r - six nun at; . NET OF PASTORS JEW ARTICLE TEH V 112 HillionssX DAIRY 000 USERSOF CALOMEL Acts Like Dynamlt on p Work. reason why a person Bs Sure Baby ii Healthy -at Teethuig Time Keep digestion natural, the bow. els open, give sufficient food and HAS BEEN ADOPTEE to KILL COLDS mm, ;eres , salivating calo- d taKe rr;.nta buys a large bot- W?Z f.vpr Tone-a perfect KleS Vegetable liquid lill start your liver Just as sore l! Sn etbut it doesn't make you sr- r,nt salivate. ndca . 4 mwn folks can take Pen.a" Vrtfl hppause it 13 oer- n.s Liver -harmless. I is a aaugwuuo B. - hones. Take F !Ltv calomel today and you i weak, sick and nauseated to f66 Don't lose a day's work. Take K.V.f Dodson's Liver Tone in- 7; Toa will wake up feeling So more biliousness, constipa 'jUistaess. headache, coated sWr stomach. Tour drug- KifTou don't tod Dodson's tTnne acts better tnan nomwe f J y01ir money is waiting for you. NEARLY every denomination REPRESENTED AT RECENT ' Y GREAT GATHERING Evidences of Income. trvinsr io uiew iix liggins is that make people think, he int nf money." . n- n iii'AV' w Kat and patent leather shoes 5 that sort of thing?" I t these days. He has to put on C 0f overalls and is carrying a Iter's outfit." ,.n UFORNIA FIG SYRUP" IS CHILD'S LAXATIVE , at tongue! Remove poisons ' from stomach, liver and bowels. ccept "California" Syrup of Fig3 look for the name California on package, then you are sure your is having the best and most harm I laxative or physic for the little jach, liver and bowels. Children I its delicious fruity taste. Full ytions for child's dose on each bot- Give it without fear. mother! You must say "California." fa. REPORU OF DOCTOR RAWLIIiGS Attendance of Women at the Various Conferences Ran Up Approximately to 400 at the Several Session Charlotte. 'Six hundred minus two 'North Carolina minsters, represent ing most of the evangelical denomina tions of the state were registered del egates at the North Carolina State Pastor's conference of the inter church world movement, which i; con cluded its three day's session in the Second Presbyterian church in Char lotte. ; : The report of Dr. E. H. Rawlings on av trip , he recently made through the various mission fields and the answers to questions on the ipter church world movement by Dr. Charles H. Pratt were the only . two features of the final session of the woman's conference. The attendance at the various conferences of the wo men ran up to approximately 400. Dr. Vance conducted the devotional service with which the conference closed, reading a portion of the 15th chapter of the Gospel of John .and emphasizing the words of the seventh verse, "If ye abide in me and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you, Sanford, The Sanford Develop ment Company, which was organized about a month ago, has just received it3 charter and seal, and is just be ginning its operations. This organ! zation was called into being because of the great congestion that has ex isted here for several months in.hous ing the people who desire to move to this city. Asheville, A special car from the Bureau of Fisheries, Washington, will arrive in Asheville soon for Pis gah national forest with 95,000 trout for planting in Davidson river, Mills river and Looking Glass creek. Salisbury, French memorial diplo mas will be distributed to the nearest relatives of American soldiers who died in France. Some 50 or more of these diplomas for people in Rowan and surrounding counties will be giv- en out- J- X. . v CHANGING COWS TO PASTURE Caution Must Be Observed to Avoid Drop in Flw of Milk Re duce Grain Gradually. , (Prepared by the United State Depart- " ment or Agriculture.) .,, 5Farmers welcome the season when dairy cattle can be turned on pasture. as theyi feel that the "heavy expense of winter feeding is over, and 'expect that during the late spring and early summer, months the cows will reach their maximum flow of milk at a minimum cost. This is true within certain limits, but caution, must be observed in making the change from dry feed to pasture cofiditidns. The change should not be made too early In the spring, nor too abruptly, espe cially in the case of cows that re producing a relatively high flow of mtlk and that have been fed liberally during the winter. Unless the change Ij made gradually there will be a de cided jlrop in the flow of milk. Pasture grasses in the early, spring are immature and contain a high per centage of water and but a small amount of dry matter. This makes it physically impossible for cows pro ducing a large amount of milk to eat enough of such grass to supply the necessary amount, of nutrients. The cows should be allowed on pasture! only V few hours a day and the grain ration - should be reduced gradually. After the change has been made cows which are producing only an average amount of milk and butterfat will find a sufficient supply of feed on good Dasture.- Hiirh nroducers. however. , . : . . will require ome grain throughout the season. While direct results may not show immediately it Is the general consensus of opinion that cows are brought to a better body condition and are likely to maintain their flow of milk longer during the balance of the lactation period if they receive some grain. Three to five pounds daily oi grain, such as a mixture of oats, bran and corn or barley, may be used to .supplement pasture. Tie laUab ami OiMrn't Reguktor ; Then the milk teeth ne ver cause trouble for you, or discomfort .' tor baby. Mrs. Winslow'a Syrup orings most remarkable results in good health and comfort for the baby. It's pleasant to give and pleasant to take. fmnta and childwn'. regulator, formula on, every UbeL Goaran. At Ail DruggUf The Reformation. Admiral Mark- Kerr said at- an air man's wedding: .- ; - . "Women often marry men,; to re form them, and oftener than people think, the women -succeed in this. The reformed husbands," however, are seldom very grateful. , . " 'My wife married me to reform be,', a man said bitterly on a sea voy age Cubaward. . : . - " 'Did she succeed?' asked another man. . :' .'. ' ."'You bet she did!' said the first one. 'Why I wouldn't -marry again if I lived -to be as old . as Methuse- Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old -remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castona No Expense. Lawyer What was the - judge's charge to the jury? Ex-Juryman Not a cent. In fact, we got paid by the day for our work. DAI GREATEST PROFIT FROM COWS I Mere Trifle. Feathertop I'm going to the is this afternoon, and I'm so ex ile I know I'll fairly lose my head Is Wife Oh, dca't worry about dear. But be careful of your Durham. An anonymous gift of $100,000 toward the fund to erect a woman's building at Trinity college as a memorial to the late James H. Southgate, conditioned upon the rais ing of a certain amount as yet not stated, was announced by the fund campaign committee. JAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS How to Get Quick Relief, From Head-Colds. It's Splendid! one minute your clogged nostrils J open, the air passage of, your p will clear and you can breathe h. No more hawking, snuffling, fins, headache, dryness. No strug I for breath at night; your cold latarrh will be gone. a small bottle of Ely's Cream nfrom your druggist now. -Apply ittle of this fragrant, antiseptic, ing cream in your nostrils. It pen tes through every air passage of head, soothes the inflamed or llen mucous membrane and relief fs instantly. . s just fine. Don't stay stuff ed-up 1 a cold or nasty catarrh Relief es so quickly. Adv. - I , Extravagant. es extravagant." ' 1 e Served her husband beefsteak nerlast night." JJat of that? The poor man has F doesn't he?" f c0Urse. but thinlr nf smin? ?teak "V JiJLiyJiXllJf 111 UiU The Cutlcura Toilet Trio n? cleared your skin keep it clear jiamg Cnticura your every-day Preparations. The soap to cleanse 3urify, the Ointment to soothe and J ie Talcum to powder and per il No toilet table is complete j them. 25c everywhere. Adv. ery census has disclosed the fact Le more men in the United Jwan women. II bM Night Pyoun'Ees I '""..tjyr Healthy Fayetteville, A strong protest against the pardon of Chas. L.: CHig gins by Governor Bickett was made In a signed statement given out here by N. A. Sinclair, prominent attoriey, who assisted the prosecution which resulted in O'Higgins' conviction of abducting a married woman. Difficult for Some Owners to Realize That Greatest Returns Come From , Good Feed. Records of cow testing associations go to show that it Is the well fed cow that returns the greatest profit. "It would be advisable often for the man who Is milking teii cows to sell two erf them and give oil the feed to the rest," says J. B. Fitch, head of the dairy department at the Kansaa State Agricultural college. "It requires a long time for some cattle owners to realize that it is prof itable to feed a cow well. It is a fact, that the average cow requires Washington, (Special) E. D. Smith of South Carolina will go to Greens boro, N. C, to make the principal speech in behalf of the plan of boost ing exports from the Southern states and to prevent unfavorable action on the part of the railroads in withdraw ing fair rates, to that section. Kinston, Had the tobacco market here been a communistic institution last year every man, woman and child in the community might be richer by $1,000 today. The final figures for the season, announced by E. Y. peed, secretary of the Market Board of Trade, show that that part of the crop sold here brought $13,004,490-.48, and that the total of ' pounds was 26,-088,758. Oxford Postoffice Looted Oxf ord,-War savings stamps valu ed at $10,000, postage stamps to tho amount of $5,000 and about $75 Vin cash were' secured by safe-blowois who blew open the safe of the Oxford postoffice here and made their es cape. t:'t ,-: ' -i -;- -y Five strangers, reported to have been seen at ' Franklinton, 15 miles from here, are thought to have been the persons who robbed the post office. : The robbery was not discovered until the postoffice was opened. , Wilmington's Ferry Boat Wilmington, Chairman W. P. Mc Glaugon, of the board of county com missioners, and Chairman J. J. Knox, I of . the Brunswick board, will leave for TMorehead City, where they will witness the launching of the new fer ry boat, J. J. Knox, which will be used to connect Wilmington and- Bruns wick.' - '-, ' ' : : " "-- . The boat is named in honor of the Brunswick Chairman, whose efforts to procure a modern ferry service be tween New Hanover and Brunswick GOLD GOT YOU? FEELING GR1PPY? RESULT FOR" THE PRESENT AT LEAST BRINGS . ACTION ON J TREATY TO A STAND iDTE ON filOTIOIJ 56 TO 2J Fourteen Democrats Voted with Solid Republican Membership in Effort to End Tedious Controversy. 'IN Washington. Reaffirming its dis agreement with; President Wilson on the dominating- issue of the peace treaty controversy, the 'senate' adopt ed by a vote of more than two to one the new article 10 reservation framed by republican leaders. 7 its action brought to an end,' at least for the present,? the protracted effort for 'a compromise that would insure ratification, and the senate's. decision was accepted generally as hastening the treaty toward another deadlock from which it .could be re leased only by a: verdict at the polls next November. Fourteen democrats voted with the united republican membership for the reservation. r The vote for adoption, 56 to 26, showed on its face a two-thirds ma jdrity for v the reservation but it by no means, indicated that twothirds would vote for, ratification on that basis. Included in the majority were the irreconcilables, holding about a score of votes' which on the ratifica tion roll call will be cast against the treaty. AMERICAN LEGION NOW HAS ; 1,000,000 OR MORE MEMBERS. Indianapolis. The , American Le gion has a membership of over 1,000,- 000 in 8,475 posts scattered through out the country, it was announced at legion headquarters. PANAMA CANAL EXPERIENCES AN EXTENSIVE EARTH SLIDE Panama. Six ships are being 'held up in the Panama canal by a land slide at Cucaracha. - Reports during the past week have indicated quite an extensive earth movement at that point. . Dr. King's New . Discovery soon starts you on the road , to recovery MONARCHICAL GOVERNMENT RE-ESTABLISHED IN BAVARIA 0Na ' ' " nil . mm The Kind of Cow That Pays. one half of her ration to maintain her body and that only the part of the ration above that required for her maintenance can go into the produc tion of milk, as the cow's share is taken out of the ration first. "It is obvious that, after supplying a cow r with her maintenance, not to give her all the feed she will use in producing milk would be an unprofit able practice." DAIRY COWS RELISH SILAGE Not a Complete Feed Because of Its Bulk, Moisture and Lack of Mineral Matter. Silage has been found to be par ticularly . well adapted to, the feeding of dairy cattle, but it Is not a complete feed because of its bulk, its high mois ture content and Its lack of protein and .mineral matter. In combination with silage one should feed some al falfa or clover hay and in addition, a well-balanced grain ration. THRIFTY GROWTH OF HEIFERS Daily Average Gain of Young Animal Should Be' Close to One Pourtd - Up to Calving Time. If fed so as to induce a thrifty growth, yet not produce fat, dairy heifersAvill gain on aq average close to one pound daily from the age ot six months up to two years or calving NCB tried, always used. That's trite expression, but 'one never mores applicable than it is to' Dr. King's New Discovery. You will like the prompt, business like, way it loosens the phlegm-congest ed chest; soothes the tortured throat, relieves an old or a new cold, grippe, cough, croup. , The kiddies can taKe it m.periect safety, too. No bad . after-effects. Standard half a century. , buc. ana $1.20 a bottle. .At your druggist. - Don't Continue Constipated Don't let your bowels bulldoze your svstem- Make them function regularly keep the body cleansed of waste matter witk Dr. King's New Life Pills. Biliousness. sick headache, sour stomach, indigestion, dizziness, furred tongue, bad breath think of the em barrassments and discomforts trace able to constipation. "How easily they're rectified by the occasional use of Dr. King's New Life Pills. Move the bowels smoothly out sureiy. J.ry them tonight. All druggists 25c. as usual. IS CURED WITHOUT A STARVATION DIET AT A SMALL COST If you have this awful disease, and want to be cured to stay cured write for " FREE BOOK giving the history of pellagra, symp- , toms, results and how to treat. Sent in plain, sealed envelope. A guar anteed treatment that cures when all others fall. Write for this book today. CROWN MEDICINE COMPANY. Dept. 51 Atlanta. Ga. r mm Stock & gotdtry t The old reliable n a & pr.ftsi AI f fit -Tf C1 CASCASAkPQUININ X X - - X E Standard cold remedy for 20 yeari in taDMT lorro eaie,' sure, bo opiate breaks up cold in 2 , boor relieve grip in 3 day. V Money back if it fails. Tho' X genuine box lias a Red V Xtop with Mr. HOTa X X picture, v , A At All Drus Stmrmm Sts ATTH6 JOINT r,. r " iir INSIBS . SHIcxvo you RHEUL1ATI3M ' Lumbago or Gout ?- Take RITEUMACrDK to rein ore tbeeanso and drive tho poison from tho system. MBKKCTUCnB OS THB TSSTDB - . UTS KUCHATlsa OS THX OCTBUH' At AUDrugxUts Ja. Bail ft Son, Wholesale Distributor Baltimore, Md. . , 1 1 Thousands of women always have 1 a box of DIL TUTTS LIVEIt PILLS I la the house. At the first sign of uy uicguuuuj' uumj uvw mm taken. Those who nse them rec ommend them. Hence, their suc cess for over half a century. FOR CONSTIPATION THEY DATE NO EQUAL. I X I "MATT Larc Bottle For 35c When you buy Yagers Lini ment you get splendid valuei The large 35 cent bottle contains twice a much as the usual 50 cent bottle of liniment. Try it for rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica, sprains, cuts and bruises. At all dealers price 35 cents. Paris. He-establishment of the Ba-; rarian monarchy has been proclaimed n Munich, according to a telephone message received in Berlin from the Bavarian capital and. telegraphed to the Temps. . .' ROYALISTS IN HUNGARY ARE I REJOICING OVER HUN REVOLT Bucharest. ; Hungarian royalists are ,(rejoicing -over the revolt' in Ger: many and claim it Is justification oi their argument that socialist republics are incapable of surviving in coun tries where for centuries the people have been accustomed to monarchies. MANY JAPAN F- "OLDIERS IN SIBERIA DON THE RED STRAP London.; A revolt has broken out among several units of the Japanese troops in Siberia; according to a wire less dispatch sent out; by the soviet government at Moscow. The soldiers ripped off their shoulder straps and substituted red straps. THREE FRENCH ARMY CORPS WILL BE SENT TO GERMANY Paris (Havas.) France 1 contem plates sending three more army corps to Wiesbaden, Neustadt and . Bonn, thus doubling her forces along - the Rhine, according to The Petit Parisien. Marshal Foch ;will calL: a meeting of the supreme wacouncil as soon as he returns from Mayence, where he will confer -with allied commanders. Re- ports reaching this city state that every step has been taken to maintain order In occupied districts. SOLDIERS ASK CONGRESS TO TAX PROFITS INTO TREASURY WashinKton. A resolution propos ing legislation to "tax info the United States treasury." for the benefit of former service men surplus war profits held by the Standard Oil Company, the the United States Steel Corporation and other companeis of corporations, was introduced in the house. , -The measurer was prepared by the private soldiers and sailors' legion and was offered after some, changes had been made in the original draft. ( - '--'e. ROPER TO BE SUCCEEDED BY ; W. M. WILLIAM OF ALABAMA . Wasfimgton.Wiiliam Martin ; Wil liams of Alabama, will succeed Danied 0 Roper as commissioner of internal revenue. T" - y' r - ' '. ' . Commissioner 'Roper recently pre sented his resignation to President Wilson, effective April 1. With the re tirement of Mr.' Roper: Claude Callan, assistant commissioner, in charge of income tax collections, will leave .the bureau , and will ber'succeeded" by Paul M. Mvers." chief ."clerk of the treasury GILBERT BROS tS CO., Baltimore M(L HAVANA SMOKERS S. SlSlON; P. O. Box ,660, Tampa, Fla., will send prepaid anywhei-e in the United States. C. O. D.. or on receipt of S2.50, arty genuine Havana Brush End Smokers or'in Blunt or Perfecto Shape Cigars, made by hand by expert Spanish CiKarmakers with genuine Cuban grown tobacco, in sanitary factory, at Tampa, -Florida. By selling- by the box direct to yoi our prices are about t half, and a trial means a customer for us. - State style wanted, also whether mild. medium or strong. , This guarantee with every box: If, after smoking five of these cigars, they are not entirely satisfactory. return them to s. mjuujn, r. u. uox iQO, Tampa, Fla., and your money will, be re funded. , - 3 u i Money back without question If HUNT'S SALVE fail in the treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA, RING WORM.TETTER or other itching skin diseases. Price. 75c at druggists, or direct from jLs.Blchards Medietas Co.. Sherman, Tet Never the Same After That. As I was making a bed one Monday- ' morning a friend came to see me. She walked right in and not seeing me,, said: "Are you at home?" I' said: Oh, yes, I never go visiting Monday morning." When I thought how It sounded, I was awfully embarrassed, , and she never acted the same toward me. Exchange. ; , . $100 Reward, $100 Catarrh is a local disease greatly influ enced by constitutional conditions. It therefore requires constitutional treat ment. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys tem. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE destroys the foundation of the disease, gives the patient strength by Improving the general health and assists nature in doing its work. $100.00 for any case of Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE fails to cure. Druggists 75e. Testimonials free. P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Georgette and Tricotine. ' "My; but you've dyed your, hair a fashionable- red," commented Georg ette. '. "Like it?" smirked Tricotine. 'Til -say I do. Is it expensive?" "Well, yes. I used six bottles of tomato ketchup on the little job." Fizzless soda water is a fizzle just the same. ' s noire Hffif 6 Be&lan S Hot water SurcReHef LSKJR INBlOESTION time. : . have been tireless. ' -