rockingham Post-Dispatch. Never find fault because a newspaper fails to give every scrap of news, if you are one of the people who never give the editor any information. An editor isn't a medium or a mind reac er but he gets his news the same way the milkman gets hismilk.by pump ing. This is true especially of that class of items known as "personals." Rightly th-jy are not "puffery" or "taffy" bat simple personal mention, g-en for the benent of the local read ers and if you have a friend or relative visiting you let us know and we will be glad to give the item proper notice. T.ae Durham hosiery mills have posi tively forbidden the employment of children under 14 years of age. The order is already effective, Bad Fire at Sanford. Tuesday morning, about 2 o'clock, fire was discovered in the garage of Sanford which com It is short-circuited wire in one of the cars The garage building was valued at 1 ! $10,000 and was partially insured. It is ! estimated that the loss on the cars win J be about $20,000. North Caroiiua Boys Coming Home. The 27th, 30th and 37th divisions, in cluding all attached organizations, have been instructed to prepare for embark ation for home, the war department announced. The 30tn, or "wna R J. HORTON, 306 Eng. Train The casualty list published lastThurs day contained the name of Private John V. Morris, of Moncure, as having been killed in action. Also, Maken K.Jones, of Siler City, has been reported as be ing severely wounded. &&&&& Privates James Womble and Marvin Barns arrived here Monday from France havin been honorably discharged from service. While in France these two young men were chums to a great ex tent. On leaving France they became separated in some way. Both came ! over in the same vessel, landed safely s ood rigidly beside the bed. She said jn New York, discharged, both leaving no word but dropped to the floor. Dr. j iov home. On their arrival here they c-.- rv,aH in Mrs Kahlen was ; ainc across one another in front of removed to another room and died there five minutes later. "Heart failure, brought on by ex treme shock," said the doctor. The nurse, white and weeping, re turned to the room of the wax mask. She looked at the chart at the head cf the bed. The name written on th chart was Samuel Kahlen. "Mamma," said the wax jaw as the nurse stood over it staring at the chart. world," cried the spieler. "We have the talking ele phants, the roar ing lion, the tall est giraffe ever seen, his neck be ing 22 feet long, and when he blows his nose he nearly drowns everybody near him. Lookout, he is going to sneeze. I think he is taking the flu. We have the only ant eater ever captured in Chatham county, the" and he kept this and more such stuff up for over half an hour, winding up with, "and it's only 50 cents admission to go under bur acres of tent and see the finest show ever seen on earth." We didn't have 50 cents so we wan dered away. Nearer up town there ap peared to be another tent show. Only a nickel to see the most wonderful show on earth -the greatest flea per formance ever seen. See them drilling, watch them fox trot. There are 120 of them and all of them trained to per fection. You'll never regret your mon ey, and only half a dime," and we look ed and there stood George Washington Bynum at the tent door taking m the nickels, while Will Hunt stood upon a box spieling for all he is worth, and he made a good one. We did not see the fleas but walked further up town. Then we caugnt tne words: "Right this way to see the greatest animal ever seen in Pittsboro. He chews tobacco, eats glass, tin, any thing, and for only two pins. We borrowed two pins and went over to where some negro boys had some kind of animal in a box. We ave the two pins, a loose bag was removed and there in that box was the biggest Wil liam Goat ever seen about here. The goat turned his head, looked up, wink ed his eye and said in plain Chatham language, "Yubadam." That's what we thought. As we turned away we felt a terrible jar in our north end and heard a voice saying: "Get up. Ramb, and build a tire; i m hungry." Mrs. Rambler was calling me in her sweetest and most persuasive voice, and it was her that punched me in the back. A x- 1 1 5 to At the Close of Business December 31st, 1918. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $486,091.71 Stacks and Liberty Bonds 45,165.15 Furniture and fixtures 6,112.96 Real estate 1,531.00 Cash and due from banks 194,086.34 Total.. .....$782,086.16 LIABILITIES. Capital stock ? 25.000 00 . Undivided profits 16,179 99 Rediscounts and bills payable 37,500 00 Reserved for interest- 1.529 07 , Other Liabilities 1.835 42 Deposits $650,870 68 Total .-$732,915 16 (f (f, to to to to to to to to to The Most Cheer ing Word in the English Language is WELCOME At Boone's "Welcome" is the prevailing spirit. We want you to feel real "Welcome" is why now for several years we have priced our goods so close that we could have no Special Sale at the end of each season. This is the best way to get your pocket book to feel welcome to us. We have a great stock of goods bought at the right time and being lot of it cheaper than it can be bought again wholesale. "COME AND SEE" is all we ask. Men's Suits and Overcoats 15 up Boys Suits and uvercoats Shirts and Underwear $ 1 up Why if you want to be real hap py over what ycu buy and save yourself some real money, see BOONE. Tl 2) C R. Boone There has not been a single case of influenza developed at the State Uni versity since the opening of the spring term. Over 500 students have been en rolled comin3 from all sections of the state. K; P n "Good Quality Spells What BOONE Sells." De Luxe Clothier, Raleigh, N. C HE BBS PRODUCER The best producer is one who can produce a hank-hook. It means more than a mere mat ter of saving in so many dol lars and cents. It means the beginning of an element of char acter that forms str on ge st foundation for a successful life We invite you to dc business with us, 4'pr ct paid on time certificates deposits ftlANK of piTTSBORO ARTHUR H. LONDON, President I B. N00E, Yice-PreiJeit JAS. L. GRIFFIN, Cashier DR. J. C.M4NN EYE-SIGHT SPECIALIST has C it" division is composed of Tennes see, North and South Carolina and Dis Uict of Columbia troops and was train ed at Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C. Secretary Baker has directed that unlisted men upon being discharged from the service may retain the safety M?nr. comb, shavintr brush, steel mii- ror and towels issued to each man. The judgeship bill, which gives North r-ai-nlinn nnnther federal ludee. has VUi.UltW m Dassed the Senate, and goes to con ference: It provides- for a salary of $7,500. ; The Men Who Build. Walter H. Page, Raleigh address, 1903. Washington was a farmer and gloried in it; Jefferson was a farmer and cared more for agriculture than for states manship. Most of the great men who build things live close to the earth. Vaiit ri v nidation depends on this .... i i whether the man behind the plow oe a j clod-hopper or a sympathetic scholar of j the soil. V' rE will from now on gin coiton Tuesdays and Fridays oi eacn CHATHAM "OIL AND FERTILIZER COjVlr AJN I , PITTSBORO, N. C. Will be at Dr. Chapin's office, Pittsboro, N. C., every 4th Tuesday in each month. Glasses fitted that are easy and restful to the eyes. Cross-eyes straightened without the knife. Weak eyes of chil dren and young people a specialty. My next visit will be Tuesday, Jan. 28. SAY IT ith Flowers The seasonable flowers now are: ROSES ASTERS LILIES Our specialties are WEDDING AND FUNERAL FLOWERS LOCAL AGENT, MISS LULlIAJ RAY, PITTSBORO. J. L. O'Quinn&Co. FLORIST, RALEIGH, N. C. PHONE 149 Land Sale Under Mort gage. In October there were 6,056 from influenza in this state, cember it decreased to 2,133. deaths" In Dc- English soldiers get $10 and draw pay 28 days after being discharged from the army. ' Geo. H. Bellamy, of Wilmington, r-ot the U. S. marshalship plum. . The American navy will soon be out of Europe. Land Sale. Bv virtue of the powers contained in a mortgage deed executed on the 3rd day of September, 1910, by An .am J Rivos to J. G. Goldston: and By virtue of an order of the superior the same having been transferred to court, rendered in the case oi a. j. the undersigned, I will, on Riggsbee, admr. of E. M. Riggsbee, vs L. F. Riggsbee et als, I will, at the courthouse door in Pittsboro, N. C, on Saturday, February 1, 1919, sell to the highest bidder, a tract ot land in Williams township. Chatham county . N. C the lands ot tumn ' Monday, February 3, 1919, sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the courthouse door in Pittsboro, the following tract of land in Lrull town- no LUH lllliu, I n . bounded on the north by ship, Chatham county, N. C. : Blackwood and Jim Beginning at a iue uu puiurcio aor.- nn past bv the lands of Joe Kives' corner; mence norm ma Sparrow, on .he east. Dy me ""8 ,. . Mp Marine Fields' line. 30 fhe TatdTofVf ggsbee; "on the wes't poles"to a stone pile, O S. JoluWs by thTh4ds of Jim Sparrow.containing corner; thence east his line 80 poles to 142 acres? more or less, and being the a stake and pointers; thence ; south 30 land of the late p. M. Kiggspee. p, - - JV Ts- Rnii: Terms of sale: Une-naii casn, re- wvea uuc, u.. nv. ... ..... ,.v. mainder in six months, deterred pay- io me ueB"""6. ment to bear interest t per cent per 19 . . . m annum from continuation ot saie; uue - wniifPT v reserved until purchase money is paia. ;"y'r7' Jiw . Wedding RING S A wedding ring from Jolly's is a ring of pure gold, fine ly finished, a product of the very best workman ship and material. It is plump and smooth with no rough edges to chafe the finger. Tiffany and English styles, in 14, 18 and 22 karat weights. All sizes. As well as the new styles of engraved wedding rings in gold and platinum. JOLLY'S Established 30 Years Jolly & Wynne Jewelry Co., RALEIGH, N. C. UK. S. E. Douglass All Kinds of Dental Work. Special attention given to treatment of Riggs' Disease and Oral Prophylax is. Offices 4-6 Woodard Building, Raleigh, N. C. Make appointment by Telephone or Letter.

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