THIS WOMAN SAVED FROM 1 AN OPERATION By taking Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, One of Thousands of Such Cases. Black River Falls, Wis. -''As Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound Baveu me iium on operation, I cannot say enough in praise of it 1 suffered from organic troubles and my side hurt me so I could hardly be up from my bed, and I was unable to do my housework. I had the best doctors in Eau Claire and they wanted me to have an operation, but 1 ,vdi E. Pinkham'a .j , . j-ji Vegetable Compound cured me so l oia not need the operation, and I am telling all my friends about it '-Mrs. A. W. E INZER, Black Eiver Falls, Wis. It is ju3t such experiences as that of Mrs. Binzer that has made this f amous root and herb remedy a household word from ocean to ocean. Any woman who suffers from inflammation, ulceration, displacements, backache, nervousness, irregularities or "the blues" should not rest until she has given it a trial, and for special advice write Lydia tt. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Bee Dee" Stock & Poultry Medicine will make Two Big Sacks of Tonic Food. Bee Dee Stock & Poultry Medicine Is a concentrated liver medicine for chickens, hogs, horses, cattle, sheep, etc It has been Used Successfully For Over 35 Years ! Recommended for simple stock and poultry troubles, such as Constipa tion, Indigestion, Liver Troubles, Lost of Appetite and Colds. GctSotn At Tour Merchant'. Bee Dee"; Merchants: Ask your Jobber's salesman. Every obbe r' s sa! esman Is a Bee Dee Man. Every Horse Owner who has ever tried Yager's Liniment tv will readily admit Wg1""! that it is by far the ical liniment for general stable use. For strained ligaments, spavin, harness galls, sweeny, wounds or old sores, cuts and any enlarge ments, it gives quick relief. It contains twice as much as the usual 50 cent bottle of liniment. At all dealers. Price 35 cents. LINIMEMU I GILBERT BROS. A CO. Baltimore, Md. STAR RUBBER CO., Inc. Non-Skid Security Tread Ribbed Cord Type Tread il k ii I i I k k ( AUTO TIRES GUARANTEED 5.000 MILES List Sale Size Price Price 30x3 $18 50 $12.95 30x314 23 50 16.15 32x34 27.45 l't.'Za 31x4 3S.65 25.6S List Sale Size Price Prirr 32x4 337.40 $26.21: 33x4 39 25 27.5(1 34x4 40.10 27.93 35x4 55.65 38.93 New 1919 fresh tires in original wrap pers. serially numbered and registered, in every respect the same tire for which the full list price has been asked up to this time. We stand hack of our sniar antee of 5.000 miles. Our policy on ad justments is broad, liberal and invari ably satisfactory. Terms. C. O. D. WITH PRIVILEGE OF EXAMINATION, or as a special In ducement WE PREPAY EXPRESS CHARGES WHEN AMOUNT IN FULL ACCOMPANIES ORDER. Write at once STAB RUBBER CO.. INC.. 57th St. and Broadway, New York City 35 TO 40S SAVED ON Non-Skid Standard Make Tires Guaranteed on Our Honor List 119.00 $10.85 TUBE Ut.25 List KO.tO $24.75 TCBK S3.95 List ra.2o lJ-oJ TUBK S2.7S 37x5 41 O- L,latfi.60 fll.JJ TUBE. 5.93 We stock all odd sizes. We also have cord tires. Send for prices. A TRIAL OKDER ASKED. You do not pay regular prices, yet we rive you the same guarantee as the manufacturer. We know we five a more liberal adjustment than any manufac turer. Ov.r money back guarantee pro tects you. We agree to refund purchase price on tires returned unused within thirty days. IS THIS FAIR? MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED! Terms C. O. D. with privilege of exam ination or ri a special Inducement WE PAT EXPRESS CHARGES WHEN CHECK IN FULL ACCOMPANIES ORDF R CUT RATE AUTO TIRE CO. BBth St. and Broadway. New York City ENERGETS BLAUDS MASS IS IRON, CASCARA IS LAXATIVE NUX VOMICA IS TONIC These, with other valuable ingredi ents, enter into the composition of I'arco Energets, the energy tablet for weak, nervous, run-down people. They are wonderfully active a few doses tell the story. Kitty cents buy a box of 40 of these wonderful tablets, by mail or from your druggist. The Paramount Drug Co.. Washington, D. C. Georgia READY Alabama POSITION Business GRADUATE E Macon, Ga. WRITE FOR CATALOG. Your Best Asset A Skin Cleared By nrr it-- 1X1 in vrr,' TT-Tg5eae;'a'-'a -"---"-y W. N. U CWARLSTTS, NO. 118 v. - W One 30o Can of II u Br Cuticura boap I ill ermf :! .. i r;r,iT ?, m. TaUonT B ISsmp'Ves'S hnf "bSt-'sa;, lam 5. Jie FROM THE LOW FEVER COUNTRY Cheering Message From South Georgia to People Subject to Fevers and Other Ills. Try Black-Draught Liver Medicine. Ocilla, Ga. Mr. J. H. McNeill, a rest dent of this place, says: "I and my family have been users of Thedford's Black-Draught for years and never yet found its equal for liver and stomach troubles. It Is without doubt the best medicine for headache. Indigestion and such ills on the market. I firmly be lieve if a family would use it regularly they would never have any fever, as it keeps the liver active and is so easy to take. We have never had any fever in our family since we began its use, al though we live in low country in south ern Georgia. I use it in broken doses for indiges tion, gas or sour stomach, but for colds I use a full dose." When you feel bad all over, stomach not right, bad taste in your mouth, head aches, bilious, etc., try that old. reliable vegetable liver medicine you have heard so much about Thedford's Black-Draught. You have read over and over again the statements from users who found it of great relief to them in their suffer ing. Try Black-Draught for yourself. Why should it not bring you relief, too? At all druggists. Adv. GET SIGNATURES BY TRICK English Law Officials Employ Regis tered Letter to Obtain Evidence Needed to Convict Criminals. Great difficulty has often been ex perienced by detectives, lawyers' clerks and others in obtaining an un doubted specimen of a person's signa ture. In one case recourse had to be made to a marriage register; in an other the only signature procurable was on the fly-leaf of a book which the suspect had presented to a relative, and only two or three years ago a tes timonial to a sea captain was brought into court, because among the signa tures to it was one for which the po lice had hunted in vain. One of the most common resources for overcoming this difficulty is em ploying the '"twopenny detective" .that is, sending a registered letter to the person whose signature is wanted. This is frequently successful. Think ing the postal packet contains money, or valuables, the addressee unsuspect ingly signs the receipt, only to discov er that inside the envelope there is nothing but a "faked" letter. This trap once caught an anonymous letter-writer a woman who, on be ing interrogated shortly before, had declared that she could not write, and whose friends believed her to be illit erate. It was, in fact, mainly instru mental in getting her six months' im prisonment. London Tit-Bits. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It Applicants for Insurance Often Rejected. Judging from reports from druggiste who are constantly in direct touch with the public, there is one preparation that has been very successful in overcoming these conditions. The mild and healing influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its remarkable record of success. An examining physician for one of the prominent Life Insurance Companies, in an interview of the subject, made the as tonishing statement that one reason why so many applicants for insurance are re jected is because kidney trouble is so common to the American people, and the large majority of those whose applica tions are declined do not even suspect that they have the disease. It is on sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to test thii great preparation -send ten centB to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. "As You Were" Defined. A British officer who has just re turned from German East Africa tells an amusing story of the Askari re cruits whom he was training. Mis takes in the drill were frequent, and, in consequence, "As you were" became an order rapped out with increasing severity of expression. Later the offi cer overheard a conversation between two natives in the squad. "What does our officer mean by 'As you were?' " inquired one Askari. " 'Asuwer.' replied the other, 'is a word the Englishman has invented for when he wants to say "I am sorry, I have made a mistake." ' " BOSCHEE'S SYRUP will qnlet your cough, soothe the In flammation of a sore throat and lungs, stop irritation in the bronchial tubes. Insuring a good night's rest, free from coughing and with easy expectoration in the morning. Made and sold in America for fifty-two years. A won derful prescription, assisting Nature In building up your general health and throwing off the disease. Especially useful in lung trouble, asthma, croup, bronchitis, etc. For sale in all civil ized countries. Adv. In Demand. "Who is your favorite screen star?' "A man named Blobbs." "I never heard of him. What com pany is he with?" "He's at the head of his own com pany, and along about fly time he does a land-office business." Birmingham Age-Herald. Some men are better satisfied witt failure than others are with success Anoint the eyelids with Roman Eye Bal am at night, and In the morning observ. the refreshed and strengthened sensation li your eyes. Adv. Want of tact is an Incurable In firmity'. mmmM Wboletonie, Cleansing. H OOlr Relrotblni ad Ueillif Wal Lotilfl Murlna tnr Rr! 11 w. rk-a w Sornnwi, GranuU Hurts &rt Htnutfy G&tcfts; MY HEAD! When the vvlthick or f1 oil out-of-sorts perhaps a coated tongue it is the signal that poisons are accumu lating in the system, and should be cleaned out at once. Auto-intoxication can be best ascribed to our own neglect or carelessness. When the organs fail in the discharge of their duties, the putrefactive germs set in and generate toxins actual poisons, which fill one's own body. Sleepiness after meals, flushing of the face, extreme lassitude, bil iousness, dizziness, sick headache, acidity of the stomach, heartburn, offensive breath," anemia, loss of weight and muscular power, de crease of vitality or lowering of resistance to infectious diseases, disturbance of the eye, dyspepsia, indigestion, gastritis, many forms of catarrh, asthma, ear affections and allied ailments result from auto-intoxication or self -poisoning. Take castor oil, or procure at the drug store, a pleasant vege table laxative, called Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, composed of May-apple, aloes and jalap. LEFT WITH HONORS OF WAR New Lieutenant Had Satisfaction of Getting Gloriously Even With His Former Chief. For many weary months Bill was a sergeant in the office of Second Lieu tenant Jones, post personnel officer. The lieutenant was one of these fiends for detail and Bill hunted up most of the details for him. At last the war department decided Bill had earned a commission. He was made a second lieutenant and or dered to report to his old office for duty. While Bill thoughtfully tore the tags off his new uniform he tried to think of a gentle but effective way to show his former chief the memory of days of tiresome routine work was with him still. "Is there anything to do, lieuten; ant?" the new shave-tail asked, after thanking the elder one for his con gratulations and everything. "Why, yes, lieutenant," the person nel officer replied. "We have to copy a couple of hundred qualification cards and prepare a report for the C. O. and attend to a bunch of transfers. There's an awful lot to do." "Good !" said Bill, yawning blase llke. "I'll take a nap." San Francis co Chronicle. "DANDERINE" FOR FALLING HAIR Stop dandruff and double beauty of your hair for few cents. Dandruff causes feverish irritation of the sc.lp, the hair roots shrink, loosen and then the hair comes out fast To stop falling hair at once and fid the scalp o: every particle of dandruff, get a sma'l bottle of "Dandcrine" at any drug si ore for a few cents, pour a little in you.- hand and rub it into the scalp. After Bveral applications tV h;r 'tpa coming out and you can't find any dandruff. Your hair appeals soft, glossy and twice as thick and abuni ant. Try it! Redeeming Trait. She At least there Is one thing to the credit of Ananias. He What Is that? She When he was caught In the act of lying he didn't say he couldn't help it; It was all Sapphira's fault. Baltimore; American. To Have a Clear Sweet Skin. Touch pimples, redness, roughnesi or Itching, if any, with Cuticura Oint ment, then bathe with Cuticura Soar, and hot water. Rinse, dry gently and dust on a little Cuticura Talcum tc leave a fascinating fragrance on flkin Everywhere 25c each. Adv. Literal. "Some, unfortunately, fall by th wayside." "Well, even then they ar hitting the trail." Babies Smile when stomarh An h work and bowels move naturally. Fretful, crying babies need MBS.WINSLOWS SYRUP Tla Uub UJ Ckfl Jr, tlUtiktar to make the stomach digest food. na ooweis to more as they should. Contains no alcohol. waces, narcotics, or othi harmful ingredients. U. S. Shearing Tests Tests conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Animal In dustry at Laramie, Wyoming, demonstrated that (beep sheared with a machine not only produce more wool the first season but grow more wool every successive year. Wool commands high prices. Get a Stewart No. 9 Ball Bearing Shearing Machine and make more money. Price $14. Send 2 Pay balance on arrival. Write (or catalog. CHICAGO FLEXIBLE SHAFT COMPANY . 173. 12U, strMt mui Cwrtral Av., CMcac. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM toilet preparation of merit . Helps to eradicate dandruff. Bauty to Gray or Fmdmd Heir J pvo. ajq ex. w ac jijtii KODAKS & SUPPLIES Ws alts do Btrtsst class of fialsfelti fries sod Catslprts upon rjui 9. CsUikl Oitlwl Co., RtcaawMi V. KABX ABOUT Weedsrfnl tnt -ess. on rsrmsr rsaussa ii,oeg ir t sriii ros esds I fi lens, vln risa nmsni C, ClsriiiviTis. Just Once! Try Dodsbn's Liver Tone! Take No. Calomel! Listen To Me! If bilious, constipated, headachy or sick, I guarantee relief -without taking dangerous calomel :wiiich sickens and salivates. Stop using calomel! It makes you sick. Don't lose a day's work. If you feel lazy, sluggish, bilious or consti pated, listen to me I Calomel is mercury or quicksilver, which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it comes Into contact with sour bile, crashes Into it, break ing It up. This is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you are "all knocked out," If your liver is torpid and bowels constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coated ton gue, if breath is bad or stomach sour, Just try a spoonful of harmless Dod on's Liver Tone. Here's my guarantee Go to any drug store and get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents. Take a spoonful tonight, and if it doesn't Spain's Harvest. Official statistics as to the 1918 har vests in Spain show that the crops were as follows. In metric tons : Wheat, 3,693,429; barley, 1,970,343; oats, 442, 330; rye, 773,339; corn, 613,225; rice 207,648, and chickpeas, 116,727. A dull play will never annoy you if you let your wife go to It alone. A cat can look at a king without putting up the ante. 99 H WAS TAK Counterfeiter Caqgntt The New York health authorities had a Brook lyn manuiacturer sentenced to the penitentiary for selling throughout the United States millions of "Talcum powder" tablets as Aspirin Tablets. Don't ask for Aspirin Tablets Always say "Bayer. Don't buy Aspirin in i pill pay mm V is J The genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" have been proved safe by millions for Pain, Headache, Neuralgia, Toothache, Earache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Colds, Grippe, Influenzal Colds, Joint Pains, Neuritis. Proper dose in every "Bayer" package. American owned! Boxes of 12 tablets Bottles of 24 Bottles of 100 Also Capsules. Ayiria Is tka trad murk of Barer Manufacture ef Uonoaeeticacidester of SalieylicacM Women Served. In September, 1917, the British war office proclaimed it needed 10,000 wom en before the end of October for a Woman's Auxiliary corps for home and overseas service. Mrs. Chalmers Wat son, sister of Sir Auckland and Sir Eric Geddes, was made first chief con troller. About 10,000 women a month were recruited thereafter, enrolled for the duration of the war. They re placed men in England and France, cooking, laundering, driving automo biles, doing stenographic work, etc. Other British women served in the Woman's Itcyal Naval service, "Wrens," and in the woman's division of the Royal Flying corps, "Penguins." These women form part of the British military and naval forces and are sub ject to military discipline. FRECKLES New Is tie Tims te Get Rid f Tkeie Ugly Spots There's no longer the slightest seed of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as Othlne double strength la guaranteed to remore these homely apots. Simply get an ounce of Othlne double strength from your druggist, and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon see that eren the worst freckles haTe begun to dis appear, while the lighter ones bare Taoished en tlrely. It Is seldom that more than one ounce Is needed ta completely clear the skin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength Othlne. as this la sold under guarantee of money back If it falls to remote freckles. Adr. Over Particular. "I understand they are very particu lar in that dressmaking establish ment." "So particular that they press all their mourning suits with sad irons." What la "Spring; Fever" It la simply low Vitality, a lack of Energy caused by Impurities in the blood. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC restores Vitality and Enersry by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. You can aoon feel Its Strengthening. Invigorating Effect. Price 60c. H ! A man likes to be called a brick, tat refer to him as a lump of common clay and he will get mad. The man who is too poor to lend his friends money will never have many enemies. A single dose of Dr. Peery'a "Dead Shot" will expel Worms or Tapeworm. No second dose or after purgative necessary. Tones up the stomach and Bowels. Adv. Cheaper living does not mean nec essarily less to : live on, Keep your liver active, your bowelj clean by taking Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets and you'll keep healthy, wealthy and wise. Adv. How happy Is he that owes nothing but to himself. .. .1 OLD AGE STARTS WITH YOUR KIDNEYS Science Bays" that old age begins with 'weakened kidneys and digestive organs. This being true, it is easy to believe that by keeping the kidneys and diges tive organs cleansed and in proper work ing order old age can be deferred and life prolonged far beyond that enjoyed by the average person. Tot over 200 yeari GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil baa been, rtlieviu the wtiaccaiei and disability due to advanc una yeara. It la a atandarfl gGOtp MEDAL XJaarUa Oil la Ineloaei oderUaa. taiteiesi epjtjl? contain. I about A dreea aeh, yk th-m m you wld a Pill, .with Rwallow ot WauUtu Vtt U4atf straighten you right up and make you feel fine and vigorous by morning, I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dodson's Liver Tone is destroying the sale of calomel be cause it is real liver medicine ; entirely vegetable, therefore it can not salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and consti pated waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep the entire family feeling fine for months. Give it to your children. It Is harmless; doesn't gripe and they like Its pleasant taste. Adv. Bright Outlook. "Did the doctor seem encouraged about your condition'!" "Yes," said Mr. Grabcoin. ul have an idea he thinks I'm going to be one of the most profitable patients he ever had." Birmingham Age-Herald. Every 50 seconds there Is a death from some preventable cause. Love is not blind, but in a lot of cases he's cross-eyed. TALCUM it box! Get Bayer package! Always say, "Give me genuine Bayer Tablets of Aspirin.' 99 Insist you want only the Bayer package with the "Bayer Cross" on the package and on the tablets. Life in the Army. First Orderly Sergeant You know. Bill, a man's mind gets pretty rusty after a few months of this life. Second Orderly Sergeant Righto! I haven't used my head for a thing lately except as a drill ground for my razor. Judge. He has hard work who has nothing to do. Work Too Hard? Ihis time of the year finds everyone hurrying to get the home cleaned up for summer. It's a pleasure, too, when you're well, but no man or woman with a "bad back" enjoys doing anything. If your back is lame, if sharp twinges catch you when lifting and you feel tired and worn out, kidney weakness is likely causing your trouble. Don't wait! Delav may cause gravel, dropsy or Bright's disease. Doan's Kidney Pills have helped people the world over. A South Carolina Case R. G. Smith, 146 E. Lacey St., Chester, S. C. says: "I be lieve I was as near death with kidney trouble as anyone could be. I was troubled with dizzi ness and headaches. My kidneys didn't act right either. I lost weight and couldn't get a wink of sleep at night. I finally began using Doan's Kidney Pills as everything else failed to do me rood. and only for Doan's I wouldn't be alive today. Doan's cured me and the cure has been permanent." Get Doan's at Any Store), 60c a Boa DOAN'S FOSTER-MH-BURN CO- BUFFALO. N. Y. Kill All Flies! THOT SPREAD DISEASE Placed anywhere, DAISY FLY KILLER attracts and kills ail flies. Neat, clean, ornamental, convenient and t cnep. LMBia wie An- Made of metal. can't or tin over: will not aoil or iniura anything. Guaranteed. u A 10 I PLY KILLER at lonr dealer or S bv EXPRESS, prepaid, 11.26. HAROLD SOBERS. 160 De Kalb Ave.. Brooklyn, H. t. Healthier Horses Leading veterinarians recommend sprint; clipping for keeping horses healthy. Undipped hors-es get overheated from spring work and their long hail takes hours to dry. While wet thev are liable to catch-cold and get sick. Long hair also attract vermin, causing itch and mange. Clip with a Stewart Machine. Only $9.75. $2 down balance on arrival. Write for catalog. CHICAGO FLEXIBLE SHAFT COMPANY Dept. A &7Z. 12th Street and Central Avenua, Chlcaeo, IA Millions of Government Inspected Plants Porto Rico Potato. $2.50. Globe Tomato, JZ.00. Late Cabbage. $130 per LOW). We use good seed, ship promptly. Guarantee deliveries. Wire for wholesale prices. Hawthorne Plant Co., Nocatee, Fla. action and enables the organs to throw off the poisons which cause prematura old age. New life and streegth increase as you continue the treatment, vvnen completely restored continue taking a capsule or two each day. GOLD MED AL Haarlem Oil Capsules will keep you in health and vigor and prevent a return 01 tne disease. a Do sot wait until old age or diieat bar settled down for food. At the first sign that your kidneys are sot working DTL'aanf'ba CB,ule, Money refunded ii they 4 sot help you, Three iza. But rt S A' tbl original lrapone4 ..." Physicians Recommend Castoria YOtf kD0W ti18 rea,l human doctors right around in your neighborhood : the doctors made of flesh and blood just like you: the doctors with souls and hearts : those men who are responding to your call in the dead of night as readily as in the broad daylight; they are ready to tell you the good that Fletcher's Castoria has done, is doing and will do, from their experience and their love for children. Fletcher's Castoria is nothing new. We are not asking you to try an experi ment. We just want to impress upon you the importance of buying Fletcher's. Your physician will tell you this, as he knows there are a number of imitations on the market, and he is particularly interested in the welfare of your baby. I AVegetattefreparationfcrAS f similatinf-theFood byl&gula- 1in1iieStomachs andBowl h ThcrebyftomotinDestoJ ': ! AVnct Contains mi iuiexcu. i. - fst: HfsTW"""1" Aim- C-mA aVSiS?. 1 TW Ik w 111: iiwp niarrhoCa, mm. (jOnSUpaUOH turn - . aad Feverishnessd Facsimile SijnaWreo Exact Copy of Wrapper. JOKE WAS ON THIS EDITOR Of Course, It Doesn't Often Happen, but Occasionally Newspaper Man Guesses Wrong. Naturally n editor prefers a joke that is on the other fellow, but once in a while he must admit that it is on him. The other day some copy came into the News office about the publication of a paper at the United States general hospital No. 3G, which is called the Detroit Asuwer. Asuwer! Asuwer! What in the name of common sense did that mean? The editor scratched his head and muttered something about "fool correspondents that never can learn to spell !" Then all at once he saw it. Answer. That was it! The Detroit Answer. But it wasn't. Asuwrr is a corrup tion of a military command, "as you were." It is used to stay the execu tion of commands or to stop a drill movement that Is begun incorrectly. Indianapolis News. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured by LOCAL, APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach tha seat of the diseas. Catarrh is a locul disease, gTeatlv influ enced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEIICINE will cure catarrh. It Is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is composed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect combination of the ingredients in HALL'8 CATARRH MEpiCINE is what produce.? such iron derful results In catarrhal conditionr. Druggists 75c. Testimonials lree. P. J. Cheney & Co., Props.. Toledo, O. A Chesierfield in the Rouh. Lady I think you are the worst looking tramp I have ' ever seen. Tramp Lady, it is only in the pres ence of such uncommon beauty that I look so bad. Fine clothes do not make the wom an, but they sometimes break the husband. mm mm :l I lave you ever heard this? j HOT AIL is made from Cream of Tartar derived from grapes ' . Royal Contains No Alum- Loavoo No Bitter Taato Children Do the People Know? Do you know why you are asked to caU for Fletcher's Castoria when you want a chad's remedy: why you must insist on Fletcher's? For years we have been explaining how the popularity of Fletcher's Castoria has brought out innumerable imitations, sub stitutes and counterfeits- To protect the babies: to shield the homes and in defense of generations to come we appeal to the better judgment of parents to insist on having Fletcher's Castoria when in need of a child's med icine. And remember above all things that-a child's medicine is made for children a medicine prepared for grown-ups is not inter changeable. A baby's food for a baby. And a baby's medicine is just as essential for the baby. The Castoria Recipe (it's on every wrapper) has been prepared by the same hands in the same manner for so many years that the signa ture of Chas. H. Fletcher and perfection in the product are synonymous. MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S CASTORIA GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS i I Bears the S7 TKI CINTAUS COMPANY, N TS' B praise mujni s kalvjk, says: "Some people dislike to call It the Itch, but candor compels me to admit I had it badly. Tour Hunt's Salve, however, cured me after manv other remedies had totally failed. One box completed the cure the first application afforded wonderful relief. My advice to those who have to scratch, is to use Hunt's Salve." Hunt's Salve is especially compounded for the treatment of Itch, Eczema. Ringworm, Tetter and other Itching skin diseases and" is sold on our guarantee by all reliable drusr stores, or it will be sent direct by mail if your local druggist cannot supply. Price 75c per box. A, B. RICHARDS MEDICINE COMPANY. INC.. SHERMAN. TEXAA TW0aTiasiMiinsi W nLiL,TI(SKine The Blesssd Man. Blessed is the man, if any, who can get as much satisfaction out of a $1.50 spading fork and a 70-cent hoe as he could out of a $4,500 touring car. Ohio State Journal. Never. "One thing that need never expect any sympathy when it's down " "And that is?" "The thermometer." "My baking powder," says the smooth solicitor, "costs less than Royal." But he omits to say that it often leaves a bitter taste, that food made with it is likely to stale in a day and that it contains alum, which is con demned by many medical authorities for use in food. England and France prohibit the sale of alum baking powders. Cry For m Signature of IW YORK CITY. A WAR-TIME ILL THAT'S SPREADING HUNTS SALVE CURES IT! RED in the war trenches ot Europe, a wave of ordi 1 nary ITCH is spreadinz over the country. This skin disease, history ehows, has always prevailed, following wars and the concentration of . armies. It was common during the Civil War and following that conflict. There was an epidemic of the Itch after the Spanish-American War: Now history is repeating itself after the great European struggle. Returned soldiers and those with whom they come in contact will find a recognized remedy for the Itch in Hunt's Salve, commonly Tcnown as "Hunt's Itch Cure." Many a veteran of the "late '90's will testify to its merits. If directions, are followed HUNT'S SALVE will prove a never failing cure for all forms of the Itch, and your druggist will tell you so. He sells HUNT'S SALVE under a strict guarantee to refund the purchase price to any dissatisfied user. A Med ford, Oklahoma man, among thousands whs SOLO FOR 60 YEARS For MALARIA, CHILLS and FEVER Also a Tin General Strengthening Tonic. SOU T ALL DKOG STORES- Shoes Like Corporations. "Why do you call your Inst year' issue of field shoes corporation shoes?" asked the supply sergeant. "They have earned the name." re plied the buck. "They are absolutely soleless." The Spiker, France. Its Kind. "I heard this gessip over the tel phone." 'Oh, that is only hearsay talk. Powder