I am' Sincere! Stop Calomel! I Guarantee Dodson's Liver Tone Listen to me! Calomel sickens and yon may lose a day's work. If bilious, constipated or headachy read my guarantee. Liven up your sluggish liver! Feel fine and cheerful; make your work a pleasure; be vigorous and full of am bition. But take no nasty, dangerous calomel, because it makes you sick and you may lose a day's work. Calomel is mercury of quicksilver, which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel crashes into sour bile like dynamite.. breaking it up. That's when you feel that awful nausea and cramp ing. Listen to me ! If you want to enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced, just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone tonight. Tour druggist or dealer sells you a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents under my personal money-back guarantee that each spoonful will clean your sluggish liver better than a dose of nasty calo mel and that it won't make you sick. Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver medicine. You'll know It next morn ing, because you will wake up feeling fine, your liver will be working; head ache and dizziness gone; stomach will be sweet and bowels regular. , Dodson's Liver Tone Is entirely vegetable, therefore harmless and can not salivate. Give It to your children. Millions of people are using Dodson's Liver Tone instead of dangerous calo mel now. Your druggist will tell you that the sale of calomel is almost stopped entirely here. Adv. WHEN YOU SUFFER FROM RHEUMATISM Almost any man will tell you that Sloan's Liniment mean? relief For practically every man has used It who has suffered from rheumatic aches, soreness of muscles, stiffness of joints, the results of weather exposure. Women, too, by the hundreds of thousands, use it for relieving neuritis, lame backs, neuralgia, sick headache. Clean, refreshing, soothing, economi cal, quickly effective. Say "Sloan's Liniment" to your druggist. Get it todaj. 35c. 70c, $1.40 HEATH TO CHILLS Removes the cause by destroying the germs of MALARIA. At your drug tore, 60c; money back if no good. BEHREXS DRl'C CO., Waco, Texas ffllEl Honey back without question if HUNT'S &&.LYE fails in the treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA, RING WOKM,TBTTEB or other Itching skin diseases. Price 75c at druggists, or direct from i.Mlcsvds MtdlclM CoUwnaajM. About Ready to Give Up. Jane was barely getting over an at tack of measles when she contracted the mumps. When her father said: "Well, how's little daughter today?" she replied: "Oh, daddy, I'se dist not worth junk." THICK, SWOLLEN GLANDS that make a horse Wheeze, Roar, have Thick Wind or Choke-down, can be reduced with also other Bunches or swellings. No blister. no hair gone, and horse kept at work, bcc nomical only a few drops required at an appli cation. $2.50 per bottle delivered, look 3 8 free. ABSORBINE, JH, tie antiseptic liniment for man kind, reduces Cysts, Wens, Painful, Swollen Veins and Ulcers. $1.25 a bottle at dealers or delivered. Book"Eviuence" free. Hf J.YOUNG. P. D. F.. IIP feaslt SU Sorlnoffatd. Mass. IlLLIOlS Suffer from Acid-Stomach Millions of people Buffer year after year from ailments affecting; practically every part of the body, never dreaming: that their 111 health can be traced directly to acid stomach. Here is the reason: poor digestion means poor nourishment of the different org-ans and tissues of the body. The blood is Impoverished becomes weak, thin, slugeish. Ailments of many kindj spring from such conditions. Biliousness, rheumatism, lum-bag-o, sciatica, general weakness, loss of power and energy, headache. Insomnia, nervousness, mental depression even mors serious ailments such as catarrh and cancer of the stomach. Intestinal ulcers, cirrhosis Of the liver, heart trouble all of these can often be traced directly to actd-ctomach. Keep a sharp lookout for the first symp toms of acid-stomach Indigestion, heart burn, belching, food repeating, that awful painful bloat after eating, and sour, gassy stomach. EATONIC. the wonderful modern remedy for acid-stomach, is guaranteed to bring quick relief from these stomach mis eries. Thousands say they never dreamed that anything could bring such speedy relief and make them feel so much better In every wav. Try EATONIC and you, too, will be just as enthusiastic in its praise. Make your life worth living no aches or pains no blues or melancholy no more of that tired, listless feeling. Be well and strong. Get back your physical and mental punch; your vim, vigor and vitality. Tou will always be weak and ailing as long as you have acid-stomach. So get rid of it now. Take EATONIC Tablets they taste good you eat them like a bit of candy. Tour druggist has EATONIC SO cents for a big box. Get a box from him today and if you re not satisfied he will refund your money. ATONIC PRINTING PRESSES Paper Cotters, Other Machines and Material Bought at Foreclosure Sale, Will Be Sold at Greatly Reduced Prices A first-class printing outfit, valued tit more than $6,000, and including Cylinder Press, C. & P. Jobbers, two Paper Cutters, Stapling Machines, Wire Stitcher, Proof Presses, News paper Folder, Imposing Stones in Hard wood Coffin Tables, Handsome Job Bank, News Racks, Leads and Slugs, Metal and Wood Furniture and L. S. Keglet, and hundreds of cases of Type. This plant was bought in at fore closure sale, and is offered for sale as a whole or in part. Printers who are In need of machinery, material, or type, will do well to investigate this outfit. Let us know what you need and we will be pleased to quote you a price that will Interest you. ADDRESS BOX 149, JOHNSTON, S. C DOWN IN BED AND SO WEAK Lady Suffered Terribly for Eight Weeks But Her Case Showed Wonderful Improvement After Taking Cartful Johnson City, Tenn. Mrs. M. R. Scott, living near this town, states: "About three years ago I was down in bed . . . terrible and so weak I couldn't bear the sight of food. This condition continued for about eight weeks ... I thought I was go ing to die, and knew I must get some thing to do me some good. I had heard all my life of Cardui and the good results obtained from its use. So I decided to try it. After about a half bottle of Cardui my appetite improved, then I was less nervous. I kept It up until I had taken five bottles alid such an Im provement! I gained flesh and now am the picture of health, due, I be lieve, solely to the use of Cardui. I am the mother of ten children and feel well and strong. Cardui is a mild, medicinal tonic for women. It has stood the most severe of all tests the test of time, having been In use for over forty years. It Is composed of purely veg etable Ingredients, which have been found to help build up the vitality, tone up the nerves,- and strengthen the womanly constitution. Try Cardui. Adv. Wearisome Rivalry. "Tou never complain of the weath er." "Why complain? The best you can do Is to stari somebody in an ef fort to show that he is a more accom plished kicker than you are." GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER In the good old summer time when fruits of all kinds are getting ripe and tempting, when cucumbers, rad ishes and vegetables fresh from the garden are too good to resist, when the festive picnic prevails and everybody overeats and your stomach goes back on you, then Is the time for "August Flower," the sovereign remedy for tired, overworked and disordered stom achs, a panacea for indigestion, fer mentation of food, sour stomach, sick headache and constipation. It gently stimulates the liver, cleanses the in testines and alimentary canal, making life worth living. Sold everywhere. Adv. Fell Down. Willis What's the matter with Bump? Gillis He was playing on a margin and fell off the edge. Judge. DISCOURAGED Nr. Renter Was Almost Helpless From Kidney Trouble, Bnt Doan's Hade Him Well. "I was in terrible shape from kidney trouble," says D. Reuter, North St., West Chicago, III. "I couldn't stoop because of the awful pains in my back and the steady, dull misery almost drove me irantic. 1 had to be helped out of bed mornings, the pains across my kidneys were so bad and nobody knows the agony I went through. I couldn't do anything and was almost helpless; it seemed I would never get well. At times everything in front of me grew dark tiiI T C eral minutes. I perspired profusely and I was thirsty all the time. The urine passed far too often and burned like scalding water. The passages were scanty and I had no cvn trol over them. "For two years I suffered, trying medicine after medicine without relief. I was just about discouraged and didn't think I would ever be able to work again. Hearing about Doan's Kidney Pills I used them and four boxes cured me. My kidneys became normal, my back got well and strong and all the other troubles disappeared." Sworn tb before me. ji JAS. W. CARR, ' t Notary Public. Get Dots' at Any Store, 60e a Bos DOAN'S "gsssr FOSTER-MILBURN CO- BUFFALO. N. Y. Crap svrfSgggr VJrrnrr A&D at drug -(JtiE. STORES OR 11.00 BY MAIL SAM E. RICHARDSON DRUGGIST URBANNA.VA. KODAKS & SUPPLIES We also do highest class of finishing. Prices and Catalogue upon request. S. Caletki Optical Co., Richmond, Va. INDIGESTION Quickly relieved by SAX-8PEAR-MINTO. Send 25 eents In stamps for large trial box to The 6al-8pear-Mlnto Co., New York, who will refund money if results are not satisfactory. W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 39-1919. Always Hopeful. "Your. real fisherman is a true op timist." -What now?" "Look at Flubdub. The dock Is so high that his line won't reach the wa ter." Well?" "So he's angling for flying fish." Louisville Courier-Journal. IfTDFNFt Be Refreshes. Seofbet, H.ala Kfn wnnr F.trM '!" 1 Srrano- and Healthv. If they Tire, Smart, Itch, or Burn, if Sore, Irritated, Inflamed or Granulated. use Murine often. Safe for Infant or Adult At all Druggist. Write for Free Eye Book. mbtiiic eye Keaeey ttapuy r whmh in HOME TOWN HELP5E ERROR HOME BUILDERS MAKE Too Many Seem to Forget That Indi viduality Is a Requisite for Attractiveness. The house which Is the real home, beautiful and yet intimate, whether its possessor bn rich or poor. Is hard to find. Go among the dwellings of the rich, and you will find thousands of hand some p'.aces, architecturally correct, supplied with every convenience, and yet lacking something. Something which jou are puzzled to put your fin ger on the home note withal. Cities of the "country have numbers f handsome residences of the more expensive type. Some of them are ad mired academically for their correct ness and their magnificence; tney np peal to one's sense of the beautiful and to one's civic pride, but of the thou sands of these houses there are only a few that bear the aspect of real homes to the average man. Wander among the houses, of the poor and you will find row on row of dingy habitations, crowded one on top of the other, perhaps painted a gray bfue and sadly in need of another coat. Not a tree, a shrub nor a flower near by. Houses and grounds so much alike that a nag might go into any one of a dozen of them for his own, In a fit of absent-mindedness. Yet the owner could be no more pos sessed of money than he is and still own a much more attractive place. His initial mistake was in picking a house of the same pattern as all the others in the street. He could have picked one, not more expensive but less com mon, If he had tried harder. One, too, that had an inviting coat of paint on it. Then he should have proceeded to develop a front lawn and garden, to plant some trees, if needful, as well as some vines to decorate the house and redeem It from the commonplace. MODEL VILLAGES IN ENGLAND Country Is Recognizing Necessity of Improvement in General Hous ing Conditions. It Is said that the average English middle-class home Is so ugly it ought to be just burned down, and English men are just beginning to realize this fact, with the result that all over Eng land plans are afoot to build model villages and model suburbs. Brighton is the rst to lead the way. It is building a super-suburb, consist ing of 900 houses, so planned that there will be not more than ten to the acre. This will allow each house a gar den of 1G rods or 640 feet. The suburb is to be built in an or chard setting. Fruit trees will line the roadway. There will be no walls, the gardens being divided by hedges. There will be recreation grounds, al lotments and common playgrounds. The houses are to be built on modern and artistic lines, the internal arrange ments being the last word in houstt comfort. The only fly In the ointment is the question of the small boys. Will they be model enough to Inhabit a model suburb, or will they help themselves to the fruit that abounds in the public thoroughfares? It is hoped they will become imbued with a great respect for communal rights and thus grow up first-class democrats. Fruits on Highways. We have much to learn from other countries, and the general plea for the fruit tree along highways Is not so Im practicable as many seem to think. Japanese cherries are famous the world over for the beauty of their flowers and foliafe. Community spray ing would at once change the possi bilities of fruit raising and lessen the number of decayed orchards of which we hear. Many a township might easily become famous through the com munal fruit It might raise along Its roadside and induce its farmers to take up as well, sending to the markets only the perfect fruit and preserving the rest in marketable form. A farmer, observing a dozen fine Baldwin apple trees on the roadside by his place bear ing a full harvest of perfect fruit, will not long resist the temptation to try some over his fence. For Town Improvement. New England has an organization known as the clean-up campaign com mittee whose work apparently covers all the six states. It offers as a prize each year a loving cup to the town or city showing the best results in the way of neatness ajid beautification. The award has just been made for this year and the cup has gone to Maiden, Mass., for the third time. Other towns which have received it are Manchester, N. H., which won the prize twice ; and Hartford, Conn. Gardens in Cities. It Is the city dweller who needs the garden most. Anyone who has a back yard and refuses to turn it into a gar den has a burden on his soul! Be sides yourself many people look down Into a city back yard they can't be shut off like a country estate It must speak of ugliness and neglect and dis couragement to many or It may sing at morning, noon and night a fresh hymn of hope and beauty, of freshness and new beginnings. Exchange. He Knew Him. "What do you mean, young man, asked the merchant of the boy, "by counting your change so carefully. Are you afraid that I would cheat you?" "I don't know," replied the boy. "I'm just making sure that you won't I used to be caddie for you at the golf club." And He's Generally Right. After the average man has reached the three score and ten mark he can sum up his life In these few words: "What a fool I've been !" Habit Is Strong. Cleveland. O. A bugle call sounded and Andrew Hardos, motorman, slam med on the brake and snapped to attention. "Run over somebody?" passengers asked. "Naw. Thought I was still in the army." Raised Gerrnan Flag Over Home. Brooklyn.--!?; displaying a German flag over hlsTIrome, Frank Sovansky, a Hungarian, was sentenced to 30 days In the workhouse. The flag was burned by angry neighbors. I AM GLAD TO ENDORSE PE-RU-NA Glad to Try Anything "Three years ago my system was in a terribly ran down con dition and I was broken out all over my body. I began to be wor ried about my condition and I was s-lad to try anything: which would relieve me. Ferun wa recommended to me as a fine blood remedy and tonic, ana I soon found that It was worthy of praise. A few bottles caused my condition materially and in a short time I was all over my trouble. I owe my restoration to health and strength to Peruna. X am glad to endorse It J Sold Everywhere Was in a Terribly Run Down Condition L$- J HIIbb Rleka IeODOld. 288 Layco - St.. Menasha, Wis., Setfy Liederkranz. Kiss Leopold s letter opposite conveys In no un certain way the gratitude she feels for Peruna. Xifqnld aad Tablet Form Healthy Babies Laugh and Play Health in babyhood comes from proper digestion by regulating the stomach and causing the bowels to move as they should. MRS. W I NS LOWS SYRUP The Infants' and Children's Regulator for this purpose produces most remarkable and gratifying results. Best of all children's remedies to relieve constipation, flatulency, wind colic, diarrhoea, and other disorders. This health Riving preparation is purely vegetable contains no opiates, nar cotics or alcohol just an agreeable, highly beneficial and potent remedy, made of the very best harmless ingredieiftB obtainable, as the formula below shows Senna Sodium Citrate Oil of Anise Caraway Glycerine Rhubarb Sodium Bicarbonate Fennel. Coriander Sugar Syrup ANGLO-AMERICAN DRUG CO. 215-217 Fulton SU.N.Y. General Silling Agtnttt Harold F. Kitcais & Ce.. Inc. Nsw Tsrk Tarsals, Cassis f 1 215-217 Fulton lt,N.Y. M '. Cneral Billing Agtntt t m 1 ! CA - P V-V HsroU F. Kitcki h. Cs., lac A A k VS ? Y V!) Tsrssts, Csasaa J nnnvunt lunnr bft&lthv life! Tk. KA1A km.. ri n it i n it with l&nffhtr and ailed wltt good times. Is your honse one of these? Bow many mothers realize tbat THBUR OWN bealth Is the fountain bead of the bealtb of the whole family? The mother Is the center. Ber health of mind and body Is reflected la everything around ner. If ng are NOT well, if yon are nerrons, irritable. can't play, can't eat with any appetite, the chances i your liver is out vi oraer. Tf- I.tVHRB APB. It Is a Drenarstlon mnltlna AvnHmnt .ntf eilnle&l oractice It an eminent pbrilc you hae HTer trouble, tndlsestinn. constipation or the "bines," It will 1 7Z.- gnlcfclT help yon. Good for the Whole Family, lnclndlnc Dad. BeweUt HCQllIlLf Try LlVHRBASB! Send II 00 for a regular site. It will act at onoe. 11 J If not saUsOed. we return your money. Address, CIllluTCJlt, DELHI CHEMICAL COMPANY. Station D. BALTIMORE, MD. i. can't work. .cos are that HgaJthy hVatonir mother- SOLD FOR SO YEARS For MALARIA, CHILLS and FEVER Also a Fine General Strengthening Tonic. SOLD IT ALL PKOG ST0I7 It Makes a Difference. "Well, my hoy has discovered one thing since he returned from the war." "What's that?" "He's found out that he has to be formally Introduced to a lot of girls who used to he tickled to death to dance with him when he was wear ing his uniform." "BAYER CROSS" ON GENUINE ASPIRIN "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" to b genuine must be marked with tht safety "Bayer Cross." Always buy an unbroken Bayer package which con tains proper directions to safely re lieve Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Cole's and pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cents at drug stores larger packages also. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetic acidester of Salicylicacid. Adv. WE LICK IT WElL.Kt IT AT EDGERTON S MEDICATED LT BRICK Cures most trouble in horses and cattle. Fattens them and keeps them fat. Results guaranteed or money back. Made of 80 salt, balance weighs 3 lbs. Blocks 5 lbs. Stays hard. Nearly all merchants have it. For particulars, Edgerton Salt Brick Co. Goldsboro, N. C; Atlanta, Ga., and Memphis, Tenn. Salesmen wanted. ADVISED HIM TO GO SLOW Darky's Peculiar Reason for Wanting Son to Be Easy on His "Pen Arm" for a While. x "George," said a Florida man not long ago to an old negro in his employ, "I understand that you intend to give your son an education." "Dat's my intention, suh," responded George. "I know myself what 'tis to struggle along without learnin,' an' I has determined my son ain't goin' to have no sich trouble as Ise had." "Is your son learning rapidly?" "He shore is, suh. Las' week be done wrote a lei tali to his aunt what lives more'n twenty miles from jere, an' afta while he's goln' to write to his aunt dat lives 'bout fifty miles from yere." "Why doesn't he write to that aunt now?" smilingly asked his employer. "He kain't write so fur yit, suh. He kin write twenty miles fust rate, but I tole him not to try fifty miles 'til he gets stronger wf his pen." Jackson ville Times-Union. The Army's Efficiency. Friend How's your boy getting on In the army, Mr. Johnson? Johnson Wonderful ! I feel a great sense of security. An army that can make my boy get up early, work hard all day and go to bed early can do any thing! American Boy. $100,000,000 to Remodel Warsaw. Remodeling city of Warsaw, Poland, will take 12 years at an estimated cost of $100,000,000. When You Need a Good Tonic Take BABEK THH QUICK AND SUBB CUB 11 FOB Malaria, Chills, Fever and Grippe CONTAINS NO QUINIXB ALL, DRUGGISTS or by Parcel Post, prepaid, from Kloczewski Jt Co., Washington, D. C. Where Poor Sermons Come From. The little group on the steps of Say mouth's general store and post office were discussing the ministers' conven tion, then in session at the state capi tal, and Squire Lane, who had been "assessed" for his share of Rev. Mr. Lamb's expenses, said that in his opin ion there were a good many better ways of spending five days. "Cheaper, too," he added feelingly. After' a sjgh of sympathy had com pleted a circle of the little group, Joe Rollins, who in village estimate, "wa'n't all there," asked "what they held them conventions for, anyway." "They meet once a year to swap ser mons," replied- the squire. "Now I know why we get such poor ones !" said Joe, momentarily enlight ened. "Mr. Lamb never did amount to anything In a trade." Youth's Companion. No Help. . "Now that the war is over I dare say your boy can write you where he is located in France." "Oh, yes," said Mr. Cobbles, "but the Information doesn't do me an' mother any good. He might just as well say he's 'somewhere in France.' The names of them French villages don't mean anyth'ng to people who've never been outside of the state they were born in." -"Birmingham Age-Herald, n A dish you II always relish At breakfast or lunch, with either milk or cream GiopeNuts fills jb. requirement for -nourishment not met by many cereals. . r No cooking No waste . At Grocers Everywhere. 31 Mg-.-M Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It Applicants for Insurance Often Rejected. Judging from reports . from druggists who are constantly in direct touch with the public, there is one preparation that has been very successful in overcooiiog these conditions. The mild and healing influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its remarkable record of success. An examining physician for one of the prominent Life Insurance Companies, in an interview of the subject, made the as tonishing statement that one reason why so many applicants for insurance are re jected is because kidney trouble is so common to the American people, and the large majority of those whose applica tions are declined do not even suspect that they have the disease. It is on sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. The Devastated Areas. "Yes," observed the sergeant major (volunteer) to the unwilling working party (retainable), "some o' you lads don't seem to realize that you're well off. You might be on the Rhine 'aving 'yms of 'ate sung at you all day long. You might be on the Somme, working side by side with Chinks and Jerries. Instead o' which 'ere you are In love ly country, god society, beaucoup estaminary an' beaucoup mademoi selles. An' still you won't put your backs Into It. Very well. If you want a change' you shall 'ave one. I'll 'ave the whole lot of you transferred to the demonstrated' areas!" Manchester Guardian. $100 Reward, $100 Catarrh Is a local disease greatly Influ enced by constitutional conditions. It therefore requires constitutional treat ment. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is taken Internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sy tem. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE destroys the foundation of the disease, rives the patient strength by Improving; the general health and assists nature In doing its work. $100.00 for any case cf Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE fails to cure. Druggists 75c. Testimonials free. 3T. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. Signs Pointed That Way. Visitor What makes you think Wil liam will grow up to be a great doc tor? Fond Mother While playing doctor with his little playmates, he said: "Gentlemen, before we begin to oper ate, you hold the patient's hands and feet, I'll get the three cents out of his right-hand pocket." BACK LIKE A BOARD? IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS There's no use suffering from the awful agony of lame back. Don't wait till it "passes oC" It only comes back. Find the cause and stop it. Diseased conditions of kidneys are usually indi cated by stiff lame backs and other wrenching pains, which are nature's sig nals for nelp I Here's the remedy. When you feel the first twinges of pain or experi ence any of these symptoms, get busy at once. Go to your druggist and get a box of the pure, original GOLD MiSDA-L Haarlem Oil Capsules, im ported fresh every month from the lrboratories in Haarlem, Holland. Pleasant and easy to take, they instant ly attack the poisonous germs clogging your system and bring quick relief. For over two hundred years they have been helping the sick. Why not try them? Sold everywhere by re liable druggists in sealed packages. Three sizes. Money back if they do not help. you. Ask for .."GOLD MEDAL" and be sure the name "GOLD MEDAL" is on the box. -Adv. Source of Fancy. "Read any new fiction lately?" asked the lady with the pink hat at the health resort. "No, I must confess I have not," re plied the lady with the blue creation. "What's wrong? Isn't you husband wilting to you while you are away?" Yonkers Statesman. Indigestion produce disagreeable and sometimes alarming symptoms. Wright's Indian Vegetable Fills stimulate the diges tive processes to function naturally. Adv. Were It not for the things we are going to do life would not be worth living. x Habits are like porous plasters, easy to acquire and hard to get rid of. Nationally Accepted Wfoll Tint N Package Genuine Without Cross and Circle Printed in Bad To Get Alabastine Resultt You Must Ask for Alabastine by Name We Hand You the Package That Puts Health and Cheerfulness in Your Home Smoked, grimy, papered, painted or kalsomined walls are a menace to health and offensive to the discriminating: housewife. Alabastine is so economical, so durable, so sanitary, so easy to mix acj apply that it is universally used in securing proper wall conditions. Alabastine is used in the homes, schools, churches and on all kinds of interior surfaces, whether plaster, wallboard, over painted walls, or even over old wallpaper that is solid on the wall and not printed in aniline colors. Alabastine is packed in dry powder in full five pound packages, requiring only pure cold water to mix, with directions on each package. You will readi!y appreciate the economy of Alabastine over other methods, and remember it is used in the finest homes and public buildings every where, dc sure you get Alabastine, and it your dealer cannot or will not supply you, write direct for sample card and color designs with name of nearest dealer. New walls demand Alabastine, old walls ap preciate Alabastine. Alabastine Company 1646 GrandvUlc Ave. Grand Rapids. Mich. More Coming. Buddy, my five-year-old commanding general, had spent the day at the cir cus, chaperoned by his mother, and in the evening after I came home from the office he was telling me all about it. He paused in the middle of a glow ing .description of the clowns and everything to say: "Now, daddy, give me a penny and I'll tell you the else of it." Chicago Tribune. MIX IN ONI MINUTE WITH COIB WATM THE ONLY TOOL " HKDEPTOUPPtv The Stronr Withstand the Heat of Summer Better Than the Weak Old people who are feeble and younger people who are weak, will be strengthened and enabled to go through the depressing heat of summer by taking Grove's tasteless chill tonle. It purifies and enriches the blood and builds up the whole system. Tou can aoon feel Its Strengthening, Invigorating Effect. 1 0c Calling the Stenog. "What's your push-button code?" "One ring my stenographer breaks off conversation with the handsome bookkeeper." "Yes." "Two rings she puts her hair into place." . "Go on." "Three rings she finds her note book. When I get thoroughly mad she arrives." Judge. ve ihetn 1 cf-f Beefflee Stock & P.ouUry Medicine The old reliable BLACK-DRAUGHT for Stockand poultry Asfcyour merchant! Mtr chants : ASkywr jobbers aalasmut 6out BC Det! Styles for VHigh School Chaps N Young Men and Men V who appreciate style without ex- mA$ travagance. Ef 4 The "Gold Bond" Certificate in the jp pocket of each garment insures com- I m 3 plete and lasting satisfaction. M is "3 CBB. Puar Price v IP i f I WHEN you see this famous Yj trade-mark, think a minute! Think of the delicious taste of a slice of fresh toasted bread! That's the real idea back of the success of Lucky Strike cigarettes. Toasting improves tobacco just as well as bread. And that's a lot. Try a Lucky Strike cigarette toasted i 19

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