- J- mE SO lBLlSHED SEPT. 18, 1878. PITTSBORO. CHATHAM CO.. JAN.UARY 8. 1920. VOL. XLIl TSIO. 23 . . . . - !ucJ jji COURT, 12TII !on(nr-Jne W. M. U If ill Preww c ihc-ior Court meets lJS;v for the trial .Au:'-- Qjndcivii cases. xw iirn.l cases to be tt probable that fcket wiH be reached nf Edenton, will H.C L TO BE PUMSHE War Loan Organization of Fifth Fed eral. Resarve Disiriat Will Con tlr.ue to Develop Thrift and Cavlns Plan. y r.l fallowing jurymen SAlcxRichardson, L. T RklrP W. A. f aa B. Norwood. Cfe-W. L. Welch, J. lianas, Simon rnui,.. r?Ws.A. G. utw-y, n.E. Mclver. , -JohnF. Heath, J. x encouraging sar.e Hend- np v p. r ! oe given t "ttver-W. D. Thoma3. j of ma "i-Mi -N. B. Justice, C. rector f-W L. Covins, G. M. C. H. Wilkie. ? Hone-W. T. Goodw Hope bnd -Lucian Jonnscn. tliams-A. G. Cole, Vhp- J. W. Larson. in, J. Prospering h to the ertitor oi i ne rd renewing his subscrip for. J. H. A, oi Wendell, s: ever r 1 . Ever ct?fcre in all my life i. a dental work to hold Christmas, and I had one nay office (Dec. 2o) Mkin full time, it's more lv:e eovld have expect ea, cemoRstriites to me the dit ke of th 3 importance now, teed with pre-wr times, Inch time there were aooui cent of the people oi the fed States caring for their This rer cent has been lly increased, due largely to treat stress made during the 'ne condition of mouth, etc." Vigorous assistance in tha mor meat to redaco the high cost of liv ing, th 'en 'on c! Vxq Fi.i'i Federal Rs- torve DL ct hi 1DG, according to an rnaouncen. made from riichirionc, Va., by Albe: G. Joliiistone, director far this district, Yrhieh includes the f5tnt t North ai lina. "Tith the foand.-.tiea o? tke so? ernxient's -savings movement firmly luid and with a full knowledge of tio tremendous benefits which inovitahly follow when the principles of thrift ere adopted, the United Statos Treas ury rjapartment continue to push the movement, Director Johnston, said. "The War Loa Orsanizaticn cf thief district has ea joyed the "co-op.mtiou many able citizens," the distinct dl- and mercantile an Industrial estao- lishcioats hare rendered vrhoie-heartgd assistance while the newspaper's of tn district, by tie!r patriotism and generosity, have accorded a service of Inestimable valu. Spending, Saving and Investing. It will bo tho palicy of the War Loan Organisation of the Fifth Feaer- j ftl Reserve District during IS 20 to c atinue to emphasize the importance of spending wie4y, of savins repi?a' ly. aajd -systematically, of iovesting in sound securities. It will endeavor to iirxd or create new markets for gov ariinaent securities, and to point out to investors the attractiveness of Lib- crty Bonds and Victory Notes, particu larly when bought at market prices. Also esreeial emphasis will be given to the svhig;5 movement vhic"- i r.w-v j porsularly icier, t.'fi3'l rrith War Savings j Gtr.Tnr3 and Thr.it Ct.r.-.?.i. . ; "A v.t to he rn-U5onf"i,-t vtica : no lo"f;u' needs to fcs cnvi.rtzru, is j time la War Savias Sttfir ana Thrift Stamps is showing" that he Las a head and knows how to use it u uto-anar sallr shirts -vrdat toco i you warm this wiater but they will cripple your bank account. Better get a common-ssnse shirt and put the dif ference in War layings Stamps where It wll earn four pr cent, compounded. It'o not what you make but what you Gar? that counts. Are you setting p-heafi or dipping; behind? War Sav ings Stamps are pretty god aoa-skM chaifra. First Glass liiini Housiil "Brd, " the Belgian' police dog', owned by S. Glen Young:, spe cial agent of the department of. justice, figured in a raid by rev enue officers on three illicit stills in Polk county, the do captur ing one of the operators. Surrounding the spot where the stills had been hidden, the officers sent the dog into rout out the operators. In..afey minutes he came but just behind one of the men, who was captured by the officers, who then rushed the plant, capturing over 1,000 gallons-of beer, .several gallons of hot liquor and three complete outfits. This makes 58 stills cap tured in the Asheville section in six weeks, and the .22nd operator. PARSON PLAYS POKER Minister to Live, Rongh Life - Among the Miners -Not lon since The Record pub lished an item about some Can adian miners advertising for a minister , of the gospel who could pity poker, and they did not want a namby-pamby dud preacher. ' The advertisement I was answered by the Rev. R.Ar thur Baliain, a young Presby te- j rian minister of Columbus, Ohio. Mr. Basham has turned down a $3,000 job in 'an eastern city to the far north. "I am not an adept poker play er, but I can learn, just as I ex pect vthose miners to learn my game, ' ' d eclared Mr. Basham. ' 'It is only, the, call to preach that appei8r.tO-'.-.;tneI"I,d rather be HanUv Claus to a bunch of min ers than -a minister to all the el ders in Christendum." Mr. Basham served as a circuit rider in northern Manitoba be forehe went to France as a Y. M. C. A. worker. At the age of 11 j-eara he was a coal miner in Wales. "Lam not green at the job," he said. "I know the lives of DEATH OF MR. TAYLOR H'e Passed Away Last Tecs day Morning ;WAYS TO EARN MONEY DEVISED BY C0ILDR11 Hi 'j ! & Mi A4 i'j BUTE TO FLORA MACDONALD COLLEGE The following poem, a "Tribute, to Flor MacDonald College, was "written by Miss "Lillian Ray, ofPittsbbro, a student of that college, ard appeared in the "Pine and Thistle," the student's magazine for October-November: Our Alma Mater dvar, Our own true Flora McDonald College, To thy great halls -- Till we oi:vi i L-cc-Kyai.e knowicajre Thatfs iounii within thy sacred walls. With wrte: It i rt ? v Census Enumerators fa following havt bten ap- M census enumerators for ibam county and they are n the job: lbright-W. E. Johnson. fldwiu-Jai. G. Hamlet, fir Creek -H. 0. Vestal and ft L. Glossoa. ipe Fir--W. F. Olinger. f ter-Mrs. Alice L. Nooe. f-Dwitt W. Smith and D. Hi. - . v 2 fleyW;M. Lindsey' w River - Waverly Lassiter. fkory Mt. D. Cooper. itthewsM. W. Duncan. M-C. M. Pattishall. mama-J. J. Bryan. Hoiie Barned 'A. C. Ray received a tele- dwelling house on his farm 'wa Dillon, S. C, waa J Sunday night. The howse Jtaed I at 12.500 and was w for $i ooo. The telegram Pstetahow the flreorigi-Wu.i- JRa3r h3 gone to Dil- 5H after his tenants. , , :-i i - - SvsrelrBirea ; .." 1? wst Wfek Irent, the 1 wjrhter of Mr. Turner tir llves on Salisbury fa merely burned about t fr ?"hen hr sletves nU?Ul?,action those to death. ihp-a v wno isremem- win oa carina ljine ; y regret to learn of the HuSh husand which occ- Shovf in iasi wee ui- flness of pneumonia. "vrnaatrs last year. that thrift does not mean ni33rlines3. It mean.3 rettii?s yrar monoy's worth; it msaxis tho elimination cf vrast?; it mns saving on vV.t yen do not nee?; it means tha steadfast re- Our fathei's founded t is to thae we ever turn And Tvevn Of thoiC ? ;lOC 1: eat ti o ever icarn which makeup life, 9. T r a Mr. Spence Taylor, who was hit by an automobile near Mon cure Monday of last week and was taken to the home of Mrs. John Taylor, where he 'had been residing for some time, died tnere Tuesday morninsr at five o'clock, in his 63rd year. It was thougnt at one time that he was not seriously hurt but on closer examination it was found that he was hurt Internal ly and that two of his ribs were broken. Monday it was thought he was improving but he took a turn for the worse and died in the early morning of Tuesday. Mr. Taylor was well known in Chatham, having been sheriff of the county for two years (1890 '92) ; was in the revenue service for a number of years, and leaves a host of friends who will regret to learn of his death. - He was the son of the late Capt. John W. Taylor and was born and reared in Pittsboro. He leaves three brothers, Harlowe, of Pittsboro, George L., of Lit tleton, and Allen Taylor, and one sister, Mrs. T. M. Simpkins, of Raleigh, one half sister, Mrs. E. S. Nash, of Charleston, South Carolina. Also two half brothers, Bruce Taylor, of Atlanta, and Henry L. Taylor, of Wilmington, and twro nieces. Misses Pauline and Emily Taylor. He was one of the best men in cases of sickness in the county; was of a generous kind-hearted disposition. His remains were brought here Wednesday morning and the fu neral services were held from the grave, conducted by the pastor, Rev. Wihiara E. Al len. His remains were interred in the cemetery of the church yard. Peace to his ashes I ttlrth Carolina Boys and C,rs Prove That Thsy Knew Value of ttav- Inga What They Hava Indus . trioualy Made. I Did you ever "save" three dollars by- not going to a show? And vhen yon tsad saved it, did you lick twelve thrift .etamps and stick, that three dollar on a savings card? rage Howard did,' Itnd Page is in tho 3-B crade of th public rchool3 of Tarhoro. Page' way of backing up the government savings movement is not a bit mora strenuous, either, than the ways of ether pupils In the thrift clubs of the tame school. Magdalene Pierce matle and saved -ftfteH- dollars carrying dinners, and Ed Purvis made fifty-six dollars work ing oa a farm last summer. The lit tle 1-Af3 ftveragGd twenty-five dollars Cor a summer's work a-t picking cot ton, tying tobacco, chopping grass, Seeding chickens and helping around the house, and the l-B's, the 2-A's and the 2-3's all the way up to the grown up 11th graders have records Just as Cue. for their summer's wort: In pro ducing and saving. All Over State. The way they do it at Tarhoro Is ti & way they are doing it at a lot of other North Carolina schools too. And because it waa thought that the young aters would gain a lot of encourage ment In th!r good work If the state t large knew what they were doling, it was decided to set apart December 18 as th sccon-d North Carol'na Day.'i Tn first -North Carolina Day," No- Ycrper 24. was celebrated by about twenty flvo cities cf th? state, when f.Mo.T srlodiu resvlts ware attained ki the way f rgn?lns saving no tj!etis and the promotion of a" sp'rit f.frir-ndly rivalry amorr; tv-o gr?des and schools takine; part that 'nrlnci- fHsa! to bv.v u?!-s means the most efficient use ef natural and acru'ircd rescurcc-s; all & ; I- --I w means safe-guarding against unforseei cmcrscncics and pro future. Total Exceeds FJil'ion. ticn for tho "Through tm-s tnrirt moveoient, gun nant has marketed to million cf pur chasers savings securities to a total xedlng $1,3 21,0C0.G&0. Despite the falling oif in interest on the pari of fih puWic in these securities follow i&S the armistice, tho sales began to increase last summer, showing that the efforts of the treasury t tiea tka tide cf extravagance and develop" hab its of saving were baijianin- to bear fruit 'Th development of this savings movement during recent .months lias Veavery enocuraging. Sines the be 'Stnaing of the present school year, zaore than 6,039 savings societies have been crgan'zsd in the schools cf the Fifth Federal Reserve District In many school rooms and grades every chSId Is a member of a Saving So ciety, having agreed to save systemat ically and invest his savings in Thrift and War Savings Stamps. How much this movement means potentially Is suggested by the fact that r!Ur?ng the Inst two weeks in October children in the ptiMtc schools In Baltimore alono area" ?S,600, inrestlnf the whole amount. in these securities. Upward of 1,000 women'a organi sations throughout tie district have hoem ctive4y enlttt4 in etndying budget-making, promott tnrffe og Ueir members and astociates, shop- tjti9 ;fapalga -Jfc ;f -matto ' saving and wiia iveltmeiV ka ievermment eetcurllto ta more ttea ttO oemeenxs in this district ejaplejr tea more tfcaB 38,S people." -I Of those, which give us strength for strife On jtll tnat evil io, Against all sin, all false. And as away from the we'll turn, After thy le.son we ?haH lei?rr, Then we shall others onward lead, For thou hast shown to us the need Of those who cannot ccme. Oh, F";o:fc McDonald, dear, Pray teach us not to fear, But make us strong and brave When evil signs arc lurking near, As was that Scottish Maid Whose name shall ne'er from history" fade While thy true walls do stand, And thy pure ones be in our land. m m i s m m HBW YBAW HEaOLUTiONS. tl eaolrtd: S b4 lot of useless epeadUm 0 ut eat the Pretteere. 0 net tilts ureet forever, t. eok te tie future years. U nite eur mightiest efforts T hrough Thrift to briag conteal; 1 nvest our money wisely, O n Saving all be bent. N ow is the time to start tf 8 uccess wovld crown iatemt. GET AHEAD. If yon want to get abea.1 bead! The person wko Is Mi4n end Ureetljuc hi fvlnf te &r mA Et By A Bear ... The following letter. received by Mayor A. F. Hooper, of Hobart , Okla., and published in the Bal vimoro Evening Sun, is humorous and worth reading: . Mayor of Hobart, Oklahoma. Kind and. respected sir: I see in a paper that a man named John Snipes was atackted by a bear whose cubs he was trying to git when the she bear come up and stopt him up in the mountain near your town. What I want to know is did it kill him or was he only partlie et up and is befrorri this place and all about the bear I dont know but whot he is adis tant husband of mine. My first husband was by that name and supposedtthatrhe wa$ killed in the war for- have : been marneo twice since Ifen and there ought to be divorce papers got out by me or him if the bear did not eat him all up. If it is him you will know it by him having six toec on the left foot. He also sings bast and has a spread eagle tat too on his right arm which you will know him by if the bear aint et these sines offen him, If alive dont tell him Ime married to Joe White cause he never like Joe. Maybe youd better let on as if Ime dead but find out all you kin without him know about what it is for that is if the bare aint et him all up. Respectfully, SALLIE WHITE. - P. S. Was the bare killed also was he married again and did he leave any property with me lay ing claims to. these miners. I have played cards with them and I am willing to match the miner's " biblea de'ck of cards-against - trje Bible I teach any day. I was tried for heresy once for playing whist in the home of one of the elders of the church. Because the action of the church received great pub licity, Dr. James L. Gorden, of Winnipeg, took a kindly interest in me and encouraged me in my work in the ministry, pointing out the advantage of going to college."-. Prohibition Bally There will be a rally in the in terest of home law enforcement ihd-national and world prohibi tion at Pittsboro, Tuesday, Jan. 13. The speaker will be Dr. W. bJ. Fetch, of Ohio, who will speak it 11 o'clock a. m. After the speaking there will be a conference of the people se lected from each school district to carry on the drive, to raise $8,000 in Chatham county, this being the quota allotted to this county lor tne proniDiuon cam Stockholder's Meeting 1 At the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Bank of Pittsboro, held on last Tuesday-afternoon, Messrs. A. Hi London, B. Nooe, Jas. L. Griffin, E. R. Ilinton, Jas. B. Atwater , M. T. Williams, R. J. Johnson, C. D. Moore, B. M. Poe, J. C. Lan ius, W. H. Ferguson, T. C. Coun cil, D. L. Bell, Wade Barber, and Wm. M. Eubanks wese: elected Directors. ... The bank -has had tha most prosperous year in its history , having doubled its capital stock, and its deposits being mora than doubled. The directors re-elected its of ficers: A. H. London, president; B. Nooe, vice-president; Jas. L. Griffin, cashier. Thank Yon The Chatham Record, publish ed at Pittsboro, has changed its form from the old style seven column folio, to a more modern six-eelumn quarto. It appeared last week for the first time in its new oight-page form, and by this step takes its place among the more progressive weeklies. -Rockingham Post-Dispatch. Our neighbor. The Chatham Record, came out last week in its new size an eight page, six col umn quarto. We heartily con gratulate The Record because the increased amount of advertising forced them to: enlarge. Siler City Grit. Rednccd Prices for Su&ar to v-?ve an ether r!?.y sot so t.at all f- - 7 cities and towns might ch it also. lope f"r New Record. At. 't time, it wrs tVat Housewives have been given the cheering information by Ar thur Williams, Federal Food Ad ministrator, that they probably would not have to Day more than paign, not only to keep this coun-l 15 cents a pound for sugar try dry but to extend the wor toother countries - that are ask ing for aid in the same cause. Every one interested in prohi bition should attend and offer their assistance in the drive which will be from Jan. 18 to 25. H. B. NORWOOD, Director. It cost John M. Morehead, of Charlotte, $4, 130. to run for Con gress in the ninth" district and get defeated by Clyde Hooy. after this month. He said by that time the regular Cuban crop would begin to arrive and that "a fair price" would be fixed by the Sugar Equalization Board. Fire at the plant of the Lenoir Oil and Ice Company last week resulted in a loss of $15,000. It is expected that 100,000 im migrants will land in this coun try this month. rr. r nrw K-h w?;ter-ri3rk fc-r v f'j -v?,.-5tDr3 in go-smmcnt sccv.r'tis. Their splendid attainments indicat3 Jhat they can cccccnp-IIsh all they S3t cut to do. Numbers of schools have f.!ror.dy won engraved certificates awarded by the treasury department to the grades having cne hundred per cent memberships In savings societies. Hembers of these societies are pledge to savo a certain sum of money everjv week, by. means of the penny ant: Xickel savings cards Issued by the gaTerament, and by the purchase of Tmiitt and War Savings Stamps.; Tfcete card are sent to any Uacher, making a request for them to the War Loan Organisation of tho Fifth Fed- era! Rcstrva District, at Hichmomd, Vs. The use cf the government Text Books of Thrift, containing graced lassoae, ts considered largely respoa-j fr U interest ef children iai tme leheel savings societies. These! lees em have Veea introduced ia aaaayi classes with excellent results. Chil dren ef all age from the time when; Ike thrift habits of the squirrel arVof paramount interest to the time when! boy or girl Is thinking hardest o ways to earn a living, are appealed tot ia these thrift lessons and in eeivse-? tnenee the sales cf War Savings! Stamps are piling up not cnly-' laj North Carolina but all over the UntVj t6 fttatee " Nearly " $5,000 .Worihri Mc-t We have been reporting vari ous hog weight?-this ceaer. but we have a report- this week that will greatly suprise m-my of our readers. A number of the employees- of the cotton mill hero raised hogs the past season and at the close of the killing season the combined weights of their porkers were 20,907 pounds. This estimated at 22 1-2 cents a pound amounts to $4,704.07. Quite a sum is this to have been pro duced with as small amount of labor as is required to raise hogs in pens. -1-Siler City Grit. , Sales of sugar and other food staples only with other merchan dise in "combination sales" has been declared illegal by United States District Attorney Kane at Philadelphia. - The government has under ar rest more than 4,000 radicals. These arrests were made in tho last few days. They will he deported. - f7 r- VERY POOR PRINT

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