Just Once! Try Dodson's Liver Tone! Take No Calomel! Listen To Me! If bilious, constipated, headachy or sick, I guarantee relief without taking dangerous calomel which sickens and salivates. Stop using calomel! It makes you sick. Don't lose a day's work. If you feel lazy, sluggish, bilious or consti pated, listen to me! Calomel is mercury or quicksilver, which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it conies into contact with sour bile, crashes into it, break ing it up. This is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If yon are "all knocked out," if your liver is torpid and bowels constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coated ton gue. If breath is bad or stomach sour, just try a spoonful of harmless Dod son's Liver Tone. Here's my guarantee Go to any drug store and get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents. Take a spoonful tonight, and if it doesn't Up Against It. "There never was a philosopher yet who could endure the toothache pa tiently." "And that's tough, for the average professional philosopher hasn't enough money to go to a dentist." Louisville Courier-Journal. No Worm in a Healthy Child All children truuoied with worms have an un healthy color, which indicates poor blood, and as a rule, there la more or less stomach disturbance. GHOVH'S TA8TMLBSS chill TOMC given regularly lor two or three weeks will enrich the blood. Im prove the digestion, and act as a General Strength ening Tonic to the whoie system. Katnre will then throw oD ordtspol the worms, and the Child will be In perfect health. fieasan t to take. 60c per bottle. Occasional Lapses. Mrs. Longwood Can you always be lieve what your husband tells you?" Mrs. Justwed Not always, but some times. When he says he isn't worthy of me. A BRIGHT, CLEAR COMPLEXION Is always admired, and it is the lauda ble ambition of every woman to do all she can to make herself attractive Many of our southern women hav found that Tetterine is invaluable foi clearing up blotches, itchy patches, etc., and making the sjcin soft and velvety. The worst cases of eczema end other torturing skin diseases yield to Tetterine. Sold by druggists or sent by mail for 50c. by Shuptrine Co., Savannah, Ga. Adv. Most of man's friends are willing to become his enemies on the least provo cation. - An idle brain is the devil's scheme factory. Plenty of exercise, fresh air, regular hours is all the pre scription you need to avoid Influenza unless through neglect or otherwise, a cold gets you. once Then take at CASCARA M QUININE Standard cold remedy for 20 years in tablet form safe, sure, no opiates breaks up a cold In 24 hours relieves grip ia 3 days. Money back if it fails. The genuine box has a Red top with Mr. Hill's picture. At All Drug Store. Have you RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout? Take BHETJMACTDF to remove tr-Acanse and drive the poUon f row tho system. "BHECIACTDR OH T1IR Igrni FITS EIIKHUlift 0.1 THE OUTSIDE" At All Druggists jas. Bail & Sod, Wholesale Distributors Baltimore, Md. 77 0 Jul oma FA Your Nose Knows The Encyclopaedia Britannica says about the manufacture of smoking tobacco, "... on the Continent and in America certain 'sauces' are employed . . . the use of the 'sauces' is to improve the flavour and burning qualities of the leaves." Your smoke-enjoyment de pends as much upon the Quality and kind of flavoring used as upon the Quality and aging , of the tobacco. Tuxedotobaccousesthepurest, most 'wholesome and delicious of all flavorings chocolate! That flavoring, added to the finest of carefully aged and blended burley tobacco, produces Tuxedo -the perfect tobacco "Your Nose Knows.' OR YOU B MONEY 8CK J Jft, 7T" Mai 1 aw straighten you right up and make you feel fine and vigorous by morning, I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dodson's Liver Tone is destroying the sale of calomel be cause it is real liver medicine ; entirely vegetable, therefore it can not salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and consti pated waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep the entire family feeling fine for months. Give it to your children. It is harmless; doesn't gripe and they like its pleasant taste. Adv. Noncommittal. "Does your wife sir.g?" "Er that's a matter of opinion." Boston Evening Transcript. BLACK-DRAUGHT A FAMILY MEDICINE Some Kind of Stomach Trouble With Cramps and Terrible Pains Made This Oklahoma Man's Life Miserable Un til Black-Draught Re lieved Him. Chickasha, Okla. Mrs. J. W. Walker recently said this: "We use Black Draught as a family medicine and think it is the only liver medicine made. My husband makes it up and uses it as a tonic as well as a laxa tive. I use it for headache, sour stom ach, a full heavy feeling after meals, which I suppose is indigestion, and it certainly does me a lot of good. My husband had some kind of stom ach trouble we don't know just what. It would strike him just any time in tjie day and cramp or pain him just I terribly bad. Someone told him how to make a tea of the Black-Draught, j which he did. It did him so much j good, it removed the cause and cured him. Since then we have praised the Black-Draught to our friends, and gladly do so." Seventy years of successful use has made Thedford's Black-Draught a Standard, household remedy. Every member of the family at times needs the help that Black-Draught can give In "cleansing the system and prevent ing or relieving the troubles that come from constipation, indigestion, lazy liver, etc. Try Black-Draught. Sold by all drug gists. Adv. By Comparison. Mrs. A (house hunting) Fancy the a Kent advertising this as a superior flat. Mr. B That's all right ; you should see the others he has. Boston Eve ning Transcript. Core pimples, headache, bad breath by taking May Apple, Aloe, Jalap rolled Into a tiny sugar plU called Doctor Pierce'B Pleasant Pellets. Adv. Experts. "Well, Sam. Are you glad to get out of the army?" "I sho' is, boss." "It wasn't a hard life. I hope?" "Xaw, sah I De life itself wasn't so hard, but I ain't had a nickel to spend since de Lawd knows when. Dem nig gers in my regiment didn't know uothin about drillin' an' salutin' de enp'n when (ley got to camp, but dey -;ho' bad a lot o experience in shootiu' r-raps." Birmingham Age-Herald. fuiir&iofiaccos Try This Test : Rub a little Tuxedo briskly in the palm of your hand to bring out its full aroma. Then smell it deep its delicious, pure fragrance will convince you. Try this test with any other tobacco and we will let Tuxedo stand or fall on your judg ment "Your Nose Knows." The Perfect TobacM for Pipe and Cigarette HOW MRS. BOYD AVOIDED API OPERATION ' Canton, Ohio. "I Buffered from a female trouble which caused me much suffering, and two doctors decided that I would have to go through an operation before I could get well. "My mother, who bad been helped by LydiaE. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, advised me to try it before sub mittingto an opera tion. It relieved me from my troubles bo I can do my house work without any difficulty. I advise any woman who is afflicted with female troubles to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound a trial and it will do as much for them." Mrs. Marie Boyd, 1421 5th St, N. E., Canton, Ohio. Sometimes there are serious condi tions where a hospital operation is the only alternative, but on the other hand so many women have been cured by this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, after doctors have said that an operation was necessary every woman who wants to avoid an operation should give it a fair trial before submitting to such a trying ordeal. If complications exist, write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for advice. The result of many years experience is at your service. Unavoidable Sometimes. Manajrer You are, of course, strict ly sober? Applicant Yes. sir, often. Constipation generaHy indicate disordered stomach, liver arid bowels. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills restores regularity without griping. Adv. Yes, Yes! Who? Teacher Who was the man never told a lie? Boy Ah! Who, indeed? that Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure Catarrhal Deafness, and that is by a constitutional remedy. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE acts through th Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Catarrhal Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lir.inff of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result. Unless the inflammation can be re duced and this tube restored to its nor mal condition, hearing may be destroyed forever. Many cases of Deafness are caused by Catarrh, which Is an Inflamed condition of the Mucous Surfaces. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any ease of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. All Drusisists 75c. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. Thi1 man who tells you that all men are equal really believes that he is a little more so. 323 Stops Tho Tickio Heals The Threat Cures The Cough Its Soothing Healing Effect soon gives relief. If the Cough is deep-seated and the Head or Chest is sore, a penetrating salve should be applied. This greatly helps any cough syrup in curing Coughs and Colds. A FREE BOX OF GROVE'S O-FEN-TBATE SALVE f Opens tiis Peres and Penetrates,) For Chest Colds, Head Colds, and Croup, is enclosed with every bottle of HAYES HEALING HONEY. This is the only cough syrup on the market with which this additional treatment is given. The salve is also very valuable as a Germicide for the Nose and Throat. You get both remedies for the price of one. 35c Sold by all Druggists. If your Druggist should not have it in stock, he will order it from his nearest Vholesaie Druggist. Made. Recommended and Guaranteed to the Public by PARIS MEDICINE COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS OF Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic y Keep a Bottle Handy Pain whether it comes from rheu matism, neuralgia, sciatica, backache or sprain is usually most acute at night If you have a bottle of Yager's Liniment handy and use it you get quick relief. Price 35c. The large bottle contain twice as much aa tbe usual 50c bottle of liniment and lasts the average fam ily for months. At all dealers. GILBERT BKOS.& CO., Baltimore, Old. Get Longer Better Wool Shear with a machine andleave no second cuts nor scar the sheep. Use a Stewart No. 9 Ball Bearing Shearing Machine. Gets 1 5 more woo leas ly and quickly. Removes the fibre completely , making it longer and better selling. Le i es a smooth, even stubble for next year's grow h. Machine soon pays for itself. PnceSI4. Send us $2 balance oa amvaL Writef or catalog. CHICAGO FLEXIBLE SHAFT COMPANY Dept. B 172, 12t Street sad Central Ave., Cbiuso, III. """"FyfrrTfefFs HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation ot merit. Herpe o eradicate dandroff. ForRjtorin Color and Beauty toGray or Faded Hair. 60c antl $1.00 at trqggiBt3. KODAKS & SUPPLIES We also do highest class of .finishing. Prices and Catalogue upou request. S. Galeiki Optical Co., Richmond, Vs. Cabbage Plants Genuine Frostproof, all varieties, immedi ate and future shipment. By express 500 $1.25; 1000, $2.00; 5000, $8 75. Parcel Pest Prepaid 100, 35c; 500, $1.50; 1000, $2.50 Enterprise Co, Inc., Sumter, S. C. mm 1 Honey IKES HAIR FALL OUT A small bottle of "Danderine" keeps hair thick, strong, . beautiful. Girls! Try this! Doubles beauty of your hair in a few moments; Within ten minutes after an appli cation of Danderine you can not find a single trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not itch, but what will please you raos-t will be after a few weeks' use, when you see new hair, fine and downy at first yes but really new hair growing all over the scalp. A little Danderine immediately dou bles the beauty of your hair. No dif ference how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Dan derine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. The effect is amazing your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance of abundance; an in comparable lustre, softness and luxu riance. Get a small bottle of Knowlton's Danderine for a few cents at any drug store or toilet counter, and prove that your hair is as pretty and soft as any that it has been neglected or injured by careless treatment that's all rou surely can have beautiful hair and lots of it if you will just try a little Dan derine. Adv. Sure Prophecy. Fortune Teller I see a loss of money. Customer Me, too. I luive paid you in iidvanee. WHY WOMEN DREAD OLD AGE Don't worry about old age. Don't worry about being in other people's way when you are getting on in years. Keep your body in good condition and vou can be as bale and hearty in your old days as you were when a kid, and every one will be glad to see you. The kidneys and bladder are the causes of senile afflictions. Keep them clean and in proper working condition. Drive the poisonous wastes from the svstem and avoid uric acid accumulations. Take GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules periodical ly and you will find that the system will always be in perfect working order. Your spirits will be enlivened, yote muscles made strongf and your face have once more the loji: of youth and health. New life, fresh strength and health will come as you continue this treatment. When your first vigor has been restored continue for awhile taking a capsule or two each day. They will keep you in condition and prevent a return of your troubles. There is onlv one guaranteed hrard of Haarlem Oil Capsules, GOLD MEDAL. There are manv fakes on the market. Be sure you get the Orieinal GOLD MEDAL Imported Haarlem Oil Capsules. They are the only reliable. For sale by all first-clast druggists. Adv. The Kitchen Paradox. "We have a paradoxical cook." "What kind is that?" "She is a rare cook, yet all her cooking is well done." When Bahv Is Teething; GBOVH'S BAB If BOWSL MBDKJ1NK will correct tbe Stomacb uod Bowel troubles. Perfectly tusrm leaa. Bee directions on tne buttle. Not That Kind of a Worm. Mrs. Knags Yes. if jer wasn't sih a hidle, hinsigniflennt, miserable lit tle worm, you'd be givin' ine a turn wi' this mangle. Knags: Well, dearest, I hndmits rs 'ow I'm a worm ; but. you see. I'm t one o' them sort what turns. EdlT hurgh Scotsman. Weekly Health Talks What Is the Cause of Backache ? BY DOCTOR CORNELL Backache is perhaps the most com mon ailment from which women" suf fer. Rarely do you find anybody free from it. Sometimes the cause Js ob scure, but Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., a high medical authority, says the cause is very often a form of catarrh that settles in the delicate membranes of the feminine organs. When these organs are inflamed, the first symp tom is backache, accompanied by bear ing down sensations, weakness, un healthy discharges, irregularity, pain ful periods, irritation, headache and a general run-down condition. Any woman in this condition is to be pit ied, but pity does not cure. The trouble calls for Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which. Is a separate and distinct medicine for women. It is made of roots and herbs put up without alcohol or opiate of any kind, for Dr. Pierce uses nothing eke in his pre scription. Favorite Prescription is a nat ural remedy for women, for the vegetable growths of which it is made seem to have been intended by Nature for that very purpose. Thousands of girls and women, young and old, have taken it, and thousands have written grateful letters to Dr. Pierce saying it made them well. In taking Favorite Prescription, it is reassuring to know that it goes straight to the cause of the trouble. There is but one way to overcome sickness, and that is to overcome the cause. That is precisely what Favor ite Prescription is intended to do. Send 10c for trial pkg. of Tablets. Address Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. Constipated women, as w;ell. as men, are advised by Dr. Pierce to take his Pleasant Pellets. They, are just splendid for cos tiveness. . . When You Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy No Smarting Jnst Eye CnmforU 60 ntsi a I-wiesJsts r.r mnlU Write for ree Bye Boo. aHjliSK k-VIi KAlIY CO.. CHICAGO A 'A ' t 'A A CROSS, FEVERISH CHILD IS BILIOUS OR CONSTIPATED LOOK, MOTHER! SEE IF TONGUE IS COATED, BREATH HOT OR STOMACH SOUR. "CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIGS" CANT HARM TENDER STOM ACH, LIVER, BOWELS. Every "mother realizes, after giving her children "California Syrup of Figs," that this is their ideal laxative, because they love its pleasant taste and it thoroughly cleanses the tender little stomach, liver and bowels with out griping. :When cross, irritable, feverish, or breath Is bad, stomach sour, look at the tongue, Mother! If coated, give a teaspoonful of this harmless "fruit laxative," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food passes out of the bow els, and you have a well, playful child again. When the little system is full of cold, throat sore, has stomach-ache, di arrhoea, indigestion, colic remember, a good "inside cleansing" should al ways be the first treatment given. Millions of mothers keep "California Syrup of Figs" handy; they know a teaspoonful today saves a sick child to-morrow. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has directions for babies, chil dren of all, ages and grown-ups printed on the bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here, so don't be fooled. Get the genuine, made by "California Fig Syrup Company." Adv. To Soften Paint Brushes. If paint brushes have been allowed to get dry and hard, they can be soft ened in tlie following manner: Heat some vinegar to boiling point and al low the brushes to simmer in it for about ten minutes. Then wash them well in strong soapsuds. SAGE AND SULPHUR DARKENS GRAY HAIR It's Grandmother's Recipe to Restore Color, Gloss and At tractiveness. Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compound ed, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray. Tears ago the only way to get this mixture was to make it at home, which is mussy and trouble some. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sul phnr Compound," you will get a large bottle of this famous old recipe, im proved by the addition of other In gredients, at a small cost. Don't stay gray! Try it! No one can possibly tell that you dnrkend your hair, as it does it so naturally, and evenly. You dampen' a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand nt a time; by morning the gray hair dis appears, and after another application or two your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy and attractive. Adv. The Safe Side. "Now. Mr. Gloom, your idea of the president's famous fourteen points " "You will pardon me. I trust. Mr. Ponder." interrupted the human hyena, "if I decline to discuss anything more recent than the lectures of Theodore Tilton. which were so popular in 187!). I find I already have all the enemies I can accommodate." Kansas City Star. RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To half p'nt of water add 1 oz. Bay Rum. a small box of Barbo Compound, and oz. of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it at home at very lit tle cost. Full directions for making and ustt come in each box ol Barbo Compound. It wil" gradually - darken streaked, faded gray hair, and make it soft and glossy It will not color the scalp, is not sticky ot freasy. and does not rub off. Adv. A Difference. , Geraldine Let us sit nearer the music. Gerald Rut you said that song was the most tiresome thing you ever heard. Geraldine Rut tl?it was before you began talking. Judge.' STOMACH UPSET? PAPE'StJIAPEPSIN AT ONCE ENDS DYSPEPSIA, ACIDITY, GAS, INDIGESTION. Your meals hit back ! Your stomach Is sour, acid, gassy and you feel blo-t-ed after eating or you have heavy lumps of indigestion pain or headache, but never mind. Here is Instant relief. Don't stay upset! Eat a tablet1 of Pape's Diapepsin and Immediately the Indigestion, gases, acidity and all stom ach distress ends. Pape's Diapepsin tablets are the sur est, quickest stomach relievers in the world. They cost very little at drug stores. Adv. Parliamentary Pleasantry. "The doctor said I hud a touch of rheumatism in my knee," remarked Senator Squash of Squegee. ;"and 1 must resolve to get rid of It at once f I expect to improve 'my system." "I getcha." remarked the roll-call lerk. "What he wants is a joint res dutiou to amend your constitution." Feel Lame and Achy? Colds and grip leave thousands with weak kidneys and- aching-backs.-: Tire kidneys have to do most of the work ot fighting off any gerui disease. They weaken slow up, anu you feel dull, ir ritable, or nervous have headaches, dizziness, backache, sore joints "arid ir regular kidney action.1 Then - the kid neys need prompt help. Use Doan a Kidney Pills. Thousand praise Doan's for quick, satisfactory results. & South Carolina Case R. G. Smith. 146 K. Lacev St., Ches ter. S. C. says: "I believe I was as near death with kidney trouble aa anyone, could be. I was troubled with dizziness and head aches. My kidneys didn't act right either. I lost weight and couldn't get a wink of sleep at ni?ht. I finally be gan using Doan's VMn.v TU1s aa fv- AWVinn. .Ida -l(la-l tf f TT1A COOtl and only for Doan's I wouldn t be alive today. Doan's cured me and the cure has been permanent." Get Doan's at Any Store, 60c a Box FOSTER-MILBURN CO- BUFFALO. N. Y. The Word That Passed. "The spoken word who can recap ture it?" "I've had fellows make me take it back." Judge. Important to Mothca Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that it Signature ofTS In Use for Over 30 i'ears. Children Cry for Fletcher's CaEtoria . The Idea. "Jack said Miss Smith had a mar wiled smile." "I suppose he meant her lips were curle.d." Cuticura Soap for the Complexion. Nothing better than Cuticura Soap dally and Ointment now and then as needed to make the complexion clear, scalp clean and hands soft aud white. Add to this the fascinating, fragrant Cuticura Talcum and you have the Cuticura Toilet Trio. Adv. Saw a fellow the other day who'd cut out his bad habits all at once. He was riding slow lying down. NOTED OFFICIAL PRAISES THE NEW STOMACH RELIEF Hon. C. P. Grandfield's Testimonial Endorsing EATONIG Is Evidence of Its Real Worth Not often does a Postal Service Official put' himself on reo.rd in this way. And that no less a person .ge than Hon. C. P. Graodfield, the first Assistant Post master under Taft. I the j one who tesUfles to the value 1 of EATONIC and Its beneficial resulls. places EATONIC above tlie ordinary so-called ptoaiacb cures ni indic-is that here, at last, is some- tbir, ins th:it trill relieve all .forms of stomach misery indigestion, flatulence, beart- bnm, soiir, acid or gassy stomach. The letter, devoid of all unnecessary words, is printed be low. It hits the nail sqnarely on the bead. Every sufferer from stvmach misery should do what he tells them. Washington, D. C. "Too much praise cannot b given EATONIC. Its beneficial results ere unqualified. Very truly yonrs, C. P. OR A DFIEI.D. Here's the secret: EATONIC takes up the xces acidity, drives the srt out of the boly and the Bloit Goes With Itl It is guaranteer. o trine relief or yrm get yonr mouey back! Costs only a cent or two a r'ay to use it. Get a box today from your druggist. Loosen Up a Tight, Sere Chest With Mother's Joy Sake When a cold sets down into the throat and chest, causing soreness, hoarseness, or croupy symptoms, it is time to take Quick steps to prevent pneumonia, or other serious results. A reliable and harmless remedy for such troubles ia MOT1 Cjp vd. Catutp rniHinqmn r" r v r- ' You apply it externally, and nib it in. There is no irritation to the tend crest skin, but it quickly penetrates to tbe seat of the trouble, and relieves the congestion like mocic Mother's Joy Salve should be kept on hrnd for an emergency. It will surprise you how quickly it will break a croupy couch, or relieve sore ness in the cnest.. Doctors re commend it: Sood dealers cell It. 25. an J L0f. jars. C00SE CEASE CpMPAIiT Crecnsbaro, K. C. Send 2c stamp for fllfictrof a1 W i rt o -v JP f.V 3 Newton catalogue of hf-JI A .-i I oi waka iviaici iao aim Colors, including Special Chart for mixing, FREE, a most valuable aid. Gives explicit directions for right colors for all subjects and how to mix. American Blae Print Co., Ittc. Special Aeetia . -i' S0E.42adSt. Kew York City FROST PWOOP Cobbsge i!anis Krly Jersey arid Charleston Waketieidi Sue cession urid flat Dutch. By express, oOU, $1:25; 1,000, &2 0J-, 5.000 at $1.75; 10,000 and up at $1.50, F. O. B. Lere. By Pareel Post.. prepaid; 100, 35c; WO, 1.50; 1,000, 43.50. Wholesale and retail. D. F. MMISON, SUMMERVILLE, S. C. Get Clean Milk Old methods of clipping cows left too much bait on udders and flanks. Cows that had been con fined to barn and yard during winter athe: ed dirt that endangered puri y of milk. Leading rrilk pro ducers use the Stewart No. 1 Ball Bearing, flip-, ping machine removes the dirty hair from udder and flanks. Also clips horses. $9.7. SendfcJ.OC and pav balance on arrival. CHI AiO FLEX IB! E SHAFT COMPANY A 1 72, 12th St.-eBt mud Central Ave.. Cn.ca. W ATHENS HIDE CO., Athens. Ga. $3.50 for Mute and Harsa Hides UY EXPXlXiSS Irritating: Coughs Promptly treat coughs, colds, coarseness, bronchitis and similar -inflamed and irritated conditions ot tbe throat with, a tested remedy Relieved of Catarrh Due Mrs. Laura Berberick, 69 years old, of 1205 Willow Ave., Hoboken, N. J., writes: Tour years ao I had a ever attack f Grippe After my sickness I was troubled with hoarseness and slime In the head and throat, and tmrnm oiH i haii Catarrh. I took some medicine but without much benefit. Every winter lor lour years. I have had LaGrippe (last winter three times). The Catarrh grew worse. , I could not ha down or sleep at nifht. Was always troubled with slime., pain in my back and a terrible Headache every morning-, when I woke up, and had no blood. I got a Feruna calendar In Danish, my native language, and I read it through, every testimony, and then I bousrht a bottle ot Peruna. To-day I can truthfully testify that Perana has been a great benefit to me. It has given me blood and strength. I can lie down and sleep without being troubled. X have no pain, headache, or noise in my head. I have gained in weight three pounds, which I think is good for my age. I will be sixty-nine years old next summer. I have used Peruna since I started in February, and I use it yet. I feel cheerful and happy, thanks to Peruaa. It will always be la my home and I recommend it to those who need it." LIQITID OH TABLET FORM FOR SALE EVERYWHERE In Luck. Sponger "Hello, Jones, enn yon lend me a fiver?"" Jones "Thank heaven, no ; I'm In luck today." ' - Important to all Women Readers of this Paper Thousands , upon' thousands of women have kidney or bladder trouble and never suspect it. , ..... Women's complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney' trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy con dition, they may cause the other organs to' become diseased. " You may suffer pain in the back, head ache and loss of ambition. 'Poor health makes you nervous, irrita ble and may be despondent; it makes any one so. Hut hundreds of women claim that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, by restoring health to the kidneys, proved to .be just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Many send for a sample bottle to see what S-n-amp-I?oot the great kidney, liver and bladder medicine, will do for them. By enclosing ten cetits to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton. N. Y.. you may receive sample- size' bottle by Parcel Post. You can purchase medium and large size bottles at all drug stores. Adv. Accuracy of Statement. "I heard that Smith failed for $."0. 000." "Xo. he didn't ; he' failed for thW want of it." The 'occasional use of Roman Eye Balsam at night upon retiring? will prevent and re lieve tired, watery eyes, and eye strain. Adv. Limited Mind. Wiffj Oh. doctor.. Benjamin seems to lie wandering in his mind. Doctor (who knows Benjamin) Don't trouble about that he can't tt far. Medical Pickwick.' GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER lias been used for all ailments that are caused by a disordered stomach and inactive liver, such as sick head ache, constipation, sour stomach, nervous indigestion, fermentation of food, palpitation of the heart caused by gases in the stomach. August Flower Is a gentle laxative, regulates digestion both in stomach and intestines, cleans and sweetens the stomach and alimen tary canal, stimulates the liver to. se crete the bile and impurities from ihe blood. Sold in all civilized countries. Give it a trial. Adv. Judging the World. People sppiu riot to see that their opinion of the world is- also a confes sion of character. We can only see what we are, and, if we misbehave, we suspect others. Emerson." FRECKLES Now Is the Time to Get Kid of These Ugly Spot There's no longer the slightest need of feeling shamed of vour freckle, as Otliiae double strenglb is guaranteed to remove; these bomelj spots. Simply get an ounce of .. iptSlner-double Btrrnstli from your dr.igglst, and apply a little of it niUt and morning and you should soon se. that even the worst freckles haye begun to, dis appear, while tbe lighter ones have vanished en tirely. 'It is seldom that more than one oune Is needed to completely clear tbe skin and gain a beautlfnl clear- complexion. - Be sure to ask for the double strength Qll-.lne. as this is sold nnder guarantee of money back If it fails to remove trepkle. Ady.,- h. Cold Neglect. - "I suppose you-think .J'-Ojl con (1 -tell the peace delegates at. Paris exact!., what to do.' . "Yes." answered' the man w ho al ways speaks in a discoft raged tone ; "but they probably-wouldn't do 'it' Out of Pain and WHOLE DAY A day or night's suffering is often saved those having "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" handy , .. i i ' ' T 'r ;:..--. '... ' . i ........ Safe to take ! Siich -'quick relief J So why suffer ? For Headache. ; j .Rfeyhiatisrft. :U. Joint Pain ' . Neuralgia: - - -Gout-' ' ; ; fetffj "rin ;. . ; Toothach;; Colds :,' -. : . -Backache- . f Earache v "v'"' 'Influenzal Golds ; Sciatii; ".fverk ; V;". 'Grippe .'"'Neuritis'; " . S .J-airiT-Path ' Proved s; Adults Take Bfte'Of tVo "Bay.l'able.ts of AspirYu" witji water, if necessary, repeat dose three times' a day; after' meals. Tho'Bayer Cho$nM 20ent Bayer packages-also larger "Bayer packages. " :. -Buy .Bayer packages only Get original package ' ' 4 : Asoirin Is the trade mark bit Bayer Min'ufacttire ofllonoaceticacidcster of SlicylicacM faHWCTIUSand FEVER. Milllll IIIII If! lit I IIIKIIIItHtumu avuiu INfLWENZA AND PNEUMONIA Especially rl tor InUamniauon j. ttJjJ 6f MilgaLIj'IILJ.I7;'ljininrr Gou M.1co1 Cwpany. Ln? HJ,'",,M"" "U"M"""U'"" ...,.u to La Grippe, Thanks to Why does a man always say hut he's out of practice, when he is beaten at any kind of a game? Many of those little new nation seem to have come into the world wiiti chips on. their shoulders. and regular bowel movements. CorVf tains nothing harmful no alcohol no opiates just the finest vege table properties. Especially recom mended for teething time. At all druggittt DIPLOMA IA MEANS Alabama LIFE ' USINESS EMPLOYMENT" Macon, Ga WRITE FOR CATALOG -.. FOR Craop, Colds, Caught, Pnenowoia, lite firs external npplica-. tions of BRAKE'S VAPQMENTI1A SALViZ Will not stain cfothei. 2Sc S0e aii $1.00 Jan AT ALL DRUGGISTS or Mot pre paid kf Brant Btikbt Ca, M. Wlikobar. II. C. . a ,' at r s? j One Treatment with Cuticura Clears Dandruff AM rlragiriKts ; Sonn 25. Ointment X B0. Tiileum 25, Smnlr cti free o' Thnt'tra. Dp. E. Boston." v 4 v jtv a .jir-m orenggs More Eggs" is r,J grantee d to make your hens lay or your money back. 11.00 a packaKprepaid (a season's supply); 3 packages $2.25. "Reefer's Ready Relie" to save your baby chick ; $1.00 a package; 3 packages ? 35. Mention this paper. W. L. WAITERS ON, General Agent Box 832 Charlotte, N. C When You Need a Good Tonic Take BABEK TUB QUICK AN1 SCBB CUBM FOB : Malaria, Chills, Fever and Grippe .rnVTiiva m iinitxa ALT. DRUGGISTS or by Parcel Pot, prepaid,, trom fcloczewsVi ft Co.. Washington,' D. C. EESFSY TREATMENT. Gres qnlok wltefc r 800,1 ' enioves welling- and short breath. Never haa-d ot tta eqaitl fr tfropn. -Try it Trial treatment sent FREE. 07 maU. write to pit. THOMAS t. CREEN" "' Baa Bids, Baa xo, .. CHAT8WC4TH,' OA. eczema :; or skin . eruptions can be. quiekly relieved wltn powdered Plrnel ml veil with' raMnhnr rH water. This formula liaa hee'n-used by a skin . . iyr 1. .vrars wita posirive success. riops the trch, dries the Fpren- Send at once for dollar package of Firnel and mis It yourself.- 8nd to the - : CORNELIA DRTJ6 CO Dept. O 1458 Ko. Mais ted St. :-Cblcago, 111. W'.'Nv U. CHARLOTTE;- HO. 10-1919. Misery to . Comfort ! 'Babies NM5! Itpf Happy y r-Ta3bIel:s Geniiine'Tableis Qnr n a-kn mt ... . ' tSKVr a'V!I