.'1 . -v .- - TO TONE UP THE Trine N. C. : "I w. to that f End Tr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery anc ;r,jr Favorite ' Prescrm. tion the best tonics on the market. 'My wife says ah wouid nave been dead had she not tak en Favorite Pre scription. One bot tle always puts her straight when she ets wjpak and run own I took av bottle of 'Golden Medical Discovery, and the result -was ' a gain of one and one- half pounds - in mshL It's fine to tone up the system, bet to I think than cod-liver oil." J. WAL TER TUTTLE, Route 2. WOMEN WITH BACKACHE i , Chattanooga, Tern.: "Dr. Pierce's re medies were a great help to me. I had fered with backaches and dreadful pains in mv head. I was miserable when I began taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription nd also Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery and from a physical wreck these medicines restored me to health and strength. I could eat and sleep well and vas in better health than I had been for a lone time previously." MRS A. D. lonj CO (jiUtajN, luo in miasms ow BRONCHITIS Alton Park, Term.: "Dr. Pierce's medi cines have been used a great deal in my family with the very best of results. I had a girl that had chronic bronchitis and I never found anything that would give her relief until I began giving her Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and it gave her more real help than eil other medicine put together. I have taken 'Golden Medical Discovery' for stomach trouble and it was excellent for this ailment; it purifies one's blood and seems to act upon, and build op one's whole system in a good healthy State. 'Golden Medical Discovery is a mlendid family medicine ?cd I take pleasure recommending it.-MBS. J. A. BEAM. 1500 Highland Ave. ZV& ihesn Stock &PovMry Medicine . , The old reliable BLACK-DRAUGHT for Stocicand poultry Askyovarmerchtmt! Merchants : AtkyourJoBBttit jalesmvt about Bee DOC 19 RHEUMATISM Lumoago or Gout 7 Tike BHEUMACrDTC to reiarrre tfcecause niid mo puisou irom tno .yitem. BHXUIlGrDZ OS Tin Iflim FGTS BHKLJUI18S OS THS OCTSIDI" At All Druggists Ju. Bau & Son, Wlsolettle Dutriiutors Balumors. Md. PARKER'S HAIR 17 A CAM HemoTesDandruff-StopaHairFalUngl Restores lolor and Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair Blscox Chem. wfca, PatchogTie. NT HDRCORNS Remore, Corn., Cel. tet m.vTJZ.l, " Pain, ensures comfort to the ru,t. i, 8 WalkJnr mt. 16c by mall or at Drugs pta. Hiacox Chelate! Woratraicxloga&,& jy Cracker Barrel Senate Decision. Not all the tim nf Hie nrn.Vor har. jel senate is devoted to politics and tte league. Discussion swunir to one the less gifted members of the com munity, at least less srifted In infilled Or "brains" " "I don't see how a man can be as pid as he and live." , : Wahl, perhaps he was raised on a Iacuum bottle." was offered. ' To abort a cold and prevent com plications, take alotabs The purified and refined Cornel tablets that are oausealesivsafo and sure Medicinal virtues retain- ed. and improved. Sold only in sealed packages Price 35c. t,'toSrSi,Jrnto Bookkeeping. Shorthand .L"inere-Ti?, Tln quickly. Oreensbou i erc l sch.. areenafcoro.N.C. for Catalog -rr.''tnuiti'. Kocome all ruiwjuwu ui uwuui uuo w my tftvimz inward weakness. I was nervous and could not eat or sleeD. I suf- GIHES DIVIDED TWO EXPRESSIONS OF CONVIO TION ON BONUS MAKE IN- TE R EST I N G READING. WW ACTION RATIFIED Another Thinks Conditions just Now Do Not Justify Enormous. Ex pense Bonus Plan Entails. . r , - - :v Raleljch. Officers of the American legion In North, Carolina are far from ' being united in their position on the pro posed bons or extra pay plan for sol diers, now being considered by con gressional committee. . Of four men who have replied, to a letter of inquiry tfrom Dan ,W. Terry-, state publicity officer, one is in f a- Tor of relief legislation along ,r the. lines suggested by National Comman der D'Olier, one regards the bonus as an appreciation of service, hut not as pay, two are opposed with reserva tions in favor of the disabled soldiers. Allen Adams, of Greensboro, "mem ber of the executive committee from the Fifth district, is of the opinion that the state commander should as semble the executive committee to gether at some central point and that this committee should' pass a" resolu tion endorsing the actions of the na tional commander. Of very different tone is the cofri municatlon of A. R. Parshley, of Clin ton, another member of the executive committee of the Third district. He said: ' . , .- - am very, glad of -an opportunity to raise my voice against any bonus plan for exservice- men. I should, however, like to make exceptions with regard to disabled men. I do not believe that the amounts received under the- War Risk Insurance are ample, and it is quite possible that much . injustice has- ben . done. As for the ordinary man, like myself, there are jobs a-plenty, and I do not begrudge at all the time I spent. In service. Nor do I think that condi tions would justify the enormous ex pense which any bonus plan would necessitate. Distention In the Ranks. The McOirt-KIrkpatrick plan for a bond issue of $50,000,000 to build roads In North Carolina has developed dissension in the ranks of the North Carolina Good Roads association. Some ot them, notably Miss Hattie Berry, secretary of the association, have come out actively against - the plan to press the -matter at the July session of the legislature. The Governor on Suffrage. "I have a profound conviction that the special session ef the North Caro lina legislature will ratify the suffrage amendment regardless of what other states may do," declared Gov. T. W. Bickett, after declining, on the grounds of propriety and courtesy, to send telegrams to Delaware urging the ratification of the amendment by that state. $100,000 for Ridgecrest. Birmingham, Ala.Sflecial). The Southern Baptist - Educational board has authorized the following-appropriations to be made . from the $15,- 00Q.000 fund recently raised ' for edu national purposes: Southern Baptist Assembly, Ridge Crest, N. C, $100,000; John B. Stet son university, Deland, Fla $il00,000 ; Montezuma Baptist college, .East Las Vegas,. N. M., $50,000. - - Tax Supervisor Seventh District.- J. C Reid, of Charlotte, has , been a appointed . tax supervisor for the sev- enth district-to succeed Major A. L Bulwinkle, of : Gastonia. Refd takes up the work as supervisor under the state revaluation act-and will have; charge of the district comprising the nntio. r,f TtT-nViK,, n.ftatrt WKUktVO V. T-a Wuwa WJ va m - VVMf Cleveland, Lincoln, Catawba, Anson" and Union. " Stanly, Professor of Farm Crops. . " . Announcement" is made at State Col lege that Mr. W H. Darst; associa e professor of Farm Crops at Pennsyl vania State college, has accepted, the professorship of Farm Crops and will enter upon his new duties at West Raleigh May the first. 'J Professor Darst comes to State Col lege with splendid equipment both? as to training and experience and highly recommended by some of the biggest agricultural men of the country. He was born; and reared on a farm la Miami county, Ohio. State Printing More Costly. ; The state printing commission jnet recently in the governor!s office "and allowed an increase of 20 per cent to the five concerns who" do the state's printing. This increase dates back to January 1 thie year, but does not ap- ply to work which was given them" prior, to that time and which has not yet been completed. The publishing . house plead the high cost of labor, stating that their expenses are enor mous , There Is a clause in the con tract under which the increase is al lowed. " E OF .. a niuiAi UP1NIU Teachert Properly Qrada. ' For tha first time in the history ."01 , the. teaching- profea-ioa ia North Caro-' i 'l.-the .larg piajority. of te'cliers - in pity and s tatte : scilpoU are Jn. ossss sloa; of either rst or seVond :, grada certificafea. '' 'Of th"e?robre than ;10,- 000 teachers -in .orth -Carolina -only 300 or 400 have not been certified by the state board of examiners, although the teachers "themselves claim. - that they have "qualified '-lor. ; certifieatesV That they have not been furnished with certificates is very likely due to delay of superintendents in forward ing the reports to' the offices here. M6re than 12,CT0d teachers have qual ified and are in possession of first grade certificates, the second grade certificates .going to less thn 3,000. With the teachers of the state on a substantial professional basis the big problem" iwfftch''the':' sclioois are con fronted with oVwill be.at theji)pening of the fall session. Is to; persuade the teachers . to continue -in - the school work instead of- entering other employ menf. This has een the; history of North Carolina'sj teachlrs ;. for many years,' and there -is every reason to be lieve that. the. same thing.will happen again. . Hundreds of the state's best teachers are early lured from the school rooms into other work by sala ries far above that 'paid them for teaching. : , The only way that; North Carodina can maintain its present teaching force and persuade others who are badly needed to enter the profession, is to increase the pay. Fire Prevention Day " October 9th - is . designated by law, "Fire Prevention" Day" the governor being required "to issue a proclama tion urging the people to a. proper ob servance of the jday," and the insur ance commissioner Is commauded 'to bring the day and its observance to the attention of' all municipal officials and especially the firemen, and where possible, arrange , suitable programs. The -week beginning" March 28 "and ending April 3 was selected -as .fire prevention, or clean-up week. Setting the Governor Straight. Governor Bickett, three days after ao had ;mado public his intention of advising the democratic party to get on . the suffrage . bandwagon and that he would urge the special session of the general assembly to. ratify, the Susan B. Anthony amendment, re: ceived a telegram from J. H. Gaines, representing the anti-3uff rage league of West Virginia, stating that West Virginia had not legally ratified the amendment. His purpose of setting the Governor straight was' in the in terest of letting the public know the facts. - - Examination for Postmasters Washington, (Special) 51vil ser vice examination will be held on April 14 'for presidential postmaster at the following places in North Ca oliaa: Rosemary, salary $1,400; Lakesville, salary, $1,500; Rich Square, salary $1,400; Robersonville, salary, $1,500. Members of the North Carolina dele gation in the house voted for a small army before the army reorganisation bill passed. They supported a motion to limit the size to 185,000 men. Appeal by Power Company Dismissed Washington, The supreme court dismissed for lack of jurisdiction ap peals from North Carolina supremo court decrees perpetually enjoining the Hiawasee River Power Company, upon the application of the Carolina Tennessee Power Company - from con structing andt operating power plants on the Hiawassee river in Cherokee COUnty. - ; .-V; .- Simmons against Sale of Ships Senator Simmons went to bat again Jo stop the sale of ships needed in the south and elsewhere in this country. I Constituents .have wired himthat the government is making sales de spite the protest here. ' ' : "Senators will recall that recently there was a : strong protest against the sale of government-owned ships," said Senator Simmons, "arising out- of tae proposal vo man.ships. The senator from Wash, ton, Mr Jones, introduced a .bill to tn general effect that the shipping board: should not proceed .witlv sales until Congress had announced its pol- icy and provided for continued govern ment operation. : State Has Had Ten Capitals. v . . The first complete : report in con nection with the Raleigh and Wake county cc i.uiunlty study shows I that the state of North Carolina has8 had at least ten capitals", Bath, Edehton, Brunswick, Wilmington, .New Bern, Hillsboro, Smlthfleld, Fayettevllle and Raleigh. The reason for. so manyvlay in the custom prior to 17 W of trans ferring the seat of government to the temyorary place of assero biy. . ; In 1791 one quare mile of land was bought for the foundation of "Raleigh as a permanent seat of government. The Truth About Revaluation The Truth About Revaluation" is the title of a pamphlet that is being printed, eon tain ing the series, of Mon day morning "Sermons on Taxaffion" tten by r l governor Bickett has received scores over the state and f rona other states . commending his stand for an equalization of taxation in North Carolina. One was received from Dr. E. W. Gudger, member of the faculty of the North Carolina College for Women, now doing special wort in New York. - you wouLDfmTny; : : : : TO TAME A: WILD CAT Mr.. Dodsj'n Warns tanst U3oi .Treacherous-. 6sjfriii;'.uyv - . Calomel.' Calomel . salivates I : f-Tt's. i mercury, Calomel acts: like dynamite on a slus ...Mlf&rl .iVh;;calowmeslloto contacV;with' ?6ur "eitcralies'mto it causing crampihg-' and nauseai" S- -v If you .feel bilious, headachy, consti pated and all knocked out, just go' to your druggisf and get a bottle of D06V son's Liver Tone for a few cents which Is a harmless. vegetable suhstitfute "f or dangerous calomeU Take a spoonful and1 if it doesn't start your liver and straighten you up better arid quicker than nasty calomel and without -making you sick,-just go backhand get yonr money. y -" . " ; . : 1 . ;' ; If you take calomel today youll bo sick and nauseated tomorrow;,besides, it may salivate youv while if you take Dodson's JLiver Tonebu will wake iip feeling great, full of ambition and S" 'r. ' reatly ifor work or play.; It's harmless. pieasant and safe to give to children ; they like it Adv. . . ; The Second Best. : t " VC, r Mr. Ivnagg 1, don't see what you have to complain of Haven't you had the best, of everything since we were married? - r . His Wife Well, I dldh't marry; the best man at our wedding; ' J HAD NERVOUP 4 But Health Jtestored to Texas Lady,1 Who Is Now Wei! and StronpAb jfo, ,Do;;Ai Her fi ouseworand M orcL - Rosehud, Texas. Mrs.. Annie Lahge, of R: F. D. No.. 4, this placed writes1 as follows regarding her experience with Cardui : "Some .. time ago I had a nervous breakdown of some kind . . .. I was very weak, and so nervous. It all seemed to come from ... trouble, for at . . r I had fainting spells and Suffered a great deal, but' more from the weak, trembly, no-account feeling than anything else. I knew I needed a Atonic, and needed it badly. ; ; ' ' . vwI began the use of Cardui, to see if I couldn't get some strengthj as I knew of other cases that had been helped by its use. I felt better . ; I soon saw a great improvement, so kept it up. c - ; I used seven bottles of Cardui, and can say the money was well spent for I grew well and strong. Now able to do all my housework and a great deal of work besides.. If you are run-down,' weak, nervous, and suffer from the ailments peculiar to women, it is very likely that Cardui will help you, in the way it has nelped thousands ofothers, during the past 10 years. . .; - i - V; Take Cardui, the woman's tonic Adv. A Boy's Idea.; The small boy's Idea of hell seems to be an empty wood-or-coal box when It Is time to go skating. Leavenworth Pest. ' ; ' ' Jf Constipated, Bilious -or H eadachy, take - -- "Cascarets" V- Brain foggy ? Blue devils got you ? Don't stay sick, biiIous,headachy, con stlpated. Remove the liver and bowel poison, which is keeping youru head dizzy, your tongue coated, your breath bad and stomach sour. Why not spend a few cents for a box of Cascarets and enjoy "the nicest, gentlest laxative-da-thartic you ever experienced? v Cas;. carets never gripe; sicken or Inconve nience one" like Salts, Oil, Calomel or harsh Pills. They work while you sleep. Adv.'. - 7 Nothing to It. ' "While there's life, there's hope." 7 "I get you. Don't be a dead one. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. - ' , STOMMOOT FOR KIDNEY AlOlETlTS There is only one medicine that really tends out pre-eminent as a. medicine for curable ailments of the kidneys, liver and bladder. ,:--.-;:--- .-.;---;v . ---;- Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot stands the highest for the reason that it has proven to be just the remedy -needed in thousand npon thousand of distressing cases. Swamp-Root makes friends quickly be cause its mild and immediate effect is soon realized in most cases. It is a gentle; healing vegetable compound. " Start treatment at once. Sold at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medi um and large." , . .. ' However; if you wishr 'first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure end mention this paper. Adv. : : Time flies and flytlme will soon be ;n deck again. " GRUMPY? HUGE COUGATIOIiA fWltlih INAUjGURATEA NEW "ERA ir; IN EtJUCATlbNAL ANNALS OF NORTH' CAROLINA - EXPECT PROMIKENT VISITORS Governor and Mrs. Bickett, 'together witlf Governors of Virginia and ' South Carolina will Be Thre -'- Greensboro, When the citizens' conference on education comes to gether' in Greensboro on "May 4 and 5, a new era will have begun In the annals of North Carolina education. This should bev the jgreatest educa tionaf conference ever held in the state," declares Presidert Julius : I. Poust, of the North Carolina Collage fori Women; -who has recently return ed from an extended conference with Hon. P. - P. Claxton. Superintendent E C. Brooks and others m an attempt to ; outline a program, for the meeting. The meeting -will be. a conference of business . people who. are interested in the educational problems of North Carolina and wish to 'improve condi tions as 'they now exist. '" It 13 called by -Commissioner; Claxton. Though concerned with.: education al problems, this will not be a conference- of educaters, " but of . Norta Carolina citizens who are enough in terested in the larger . aspects of edu cation "in the itate to come together to devise ways; and means for-betterment vqf' rural, village and city schools and - for the ; advancement of.', higher education' in the 'state. . More than 1,000 people are expected to attend the conference ' and all the - leading eivlc and social organizations . in the state will, send representatives. Gov. Thomas ;W Bickett and Mrs. Bickett will be guests of the - college during tue sessions, and Governor Davis of Virginia .and Governor Cooper of South Carolina Tare expected to attend. Shelby, Supt. Irvin is advising all school 'committees to secure the ser vices of teachers at once. On account of the shortage of teachers he states that unless the schools in the county make arrangements at once, some schools . will find themselves teacher less. - -.- . Charlotte, The board of directors of the Young Men's Christian associa tion; has -unanimously decided to place an age limitation on men room ing in the building. Hereafter no one will be admitted as a roomer to the association building who is over 30 years of age. Rocky Mount, Rev. Baxter T. Mc Lemdon launched f his , campaign against the ' devil ; in Rocky Mount with two raking charges from his heavy artillery planted on the special platform in .; the Farmer's Mutual warehouse, his effective fire sweep ing out over the several thousand per sonsj.who attended the services and finding its range with numerous hits. Salisbury. An enthusiastic meeting of former students of the North Caro lina College for Women was held here for the purpose of organizing an alumnae association for Rowan coun ty The organization was perfected with Miss Lois Campbell president, Miss Mary, Wood McKenzie vice-president, and Miss Sadie Kluttz secretary and treasurer.. A, - ':. Goldsboro, Opening with a group conference for social workers, the North Carolina" Social Service confer ence is holding its eighth annual meeting in this city with close to 200 derogates present, who were also guests at an informal tea given by the" Goldsboro Woman's club. : The conference proper openedjwith an address byGovernor Bickett, who presided, also as temporary chairman. -- The-principal address was made by Dr: Edward T. Devine To Build Another Highway" Asheville, By terms of a bill re cently passed by the South Carolina general - assembly, a special tax will be levied in Anderson county through which $70,000 will" be raised in' two years for constructing an Improved highway from Pickens to the North Carolina line. The " road will, inter sect with Transylvania . county and will mean the completion of a high way from Columbia to the North Car olina mountains. This amount will be supplemented by a , similar sum from federal aid. Monro MFansw are Active ; Monroe, -The Monroe Athletic as sociation is being organized and will apply tor , a charter. . The capital stock: will probably be $3,000 paid up. Two-thirds - of this amount has al ready been subsoribed. The associa tioa will take a five-year lease on Roberts field, enclose it with a rood fence, erect grandstand and bleachers and finance an amateur baseball club this summer.- A number of good play rs are being lined up for the team, and sporting blood Is running high among the" fans. - AS 0 PAIiJ 3017 Wht l.ydia Ptnliham's xVcsctabl Compound Did : . . r -f or Mrs. Warner, . . r Onalaska, WI3. ' Every month I had euch pains in my back and lower part of icreu tn 11, eeesiea as though I would die, and I was not regular either. I suffered for a year and was unfit to do my housework, could only wash dishes once in a while. I read an advertisement of what I.vHi F. Pinlr . ham's Vegetable Compound had done zor ower women ana decided to try it. It Surely did wonders for me. I have' no pains now and I can do my house work without any trouble at all. I will always praise your medicine as I do not believe there is a doctor that can do as much good in female weakness, and you may use these facts as a testi monial." Mrs. Lester E.v Warnek, R. l; Box 69, Onalaska, Wis. The reason women write such letters to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. and tell their friends how they are) helped is that Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound hasbrought health and happiness into their lives. : Freed from their illness they want to pass the good news along to other suffering women that they also may be relieved. Caused by Millions of people In fact about 9 oat of 10 suffer more or less from Indigestion, acute or chronic. Nearly svery cas l caused by Acid-Stomach. There are other stomach disorders which also are sure signs of Aeld-Stomah belch ing, heartburn, bloat after eating, food re- repeating', sour, gassy stomach. There are many aliments which, 'while they do not cause much distress In the stomach Itself, are. nevertheless, traceable to an acid stomach. Among these ' are nervousness biliousness, cirrhosis of the liver, rheuma- . tlsm. impoverished blood, weakness. Insom nia, melancholia and a long train of phys ical and mental miseries 4 that keep the victims In miserable health year after year. The right, thins to do le to attack these ailments at their source geC rid of the ald tomach. A wonderful modern remedy called EATONIC now makes It easy to do this. One. of hundreds of thousands of gratefal users of EATONIC writes: "I have beest troubled with intestinal Indigestion for about nine years and have spent quite a sum for medicine, but without - relief. ' After using EATONIO for a few. days the gas and palna In my bowels disappeared. EATONIC Is Juet the remedy I needed." We have thousands ef letters telling of these marvelous benefits. Try EATONIC and you too, will be Just as enthusiastic In It praise. Your druggist has EATONIC Get a Mr 60c box from him today. He will refund your money If you are not satisfied. ? ATOMIC ( TOR YOUR ACT&-3TOMAC10 - . BOOT DESPAIR If yon pre troubled with pains or aches; feel tired; have headache, indigestion, insomnia; painful pass ege of urine, you will find relief fc CO LD MEDAL Tho world's standard remodr for Iddnayv livar bladder and uric acid troubles and National Remedy of Holland since 169S. Three aizea, all druggists. - QuarantoexL Look for the Basso Cold Medal o overy Imb and accept bo InsitetioB Mr. Live Wire: Be first one in every town te write for exclusive agency for The Calcula tor, the new adding machine. Send f 12.(0 for sample machine and "cinch" choice ter ritory. . Money back ifi not satisfied. Tott run no risk. .Neither The Calculator Corpo ration nor the U. S.f post office department would permit us to make this offer and not live up to it. This "Little Wonder" d the work of a $300 machine. Adds, sub tracts, . multiplies : automatically. Guaran teed 6 years. - Every business man needs one. Calculator Sales Agcy.; Box 705. Ralelgh,N-C IN USE FOB 85 TEABS Tlie Quick and dure Care for ilALARIA, CHILLS, FEVER AND LA GRIPPE It Is m. Powerial Tonle aud Appotizor Will enro that tired feeling, pains in back, limbs and head. Contains no qnlnlns arssnie or babit-fonniuc: lneredlenc PLUG TOBACCO Known as "that good land" Try it and you will know why CUBED WITHOUT A STAEVATIOH DIET AT A SI.TAT.L COST If yon have this awful disease, sad want to be cured 4s stay ssrsaw writs for " FEEB BOOK v rlrlng ths hlstcry of poIUgrs, tymp tons. resulU and how to treat. Seat . la plain, sealed envelope. A guar anteed treatment that cures when all others fall. Writs for tills boot tsasy. CROWN MEDICJNI COMPANY. Oast 61 Attaata, 6a 1 I- " I it i a It 1 4m 1 11 t 'J ' 4 it i ' r E I w I.' V !! r i i i Ok. . ' i

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