Cljntljam Gerard THURSDAY, MARCH 6. 1919 Local records Tfcincs That Happen That Will Inter est Readers of The Record. Soon be fishing time. And soon be gardening time. See C. E. B?and for seed oats, ad Freeh ftsk Saturday. D. M.Smith. And soon be hunting the old swim ming hole. March came in like a lamb. Watch her go out. Shoes still going at reduced prices at R. J- Moore's, adv Galvanized roofing for sale at R. J. Moore's for $8.25 a square, adv Pure wheat bran $2.95 per 100 at C. E. Bland's feed house, adv For sale, 10,000 cabbage plants. Can be found at the Blair Hotel. J. D. Womble. adv The Betterment association meets Friday afternoon at the auditorium at 3:30 o'clock. Let's have good streets and roads for Center township. Read the road law in another column. For Sale Second-hand Ford tour ing car in good condition. J. H.Farrell at Poe's garage. advf20 A cablegram from Col. Cox of the 113th artillery states that they have received orders to sail for home. Have you tried R. J. Moore's mo lasses? It is fine and is only $1 a gal lon. He sells sugar house molasses for 75c a gallon. Did you ever see such a winter? The "oldest inhabitant" has been set back 14 points. Young America has got him "skint." Learn at home or school shorthand, bookkeeping on credit. Positions guar anteed. Edwards College, Winston, N. C. adv mh9it Owners had better be looking after their dogs. To let them roam around is liable to a fine or imprisonment. If a dog is worth having, he is worth be ing fed and kept at home. A revival meeting will begin at the Methodist church here next Wednes day evening, the 12th, at 8 o'clock. The pastor will be assisted by Rev. E. McWhorter, of Chapel Hill. Public in vited. Pittsboro will not be in the triangle debate, which takes place at Chapel Hill April 4th. Liberty. Siler City and Stony Hill debate together this year j and Cameron, Cary and Merry Oaks debate together. For sale, Tuesday, March 11, at 10 o'clock, household and kitchen furni ture, farm utensils, 1 two-horse wagon, 1 log cart, 3 buggies, surrey, 4 head cattle, 4 head hogs, 1 mowing machine. H. W. Cheek, Pittsboro, Rt 2. adv Don't forget to return your income taxes, if you are liable, by March 15. Income Tax Inspector Rex L. Farmer will visit Pittsboro March 12 and 13 and Siler City on the 14th and 15th to assist taxpayers in preparing their returns. Thomas Taylor, a very worthy col ored man, who lived just east of the corporate limits of the town, died last j they have been honorably discharged. Sunday morning. He had a stroke of j Those who have not received their bo paralysis about two weeks ago and ' nus should write to Zone Finance Offi never recovered from it. He was about I cer, Lemon building, Washington, stat 63 years of age. ! inS their service since April 6, 1917, A bill was introduced by Represen tative Spence,of Randolph, by request, to annex a strip 1 1-2 miles wide and 12 miles long in Bear Creek township. uauidui tuuuvjr, j . The bill was promptly killed by the ; committee to which it was referred. Papers in towns all over the state are calling on the. monied men to build j more dwelling houses. The same thing is needed here. Two or . three families here now are roosting around in trees, so to speak, because they cannot get a hole to atick their head into. Build houses. On account of my physical condi tion I will offer for sale, to the highest bidder, on Monday, March 10, my stock cattle, hogs, corn, feed, farming tools, wagon, surrey, harness and some house things. Also good farm for rent 1919. Henry F. Durham, Roscoe, Chatham county, N. C. adv Officers are not having the luck af ter stills they had some few weeks ago. A raid was made last Friday about six miles west of here, but it was almost a water naui. 1 ney aesiruyea an oiu , Tha Bethei schooi box party was a vanized still that had not been m use j grand 8uccess, Xhe Daked by Mrs for some time. Blockade "birds are not j Moaeg clarjtj created quite an interest roosting in the same place long at a j jnjf game nice ' box of stationery time these days. ; was awarded to the successful euesser -The friends of Mr. J. M. Farrell j will regret to learn that he received a j slight stroke of paralysis in his right i t , m . . 11 a siae last saturaay ana nas oeen con- fined to his bed since. He is improv ing and hopes to be out in a few days. Mr. Farrell seems to run in hard luck. It was only a few weeks ago that he fell from his buggy and broke a small j bone in his leg and had sufficiently re covered to get around on crutches. Names Wanted. The Record wishes to secure names of all Chatham county soldiers (both white and colored) who have been kill ed or died in the service, at home or abroad. Their relatives' will please) send their names and date of death, as well as their company and regiment at once to The Record, as we wish to pub lish the list. Crossties. Tha question is often asked here "Where do so many crossties come from?" From the woods,' of course, but it seems like the woods would give out some time. More crossties are shipped from this point than any little or big town in the state. The work train has been hauling ties from here, two or three trips a day, for the past three weeks, and yet. they can hardly be missed in the yard here. THE RELIEF FUND Chatham Slow in Rais ing Her Quota On account of the unfavorable weath er during the drive for funds for the "Armenian-Syrian relief fund," and some misunderstanding as to how the campaign would be conducted, I have continued the period through this week and embracing Sunday, the 9th. Im mediately after this date I desire all reports and moneys turned in promptly that I may make report to state chair man, Doctor Joyner. I sincerely hope that every church and Sunday school in Chatham will make liberal response to this appeal for aid for those suffering people. , Below I am giving the names of con tributors and amounts contributed by each to date. In my next report I hope to show a good surplus: ;. Chatham church, by T, B. Clegg $ 6 81 Moncure by Rev. W.B. Waff 4 57 Pittsboro " " 6 47 Hickory Mt ''""' - " " 729 Mt Gilead church, J. B. Ward 20 00 Mann's Chapel, C. A. Snipes 22 00 Pleasant Hill, Rev. P. D. Woodall 7 00 Mt. Pleasant ch. and S.S., Rev. G. W. Perry . 33 28 Bonlee Bap.. S. S., H. I Carter 12 60 -Merry Oaks .Bap. S.S..R. J.Yates 13 41 E. B. Harris, Siler City. Rt. 4 8 50 Merry Oaks S.S.. Jas. M. Craven 4 50 j Pittsboro Methodist S. S. 19 l(f Hanks' (col.) public school 5 00 A. M. Riddle 1 00 B. M. Poe 1 00 Bynum Sunday school 75 13 Lystra Sunday school - 46 65 Total reported $302 31 ; Chatham's quota, $700.00. J. B. ATWATER, j Co. Chairman, Bynum, N. C. i PERSONAL MENTION Pople Who Come and Go Some You I Knew and Some You Do Not. Miss Meta Bell Goodwin is visiting ! friends in New Hope township. S. C, has been here on a short visit. Mr. W. C. Griffin, who lives near Graham, was here on a short visit this week. Mrs. Laura Home left Monday for Baltimore to buy spring and summer millinery goods. Messrs. H. B. Jones and W. W. Fields and family spent Saturday in Raleigh shopping. Mrs. E. A. Farrell has returned from Alliance, where she went to attend the funeral of her mother. Miss Carrie M. Jackson has returned home after spending the winter with her sister near Fayetteville. Bishop Jos. B. Cheshire will conduct services in St. Bartholomews' Episco pal church here next Sunday morning and at Gulf that night. Mr. and Mrs. Woodson Powell and family and Miss Azile Hill motored to Raleigh Sunday to visit Mrs. N. M. Hill, who is at Rex Hospital. Mrs. Hill is slowly improving. To Get a Bonus According to section 1406 of the revenue all soldiers, officers, clerks and nurses are to get a bonus of $60 if date of discharge and present address and also enclosing discharge certificate or military order for discharge if both were used. These will be returned to the sender. A good many of the Chat- . , ... bonuses nam Doys W1U get DonU8es Relics of the War We request the returned soldiers, ; j those who have relics of the world war, 1 to send them to Miss Myrtle Siler, cus- todian, in Sheriff l ane's office, to be ! kept there until a suitable cabinet has j been provided for their reception and j exhibition. The Daughters of the Con- federacy have a museum in the court- house containing relics of the War be- j t een the states, and the commission- ' ers have agreed to purchase one for the descendants and relatives of the men who followed Lee. The Daugh ters consider it a privilege to aid in keep ing history straight, as that is their work. MRS. HENRY A. LONDON, Pres. Winnie Davis Chap., U. D.C. Box Parties afJ to what the pie was made of Qne wajJj Made of corn fodder." j Another "Made of corn silks. " It was ! 9 , H- nf niths The ugliest gentleman and the pret- i tiest lady got the cake, which brought : $52.55. The net proceeds totaled $81.60, i which will be used for Che betterment i Qf our Bcnoo TEACHER, j The Holly Oak school gave a box : supper. Friday night, Feb. 21. The sale i of the boxes amounted to $34. The I voting contest brought in $32, making j a total of $66. Just Had to Kill Him "One day twenty negro soldiers were sent out to escort 20 German prisoners back from the front," writes a corres pondent in France. "Nineteen of them returned all right, each guarding a cap tive boche. " 'Where's your prisoner?' his com manding officer asked the twentieth. " 'It's this way, boss,' the negro an swered. 'He commenced telling me of his poor old mother and how she would miss him if he wre kept in a prison camp, and of his wife and three little children back in Germany, and how they would cry when they learned his fate, and, boss, before God, I just had to kill that man to keep, him from breaking my heart,' " Working Public Roads A bill to be entitled an act to authorize the commissioners of "Chatham coun to levy a special tax for working the public roads in the various townships in the county: ,-. .' The General Assembly of North Caro lina do enact: ' . Section 1. That on petition of one fourth of the freeholders of any town ship in the county of Chatham, the county commissioners of the said coun ty are authorized and empowered to levy a tax of not exceeding forty cents on the one hundred dollars property valuation and one dollar and twenty cents on the poll, always observing the constitutional equation, for the pur pose of constructing, establishing, maintaining and repairing the public highways of such township. The said petition shall state the amount of tax desired to be levied. Sec. 2. The said tax shall be levied and collected at the same time and in the same manner as other taxes of the county. In any township where the tax provided for in section one hereof is levied, the county commissioners shall appoint three citizens of the said township, who shall constitute the board of road commissioners for the said township and whose duty it shall be to supervise and direct the construc tion, establishment, maintaining and re pairing of the public .roads of the said township and who shall have charge of the disbursement of the " funds arising' from the tax herein provided for, and the board of road commissioners shall pay out the same upon proper order i signed by the township commissioners, i The said township road commissioners j shall, on the first of each month, or I of tener if required by the road com- j missioners, file a report of their ex- I psnses and disbursements and the same ! shall be approved by the said county commissioners as far as they may find the same to be correct. v Sec. 3. That nothing herein contain ed shall be construed to repeal any road laws now in effect in Chatham county except as herein specified. Declamation Contest The literary societies of Wake For est are making final arrangements for the declamaation contest which is to be pulled off in Wake Forest March 13 and 14 Every high school in the con test will be the guests of the two liter- ; i vr t Ty a I ary societies wnue in wase roresx. The following are the rules governing the contest: Any accredited high school, city gra ded school, or private school is entitled to send one male representative. The name of each contestant, and a certificate from the principal of his school showing that the contestant is a bona fide student, must be in the hands of the secretary of the Reclamation contest committee not later than March 9th and no declamation' shall be over ten minutes in length. A preliminary contest will be held Thursday evening, March 13, beginning at 8 o'clock, at which time the ten best speakers will be chosen for the final contest, which will be held Friday, March 14th. " The best speaker will be awarded a scholarship given by the college and a medal given by the two societies. Daylight Law Stands The effort to kill the daylight saving law through congressional action failed in the Senate when senators opposed to the repealing "rider" attached to the agricultural appropriation "bill raised a point of order against the measure.The point was taken on the ground that the "rider" was general legislation on one of the annual appropriation bills, and as such was out of order. Senator Gore, who was leading the movement to ef fect an appeal, threatened to attach the rider to the wheat price guaranty bill, but felt it was more important to the farmers to have the wheat guaran ty bill go through than have the day light saying law repealed. Senator Gore, in urging the repeal of the daylight saving law, said it worked a hardship on American farmers, who thus were forced to rise ah hour earlier than was their custom. He claimed it made the farmer's day too long. Sen ator Calder, of New York, who led the fight in support of the measure, main tained that the law as it stands gives factory workers an additional hour of daylight after they have completed their work. RED CROSS DEPARTMENT J UNIOR RED CROSS. ' NKP Six squares were completed at the meeting Wednesday afternoon, Febru ary 25. It is interesting to watch these little girls, from nine to fourteen, use their needles Vso skillfully. Some of them can piece the squares with as much ease as arown person. The following were present: Lucile Farrell, Blanche Carter, Emily Taylor, Lanie Hilliard, Agnes . Gunter, Fannie Beard, Louise Brooks, Miry Dell By num and Misses Tabor, Stalvey, and Pilkington. x The wheat guaranty bill, authorizing the president to use existing agencies or to create new ones to buy wheat of the 1918 and 1919 crops at the govern ment guaranteed price of $2.26 a bush el and dispose of it at market prices, has passed both houses of Congress. Billy Sunday- may go to Winston, to open the eyes of some of. the wicked people there. . . . - ; ; - Co - Partnership Notice. R. H. Hayes and Wade Barber have entered into aco-partnership for the general practice Vrt law under the firm name 01 Hayes & earoer. MEMORIAL TABLET To Be Erected by the Co; Commissioners - We herewith publish a letter written by Mr. Ossian Lang, director of the War commuhity service to the. Daugh ters of the Confederacy of. Chatham county: '.' . '' ;' . ' "Ladies:" Being 'informed of your successful work .for the "erection of a monument to the Chatham soldiers of the War between the States, and hav-; ing learned ,6f the splendid aid given by your, organization toward the winning of the world .war for democracy and decency, I take the liberty of asking your help for the inauguration of a movement 'to unite the people of Chat ham county in the establishing of the best possible kind of a memorial or memorials to "'" the Chatham men who have served in the victorious land and sea forces of our common country. The plan I-beg; to commend to you particu larly is to place -memorial tablets in all the common school hsuses bearing the names of the soldiers, sailors and mar rines of tha several districts; and also to establish at the, county seat a Chat ham memorial community house as.a- living monument to all enlisted men of the sounty, this community house to be a model social center in whose benefits all the people of the county may share. "I have written to national headquar ters requesting that Chatham county be added to my present territory, and favorable action is expected: In any event, my request to you is that you will grant me the privilege of explain ing to you the far-reaching objects of the plan briefly indicated above. The thought back of the plan, is that where as the war was won for the peserva tion of democracy, the memorials ought to be of a kind to promote the firmer establishment of democracy by the gathering of people for the free dis cussion of their common affairs in neighborhood centers belonging to them in common. ' 'Trusting that you will give favorable consideration to my request and with the best of good wishes for you, I am, "Respectfully yours, -"OSSIAN LANG, "Community Organizer W. C. C: S., "Raleigh, N. C." In accordance with the above it is eminently fitting that the U. D. C. should take up this work for the de-. scendants of Confederate soldiers, it being on a line with their memorial work. At a meeting of the Winnie Davis Chapter on last Friday a com mittee was appointed to ask the coun ty commissioners to erect this memo rial tablet to the soldiers who were killed .or died in the service during the late war. The committe saw the com missioners who patriotically decided to erect this memorial. They also agreed to purchase a cabinet for the preserva tion and exhibition of war relics. Hr DIED 4 i : PETTY February 18, at her home ; near here, Helen, the young daughter j of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Petty, of pneu- j monia. The parents have our heartfelt 1 sympathy. May they feel that God do eth all things well and bow in humble submission to -His will. Little Helen is only sleeping. A FRIEND. The losses of the Turkish army from the time Turkey entered the war until the end of 1918 are placed at 948,477 dead, wounded, prisoners and missing. State of Ohio. City of Toledo. Lucas County. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the Ann of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENET. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON. (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken In ternally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the SyHtem. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENET & CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by all drug-grists, 75c Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Advanced Price on Cedar) Logs For the next 90 days I will pay the highest market price for cedar logs. Specifications: No logs under 6 in.; sawed off at both ends; dote free. Geo. C. Brown & Co. E. A. FAR LELL, Purchasing Agent. mh6tf Why Lay up your Ford car for the winter just because ' she's hard to start. Use MOT-O-LBNE hi your gas , oline and you'll be delight I ed with the difference it makes! - Mot-o-lene la winning friends wher ever it is tried. Good on all cars makes them easy to start, chases carbon and Clves you more miles per gallon than yon ever got before Your money back If it don't. i $1.5o Bottle Enough for "3 4 90 Gallons Gasoline Try It at Our Risk. ; IS. Ms POE, Pittsboro, N. C. Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as administrator of J. B. Council, deceased, this is to no tify all persons holding claims against his estate to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 1st day of March, 1920, or this notice will be plead, in bar of their recovery. March 1, 1919. mh6 , - : ' N., J. WILSON, r Admr JI B.; "Council, deceased. W. P. Horton; Attorney. PAY AND FILE INCOME TAX I BEFORE MAR, 15 U. S. Internal Revenue Bureau Gives Warning That Severi ; Penalties Will Be Enforced. WOM EN WITHIN LAWS SC0PI; ; HOW THEY REPORT INCOME The Income Tax "drive comes to a close on Saturday night, March 15. , : The payments and returns due on that date under, the provisions of the new Revenue Law must be in the hands of local Internal Revenue Collector before their offices close that night. . The Income Tax is being collected to meet the war expenses. ' Every person who shouted and tooted his horn on Armistice Day is now called upon to contribute liis share of the cost of win ning the war. ' ' She laggards and the dodgers will "fajce severe fines and jail sentences. Tjfef Internal Revenue , Bureau, an nounces that its officers will check us all up to see that every person who comes within the scope of the Income Tax Jaw did his share. Where to Pay and File.' Residents of North Carolina should make their, returns and pay their taxes to Josiah W. Bailey, Collector of Internal Revenue, Raleigh, or to Aus tin D. Watts, Statesville, or to any of the deputy collectors who are now do ing free advisory work on Income Tax. Payments sent by mail should be at tached to the returns and should be in the form of check, money order or draft. Cash payments by mail are sent at the taxpayer's risk of loss. If you are unable to make your re turn personally because of Illness, ab sence or incapacity an agent or legal representative may make your return. If there are any doubtful points as to your items of income or allowable deductions you should get In touch at once with a Revenue officer or a bank er for advice. Women Pay Tax. Women are subject to all the re quirements of the Income Tax. Wheth er single or married, a woman's Income from all sources must be considered. . If anmarried or if living apart from her husband she must make her return for 1918 if her net income was $1,000 or over. If married and living with her hus band her income must be considered with the husband's in determining the liability for a return. Their joint In come, less the credits allowed by law, is subject to normal tax. The wife's net income is considered separately in computing any surtax that may be due. Husband and wife file jointly, as a rule. If the husband does .not In clude his wife's income in his return the wife must file a separate return. Severe Penalties. The new Revenue Law places severe penalties on a person who fails to make return on time, refuses to make return or renders a fraudulent return. For failure to make return and pay tax on time a fine of not more than $1,000 is named and 25 per cent of the tax due is" added to the assessment For refusing willfully to make return or for making a false or fraudulent re turn there is a fine of not exceeding $10,000 and - Imprisonment of not ex ceeding one: year, or both. Farmers' Income Taxable. Every farmer and ranchman who had a fair or a good year in 1913 must heed the Income Tax this year. He must consider all his income as tax able. He is entitled to deduct from his gross Income all amounts expended in carrying on his farm. The cost of farm machinery, farm buildings and improvements cannot be deducted. The cost of live stock, either for resale or for breeding purposes, is also regarded as investment. : Overtime and Bonuses Taxed. Salary and wage earners must con sider as taxable every item received from employers and from other sources. Bonuses and overtime pay are to be reported as well as the regu lar payments. Allowances for Cesses. Losses sustained in 1918 and not covered by insurance are deductible Items If incurred in the taxpayer's business or trade, in any transaction undertaken for profit or arising from fire, storm, shipwreck or other casu alty or from theft. SQUARE DEAL FOR EVERY INCOME TAX PAYER. Washington, D. C. "The rights of all persons now filing . Income Tax returns are amply w protected by provisions for w it abatements, refunds and ap- it k peals," says Commissioner Dan- w ifr " iel G Roper. , "Every person sure of ' a square deal. No person is ex- w pected to pay more than his w share of tax. His share is de- termined solely by the amount w and nature of his net Income for -r 1918, as defined ia the law. it "Abatement petitions are dealt w with open-raindedly. Refunds will it be made In every case where too it much tax is erroneously col- lected "The Income Tax is on the le.e;' all the way through." ANNOUNCEMENT Ve have now on hand a large ship ment of Marble Monuments -leady for your inspection. We in vite you to call and look over stock. Our prices are low, and those pur chasing Monuments for the next 60 days we will allow a 20 per cent dis count from the list prices. Workmanship, Quality and Mate rial guaranteed. GoneLV Marble and Granite Works - " ' Sanford, N. C 0pp. West Graded School Building ffi Why I; yi Suffer? la n Airs. J. A. Cox, of AI derson, W. Va., writes: "My daughter . . .suf fered terribly. She could not turn in bed ... the doctors gave her up, and we brought her home to die. Sfce had suffered to tuch at... fhao Hav ing heard of CanM, we got it for her." The Woman's Tonic "In a few days, sne be gan to improve, Airs. Cox continues, "and had no trouble at . . . Cardui cured her, and we sing its praises everywhere." We receive many thou sands of similar letters cverv year, telling of the good Caidui has done for women who suffer from complaints so common to their sex. It should do iron eood. too. Trv rdui. E-77 LONG & BELL, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Pittsboro, N. C. J. Elmer Long, Graham, N. C. Daniel L. Bell, Pittsboro, N.C. Notice of Special School Tax Election In accordance with a petition filed as provided in section 4115, of the Revisal of-1905, an election is hereby called to be held in the town of Moncure, N. C, on Friday, March 7, 1919, , for the purpose of voting a special tax of thirty cents on the one hundred dol lars worth of property and ninety cents on the poll in the following described territory, to-wit: Beginning at the Island ford road on Haw river, running with said Island ford road to Providence church; thence north with W. W. Steadman's line and including his plantation, and from his plantation running with the Ridge road to Gum Springs to the Pittsboro public road; thence to the old township line; thence west with said line as it runs to the Gorgas land, and thence, including said Gorgas land, running south with the said line to the Peoples' line and including the Peoples' plantation and running with said line to Deep river; thence down said river to Haw river; thence up said river to the beginning (Island oid road). At said election all the qualified vot ers in the above described territory shall be entitled to vote, and those who are in favor of the levy and collection of said tax shall vote a ticket on which shall be printed or written the words, "For Special Tax," and those who are opposed shall vote a ticket on which shall be printed or written the words, "Against Special Tax." For the purpose of carrying out this election T. B. Maddox is hereby ap pointed registrar who shall keep his registration books open from the 8th day of February, 1919, and shall be closed on Saturday, the 1st day of March, 1919, for the registration of all voters in said territory. A new registration is hereby ordered. The registration and election shall be conducted under the general election laws for the election of members to the general assembly, C. D. Wilkie and Waverly Lassiter are hereby appointed pollholders to aid in the holding of said election. After closing the polls on election day the registrar and pollholders will proceed to count the votes for and against said special tax, deelare the result of the same and certify the same under their hands and seals to the board of county commissioners of Chatham county. This 3rd day of February, 1919. W. H. FERGUSON, Chmn Board Co. Commissioners. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children Ert Use For Ovar 3D Years Always bears the Signature of Notice is hereby given of the seizure of the following property for violation of the Internal Revenue laws of the United States : Fifteen miles north east of Greenville, Pitt county, N. C, on February 20, 1919, near an illicit still three barrels of molasses, three hundred pounds of sheet copper and several tools of R. A. Mobley in vio lation of section 3450 R. S. Persons claiming the foregoing property will file their claims within 30 days as required by law, or the same will be forfeited to the use of the United States. J. W. Bailey, Collector, Raleigh, North Car olina, February 27, 1919. Notice is hereby given of the seizure of the following property for violation of the Internal Revenue laws of the At Langston Siding, January 11th. 1919, United States: Lenoir county, three barrels of molasses consigned to ! Dandy Williams and Albert Dixon ! (supposed fictitious) for use in making illicit spirits in violation of section 3450 R. S. Persons claiming the foregoing property will file their claims within thirty days as required by law, or the same will be forfeited to the use of the United States. J. W. Bailey, Collector, Raleigh, N. C, February 27, 1919. . Notice is hereby given of the seizure f the following property fer violation ; of the Internal Revenue laws of the ! United States: On February 9, 1919, i 14 miles southeast of Kinston.near Deep ! Run, Lenoir county, one five -passenger j Ford car transporting untaxpaid whis- : key, in violation of section 3450 R. S. Persons claiming any of the foref oing property will file their claims within j 30 days as required by law or the same will be forfeited to the use of the Uni ted States. J. W. Bailey, Collector, Raleigh. N. C. February 20. 1919. Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of the late M. F. Seagroves this is to notify all persons , holding claims against her estate to present the same to the undersigned or -his attorney on or before the 27th day of January, 1920, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. January 27, 1919. . J. D. JOHNSON, Admr. Mrs. M. F. Segroves. R. H. Hayes, Attorney. WE SELL EVERYTHING Our Are p W. L. LONDON & SON BankevgLqan& Trust Co. 111... ?n SANFORP',,IS' At the Close of Business December 31stt 1918. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts . $486,091.71 Stocks and Liberty Bonds 45,165.15 (1 ii if I l to il it) ii Or il ii to to to to r uruuure ana nxtures Real estate Cash and due from Total .' . $782,086.16 LIABILITIES. Capital stock ' $ 25000 00 Undivided profits 16,179 99 Rediscounts and bills payable 37500 00 Reserved for interest. 1,529 07 Other Liabilities 1,835 42 Deposits $650,870 68 Total. $732,915 16 rf m . - J mmi mm $THE PRODUCER The best producer is one who can produce a hank-hook. It means more than a mere mat ter of saving in so many dol lars and cents. It means the beginning of an element of character that forms strongest foundation for a successful life , We invite you to dc business with us. 4 pr ct paid on time certificates deposits RANK of piTTSBORO ARTHUR H. LONDON, President I B. N00E, Vice-President JAS. L. GRIFFIN, Cashier THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT The Farmers' Bank $ OF PITTSBORO is now located in the Hotel Blair, opposite the courthouse, and all deposits in said bank are bonded, besides carrying Burglar and Fire Insurance, and the bond of the Cashier. We did this to make it absolutely safe for . those doing business with us. We respectfully solicit count, large or small. 4 pr ct. Paid on T.M. BLAND, President I A.M. RIDDLE, Vice Pres W. E. ALLEY," Cashier The City Garage I have opened up the City Garage. next to J. C. Lanius' store, where I am prepared to do all kinds of repair, auto mobile and gas engine work. I solicit a share of your patronage. All work guaranteed. W. P. ROGERS. Notice is hereby given of the seizure of the following property for violation of the Internaj Revenue laws of the United States: At Pink Hill, Lenoir county, one car containing 56 barrels of molasses consigned to S. M. Abbott for use in making illicit spirits, on Jan uary 24. 1919, in violation of section 3450 R S. Persons claiming the fore going property will file their claims within thirty days as required by law, or the same will be forfeited to the use of the United States. J. W. Bailey, Collector, Raleigh, N. C, Februarj 2Q, 1919. Prices Right f 1 m (0 (0 m m m 6.112.96 1.531.00 194,086.34 banks 'mm &m9 mm BEST your checking ac- Time Deposits fc Vll Summons by Publication North Carolina, Chatham County In the Superior Court, before the Clerk. E. E. Walden vs . Notie Brady, Matthew Brady, Arnold Brady and Harry Brady. , To Matthew Brady and Arnold Brady: This is to notify you that an action as above entitled has been instituted in the superior court of Chatham county for the purpose of having - partition of certain lands in said county, in which you are interested, and that you are re quired to appear at the office of the clerk superior court of Chatham coun ty, N. C, on April 7, 1919, and answer or demur to the plaintiff's petition in said cause filed, or the plaintiff will de mand Judgment according to said peti tion. ! JAS. L. GRIFFIN, Clerk Superior Court. ThiFeb. 15, 1919.