, i . a k,, a i . i .zali XI THURSDAY, MARCH 20. 1919 LOCAL RECORDS Things That Happen That Will Inter est Readers of The Record. -Court week and horse traders go together. Sugarhouse molasses only 75c at R. J. Moore's, adv Buy your wagon fromR. J. Moore. He has the Nissen. adv -Mixed feeding oats $4.50, 5 bushel baiis, at C. E. Bland's, ad -Dunlap's straight flour $12.50; self rising $12.80 at C. E. Blands. ad You can buy a heavy work shoe for mon from R. J. Moore for $2.20. adv Just received car molasses feed at $2.55 and $2.85 per hundred at C. E. Bland's, ad For Sale Nice graded Tamworth pips which I will sell cheap. J. R. Milliken, Pittsboro. adv2tp Go to R. J. Moore's to buy galvan ized roofing and barb wire. He has it on hand and his price is right, adv Have you heard the cooing of a turtle dove yet? If you have, you can j mar it aown mat winter is gone. -Haley Monroe, colored, wife of Jim i M.mroe, one of Pittsboro' s good cooks, j dieC at ner nome nere jvionaay mgnt. -The foundation for the Fields new planing mill was laid last week and work will be rushed on the plant from now on. Learn at home or school shorthand, bookkeeping on Credit. Positions guar anteed. Edwards College, Winston, N. C. adv mh64t Henry Craig, colored, who has been watchman at the oil mill here for sev eral years, died at his home near here Monday night. 200,000 British Columbia red cedar shingles. Kameo XXXXX. Guaran teed for 50 years. For sale by B. Nooe, Pittsboro. mhl3tf . Sweet potato seed, pure Porto Rico Nancy Hall, 2. 50 bush. White Wy- . sndotte cockerels. W. Z. Crews, Pitts- . boro, N. C. advp Mr. John Thomas, an aged citizen ; of Oakland township, died at his home j Monday night and was buried next day at Center Grove church cemetery. ' Have you started your garden? ' Some old timers, Harlowe Taylor, for j instance, say it is foolish, to plant any- ; thing that comes up before the 15th of j April. ! A Pittsboro citizen has an automo- I bile an Overland that he has run 15,- j 000 mile3 and it has never cost him a j cent for repairs. That is cheaper than feeding a horse. When Pittsboro gets all her thor oughfares macamized, the mud holes filled, the ditches cleaned out some of her citizens will pinch themselves and ask: "Where am I at?" Last Monday Mr. Ground Hog again showed his feature to the sunshine, of which, this time he was not compelled to return to his cot. There will hardly A. C. Ray explained the bill as passed be much settled weather before Eas- j by the last legislature. The new road ter, which falls on April 20. 1 commissioners elected their chairman The Record has found out the mate j and secretary. to the man that rocks the boat. He is ! "R 1 J the one that is always blowing the au- j -Revival Services, tomobile horn while the car is standing ! Revival services started in the Meth on the street. He is a nuisance and ! odist church here Wednesday night of Chief Gunter should arrest the nuis- last week by the pastor. Rev. C. E. ance. ; McWhorter, of Chapel Hill, who has Thomas Leach, a very worthy col- been assisting him, arrived Friday and ored man, has been appointed janitor ; preached his first sermon that night. at the courthouse. Uncle Tom, as near ly everybody calls him, is one of the best and most polite colored men in this section, notwithstanding Dick Ram say and Bob Thompson. Mr. Woodson L. Powell has shown The Record one of the queerest shaped hen eggs that has ever been seen in this office. It is exactly in the shape of a bottle for a baby and it is so com- i plete that it has the ripple attached. It is three and a half inches round and two and three-quarter inches long. -W. H. Wakefield, of Charlotte, will be at the hotel in Siler City on Tues day, March 25th. The doctor limits his practice to treating eye, ear, nose and throat diseases and fitting glasses. Ask your family physician about consulting Dr. Wakefield. He will also be in Gold- ; urinS reoruary: measies oron ston Wed. 26, Ecnlee Thurs. 27. adv2t cho pneumonia 2; lobar pneumonia 1. The Sanford Express says that electric lights have been installed at the Cumnock coal mine and will al30 be installed in the homes of the miners. About three car loads of coal is now being taken out of the mine every week 1.. - 1 1 A ana tne mining iorce is Being constant- 1 ly increased. There is an automatic tank attached to the bottom of the car- riage which water. keeDS the mine clear of Mass Meetings There will be a meeting of the citizens of Pittsboro at the court house next Tuesday night, March 25th, at 7:30 o'clock, to discus3 street improvements. Pittsboro now has the opportunity to get im provements, so come to the meet ing and discuss plans how. they should be built. IF YOU AREA KNOCKER. DON'T COME. There will be a mass meeting at Asbury schoolhouse in Oakland town ship Thurday night. March 27th, to dis cuss good roads. Everybody is asked to attend. Found Dead Last Saturday Balaam Brooks, an fld negro about 75, was found dead in Oakland township in the woods where Rocky and Deap rivers come together. It is said that his mule got out of the pasture last Friday and the old man went to look for him. Not returning the neighbors instituted search and found him as above stated. It is sup posed he died from old age. He was a hard working old negro. NEW IMPROVEMENTS Furniture and Waterworks for the Courthouse The county commissioners have re cently purchased new furniture and matting for the different offices in th courthouse and most or all of it is stored away in the corridor of that building. As soon as the walls of the offices can be kalsomined the furniture will be in stalled, and then when people go into these places they will have to "watch their step" and be careful what they say and do. For The judge gave orders to have the house cleaned And hired Uncle Tom Leach to do it. And if you bring in red mud and spit on the floor Uncle Tom will sure make you rue it. The inside of the courthouse building is to be repainted and otherwise reno vated. Besides these improvements, the courthouse and jail" is to be con nected with water and sewerage, the pump and engine for this purpose hav ing already been purchased. Even the grounds around the building have been improved, much of the unsightly shrub bery having been dug up. Lht the people congratulate the coun ty officers for what theyare eoinsr to . get ana congratulate the Hudce and commissioners for doing what should have been done many moons ago. i if: PERSONAL MENTION People Who Come and Go Some You . Know and Some You Do Not.. Mrs. T: W. Hacknev has srone to Fayetteville to spend a few days with j her son. M iss Susie Morgan came up Saturday ! night from Raleigh with her mother. to spend Sunday j Mrs. N. M. Hill, who has been in Rex j : Hospital, Raleigh, for the past several j ; weeks under treatment, is fast improv- j mg' j Mr. H. C. Shannon, of Raleigh, spent the week end here with his wife, who ' is visiting her sister, Mrs. Fletcher Mann. Miss Evelyn Ray has returned from Raleigh where she has been doing cler ical work in one of the legislative de partments. Miss Myrtle Siler has returned to her home here after being absent for some time at a hospital in Charlotte for treatment. Mrs. John H. London and daughters, Misses' Carrie Haughton and Inder, leave today for Raleigh where they will stay for some me. Road Commissioners Elected Saturday afternoon good a many of the citizens of Center township met in the courthouse to elect three road com missioners for this township. The meet ing was presided over by Mr. B. Nooe. After several ballots had been taken, Messrs. R. M. Connell, J. N. Hackney and J. W. Griffin were elected. Mr. There was a very large attendance Sun day morning and at night and much in terest seemed to be felt among the con gregation. Services have been held every night this week but the meeting will close tomorrow night. Diseases Decreased. The state board of health says that j tnft number of cases of diseases of chil- dren can be materially decreased if everybody would learn more about the spread of diseases and make as great an effort to protect the children against diseases all the time as was made during the influenza epidemic. Dr. James S. Millikan, assistant collabo rating epidomiologist, reports the fol lowing contagious diseases in the coun- . t - -1-1 i 1 e t I The Boys Coming Home i Along about the 1st of February The I Record printed an article, stating that j ! the soldier boys would be home from j i France some ' time during the latter i nart of that month. The Record be- lieved the statements that were sent jout. But they are come home this! j time, 1200 strong. They hay already j I landed .and will be in Raleigh the latter j i part of this week or the first of next. : At Raleigh they will be feasted, hug- j i eed. kissed and saueezed. That is. some i be. From 111 Mlblll . k m- .vw- will tro to CamD Jacksdh where thereer- iment will be demobilized. Chatham j Chatham county as well as all other will be in Raleigh on the day of the i counties in the state. I know if the parade iff full force, probably Monday, i people are given, the remedy they will ' avail themselves of the privilege of Gam Springs News j building good roads in this county, for A play was given at the school Thurs- ! " seems that we have got to do this in day last evening entitled, "Parlor i-lf defense. Due to this fact I call Matches." There was a very large attention of every voter in the coun crowd present and a very neat sum re- to two special tax laws that I had alized. This play will be given by the j enacted while I was ,n the legislature. Gum Spring- school at Bynum tonight, to-wit: March 20th, beginning at 7:30. Admis- j One of these acts prov.de that any it; ar,H 9F. It is honed that a large crowd will be present. Mr. Edwards, the county farm de monstrator, was a pleasant visitor at the. Friday morning exercises and gaye art interesting talk. Lorene Perry, who was called home on account of illness of her mother, is back in school. We are glad to know her mother-is improving. ff -o r? W T.nfrtlnli rVifh lino Koon ..".," ..' .i quite sick for some time, was able to be at church Sunday. The war-time prohibition law is to be tested in New York as to its consti-utionality. WAKE'S HIGHWAY 25 Miles of Asphalt Through the County to -Be Built Biggest piece of modern road building in the state will be carried out this sum mer when a $600,000 asphalt or concrete highway will be built from the Durham to the Johnson county line by way of Morrisville, Gary, Raleigh and Garner, a distance of 25 miles. This action was decided upon at a meeting of the coun ty commissioners of Wake county last Monday, the sum - of $65,000 being ap propriated for the; project. A like sum will be contributed by the state, making $130,000 from these two sources Some time ago $130,000 worth of bonds were voted by the citizens living between Cary and Raleigh and $10,000 by the citizens in the vicinity of 'Garner. To the $300,000 raised by local, county and state authorities will be added $300,000 from the federal government The high way will be 18 feet wide and will be the equal of any road of the kind in this section of the country. The Street Bill The street improvement bill for the town of ' Pittsboro provides that the commissioners are authorized to is sue $20,000, and not exceeding $50,000 6 per cent bonds in denominations to suit the purchaser. These bonds are i not to exceed 30 years in duration of j i time, and may be" sold without submit j ting the same to a vote of the people, j TJje are to be used for street improve- ment in the town. This bill was passed by the request of 90 per cent of ! the voters of Pittsboro, who signed the ' petition for the same. - Superior Court Superior court has been in session here all this week for the trial of civil cases only, Judge J. H. Kerr presiding, Ud to the hour of coins' to nress the following cases had been disposed of: Williams vs Williams; annulment of rnarrjage contract on account of being under the influence of drugs at the time of marriage; verdict in favor of feme plaintiff. Glover vs Southern Railway; damage suit on account of the killing of a col ored man named Glover, who was rid-; ing on the section crew's car by being j struck by an- engine; compromised at 1.500. j Fesmire vs Little; suit of cancellation j of fradulent contract; verdict for plain tiff. Lawrence Brick Co. vs Floyd; dam age suit for failure of Floyd to burn brick as contracted; verdict for defend ant. L. N. Womble vs White; suit for dis puted account of $21.62; . verdict for plaintiff. ; Several cases were continued. J. Brack Council Editor of The Record: May I, through the columns of your paper, pay tribute, small though it will be, to the memory of J. Brack Council, a former citizen of Williams township, and Chatham county who recently de parted this world. A short while ago a man died in a nearby state "and the headline over the announcement of his death said, "Ev erybody Trusted Him." That was a I great testimonial, even greater than if j it had been said of him that he had ac cumulated a fortune, or had given much in charity, or had been a man of polit ical power and influence. Any one of these things might have been true of the man, as well as the first, but not one would have indicated the character of the man, as did the simple tribute, "They trusted him." The same tribute may be fittingly paid to the late J. Brack Council, for this eives an insight into his personal- ity, even to strangers. : It means that j petition of one-fourth of the freehold his nature was friendly; that he took j ers of any township in the county re nn interest in other oeonle. that he was 1 auestine the county commissioners to readv to render service to them when he could; that whgn he made a prom - ise, he kept it; that he was sincere and earnest in his profession of friendship, and that he wos to be depended upon. Such a man was Brack Council. Men of this kind are not uncommon; they may be found in every class of society; they may be rich or poor, prominent or obscure, but when they have established their character as men in whom the community has confidence, as men whom their fellowmen believe in and put entire trust, they have built for themselves monuments better than silver or gold. It is the soul of the I man that is measured when such trib-; utes are paid, not his achievements and j material possessions: and the soul is of more importance than the work. ; SERGT. BAIlLti WiLLlAMs, ,-. Camp Gordon, Georgia. ! por Good Roads ! ! To the People of Chatham: There has never been before in the 1 - i good roads as there is today, both in ! -vv""F v-j .., - i tition of one-fourth of the freeholders. petition the county commissioners to . call an election for the purpose of levy- ing a special tax for road improvement, i the slid levy not to exceed 40 cents on j $100 worth of property and $1.20 on each poll, and if the said election is carried by a majority of the votes cast then the levy may be made by the com missioners, and the amount realized ! each year from said levy will be placed ca. J r to the credit of . said township voting special tax, and the money shall be spent by three commissioners appoint ed in said township for that purpose. The other act provides that upon a CnV Lot Children's Union Suits at 50c 0 Friday Morning, larch 7th, 1919 This will be a bohafide sale of Bargain Prices in Ladies' Ready-to-wear, Millinery, Shoes Dry Goods and Hosiery, Men's Clothing ' Shoes Hats and Underwear ' its m Gaze at the.Followingrices and See Berman Ginghams 35c, former price" 19c Men's Underwear, '2 piece M Arjron Ginerhams 25crriow ; 18c 4c Sea Island Sheeting, best grade 35C, nOW Q pnH 1D1.4 fiftnmlp.SS m- 86c. now i I s 35c 4c 3000 yds Outings, Fercals, ; etc, 25c, now ' :.. . V ' 15c 4c O.JM.T. Crochet Thread. , 10a Men's Undear, Winter and ' medium weight, Union suits,were $2,at this s. C- liiillllAill L REPORT of the condition of The Farmers' Bank at Pittsboro, N. C, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of busi ness March 4th. 1919: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 1 9,577 10 Banking houses, none; furni ture andjixtures, $650.26 650 26 Due from National banks w 4,274 52 Silver coin 55 00 Silver coin, including all mi nor coin currency 77 42 National bank notes and oth er U. S. notes 4,922 00 Expense account 1,148 56 Total $20,704 86 LIABILITIES. . CaDital stock paid in 510.000 00 Undivided .Drohts. less cur rent expenses and taxes pd 570 42 Deposits subject to check . 9,222 81 Demand certificates of deposit , 841 25 Cashier's checks outstanding- 70 38 Total $20,704 86 State of North Carolina County of Chatham, March 18th, 1919. I, W. E. Alley, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. E. ALLEY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me,, this 18th of March, 1919.' G, R. PILKINGTON, Notary Public. My commission expires Jan. 18, 1920. Correct Attest: W. P. HORTON. S.D.JOHNSON, A. M. RIDDLE, Directors. j r- ; levy a special tax for road improve- j ment, the said .levy maybe made by : the commissioners without having an j election on same, said tax not to ex- ceed 40 cents on the $100 worth of property and $1.20 on each poll, and to be expended in the same manner as above set out in the other act. I call the attention of ail townships in the county to the necessity of taking immediate steps to avail themselves of this privilege in road building in the county. Soon the county commission ers will make the tax levy for the coun- A FAMILY MEDICINE la Her Mother's Home, Sayt This Georgia Lady, Regarding Black Draught. Relief From Head ache, Malaria, Chills, Etc Ringgold, Ga. Mrs. Chas. Gaston, cf this place, writes: "I am a user of Thedford's Black-Draught; in fact, it was one of our family medicines. Also in my mother's home, when I was a child. When any of us child ren complained of headache, usually caused by constipation, , she gave us a dose of Black-Draught,-which would rectify f jthe. ' trouble... Often, in the Spring,' ye would , have malaria, and chills, or troubles of this ' kind, we would take Blacl-Dratfght pretty reg ular, until the liver-acted well, and wo would soon b up and - armmd cgain. We would - not, he witho it, lor it certainly has saved us lot of doctor hills. Just a dose of Black Draught when not eo well slaves a lot of days in bed." - Thedford's Black-Draught has been la use for many years in the treat--ment of stomach, liver and bowel troubles, and the popularity which it now enjoys is proof of it3 merit, If your" liver is not doing its duty, you will Bui-er from such disagree able symptoms as headache, bilious iress, constipation, indigestion, etc., and unless something is done, serious trouble may result. Thedford's Black-Draught has been found a valuable remedy for these troubles. It Is purely vegetable, and acts in a prompt and natural way, regulating the liver to its proper functions and cleansing the bowels of 'cQpurities. Try It. Insist on Thed loxd's. the original and genuine. 79 rV fC ffSP mm a - i ii i mi I A I 111 1 11 I OOQQOlEQQ Suits $1.25, dow yd wide Men's Shirts, air sizes, 1 lot $1.50 now Men's Shirts, all sizes, 1 lot $y.50 and $2, now M n's Overalls, best grade, Union made, $3, now ' 17il-2C Sriftfit- Men's and Ladies' Kubbers 1,000 pairs at 65 and 98c Men's Work Shirts, $1.25, now 79c sale $1.39 CHAPEL HILL, N. C. mk wifih L & 1$ SEiyil - 1 A!NT Tbey ore simply eddins Linad 0;i zoLSiX oemi-Psie faint if 1CJE : i 3 ii fH u Jm i Us 7 ; ty, and if any township m the county Lana sale j.jshes to get money in this manner for By virtue of an order of the superior ! hsM;.-wt-n thW mirht.A-inrtitimirt ftf Chatham- countv. rendered in nr m- and e-et their oetition -drawn and make their request on the commis sioners for this tax levy. " To my mind, there is no better way to build roads in any county than through special taxation. I shall be only too glad to furnish any informa- tion 'or assist any one in this matter if they wish their township .to. take adr. tange of these acts. ' , . ,f Let me know your wishes. ;5 ,. . W. P. HORTON, . ; . County Attorney. State of Ohio. City of Toledo. Lucas County, ss. Frank' J. Cheney makes oath that he la a7itnr nartner of the" firm of F. J. j Cheney & Co.. doing business In the City t of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, I and that said firm wiil pay the- sum of I ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be curod by the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE- FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day. of December, . D. Ii86. A. W GLEASON. (Seal) : " Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken In ternally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold by all druKgrists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. :" " . fl BANK OF PITTSBORO. REPORT of the condition of the BANK OF PITTSBORO AT PITTS BORO IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. at the close of business March 4, 1919. Resources;- Loans and- discounts 8J,983 46 ., 1,509 98 Overdrafis United States Bonds and Lib- ertv Bonds 7.615 00 North Carolina State Bonds 5,000 00 All other Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages 9.Q75 00 BHnkinr House. 83.000: fur niture and fixtures, $1,450 4.450 00 Due from National Banks 20,381 58 Cash items held over24 hours 500 00 Checks for clearing : 747 04 GoldcuInil , . 1,407 50 Silver coin, including all mi nor currency . 1,331 18 National bank notes and oth er U.S. notes ... 9.335 00 Total ..I $149,335 74 Liabilities. Capital stocK paid in.,.- $10,000 00 Surplus- fund , 10,000 00 Undivided profits, less, cur- . rentexpenstsandtaxesp'd 1,057 74 Unearned discount . 500 00 Bills payable.. "L 5,000 00 utpo.ii.- subject to check 79,722 98 Time certificates of deposit.!. 41,587 33 Cashier's checks ; outstanding -467 69 Accrued interett tors ! duejdeppsi- 1,000 00 Total.- ,-L- - .S149.335 74; State of NORTH CAROLINA., Countv of Chatham.1918 iss ' j 1. Jas. L. Griffin.. Cashier of the' above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above -statement is true to the , liest of mv knowlerle-w and belief. j JAS. L. GRIFFIN. Cashier. ; Subscribed and sworn to before me, 1 this 19th day of March. 1919. I G.lR. PII-KINGTON, : i" - -- Notarv Public My commission "xp.res July 18, 1920. Correct Attest: At H. LONDON. - J. B". ATWATER, ' E. R. HINTON, Directors. One Lot Ladies' Slips at 25c Means Business: 79c 89 c 1.45 2.25 V PASTE P&IOT and your own Linseed ObJ. MAKES BEST PAINT WEARS LONGEST The L Si ul Pain is so positively good that it is known r.s the "fslaster Pzlnt.11 When Linseed Oil is added, then the actual cost of L & RS Pa inS thereby made ready for use is about $1.00 per gallon less than the price ot other high-grade paints that are sold all ready for use. Lne.5lau?e erem penuing, entitled M T. Williams. Admr. Ada Smith, vs Nel lie Buie et als, I will, at the courthouse ! door in Pittsboro, N. C, on j Saturday, JIarcli 29, 19I9 offer for gaIe to the highest bidder for cash, a tract of land in Hickory Moun- tain township, Chatham county, N. C., cuumeucmK at .. nua u. line ana weDsier anu aisloii s corner; thence w 88 poles to a redoak; thence j s poles to a pine; thence e 88 poles to a i postoak; thence n .90 poles to the be j ginning, containing 49 1-2 acres, more I or less, being situated on the waters of Harlan's creek, formerly known as the William bmith'iand. March 18, 1919. R. H. HAYES, Comr. Summons by Publication North Carolina, Chatham county In the Superior Court. George W. Riggsbee vs W. J. Williams and M. C. Riggsbee. ine aeienaant ivi. -uggsoee aoove ; named will take notice that an action , entitled as above has been commenced ; in the superior curt of Chatham coun-' ty, N. C,, to determine the interest of ; the parties hereto in a certain tract of ' land situate in Chatham county, N. C. ; ' and the said defendant, M. C. Riggs bee, will further take notice that he is j required to appear, at the term 01 the superior court of said county to be held on the ninth Monday after the first Monday in March, being the 12th May, 1919,. at the courthouse of said county in Pittsboro, N. C, and answer or de mur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This March 18, 1919. - JAS. L. GRIFFIN, mh20 Clerk Superior Court I nutitc 10 lifricrujr given ui Dciiiuic. ! f-f tho f vui'n (r nrnnortu f nr vinlntinn j of tne internal Revenue laws of the 1 TTnitoH Rf-tps- Nm, .OrAAnville. Pitt county, 0n February 20th, 1919, one i i riiri--nQGCon tot j Mnrcellns Jones and others beins used 1 in t.ransnortinV illicit sDirits in viola- tion of section 3450 R. , S. Persons j claiming the foregoing property will file their claims within 30 days as required by law, or the same will be forfeited to the use of the United States. J. W. Bailey, Collector, Raleigh, North Car - olina, March 20, 1919. jili 1 in - in 111.. ii 1 I Ml ! I I I II II -II Notice to Creditors. Having qualified es administrator of I the estate of the late John Allen Harris ! ii.- j. - n 1 u: claims against his estate to present the same to the undersigned on or be-, fore the 12th day of March, 1920, or j this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. AU persons maeDtea to saia estate will make immediate settlement of the same. This March 12, 1919. T. M. BLAND, Administrator. A. C. Ray, Attorney. mh20 Advanced Price on Cedarl Logs For the next 90 days I will pay the highest market price for cedar logs. Specifications: No logs under 6 in.; sawed off at both ends; dote free. Geo. C. Brown & Co. E.' A. FAR LELL, Purchasing Agent. mh6tf LOIVGr & BELL, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, . Pittsboro, N. C. J. Elmer Long, Graham, N. C. , Daniel L. Bell, Pittsboro, N.C. r Opltlk Our stock of Spring Goods is now com , ple'te. Let us show you these goods. Prices are reason able. We can suit you. Ir W. L. LONDON & SON BankmgLoan Is;..., J At the Close of Business December 31st, 1918. , RESOURCES.' Loans and discounts $486,091.71 Stocks and Liberty Bonds JT 45,165.15 Furniture and fixtures 6,112.96 Real estate 1,531.00 Cash and due from banks 194,086.34 ii i ii ii it) vl i. (1 Hi ilf Hi ) Ui Total... LIABILITIES. Capital stock Undivided profits Rediscounts and bills Reserved for interest- Other Liabilitits Deposits . .. Total .-. 9gHmfiwaMa i33 S$iiiiiIS THE PRODUCER The best producer is one toho can produce a bank-book. It means more than a mere mat ter of saving in so many dol lars and cents. It means the beginning of an element of character that forms strongest foundation for a successful life We invite you to dc business with us, 4 pr ct paid on time certificates deposits fjANK of piTTSBORO ARTHUR H. LONDON, President I B. N00E, Vice-Pre.ident JAS. L. GRIFFIN, Ca.hier m j B jj ; ! , ) j r jP irkt J 1 1 'J'lIIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT 1 1 r rhe Farmers' Bank OF PITTSBORO 1 t ! v - is now located in the Hotel Brair, opposite the courthouse, and all deposits in said bank are bonded, besides carrying Burglar and Fire-insurance, and the bond of the Cashier. We" did this to make it absolutely safe fot those doing business with us. i Jv I T5, i Z , -4 ; I ; j We respectfully solicit count, large or small. " 4 pr ct. Paid on T.M. BLAND, President I A.M. RIDDLE,VicePreS : W. E. ALLEY, Cashier : The City Garage I have opened up the City Garaee. next to J. C. Lanius' store, where I am prepared to do all-kinds of repair, auto mobile and gas engine work. I solicit a share of your patronage. All work guaranteed. W. P. ROGERS. Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of the late M. F. Seagroves thiS" is to notify all persons holding claims aeainst her estate to 'oresent the same to the undersigned or his attorney on or before the 27th day of January, 1920, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. January 27, 1919. J. D. JOHNSON, Admr. Mrs. M. F. Segroves. ' R. H. Hayes, Attorney. nov nn or bfnrA th 97fK w i 1919 , 5 & Tkust Co. m m $782,086.16 . $ 25,000 00 :.. . 16,179 99 payable 37,500 00 . . 1.529 07 . 1,835 42 $650,870 68 .$732,915 16 B E S: your checking acr Time Deposits Summons by Publication North Carolina, Chatham County-In the Superior Ckmrt, before the Clerk. E. E. Walden V8 Notie Brady, Matthew Brady, Arnold Brady and Harry Brady.' To Matthew Brady and Arnold Brady: This is to notify you that an action as above entitled has been instituted in the superior court of. Chatham county for the purpose of having partition of certain lands in said ; county, in which you are interested, and that you are re- XZi -f -i" .mce 01 ttu quirea to appear at the office of th t I" x, "ST" ."-"u.1.v-.ynamam coun ty, N. C. on Am-il 7. 1919 and o-..- or demur to the plaintiff's petition in said cause filed, or the plaintiff will de mand judgment according to said peti tion. JAS. L. GRIFFIN, ,. Clerk Superior Court. Thi Fb. 15 1919. Tl 3 to 1 I i

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