4 II I Chatham ILrM 9 m -i 1 m 1 t V J t - V UbLISHED SEPT. 18, 1878. PTTTSBORO, CHATHAM CO.. THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1920. VOL. XLII NO. 46 OF PRIMARY' 1 at Primary June 5i 1920 Governor. Rep. Sheriff. Register "Commissioners. . v v -V ' : ' Precincts. . .. 1 . J" - . u .- ' . S O : i pq pl, : o - 3 State has an election developed such evenly divided strength. The contest between Gardiner and Morrison has few parallels in any State, and the con test for second place on the Associate Justiceship ticket leaves the contestants closer together, than lias ever happen ed before. Undisputable, majorities were con ceded several days ago to Wade Ship man, Lacy, an Graham, and an assumed majority to Justice Hoke. Successful candidates were undeniably happy over the returns particularly M. L. Shipman who received greater majority over his ancient enemy, D. P. Dellinger by ly 020 votes. ' ' , i pmnrv to Be Held con ' July Ihird .1 cnrl mud whifVl m'te tne ra " ;iea Juris in the Drimary. tats t.L. i's ler City. While the ana r . between uie iuwiu i , rjOL23 canaiuatco " PStof feeling prevaucu efeated candidates will join -. fV.pir successful riv- T rolling up anomer wwuu I victory ir. Chatham next rill be seen from tne taDU- vote, G. Walker Blair won for sheriff, Chas. C. Jf oe tor ter of deeds and beon 1. for the legislature. For L commissioners J. D. Wil- Ij.W. Griffin and A. T.Ward nominated. race for governor aroused reatest interest, Morrison ins? a majority of the pre- and getting a suostanuai i ? m lity. A second primary win Id July 3 to decide between fison ana uaiuuci, uwuiw V received a majority and dropping out, being the low 1 la fin of the W Oman's Club iish every member of the i lan's club might have been ie meeting held at the school e on June 1 as well as at the eon which followed. rs. Ollie V. Perry, who spoke 3 on the "Prevention of Fire Accidents," is a tcman of id interests and of pleasing jraaJity. Her field of work !e of importance and one to ii we can all contribute by pt making our homes safe ree trom the possibility of d other accidents that of- iccur through our careless- Thompson, Mr. Norwood j individual work and sug- a how our club can co-oper- ith the county officers in important work. luncheon, which followed addresses, given in honor Webster, and fnr whlr- jjames Griffin kindly gave nib use use of her house, was Ifully planned and most en- e. There were music and is and a delightful salad by little Misses Camilla I May Dell Bynum and Brooks, who were cos each to represent a flower. m. W. P. HORTON, President. Albright . . 20 21 17 16 40 19 37 15 40 43 ! 40 20 6 29 21 Baldwin 1 ... 18 22 40 34 45 70 9 11 68 43 78 34 10 30 45 Bear Creek. . ..J.... ... 59 15 43 113 3 12 103 108 8 116 68 55 69 31 11 Buckhorn . 28 1 31 7 53 45 15 32 27 33 30 30 54 17 13 Merry Oaks 9 2 5 13 3 13 2 11 5 13 2 4 14 2 13 Center : 82 107 22 39 177 195 17 3 - 65 149 97 145 126 111 74 79 Gulf .. 36 2 7 30 12 23 25 50 14 45 35 38 7 6 2, Richmond .. 35 22 19 66 9 34 41 2 7 65 64 53 21 55 19 14 Hadley.,... 17 16 21 14 44 47 3 9 14 41 19 17 16 8 46 14 Haw River 7 31 11 33 16 40 3 1 41 5 17 24 41 41 9 6 Hickory Mountain ...1 38 J 17 27 31 53 59 28 32 52 75 60 34 28 23 33 Mt. Vernon Springs 21 5 6 28 3 11 22 1 11 20 31 7 28 6 18 5 Silrf City , ......124 30 43 167 30 12 193 2 166 37 158 77 81 70 68 93 New Hope .......I - 3 38 21 28 32 51 11 57 5 39 32 19 31 11 48 Oakland.. -.. 28 3 4 30 5 28 6 1 17 23 85 2 27 6 29 6 WilHs . 11 11 2 5 16 17 1 5 23 2 3 12 3 16 14 25 Total ......,.. 536 343 319 644 541 680 531 24 635 537 861 682 577 532 426 428 MARRIED PICKETT FARRELL. At the home of the bride's fa ther, Mr. Paul T. Farrell, last Saturday morning, Mr. C. V. Pickett was united in marriage to Miss Janie G. Farrell, Rev. P. Woodall officiating. The bridal MORRISON LEADS WITH1BEMEB VOTE BY ONLY 87 party left on the afternoon train Gardner Manager Holds Up Declaration of Vote To Ver ify Figures for Durham. The Record wish es them much good luck through life. DAVIS ALSTON. Friends here will be interested in the announcement of the mar riage of Miss Maria Alston to Mr. Richard Davis on June 9 at Townesville, Vance county. Miss Alston is a daughter of our form er countyman, the late Mr. Jos. Alston. She has often visited her cousin, Miss Lida Alston ,j near here. ERROR FOUND IN RETURNS REDUCES MORRISON BY 100 Justice Hoke Declared Nominee With 4, 000 Majority; Second Primary. Between Stacy and Long For Supreme Court ; " Wade, Shipman, Graham and Lacy Declared Winners zTatulation of the vote cast in the state-wide primary by the State Board of Elections yesterday gives Cameron Morrison a lead of 87 over O. Mat Gardner in a total vote of 128,233. For mal declaration of the vote was de ferred until. 11 o'clock this morninsr to t XI i T- J3 T 1 J T5 Dezem and Miss Annie Poeere Sn1 .SSrtoS5 quietly married at the Baptist 'from counties where official reports Card of Thanks P Democratic Voters of jham county: f this method of express es! sincere sense of ap- oafor the loyal support mary held on Saturday 8e them that it shall forgotten. under the law I am ad- at I might demand a sec- ary, knowincr that Mr. jfll make a most excellent ner, I would not be the of th f holding an additional ' and I therefore ask my to give , to him and the pmmees of our party such PPort as I shall give them lection in XWomhAi. v f villUUlc respectfully, B. M. McIVERx For Lieutenant Governor W, B. Cooper 64,225, F. C Haring 51,605. State Treasurer B. R. Lacy 83,914, B. F. Renfrow 30,686; majority 53,228. Commissioner of Agriculture W. A. Graham 75,192, H. Thompson 37,845, majority 3747. Commissioner of. Labor and Print ing M. L. Shipman 73,505, D J Del linger 35,227; majority 38,278. State Auditor Baxter, Durham 36,461. Cook 27,280, McDonald 1S,479, Boyd 16, 427, Woodley 13,042; Durham's plurality 19,1S1. Insurance Commissioner Stacy . W. Wade 75,810, John Underwood 25,874, C. T. McCleneghan 16,792; majority 33,144. Associate Justice Supreme Court Hoke 59,749, Stacy 34,633, Long .33,843, Adams 33,141; Gulley 26,706, Guion 24, Rouse 10,712; Hoke's majority ,4,074. Total vote 11150. Congress, First District Hallet S. Ward 7,1S9, John II. Small 5,311; Ward's majority 1,878. Congress, Third District S. M. Erin- son 5,701, C. L. Abernethy 3,089, R. L Carr 22; Brinson'a majority 2,612. Her- ring- (Rep.) 1,204, Rouse (Rep.) 344 Herring's majority 960. Congress. Sixth District H. L. Lyon 503, Godvin 433, 8haw 226. Second primary y between Lyon and Godwin. White (Rep.) 646, MeDonald 526 White's majorty 120. Congress, Seventh District- Hammer 7.152. Vann 4,312, Brock 594, Second primary between Hammer and tSr&fk. Congress, Ninth District Bufrtfftkl 4,782, Council 402, Quickel 3,423, Sitch 1,926, Peterson 1,409. Second primarv between Bnlwinkle and Council. -WratBjsle 'Over Proeedni. An hour s wrangle over the manner of canvass was precipitated immediat ely after the Board was called to order yesterday when Judge Biggs interposed objections to announcing the totals and declaring the voto until he had had op portunity to examine and challenge the entries made in the county abstracts. A motion was carried by a 4 to 1 vote to announce the total and then verify ter Of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Poe, of the opinion -that similar errors are tne returns, warence wi, wepuoncan . Dossible in the returns from .rJdffe- ';uiUBr xrwm orui .utuuiu s OI UaKlana tOWnsnip, DUt nas combe and Vance counties. The errol against it. Judge Biggs entered vig hpftnrpsidino-hprewithhprnricle . in Richmond was verified" bv teleeranh orous protest, and prevailed Against and pnTTPfttinn wm ntpri nn th tab- the majority of the Board. Mx. 15. iu. IrOe, IOr Several years, lflHon v j The county abstracts were then vtriA fnr ti liiQf vwr nr twft nrfca ti.iofi.n it trtrt -Tion to opened alphabetically, and the totals WnTmlrlmcr a rpnnnm'hlp nnsi. boarJ adjourned at 6 o'clock in the set down. Corrections in the addition Deen nOlQing a responsiDie POSI- x onrn. of the county boards were noted when hion riprf with t.hf Pit.tshrrr rail- n.,r, ifios?. r niafl' , t!,I made Morrison crainins 100 votea.. and .A Tl. a ; Ual.'iAi Bitrss was in kfoirranliic communiea- loslnS Page losing ;10 and gaming siwuuo ."..yrt,,,, tr.. 3; and Gardner losing 40! and gaining Mr. JohnDezern and has many nm-hn M van loot ?o-i,t w. ua l'in the tabulation. The vote in Rich- friends here -vwho wish for, him; WWtA"1 :JXZ1t.jT bard again this morning when it as- tat had been published in sembles at 11 o'clock. , btate papers, as omcial. Hoke Declared Nominee. J Error In Richmond. The vote in - other offices was can-1 On closer examination--Judge Blggs naaA aMoFo oftnr. called attention ta the fact that the noon, giving Justice W. A. Hoke, can didate for the nomination for. asso ciate justice of the Supreme Court, a clear majority and the nomination, OFFICIAL STATE PRIMARY RETURNS IN GOVERNOR AND SUPREME COURT DEZERN POE. Last Sunday afternoon Mr. Paul church at Moncure, Rev. W. A. Waff officiating. The couple left here in an auto and went to Mon cure where the ceremony was! performed. vary from figures that were given him as official. - Exceptions taken by Judge B:gg3 while the vote was being canvassed yes terday morning resulted in the reduc tion of "the Morrison lead from 187 I through the discovery of an error in m. . .j , . , , 1 the entry of the vote in one precinct lhe bride IS the pretty aaugn-'jn Richmond county. Judge Biggs, was and his bride many years of hap piness. They will make their home at Raeford. Prinufry Comments Contributed. The primary IS Over and it IS with Judge W. P. Stacy and Judge B. o u F. Long to enter the second primary for strange (?) how many of the can- thft Jfnnd on thft ti(Tw state vote for Governor in one precinct was larger by 100 than for any other candi date. Colonel A. D. Watts, who was present as an onlooker, asserted. that it was very probable an error of entry, and the Board moved to inquire of the Richmond county chairman as to the correctness of the entry. Telegraphic communication brought woTd . later in the day that the vote returned was an error, and the vote was changed to 853, reducing the Morrison lead by 100 both opponents for Insurance Commis sioner, and W. B. Cooper nominated over F. C. Harding for Lieutenant Gov ernor. A second primary was .declared necessary in the contest for State Audi tor, the ehoice. falling between Baxter Durham and James P. Cook. Indecisive results were declared in the Sixth, Seventh and Ninth Congrls- Not until the Board agreed to defer declaration was the total announced, two hours after the. meeting began. The vote in other contests was can vassed without objection from any quar ter in the afternoon and declared. Can vass of the Senatorial and Judicial votes will be completed by the Board eional districts, with the run-off in the . at itjJ ses3itm this m0rning and de didates Were defeated. We ex- Treasurer B. R. Lacy, Commissioner of pect that if some of thelreaders A1- G"h a CTT , sioner of Labor and Printing M. L. Of The Record had been listening Shipman were declared renominated, . 1 . , . i 1 , CS4. TIT TTT,1 CUUUllS mo MLVltlOS, tneymignt nave nearaSUCn COm- niT " votes. 'Similar objections were raised i .i DOtn opponents ior insurance commis- . n , , . v v j 17 monfa gc f Vica . -, w t to the vote in Ldgecombe and Vance. Page: I'll be blam'd. . Brooks: If I had just 60 more days. V yi ' ' . Morrison and Gardner: One of us is sure to be beaten. Lane: I knowed it Johnson: You can't never al ways somehow tell. Perry: Not losing any sleep. Bray: I thought I had it. Blair: He had me skeart. Poe: Let us give thanks. Yates: Oh, well. Ward: It would have been a darklfay -for me if I had been de feated. Willett : Am here if anything should happen. Sixth between H. L. Godwin and Homer L. Lyon; between W. C. Hammer and Walter Brock in the Seventh, and be tween A. L. Bulwinkle and W. B. Conn lei! in the Ninth. Hallet S. Ward was : declared the nominee in the First Dis- trict over Congressman John H. Small, and Congressman S. M. Brinson was i declared nominee overCharles L. Aber nethy in the Third District. Each Candidate's Vote. The vote for each candidate, was as follows : For President : Leonard Wood 5,603, Hiram Johnson 15,375. For United States Senator Lee S. Overman 94,806, Aubrey L. Brooks 23, 869. . 1 clared. On the face of returns tabu lated, the secretary of the Board de clared that no second primary would be required in any of the contests yet undeclared. - - Interest At Fever Heat. Interest in the canvass was at fever heat throughout the day, and the offices of the Board beseiged with inquiries als to the standing of the candidates. Telegrams and long distance calls pour ed into the office all during the day. Although 95 counties had been heard from at 9 o'clock in ihe morning, the ethers came in and were tabulated as to the Governor by 10 o'clock. The other vote was tabulated during the day. The total" vote cast this year was sur vrisiu2 even to the most astute political . , . i i H it.. For Governor Cameron Morrison 49, 070, O. Max Gardrc'- 4J,983, Robert N.jieaders. Never in the history of $hc 'Page 30,180. ; ' COUNTIES. Alamance ...... Alexander Alleghany Anson . Ashe Avery Beaufort ...... Bertie Bladen . Brunswick ...V Buncombe Burke Cabarrus Caldwell ....... Camden Carteret Caswell Catawba ...... Chatham ...... Cherokee Chowan Clay Cleveland ...... Columbus' .... Craven . . .1 . Cumberland .... Currituck Dare Davidson Davie Duplin Durham Edgecombe .... Forsyth Franklin Gaston Gates Graham ........ Granville Greene Ouilford Halifax : . Harnett Haywood Henderson .... Hertford ....... Hoke ... Hyde Iredell Tackson Johnston ....... Jono9 x.ee ...... LeflOi Lincoln Macon Maillnon Martin McDowell Mecklenburg . . Mitchell Montgomery Moore Nash New Hanover . . Northampton . . Onslow Orange Pamlico Pasquotank . . . . Pender Perquimans . . . . Person Pitt Polk Randolph ...... Richmond Robeson .. Rockingham . . . Rowan Rutherford .... Sampson v- Scotland Stanry ... .j Stokes ...;T..:. Surry Swain ......... Transylvania Tyrrell Union Vance Wnke Warren ........ Washington . . . . Watauga . . Wayse Wilkea THron Yadkin Yancey nil . i . . I i 1 4 s M if rs. 2 .2 3 Pi W . S W 182 - 488 134 386 14 s83 187 26S 60 60 131 166 569 834 590 667 45 107 214 233 9 157 18 70 .73 1,086 438 1,123 . 350 741 585 664 316 229 694 430 172 306 91 69 , 217 1.443 1.873 1.009 55 146 633 658 284 - 149 303 503 31 262 270 331 106 277 16V 351 136 427 449 253 S75 219 89 266 843 292 891 1.184 319 249' 535 520 17 195 147 ; 206 137 247 282 391 20 18 101 102 551 2.219 46 1,602 420 699 806 249 124 718 1.263 f .451 443 957 413 882 184 99 408 266 .30 68 202 76 833 281 553 1.093 " 237 55 - 165 267 133 697 265 468 410 608 752 701 ,457' 713 1,254 1.840 510 1,094 514 1.843 547 715 1.323 775 279 1,258 956 1,1 120 196 123 265 2 0 53 7 282 627 518- 626 70 373 209 207 1.298 692 457 1.174 607 1.177 359 1.254 542 595 368 904 113 395 1.674 690 22 228 378 238 213 576 250 434 233 177 - 450 460 201 254 92 170 313 ,478 1,578 1.679 30 297 397 285 178 577 1,154 563 32 251 464 422 346 230 "455. 392 290 900 240 814 398 543 227 1,071 21 ' 73 175 201 23 . 226 215 177 118 ' 274 537 445 21 421 303 493 2.048 496 3.022 2,885 14 160 108 102 615 49 205 210 697 69 298 . 672 ' 321 521 953 972 482 1,097 615 217 399 1,023 398 866 98 313 418 157 256 358 85 458 28 327 201 200 350 332 188 493 430 268 215 205 141 435 69, 414 164 170 62 239 792 1,392 1,767 1 138 177 178 811 147 1.031 227 - 686 274 853 899 615 2.536 1,974- 1,152 290 546 76 482 635- .1,104 733 1,135 88 1.158 453 1,090 162 183 194 315 276 205 401 398 468 833 81 231 . 100 108 154 . 102 377 294 315 642 16 98 2-10 90 17. 91 245 237 31 146 11 131. 898 1.152 528 655 398 500 215 - 441 1.593 2.281 1,090 2,381 315 541 485 516 137 . 247 36 223 43 25 92 7 462 917 6JW - J.XfiR 61 117 lft 495 354 292 1.161 1.188 140 130 130 21 11 464 336 228 5? B O , O ( i-J 39 ' 34 38 , 632 117 9 2 ' 209 --"7 5 143 211-65 125 188 11 16 64 150 5.1 5 89 . 10Q 909 ( 165 91 1,01 f . 569 90 . 128 305 255 48 156 15 '207 16 481 231 123 1,846. 0 86 12 518- 12 24 13 303 48 24 62 248 253 , 26 v 15 . 58 ,385 672 228 38 132 94 58 283 250 52 54 584 470 76 36 . 263 36 18 3 227 175 129 63 69 0 6 0 124 826 118 43 " 462 ,180 930 115 253 122 1,795 406 ; 101 455 159 52 242 25 335 178 171 11 152 45 76 154 .50 36 847 70 17 1 291 296 321 254 81 477 101 118 276 257 661 580 570 200 69 75 848 1,404 1,290 169 230 47 278 21 609 186 113 6 17 0 0 0 1 892 319 65 415 37 126 311 64 216 280 209 1,210 859 557 181 329 374 158 72 2G4 804 946 127 1,057 78 33 10 460 491 ISO 26 121 60 18 45 98 101 309 " 94 65 118 10 ' 15 2,034 239 72 26 882 USd IS 477 S69 15 314 370 . 39 33 88 31 147 179 310 1,054 23 v 47 31 48 275 .' 8 18 4 99 .73 64 10 233 153 252 ' 272 . 89 75 24 12 Z31 2S3 368 126 , 2.098 206 " 8 "46 108 112 2 . 24 432 v 43 13 15 ' 153 870 " 375 197 . 253 105 935 111 . 134 836 828 106 199 37 407 188 80 44 33 56 107 21 458 87 58 166 136" - 30 70 169 336 34 . 130 57 196 14 5 S3 V. 60 84 400 1,260 817 421 181 26 5 165 .83 35 33 1.626 111 52 84 217 . 1,684 , 538 235 '678 98 181 55 246 ?42 323 153 1.021 229 123 62 1,226 . 165 112 20 41 81 25 57 82 749 18 9 232 84 34 47 174 333 56 85 261 108 59 4 198 99 , 13 6 20 47 29 67 10 153 158 71 520 4V 197 259 2,413 1,231 255 463 3'iO 343 102 292 90 220 84 33 41 3 3 88 161 526 269 1,137 280 60 IS 93 473 , 743 323 204 66 22 11 - 192 378 63 71 227 89 103 31 1.501 117 100 86 90 - 193, 130 1.244 260 470 287 36 22 142 610. 473 132 -49 16 ,276 384 131 852 105 88 835 68 24 487 . 77 . 901 209 1,491, 41 55 269 5 666 114 243 259 .1?? 66 398 38 246 , 161 m 16 788 52 346 169 99 47 398 2.590 76 727 1.008 95 141 313 43 158 19, 100 " 51 65 28 257 30 1.413 1.3S9 1.021 123 1.083 232 . 35 749 658 76 214 98 80 IS 1.622 130 387 167 28 54 88 462 106 50 265 3 297 . 15 121 782. 55 11 361 266 763 -: 49tt -661 . 0) 41 36 155 150 ' 143 83 810 42. 1,379 1,155 354 653 160 46- , nsr 103 531 994 33 S 49? 270 170 " 80 S61 386 899 641 746 564 8? 103 126 114 ' 42t 101 898 189 215 , 18 5$ 2Y3 153 854 2" 60 93 405 1.885 560 471 -. 430 10 320 201 327 171 610 37 10 512 2,0 147 288 154' 825 227 128 64 233 87 27 16 481 506 1.395 584 60 52 284 622 266 17 42 Total 30,180 48.983 49,070 59,749 26,706 24,186 - 10,712 33,843 33.147 84.363 ' 1 THE OLD VETS V " - .ATJEAYETTEVILLE I was one of the 25 veterans that went to the reunion in Fay etteville last week from Chatham county, and am requested to give your readers an account of it and ourselves. To make a long story short,- all of the 650 that were there said it was the best reunion ever they had attended. Fayetteville was turned over to us. The women said we were their sweethearts and could not do too much for mi 1 1 il us. rne sleeping piace was ine barracks of the Donaldson school. Ihe new bedding was loaned for our use by Gen. McNair, of Camp Bragg. The sheets were white -m "B r -r 1 as snow, miss uame m. JacK son was asked by the Chatham delegation to act as sponsor for our camp. Our Chatham men were highly complimented on their appearance. The ball, which was to have taken place at Marsh-McKeth- an hall but which was too small to accommodate the hundreds that danced, was held in another place. The"Veterans danced as gracefully as sixteen year old cotillion. With "hands all rourid. swing corners, ladies to the right, promenade all, balance to part ners, ' ' and we enjoyed it. I can give the names in part that went from Chatham, the balance I do not remember: C. J. Smith, J. G. Norwood, J. J. Hackney, W. H. Harper, J., W., J. B. and J. H. Thomas, RobtL. Sutphin, W. A. Ellington, G. W. McDonald, William Riddle, T. Y. Mims, Buck Cross, D. M. Smith, I. Dan Dorsett, J. M. Bridges, John Perry, Mr. Vestal, E. M. Edwards. We passed resolution of thanks for entertainment, and also to the. county commissioners for our free tickets. W.-A. WELLINGTON, Asst. Commander Camp N. C. V. Sneezing with such violence as to cause her eye to fall out was the experience of Miss Marjorie Pryor of Chester., Pa. The optic was replaced. Remember the good old days when it was considered a dis grace to have a shape like a beer keg. Did you ever notice how prop- oi-fTT o-rvorintf3 whftn VOll Want boys, Ith was a regular old time o j l.'v. '

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