The (Hmatmam EE COED ESTABLISHED SEPT. 19, 1878. PITTSBORO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C. MAY 8, 1919 VOL. XL NO. 40. BMBjilMSSjaMSMBI"lJjMBlSSSSSMssi I IMPORTANT NEWS THE WORLD OVER Determination of President Wilson, indicated in press advices from Paris, that no American troops shall con tinue on German soil for a longer period after the signing of the peace treaty than may be necessary to em bark them for home, is borne out by present plane of the war department IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS Or THIS which contemplates the return of the entire American expeditionary forces by September. MILLIONTH MAN TO EMBARK RIB OM E AND OTHER NATIONS FOR SEVEN DAYS GIVEN THE NEWS 0FTHE SOUTH What Is Taking Place In The South land Will Be Found In Brief Paragraphs An official announcement issued as to the accumulation of surplus cloth ing for the troops stated that the es timates were based on "troop with idrawal to be completed in Septem ber." The statement also says that I "if an army of occupation is main tained after September, a portion of this surplus will be needed." Purtiior rohei nr.tivitv in northern European j and southern Mexico is reported in Forty-six Jews have been killled at I dispatches from Mexico City, which Pinsk, according to an announcement aigo state that the Mexican govern by the Zionist association in London. ment has undertaken to build block Forty persons were imprisoned and h0U8ea on several of the railway lines then brutally flogged. in the republic that have suffered par Strong currents of opinion inside ticularly of late from attacks by the the German cabinet permit of the as- retel bands. Eighty-six block houses sertion that the ministry of Chancel- tQ fee buiU OQ tQe oceanic ime be- lor Scheldemann is rerventiy nopins tween vera Cruz and Jalapa. to obtain a peace settlement at Ver sailles sufficiently tolerable to win the THE HOMEWARD MOVEMENT OF TROOPS IS PROGRESSING IN SATISFACTORY MANNER. ' ARMY IS IN FINE CONDITION Secretary Baker Says 'Conditions at Brest Are Ideal, and Equally Good at Other Embarkation Ports. sanies sainc.en y Wierao e o wm together by experts, national assemDiy s raimcauun "u . - ,. - . . OT,ora1 warnine to uaa iDouivou o government employees to be on the thus obviate the danger of further internal ruptures, which, it is. believed. m vA nKrtritlaa hprH be- would be bound to result from a Pleb- to spread l8The German government's pronun- S of ciamentos in the past months have "heat crop this year persistently underscored the nation's neuUur. for aw thjjr need for food ana peace, ine iouu ..- -- - repeated by the Unit- America nation is slowly being ameliorated J Zm TcomLrce in a "The i -ranfa fViief rpmftinmz I ea States luamuci w. .... . turn cu 6U,cl-w- -- . based on Btatistics obtained .orrow is its preliminary settlement JJJ. of tne country. . JtlTlonss at Versailles JU has formally begun its sessions. The opinion the laboi -prog adopted as rentful day which the world has par, oi r." thieve- GIVEN III ITALY'S DELEGATES NEGOTIATIONS MAY BE RESUMED AT POINT WHERE THEY WERE BROKEN OFF. EARNEST ATTEMPTS TO FIND SOLUTION PROBABLY ABORTIVE EFFORTS TO FIND SUITABLE PORT TO REPLACE THAT OF FIUME. KING ALBERT MAY NOT SIGN All of Munich Is Now In Hands of Government Troops Excepting One Section of the City. ev awaited since the signing or me ar- - -- - nt lahnr and ear menu in "-'-" . hs at last arrived. The German del- snouia oe .ymi..., mistice on November 11, last year, New York. The one millionth man of the American expeditionary force will embark for home next week, Sec retary Baker said on his arrival here from France aboard the transport George Washington. The homeward Discovery in New York of sixteen movement of ti oops, Mr. Baker said. is progressing in a most satisfactory manner and he added that the 300,000 month wark, would be reached in June, Secretary Baker left here April 7 accompanied by Warren Pershing, G-meral Pershing's only son. He vis ted various points in Prance where American troops are quartered. American army abroad is in splendid condition. The third army which I inspected on the German fron tier is beyond doubt the best equip ped army in the world. It is every thing that an army should be, in al' its departments. "The men are anxious to get home and we are moving them as rapidly as possible. I expect to see the 300, 000 a month mark reached in June, and the one millionth man will em bark for home next week. Secretary Baker said he visited but one embarkation camp that at Brest. "Its condition is simply ideal," he as serted, "and you can get the same expression from any doughboy on this v,o,rc mot tVio rpnrpanntatives and promoted, CTgUlCO 111 ' V, . . ,uv - - , , . of the allied and associated powers a message from Nicaragua says tnai and, across the green blaze table, have Costa Rican exiles met and defeated carried out the first preliminary that a force of Costa Rican frontier guards probably will mean a return to actual Dn the Rio Frio, near the southeastern Histant future. nf Lake Nicaragua. The tron- ilCttiC IXi m uwt v. - lauw.u , , fiht The main German peace delegation tier guards retired after tne rigm arrived at Vaucressen station, France, i rm iimni tn Versailles bv I n ; 1 n.AiriMir.lw nrara hlici IV PTJ FRE- I rinJa. whipn in- I - - ttrriveu piciuuoij w - I ronorta from oan oaivouui The Italian delegates to the peace conference, who left Paris almost abruptly when the members of the council of four representing Great Britain, France and the United States, refused to grant Italy's full claims to Fiume and the Dalmation coastal re gion, have been invited to come back to Paris and resume their places in the peace conference, Paris dispatches assert that by rea son of this is believed the Italians will return to the French cap ital and that the negotiations over the disputed points will begin again where they were left off, The invitation of the council of three, it is understood, has in view the elimination of the personal ele ment in the controversy and the pav Ing of the way for a territorial adjust ment acceptable to Italy wnen tne conferees are again together. In Beleium the dissatisfaction over the awards to Belgium has resulted in a netition being presented to King Ai bert, asking him to decline to anix his signature to the peace treaty mhinet council recalled home tne three Belgian delegates for a confer- . - A a i or. hotvcsn th three hotels I . - r,ia which oc- prevails ai an. in auu dicate tnat me cn i... - -- they occupy. They passed freely curred tnere a few days ago may through the streets without incident ve as disastrous as the great quake and with no police guards. Eighty- 1t No fletails have been re- seven Germans were in the peace com- ceived mission which arrived. Of these 30 The world's most powerful battle were women. ship, the super-dreadnaught Tennes While there will be few witnesses eoo ' . successfully launched at the to the signature of peace treaty by of New York. Naval officers say the Germans in the hall of mirrors, lhe iauncning was one of the pret- RAILROAD, TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE CASES ARGUED the mayor of Versailles has asked . . . the history of the navy. ... . . Jl : I that tne puDiic De aammeu uuiuib the days following the event so that With a loss estimated at one mil- wing uu, vu. u i ... the amou3 -Bowery" at they may see the arrangement oi tne """"" waR wined out in a fire which developed into the most spectacular blaze Coney Island has historic apartment. . Herbert H. Asquith, former premier, is likely to succeed the Earl of Read- ing as ambassador to tne unuea - Woodbury, N. J., for States, it is stated in well-informed Pjnte grpp British circles. side gnow kiUed ner keeper imre lurauy, lamous aa before a small crowd of spectators, es- izer of agents and spectacular plays, before a small c . died at Brighton, England. Kirairy capea irum -t- j7Iti1i,- was born at Budapest in 1845 and to a small patch of woods adjoining lmade his first appearance as an actor the town. A posse of men and boys there. finally Kinea ner. Frank Holewinski, 35, a messenger for the Dime Savings Bank or Toledo, Ohio, was held up and robbed of a .otoi nnntainlner twelve thousand Washington. Authority of the di rector general of railroads and the postmaster general to increase intra state railroad, telegraph and tele phone rates throughout the country was argued in the supreme court in connection with appeals from proceed ings originating in a number of States The solicitor general argued that in increasing telephone and telegraph rates the postmaster general was act ing on behalf of the public, as the rnrnorations which own the wires BAY OF eUCGARI SUGGESTED Other Possibilities Being Suggested In Endeavor to Find a Way Out of This Most Serious Situation. Paris. Eatbest attempts are being made in various quarters to find solution for the Adriatic problem which would give the Jugo-Slavs port which could serve the main rail way line into Croatia and at the same time leave Fiume to Italy. The Temps has suggested that the port of Zena, about 30 miles south of Fiume, might be developed to meet the needs of the Jugo-Slavs. Zena, however, would require a very costly harbor works to be of any use and it is about 60 miles from the railway line. The French Engineer Quellenec, in a letter to The Temps, suggests the bay of Buccari, which opens actually into the gulf of Fiume, and is touched by the railway from Fiume to Agram The bay is a natural harbor, well pro tected, with five to six fathoms of water.. The shores are suitable for the construction of quays. However, such a solution, which would place upon the shoulders of the young state the burden of developing a new port which could not be an effective, substi tute for Fiume for years, is unlikely to satisfy the Jugo-Slavs. Other possibilities are being exam El ENT 010 ono GROWERS Merchants Mutual Organizes. The organization meeting of the Merchants Mutual Fire Insurance Co. of North Carolina promoted by the State Merchants' Association, was held at the Yarborough hotel. Mr. R. B. Peters, of Tarboro, was chairman of the meeting and J. Paul Leonard, of Statesville, served as secretary. Th ohiect of the meeting was ex- TEMPORARY ORGANIZATION AC- I piame(j Dy Mr. J. F. Morris, of Win- OVER THE LAND OF THE L0NGLEAF PINE 3TIOHT NOTES OF INTEREST TO CAROLINIANS. COMPLISHED GREAT GOOD IN ALL SECTIONS OF SOUTH. ston-Salem, while Mr. J. R. Young, j State Insurance Commissibner, was presented to help the gathering over any difficulties Greensboro. Judge Boyd, in federal court here heard argument in the Johnson vs. Atherton Cotton Mills, of Charlotte, a case brought to test the- SAVED FARMERS $20 A BALE Acreage in State Cut Twenty and One- Tenth Per Cent and Use of Fer tilizers More Than Twenty-four. Between twenty-fire and thirty mer- child labor tax provision in the fed- chants of the State were present for. erai revenue act the adoption of the constitution and by-laws of the company and the elec tion of directors. The company starts off with a guar antee fund of $25,000 and will have Its home office in Statesville with the headquarters of the North Carolina Merchants Association. Hickory. City council has purchas ed $7,600 of Victory Liberty bonds for the sinking fund. Allen. Mrs. Isabel J. Robinson, aged 82 years, was found dead in bed at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Matilda Walters. The deceased had been In ill health for several months. Raleigh. William B. McCain, wire chief at the local plant of the Bell .. . . . .l I Mice whicn is to aocrae uia nH w- ,t of the randitions offered B-lgium are accept- difficult which wouId not leave a Me. Rtandinsr eround of hostilitv between All of Munich, capital of Bavaria, two neighboring nations. Suggestions is now in the hands of the govern- like tnesei The Temps says, will show aent troops except one section of the Itaiians that the spirit of good will is Convinced that the temporary or- niMtinn nf thfi North Carolina Cot- Governor Approves Sentence AsanPiation has effected a Kreat The first court maruai senusu .,avinr to cotton farmers already, in the history of the North Carolina Re- hrimrine coneration that has improv- serve Militia, the State miliary i tha nnMrm Trir.n and in eettinK ganization generally Known in re8yei-- ,-lanh- ftn(, TeleeraDh Comnanv. is radnmH cotton acreaee. renrisenta- tive locations as the home guards, has m Rex Hospital with Berious injuries tives of the organization, gathered been approved by Governor B.ce as a result of being tnrown wnue na- f,nm man nf th ontton erowine PriYate Henry Link or Lexington was mg a Vur. counties, resolved to make the tern- the offender and he was nnea w uu porary organization permanent, the ordered to apologize and submit to officers beine: C. J. Orrell. Chatham reprimand in the presence or u on ,,t. t o n-nnnPii cers and men of the 39th company, ntarv and Tlr TV W. Kileore. treas- I N. C, R. M. I The court martial was held in Lex- .... ington. Capt. C. C. Rush of the 20th Tne meeting enaorsea m sixong comany Bitting pre8ident and Cap- resolutions the proposed finance and tam George Maurice of the 39th com- baceo croD in the eastern belt are ex- exoorting corporation for the cotton nany as judge advocate. Private Link ceiient according to experts here. industry of the South, and appealed was charged with failure to report at There win be little change in th tt-r, rarmorg inw lihoraiiv in I a fixed time for drill and with dis- I Prftaee from last year. Tobacconists the cotton warehousing corporation, obeying the command of his superior predlct tnat the price will remain t ;wv Kna tn niirnnca I officer. Second Lieutenant J. E. Foy. I vi-t, - vnn nf better grades. Plants if necessary. Organized here when the He plead guilty to both counts and are generally plentiful, and escaped cotton market crisis came, while the the judgment of the court was that appreciable damage from the recent legislature was in session as tempo- he pay a fine or zu. De repnmaiiUBu frost8 rary expedient, the cotton association, in the presence oi tne company President Orrell declared, has saved make a lull apology to toe men uu Hickory. The Hickory Electric Ca the farmers orobably $20 per bale and officers of the outfit. owner of the local telephone franchise. accomplished other needed co-opera- The finding was sent to Governoi announced that it was to begin ereo tive benefits. The report of Secre- Bickett and approved by him and by tJon a8 soon aa pians could be drawn larv OTonnell showed $9,145 raised command of Adjutant General Roy- - nndrn exchange buildlnc on by the association had been expended ster, commander of the court martial, tne corner cf nth avenue and 14th Henderson. With only a quota of $351,400, subscriptions to the amount of $376,950 were announced as having been obtained in Vance for the Vic tory Loan, and the Boy Scouts and others were still busy soliciting. Kinston. Prospects for the 1919 to- ity. HUGH ACCOMPLISHED BY THE OMSK GOVERNMENT at work and honest attempts are be ing made to arrive at a just arrangement Omsk. The Omsk government has accomplished in months what other governments saddled with similar re construction work have taken years to Achieve. When Admiral KolchaK tooK MAKING UP PARTIES OF REDS FOR DEPORTATION San, Francisco. Parties of alleged alien revolutionists are being made up in San Francisco, Seattle and other ontrol of the administration there coast points for deportation as a re- ras virtually nothing in Siberia re- BUjt or tbe receipt of mailed bombs iembling a central government. aQd other radical activities at these There were remnants of the old commissioner regime, dlsorganiz d d va P imm5gration, announced here, rious parts of Siberia were barely ame to maintain local control without at- The recent murder of Mrs. George Jliation, one with the other. D. Greenwood, Oakland society ma- ., . , . . iron, Dy a uumu auu mc in-ciji uic Utilizing the available sections of MnnnM hv nistrict except about $27 balance in bank, will be imposed. Over $7,000 of this was invested m ad- vertisine. to brine about cotton hold- 1 Postoffice Classes Raised ing and reduced acreage. - Ten North Carolina postoffices are rr.u ,o. in entitled to an advanced ciassincauuu this state has been cut about 20 1-10 after July 1, 1919-that is, they will . i.i: . AA oKf he accoraeo a seconn-tmso "l per cent: mi liiici man i cuu tti , . .L icn nnn a third-class rating. The Tar Heel i,m it,o muf fnr towns sharing the fortunes of increas V"A " " ' Z r "I nrosneritv and the resultant effect nigner puces, m """ " n ih TTnlt- campaign of the association. or nwr c-. --- - a nAT14ncr tho coacinn I fill SiaLtTS rusiuiuv-o - xw r Hnnnpr. of Wilmineton. au- West Kaieign, wae .""' 1 ., I Hvwnnd rountv: Smithfield, jonn- tnor or tne original cuuuu olu.obc j 0,iv sion county; ouumim " county; Biltmore, Buncombe county, warehouse bill in the recent legisla ture, through government control had ceas- lhe eovernment military forces. Kol- or nierua, ed to operate them, and acted solely hak continued to gain strength and f - aa iuc few fc-p.w. i coglllLiun uiii.ii ai ic-m. - Clinton, Sampson county; Pinehurst, . w .. . TXTi rrontnn 'Warren Victory Loan Slogan. . , -;-;-. ; ., Match the navy," this is the slo- -uu " ' i.. a s vir-in-v l.n uamsiuu, ' campaign orMaA. Se reUry class The advancement is not only a boost JSitod that as "Navy day." to civic pride, but the pay envelope of Washington Three of the four battleships which helped to destroy the Spanish fleet doUapg by two unmasked men, who oil Santiago in xouo mo iuujuo, -" Massachusetts and the Iowa are to got away. . n.mnnmiTiiv little bloodshed, it is be placed put of commission, it is an- u stated, marked the celebra- find out," Justice McReynolds said nouncea uy iuc i n Tarnat nnn I ,annr Day. may their names will be reassigned to new I Qne man kmed Jn cleTeland. MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN superdreaanaugms. Qhi which i3 the only untoward Members of the cabinet are the sole " ted lieges. A large "If the government didn't fix these ?tv extends beyond the Urals to the rates, who would?" asKeo justice mc- pac?flC This territory embraces Reynolds during the course of the so- J00 oon people but there are few ele licitor general's argument. ments which do not acknowledge Kol- "I suppose the states would, tne ajj'g authority. These elements, in solicitor general replied. opinion of competent observers "Well, if the states fix tne rate so ,oui,j have given this recognition ex .... . . , . i I .. . that there snouio De a loss, wuu cept or foreign mtenerence. would pay it." the justice asKeo. "The government would," Mr. King replied. "That's what I have been trying to the immigration authorities to redou ble their efforts to round up all alien undesirables. White said. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICIALS NOT ADVISED streets, of two stories and a base ment. Work expected to begin with in 30 days. Kinston. Henry Page, who headed the food administration in North Car olina during tho war and earned nation-wide fame by the efficiency of his organization, will make the Memo rial Day address here May 10. Wilmington. Only slight damage to the truck crop from frost was report- ed. Strawberries were Blightly dam aged but it is pointed out that new blooms will come for nearly every one killed. Asheville The remains of an un known man, apparently a tramp, were found on the tracks of the Southern railroad this morning about three miles nas uesiBuaieu max o - . v,J hi, sal . . T n.tMf on wil i then me DOS uncus i n i . . . . t"' tT" rfc": Urr bein $2,000 and allowance for east of Old Fort. Tne noay w - De airecteu. iv cuiuuaoiic f" i . tnr nart. tjiken bv the navy. The epical assinc-e commensurate with ribly mangled and has not yet been - "J . - . . I j pi-o laenunea. a uoiue ui navy is not oniy auempuus iu u.Caa ,10 were found on tbe body. records tor suoscnpnouB m .- vt i .Tor-iinir everv effort to "Mrmess" o nt the national campaign over the Under the auspices of the Raleigh Washington. Officials of the de partment of justice were without in formation of the decision of Federal GERMANS DID NOT RAISE ANY I judge Boyd at Greensboro, N. C, de- QUESTIONS AS TO ITALIANS daring the child labor section of the war revenue law unconstitutional and -,rSi,. t, oHnn nf Ttalian could not say what the next step in representation at the peace negotia- the case would be. It was stated how- INJURED IN GREAT FIRE tions, so far as can be ascertained, has ever, laaiiae T h-iaw , nW, I v k t,Q nor an nl- feet operation of the law unless up- tainiv it was not touched held by the supreme court. As the I - " . lnt.MllteH case was brought by an employe apartment uuuuius i iti"&"v upon at iuc mccuue -"- -",-vji i . . questionably has trapped many per- and German credentials commission. sons, police say. Men, women and Tng Germans had this point in re children jumped from upper floors and according to indication. ner peace i "-...I A lw.nnt anartment. lot Secretary ot tne avy -. " ' - ' Ga- federal authori- moned. of the objects O! n. w.- -- ,!,.', one Is to discuss I . j vs. wlfo Tra Maude Hard' naval international ponce 'nJBSl" ' vth intn life nets. One baby was thrown wHahiv have raised it had the force will be necessary under the . opened it in from the third floor and caught in the inter.aiiied representatives at the league of nations plan mJ?" M v" kitcnen of their quarters at the arms of a youth aiding the firemen. meeting questioned their right to iter peace is declared, is the opinion nftrtment. 789 Peachtree All fire apparatus had been sum- k for Germany, with Bavaria in rohellinn. or eniovinc semi-independ- 3 -iv adnViralties of tier linked the occurrence with a sim- Scores ot women who jumped rrom mncf, However, when M. Cambon. m with the admiralties or ties unwu a M.vnr I nnor anartments of the seven-story co an pxrhanee of cre- iEngland, France and ItalJ ' some ae- imr Seattle. Washington. building have been rushed to hospi- AmVMB for Terification, the Germans ails of this force, particularly mo vjib ,i a hornn a fain as seriously injured. Thirty min- m an h-g-a. that, thev did not go . , I HnRtOI IlCe lUBircnuio ' " 1 - .... I 5c aJ oawu.. - types of vessels aBhiru. ttn-h investiEation of the attempt utes after the fire started ponce re- . f their way to seek trouble. Two officers ano wuurru "T O.o,n, Thnmas W. Hardwick's oorted one known dead and estimated Th rrmans planned a sightseeing the crew of the nvagtyt" " he greater portion of the work those trapped may run to 20 or 30. A excur8ion to' Trianon and Little Tri Queen were drowned when mat ves me. & authorities dozen small children and babies in mnnm . had ,-auested nermission to sel struck a rock and sanK .near af- w in from which city arms were tossed out ot windows. The tne hist0ric apartments of Mad men light off the coast or ranee w oi . sent which waa entlre upper half of the building is a Maintenon and Marie Antoinette iv i - . . ... j which .ooo f flnmAa and there is no way or , Tiai-mit wprp not re- ceived, however, and the project had to be abandoned. against a cotton mill, the government having no direct part in the proceed ings, it was said that the question of an appeal would have to be decided locally at Greensboro. Rocky Mount Lee Miller, former top. The officers and men of the navy Woman's Club the Kirmess ; with aea, apta m service, many of whom have risKeu of about 4u wii oe ' ' ,"r rTtv to beeln dutle8 a their lives, are now ready to give May 7, 8 and a. witn a mum Mr Miil.r re- . o ., " . ... i nn.im91iir Mr Miner re- ... . -ii ininv. I t will ho tno most Dm- I v,us,m.ov.. - - . their dollars, ano say io an, later uaw. v(. hnnnrahio diflcharKe from L naw." It had been hoped that liant social event of the season and ceived his obl&"ge "om 1 A V va in trtlQ 1 vAtona thA TTirkftT PiaDUrdlV LfT-I ill' I vs ' tne campaign wuum - , . , state by that time, Dut u it is nui ance tne c.uu . ";,T". Th first form of entertainment for the cnanenge oi iu uiuc M- - jt.v.. , - ----- .,,,,- f f-omnanv B. 120th Infan- younger soci. a msth Rnnnlv Train tne uny iuta uu uV ... -. romBany 60th Brt- Legal Question Raised. debutanes: eade-three Raleigh infantry organ! The question of whether or not the Tne jvirme.-, - - tha ,oth DlTl8ion-will be hinrv act does not. put all tion of the singing. aancinK auu iii.w, Z th' state back on commis- making of the most picturesque ana a.nner. sion basis instead of salaries, except poetical nations of pected to be answered. REGULATIONS ARE ISSUED FOR CAPITAL STOCK TAX April 28, while returning to ' ' dQ his llfe and which mas9 of flames and there is no way of The necessary permits ter assisting a neet ' ",.., nAaA hla wife and a ser- tnowine how many had au ways oi MiwtkA hnwPVer. and tl ers in distress, three or --"7" th" house. knowing how many escape cut off. dered in a severe storm. n "cwTn miners two of them white of the crew ot mine sweepers and 17 I Sixteen miners two o at EMBARRASSMENTS OF THE officers and men of tne uypsuxn Wu near Birmingham, " CONFERENCE RELIEVED WTnr:fSficral report from the sur- W. Eight men were probably fa- ANOTHER ATTEMPT IS MADE TO ASSASSINATE CLEMENCEAU Washington. Returns filed by cor porations for the taxable period July 1, 1918, to June 30, 1919, under provi sions ofthe law of 1916. will be used by the bureau of internal reveneu in assessing the new capital stock tax for which regulations were issued. All corporations. Joint stock com panies and associations, foreign and domestic, engaged in business in thi3 country are subject to the law unless specifically exempted. ? ENEMY WARSHIP SNOT TO BE SUNK OR DESTROYED X AI I T. I .... ! iniured. . . Paris. Anotner auempi shins is nurehr geon general '' . . I ... frnm the roof of Delmonlco s i. Orlando and Foreign Minister Premier Clemenceau apparently " ' f a partment gives tne wna Vlftn avftnue. the body of a waiter c--, the leading Italian deelgates . frustrated by the arrest o1 deaths reported m , tYta restaurant struck an . tT,tt ,- conference, had left Rome ,ft aor. nlH vmith. who was seized ui i"" I eniwiujcu - . . . .. i ah j ' Paris. Tt is felt that the final dis l " 1..' 1 Ar tlia frnnt hv the refusal of Auditor Holding, of Wake VLVJl . a J AVsa ,a-a in .AnM. each one separate Elizabeth City. potatoes anu the eoasUl section were extensively danv the Buncombe county sheriff, was diviaea n, - d ln trUck crop in the North Carolina ana aisuutu " . .. I . . im,,lv dam- in Holding, or waKe p.-.w fa frost county, to pay the salaries of Shenff unitea du - - rt - . Sears and his deputies for April, ine " ' In Henderson.-The local Victory loan -kink" iB in section 101 or the ma- J elng en which committee announced that Vance chinery act, however state officials e rtacntar PJ fcin coun had over8ubscribed ite Quot who were in close touch with the pur- will cae inej cru b 3ri.400. making it the first county "Sri: iSS.-ttta.. jn North Carolina to go "over the JSno cneSJ can come he most elaborate The choruses are top.- rom tie changes from the old ma- catchy and tuneful Jhe dn Us dance BernNew Bern and CrRTen chinery act and that all that the new and marche , ght JJ1- nd four aaJolnlng Coun- law does is to allow the shenns m a r '-"71; TCnko', Oar- tie, of Onslow. Carteret, Jones and Iaw uUC - --- A Night in Koko's Gar- ties of onsiow, vaner., - the state, whether on salary or com- tta scene N g Bcenef 1SOt unlted ln giTlng the returne mien nn a fi-rpfi aoainonai comueus- uou, " - i ... j n. . inm nom ,uoD.u, , ,. characters of the ramous opera, goiQiers auu bhio " i i eniAniinr I rrom every bw-uuiaiui- t nui r i irifii iai o uicuu i - the state. nw Horticultural Worker. Mr. L. H. Nelson, a graduate or tne Bond .ssue Validated. Fayettevine.-n - Th suoreme Court validatea a campaign ro nwun! BuU.wU-.. jf'th! diselse about twelve thou- elderly woman, believed to be Mrs. paris and further news that near the entrance of M. Clemenceau's deaths from disease vmHiiM icn,uhoaH of 33 Bellevue place, -n,,,.,, rpawn council had giren . a vmlth. whose name is Cor- Band have occurre Chicago, and kUled her instantly. Both its aggent to tne giving of the peace was carrying a stiletto and had rhinit the parade of the h th Beian delegates re- . hia nossession anarchist literature. , fn rahle T systems, taken over by 165th infantry, which was passing on pardle8S of the unsatisfactoriness to He declared that he did not want to tht government last November re- the streets of New York City The thfl financial arrangements kiU premier, but desired only to the..!?mi; Private owners at mid- waiter was removed to a hospital with resulted in relieving the embar- make a "gesture." He hails from ItTt mv2 a fractured skull. . rassments of the peace conferees. Venay, ""r:: "u T,an,. conference In A surcharge of 25 cents pi . ifnarv session failed to take up the pounds on cotton shipped f rom Atlan- HAWKER AND RAYNHAM MAY SEND PARCELS POST question of responsibility for tne war. tic and guir porxs , . . -r.r-i,4o.tnn a nnanimous t .4nn was established by tne snip- ornciais l treaty hnard in lieu of demurrage, be- Tnhns. N. F. Balked by contin- Washineton. On the request of the in tneir iwu ,. P'6 nlnanMne r ' -i,o, n,rrv . v, ntmogtor pen- dpiivered to the uerman jwbuijw- cause of teaioua ucmj " ued adverse winas auu wcoi.., war aeparenieuw o. - an inter-allied question and not one for inclusion in the treaty, which pr vides only for the surrender of the vessels. This action is regarded as indicating that the warships will not be sunk or destroyed. After the enemy ships are divided among the allies each power will de cide on the dispostion of its own quota. COSTA RICAN FRONTIER GUARDS ARE DEFEATED air. aa. n. - Br ,: Uonnn hond issue of the Central nel of the Z76tn aero squauruu, Kentucky Agricultural College, class $225,000 bond Msue oi tnonnlntr Pone Field, the of '16, has been -cured by the Ag- H'TaT H aonaTucal .Ution attached to Camp 4nitin-ai THxnpnment Station as as-I iy, rasucu . . . . . ' . ,! sistant Tn the Division of Hortlcul- session of : the "f" j. r"- ture. (Mr. Nelson will have cnarge u thft nftte1 Hill.-M Junior Week" actlri- the investijtation work in connection naving - . ' i ' ... nttktm TTn.Ter8lty were flt- with truck crops, and will spend con- scribed rorm or Sn" a close with elabor- a,drahle of his time in tne near m- quu.uB "- - . . - " ,., .,- tw literary so- i v.iji har ivnora t n Hinauuiiicu i hlh hiuuivci o u - nt work with the sweet potato, cuun m t. --- t t. tn- Bei. . . O(o(j fine not increase tne amouni oi m cieiy ou, - - He comes to the P1" 0fthe Wen of taxation, failure ldays which were crammed full of after a service of over a year in the constitutional form will varied and interesting events, mclud- army. Previous y ne wu. ... ot Invalidate bonds. ing dances, stunts and athleuc game eivuiutajf as San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua. Onsta Rican exiles met and defeated a ' . .. , - iu- 1 .. . t . . 4! tTr-Aa-r'nTr . , ;-AA tVio nrrlor WMPrPOV 1""-" tentiaries will call ror tne ui at the Engnsn p- . Hawker ana uyw.u - erai nas reuuuCu on the Rio Frio, near the soutneast former emperor of Germany before Tne giant troop ship Leviathan, the Briti8h avlatiors seek- members 0f the American expedition- on the ko Nicaragua, Thurs a court of the associated powers. . ith 12000 soldier PaBengers. jRg firat nonors for a transAtKvuuc ary forces had to m ' " The frontier guards retired later 1 oi nrpnancK lu re- i i trertvnnnH iu ain ----- s-.-ux iJnAii rnrrpa in 21 uuut iui 1 nnnar rnroueii iiiiiiuai j 1 . . linauish control or American y rk barely misseu - """" T'a nes and to restore the telegraph and 80 feet while off the Grand Banks telephone system to private owner- of New Foundland, her officers re ship immediately after enactment by rted wnen she docked. -je!" neces8ary to safe' .sSnSS: guard propt. JVT" 4T" a in New York City Mexico was not represent au. nousij . ' . , i .i,i win allow . i nt thom from the Unit-, the flgnt. new airarome siw . nave According to reports reaenmg nere, them to "hop or' with the wind in ed state8. Hereafter Parcels not - Accor J carTyinS revolution. any quarter. At present only an ea- ceding seven pounas iu raT,sized in Lake Nicaragua after erly or westerly .wind can be or serv- tag mailable the 8kirmish on the Rio Frio. All on hnnlia. 7TaV DS seiil lu mcm.o . Aiaertr. expeditionary forces, i . nf the narrow two ICtS UDVBUOfc - wind" fields they are using. board, however, were rescued. rMR" SENT TO GOVERNOR BILBO A PRACTICAL. JURt confnce of neutrals at Paris, and Uhen a taxicab - as was expected, does not u- mg was ; 2Q feet to the the list of the league, of nations. It face car and hurled u ieei s stated that provision is made in the cur. Surgeons declared I that there Jlntnt however, for the admission i8 no likelihood of the injuries pror to the league of any fully self-govern- ing fatal, although twe through the mails toy Governor Bilbo, ing country which will give required per8' ribs had been 'racUired. MiS3iMippi, Jackson's new mayor rnntees upon, a iwo-tunuo "-"- mp spi - r- . 1, newspaper eauor, wcio persona INTERNAL REVENUE BUREAU TO ENFORCE TAX PROVISION M ft SUBMARINE CHASER BURNED AT CHARLESTON here Jackson, Miss. Postoffice officials iarp1 oackaees receivea the assembly, composed of representa- body contusions. Charles, mailed at Durant, Mississippi, tivpR of the member nations. Lieut. C. E. Hinea ot Lake wm . nn inventions of P " " . .. " f Ttfllv left Paris It . . fivlna instructor at "v, --- ...V.J wiirr:-"-;7Bi.d by n the fn of his aetunt V. ;Vthat 20 womsn agents hara mm w""''S xor r-ora. " 7r " ""V:. ' i. rr... c.iAmt Mailt. Mets prcnu r I i.... i..rHflcttes to I ijr .... tnmw t Ban "V..7Ti, tn. ' .Vi.rss addressed to the mayor ana emp oyeu w r?- v ... TMI9l v&c wei unn uXAl W IB 1 . BT L BUB IWH CIV I LIWWnmB W . L II M MAM MSmmiiniT IBB W UUI BI ICKI'I I nrni - ;.)aosr i Mi cmsiatrM r rrTT,: -iiiuitV I Coaptr rtnr o Washington. Intention of the inter nal revenue bureau to enforce the child labor tax provision of the reve- J. XI. M nf inn A Vl A nue law. despite vu M&rtln, commander of the vessel, was North Carolina federal district court . u M twQ eft. m declaring the measure uncensutu- ,,.,,. the local fire r-naripston. S .C. United States submarine chaser No. 58 was practi cally destroyed by fire following an explosion of a gasoline tank. Ensign - - rm I A I A . .. . i. eki. i Wftdeanoro. jonvicieu ui uiui.rr,. General Pershing Hotel. M u oup flr9t shlp . th flt ief,ne for the killing last i t-v,;o- ia trio namA oi a I cav-v v - - ttiii tiam. lipuerai rcioumft i i that- wrA. i a vnua mnn nameu vv in iuu- hotel company chartered by theSec- about eptemo wa, retary of State for Laurel hiu. . Kuin- - " secretary Daniels, tenced by Judge T. J. Shaw to suffer erford county The incorporators a - - and proJ)ablT 8ome death by electrocution. Caroleen. . Wr,.Bfriim is one of the of- torr Loan day with a big demonstra- Another corporation cnaneieu rf chinhniMinir with a utronar sneech by Hon. the Inland Navigation Company or . . v,ij,0. ron- r9mnn Morrison, of Charlotte. He i. ; j i i Amnanv w 1 1 nil in iJittAviiiaaH " vyct - XTw "Rom with SUU.UUU auiuuuwu a- . TrMia i . Z.T L.t shins at New Bern. Keels was heard by several thousand ra. i- j sudsuiu. bein Jald noWt road men inromorators are trrea u. uviy t , . - v fn. I capital and $14,000 Frank J. Hill, of Norfolk, and W. B. last one Rodman Guion, of New Bern. A battle-scarred tank from will be launched about the I France was a feature of the parade. first of next March. and Victory Bonds aoio Drismy. nivnrit Are Increasing. Divorces are on the increase in the United States. North taronna ua Scott Starts Investigation. Reidsville. Mrs. Alfred fcoaies ui- To investigate fires in Reidsyiue loway, prominent m social me oi u. I. a a 9 . AM All ii n aia W within twentv-four nours nave town and state, ana ner iuiw resulted in the death of eight persons J dren were burned to ln a fire fewer to her population tnanmosi otu- Galloway and which Rutted their home on Main BtatfiB. hut the rate tnere is going m . 179- her three cnnoren, ,api. yv. sireei. up. inisitfli , - accident prevention noraers. i r 952 people within her and bureau of the State Insurance Depart- ,000 mei In 1906 the rate of di- by Fayettevllle. Tom Osborne, negro year "she had 21.337 marriages nu v Z . vZ Z. fo Reidsville iht wtrhrnan at TJr. Prank N. . . a m . a 1 nrt mill vnnni n?t iircii uauu -w - Mhauw 668 divorces, that was si per rm.ioflBr Young. wan Teterinarr hoeniul. who was 111 auuiuuup - . l -.--- j was 24, and 1850 but 12. . nam, a wore r R.ld.Tllu Md Cumberland Otneral bospiUl twehrt Buncombe county neaa w. V, erraniMtion ot the wo- BWr'ftet hi u diicottffl Carolina Hit i 1H wltt 41 l tueogn an MUII,uMi JMiMk utieM. tie livrtsi hV. - 1 111 wi