v BANK OF PITTSBORO; A THURSDAY. OCTOBER 23, 1919 Business Opportunities g a Clover 16c a pound, iRve S2.35 bushel, Seed Oats J5S hShelat RJ Moore. Slvan2ed Roofing at R. I. Moore's. 7a& For Sale Cheap: 159 Z timbered land, two miles west a PitWro; crossties bringing big 0 1- timber will about pay for place. F-nCt soS no improvements; $35 acre; ,V,X vond.nobetter,sold2weefcsago lan n acre Don't write unless you for Jw ac.rJ- Tu:9 tract belones to n business- This tract "Ton res dent client why it -H.R-Ihrie, Pitts This tract belongs to j it is ottered so cheap. - n.n- titedt Machine and Vitm-n and Rubbers. We could L,a , f a few inexperienced young a K who want to learn the furniture Jfftnew Regular work, full time, bU av Address the White Fur Company, Mebane, N.C - 2t bTPublic Many peo- nle are of the impression that because F nnne-ht Mr. Lanius store I have bandoneVmy law office I wish to annouVe that the store will not inter C with the practice of my professon 1 which I have been actively engaged or more than a quarter of a century U, addition to Federal license I hold i.rnnnent law licenses in 3 States. & R Ihrie Law Offices over Dr.Cha-H- .R- t i,L N. C. bl62m ENLARGING RECORD To Expand to Eight Pages Next Week On account of the increasing ad- Tertisements and circulation, for some time we have been contemplat ing enlarging the size of The Record. Last January the paper was enlarg ed from seven columns to eight col umns. Beginning with our next is sue, the paper will be enlarged to eiht pages of six columns eacn, four pages beig printed at home, containing local and editorial news, and the other four pages being printed at Charlotte by the Western Newspaper Union. We trust that our subscribers will appreciate this effort to serve them by increased and enlarged news fa cilities and that the few that are in arrears will at once pay up. LOCAL RECORDS -Horse traders are getting to be a scarce article m this burg. Mrs. Harry Bell, of Washington, D. C, is visiting Mrs. B. Nooe. M-s. Dr. Gradv. of Kenley.has been visiting her niece, Mrs. Fletcher Mann. - Mrs. W. C. Connell, of Henderson- ville, is visiting her son, Mr. R. M. Connell. Commander J. J. London, U. S S. Columbia, New York, will arrive Sat urday on a short visit here. -The Winnie Davis Chapter of U. D. C. will meet Monday afternoon at 3:d'J o clock at the school library. -Pittsboro High School was closed yesterday in order to give the students an opportunity to attend the State fair. -There will be a call meeting of the Womans' Club Saturday afternoon at 4:oy at Mrs. Jacob lhomDSon s. A full attendance is urged. -On account of the scarcity of labor work on the Farmers' Bank and the ex tension ot th store of Brooks & Eu banks have not begun yet. -Mr. S. P. Teaeu. of Albrieht township, was the first to pay his State lnd county taxes this year. He has ceen tne nrst to nav his taxes for sev eral years. Tf tHavA la -: .i mtic ia any iiiiug tu aigua mere ji& a nara winter ahead of us. Farmers 8ay that persimmon trees are loaded IdOWn With tha frm Wnt Anl,f o.o fk nwncnn! o! 1 i ,. 3iiC uui, uiey are ripening ?eryfast. Notwithstanding the heavy down ur of rain, which fell her parlv Jterday morning, many of the citizens of the town and county went to Ral (iph to attend the fair, most of them jyuig 0y tram. i -Mr. T. M. Bland has sold hi3 hom 'ace. one miU ootAf fj- Beard and has bought the residence formerly occuDied hv Mr Wm John. pn, near the western limits of town, (nd moved there last Thursday. ,At the meeting of the County Board education, held recently, a petition Irom the vntan in w.i f wet, tape Fear township, for an flection to be held -on the question of i i, A special tax to Duild 8 new pool building, was approved. I -Miss Bessie Carroll, a daughter of l Thos. Carroll, of Hickory Moun- n v. , "'P' wno nas Been empioyea n the Bureau of Supplies and Acaounts l , J artutll lull, uao i coign- r ner .Position and returned to accept Position with the Bureau Of Markets, Celebrates His Birthday Yum tn Fry words makes your mouth water. ana xaiers is what 'Squire K. Bu had for his dinner last Sun hZ w hr? celebrated his 84th birth lin.K Burns ia the olde8t citizen in fittsboro and probably the oldest magis trate m the county having served in frvL pac;ty for4 years. Besides tk! any cases he has become known Wh mmarry,nK magistrate" having Vnd sorT C,uples together to fight HaLtnan any man in the countv. birthda,a8q"ir.e ,live to have many more f ish f w0F0Sgdinnera-is played th sfe'Vf am, of Pi"sboro here last Friday Scout ? team The score was in f,va one-sided game, to 1. While th" eam7 f K, 7 and the young ladies Uas ,n Proress I'Boo-lee-lee'ongXf.their bp and stopped some drove fcrowrf. 'Sm,Tra r Ju stance from the ilways johnnie-on-the-snnn1"' w(wh() ta vitnessintr th m' fP01) who was to the car and in a pairVUmmoned ast words were said by the mL& e hann W " 7- ,on nt. ' The . tT V "-""Fc ouun IKII lor thai, u n Baldwin townehin. their hom "-f Increases Capital Stock and Takes Step Forward At a meeting of the stockholders of v..c ucu.v i uisuuro last rnursday it was unanimously decided to increase ic ,Amst0SkLd,v,dend of 50 per cent, or?5,000, of the present surplus of $10 -000, was voted to the old stockholders. Additional $5,000 worth of new stock will be sold, making the total paid in capital stock $20,000. -, This forward step by the oldest bank m the county will greatlv add to the strength of .the bank. The stockhold ers will now be liable to the depositors for $40,000, or double the amount of the capital stock, which, in addition to the remaining surplus and undivided profits, will give nearly $50,000 protec- other assets of the bank. The total re sources of the", bank are now ever a quarter of a million dollars, nearlv double the resources a few months ago. Superior Court The October term of Chatham Supe rior Court convened last Monday for the trial of criminal' and civil cases, Hon. George W. Connor, judge presid ing. .The following . were drawn as grand jurors:; , i ., ' ' , . J, -J, Hackney. -Jr., foreman; A. B. Clark, T. Y Mims, T. B. Wilkerson. S. (X Johnson. ,W J. Bare. J.- Rod HaU; lard. T. D: Brooks. S. T.- Johnson Tf . 1 li. naicner. izeo. i. tflrcs .1- !hrTr W. Durham. R. V. Poe. C. L. Las- ater, J ohn. Burke, C. T.' Lindiey, A;- R Terry. The judge's' chargeto the grand jury was listened to with- strict attention, being comprehensive arid instructive as to their duties.. ' - - . s: j ;j Solicitor W. Di;-Siler was at his post of duty and after the charge 0 the, grand "jury at once ' began; prosecuting i cases on the criminal docket, -the fol lowing cases being disposed of: State vs-Lonnie Dorsett; blockading; guilty; 12 months on roads: State vs Don Colbert; c. c. w. ; sub mits; prayer for judgment continued on payment of costs. State vs VV alter Fearrington and Gladys Horton; disturbing - religious worship; guilty; $10 and $5 and costs respectively. State vs Will Cotten; cursing on pub lic highway; guilty; $1 and costs. State vs Fred Lutterloh and Robenia Womble; f. and a. ; plead guilty of tres pass; judgment suspended on payment of costs. State vs Ky Campbell; housebreak ing; guilty; . State vs Bunk Cotten; guilty of tres pass; judgment suspended on payment 01 costs. State vs John Maynard and James Mitchell; assault; guilty; $5 and costs. State ys.Emmett Holland;blockading; not guilty. . . State vs Charlie Green, Theo Hedge peth and Will Hedgepeth; assault; $5 and costs. - ' T5tate vs John Tavlor, Lee Taylor, Will Taylor and Henderson French; blockading; guilty; each two years in jail. State vs Jesse Shuskey; assault; not guilty. State vs Sam Yarborough; resisting an officer; guilty; 6 months in jail. State vs Sam Yarborough and Lester Cross; affray; guilty; Cross discharged and Yarboro nned $1 and costs. , State vs Zeke Perry and Herbert Horton; blockading; jury has case. The following two uncontested di vorce cases were tried and divorces granted: Fleta Bynum Jordan vs Ed ward T. Jordan and J. T. Dowdy vs Florence Dowdy. The criminal docket will be completed today when the civil docket will be ta ken d. - The following visiting attorneys have been in attendance at. court tnas week : A. A. F. Seawell apd J. F. Millifcen, Sanford; J. G. Dawson, of Kinston; H. M. London, of Haleign: S. C. Brawley, L. P. McLendon and R. O. Everett of Durham: J. Elmer Long, of Gra ham; O. P. Dickinson. x of Kinston, and Fred. W. Bynum, of Rockingham. Veteran Joins Red Cross The first Red Cross member to be en rolled for 1920 in the Southern division is Mr. Charles Y. Eubanks, of Pitts boro, a Confederate veteran who was treated at the " emergency hospital maintained by the Red Cross in connec tion with Camp Joseph E. Johnston at Piedmont .Park during the recent re union at Atlanta. Mr. Eubanks was so grateful for the service rendered him by the Red Cross nurses, that he in sisted on joining the organization be fore leaving lor his home. Marriage Announcement The marriage of two well known young people of Chatham and Lee coun ties will take place at Jone3 Chapel church next Thursday, October 30, at 8:30 p. m., the contracting. parties be ing Mr. W. Clyde Burns, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Burns, of this county, and Miss Clara Wicker, daughter of Mr. andMrs.A.W.Wicker,of Lee coun ty. The announcement was made at Sanford last Saturday Barnum & Bailey at Raleigh Ringling Bros, and Barnum & Bai ley" Combined Circus wilt exhibit in Raleigh Saturday, Nov. 1. Hundreds of people will doubtless go from this section to see this, the largest circus in the world. . ' The Combination of the world's two most famous Shows is the most starti ng announcement in. the history of amuse ments, and as a result, the world's first and only super-circus is coming, wnn the two shows made into one gigantic exhibition, but little of the country can be traversed, and Raleigh' is one of the lucky spots in' the country selected by thp routine scents, .. . The combined ;circus is the; largest that has ever traveled in America. In the nerformance onlv the best features of the. two, most famous- shows, have- been retained. The net result is- an all star nerfofmance oh the three rinjrs. Rtairps and in mid -air. the cream of the circusvtalent has been secured -fetA the program, and together with the most startliner importations new to America the.croeram of the circus co-. lossal. has never been approached in this countrv. - - - An e'vidence of the .monster sizeof the circus is given in the announcement that a quarter of jnmion pound eie Dhant act will be one of the features, Instead of the usual : three herds of pa cyderms, there will be five of thesepon- derous groups and tne termination is a union of the mighty marvels on the hip podrome track -where 25 elephats per form in unison, r The zoo is augmented this year, en tire herds of wild animals replacing the usual families that have been hereto fore shown. Eight giraffes, .the larg est herd in existence and the only gi raffes carried by any circus, give a faint idea as to the' size of the menagerie. A big free street parade will take place in the morning; James Stucky Says "Rat Cost Me $125 For Plumbing Bills." "We couldn'-t tell what was clogging t:uf anri trains- We had to up W urn" v - tear uo floor, pipes, etc., iound a r.at s. nest in basement. They, had choked the pipes with refuse. The plumber s bill was $125. RAT-SNAP cleaned the rodents out." Three sizes, 25c, 60c,l. Sold and guaranteed by W. L -London & Son and G. R Pilkington, Pittsboro. ''.MEDICINE . - . f. .'V In Ker MotW Home, Say Has Georgia Lady, Regardingr Blacfe Drasgfct. Relief From Viea&. ache, Malaria,' CMIJs, Ek. -Ringgold, Ga- MW Chas. Gaston, i ili18 Placev writes: 'j'fem a uesr of ibedf0rtV3.-Black-Draugb.tr In fact, it was one of our family medicines. Also irT my mother's home, when I was a child. When any of us child ren complained-of headache, usually caused by constipation, she gave-us a dose of Black-Draught, vrhlch would rectify tha trouble. Often in the Spring, -wq would .have malaria and chills, or troubles of this kind, we wquid takg Biack-Drauht pretty reg tlar until the liver acted well, and v.-e would soon be .up and around again. W would nof-be without it, lor it certainly has saved us lots of coctor bills. Just a dose of r Black Draught' -whea Jict.fidj.wll saves a lot ot days: in bed " In use for? many years in the treat ment of .sfomach, liver and bowel troubles,-aaid the popularity which; it noyf enjoys Is proof of it3 merit If your liver is not -doing Its duty, you will siufre.rJrom-uih disaree chle symptoms 78 . vheftdache, bUlous rss, constipatibn," liiaigestiori. 'etc., ad unless jBomething I3 done, Serious trouble map, iSuItt ,rtr, - Thedford,s Black-Draugkt has been found a ;viluable remMyT for these troubles. ; Jt i-.purely.'.vegetable,.and acts In a prompt and: natural way, regulating ; tli3&ai3kllt3 -spfbper ftfnctions ojud c64nsfrjfr the bo?;els of Imparities.' TA .it4 1 to't. on.- Thed lord's, the origi $affge.Jt?ineJ.- Sale of Valuable Real Under and hv fvirt the Superior Court of Chatham county, maae in tne special proceeding, entitled William N. Harmort a'na others vs Frank R. Harmon the undersigned" cqmmis sioners will, on ' r; .. Monday, November 17, 1919, -at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door in Pittsboro, N.C; offer for sale to tha highest bidder, .for. cash, at pub lie auction, the following described tracts of land in Center township, Chat ham county, N. C, bounded as follows, to-wit: First tract Adjoining the lands of David Womble, Marion Perry, James L. Griffin and W. R. Bonsai, S. S. Bar ney and others, beginnings at W. J. Harmon's corner on the south fork of Turkey creek; and running down the va rious courses of fthe Said creek to his corner; thence '..'north with his line, 37 poles to pointers in Harris line (now the line of James L., Griffin and W. R. Bonsai, thence east with said line 25 1-2 poles- to a red oak stump and pointers in the old Cotton Uner.thence south with said Cotton line '89 poles to a small per simmon; thence west 93 1-2 poles to a pine; thence 3 poles to . the beginning, estimated to contain 25 1-2 acres. Second tract Adjoining the Harris Jands.(now the lands of James L. Grif fin and W. R Bonsai) and others, be ginning on the south ':prong of Turkey .creek, where a drain runs into it south west from W." J. Harmon's house; thence north 7 deg. west 63 poles to a post oak; thence north 28 poles to a stake in Nancy Harris' line; thence east with her line 84 1-2 poles to a stake and pointers in her line; thence south 34 poles to Turkey creek; thence up the various courses of south prong of Turkey creek to the beginning, con taining 35 acres, more or less. These two tracts of land join one an other and will be sold together as one tract of land. October 17. 1919. DANIEL L. BELL, WILLIAM F. HARMON, oc23 Commissioners. Sale- of Valuable Per sonal Property Under and by virtue of the powers conferred upon me as administratrix of the estate of J. O. Lewter, deceased, I will, on Tuesday, November 18th, 1919, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the following articles of personal property, to-wit: One cow, two mules, four hogs, one Dodge automobile, one corn mill, one gasoline engine, one corn sheller, 1 one horse wagon, 1 two horse wagon, on saw mill with 40-horse power boiler re turn tube, one 20-horse power engine, blacksmith and wood shop tools, a lot of vinegar and all farming implements and all other personal property belong ing to said estate. All of the above property is in good condition. . Time of sale, 11:30 a.m. on premises. October 1, 1919. MRS. BONIE LEWTER, Administratrix. W. P. Horton. Attorney. o232t Sale Personal Prop erty. On Saturday, Nov. 8, at 1 o'clock p. m., at my home 5 miles southwest of Pittsboro, 2 miles west of the county home, I will "offer for sale for cash, to the highest bidder, my wagon, buggy and plows and farm tools and all other personal effects. Also 1 milk cow and 1 yearling. ERNEST HARMON, ocl6 4t Administrator. Notice of Land Sale Under and by virtue of an order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Chat ham County, in the special proceeding therein pending, entitled "Mrs. Ronie Lewter and others vs J. U. Lewter and others." the undersigned commission er will, ,on the premises in Williams Township, Chatham County, N. C, on . Monday, October 27, 1919, offer for sale at public auction to the &ighesfcjtidder,. for cash, the following described tract of land : Beginning at a stake just on the south side of the path leading by said Lew ter's house, 86 east 8.50 chains to a stake just on the north side of said path, Ji M- Yate's corner; thence north 3:34 east 26.69 chains to a pine, J. W. Jones' ;corner; thence north 85 west 14.39 chains to a pine stump. C. F.Far rell's corner: thence north 86 3-4 west 28.52 chaips to a stake in P. D. Far- rell s ne. . Harper s corner; tnence south 4 .3-4 west 14.56 chains to a stone in Barber's corner, Leah Riggsbee's line; thence south 87 3-4 east 17.13 chains to a stone and pointers, said Riggsbee's corner; thence south 5 west 7.38 Chains to a stake, said Riggsbee's corner thence north 85 1-2 west 15.27 chains .to stake and pointers, said Riggs bee's corner; thence south 4 1-2 west 4.35 chains to a stake in said Riggs bee's line, J. M. Yate's corner; thence south 85 t-2 east 26. 12 chains to a stake, said Yate's corner, - about one chain south of the lot; thence south 5 we 9.38 chains to a pine stump, said Yate's corner; thence south 86 east 10.40 chains to a sweet gum tree just on the west bank of Pi$ts creek, said Yate's corner; thence up the various courses of said creek-J6 chains to the beginning, con- laming 111.01 o.- 1 Time of sale, 12 o'clock m. This 22nd day of September, 1919. ' T7 ; W. P. HORTON, ; " Commissioner, Pittsboro, N. C. WEARPLEDGE BOYS' CLOTHES Frcm First Bell to Lights Out WEARPLEDGE Boys' " Clothes meet the re quirernents and ,stand the dictation of every move and minute of a healthy boy's Of fice Hours. - Joeing the mark in school or walking a beam at recess studying a map or two or playing for keeps at four, a WEARPLEDGE Suit or O'coat " j 1111W1 Ull Mother's pridei Father's pocketbook or Sizes 8 to 18 years: V Popularly priced Suits Overcoats Mackinaw s An Insurance Policy Goes with every Suit or O'coat. If the garment fails - to live up to its promise of satisfaction back it comes, for the policy protects you. The Belt Moves , It's a "Live" Leather proposition for a Live American Boy. Every WEARPLEDGE uit has one and every boy who sees it wants one. Need any WAISTS, SHIRTS, NECKWEAR, STOCKINGS, UNDERWEAR OR NiGHT ROBES? REMEMBER WE ARE complete OUTFITTERS FOR BORS. EVERYTHING FROM A BOYS' COLLAR TO A BOYS' CAP : ; ty ;.- , I Til p t...v M M W I Ladies Suits and Coats SUITS, COATS, W. L. LONDON & SON. $22.50 to $55.00 - N $10.00 to $45.00 LATEST STYLES AND MATERIALS. We Can. Save You Money A . On Your - Suit and Coat WILLIAMS-BE'LK COMPANY One of Tventy-five At water Family Reunion . The popularity of family reunions ad mits of no discussion. That the At water family of North Carolina and kindred families has not met heretofore is a thoughtless neglect. Within a ra dius of fifty miles from Chapel Hill, N. C. it is estimated there are between 300 and 400 descendants of Enos At water, who some time between 1760 and 1730 left his native home in Ches hire, Conn., to locate in a Southern State and begin a domestic career. Some of his progeny have left their North Carolina home and located in va rious States in the Union. They are invited to participate with their local kinsmen in a reunion of the family to be held in Memorial Hall, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C, Thursday, Nov. 1919. It is hoped that it will be a home coming for these distant cousins and that every one within the State will make it an object to be present. Exercises will open at 11:30 a. m. to perfect organization. The lunch hour will be from 12 to 1 o'clock. It is hoped that those who , can, will come provided, as facilities in Chapel Hill are limited. Proceedings will commence at one o'clock, prompt, so that those who de sire to return home "the same day can' do so and yet participate in all that is going on. I Every one attending will be present- 1 ed with a brochure giving a complete history of the family. All heads of families within reach of Chapel Hill will please bring baskets. Please notify acceptance. JAMES B. ATWATER. Master of Ceremonies. Bynum; N. C. . 1 jtsev?- YSffl Sanford, N. C. j CSwartzS Company' .'.DURHAM, N. C. DEALERS IN ( Hides, Fur, Metals, Scrap Iron, Bones, Beeswax, Tal'ow, Wool . R?gs, Dags, elc, etc. . If you .want the top market price for sny kind of Junk and Hides, ask us for quotations. We pay the very highest price possible. Any shipment sent us will be giv en prompt and careful attention. For reference we refer you to the First National Bank and Home Sav ings Bank, of Durham, N. C. Tci . SWARTZ & COMPANY. DURHAM, N. C. ?pbcne No. 965 L. J RUB ET OU rui it-- 4 salve: whj- 1 kit sum Tn carnts Dog Lost Females-dark, with yellow spots, name Flossie; lost in Pittsboro; liberal reward for her return to Bob Baldwin, Roscoe, N. C. 16 3tp Furniture AND Hardware Wa!den-Thomas Co., OF HAYWOOD, have opened up an up-jto-date Furniture and Hardware store at MONCURE to which they invite their many friends and the public gener ally. They have also in con nection with their store a Coffin Department and are prepared to furnish coffins at short notice. tjl6 rm Loans o o PROGRAM Master of ceremonies, Hon. James B. Atwater, ex-State Senator, Chatham county, N. C, and a holder of many public offices of trust. ( Business meeting to form permanent organization. 11:30 a. m. Music, Orphanage Music Class of Raleigh, N. C. Luncheon, 12 m. to 1 o'clock p. m. PROCEEDINGS: Presiding officer. Rev. Samuel B. Turrentine, President Greensboro Col lege for Women, a grandson of At water and married to Leonora S. At water. daughter of Carney C. Atwater. Meeting called to order at 1 o'clock prompt. Invocation. Rev. George WPerry, pastor Haw River circuit, M.E. church, South. , ' ADDRESSES: The North Carolina Family, Rev. S B. Turrentine. David Atwater and His Descendants, Hon. Francis Atwater, ex-State Sena tor of Connecticut, historian of the fijmily for 35 years, and organizer of varknis' lines of business. The Atwaters as Quakers, Hon.Rich ard Mead Atwatef, commodore of the Sea Isle Yacht Club, Mayor for ten years of Sea Isle, N. J., and an emi nent chemist. The Georgia Atwater Branch, Col. James R. Atwater, Quarter Master General of Georgia, Lieutenant-Colonel Georgia National Guard, former State Senator and Mayor of Thomaston, Ga., banker and manufacturer. . Some Characteristics of the Family, Mrs. J. N. Atwater. 2t I Free, Free, Free. j The First Ten Men Buying $10 1 Worth at This Sale. FINE TIE WORTH $1 Free, Free, Free, The First Ten Ladies Buying $10 at the n onderfol Sale 5 YDS GINGHAMS FREE Fr SALE BEGINS clay, October 17th . iV ROUSING - ARi 5 DAYS OF B SANS Kj Make your dollars do double duty. A wonderful 15 days for w eager men, women and children to complete their fall and la ... J '.' t. r 3 ;x - ir : :n wuiLer neeus ai a yitrctt &a.vuig. xweau every iiein. ,iou will gasp with astonishment at these wonderful bargains in up-to-date merchandise. We can only mention a few of the bar gains here. Everything in our store WILL BE MARKED DOWN. Come and see for yourself. Seeing is believing. Piece, Goeds. Ginghams " Sheetings $3 00 All Wool Serge, 25c Ginghams at 19c 65c Seamless Sheeti 15 days onlv, $1 89 , ing, 10-9 quarters, $2 00 All Wool ' 40-45c Ginghams at-32c yard 43c Serge SI 39 r i. TT XT 7 L 4. 30c finest erid?. yd : $1 SOT All Wool OKSL neavy vv wide Sheeting ' I S.ege 98 Outing ..82c- Goods ,.... 22c Summons by. Publication North Carolina, Chatham County In - the Superior Court, before, the Clerk. C. C. Hamlet,' Administrator of Miss M. D. Outchfield. deceased. C. M. Crutchfield and his wife, Jennie Crutchfield, Watson H. Crutchfield and his wife, Callie Crutchfield, Will E. Crutchfield and his wife. Belle -Crutchfield, Annie Crutchfield and Esker Crutchfield vs j Julius H. Polk. The defendant above-named will take notice that a proceeding" entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Chatham cpunty.rN.C, for the purpose of selling that tract of land located in Chatham county, N.TC.V containing 153 acres, more or less, known as the Calvin Crutchfield land dividing the proceeds from" the sale thereof among the: parties entitled thereto; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required tn annear before the Clerk of the Su-. I nerior Court of Chatham county on the 31st day of October, 1919, at the court house of said county m ntisDoro,jiN.y., and answer or demur to the complaint in the said proceeding, or the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the said complaint. October 6th, 1919. ' -.; JAS. L. GRIFFIN, Clerk Superior Court. I 1 LADIES' NEW FALL SUITS $15 Woolen Serege Dresses $9 99 Ladies' Coats from $6 up Children's Coats $1 98 up New Fall Silks just received. All colors,$2.50and$3 Silk $1 98 Ladies' New Suits from $15 up $25 Silk Dresses $15 98 $20 Silk Dresses : -$ 9 98 Men's Underwear .$ 1 50 Men's Underwear, sep. pieces 98 AH Men's and Boys' Suits and Over coats at Great Reductions If you need money to buy a farm, to gel: easier terms on one you have contracted to buy, to im prove the one you own, or to do anything that promote the Agricultural development, we can loan it to you FOR AS LONG TIME AS YOU DESIRE UP TO 33 YEARS with very easy terms of re payment at 6 per cent interest, without broker age or commissions; Write us, or better still i in ana see O 0 e o come us. The Farmers' Bank, Pittsboro, N. C. Summons by Publication NoVth Carolina, Chatham County In the Superior Court, before the Clerk. Walter K. .Ferry and his wile, A. Ferry. vs Frank C. Perry and his wife, Josie Perry, et al. The defendants above-named will take notice that a proceeding entitled as above, has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Chatham County, N.C., for the purpose of partitioning that tract of land in Albright township, Chatham County, N. C, containing 157 acres, more or less, devised to Walter R. Perry and Frank C. Perry by the will of Mrs. M. E. Perry, recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Chatham County, in Will Book II. at napes 95-98. between the persons entitled thereto: and said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Chatham County, in Pittsboro, N.C.. Oct. 29, 1919, and an swer or demur to the complaint in the said proceeding, or the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief de manded in the said complaint. yeptember ?9th, 1919. JAS. L. GRIFFIN, Clerk Superior Court. Long & Bell, Attorneys. thence' s 44 poles bordering on J. T. Buckner's line to a stone; thence west 95 poles bordering on Spencer Hack- Nellie ! ney 8 line to a stone; thence n 54 poles bordering on W.J. Bares line to a stone; thence w 62 poles bordering on W. J. Bare's line to the s e corner of Jane Culberson's land; thence n 68 poles to the beginning, containing, 115 acres, be the same more or less, the same being the lands of the late Vance Buckner, and the interest of the said C. A. Buckner therein being one-fourth undivided interest. Time of.sale, November 8, 1919. Place of sale, courthouse door, Pitts boro. " October 7. 1919. WADE .BARBER, Trustee. Siler & Barber, Attorneys. S1ms for Entire Family The Largest Stock m Town to Pick From at Old, Prices. Can't Be Bought From Factory at' Same Prices Today. Men's Working and Dress Shoes from $3.98 up. $2.50 Overall at $1.98. Best Heavy Work Shirts, 98c. $3.00 Fine Shirts, $2.48. $2.50 Fine Shirts, $1.08. 75c Brooms now 39c. S AN CHAPEL HILL, N. G, BE RM Trustee's Sale By virtue of the powers of sale con tained in a certain deed of trust, exe cuted by C. A. Buckner to the under-1 signed trustee, default having been; I made in the payment oi tne n"ies &e-, ! onroH hv said trust deed, and the hold-! er of said notes having demanded' the I payment thereof, I will, on Saturday, November 8, 1919, at 12 o'clock m., at the courthouse door in the town of Pittsboro, Chatham rnnntv. N. C... sell at public auction, to j the highest bidder for cash, all the j right, title, interest, estate and prop-1 ! erty that the said C. A. Buckner has. holds, owns and is entitled to enjoy, inj I and to that certain tract or parcel of ! land lving and being in Albright town i ohip, Chatham county, N. C, adjoin- ' ing the lands of W. J. Bare. A.J. Bare, j ! J. T. Buckner and others, and described i and defined as follows: Beginning at a stone, in the n e cor I ner of Jane Culberson's land, and run i ning e 97 poles, bordering on W. J. and I A. .1- Bare's line: thence s 15 poles to a stone: east 67 poles bordering on the; lands of the Whitehead estate; thence; j s 25 poles to a stake; thence e 110 poles j bordering on Whitehead's line to a 1 stone; thence south 34 poles bordering i on the lands of the Whitehead estate to j a stone; thence w 110 poles bordering cn J. T. Buckner's line to a dogwood; G B WE ARE NOW READY TO SERVE YOU Our fall lines are arriving daily and our stock will be much larg er than heretofore. Our line of Gold Jewelry, in cluding rings of the newest de signs. Cameo Brooches, Pearl Beads, Vanity Cases, in sterling and plated. Watches, all grades, from the 7j to 21 j, of standard makes. All watch and jewelry repair ing done promptly. . W.F. CHEARS Sanford, N. C. ESTABLISHED 1906. I O Q Q Farm for Sale Sma'.I farm; 35 acres in timber, balance In cultivation, ; well water ed, good dwelling house, feed and tobacco barns. Seven miles east of PittsboJo, in New Hope township. A. D. BURGESS, au28 4tp - Apex, Rt 4. it ; V

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