0 Million Packotsf FlowerSeed "We believe- in flowers around ih; homes of the'Sqirth. Flswers -brighten up the' home surroundings" aad give, pleasure and satisfaction to those. .who have them. ; ' " " 4 We have set aside more tfian one aaiUion pkU ot asd U beaatifal. yet easily grow lowers, be givea to our customers this spring tor tl beautifying of their homes. - 4 Hasttegs' Sted Catarojrwe k now ready. Brilliant cover in astural celors, 100 pages of garden and farm Informafton, profusely fllustrated. IT the ope worth while seed beok for &itbe rtrdeaftre aft tarxaers. TO catalogue is absolutely free ye ott request Your rrae aQd aaaress w a postal card or in letters, will briat H t TDtt by retjwa Bttil. This 1920 Catalogue will afcaw ye Just how yb an five aeta of tower swdfl (Ave djffernt ser b wlntefy'frw cfeost tfete spriftf. f tM- MtUtie te4r VWfeot toh wtfnt to. H. G. HAST!! GO Couple Have 21 Children A family of twenty-one chil dren has been tound in Santa Rosa county, Fla. The father, J. H. Taylor, is a preacher, f armer and merchant at Berry dale, twelve miles north of Mil ton, the county seat, and the last of his family consisted of twin boys who were born on January 21. The whole family, it is stated, live within a few miles of the old homestead, and a very singular fact is that nei ther of the parents is yet out of their for tie. They both appear to be in the best of health, and Rev. Mr. Taylor, in Milton the other day, stated that they were all happy and that they were "trusting in the Lord to continue in His shower of blessings upon them." They had always been happy, he said, had always con tinued in good health, and hoped to so 6ontinue. County Homes Wilson county is certainly to be commended for its action this wek when it sold the present county borne for the purpose or. erecting a modern one. There are unfortunates in every county whom the county has to care for folks who are disabled in body and feeble in mind oftentimes. Indeed the large per cent of those who come to be supported by the county are defectives in one way or another. Perhaps if they had been endowed with full faculties their last days would not be spent in a county home. But the commendable thing is to take care of these people proper ly. Those of us who have our heating systems, lighting sys tem and bath room conveniences can hardly conceive what it would mean to have to look after twenty or thirty or more partial lv helpless men and women with open fires, kerosene lamps and a well in the yard. Smithfield Herald. , Catches Live Hawk The Siler City . Grit states that Mr. C. C. Cheeck, while spend ing a few days with his mother and sisters at Ore 'Hill, upon 'hearing a great commotion among the chickens in the back yard, went, out ,to investigate. -He found a large hawk among them and attempted vto frighten it away, but. it refused to leave and showed fight, whereupon Mr. Cheek, without gun, club, rock: or any other, implement of warfare, . proceeded to capture the hawk' "with' his bare hands. It was a fine specimen arid meas ured three feet from tip to tip. East Durham Baptist church, of which Rev. H. F. Brinson, formerly pastor at Simthfield, is pastor, plans to erect a -building, to cost $40,000. Hamlet will vote in March on $100,000 v; bonds for school im ; provement. 'mmmmmmmammwKmmmmmmxafKsmKm iu&aiiiaaga 'l'""Saaafc VT- ' II wri r . . . , Xt.-wm m' : :'. ' 'J 1 IUU r. VTh'e Wandering Boy '" Printedsby Request; . i rOut in'the cold, far away 'from home, LSptnebody 's b6j; is airderifigalone, No one to guide him or " keep his foot steps rights . . .. Somebody's "boy s homeless tonight. Bring back to' me my wandering boy. There's fte othr left to give me joy. Tell him his mother, with faded cheek arid hair ; : :. At the old home is waiting him there. , .'. tA-t. -: ' - - ? -' ' iJearch for him and -bring him back to . me; - Far, far away, wherever he may be. Tell him his mother at the eld home is waiting there. Well da I remember the partiaf words he said. We'll meet where no farewell tears are sbee'. There'll be ne goodbyes in that bright land se fair, ! When I come with life, I'll meet yeu up there. O, could I set him and fold him to my . breast, v (, There's no other left to rive me jy, Bring back te me my-wandering boy. Out in the hallway there's a vacant chsir, I Yonder, . the shoes he used te wear, I Empty the cradle thatence he loved se well. - I Oh. how I miss him, no one can tell. ; Can I ferget him or eease te held him dear? He was my bey when mce he was here. Although he wandered in darkness and sie. Bring him te me, I'll weleone him in. -i-: ':'';tii -y Qtnp 1M em yJYftw Stowififf (3oaf at ef' the finest Men's Wear Serge, Poret Twill, Ligh Weight Velour and Trico tine, in models to suit every figure and age from" the stout, tailored, semi-tailored, dowri to the" "chic" models for-4 the misses. Popular priced, $34.75, $37 50, $42.50, $55.00 up s - Now on display and mbodyingr th newest Spring atyle features, and materials and colors, reasonably priced. Sport (Boats in the new half and three-quarter lengths of Broadcloth, Velour, Polo Cloths, and many novelty materials In Spring's most popular colors. $16.50 and up to $47.60 Sdk 9). r esses Lots of them. You will surely find in our wide range just what you want in Taffetas, Printed Georgettes, Foulards, Crepe do Chine and combinations. Priced $24.75 up to $55.00 Visit our store and save money on your spring outfit. Williams ' So., a San ford, Af. Q. j li CD ne or ine jueitc sntttn Coinmis sj oner's Sale of ssssmi Land " By virtue f an rder of the Superior Court of Chatham county, N. C, in a certain special nroceedincr therein pending, entitled Georges W. Rives, executor of Wiley Alston, deceased, vs John Mclver Alston, the undersigned commissioner will, on Monday, March 29, l20, at 12 o'clock m., sell to the highest bid der for cash, at the courthouse door in Pittsboro, N. C, that certain tractor parcel of land lying and being in Hick ory Mountain township, Chatham coun ty, N. C, adjoining the lands of M. A. ; Cockman, P. G. Dixon Ed Cook and others, containing 50 3-4 acres, more or less, and being the lands owned by the late Wiley Alston, deceased, at the time of his death, and fully described and defined by the title deeds by which he held the same. This February 18. 1920. WALTER D. SILER, -Commissioner. Siler & Barber, Attorneys. Buy MON..EY - 1 MM - LAB IS is not saved by buying poor Paint. L & ' r.l SEFI-PASTE PURE PASNT and pure Linseed Gil to mix with it. It is positively the beat, because mmde in semi-paste (thick) fbrrn and enables a SAVING OF .GO ON EVERY CALLOW of Paint you use. Use m grntlon out of mny you bay, and if not the best paint made, return the balance and get oft your money back. It Pays to "MAKE YOUR OWN PAINT" the 1r5B RCS I GALS They are lmply addlne X.lnec4 M 5enu-PMo Paint Oil to L Sc. Kinston business women are planning the organization of a i Chamber of Commerce. It may I hive another name but poses will be the same. The Farmville school board ha - "let contract to J. V. Stout for erection of hicrh school build- its pur- mg containing j $125,000. 24 rooms to co3t Hie Raleigh; M'C SBllvi:or Less, For Cas " Lead Departthent $1 Specials in the Dry Goods Dep artme We axe selling BJeachirigs, Sheetinrg. P.i. Dress Cinghami at prices below the wholesaler ' It will pay you to shtp with us. We can buy f0l. i I sell for less. r Bleachitigs Only standard brands f th very best quality. OQr fr AO. w toe ati' r mm- ' m i m m. Unbleached Domestics 36icit wide 25c and 29c Hicory Shirting There is no better a - - cayx1 -19c Counter of DERCALES AND CALICOES. A big lot of SW caies ana uancoes, in soiia colors ana stripes at JQ 1 Another lot of short length PEPwCALES AND CALICOES I colors and stripes. at 1 C- I Dress Gmghams ; Many attractive patterns and all new Spring Goods TWlH ham, will please you .39 4 55 S t New Spnng Voiles In beautifully colofed patcerns and of the best quality thtc w . . . -- . . ........ . I, - v y L. mail orders or renuests f "r samnlps will rpnfrJ Oll2 and personal attention. Filled in 2 hours after ret3 Y t ss s a BaneingLoan & Trust Co. L I 1 . iL' 'J". . . 1 " ii . ml feW5?w :U4 p If II fed m Yi w0mk :"r" i I i-Jl W3 Oi " yjaafcguW'WgsiCTrit'a 1 . E 5 v. .iauUiaa LicX. . esfeSfepS 1 - ls; .13. O fef;l fit" 14 M, w & g . AND 4? . mrrjr - .... At the CIoe of Bosisess November 27tL, 1919. RESOURCES. LoaH3 and discounts $707,037.79 Stacks and Liberty Bonds 67,714.20 Furniture and fixtures. 6,112. Banking house 5.610.85 Cash and due from banks ........ 403,092.49 Total. . ,$1,188, 568.29 LIABILITIES. Capital steck $ 25.000 00 Undivided profits ;: ' 23,529 53 Rediscounts and bills payable- OCC00 00 ; Reserved for interest 1 835 92 Other Liabilitits .......... . ..J 5 635 59 Deposits 1,132,567 25 Total ; 11,183,568 29' iO-'head of the finest Virania ever . ' mm tm mm m ai n 1 a a - a FINE Workman ttro'oThiat V ffr One Hu4r4 Ztottfttv XUvr4 far mmr cm f CAtmrrh aBot W ora4 r Hall's Catarrh MelSa. HaTt Catarrh lfcd!c4n ha taken my Mtarrk aCrr fw tW vkm4 tWrty 9T 7ars. ad has bri9 m BMt rHa) rewa5r fer CtrrV ll.Al t Catarrh Vm --etWtt th' toeHi tartif--. " -5;-..:.r-Y . r . so frw tht Stoac r- - - a rrt-". vir Vt f.- ttLtntX 'm'".P Wcb.tHt t- rt great tfrrTt w - yf " Saoilti Start taking HaH'a Cl-rh M3- far' t tla" F. J. encKY 4 CO.. r4a4. Ci. - Monday at 12 o'clocll noon, at Brown & Harris' Stable. All stock guaranteed to be sound and workers. Will be sold rain or snine. best chance to get a good Horse or mule. uiredonl pntP the very intr is the VP. nvnert. but t?;' that can prop QUALITY WE CAD1 good Your Prinr ?n fViof wOn Pli rfv, m?ike US X IP. COU1LTJER M SANFORD, N. C. - Two dooro Tram; Xol oCAc. Sold at Auction .0 Saturday, February 21. I "will of-! tlifst l2'fl Ur Ur sale, on terms t suit the pr- V -1" Aaser, the pi are knowt a. the Beek- onT ?K!; a if 20. with1aa4. eanslatinv f 11 This Fewusry cQN .. J 1 ." ' : . . . Ii . '-.. Pas m .weu MKMateu. - tei setfroi Aehvrc.hs sro irood - arj. v ii i im. r ear", in ton station ari Lt'jj Ars.

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