Chatham UttBtxi T-iUSSAY, SEPTEMBER 25. 1919 I .1 I " . . , MM. ' S-A 1 1 A isiiiess Opportunities J- h hi C1..VC- 7Ioiic Isas Soap hr.d on hand before the last which he sells at a bargain. z Cornell sell it t-ss. Sell what? Hay, Oats, Oats, Mill Feed, Rye, Annual r Set'd, Flour, Meat, Lard, Mo :, and some times sugar. , between Raleigh & . in. poeketbook containing about .i nitirieaticn card and receipts i;:r.k; liberal reward. John E. 1'ittsboro. ltp House Molasses, Hon and Covington's Fancy ol at R. J. Moore's. Or T-'t nee tle Iiigii cost of v buying your Flour, Meat, ::nd Molasses from Bland & r yGnr Provisions by . :'r' :ii Bland & Connell. Prompt rirs made in corporate limits. e v.iso need mv reg- v'. jr.rde hog, "'Colonel the 2nd," - ; him at mv farm on route 3, : rvice fee, $2. C.T.Goodwin. :i!e or resit, 2-liorse , ITS acres, near Bynum; good :. -M.D.Williams, West Dur- tl to touv Timber ter Land. If you have any o sell see B. Nooe, Pittsboro. AI RECORDS aid I Kail road fares to Be Paid At a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners on Monday, the 1st day of September, the Board passed an order that they would pay the railroad fare of any Confeder ate veteran who wished to attend the annual , reunion, to be held in Atlanta, Ga., on October 7th to 10th. Mr. J. J. Jenkins, of Siler City, will furnish tickets and certificates of identification to veterans in the western part of the County, and Mr. A. H. London, of Pittsboro, will fur nish certificates and railroad tickets to veterans leaving from Pittsboro. Leave either Siler City or Pittsboro Monday afternoon, October 6th, which puts you in Atlanta early Tues day morning, the 7th. W. H. FERGUSON, Ch' mn Co. Bd of Commissioners. Pay Your Taxes Bond Issue Defeated The $30,000 proposed bond issue elec tion, which was held in Hadley town ship last Tuesday, was overwhelmingly defeated, only 8 voting for it and 76 against it. The eight men who were not afraid of a little taxes were West Clark, Will Jones, Frank Henderson, Walter Henderson, Fred Thrift. Peter Perry, Fred Perry and Ward Perry. Circus Coming The famous John Robinson's circus will exhibit in Raleigh next Wednes day, October 1. As usual, a big free street parade will take place at 11 o'clock. A train of 60 cars is necessary to transport the show which employs the 1200 persons, of which 500 are men and women performers. This circus is a great favorite with our people and doubtless a large number of persons from this section will attend the two performances next Wednesday. TV hat Happen That Will Inter : Readers of The Record. iiui'J a house to rent. -Ti e cotton ginning season has opsn- Car Turns Over Twice e: :r iv Avonue ti ed. -Kobe' Sunday afternoon, about 6 o'clock, a car' containing Messrs. Frank Burns. Thomas Clegg and Miss Annie Norwor d while speeding along the road near the county home the hind wheel dropped into a hole in a gutter pipe and twist ing the front part of the car around, causing the car to turn over twice be- fore it stopped, pinning them in the rckers are beine paid $1.25 j car- Strange to say only slight bruises d pounds around Pittsboro. ! "ere receiv,ei by "V, of the party Mr u n aiw. u Clegg was doing the driving. The hind ,v.-"-k has been done on Fifth ; wheel and windshield of the car were u week. It was badly need- i broken to pieces. It was a narrow es- i cape. : F arrell & Co. will open up market here with t.vo or three weeks. 1919 Tax Rate The School N ews PAULINE TAYLOR, High School Editor. N ew single desks have been ordered for the primary room, and they are ex- A n t 4.1 . . . . . i " a wie receni session oi the General Assembly, in regard to the payment of taxes, should be of interest to all taxpayers, and consequently the act is published with the hope that our readers may take advantage of the benefits that accrue from a prompt payment and escape the penalties inci dent to ...... J ' - ' . .,.4 ,. j a "AH taxes shall be due on the first :t; V Monday, in October in eaqh year, and e gruade PPs are very proud all taxes paid in the months of October' ?Lf t?rth,eJ2,npI,,?ted and November a discount shall be given th'stoy.of e.Llte Red Hfn- to the taxpayer of one per cent. All u t Ty p?pii ,n.the, second rade taxes paid in the month of December wh had Perfect spelling lessons for the shall be paid at the net amount charg- Walph Connell.-ed,- and from and after the first day of The 5th and 6 th grades rendered the January a penalty of one per cent per f0llow,ng program at the morning ex month shalf be charged and collected ercises Wednesday : by the Sheriff or Tax Collector; that is f,ble reading-Sam Beard to say. on all taxes nid in th mnnth bong America. Played by Louise of January, after the first dav of Jan uary, a penalty of one per cent shall be added on the taxes paid, and in the month of February, after the first day of February, a penalty of two per cent shall be added, and an additional penal ty of one per cent for each additional , month or delay in settlement of same. Recitation One. Two. Three. Willie Morgan. Int. Solo Happy Farmer, Louise Brooks. Recitation -A Boy's Pockets, Billie Johnson. Song-Daddy, Mary Dell Bynum. This discount does not apply to tax1 y e are sorry that several have to be on dogs, which is due and payable on "UV w nu npe to nave mem the first day of October, and unless the , back 8on. dog tax is paid by the first day of De- vr tt ,7n, ... . cember, the owner shall be guilty of a SnVhJQtSL )her cou?t,8 misdemeanor, and upon conviction be- .r?Zt &lV??J?g from a short comes liable to a fine of fifty dollars or age of scho1 teachers- imprisonment ior a period of thirty i 1 pilet Coptcrvts 15Tluid lracnii I j days. BANK QF PITTSBORO, REPORT of the condition of the BANK OF PITTSBORO AT. PITTS BORO IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, at the close of business Sept. 12, 1 19. Resources- Loans and discounts Demand loans 'verdraf's United States bonds & Lib erty Bonds North Carolina State bonds All other stocks, b'uids and Mortgages Bwnkin ous. $4,000; t'nr niMire and fixhiivs, $2,000 Cash in vault and net amounts due from banks, bankers and trust companies Cash items held over 24 hours Checks for clearing - 127,531 33 8,500 00 529 52 6,755 CO 5,000 00 31,759 63 6,000 GO 55,844 13 3.48H 53 3,096 26 REPORT of the condition of Tk Farmers' Bank at .Pittsboro, N. C, in the State of North Carolina, at the ciose of busi ness Sept. 12th. 191 S: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $44,932 50 uvercsratts secured, 2.16; unsecured, none United States bends and Lib erty bends All ether stocks, bends and :'.:(. r'gr.cos H-r:k"n-T i.t:urs, none; furni in v u; i futures, S650.26... C:. h in vault rno net amount .:? fro!!', banks, bankers vv.d trmt ;'.:i:r;!:c3 S2 16 5,5C CO 300 CO 650 6 t nmnt.-a PER CENT. AVcciaWcPrcparauoafcrAs tingtheStomachs andBgglstf Tor Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always nicrctiyItomSDestfcn Cheerfulness ana kcslva-- Mineral. Not Narcotic j jiKtafmDcsmxLPtms. Jumptan Worm Std (lanfiidSagaf J&UHifnmlirpr AhelpfulRemerfyfor Constipation andDiarrtoe"' and Feverishness ana resuttin&ercfrotnnaniy- racSimileSijnatoreot TheCentactGo-hp Bears tl Signature ft .Irv Y n Use For Over hirty Years ,9 SUITS, CUATS, LATEST STYLES AND MATERIALS. We Can Save You Money On Your Suit and Coat w. suit 'fid coats $22.50 to $55.00 $10.00 to $45.00 L. LONDON & SON I orfjrajje Sale- i f llf-Sa . Exact Copy of Wrapper, ! Ch -1 O'J l'L'VCU C; ri:.erct pd, sLamps, 28,851 19 i 672 CO : 2,411 00 THC CCflTAUn COMPANY. HZYJ YCRX CITY Total 61 Total . S24S.496 40 Liabilities. -A hn-d x.: -r.ey d .ere w i At a recent meeting of the County ' ! Commissioners the tollowmg tax rate for 1&19 for Chatham county was made: ...1 . G.nuvja via oucuau All. Ui vw . (.i. -t u.v . w conundrum: Suppose a ; '.e"e to Durn cuv.n, p-'rne' imes ;n C pita I stocV- paid in 810,000 00 Surplus fund 10,000 00 Undivided profits, less cur rentexpensHsantf taxes p'd 1,699 78 IVpotits suliject to chi 161,640 30 Tin)eceitifica'sof deposit... 62.422 48 j Savings deposits 850 00 Cashier s checks outstanding 1,083 S t Accrued interett due deposi tors 800 00 $78, 449 LIABILITIES. Capital stock piid in $10,000 00 Undivided pro:iT.s, les cur rent expenses and taxes pd 1,956 67 Doposits subject to cheek 50,806 S6 'l ime certiiicatesof deposit 15,447 Tj Savings deposits 53 2 Cashier's checks outstanding 184 LI CI' m al 878,443 61 of North Carolina County ol i. held I .use tu move into? R-v. 1',-; , roads. 10c: total. SI. 34 2-3. ! The 1918 tax rate was a little lower services, which had been ! than 1919. T..e school tax this year is Mr Morehouse, and as- mc nigner mis year man last, ana no tor. Rev. R. M. Phil-' one win naroiy kick on tnis as u gives c oed ?ast Friday night. i taxes last year were 27 2-3c, this year ! it is 15 2-3c. Last year the special tax This must be a big potato year. I was 6c; this 17c. Bridge tax last year e -t Zieek-r. colored, showed one on ; was 4c: this year it is 6c. The total :re Saturdav v. hich weigh-! tax last yetir was $1.01 2-3c. The rest :.y the pas ..ron. 1': t-.-. snowed one on i iv v.-hich weigh- ! ::e later Mr. John '.erhed 5 1-2. of the taxes are the same as last year. .ears. Godwin, of Aex. route i . Ro:-ord office Monday J Is -'ee i ..rn. He says he i.'u is of i'l .''0 each at the I Exposition in the ' Pittsboro has at last got hold of a se: of Commissioners that are trying to i. ;.prove trie town. The citizens should uphold them in their endeavors to make Pitt '..'''!:) a more progressive town and a better place in which to live. All r.ienibr? of theWomans' Club, who contemplate joining the Music or Ll errrv Dtpartments of the club, are c&liei to r.ioet with the chairmen of j not been arrested. thrie committees next Saturday after- j ri . .n;; :5 o'clock at the residence of '. f mmmmm 11: W. P. Korton. Bound Over to Court Two or three weeks ago Rev. G. W. Perry and Mr. A. T. Ward broke up a still about four miles northwest of town. While they did not capture any one they hid in the bushes near the still and watched three men at work, a white man named Cooper, and two ne groes, Herbert Haughton and Zeke Terrv, who, they say, were at work at the still. Warrants were sworn out against these men and last Saturday the two negroes were tried by Magistrate Ly sander Johnson. They were both bound over to court, Haughton under a $200 bond and Terry $100. Cooper has Total 9248.496 40 State of NORTH CAROLINA, County of Chatham, Sept. 19, 1919. I. Jas. L. Griffin, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowlfde and belief. JAS. L. GRIFFIN. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 23rd day of Sept.. 1919. Q. R. PI L KINGTON, Notar Public My commission exp.res July 18, 1920. Correct Attest: A. H. LONDON, E. R. HINTON, B. NOOE, Directors. To Stats Chatham. ert. 22nd. 119. I, V. E. Aliey, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. E. ALLEY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 22nd of Sept.. 1919. G. R. PILKINGTON, Notary Public. My commission expires Jan. 18, 1920. Correct Attest : T. M. BLAND, W. P. HORTON, S. D. JOHNSON, Directors. Farm iiy virtue of a certain mortgage deed made by Har.nnh Strowd, henry De Graffenreidt, William DeGraffcnreid't nnd his vvift M t it lr;,.. r : j. t : rui au xiu:'t)an:!, Ci.arhe r 1 atsy UedratUTreicit to Jps.L. Grittin dated Jan 14, l!;ll, to sticure a note due Nov. 15th, loii-. vl.k-h said mort- g?ge aeea is recorati m Kagister if m BoorC A m Xotice of Land Sale. Re-sale of Land -Su- North Carolina, Chatham County - perior Court, before the Clerk. Ernest E. Harmon, Admr. of James I. i Harmon, deceased, vs Eva Harmon et al. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Chatham County Under and by virtue of an order of ; the Cierk of the Superior Court of Chatham County, in the special pro- , ceedings therein pending, entitled "Em- i eline Mitchell and others vs Addie Net- , ties and others," the undersigned Com missioners will, at the courthouse door ; in Pittsboro, N. C, on Wednes 'ay, October 22nd, 1919, offer for sile at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described tract of land: Beginning at William DeGraffen reidt's corner on Silk Hope road; thence s5 A F.riptist intercessions' conference j w-- hf-re on yesterday by Rev. V M. Gilmore, of Sanford, direc- ti i rhe 75 million campaign in the j - iv Creek Association. He was as- : i;---.-; by Rev. W. B. Waff. Similar! v : : i:nces will be held today at Ben- j n ' i.i.d tomorrow at Siler City. j 'r. -ikes are becoming plentiful in j .J. tew day3 ajo one was kulea rng house here, beverai nave -! on Fifth Avenue. Friday highland moccasin was kill- sidewalk on the same ave rt think about it! Snakes tak ''.vn and not a drop of snake- h -.: n e( rr . ir Li , PUSONAL MENTION tk. Hiiizabeth Milliken has gone to City to teach music in the school -s L ilian Ray has gone to Maxton v"'-' - ::'t:2 has encered Flora McDonald ('' - Emily Thompson is music teach tr i - the Moncure "school. She has a dais of 24. "ergrer.nt Wm. N. Harmon, who has tfr n in the United States army for the V'-'f. six years, has gone to Philadel-I-'ia after spending a week here with Emma Goodwin. Build Houses hy do not the monied men of Pitts busy and build more dwelling es to rent? How do you expect bo: no tii'r ti wn to grow? A dozen families 'A' "U d move here in the next three n -i.nt-is if they ccuid get houses to live e rcvfe.-uatu.n of property is gc niake ti.xes higher. Why not v ..cant lots around town toDeo- PS'j w::o v. iil ouild homes? ip.. ir.:,- .-:eii M ayor's Court If a ra a-i-1 1 v t be r h;. ': t! n o es not come pretty soon t.e dust here the citizens will .'';:V-r "f dustiphitis. And what ! ' S r.,,a (;,;s- so mucu Worse is the J, - 'i:es which x J r--t!'. cs.usina the dust to flv in o"-' er f"'05'" an "ver everything. In fii i,'"' '' ;- -M:yor Nooe will put a Urt 'V:'s,y;;?"e brought before him. a ; i Ijov 5 d:f -G. Gunter, white, ea.h frv' '-ok-red, were fined $5 The Cotton Association The extremely low price of cotton this fall should be a matter of seri ous concern to every cotton farmer of Chatham county. The State Cot ton Association, which has for its objective a better price for "cotton, is now in process of organization. We are launching a campaign, be ginning in early October, with a se ries of mass meetings in different sections of the county, for the pur pose of getting the plans of the As sociation explained in detail to the individual farmer. .Able speakers will speak in behalf of the organi zation at these meetings. Dates will be published later. If you are a cotton farmer, or if you are inter ested in a fair price for cotton, you are urged to be present at one or more of the meetings. Organization will win; therefore let's unite in a unanimous demand for a better price for cotton. H. M. KINSEY, . County Agent. made in the above entitled cause, the south with his line 27 poles, L. T Web undersiirned Commissioner will re-sell, ster's corner: thence west with his line ! for cash, at public auction, at the court 166 pole3 Avenue road, George Farrar's i house door in Pittsboro, N. C, on corner in Webster's line; thence north three degrees west with said roaa ana ' Living Cost Increases After a survey of conditions the coun try over, the National Industrial Con ference Board has announced that the cost of living for American wage-earners was 71 per cent higher in July, 1919, than at the outbreak of the war in July. 1914. This was said to represent an advance of 6 per cent since March, 1919, and of 12 per cent since June, 1918. The total increase for the 5-year pe riod on food was 85 per cent; clothing, 100 per cent: fuel, heat and light, 57 per cent. Saturday, October 11, 1919, at 12 o'clock m., that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Cen ter Township, Chatham County, N. C, known as the James I. Harmon lands, containing one hundred and seven acres and more fully described in the title deeds by which the said James I. Har- , mon held the same, ! September 25th, 1919. WALTER D. SILER, Commissioner. across Silk Hope road to Perry's line, 76 poles; thence east with Perry's line 147 poles to Henry Mitchell's line; trence south with his line 43 poles to Silk Hope road; thence eastward with said road to the beginning, containg 72 acres, more or less. Time of sale, 12 o'clock m. This September 20, 1919. W. P. HORTON, W. D. SILER. s25 Commissioners, Pittsboro, N. C. (MASCOT) KilnDried i vS5iHWi?5vv Lime United States Today The United States is the richest na tion in the world." It was the richest when the war began. The war hi s j drained it less than most other gretti nations have been drained. How much j Dii-nnrfDi- this nat-inn in than nthorn -ia i speed through it at j t p.ftneraiiv aDnreciated in the United i States. Here are the figures: National Wealth National Debt ! Great B.S $36,750,000,010 Germany 80,000,000,000 31,000,000,00 P. "! K;. xaniiniition ine Unit mission fia;s to be held :i a result of certification cancy in tha postmaster at cancies as they fice, unless it : 4 . . jrz uerifipr! in cv bv reinstnrr,; t0J?n any vacan -hi, to h hi! t)0Ki '-(.hi,. rn France 65,000,000,000 Russia 40,000,000,000 Japan 28,000,000,000 Italy- 25,000,000,000 U. S 250,000,000.000 26,000,000,000 25,400,000,000 1,300,000,000 11,000.000,000 17,000,000.000 Here -rests the bones of Willie North, With him we had to part; He looked into a gun one Fourth To see the bullet start. ':s ivil Service Com ' im examination m October 11 as '- expected to make COntAmrlo-lr1 ufl. "n of fourth-class TTnriortalr era rpnort that funerals will I U 111.1 m..- L . -('n and other va- j cost m0re next year. Buy now and OffMir fit- i h'lll v , . wmi. i save iiiuucjf. t on f the steel workers nt. ti, ..t ;a H.H that 268.000 dos' master otriira in Ppnsvlvania. 5" m ' . u i , n !. urns omce was wn t uuw o,., -- j ; ' o44 ior the last fiscal year. Illinois and other States last Monday. Clayton, N. C, August 23, 1918. American Limestone Company, Knoxville, Tennessee : Gentlemen: We bought several cars cf your Mascot Lime last season. TJz o:l it ex tensively ourselves and distributed liberal amounts among our tenants. We n ave no ticed good results not only from the low lands but the i:plands. We are buying it a?ain for 1919 and expect to use it in larger quantities than bsfore. Respectfully, (Signed) ASHLEY HORNE & SON. MASCOT BONE DRY Finely Pulverized Readily Available If you need money to buy a farm, to get easier terms on one you have contracted to buy, to im prove the one you own, or to do anything that promote the Agricultural development, we can loan it to you FOR AS LONG TIME AS YOU DESIRE UP TO 33 YEARS with very easy terms of re Davment at 6 per cent interest, without broker- age or commissions. Write us, or better still come in and see us. 5 a 23 O h:iv;ng ben said note i-t v:x)'-.:.-p: v d?r f-.-r i. Uu-'b- - C their i tract ; pr.r-. Li Chci-iv-in Center 'I ..v.; Moors's 42 poiK 'co :) line; thenca Webster's c to a jost iff.! vest to the thir t i.e oiiifp of ('hat!;:t.n County, defrui! in ;hc !i 't ::st ir. t;.c- .'.loore s ';.; t station. lv (oOi acres, more or '.gss;. This IS th day of Se;..erri)er. 1039. JAS. L. Gj'.Il-'FIN, '.Murtffaeee. ize. and i 1 f ' - i .7 v-eni. of 1 A A F i ur--Tors' t'ned 3 - Aa v'K'w f !. 'ioli:ia, in" 1 jf'flW fikj 'containing O Sale Under and by .virtu:; oi' an order f the Clerk of the Superior Court of Chat ham county, in the special proceedings therein pending, entitled "Thomas Council and others vs Mequarv Council and others," the undersigned Commis sioner will, at Fearrington Station, in Chatham County, on Wednesday, October 15, 1919, offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described tracts of land: 1st tract: Lyinp and being in New Hope Township, Chatham County, N. C, and bounded on the north by the lands of Mrs. Lula Latham; on the east by Charlie Lassiter; on the south by th3 Williams estate; on the west by New Hope creek, it being a sub-division of the old Fearrington estate, con taining 112 acres. 2nd tract: Beginning at the right of way of the Durham and South Carolina railroad at a point where the Chapel Hill and . Fayettevilfe road joins the right of way of the Durham and South Carolina railroad; thence up said Coun ty road in a northerniy direction, a dis tance of 100 feet: thence in a southern ly direction, a distance of 100 feet to the Durham and South Carolina rierht j of way; thence to run in an easterly direction paralleled with said right of I way to the beginning. It being the lot ,1 on which the j earrinston store house 1 Dress" m I The f o CP was situated and owned bv J. cu. aeceasea. 13. Coun- Time of sale 12 o'clock old time and one o'clock new time. This 15th day of September, 1919. W. P. HOKTON, Commissioner. Pittsboro. N. C. Sammons ly Putolicnlaoii North Carolina, Chatham County In the Superior Court, before the Clerk. J. B. Ennis ar.'J wile, Ennis, W. L. Ennis and wife, Ennis, vs Joseph Ilendiy. Richard Ennis, Flor ence Ennis, Delia Little. Ennis Lit tle, Robert Li trie, Woodson Ennis, jr., and R lert Ennis. The defendants above r.amea win i proceeding, entitled Means Success and Happiness Your appearance is your best asset. There are some very essential things about dress ing up. There must be sus taining quality. The style must be right. The fabrics must be tried and tested. It must suit your personality. It must suit your purse. When you get these essen tials in a suit or anything to make your "dress up" com plete you're right and the place to find them is the De Luxe Clothier. "COME AND SEE" is air we ask. You'll find the successful appearance will not cost so much and that your pocket bo. k will keep comfortable. "Kuppenheimer," "Stein Bloch" and others make them and Boone makes the price to suit you. y.i' ! uiKe notice u C. R. Boone "Good Quality Spells What BOONE Sells.' De Luxe Clothier. Raleigh, N. C. Farmers Bank, Pittsboro, N. C. mm r, r as above, Superior ( c ;. C., for the of land loc". Chatham C'r t a .res, more Iiia T)lac:. or DR. J. C. lYE-SIGHT SPECIALIST .'js'.in t !ero,.V d itVnd.i .i:e.y :r ''"!e''k u C i: 1 -!;'. at in P:tt. r-u-: t the ;. ;iie 1 Z:::':Z&!P-.?i American Limestone Corny Knoxville, Tenn. W.ll be atLr. Chapm's effice, Pittsboro, N. C., every 4th Tuesday in each month. Classes fitted that are easy and restful to the eyes. Cress-eyes straightened without the knife. Weak eyes of chil dren and young people a specialty. My next visit will be Tuesaay. Oct. 23. iijiWII iMMiirwrarnrrM i nrTTT" - Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as administrator of aa4-oforf Hannnh Oliver, deceased. this is to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to present the same duly authenticated to the un dersigned on or before the 28th day of August, 1920, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate payment. This Aueust 28, 1919. C. W. BURKE, Admr. A. C. Ray, Attorney. Petition For Change ot Public Road ' North Carolina, Chatham County Of ' fice Road Board of Chatham Coun I ty, September 1st, 1919. . To whom it may concern: This is to notity all persons interest- ! 1 that petition has been filed with Acr.n v.-.. the Road Board of Chatham county 'y questing a change to be made in the road lndiro- from Silk Hoik' fr, ti e Alvis Desraffenreidt land and run ning to Frank Henderson s store, ine purpose of this request is to straighten the road and avoio a steep hill ana bad marshy place at the branch known as the "Henry tfrancn, saia cuangs x be located ' across the lands of Alvis Deeraffenreidt, in Hadley township. ..TI . . . ;ii 1 I J 1... r...-,. iVia ; l nis matter win ue eaiu uciw -"- i eut- conmicnoed ;n tne : Chatham County, N. ;.-:saof sSi'iiiis thai tract a' 1 in C nter U-.vnth!p, l.y, I-'. C, i-M;ta:n:rg400j us3, an-l known as the J tl:3 I.Mii, and in-! f : occt ds from the 'sa'e I : securities; and the said ' :i further take notice that lr;;i to t,:"pc:r before the ; :-j::r'oc .VUit of siid d::y-cf bcp!en:bcr, , ' '..u -::- of said County, ' :'. C. . ..d :.nsvt r or de- ;.'aint iii tho ?a;d pro-' .iaintius v. ill a?j!y to relief demanded hi ,1 . C. Cler !-tember, 1!)j9. L. CUIFPils, Superior Cour! i. Countv Ir. t'ourtr bef.Te the Clerk. L:tra'-or of w liham Austin McCormick, Sanford, N. , lT"",'IUI''Vi'"''n!-i'i''g5y: C, District Agent. Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as executrix of octato rf H T. flhanin. deceased. .1 i t. . - - 1 . - this is to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to present the same duly authenticated to the un dersigned on or before the 11th day of September, 1920, or this notice will be dead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make im mediate payment. Sept. 11, 1919. ANNIE F, CHAPIN, Executrix. Road Board of Chatham county on the first Monday in OctoDer. 1919. All per sons who object to the change above mentioned will appear .before the Roaa Board on the first Monday in October to note their objections. This 2nd day of September, 1919. R. L. WARD, Chmn Road Board Chatham Co. Farm for Sale Small farm; 35 acres in timber, balance In cultivation, ; well water ed, good dwelling house, feed and tobacco barns. Seven miles east of PittsboJo. in New Hope township. A. D. BURGESS, au28 4tp Apex, Rt 4. For Rent. Good one-horse farm,5 fine orchard, dwelling and outhouses. Will rent for two years, cheap, or sell. Apply at The Record office. ' se!8 v3 V Ch the ft'. I 1). Mciver. f:dmin Dal ton, de-eased, vs Lsnie Dalton Kaglar.d and A. D. In land, her husband, .Uason Dalton and Harvey Dalton. To the above defendants, Mason Dal ton and Harvey Dalton Greeting: You will take notice that an action, a? above entitled, has baen institutf-d i ; the Superior Court oi Chatham Ccun cv N C, by the plaintiff above named, for the purpose of having certain lands ui;,r tr tho nlaintirlS intestate onid fnr the nurnose ot making assets . And you. Mason Dalton and Harvey Dalton, will further taKe notice tna you are hereby commanded to ba and personally appear before the under signed, Clerk of the Superior Court in and for Chatham County, N. C, at his office in Pittsboro, said County and State, on Saturday, October 4 th, 1919, i r.r- rfwmiir to the fnmnlain t of the plaintiff in this cause, whicn has j been filed, or the plaintiff will mov e for ' the relief demanded therein. Given under my hand this the 9th day of September. 91l9.giiiffin Clerk of the Superior Court for Chat ham County, N. C. Siler & Barber, Attys ior Plaintiff. Notice to Creditors'" Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of John L. Council, deceased, this is to notify ail persons holding claims against said ef tate to present the same duly authenticated to the un dersigned on or before the 4th day of 3ine Quality (But ezu C jf if When selecting- fine.crystal for a bride, or to use in your home when entertaining, one naturally comes to Jollys The experienced tyiyer knows this store is to be de pended upon to have at all times a display of the new est patterns in finest quality cut glass. In stemware of leaded, blown cut glass, we have now especially inter esting pieces and values. Goblets, set of 6. Long Stem Sherbet, 6. Short Stem Sherbets, 6. JOLLY'S Established 30 Years Jolly & Wynne Jewelry Co., RALEIGH, N. C. September. 1920, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make im mediate payment. This September 4, 1319. ' NETTIE C. COUNCIL, Admx. A. C. Ray, Attorney. :.i