1 .V I 0L1SHED SEPT. 18, 1878. P1TTSB0R0. CHATHAM CO.. THURSDAY, MAY 27. 1920. VOL. XLII NO. 43 OF MRS. LEE ATB PERSONAL MENTION UNION MEETING IkTDTTC JL JJJiilld I sfijmble Woman Passes .pied Thursday onrtip Lyon Lee died, at ... last Thursday -after- a ncTAfl about 65 nines?, -if Lee was formerly ast 16 year wee" LhouseforMr.Taytor..:She Ve a mother to her grand l Misses Pauline and Emily MIS survive ; ' 1 rnio .Tnnes. ol Lmrnam.anu nieces. Misses Pauline nds She was truly-a ON TO FAYETTEVILLE Annual Meeting of the Gon federate Veterans' The Confederate veterans of North Carolina will hold their an nual reunion at Fayetteville June 1, 2 and 3. The Cape Fear city is making great preparations for the reception and entertainment of the gallant old vets and those who are not able to pay forboat"d and lodging will be taken care of free of charge. ' As . stated heretofore in The tcecora, the county .commission ers will pay the railroad fare of every; Confederate veteran in CJiatham county who desires to attend this reunion. It is to be hoped a large number will take rmilv Taylor and a host of ; who will regret to learn j advantage oi this. , Those aesir- w death. HA ... , ll 3 woman and will De greauy sed. t- 1n,nn nrirvrl 11 ft" Pn from 5e I unerai w do w house by Rev. W. 15. wan. tor of the Baptist church, as- bd by Rev. W. Alien, rec- of the Episcopal churcn. ine errnent was in the Episcopal uetery. Two Sudden Deaths Wednesday afternoon of last ek, while at work in his field ar his home at Brickhaven,Mr. ifir, Marks was stricken with Bart trouble and died in a few Inntes. He had been in declin- tl : - g health for two or three years, .(High able to attend to his af ire. He was one of Chatham's st citizens and a prosperous Bimer. Last Thursday morning Mr. )hn A. Knight died suddenly at is home in Gulf township. He as a well known citizen of that ction and ' had many friends ho will be pained to learn of i sudden death. ing to go must see or write to W. A. Hiinngton, .; rittsDiro, ior an order for their ticket. . People Who Come and Go Some You Know and Some You Do Not. - To Be Held at Sandy Branch Baptist Ghnrch May 29-30 Federal Jurors . The following Chathamites were drawn as jurors for federal cou which convened at Raleigh ct Tuesday: , J. Hackney Moody Durns, Frank T-Andrew, James Knight, J. E. Worhble, A. F. Harrington, G. G. Ward and C. N. Justice. The following will attend as ju rors next Monday: John W. Gpldston, George W Perry, J. H. Siler, A. J. Clark, D. J. Williams, H. R. Harward and C. B. Atwater. High School Teachers At a recent meeting of the immittee of the Pittsboro high hool, Prof. E. R. Franklin was (-elected principal and the fol ding were elected teachers for e various grades: Miss Louise Stalvey, 1st grade. Miss Nellie Pilkintrton. 4th and In grades. s Olivia Harmon, 6th and P grades. .V A teacher for the second and m grades is to be chosen, Mrs. fQmr A Dl 1 1 a j xx. AJdruer navmg aecnnea election, and two assistants in f high school are also to be cho- p, one for a new position anr! f other to succeed Mrs.-W. P. frton who declined re-election. A Ground Hog 1r. W people who read The fcord,and others who don't read f thing, do not believe there is h a thing as a srround hoor. or odchuck. But there is' "The u on their return from To- Ohio, where t.hev went. Inst. pdixeruverland carscaught pi the pesky things as they tnrough Virginia- and TO Mr. Hno-hQPV Pittsboro. TTa 0y Inok coon of" Pete" Gunter's ' home on Broadway. " but we would pe little boys and girls not to o close to the little animal. Weighs about nine or ten Ns. Ir'W. W. Lansrlev and Miss nie B. Johnson, both of Chat- were united in marriage 1 Saturday at the residence of T' M- Burns, the 'squire tie lhe knot which made two as Success to the young people. mother cool "spell" ia May. Grand Jury Report ' i Before being discharged by Judge Bond, the grand jury made their report, which we print in part, as follows: They visited the different offi ces in the courthouse and found everthing in a most satisfactory condition. The increased activi ties in land sales, transfers etc., have caused a considerable in crease in the work of the regis ter of deeds and .that the clerical force furnished that office is alto gether inadequate to the prompt transaction of the business of the office, and that the public in terest will be promoted by the installation of a more modern in dex system for the offices of both the clerk of the superior court and the register of deeds was re commended. They visited the county jail and found everything satisfactory, but that the jailer was allowed a totally inadequate allowance for his services: that .the jail roof needed repair; that the water sys tem was temporarily out of order and recommended that both be immediately repaired. They also recommended that an iron rail be placed around the Confederate monument. ' At the county home was found 12 white and 11 colored inmates and all appeared to be contented and , well cared for. The farm and live stock were in good, con dition. The supply of provisions; forage, etc. , was very . satisfac tory. Some of the buildings need ed repairing. As none of the in mates are physically .able to work on the farm it is absolutely ne cessary that adequate help be given the superintendent. , Rev. Mr. -Hartley, of Southern Pines, who is holding mission services at the Episcopal church here this week, has a wonderful way of drawing large crowds to hear him. Go hear him tonight and you will be apt to go again: The services are real -interesting and' will continue through the week, preaching his last sermon Sunday night. Mrs. R. H. Hayes has gone to Cana on a visit. . -; Mr. Arthur H. London went to Richmond Monday on a business trip. Mr. A. C. Ray has been attend ing the ' synod at Charlotte thi3 week. - ...... Mrs. Martha Hatch leaves this week for Bennett on a visit to her daughter. - - , Mrs. Herbert E. Norris is here on a visit to her parents, Mriand Mrs. R. M.. Burns. Miss Ethel Johnson is at home from Brevard, where she has been teaching school. ; Miss Henrietta Morgan is at home from her mountain school taking her summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Duncan, of Raleigh, have been on a short visit to Mr, and Mrs. M. T. Wil liams here. ' Mrs. Fletcher Mann is at the bedside of her mother, near Sev en Springs in Wayne county, who is quite ill., 1 '' Commander J. J. Ijondon, U. S. S. Columbia, has been here on a short visit to his mother, Mrs. Henry A. London. Misses Male Poe, Mary Branch and Musetta Frink, . of Raleigh, were the guests of Miss Annie Poe here last Sunday. Miss Clara Johnson is expected home today from Fayetteville, where she has been attending the conservatory of music. Miss Olivia Harmon is expect ed home in a fewdays Jrom Me ridian, Miss., where- she gradu: ates from Meridian college. . . Mrs. Laura Morgan has re turned from Raleigh where she visited her daughter, Miss Susie, wno nas just recoverea irom a slight operation. , , Capt. Wm. Hunti of the Pitts boro fast express train,' is taking a much needed rest "this week. His place is being filled by Capt. Charles -Brown, of Hamlet Miss Susie Morgan, Who Tor 18 months has been stenographer for the Raleigh News and Obser ver, has accepted a position with' the Raleigh letter writers. M iss Morgan has just recovered from a slight operation. '' r Mrs. Henry A. London has re turned, from Raleigh where she attended St. Mary's commence ment. Her granddaughter, Lucy London Anderson, was one -of the graduates, having finished the course in three years. : . Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cor don,' on Friday evening, enter tained at bridge for two recent brides and grooms, Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Milliken and Mr, and Mrs. D. L Bell. After several rub bers, the prize was presented to Mr. Arthur H. London for the highest score. A salad course was served. ' The following is tke program o be held at the Sandy Branch Baptist church, Saturday- and Sunday, May 20 and 30: . ' SATURDAY. ; - 3 The public is hereby warned against, attempts to sell medicines . with names sounding like PURATONE with tha statement tha thoy are the same thing as PURATONE. ' There is only onf PURA.TONE and that is Mr. Jphn Pomeroy's. His picture and siS '. nature are on every package. We make this public statement tcj protect our friends and customers, we are exclusive agenta here for this celebrated medicine.. " 4 r. r - ' : Puratone is sold by Gl R.L Pilkihgton. . It is also sold by one 9:45 to 10:00 Devotional ser- lionHino- rlmcyaist in everv town Tf there is" not a Puraone dealer vice W. A. Crabtree. 10:00 to 10:30 Organization. 10:30 to ll:00-Financing the Kingdom. 1. The Bane of False Methods-R; Phillip, R. F. Pas chal. 2d. Some Practical Plans -w i r - A' lit 11?. A JT I near you, Josepn B. JBaDO & Up., yup Austen ouuamg, -axianta,ua., will fill your orders at $1.04 per bottle, postpaid, adv '. . .. Primary Candidates ; We print below, a copy of the! E. D. Nail, J. R. Comer. 3d. Democratic county ballot Show- Worshipping Through Offerings ing candidates who have entered W. H. H. Lawhorn,W. B. Waff, the primary, June 5. tor the va il :30 tD 120 Sermon J. E. nous County offices: , i: , , Ayscue. ; '? 12:30 to 1:45-Dinner hour. 1:45 to 2:15 Miscellaneous bus iness, r ,- 2:15 tp 3:00-The 75-Million Campaign: 1. What We Have Accomplished G. C. Phillips. 2. The Unfinished Task T-W. M. Gil more. . - ; . V; 3:00 to 4:00 Evangelism. 1; What? I. C. Lee, J.L. Powers. 2. Why? -W. C. Lassiter, N. J. Todd. 3. How? O. A. Kellar. r. SUNDAY. ' , 10:00 to 11:00 Sunday school. 11:00 to 12:3C Address Dr. G. W. Paschal. 12:30 to 2:30 Dinner hour. 95A n Prtiin ToKla nio v q , , a Z CHAS. H. LUTTERLOH cussion of Sunday Schools, ied by li J. L. Griffin. , . n CHAS. C. POE 2:45 to 3:00 Address on Sun day Schools, D. B. Teague. , Every church in the Sandy Creek Association is requested to f"l send?at least two delegates to this meeting. Democratic County Primary Ballot (Make cross mark in the square opposite -the names of the respective candi dates for whom you elect to vote. ) r For House of Representatives: (Vote for one.) Q VICTOR R. JOHNSON - LEON T. LANE ; For Sheriff: ' J -; v; (Vote for one.) - THEODORE H. PERRY G. WALKER BLAIR ; , CAD N. BRAY V ; : For Register of Deeds: (Vote for one.) For the committee. - , , W. O. JOHNSON. Kill Bit Hawk Mr. Ivy Gilmore, of Center township, tells The Record of the killing of a monster hawk on his place; The old fellow had been stealing chickens, Mr. Gilmore thinks, for twenty years, and he had tried several times to get him but failed. However, he had! the good fortune to bring the old fellow down this week. He was 50 yards . from .,. the foot of the tree in- which his hawk ship sat. When measured the big bird was found to reach four feet from tip to tip. He was so old he was nearly white. ForCounty Commissioner: (Vote for three.) B. M. McIVER w;m. lindsey. v G. T. YATES J. W. GRIFFIN , . . . .." A. T. WARD 0 ; " Jude; Adams ' In nresenting the hahie of Judge r Adams as a candidate for the of fice of associate justice of the stp--; preme court,, Moore county otters a man who needs little intrcduc-. -tion and no ap6logy. ,He is a manv -of integrity and . ability as befits . anyone who would aspire to a place on the; highest tribunal of . the state, but he is more-than that. Judge Adams is a studehl of social questions,' and with ft he is a philosopher an humanitarfasts- J His temperament is judicial, his ooservation maKes mm a conser- r vative man. ; . ." ; Judge Adams knows the law, V which is one thing, but he knows human character, which is more. He has the faculty of weighing actions and motives and of giving 1 proper rating to surroundings. He is the type of judge men would have confidence in if there Were no law, for law is merely the ef-r fort of men -to modify the rela- ; tions of man to man. c ... But Judge Adams know.s the , law, and he knows the lawyers. He knows the customs of law, and their applications. If he should be chosen to the supreme bench the state will be well served. If not it is to be presumed that the man who is successful will be of ithe highest character also,-for it is impossiDie tnat any Dut a man of that type . can be a winner as against the Moore1 county jurist . Moore County has a friendly faith" in Judge Adams, and a sincere , hope that he will win in this cam- paign because he is a.mah in ev- 1 ery way suited for the place. Moore County News. Sam A. Hennis, a prominent Mount Airy man, has been found guilty in the recorder's court of- selling liquor jn large quantities and - sentenced to pay a fine of $1,000 and to leave the state for 90 days. " ' - The government will seek to obtain fair distribution t of the country's sugar supply through a sweeping investigation of su gar brokers who ignore condi tions of their federal licenses. State Chamber of Commerce The Fayetteville chamber of commerce has issued , invitations to all chambers of comnierce in the state of North Carolina to be represented at a meeting on June $th in Fayetteville. The purpose of this meeting is organization of a state chamber of commerce to "take care up such problems as freight rates, short age of farm labor, education and all other matters pertaining to the welfare of North Carolina. Manufacturers, ' bankers, pro fessional men and all other busi ness interests are also invited to participate. ' ' J -v. A complete plan of organiza tion is going to be presented and experts in state chamber of com merce work in other states will " be present. V J. E. Duckworth, aged 92, and father of 20 children, has pro fessed faith and was baptized at Cathey's .creek, Transylvania county, this week. "Who was that new girl I'saw you with last night?" "That wasn't a hew girl. That was my old girl painted over. Bynum Personals , Quite a number of people from here attended memorial services at Hanks chapel Saturday. Rev. W.T.Phipps, of Fremont, is here this week assisting Rev. J. W. Autrey m a revival. , Misses Flessie and Blonnie Cole spent a few days in Raleigh last weeki. . : ., "; . Mr. and Mrs.' G. E. Williams and Mrs. A. -A. Cotner visited Mrs. Williams' father, Mr. Bean, at Greensboro.last week. . Mr. Paul Jones motored over to Greensboro returning home Thursday. - Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Jlornaday, of Laurinburg, spent a few days here visiting Mrs. J. T. Riggs- bee and Mrs. W. B. Atwater. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Neal spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. A. -E. Cole, of Riggsbee. The frjeight jam -is said to be slowly yielding to the efforts con-1 centrated on the - mass of cars which clog the country's railread v yards. ; - .vv,'.:l A fine tobacco season' all of last-week has' enabled many far mers to make a big start in plant- -ing the tobacco crop. ! , DON People With Thin, Pale Blood Arc? Listless and Want to Do Little'. MORE RED BLOOD CELLS NEEDED , . - - - - Take Pepto-Manaan. Famous Tonic, and Say "Let's Go," Instead of "Let's Don't.'? , Sale Valuable Land Under and by virtue of the power of sale conferred upon me by a ( certain deed of mortgage executed to - me by J. E ' Dowdv and others on the .15th day of July, 1919, said deed of mort gage being registered in the office of register of deeds of Chatham county, in book FN, at page 198, I will sell for cash to the highest bidder, on Saturday, June 7, 1920, ; at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door in Pittsboro, N. C, a one-half un divided interest in and to that certain lot or tract of land lying and being in Gulf township, Chatham county, N. C, and being more fully, described and de fined as follows, to-'wit: . ' Beginning at iron corner m a. m. Womble's store lot line m old road; theqce south 62 degrees west 60 feet to iron corner; thence soutn ;zt aegrees east 55 feet to an iron corner in old road; thence north 62 degrees east 60 feet to iron corner; thence north 2b de e-rees west 56 feet to the beginning. This lanH is hpinp- resold n account! same. medicinal insrredients. of an advance bid of 10 per cent of the! Buy Pepto-Mansran at yourdruecist. -Vhen normally healthy, ambitious- people begin , to lack energy and, tire, ... easily when they are-; quickly discour- j aged and " lqw in vitality, it usually ' ,1 means their blood has grown weak.. . Such people are called' anemic, f or v run-down. " Build up the blood and you build up, the health and spirits. ' Pepto-Mangan is a pleasant-tasting red blood builder and it contains "exactly the elements which poor, pale ' blood needs to become rich, red blood. . : Red blood means rosy .cheeks)' bright - eyes, a clear brain, a firm step. Pepto- ' Mangan nasj?iaced thousands of people who needed " building . up in the full blooded, energetic,. "vigorous class. It changes the "let's don't" attitude to a "let's go" attitude. Recommended by physicians for thirty years and sold all over the world.' " . . ' Pepto-Mangan is sold in both liquid ' and tablet form. Both contain ,the I last price This May 20, Wdu. J. C. ELKINS, Mortgage3 Siler & Barber, Attorneys Be sure the name "Gude's" is on the I I packages Without "Gude's" it is not Pepto-Mangan. adv 9 j,